The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 30, 1888, Image 2

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    T.11K DAILY HETHALU : l'L,i fiSaiouTd, nJEiitfASK A, FRIDAY, NO,
The Plattsiuouth Daily Herald.
. Publishers & Proprietors.
Js published evpry evening except Humlay
ftntl Wevkly vrry Tliurvtay morning, ltt-uls
tered At t he tiotttnfT.ce. I'lallriiKitilll. Nclir.. ;i
Hfioii(i-clii.iMattT. Odlce Corner of Vine and
"Utli Directs. 'Jeie phone .No, 38.
One copy one jear In advance, by mall. ...SO 00
One copy per month, ly carrier 60
One copy per week, by carrier, 19
One oopy one year. In advance ?1
One copy tlx moiitnn. in aavanee
The Electoral College of the States
will meet on January 14. This M ill V
under the new law which changes th
date from December G.
Tiik democratic consniiacy to steal the of congress lias been abandoned
The governor of Maryland issued certifi
catea to two republicans last Wednesday.
Hmmusox is the most popular name in
this conntry. Since the electiou of liar
rison. one mountain, two largo gas mills
and forty-four babies have been chris
tcned Harrison. The Grover babies are
having bad luck.
Mils. Gen. Shkkm.vh died last Wed
ncsd.iy. The aged general will probably
not long survive the loss of the one
whose companionship has been to him a
help and cheer during all the years of his
struggles from obscurity to fame.
Dcni.VG the last fiscal year the tobacco
tax yielded over $:50r000,000 of revenue.
A th! tax is a direct burden upon the
producer, why not begin the work of re
ducing the revenue by miking tobacco
growing and manufacturing free, like the
growing and manufacturing of wheat,
for instance?
Certificathm have been given to
Stockbridge, in Maryland, and Coleman,
in Louisiana, who were republican candi
dates for congress in their respective dis
tricts. There was no reasonable doubt
of their election, but the democratic man
agers demanded that certificates be with
held from them. A part of the Bourbon
conspiracy to steal the House from the
republicans has thus been defeated.
Dikfekino from every other state in
the union, Nevada is falling off in her
population. Admitted to the union in
iyJ4, four years before Nebraska was
admitted, she has now less than one
twentieth part of the present population
of this state. With the failure of its
mines there is nothing in that mountain
ous country to support a population. At
the present rate of decrease it will soon
be uuable to sustain a state government
and the proposition is made to unite it
with Utah. Kearney Hub.
is probably known to very few persons,
and which certainly his not been widely
disseminated. It Is important that it
should bo generally understood as soon
as possible, and we print it iu full;
(puiiLic-xo. y.33.)
An act supplementary to the act ap
proved February third, eighteen hundred
mid eighty-seven, entitled: "Au act to
fix the day lor the meeting of the elect
ors of President and Vice-President, and
to provido for and regulate the counting
ol tne votes lor President and vice-Pres
A Matter of to Smoker.
Habit to lie AvoidedThe Cigarette
Smoker IVopertlsii of Xlootino Experi
mental ObHcrvutlon The JIaorU
Tobacco contains an acrid, dark brown
oil, an alkaloid, nicotine and another
substance called nicolianine. in which
ideut, and the decision of questions exist its odorous and volatilo principles.
arising thereon." 1 his description of the active- principles
l;o it enacted by the Seoate and House OI lo,,acco ,!j or ininortanco to smokers;
of nf tlwt IT.wt,.,! Ktt ,or. Wlien lODaCCO IS DUmeU. a new BCt
Is tho reason people will not, can not, or
do not Bee any difference in cheap nos
trums put up by Cheap John houses or
irresponsible parties at enormous profits,
rather than take a medicine of world
wide reputuation and one that is giving
universal satisfaction at equal price? No
medicine in the world is giving such un
paralleled satisfaction for purifying the
BLOOD MAKEIt, and ever bottle that
does not do its work will cost you noth
ing, lor sale by O. P. Smith & Co.,
of America in Congress assembled, That
the certificates and lists of votes for
Presiden and Vice President of tho United
States, mentioned in Chapter 1 of Title
3 of tht Itcvised Statutes of the United
ft t huh, anil in tne act to wmcn tins is a
supplement, shall be forwarded, in the
maimer therein provided, to the President
of the. Senate forth vitliafter the second
.Monday in January, on which the electors
shall give their votes.
