The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 05, 1888, Image 4

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Tne Evening Herald.
A. KalUhary. IteulM,
Telrphoae Ho. Hi.
Dr. Maria. OfUre la (iirlmr'a I'm Klnrr, Bel
4eare Cor. klsth aa-l Uranltr, Trlrihonr So. 42.
Ir. Wltarra, Ilrallut, l alon Illork.
Tlic Y. M. C. A.
will meet on Friday
' week.
bible ntudy class
evening of this
The county commissioners were
transacting business at the county clerk's
office today.
Thre will be a rehearsal of the Dis
t lift School at (I. A. It- ball Thursday
iveuing iK-c. . All who take :irt are
requested t be there,
The ladies of St. Luke's Sewing Cir
cle will meet tomorrow afternoon at
o'clock at the residence of Mrs. Eaton,
corner of Eighth and Lcut streets.
The reirular meeting of the Band oi
Hope will be Iield tomorrow (Thursday)
afternoon in the Presbyterian church nt
4 o'clock. All menders are requested to
le preHOnt.
It is reported that Mr. A. li. Todd
will go to Lincoln fiis evening as ad
vance agent for the district school to
bill the company for that place in the
near future.
The Chri.-tian .social which was ad
Ytrti.sod to take place tomorrow evening
nt the home of Mr. Bird Critchfield, has
been indt finitely postponed on account
of the sickness of Mr. W. II. Pool's little
Mrs. Joseph A. Connor returned
from a ymt to her old home in Wisconsin
liifct cvMiinr. A httle mil from there
accompanied her. who will take up her
abode for the futurcunder the roof of
Mr. Connor. The arrival occasioned as
many f-niihs tn his visage today us
though he had the right to smile.
Manager Young assures the theatre
going public that "His Natural Life Co."
is a strictly first-class company and w ill
present this new play to the entire satis
faction of everyone with all the original
scenery and mechanical 3tage effects.
One scene w ill be worth the price alone.
It is a "Rain Storm" of real water, be
sides other special scenes that will be
made real realistic by calcium effects.
The police of this city were a little
more busily engaged yesterday than us
ual, and from all appearances they had
a grand jolification, the cows running at
large, occupying their spare-moments, and
suffering in consequence. The city
guards succeeded in calling in about
twenty-live of the bo vines, and they are
all at present in safe keeping awaiting
bail. ' This is a good move on the part
of the police and we trust they may not
get tired of the job to soon.
Mr. J. IS. Sv-ybolt, a farmer living
About eight miles west of this city and
about one mile from Murray, suffered
considerable loss by fire last Monday
afternoon. The fire occurred about four
o'clock, and while Mr. Scybolt and Ids
family were absent. The house and nil
the contents, consisting of household
furniture etc., were entirely destroyed
The cause of the fire is yet unknown, and
as there was supposed to be no fire in the
house at the time, no one can guess how
it'originatcd. The loss is estimated at !
about $1000. The property was insured j
in the Continental Insurance Company
Tor $500.
Last evening the members o f the
lodge of Oild Fellows were taken com
pletely by surprise by the members ol
Kebekah asking admission to their lodge
room during lodge hours. In comply
with this request, Jodge was closed ii:
regular form and lit bckahs admitted
IJeing led by Mrs. Boyd, N. G.; each
carrying their respective part in the pro
jrramme, advancing to tne center -or room
the N. O. announcing their visit that of
extending thanks to the members fo:
lire kindly assistance in their Thanksgiv
ing dinner and supper immediately
proceeded to treat each member with
lunch of sandwiches, cake, pies, apples
and hot coffee.
A happy event which has been look
ed for, for some time, occurred yesterday
at the home of Uncle Jake Yallery, .who
lives a few miles west of the city, in the
marriage of Mr. S. V. Pitcher, county
clerk of Sheridan county, to Mrs. Bchar,
a lady well known here, having residul
viijj the family of Mr. Yailery for many
years. The ceremony was gracefully
performed by Ilev. II. I. Burgess, of the
Episcopal church, at 7:30 last evening.
