( Ilt0tlt si:coxj YUAU PliATTSaiOUTlf, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVE3II5E1J iiJ, 1888. n "irv Mayor, dene, Tre.i.irer, F..M. KH.IIKV - v K Fox f ft U .4 I ft B PVUJll ft Attorney, f jiiw .lii 1?. - M.trnli.tll, C'uuiiolliueii. lit w.ud, 2nd " 3ld " 4lll. " - itvHK.v clahk A MaIXH.K H 'likkoki . , y vr, i,,,JVMi',CI i a raliubukt I 1 1 it. a i I'M an Mrc!iLLEvBrur.ii I J W J'lHNH llouid rul.Work Hcr.u Uohpkic I l 11 HAWKrtW J w Jiimnh n.chaiuman OUT If J 1 rre'iiurri". iHiuty lre;nurer, Clfik. 1. A. Ca.mi'hkll Tiiim. I'iii.i.oi'k itiito uicitjiiikl4i KcconltT of lieeds - - V. u. l'ooi. I .. . f.Tk X I II 1 M rl KI.lt lMiiu UmiuMcr - J.i M Clerk or District C'oirt. W. C. miowawkk Sheriff - J. ClKKTfHAlil Burveyor. - - - A. aiauolk Attorney. ... Al.l.K.v Kkkson Hupt. of 1Mb. School. - MAVNAKIh"IXK County Ju im. ... c. uussKLi. .... . ... - it i a tld k I 4 A II. Toii. CI1M1.. - - riattsmoulll . . Ivmi.s Koirz. - Wu',l,ll.'. WaltT A. It. ll KrtO.V, .illlWOOU GIVIG SOGI15'r.MS. ias.h uiDiiK no. u.. i o. o. K. -Meets l7vrv TnlLLtf f.VHnilli' Ikf P.U'll Wt'tK. All tr;iii.-iiiit orolliers are rKCeciiuiijr inviicu i Httetiil. IH.ATrMOU ril ENCAMI'.MHNT No. 3. I. O. A- K.. nirtcn every si'tern:ite rrll;iT m eai'ti iii.citli In Mi-.)iii5 11. til. Visiting Ilrotlier.'i are luviteJ to atteinl. Miitio LOIXJK No. hi. A. o. U. w. Meets every altera n rTiu.iy eveulutf al n.. oi I . I ii iij. fiuslmi brother ar respectfully in- I alter ie Know as tne atiomil eer J'ro v.tiltiaUHul K.J.Mirar:i.i.Mi?terWorkinau: . . . , m,. r. I. Umwu. Kore-no ; . l. lenister. nver- l --r; ii. A. l aim. r inancier : r... "-e- worlU. Keronler; M. Maylinglit. ld't'i'iver ; I l. U intli. l'.t Al. w. ; i. itowen, i.uuie ; i u. MauLjIiter, ol U.U1 is, Tex.; vice presi 1. J. Kuii. Inside Wateh. I f r i I dent. Thomas Arnrmr. of Chicago, and O'Vr AuierVc'i -MeieconUKaiid fourVlMifn i ay evening al K. of 1. hall. All transient brotlier are reipiesieu i meei wiiii uu. i.. a. i Newconer. Veaer.ible Consul : K, Nllen. I Worthy Adviser ; S. C. w Utie, itauKer; . A. I lioeek. Clerk. i 1 M.ATrs.MOU Til I.OlXiK NO. 8, A. O. U. W. I 1' Meet every alteruate Friday eveiiinK al I errhr:; Larson, M. .; r . Iioyd. foreman: . i. I IM.ATrsMOUTH loui;e no.c. a. v. a a.m Meets on the flr-t ami ihir.l Mondays ol each itioiifh at Ibeir ball. All tr:iMsient Orotb- I ! are curdi-illv linlted to meet Willi us. Kiciifc. w. I .'KltlUSK A ITU V I'TKIL. NO. 3. K. A. M i Meets seMiid and fourth Tuesday of eacl I nouih nt Ma-ouV Hall. Transcirut brother-I are invited to meet with us, K. E. Whitk. II. P. Wit. ! v. Secretary. MT. ZION COMMA xUAUV. NO. 5. K. T. I eels Drst and third Wednesday nittbt oi ea-b month at M iso 's ball. Visiting brother are cordially invited to meet Willi us. Wm. Hays. Kec. F. E. Wiutk. E. C. CiASSCOUSUII.NO. in-jl.KOVAL VUCASU.V i iiieetx Hie necond and fourth Mondays oi t aeh niutb at Arcauum Hall. It. N. liLKNX, Regent. Y. C. Ml. sou. Secretary. PL&.TTS MOUTH BOARD OF TRADE Preideut Kobt. B Winilban 1st Viee Presideut ...A. B. Tod irud Viee l'resideut Win Nevill. Seeretary K. Herrinaiii Treasurer F. K. Uutbinai llt K'.-TOItS. .1. C. Kichev. F. K. White. J . C. Patterson J. A. Conner. B. EI.