Herttion 2. That Section 141 of the
Revised Statutes of the United States is
hereby so amended ns to rtad as follows:
"Section 141. Whenever a certificate
of votes from any State has not been re
ceived at the seat of Government on the
fouilh Monday of the month of January
in which their meeting shall have been
held, the Secretary of State shall send a
special the district judge m
whose custody one certificate of the votes
from that State lias been lodged, and
such Judge shall forthwith transmit that
list to the scat of Government."
Approved, October 10, 1888.
The electors in all the States now have,
therefore, for their instruction and
authority a precise and consistent statute
of the United States, superseding all
State laws, directing that they shall meet
and cast their votes on the second Mon
day in January, and transmit the ccrtifi
cates and lists forthwith thereafter to the
President of the Senate. N. Y. Tribune.
$300 Rewara.
We will pay the above reward for any
case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick
he.'j.'.jche, indigestion, constipation or seim-barbnrities winch need not bo dis-
costivneM TVtf cannot cure with
of substances is produced, noma of which
are less harmful than the nicotine, and
are more agreeatdentTfwisct, and much
of tho acrid oil a eubbtance Huto an
iriiiuiuig uuu iMjisuiioua us incoiiue is
carrid oil. These firo produced sub-
stances aro called, irom their orienn.
tho "pyridine series." By groat heat
tne more aromatic and less harmful
mcmljcrs of the series aro produced, but
tho more poisonous comiounds aro gen
erated by tho slow combustion of damp
tobacco, i ins oil, winch is liberated by
combustion, is bad both in flavor and in
effect, and it is letter, even for tho im
mediate pleasure of tho smoker, that it
should lo excluded altogether from his
mouth and air passages.
Smoking in a Ktub of a pipe is particu
larly injurious, for the reason tliat in it
the oil is stored in a condensed form,
and tho smoke is thereforo hirhly
charged with the oil. Sucking or chew
ing the stub of a cigar that ono is smok
ing is a serious mistake, because tho
nicotine in tho unburned tobacco dis
solves freely in tho saliva, and is ab
sorbed. Chewing" is on tliia account
the most injurious form of tho tobacco
habit, and tho use of a cigar holder is an
improvement on tho custom of holding
the cigar between the teeth.
Cigarettes are responsible for a great
amount of mischief, not because tho
smoke from tho paper has any particu
larly evii effect, but because smokers
and they aro often boys or very young
& . . . ,
men mo apt io use uiein continuously
or at trequent uitervais, believing tluit
their iKjwer lor evil is msigmhcant.
Thus the r.orves aro under the constant
influence of the drug, and much injury
to the system results. Moreover, the
cigarette smoker uses a very considerable
amount of tobacco during the course of
a day. "Uipprng and "KiiuhinT are
Sherwin &, Williams' mixed paints, the
best in the market, atFricke & Co's. drug
store. 8-tf.
Dont go to Omaha when vou want
to get your beautiful parlor and bed
room sets but go to Henry Boeck s fur
niture emporium where you can get every
thing in the furniture line that will go to
make your home beautiful and comfort
able; and above all you can get it cheap.
Remember that he who sells most can
sell cheapest.
The standard remedy for liver com
plaint is West's Liver Pills; they never
disappoint you. JU puis At War
rick's drug store.
allow their children to cough and strain
and cough and calmly say: "Oh! it is
only a little cold," and keep giving them
cheap and dangerous medicines, until
they are down with lung fever n-
sumption, when they can be so,'f I
i;.....i I... nrnnc fin?np.' , 1 onl
SYRUP? It has no superior, and few
equals, i? or sale by u. P. bnntu & Co ,
druggists. ,
IOJV'T you know it ? Of course you do and you
will want warm Unde rwear ', Blankets, etc.
QURLieis Unsurpassed by any other line in
the city. A handsome
VARIETY of Seasonable Dress Goods, Broad
cloths, Henrietta Cloths, Treeos, etc
West's Vegetable Liver Pillj. when the
directions are strictly complied with.
They are purely vegetable, and never
fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes
routining iiO sugar coated pills, 2."c.
For .sale- by ali drugitU. Beware of
counterfeits antl imitations. Tlio gen
uine manufactured only by John O. Wv
Co., SC2 W. Madison St. Chicago.nnd
Sold by W. J. Warrick.
Men are but iluj v.iiiskers on the
chesnut known as life. Lincoln Journal.
Iowa's prohibitory liquor law went
into effect in July 1884. In that year
her total vote was 373,877, a gain o
SS.SOl votes over the total poll of 1880.