The happy couple leave for Ilushville,
Sheridan county, their new home, tomor
row mousing. Only the relatives of the
contracting parties witnessed the cere
mony. The bride was prescuted with
name very handsome pre nts.. The
Herald extends to the happy couple its (
lcst wishei for a bright and prosperous!
I u tare, nuu a picasuut. inp uhi me m
vt matrimony.
r ... i
Down Co The Prices.
TVom w on wc will sell Garland
and Hawajit Home base burners
jreitlv reduced riccs. X
Johxson B
Outbreaks of Mariana nt DiDhtherla
Journal of Aiutrieau Mctllral Apkol-UUoii.
Since November 1 outbreaks of malig
nant diphtheria have been reported from
Bruincrd, Minn., Moline, III., New Or
leans, Wubasb, Ind., Galesburg. 111.,
Coxackie, N. Y., Waterloo, Iowa, Ox
ford Junction. Iowa, and several other
places. During the month of October
at Moline, III., there were '. casses and
VI deaths, and during the first 1? days
of November 41 cases, with a similar
death-rate. In New Orleans diphtheria
has been more than usually prevalent
during the past few months. The extent
to w hich it has prevailed in New Orleans
of late months is something of a novelty
for that city. The statistics of the board
of In ulth show that the number of cases
of diphtheria has been on the increase
for several years past, and this year the
yiruhiice of the disease has redoubled
This fact, taken in conjunction with the
almost total immunity from this trouble
enjoyed in the past by this city, proves
the existence in New Orleans of condi
tions and unsanitary influences that di
not previously prevail.
in .ew Ui leans t tic disease is not par
ticuiarly virulent In localities, hut is
scattered all over the city, with exception
of tli Carrollton district, where no cases
have occurred. It lias attacked indis
criiueneutly white and black, and has
visited as well the homes of the rich as
the abodes of poverty. The system of
issolating the sick by flagging the dwell
ings In which diphtheria exists has
proved effective, as the number of casts
is steadily diminishing, so that there is
very prospect that the disease will soon
be stamped out. During the first 10 days
of August there were 09 cases, during
iiKe period in reptemoer 77 cases, m
cto' r .s cases, ami during the same
numb -r cif davs in November but 44 cases
were reported, Whilst fighting the dis
ease the board of health has watched
every detail That might throw light on
the ciusjs producing it. AU infected
pretni.-es have been thoroughly examined
is to local and surrounding sanitary con
dition', and all information has been
carefully tabulated. The board of health
officials complain of the utter indiffer
ence :-!iovn by citizens generally to sani
tary measures. This accusation, whilst
probably just, is one that can be brought
agaiiiot the citizens of many other com
munities than New Orleans.
In Wabash, Ind., more than a dozen
deaths had occurred up to November 18.
Disj);Ui hes frnm Wabash state that " the
malady was at iirst thought bv local
physicians to be membraneous croup,and
was s.j treated, but at a council held it
was decided that it was diphtheria. The
scorf-j is eonhneti to children whose aires
range from 1 to 10 years. I: very ca.-e has
so far proved fatal, and the patient dy
ing within two or three daj-s.. The
sympt n:s are all similar to those seen in
croup of the most mailgiiart form."
At Oxford Junction, Iowa, the epi
demic is now subdued, but while it lasted
there were 100 cases and 42 deaths. At
Waterloo, Iowa, the town officials issued
a " quarantine" proclamation, closing
indefinitely all schools, churches and Sun
day schools, and ordering that all per
sons .lying of the disease be burried
within twenty-four hours.J
At Coxssck-e,. N. Y.f diphtheria was
spread in the following ii;nrjer: The
body of a child, aged 1) years, who died
at Gwilderland. was brought to that vil
lage hi an open wagon November l0,not
disinfected, and buFricd there. The
co.'Iin was opened at the irrave and
viewe I by the members of the family.
