The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 03, 1888, Image 4

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i-LArrsMouTii, neiskaska. aionjay, dkckmbeu uos.
Tne Evening Herald.
A. KalUbury. UeatUt, HorhKOod ltulltlofr
Telrphoae . :(..
Dr. M(fnIo, OlUea In lprin'ii Urn Store, Kel
irnru for. alxtli I Granite, leleplion So. 4'..
Ir. Wither. Irnllt, lulon lllurk.
Judge Kit-1. 1 is presiding at the
court today.
Mr. St tats is the only man in the city
we know of who can sp 11 his name in
two dir- tioiu.
Mr. H. T. Clarke, of Omaha, acted J
as n pall-b.-arcr at the funeral of the late
Chaplain Wright yesterday.
--Louisville is crushing oi t symptoms
..r l.v.lri'.fJ-nliia wit'i lead. Seven or
... ..j v..
eight foaming urs wcr-i scuttled last
week. --Omaha Herald.
The ladies aid society of the M. E.
church, will meet Tuesday afternoon at
'2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. I. 1
Smith, Winterstcin Hill.
Why don't Phil Harrison of this city
.Jm 1,U ri-ht of relationship to tlur
. i ... i . .:!-.. n. . f.. .. I
president ciei i, nun init !- wi . jv.
in the pst.jthce department:
Mr. Wiley Mack lm purcli is::d a
lino cirload of hogs for the Omih.i mar-
tr,.t. nn.l will shin Wednesday. He is
now paying 1.80 p-r hundred for them.
Mrs. Julius IVpperb-'rg was attacked
by fever S iturd:iy evening, and fears are
..trt. .in. .! that it mav advance. We
.M .--- J
trust her physician may i,ucceed in break-
in it up.
Wrncr send his audience away after
lots of tears and smiles, hearty claps and
boisterous plaudits, pleaaed and happy.
St. Louis Critic You can both laugh
nml frv tmnorrow nil ht ifvoii sro and
see him.
Mr. Verner has a handomc stage
bearing; his dialect is good, and the
songs he introduces are all reminiscent
of melodies of;th ? green Cleveland,
Ohio, Plaindeuler. Will appear at the
opera house tomorrow night.
-Correct in his conception, faultless in j
his treatment, the role, under Mr. Verner I
skillful treatment, grows and grows, un- J
til, at the fall of the curtain, one mut 1
be reminded of the fact that this man j
was acting, not living the part. St. Louis J
Sunday Sayings. You will be well re- j
paid if you go and sec him at the opera J
house tomorrow night. I
Mrs. Dr. McCiea and son, Ed Harker,
were called to Harvard one day last week j
by a dispatch from Mr. II. S. Keller, a
son-in law of Mrs. McCrea, who was an
old resident of this city, stating that their
little girl was very ill and not expected
to recover. A dispatch was received
here Saturday announcing that the child
lud died a short time before.
The young man to whom we made
reference in Saturday's issue as the burg
lar who was brought in from Cedar
Creek Saturday night, is quite well
known in this city. His name is Art
Creighton. and he is highly connected in
Omaha, Wing a relative to Mr. John Mc
Shane, and a member of a wealthy fami
ly. He was arrested on the charge of
larceny from the fctore of Mr, Clark, of
Cedar Creek. There is also another
charge against him for stealing billiard
balls, there. He is now confined in jail
here. II was arraigned before Judge
Kusscll Saturday afternoon, but the case
va3 continued for about two weeks.
Mrs. C. Johnson has purchased one
of the fine Hush and Gerts pianos, of Mr.
N. W. Nelson, now in the city represent
ing the alore firm. This will make the
third piano of this make sold in the city,
in the instruments are only being intro
lace-i in the west. In the east this firm
lias bceonx very popular, ns the intru
inents resemble the celebrated Stuinway
piano and are in every way as durable.