This year her total vote was 401,1)44;
showing a gain since 1884 of 23,757
Toters. Prohibition may perhaps have
tended to decrease Iowa's groth in popu
lation, but it cei tainly has not brought
about the disastrous results predicted by
its opponents. A gain of 130,000 people
in four years in a state of kss than
2,000,000 Is doing well. Pawnee Republican.
TnE Philadelphia Record says " it
would be a good rule to admit no Ter
ritory into the Union as a State with
out sufficient population to entitle it to
two members of the House of Represen
tatives." But how about the number of
votes which a Territory casts? This
ought to eouut ior something in de
termining its right to admission.
Dakota casts far more vot?s for its Dele
gate to the House cf Representatives
than Georgia docs for its entire delega
tion in that body. Georgia sends ten
members to the House. If Dakota be
not entitled to aduiiiiiuii as two states,
then political fairness and decency de
mands that some legal means be adopted
whereby Fuch States as Georgia can be
placed for awhile in the Territorial
let that cold of yours run on. You think
t is a light thing. But it may run into
catairh. Or into pneumonia. Or con-
Ci.Mirh is disgusting. Pneumonia is
dangerous. Consumption is death itself.
The breathing apparatus most be kept
leal: I: v and clear of all obstructions and
ofTVi.ive matter. Otherwise there is
trou' -le ahead.
All the diseases of these parts, head,
nos- throat, bronchial tubes and lungs,
can ; delightfully and entirely cured by
the use of Boschee s German Syrup. If
you !;n't knw this already, thousands
and thousands of people can tell you
They have been cured by it and know
. . ' " n 1 t i
now it is, meniseives. jjottie oniy io
cents. Ask any druggist.
V newly established paper in New
J-.-is y is called the Tongue. It is prob
ably edited bv a. woman. Lincoln
Jou- nal.
COlr'-aHI and COUCH! and COUCH
vs !.. in tne world is the reason you
wi!l -nigh and keep coughing and still
koi!- trying inferior medicines when
positively relieve your cough at once?
This; :s no sdvertjsing scheme, but an
neh: i fact, and we guarantee it. Sold
by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists.
Ev- rything necessary for furnishing n
hous can be purchased at II. Boeck s.
PI nty of feed, flour, graham
mcul .-.t fleisel's mill, tf
There is some confusion in the public
mind and perhaps among the Presidential
electors, as to the date on which they are
required to meet and cat their votes for
President and Vice-Presidents, and as to
the date ot the delivery of lb-ts and cer
tiftcitci to the President of the Senate.
The United States law of February
1S37, provided that the electors of each
State should lueeL sad cast their vots on
the second 3fonday in January, but thi
provision made it impossible for them to
comply cither with the law of New York
("and presumably of other States) or with
tho Revised Statute, which had previous
ly been in harmony, and which provided
that the certificates and lists of votes for
President and Vice-President should be
delivered to the President of the Senate
before the firr Wednesday in January.
To remedy this defect a law was passed
and approve 1 on O.-tober 19, leiwhich ,
II. Doeck's furniture stock is acknowl
edged to be the finest and most complete
in city.
T Mo Croat Dismal Swamp.
or v irinia, is one enormous quagmire
of dotnyed vegetation, a region of gloom
and d -solution; but not more so than the
hum i:i spstcm when blocked up by de
cays! aniin-d matter, which poisons the
blo.ol and brings gloom to an otherwise
hap; y household. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Puri :itive Pellets remove all waste mat
ter, ::jid give Nature a chance to build
Fok Rext Residence of C. P. Smith,
one lnock west of Mr. Showalier's.
tf S. F. Thomas, Agt
cussed. ISot much tiiect is obtained
from tho use of tho drug in these vari
eties of tho habit.
Nkotino is one pf tho most powerful
of the "nerve poisons" known. Its viru
lence is compared to that of prussic acid.
If birds be made to iulialo its vapor in
amounts too small to be measured, they
are almost instantly killed. It seems to
destroy life, not by attacking a few, but
all of the functions essential to It, begin
ning at tne center, tho heart. A signifi
cant indication of this is that there is no
6ubst.mco known which can counteract
its effects: tho system either 6iiccumbs
or survives. Its depressing action on
the heart is by far tho most noticeable
and noteworthy symptom of nicotine
poisonifg. The frequent existence of
what is Known as "smoker s heart in
men whoso health is in no other respect
disturbed is duo fo this fjict.