Since ihe-; of those who viewed the body,
an aunt died on the J?th, a brother aged
4, oa the 14th. The state board notified
the hedrh officer that he must quarantine
any persons affected with the disease.
A dispatch of November 10 says:
" Diphtheria is still raging in Galesburg,
III. Many deaths are reported and many
new cases are daily coming to light. The
health ofijeers are making a thorough
investigation as to it causes, and have
just oinc to the conclusion that iue yjiter
in ill. school building had something to
do v. Iih it, and consequently have order
ed it shut off."
jjf.iiueria made its appearance in
Yerniiilion county, 111., about November
14, and soon broke out in the village of
ilo-sville. Cases exist in many families,
The public schools were all closed on
November 2-i. No religious seryices are
bein held on Sundays, and no public
mceling of any kind will be allowed for
four weeks. Business ia retarded, and
the thizens are greatly alarmed over the
inalh"ianc? of the disease, but hope by
strut measures to prevent its further
ljirmtnena is properly classed anions:
the preventable diseases. Iu spite of this,
and of the many and repeated outbreaks
of . disease, two of the most difficult
thin ;s known to sanitarian are to get
the . rople interested in sanitary measures
to in extent sufficient to assist hciiiil;
jtri-'-T!. and to g-t the newspapers to
really valuable snnitary inforniH
It seems to be a singular trait ot
the ii'inian mind that m ikes people so
blind to their own lest interots. Civil
ized man can be touched most easily
iU(.ih his pocketbook, and snnitary
workfcis shc:;ld loose no opportunity of
hov.i.ig the people what a go d invest
ment, froru a financial point of yitgr.
health service is.
Our Odds ard Ends of
One Half Original Value.
Odd Pieces of
Dress O-oocS.3
' Marked Way Below
eiinan lb Sale in
Our r0c White Merino Vests aiul Punts
are the host value iu the city.
Our 7ijic Camels Hair Vests ami Pants
sell elswhere at if 1.00.
Our 1.00 National Wool Wsts and
Pants well worth 1.25.
Our 1.00 Scarlet Vests and Pants are the
best goods for the price offered.
Our 1.50 Camels Hair Vests and Pants
worth $4-06. a sit.
Oar 1,50 Scarlet Vests and Pants
our regular 2.00 quality.
Mr. J. V. Weckbach is in Omaha today.
Mr. J. Strcijjht, of South Bend, father
of II. .1. and O. M. Streight, is in f
Miss Jaeobi, who hs heon visiting a;
the home of Mr. ir. nermann lor Severn
weeks, returned to Watertown, Wis., 1.
home, by the Hyer yesterday aft' moon.
Mr. H. O. Powers, of Omaha, an old
veteran of Company A, First Nebraska,
was in the city yesterday shaking bands
with a number of his old comrades. Me
wan the iruest of Mr. II. McMakin.
Capt. Wiles, accompanied by Mr?.
Rachaei Adams, mother-in-law of Judge
Maxwell, and sister of Captain Wiles,
teok their departure for Balcow, Mo.
today, where they go to visit a sister,
Mrs. West, fcr a few days.
1 he property located on the corner
of Sixth and Main streets, for many
years owned by Mr. Fred Stadlemann,and
now n as the Stadelmann house, was sold
on what was thou-jht to be rather short
notice, this morning, to a Mr. J. E.
O'Rik-y, of Omaha, thp consideration
eiii.r aloiu 10,lRu. 1 iic location is
considered one of the niost. promising in
the city, and we consider Mr. O'Riley a
very fortunate man in securing such a
desirable lot. We have learned that
it a hU intention to make good use
of the property for lie has al
ready signified his intentions of build
ing a fine hotel on that corner. The
proposed new building will cost some
thing in the yicinify of 50,000, and for
that amount a hotel coul 1 bevbuilt there
which would add vastly to the general
appearance of our Main street. As the
city has been very much iu need of such
an accommodati n for many years, we
cannot sec but that the investment will
be a profitable one in yarious ways. Mr.