-ou, C. W. Shermau, F. Sor dr, J. V. Weckb:icli. McCONIHIE POST 43 C. A. R. HOST E a. J. W. Joiivsom Coramandei IV S. Twins Senior Vice " K a. Baths Junior " " ;ko. Niuks Adjutant Hxsitv Stkkigiit ii. M. M ai.oX Oixov Ofllcerof the iiaj. Oh aki.ks Foki) ANSKR?'Ojr rUV Jii.OB MB'. KM AX Serirt Major. ..Quarter Master SerKt- i;. c. uyTs Mueiiax Saturday eyeninj; ..Tosl Cliftplali V- HKIHv.v.nrwnrVMl I women. Dr. Pierce Fmrorlte Freccription is I rpecine for all those Chronic weak neuea ana I 7 am v ail a wa v v r . I ral as well a uterine, tonloand nervine. It irnpani yijor aoq nrrnfin w in wdoi j w:iiu itPrombtlvcUreweakneoftorflat.h.faau8c:i. indiffGtftion. Mnatinr, weak back, nervous pros- I t ration, delnhty and ftleeplenes, in either sex. I lr 1. Mnf nlir ivitnfwiiinHMl hv an .iivrwniHsl I physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. PurelT vegetable and perfectly harrnlcM in any condition or toe system. Favorite Ireerlp- I Wabhamted-I tlon is the only medicine nnd.r m. noaltlva forwomen.soid r.y aruirtf mts, rn.r. i I printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully miniil out tnr many yeara. i For ianr illustrated i realise on iiiseasesor i XMxnjtv ibso pa?s:with full- aircctionr lot iMMne-treatmont). send ten cents in stamps;-' i AiaocjATlox, 6y Main Street, fluff alo, jf.' Tj I JULIUS PEPPERBERG, MANUKACTCRER OK AND VHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN THK Choicest Brands of Cigars, including oar Flor de Pepperbergo and 'Buds ULL LIS 07 TOBACCO AXD S3IQKERS' ARTICLES lwir'-'' .tockf Not, 28. X 885. -s Sh?rrin tfc Williams mixed paints, the l3st in tha market, at Fricke & Co's. drug store. 8 tt BROKE LOO E AGAIN. Chicago Anarchists Issue Another I Circular Calling For Money I Chicago, 111., Nov. 24. An anarchist I . .i .:i 1.. -i ,. iviri-uinr ui me nine iiiuiic jaiiiiuar ujr circular of the stile made familiar I lrson9 and Spies was well distributed yesteruay iiirougu saioons oi me wesi land northwest sections of the city. Aftar asking subscriptions to defend the sup- Po80t dynamiters, llroncck, Chlebouu I atid Sevic, whose trial is to begin Mon day, t he circular says: Notwithstanding it (the law) has niur- I capitalistic beast thirsts for more blood " I I .l -"II ..... I... A . 1 .it I nll(l apparently win nui lie sausneu uuiu I it gets it. Mir workingmen of Chicago ..,,. ..,,,.i... ..f ,;ii i,.., I Any day they are liable to be taken away buuuut ivts uinmiMj9 t. lilt. iiuivu I from flii'ir lo-enkfiittt tnliles turn from I .. . , ...... . , . . .. I iiil-ii laiiiuiL-Q am iulaitu up m jail uu account of some trivial complaint from I .. 1 "I""'- i The paper oes on to say that capital I w I ni 11 cr I tk stn .j I in. I nnii rlniina tlmr tliA I -v-", m I onlv wav to do it i for worklnsrincn to I " orHnize and niiht far their rights. The circular is printed in German and Bohe mian, and signed by Frit Iienthin, on ,chalf of the newly organized Arbeiter I i iveeuis dciiuiz ereui. A New Association. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 21. The range- men and butchers held a linal conference today. Tlie iuint ass ici ition will here- - - . a mm.uu3 i,u f.,i ,,m p... .t,iwn, p o & llinksto le.i.ilad.lphi..; secretary, it. jj. Taylor, of Djnver: treisurer. Jef - - ferson It.'ynolds. of L is Vegas, N. M. , ... i lid nunu J(iui i j 1 1 no9n . w... ,v. w ra xt r q. ti,m V IIKKI.INO, W. a., Aov, 34 There m, in this state which 13 worth mentioning. On the face of the returns in the First ...... .... , v. ... . .. district, Atkinson (rep.) h is 13 majority fnr -,..- t.. tl.n ri.;l fr.n; . - ....... ....v-..... (rep.) h:is majority on the face of the reiurns, ana in tne rourri j. u. Miutn (rep.) has VI ofli iial mijqrity after the . revision of the vote. Sackville'3 Departure. Washington, Nov. 24. Lord Sack- ville am 1 his d mghter and Mr. and Mrs Chamberlain left for New York on the 11 o'clock train yesterday, and today sailed for France in the steamer La Bour- gogne. 