The iat instrument sold is valued al
$400, the standard price for their up
rights. Mr. Nelson will leave the agencj
in charge of Mr. J. P. Young, our pop
ular news and music dealer.
The annual meeting of the Cass
County Agricultural Society was held
At the court house Saturday afternoon
There wa a large attendance of members
r.nd great interest manifested in the pro
ceedings. There was a very spirited con
test over the selection of secretary. Mr.
W. S. Wise was elected over Mr. II. C.
Tiitchic, who has held the ofiice for the
pist two years. Mr. Wise has acted as
secretary at different times in the past,
and there is no doubt but that he will
mike an ctlinent officer. Mr. Fred Gor
der was re elected president by acclama
tiaa, with Sim Rich irdso:i as vlce-presi-tlsat;
a vic-president was abo elected
from each precinct in tlu county. Mr.
II. IJ. Windham, who has served in the
capacity of treasurer for the past year,
and who has made a most careful and
pains taking officer, wns unanimously re
elected. A board of seven d'rectors was
elected. Owing to the great expense of
fitting tip new grounds ju't? a debt has
!jen incurred by the society. The board
of director wer authorized to borrow
the ncccssiry fun 1 to meet this inr'e-1-i-dness,
and likewise to pay thopreodams
that were awarded at the last fa:r. .
Local continued on first pnc today.
Whut's more surprising than a sur
prise party '.
On account of the absence of the
provident, there will lc no meeting t f
the Ilo ud of Traile Tuesday, Dec. 4th.
Mr. T. I. Murphy, a well known
contractor of this city, leaves tomorrow
moruiiiL; wnn a u-oiir ' u'ui. n-n m i-, i
- !. - - ..e ..l .......
to do tiuinel work for this 15. A: M. in
Wyoming territory. Two of th party
left for there last night.
S!i;.irf Kikenhary, Deputy Shcr-
ji; je(. amj r- Thos Kiddle removed
Harry West lake. Patrick Moore and ('has.
Ellis to the penitentiary at Lincoln lat
Saturday morning. Tiicy also had Jocoli
Nelson, the lunatic fron dreeenwood, in
clnrgi - .
We were sony to 'earn that Mr. John
IJallen-'er has become so dissatisfied with
PlatNmouth that he considers Schuyler
a m re fuvoiabh; locality for his resi-
deue;-. He and his f;imilv took tlie'r
departure for there Saturday nilit,where
th-y inti-nd to reside rermanvutly.
The two "-tars" or the "Two Johns,"
Mes-rs. A. 15. Todd and W. D. Jones,
ivlifi sir.-? to take itrominent iait in the
i .
district school which will be held shortly,
will in -et tonight and learn their little
song. These two stars will surely afford
much amusement to the fun-loving peo
ple. They will appear in their original
song and dance costumes, of short pants
and waists.
The two engravers of Omaha, who
have secured many of the finest business
blocks and residences in the city for the
lotiimil's boom edition, have completed
their work, and the prints of tc Journal
have also finished their work, :.nd the
great piper which has been looked for
ami talked of for many weeks, will be
distributed over the city this afternoon.
We are waiting patiently to view the
An old land mark and dilapidated
structure which has been an eye sore for
the residents of Washington avenue ever
since they have taken up their abode
there, was burned to the ground last Sat-
urUilv n:i,t about twelve o'cleck. The
i,uii,li,lir waa va& iiit at the time of the
llt va occupied by Mrs.
xewl and. The building was the pro
ty ()f jjr 'fhos. Gordon, of Glcen-
wooti. -'e have not been informed
wliotli-r the building was insured or not.
jJUt jf :t Was, it being vacant at the time
Qf n. the policy would ha null and
void. The building was valued at about
Tjiemortai remains of Chaplain
. , . , .Vrj,rilt w hnrn(, fo their last
Alpha Wrigl
resting place, la the O ik Hill cemetery,
yesterday afternoon. The college formed
at his l ite residence shortly before '2
o'clotk. and proceeded to the Presbyter
ian church where a short service was
held which was conducted by llev. J.JT.