In an experimental observation of
thirty-eight boys of all classes of society
and of average health, who had been
using tobacco fMr periods ranging
from two months to two years, twenty
seven showed severe injury to the con
stitution and insuflicicnt growth; thirty
two showed the existence of irregular;
of tho heart's action, disordered 6t: .
aclis. cough, and a craving for tdcol.; !
thirteen liad intermittency of the puL'
and one had consumption. After thr.
had abandoned tho use of tobacco, wit1
six months' time one-half were free fi w.i
their former symptoms, and the remain
der had recovered by the end of the year
A great majority of men go far be
yond what may be called the temperate
use of tobacco, and evidences of mjury
are easily found. It is only necessary to
navo some record ex wnat tho general
health was previous to tho takjng up of
tho habit, and to have observation cover
a long enough tune. The history of to
bacco ui tho island ot iew Zealand fur
nisljcs a quite suggestive illustration for
our purpose, ana oaa on a large scale,
When Luropeans first visited New-
Zealand they found in the native Maoris
the most hneJv developed and jowerful
men of any of the trioes inhabiting the
islands of the Pacmc. Since tho intro
duction of tobacco, for which tho Maoris
developed a passionate liking, they have
from this cause alone, it is said, become
decimated in numbers, and at the same
time reduced in stature end in physical
well being so as to be an altogether infe
rior typo of men. C. W. Lyman in New
iork Atcdicai Journal.
Because he had n Oakland Stove,
Buy one of Johnson !;: -: sept22-dlm,
Two or three freth mill; envs for sale
at Holmes' bam. -.'J- tf
"be T:U;ico Car C'.iy.
The population of Pullman. Ills., the
great palace car city, as nhown by the
census of July 1, lSd, was 10.5G0 per
sons, against iu,i.-:i mo previous year,
On Sept. 13 twenty-six additional fam
ilies had been added, inches'sinor it to
iu. ine c ohimunlrv continues to be
distinguished for its intelligence and
orderly character. It is self reliant and
self sustaining in every way. There are
no idlers. Visitors readily notice the
absence of people from the streets during
working hours. The IiIImau bank
btatoiaent .vlunvs savings deposits at the
enu or tne hseni year of fc2o'J,157. an in
crease of $Sy.2U3 from the same date of
previous year. The number of detos
itors has increased during the year from
970 to 1,100. New York Evening Sun.
Criminal Uao of Canes.
Son-.cbody has been looking un the hi
lory of canes in this country, and find.
t ha', they were originally a part of th-.
repertory ot the leaders of the chure.'i
k liig tho principal Lad-re of the deii-..i,
Tho c ano was about fivo feet Ion", v.:-.
one end was embellished with n I ;
irnob, tho other with ft-atliers. Wh...
r'io f.ruall boy rebelled ho got a rap
no nea.i wun the u:ic!u:ntaUo head
l. IF 1 I 1 A l f
a dreaming of tlu Iajpy days in t)
'11 Rnlish home, tho turkoys Y'lnmag-'
-- - - - - A J V Vll.4VtA 1,1.11 1 I 1 I 1
YlVERYTIIING in Blankets, Flannels,
Comforts, Ilosicw, Baitings, that you
OU will not regret looking our different
Vcirtments over before pur chasing. 11
pay you.
GMYBJVA RUGS and a U audsome Line of Car
pets, Matts, Floor Oil Cloths, and Linoleum at
Low Prices,
;u'e ajain. Boston True tUvt
A r.t
A New Aluminum Process. A
?v process for producing chimirmrr
i.-as pcc-n invented m London. Or
iKti y rich c lay is mixt-d with a reducim
?ul or "ilux into a i:iku vttt!i water
.us paste is put into a mail capola i
:vers with broken ri" iron
al out twenty-five minutes tho pig iroi
inc'.rcil and the j rodi-t t is -aluuiinun
li't-!, ,()Mlaiai;ig i;. !.;; !.? jw-r cent, o
"luaduum. very KOiiuroiu?. tw from im
uririi-s and blow holes. New Vorl
Preiich Health Seamless
?Iovei3a7it of Shot TTlien Fired.
If a man could only stand thirty or
forty yards away from the muzzle of the
gun and watch the charges of 6hot
past lum, he would bo astonished at
he saw. Tho shot not only spreads
into a widening target as they fly.
they string put ono behind the other to a
much greater distance than they spread
Thus, with a cylinder gun, when the
first shot of a charge reach a target that
is forty yards away the last shot are
lagging along ten yards behind. Even
with a choke bored gun the 6hot lag be
hind eight yards in forty. This accounts
for the Ion" swath that is mowed In a
flock of ducks on whom the charge of
shot fall just light. About 5 per cent,
only of the charge of shot arrive simul-
2Teferas2sa.'s Loading
1 Omaha Republican
85 Xer Month.
10.00 Per tfar.
To January 1st, 1800, Sl.OO.