1 here were a largp ncinuer of prominent people, including many mem bers of the diplomatic corps, at the sta tion to see them off. The Vote of South Carolina. Columbia, S. C, Not. 2 L Official returns from over the state are: Cleve land, 63,82.1; Harrison, 13,850. Demo cratic majority, 52,083. The total vote is 11,9:13 less then four years ago. The democratic majority is 5.034 greater. The delegation to congress is democratic. Bond Offerings and Acceptances. "Washington, Nov. 24. Bond offer- lings at the treasury department yesterday aggregated $190,QQQ. Qf this amount $30,000 were 4 per cents, offeied at 128 and 123!, none of them being accepted; 139,000 4j'a were accepted at 1Q9 and 109J, and $21,000 offered at 09 were rejected. Harrison's Plurality 14,372. Albany, X. Y.,Nov.24. The electoral VM3 1,1 " oiaic "n vuucu .,jr flip t.itp honnl of rAnvflssrfi. i.4 an ful l y y tf r 1 tows: l&epuoiican, o ju,oj; democratic, 63o,9oo; prohibition, 30,281 socialist, aq. union IhIi r fk-'fi- nnifpii lrtlmr - U,JS Union lalur t)-t, qnitea iaDor clei:tors at hiree. 2.G6S ' - The Vote Of Kansas Topek.v, Kas., Nov. 24. O.Iicial fi - i... ..... urcs i,u,u ",c "l ira,e,u"J 8how Harrison plurality over Clevland ; . v . n . TT t . . 1 . in Kansas mj, i o. Harrisons electors re- ceived 182,91,and Clevland s 102,730. Carnev and McAuliffe warney anq ")cMi" Xkw Yohk, Nov. 21. Jem Carney has deposited $1,090 with tle London Sporting L.ife, for a fight with Jack .McAuliffe for the championship of the world in the light weight class. Fell Dead- Sorel, Qaebee, Nov. 24. Chief Jus tice Armstrong, aged 68, chairman of the labor commission, fill dead on the street here yesterday from appoplexy. Quay Calls a Meeting. Washington, Nvv. 24. Chairman Quay has called a meeting of the repub lican n itionsd com nittee for Wednesday, December 5, in this city. Notice. 0ving to the preyalence of diphtheria and oth?r contagious diseases, physicians ire requested to register all cases of con tagious diseases at the office of the city clerk. By order Chairman Doakd or IIxvlto. I HOW CAN PARENTS allow their children to cough and btrain and cough and calmly say: "Oh! it is only a little cold," and keep giving them cheap and dangerous medicines, until they are down with lung fever or con sumption, when they can le so easily rn- i lieved by BEGOS CIIEltliY COUGH oi uui'f u nas no superior, ana lew equals. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co , druggists. Dont go to Omaha when you want to get your beautiful parlor and bed room sets but go to Henry Iioeck's fur niture emporium where you trail get every thing in the f militate line that will go to make your home beautiful and comfort able; and above all you can get it cheap. Remember that he who sells most can ell cheapest. WHAT ON EARTH Is the reason people will not, can not, or do not see any difference m cheap nos trums put up uy (Jlieap John houses or irresponsible parties at enormous profits, rather than take a medicine of world vuio reputuation and one that is giving universal satisfaction at equal price: No medicine in the world is giving such un paralleled satisfaction for purifying the blood as REOO'S BLOOD PURIFIER & BLOOD MAKER, and ever bottle that des not do its work will cost you noth ing. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co. druggists. jren'3 Overcoats at Price Clothier $1.90. Elson's, the One Gold and silver watches enough to supply the country at II- M. Gault's, cheap and warranted to give satisfaction COUCH! and COUCH! and COUCH nat in me worm u the reason you will cough and keep coughing and still keep trying inferior medicines when BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP will positively relieve your cough at once? This is no advertising scheme, but an actual fct, and we guarantee it, Sold hy O. P, Smith & Co., druggists, O. P. Smith & Co. are making a spec ialty of Christmas and fine New Years cards this season. If yon want a good clock, go to II. M. Gault. He has a large assortment to pick from at prices that can't " help but sell them. That dainty lady tripping by, How light her step, Ijow bright her eye, How fresh her cheek with healthful glow, Like roses that in Mnytiinc blow ! And yet a few weeks have passed away Since she was fading day by day. The doctor's skill could naught avail; Weaker she grey and thjn and pale. At List, whil iq'a iiopeles.3 frame, One day she said, "There is a name I've often seep a remedy Perhaps , twill Uepj J pan but try." And so according to direction, She took Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription. And every baleful symtorn fled, And she was raised as from the dead. New York's Artificial Boncje. Some of the beauty eeeii Praadway fs gKqctiagly bleached. There seemed to be a reform well started in the matter of artificial blondes, and for awhile some of the foolish users of bleaching acids showed signs of repentance. It is diffi cult for a fashionable sinner of this sort to become good. It wn necessary ' to cither let the natural color of the nair assert itself at the roots, and slowly pro gress outwardly, thus leaving for a con siderable time a sharply defined border betweeij tlie two hues, or else puf al) the hair off closely, ahej wear a wig until a new growth was secured.' Many repent ant fraudulent blondes put themselves right, however, and it W-aa hoped, that the yellow mania vpv44 entirely subside. But there is a i-elapse, at least among the women who conspicuously promenade Broadway. The majority f tne offend ers, however, are actresses, and our genuine women of fashion are letting their liair have its own way as to color. A young woman went down Bruuiway J'ust before pjc. Her hair Was 'light emon color. 1 It luid palpably been" made so ty bleaching."" That would npt liaye aroused special interest. But ' J chanced o. soo that her eye brp an4 eyelashes, contrary to the cus tom of bogus blondes, had been also blanched to match her hair. Usually those hirsute adjuncts of the face are left natural, for women who indulge in hair bleaclung do not seem to mind easy de tection, lms girls complexion -5 richly rosy, and not at all like the freckled pallor that" characterizes a txih blonde. Seeing hat the bright pink and white of her face was truthful, and that she had taken the unusual pains pf Vs ening - her brows, and lashes, I was' st anxjous abput hoi that I followed her into a dime museum that has just been opened close to Broadway. There I lost 6ight of her mysteriously, but her disap pearance was explained when, ten min utes later, I saw her take her place on the platform with the human curiosities. She was bulletined as a Circassian glr and the lecturer told how 'she had been b tough t from Circassia. The fact was that; since coming in from the 6treet, she had merely removed her hat, cloak and long skirts, let down her fluffy liair, and there she was a typical Circassar 'gh,' or Albino, of the "familiaf "fehow." Thai is what ve' come to 'In the excess of fashion. A bell of the promenade will do for an exhibit in a dune museum. New York Sun. The United States, laid to be tlie Bost fully represented, among the toui Ls