Baird. pastor of that church, who was
j ass;.t.'d by Itev. W. 15. Alexander, of the
M. E. church. The poll bearers were W.
T. Clarke, of Omaha, Edwin Davis, Win.
Hayes. J .M. Patterson, P. P. Gass and
LJ. Spin-lock. Tlio choir of the church
made t':c service very affective by their
Mr. las. Pollock, of Lincoln, spent
Sunaay at home here.
Mis Ella Clark, who has been visit
ing at (Ilcnwoo 1 for a few days, returned
home ast evening.
Mr. Charles Whitney came down from
Omaha Saturday evening and remained
over Sunday with his family.
Mr. W. F. Morrison, of Rochester, N.
Y., arrived in the city Saturday night to
attend the funeral of the late Chaplain
Mis Fanuie Lewis, of Ashland, who
has Ivrcu the guest of Miss Annie Si.hild
knecht for the past week, returned home
last evening.
Mr. Chns. Thornburg, formerly of this
city, but now representing the McClurg
cracker company, of Omaha, is in the
city on busiuess.
Mr. Thos. Reynolds, clerk in the
clothing store of Mr. C. E. Wescott.
went to Nebraska City Saturday night
to sp md Sunday with a cousin.
Mr. Z. Waterman, manager of the
Chautau-'pia grounds at Crete, returned
to his home last evening after a short
visit with his brother, Mr. John Water
man, of this city.
Mr. John Ulirig. accompanied by Miss
Woodro v, took t lit ir departure for Mal
vern las'; Wednesday where they enjoyed
a Thank-giving visit with friends and
relatives. They returned to the city last
Mi-ts L3"bie I lesser, who ca-ne from
Lincoln 1 i.t wick to spend Thanksgiv
ing and enjoy a few t'ays' yisit at her
home soat'i o' this city, returned to Lin
coln list to ruuic her work as
school tcaci er t d: y.
Mr. Thuiston and son, uncle end
cou-in of Mr. Henry Waterman, who have
been cn;oing a few weeks visit Mid get
ting an idea of western life, returned to
their ho r.e in Ne v York state Inst Satur
day niht. We were informed thut it is
their in ention to locate here nest pprinj. ,
$h A 4 lii! Pn
m f f H w m u m S m, A til 1 aa
Ladies' Mocljsskis.
Jilack Diagonal Cloth, Fur Trim
wed, only sT.OO.
Black 'Extra Quality P.oucle Cloth,
Spike Fringe Triiumings, Bell Sleeve,
only 10.00.
Illack Frieze Cloth, BallTrimming.
Quilted Lining, Astrachan Cuffs and
Collars, only 14.0O.
Brown and Tan Brocaded Matel
lasse, Plush Ball Trimming, Plush
Cuffs and Collar, only 15.00.
Silk Plush, Plush Ball Trimmings,
plain Satin Lined, Chamois pockets,
only $15.00.
Black Astrachan Cloth, Spike
Tritnmings, Satin Lined, only 1G.
Fancy Silk Striped Cloaking,
Ball Trimming to mate), Quilted
Satin Lining, onlv $20.
Seal Plush, Elegant Plush Ball
Trimming, Satin Lined, genuine Seal
Loops, only 3.
Elegant Seal Plush, Beaver Ball
Trimmings and Collar, Quilted Satin
Lined, only, 32.50. .
Our Phifh Sacques are finished with the best of Quilted Satin
Lining Chamois Pockets and Genuine Seal Loops. Any guarantee
failing to meet the in wear given our garments, wjll be
replaced by a new one.
i FECIAL Sales in Ladies' Fine
worth $5.00.
UR Three-Dollar Shoes is far better
OR Two-Dollar Shoe nothing will
IME is going on and our goods must
OME .hink this is just a blow.