O'Hiley will taj;c possession on the first
day of March next. Mr. Stadelmann has
not 3et decided on his future course, but
as he and his wife have resided in the
city for many yeara and have received
rich compensation for their industry, we
trust that they may not then make up
their nrnds to desert us.
- The boo;n edition of the Journal,
which has been looked for, for some time,
has at last appeared. It is a very cred
itable sheet and represents - the city in
first-class style. I he numerous cuts are
all true likenesses of many of our
esteemed citizens. The issue was com-
iiled bv Mr. T. F. Jones, of Omaha, to
whom considerable credit is due for the
neat pr&dr.cJiMi);
Our Odds and Ends of
Silks, Velvets
Remnants of Above Goods
One Half Original Value.
Colored Velveteens
Keducetl to 40 cents a yard, worth
G5 cents. Full Liues of
Of Toboggans, T:;ii O'Shantors,
Joeky and Alpine i"jtps ' liildren's
Cashmere yiul I 1 iic-li Hoods Chil
drens Zephyr mid Angora Hoods,
Ladies' Jloods and Facinaturs,
Our Stock in above
very complete, and we are show-
ing some
very itich Uoous in .Lin
broidered Silks and Linen. Full
Lines of Colored, Bordered, Hi-n-.
loped, Inltiel and plain white.
the bliamus O linen ' company
played to a fair house here last night,
The impersonation of fetham us O'Brien by
ylr. Verner, showed up the true Irish
"laracter to perfection. His songs and
.ticisms exhibited the Irish element in
ciie assemblage and at times the audience
is so affected by the artist's perfect
,vork that no sound but the voices of the
actors could be heard. The piece sparkled
with abundance of Irish wit, and the
whole play represented the natural life
of the Irish people at home as truly as
possible. The sound of the Irish bag
pipes introduced in the play, and the
familiar tunes played upon them, almost
brought some of the hoary headed Irish
men in the audience to their feet, judg
ing by the thumping the floor received.
Mr. Jas. Ellington, and wife, an aged
couple living near Rock Bluffs, narrowly
escaped being killed yesterday afternoon
by a runaway team. As they were driv
ing over Fifth street hill, which has re
cently been graded and opened up as a
street, the mule timidity of the team was
arotisrd at tlje sight of some object, and
as they reached the bottom of the hill
turned suddenly to the right aud ran as
far as Fourth street along the ajley south
of Main street. As they turned the old
couple was thrown to the ground aud
severely shaken up. The old gentleman's
shoulder was dislocated by the fall, but
the old lady received no other injuries
than a few bruises. They were both for
tunate to escape with their lives. The
old gentleman is about sixty five or sev
enty years of age.
-The appointment of a city weigh-
master in this city, whose duty it would
be to m ike an official investigation of all
weights and also to inspect all measures
made of wood etc., would certainly be a
benefit to the citizens at large who are
obliged to pay dearly for what they get
and occasionally what they don't git.
The citizens are entitled to such an
officer, and could well afford to pay him
a handsome salary to do his duty. Now,
it is the duty of the city fathers to ap
point a man to fill such a position, and
we feci certain that such a move would
be heartily endorsed by the majority oi
people who are occasionally obliged to
suffer loi-s on account of the absence of
such an ofliper.
The ladies of the M. E. church will
give a social, Friday eveniug, nt the
parsonage, corner of Marble and Cth
streets. Every body is invited to come
and have a social time. Fridny evening
December 7tff.
Cur Odds and Ends of
Child re xrs STactr a
HeavyHibbed Wcol
Hose, Sizes frcm 6
to 9, reduced to 5Co.
a Pair, worth, from
75 to 90c.
Extra Good Values in LADIES'
per Pair,
AU Department;
Muffs , Boas,
Ulack Coney Muffs, only 05 cents.
Black Hare Muffs, only 1.25.
Black Imitation Monkey Muffs, only
Black Real Monkey Muffs, only 5.00.