This reliable and ferl Irmm-.n h.Ja
lenged the admiration of the couHtry in the
gomiwitii ju!-i- cHuru. ii as me representa
tive Keimblica'i dailv of N'rhrka. an.i :u
..r.t. 1 j : . ' " --. -. " wuc
01 iue ifiiiuii nf w.spapers 01 rue country.
In ta future as in the oast the Kepubijcak
win eonnnue to ftxcei in everything. It prints
Special Sale commencing November 12th, coiitinuii
Cloaks an
Plush Cloaks and Children's
offered anywhere in the city.
ig one week,
Ladies' Wraps
AVcar, Price 20 per cent less the price
Examination will prove statement.
I I 1 1 I . I I I 1 1 1 1 M I I I t
im- I
Will V
Fon Rent A pleasant front room
neat y furnished, only one block from J?"7 &l ie J5"?0' th balanco hL,' the. news- 11 is bl 'r!lt. clean. euerKedo
aut ; trcet. Inguire of J. I. Lnruli. tf Kir,.i w ,,,1 1 h e Kkpit
Tii'i finest bedroom sets can be found
at II. Uocck's.
D.i i't go to Mike's blacksmith slup
for r.-i tics when you can get theui for
Soc :: bhei wood s.
Viol boots with rubbers reduced to
$2.01 :it Sherwood's mens arctics only
85 c .-it Sherwood's sold elsewhere for
that a bird s muscles are not
quick enough to get it out of the way.
although those who liave watched sitting
birds when shot at have often 6een them
start as if to fly when the leading shot
whittled by them, only to drop dead as
they were overtaken by the leaden hail
that ioiiowea. .New xork Sun.
blican aDoeals to its fripuri ,
every voting precinct to jdve their uerxmi
assistance in extending its circulation. Send
for sample copies. JIiiiI I-int of njimu- Pol..
The WKEKLV RKPURtlCAK mMfori-iUv im
proven lr published everv Thiirur!....
contains all the news of the week in a con '
densed form. It Is the he-t and cheapest
weekly newspaper published any where
JSAII rerrittances sbou'd be addressed to
Omaha. Nebraska.
YvLv go to grocery and dry goods
storcrj for arctics when you can get them
for 8 c at Sherwood i
Wool boots with rubbers reduced to
$2.00 at Suerwood s mens arctics only
83 c at Sherwood's, sold elsewhere for
A nice line of silk and linen handker- i
chit-is and muffler just received at J. IT.
Dcfcuvll'. - tf
A Funeral In Torker.
Preparations for the funeral are begun
as soon as life is extinct, as the Turks
believe in burying tho dea. as quickly
as possible. The eyelids are closed and
the lower jaw bandaged; the arms are
stretched down the side and the feet tied
together. The priest and his assistants
aro liow summoned to wash the corpse;
As with us, no matter how a person may
have been kicked and ' biiiTieted thmno-fi
life, he is handled very tenderly after all ALFRED DOLGF1?:
even more careful p.' this, because any ,QLQ Drated leiLCR Sil'DTjerS
lacs of tenderness m handling a oorose I XXT- w
would bring upon them the curse of the - - - " Ai
dead man's soul. Cor. Globe-Democrat. I "R Qurn WT" f T o
Tf t.', v J- .
We have an
mense line and
discount same 25 tier
cent, as thev must be
sold before the end
of the season. Our
TJT non annn n mmr.n
elegant fittinjr
garments. We sell
them at $14.50.
worth all of $20.00
sr. n srT.
plush um
onnpiubh cloaks
tpuliwe geil for $20
ell elsewhere at $27.
Plush Cloaks
we nell for 825
ell elsewhere at $35.
4 ThM iV4UsclI for 840 ,ell
jelsewhere at $50
40ell fo
Cloaks we
r J4o sell
el.ewliere at $00.
Comfortabfes and
A Fine Selected Line of trom $1.00
III) tn SO ((
the fanest 15 cent Batting in the city.
A Full Line ot
J" aefcots
old at the lowest
M e have
In Natural Wool, White Colars, Scarlet StrinP pf;nn t
house in the city, a, we JT
Yours Bespectlully,