OW all we ask is lor you to give us a
ND to see the rood3 will convince
other dealer.
RICES Low is our Motto.
W. A. BO!
All persons knowing themselves indebt
ed to the estate of Dr. R. R. Liyingston
for medical services, are requested to call
and settle with undersigned.
F. E. White.
lw Executor.
Why pay big prices for sewing ma
chines" when you can get a New Howe at
R. Sherwood's for $25,00?
Mrs. Simpson will receive a few pupils
in music nil Saturdays, at Mrs. Living-
... - - - T T l -
ston's residence, corner Sixth and Oak i
streets. Pluttsmouth, Nov. 10, 18S. tt
Why go to grocery and dry goods
stores for arcticts when you can get them
for S'So at Sherwood's?
II. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl
edged to be the tinest and most complete
in the city.
The light running Howe at Robert
Sherwood's onlv $25.00.
Plenty Of feed, fiour, graham and
meal at Ileisel'a mill, tf -
The light running Howe at Sherwood's
only $.5.00.
Our Assortment surpasses
anything heretofore - attempted
hy us in this Department, and
our customers will be surprised
at our magnificent display of
Lais' and Misses'
and at very Low Prices. Yrn
are showing decided novelties in
Stripes, Checks,
and Solid Colors !
with Plain, Uell or Angel
Hand-Turned Shoes, selling now for only $8.50,
than ever put on the market here before,
equal ours.
be sold.
you Chat we arc selling cheaper than any
Dr. C- A. Marshall.
Resident Uontist.
Precurvntinn of llifi Natural Teeth a
Special:'. Auesthetics given ftir Pain- I
less Filling on .Lxtbaction of i eeth.
Artificial teetli made on Gold, Silver,
Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted
as soon as teeth are extracted when de
All work warranted. Prices reasonable,
Fitzgkbalu's Block. FLvrrauouTii. Nkb
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to in;, are requested to balance
their accounts on or before the first day
of January 18SS),-as, after that time, ail
accounts will positively be left in the
hands of a collet to.
; Nov. 23. tf
Special Sale !
Kid Gloves.
We hhall offer all of our Kid Cloves,
worth from sf 1.7.1 to 2.?.Q, at the Nomi
nal Price
This inr-lmh s t vcrything we carry in
Stock of Dressid, Suedes, Castors, and
Driving (Ilovt t.
0 liuttt.n Simjjf on's lhst Colors and
Blacks, now $1.50, worth $2.50.
4 Button SimjiFon's I?est Colors and
Blacks, now $1.50, wcrth $2.25!
4 Button Our Own Fancy Embroidered
Backs, C- lots and Black, now $1.50,
worth $2.00.
5 Button Bon Marche Extra, Colors
and Black, now $1.50, wi rtli $1.75.
8 Button Mosquetaire Suedes, Colors,
only $1.50, worth $2.25.
0 Button Mosquetairo Sin ties, Colors
and Black, $1.50, worth $2.00.
4 Button Castors, Colors, onl3 now
$1.50. worth $2.00.
Suede Guantlet Driving Gloves, Colors,
only now $150, worth $2.25.
Our $4.00 Beaver Shawls in Greys and
Browns, sold elsewhere at $5.00.
Our $5.00 Reversible Velvet, in Greys
and Browns, with Fancy Border, is decid
edly a good bargain.
Our $7.00 Beaver good heayy Shawl.
Very pretty line of colors.
Our $9.00 Beaver, superior quality,
elegant patterns, well wortli $10.00.
Our $10.00 BtP-verin Greys, Tans and
Browns, entirely new patterns, and would
be decidedly cheap at $12.00.
Comprises Everything in
German Knitting,
Eider Down.
Fairy Floss,
Shetland FIosk,
Comforts and Blankets.
10x4 White Blankets at $1.25 per pair.
10x4 White Blankets, good weight,
only $2.00 per pair.