through tlie oldest land where civil ization Las trod, which i3 Egypt. ; A woman in New York makes her liTics prepria5 cilTa foot jelly for the Ills Bodily Preiocnco YVu Weak. I rememl-r a cr.30 w here a suifll city congregation that had among its meui-It-rs scarcely a ni::n that was even fairly ne!l educated, heard a man preach sev eral Sabbaths, lie was a graduate of a New England college and of one of the lest of our theological beminaries, a man of good address, scholarly and gvntle manly in his pulpit manners, a careful, thoughtful semioniaser and a Ilucnt sjK-aker. IIo was disliked; and when some of the chief men were questioned as to the cause of dissatisfaction, they re plied, "lie doesn't have a commanding presence." The readers of this letter will recall one of old of whom it was 6aid that his bodily presence was weak and his speech contemptible; but they will be forced to admit that Paul was, after all, something of a preacher. This congregation in search of a "commanding presence" were a feeble folk, numerically and iinanciallyi and though the Lord's jeople, however poor and weak, ought, theoretically, to have the very best in the way of spiritual food, yet as things are in tho church, as wen as in mo worM, u n a question whether they were wholly wise in looking for perfection in the Lord's vessel, and whether they were not too slow in ap preciating the Lord's grace contained in it; and although ministers ought not to bo rated by the amount of salary that they receive, still this incident will remind many of tho man who said, concerning an underpaid servant girl, "You can't expect all the Christian virtues (oi- $3 a week." Tho Centur v. After the Yellow I'ever. As soon as the epidemic is over the first step would ho to have a thorough and systematic house to house investiga tion, and all places carefully noted where cases occurred. In these houses the mat tresses, blankets, carpets and woolen materials should be burned. The linen and cotton goods could bo effectually dis infected by thoroughly boiling in a 'com pound prepared for this purpose, By this rncafiS, think, tho city could be freed from tho microbes and another vis itation next season fully prevented. To do this would cost a great deal, and tliat Is one reason why the government could do it far more effectually than any committee or other authority. It cer tainly would cobt from J0G,00o'"to $175,000, and perhaps more, including, of cp.uist!, payments for goods destroyed to those who could not afford to lose them. It will take fully q months to do all this, but something energetic must be done, for it will not do to have a second epidemic. A season like this costs this country an immense amount of money, and no expense should bo spared, m stamping it out. Dr. Paiter in New York World, Millionaire Flood's Gold, fcioocvs estate is valued by good judges at $13,000,000, At tle height of the bonanza excitement, when shares, on the leading uiines brought $900 and paid $.30 a month dividend, Flood's wealth was rated at $40,000,000, but then came the great shrinkage in Comstock values, which cut down the forluuo of all tho mining millionaires fully one:hali'-, ami Flood's losses by the Neyada bank wheat deal were fully $.5,060,000, The prop erty wiU probably bo equally divided be tween the wife, son and daughter. Tho latter was always Flood's favorite, and at one time she possessed in her o.wr, right $3,000,000 in real estate and, gov ernment bonds. She. javo. much of thia to help her father out of hi embarrass ment 'a" year ago, but still owns alxmt $2,000,000. Young Flood