Silver Hare Muffs, only 2.00.
Opposum Muffs, only 2.50.
Lynx Muffs, only 3 00.
Imitation Seal Muffs, only 3.50.
Beaver Muffs, only G.0O
Children's Muffs and Boas, only 1.50.
Full lines of Black Coney, Nutrin,
Silver Hare, Opposum, 1-yu, Jlapcoon,
Chinchilja Fr,r rT1imiuinr-j at very low
Best Quality Feather Trimmingp, wily
40 cents per yard,
oots andl
SPECIAL Sales in Ladies' Fine Hand-Turned Shoes, selling now for only :J
worth 5,00,
Quit Three-Dollar Shoes is far better than ever put on the market before.
pOR Two-Dollar Shoe nothing will equal ours.
"IME is going on and our goods must be sold.
OME diink this is just a blow.
jjjj OW all we ask Is lor you to give us a call.
AND to see the gooda wiU convince you that we are selling cheaper than any
other dealer, 3
PRICES Low is our Motto.
Tho annual meeting of stockholders in
the Plattsmouth Loan & Building Asso
ciation will be held on Monday Jan. 7th
lSS'J, in (J. A. It. hall,.citv of Platts
mouth, for the purpose of electin" a
board of directors for the ensuin vear
and for the transaction of such other
business as may properly conic before the
meeting. J. II. Youxa.
Dec. 4, '88. tf - Sec'y.
All parties knowing tlffmselves in
debtert to me, are requested to balance
their accounts on or before the first lav
of January 18S9, as, after that time, all
accounts will positively be left in the
hands of a collector.
Dk. Sciiildkkkcht.
Nov. 20. tf
All persons knowing themselves indebt
ed to the estate of Dr. R. R. Liyiqgston
for medical services, are requested to call
and settle with undersigned.
F. E. White.
lw Executor.
A girl for general house work
at corner 5th and Elm streets.
Fiist ward school.
- tf Mrs. G. W. Hocsewortii
Why go to grocery and dry goods
stores for arcticU when you can get them
for S3c at Sherwood's?
Don't be mislead by so-called Reduced
Prices, Discount or Sacrifice Sales, when
yon can buy better goods for less money
at Joe's The One price Clothier. $f
all I
Cur Odds and Ends of
Order to clear
up Odd (i a r
meuts in this De
partment we have
marked them at a
JiMire that will
make them o in a
hurry. Call early
and get best choice.
Blankets jmnI
White Blankets from 1.7o to 37.
Grey Blankets from $1.50 to $5.
Swirl v Blankets from $3.50 to $J.
Extra Good Value ami Quali
ties from 51.00 to $L00.
Ladies' Heavy Skirts in Satin,
Knit, Cotton Flush and Cloth, at
very Low Prices.
Is the reason people will not, can not, or
do not see any difference in cheap nos
trums put up l,y Cheap John houses or
irresponsible parties at enormous profits,
rather than take a medicine of world
wide reputation and one that is giving
universal satisfaction at equal price? No
medicine in the world is giving such un
paralleled satisfaction for puiifyin"- the
BLOOD MAKER, and every bottle that
does not do its work will cost you noth
ing. For sale by O. P. Smith & Cu
i Miss Alice Shepherd will commence a
class for ladies aud gei-tleman on Thurs
day evening, at her rooms on 4th street,
in pencil and crayon drawing, prepara
tory to a sketching class in the summer.
Terms very low. For particulars apply
to Miss Shepherd, 4th street, between
Main and Vine. Miss S. has vacancies
for a few additional DUmt in vivul
and instrumental music, and her classes
for oil and water color painting meet
twice a week.
Docember ;5rd, 1888.
allow their children to cough and utrain
and congh and calmly sav: uOh it U
only a little cold." and keen
cheap and dangerous medicines, until
tuey are down with lung fever or con
sumption, when they can be so easily re-
SYRUP? It has no superior, and levr
equals. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co ,