10x4 White all Wool Oiinrttisiwd,
only $4.00.
our Country-made White, at $1.75
Fo M e r rmi in in
Model Clothing Store,
FRIDAY EVENING, 30tli "inst.
A Conlial Invitation is extended to the Public in Genenil
that evening
A ttAUJJ60M eouvwm
will be presented to every Lady present. Our rooms will he
handsomely decorated. We will show our stock of
Children's Boy's Men's Clothing,
OTjrn stock: of
Silk Handkerchiefs, Nobby Neckwear nd Mufflers- in
Silks. Woolens nnrl raccim,o ,.n . u ulilclb' ,n
passed, and Prices
cannot fail to
Wc are more than pleased with our increased Ira le
and it is
V a &. C. MAYSB.
Cor. TJcin end nth St
ptr pair, is txtia large size, ni d t ntitd'y
iidvtitiKid us a big l'iiaiii i t $5(0.
1 1x4 "Miite Iinj.t linl is lull tl.o citd
nt $7.5(1 ii pair is n gt td I iiieniii.
$1.50,A thltin RMic Rttl Bh.i.ktt ia
gt ol value Ht $5.(.0.
$:.0O, Red Blanket extra weight m d
12x4 Red Blanket at $9.00 ptr pair,
luiide up of the lintht wool.
Brown and Grny njxttl RJaiikiiP, t
all piiccH.
Our $1.00 Ct inftit, fair piint, gocd
Our $1.50 Comfort, good quality,
piint solid, red lining, filled with
white butting.
Our $2.00 comft it, Best Flint, cxtia
Our $2.50 Comfort, two good vfduiB:
No. 1. Fust Colon d Chintz . Flint,
White Cotton Filhd, txtra fjte and
No. 2. Fancy S;.tii:e. Ftdid ltd lin
ings, t bgi;nt line of piittons 1 1 d foloie.
7)ur $:J.25 Jiiq oittd Chintz I i.tttirc,
v ry fancy quiltt tl. xlni size nrd w t if. 1 t.
Our $4.(0 Fine Fancy Saline, r-olid
Satine I.intd, vt ry tiy quilttd, size
Ladies' White Mt iino Vttts, Silk sliltl -ed,
Silk bound, at 50 ctnts cuth. rants
to match.
Ldis' Extra line, snrptiior qridily,
White Meiino Vests, Jt rstyiibl t tlslet vts
at 75 cents each. Fants to match at sun'.e
Ladies' White Wool Vests, Silk Ft r.i.d
and $1.25.
Lfidies' Natural Wool Vtfts and Fnnts
at $1.00 Hch, worth $1.25.
Ladies' Scarlet Vests and Pants, hiich th
and soft, on'y $1.00 each.
Ladies' Scarlet Saxony Wool Vtsts and
Pants, finest quality, at 81.75 each.
Ladies' Camels Hair Pants and Vtsts
Reduced to $.J.00 a suit, worth $4.00.
Full Lines of Children's1, lWissrs and
Boys' Underwear. White, Scarlet, Natur
al and Camels Hair at Low prirtf.
Seal Plush Wraps.
Our line of Plush Gaunt i t this miFon
ate made up of the best gradtR of Lon
don Dyed und Listers Seal Flushes, and
Every Garment Guaranteed to wear.
Our Plush Jackets at $15.00 are vtry
Our English Walking Jit kits, three
quarters 1. ngth, nt $25. wtll wi.ith
Our $25.00 Plush Siuqiuft, soldtlse
where nt $.!0.00
Our $.;0.00 Plush Sntqiws woilh fully
$:J5.C0. ijtl
Our $:'5.00 Plih Sat titirs woilh fuli
Our f.!7.0 Plush Si.tquts sold every
where at $45.00.
Our $45.00 Plush Sat qui s-, rrgulnr fity
price, $55.
o Low that You
buy them.
' ;
r -j
1 1