is shrewd but has no stability, and the old man never trusted him :u any lanre deals. San Francisco Alta. Breaking Vv. Jnulap belosion. The Thirteen club, of New York citv. may be set down as a practically useful affair in the way of breaking up a ten dency to superstition. Where the inher itance of sacred days and days of evil omen come3 from, with the belief in cer tain numbe rs lVrtuiialo and Olheiw a associated with d.angvT, does K&t co .much concern us as how to uot ii l of tho no tion. Onea f ihe'udgysf New York fetate. ami wo believe two or hivo v ?- $v!:t r-. ito longer sentence c-rtntUuda to bo hnngci o:i Frv.hiy. The Thirteen club a dc- lio i;ta a, tempt to break tho poj ular de luftion that a gathering of thirteen im piics disaster to oae or more of t:;e -artv. This club lately enjoyed ic; sevc::ty-ni:ali i:::ier 1:1 a Cumeso restaurant. A Z..o:: oli;tn meul v: terved ;vl i'uir-: with -.op tticks. ( iol-ic-iJcmcvyrat. litnro of 'T.l:Lnor ICIrt" The popular, authoress v.vA r.cr;-pr.ix'i writer. fIlanor Tfcru h oC Uieciiuci hci;;Iit, ciuewhat fctoai, tut very tiuiek in her movements, Ilex faco in its pro lilo reminds ono strongly of He nry Yard Beeeher a rescmblauco v.-hicli is iu creasod by hc-r snow white hair. Her cc-rresjiondents frequently address lit-r as "ULij Kirk," but bho is really Mrs. . M. Ames, and has be. iv iov"f6r uiany years, oi-cling' to Ork-utsl ethics, she bhould be a happy woman, for the lias been tho "mother of sons," four of whom give her tho maternal title in which h.er woman's heart rejoices, and her- r3 daughter is never oiij ahpnt from her side. Cimnt Literature. Ectter 'lUiUi QcUl Ur.viug. An ex-newspapcr man lias invented a spring and air cushion for freight anc fassenger cars that has, been adopted b he master c-V builders, and that has brought to its mventor tne comfortable 6ui4 pf T0,00Qcaah; rittiburg Bulletin. v Germans in France. It seems that there are now c'j 100, CC0 Ceroans in Franccrres tlian half the number that lived there before tie rnmcG-Prussiaa ' war. " 21 ore thai r-e-thiri! cJ iixr- f p ti TflTTS Tli arm rtrrrei Oi Oi-Pii In riattsiroiith, is wry sorry To e.t wi i lv. JOK is mAD MONKEY COMPETITORS r;-y tor t!i ; i Competitor. cJJ Woiihl alvise Mr. Monke ......... . . . . -. .. iiit'iingiTie ;uki ciiarjreiulmitwioii, tins mad comrtitor nnu-h hetter q2T O oiiiiiotitors :irt iiiad hcp.-insi- H hMst ...... mud hcc.ause he lias .lcstroycd a Polling Ifono t (foods at Honest Trade is getting larger every lav, lOfetl'OV it y it by misrei)resenty.tim,oi' -mi people won't he misled any "ionger, tor they 1;,,om- .JOK is M-lling goods at an Honest lVofit A n d at One m JOE is selling hetter good tor Ies in I'lattsmon'th. DON'T To iruess an JOE'S leans. It costs . j 'iiu'iikevitiir husiness, either. Clothing Solomon & Nathan's Old Stand 3ST cbraska's XiQading; TECE Rbpoblicak DAIIjV lVr 31 on tli. i:iitiov. IU.OO IVr 1 eat . WEEKLY KDITIOS, To January lt, 1KOO, i1.0(. ThN reli .hie an.1 farless j.iitrn.-il liai chal lenge. the atlniiration of the (country in ttl cainpaigii just cIoskiI. - it wax t!-e renrKi-iiia-tive Kiubl:ca!i daily of N-hr;isl;, n t in oti of the leatin n -wspancnt 'ii ih' mini ry . In tlii.' future as l ln .j;.st lh 1: i-c m icas will iv.iitiiiUri t exvh In evrytliiii. If priuls ai.1i i!es. t U hiijihr. clean. en iveiii atict ii y. T'n k Ki t-huc.vv appeals t- lt friHdn in every votimr pr- inct to i-'ivp tlifir personal an Glance in extruding its circiilaliou. S.-nd for sf.nipte cop es. Mail Lift of iiJiiief, Uaife eluhs. IT IS THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. Tli Wkkki.v Bkpui'.i icax materially im proved f.r 1S'J -puhlishfd everv 1 "liiirsity. contains sill I lie news of tin- we-k Ji eon dc!isd foi in. It it the het .k elieupfst weekly newspaper p ;h:iimi an j where. tiJAll re" ii"C! g fliou d he adi!resed to t-IIEOMAHAJtF.lTBt.ICAN C I.. Oiuali i. Nt-lua.ktt. J.il.EMM0NS. D. lIOVorATiMC Physician Surgeon OHiee over WV-ClIiV t.ie. J'aut tret-r. ltidenee in lit S-u.lkiie.(.i;is )iivi-ri y. Cliroii'c Oin-iicp-. htmI Di.a ii Wnniii mil Children a spec',:0i Oince lio-iri, a to 11 a. in. 2 to 5 ap i o b p. in. If yoi want anything in the jewelry line, go to II. M. Gault lie will sell y;u good goods at luw ju icea and guarantee theu as re)i'epented. The RncHt rx.-dr''in sets can be found at II. Boeck's. Smith & Co. will givt vny a fine house anil lot in Yallery jdaca during the nest u'ity days. K'leh perstin buying i of goods during that time is enti'led to a chance on the house and lot. Elson the One Price is selliutf Chinchil a Overcoats, Beaver CaJlars and Cuffs, at flj.OO. 'Everything necessary for furnishing a house can be purchased at II. Iioeck's. Gold and silver tpeciavtes at IL M. Oatrlt'N - (JHABA THE CI his ,Iar of Ui-ans caused one ol hi- rs of this linn!, M'iiuly Q. IS ii Hr OIlKev UolllOeiitOr In ncl not 'iii.l o ' " " tor ,IUK lias no iloiiU it woiihl l.ay than contiiiuiii" in tl le Clolliilll IB' d.sti-,..,l Ifrn-1 i i lllCCH. They are l7suri'iVlVolit. JOK 11 ..... . .... x - m m i - t ieves in Low Prices. and his mad coin net itors cannot hv r colled reduction i,i i-es. The Price Only. MB money th in ever !ic:;nl of hefore FORG h i yon not hi ii j gm ss and no A TToUXKV. S. K. THOMAS. Alttrney-at-Ij:w mid Noiarv I'ulillf. FitBelaid Jllot-k. I'latlMiiomi,. Ni b. Ofil.re In ATlOKNi Y. A. SI I.LJ VAN, Attoroey-at-Lpiv. Will irive nrotnnt .-.t tei.f f,.r. to a'J lilli-ilies- MltlliHted to Mm l.:,. Knion Illoi:k. Kiut side. I'laltsiuouth. Nc l. BAIiliGIi .SIIOI AXI IJATJI HOOM. k:. moim.kv. Hot and Cold r.aliat nil ho.irs. Ladien and Children's Hair Cutting a npeclalty. Cor. .Mil and Main, under CniiuthV. DKNTi.H'. " ' in:, a. t. wmn.it.K. The ramies Ot-i.li.tx." Teelli extrjiiled without I li lea' l pain or harm. Ar.iliclal leelli Inserted iiiiiin-diaiely alt.-r etraelln na nral :iie when de-li .-d. ;oid :iiit all o'lier liiijntt -tnctly II t -t elas. Oiliee in l uioii Uloek. n :ocbkie1T " "'I l:i.S. WOlli.K A Staple a:::I Ka-icy (Intttr-f, CriM-kei y, 1-lour and Feed. il, (il l-siTi i5 and C. F. SM I T H, The Boss Tailor Main Sr., Over ilfit s' hhor Mcie. Has the bef-t and mof-t ccrriplet'; (dock of KHinjdeH, both foreign t nd dobiestic woolens that ever cHine wttt of Missouri river. Note these iiic: Kumiifhi guits from $1U to f.ir,, drefs Fiiitx, to $45. pants 4, !?, $3..',0 und upwardg. t3?Will guaranteed a fit. Prices Defy Competition, R. IS. WlXIIIIAH. .full aTuAVIKh Notary VulHe. ?.otary Public W1.!IA21T A IIAVIKM, -attorn Dys - at - Law. Office over Uar.lc of;Cafc County. Pl.ATTSMOt-TII. - . NF.BHAfKA C3-, J3. KEMPSTER, PrsciiCul Piano and Oran Timer AND RKPAIRKK. First-class work gunrantet d. Aho deal er in Pianos and Organs. Office at fJoeck't furniture ftore, Plattunouth. Nebraska. B. &. M. TimelTablo. GOI!Cf; WKT. ;otN KART, o. 1. 5 :10 a m. No. 2.-4 -M p. in. Vo. a. 0 :V , . No. 4. io a. -. No. 5 t Mr a. mi. No. fi 7 :13 p. No. 7. T A i. in. No. 10. A :15 a. W. :I7 p. m. " NO. II ;27a. III. A'l train run dallv by vritvot OrnaAa'. ftivpl Tin 7 and 8 wliich run to and from Keliujler daily except Sunday. N. Is tu to Paclnc Junction tT fit. from rf't J"" ' liustler,