The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 22, 1888, Image 4

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    THE 1AILY HEUaU) : VLA riS.VivuTut rutSBKASK A, THtjRbU,
J. '
Tne Evening Herald.
A. KaliHhurjr, Ue-alUI, Uim-IimooiI Ituilillnp,
Te It phone o. :..
fir. KIkkIh. OflIr Im (ii-rinK tlrng Sturr,
Vnre t'or. Sixth mn i Urtnit, 1lrilmne n.
Ilr. Wilhrr. Ibti fai K.ntUI. I n ion
It lurk, fr rrtrkr'N limit Morr, I'UtloiiMiuth.
Go anl see Monte Crhto at the opera
liou-te tonight.
Dr. T. P. Livingston, who was con
fined to his bed fur several days, from
aii attack of tonsilitis, i convaleecnt at
present ami able to atteml to l.usines
once iiior, we arc pleased to report.
W. J. MeGurigl". formerly chi-f of
police of Chicago, luit now a fugitive
from American justice, atttended the
opening of tli? Legislative Assembly at
IJegina last week. IVtroIea, Out., Topic.
Mr. M:irt Ciinhing, who went to
Wyniore to accept a run Irorn there to
Concord, his returned to this city. Tin
position was not as satisfactory as the one
awaiting him here, ho he has returned to
reside iu Pbittsmouth permanently.
Keougli, who was arrested several
weeks ago with Charles Ullis and lecn
on fined in the iuil ever since, for high
way robber)', is standing his trial today
at tin; district court, before Judge Chaj -
in in.
This week new rules regarding
working' hours at the shoos came Into
effect. Tti employes arc only to work
nine hours during thu winter months.
Work is suspended every evening at 5
riitttsmoutli was awake while
Nebraska City idept, and scored a tc:ia
tion. A tlead eagle is an evidence of the
im iginative thrift of the residents. From
eirie heights t!iey tip a heaker to their
southern tn-ighbcr. Omaha Herald.
Mrs. Celia S:nkh anil Mrs. Anderson,
wh' h ive !;;i-ii visiting at the home of
Mr. Jan. Patterson, jr., for a few days,
went to Omaha last night ly the K. C,
whore -Mrs. Smith resides. Mrs. Anderson
will return to this city alter a few day?,
visit with relatives at the me'ropolis.
The following hint to wives who
have brutes for husbands appeared in the
haleai tMass.) OLseiTer of April 24, 187:
"A woman in New York who had been
beaten by her husband finding him fast
ideep sewed him up in the bedclothes,
and in that situation thrashed him sound-
Since Cleveland's defeat and the
Mdls bill has been thrown out, Mr. W. J.
Warrick, an enterprising druggist and
b )okseller of the city, has concluded
that to purchase wool is a paying invest
jnent, and purchased two large sheep
from the Chicago market, which he has
ou exhibition at his store. They will
produce a good crop of wool.
An erroneous item appeared in the
Omaha Herald this morning as a produc
tion from their I'lattsmouth correspond
ent. We must certainly say it has done
a great injustice to the school teachers
whoso names are brought f orth, and only
over a trivial mittor which all right
thinking people will coiisic or their duty.
Miss Safford, a teacher iu the bigk echool
has a boy under her charge, known as
Baby Woodson, son of Mr. Fred Wood
flon, proprietor of the Cottage House. It
fs said thai the boy has been unruly for
some time, and Tuesday afternoon, he
was requested to wri'e a few words on
Ids slate after school hours, i penalty
for misconduct during school l;ir,.
After school he refused to write, a3 the
teacher requested, and showed signs of
contrariness, when Miss ,Sjfford called
Prof. Chatburn to her aid. H j&Jso asked
the h jy to do the work, but the answer
eamf; "I won't." .Every means wen
used to piMiiule the boy to
!ey before lc was whipped,
vr'ien tlu principil whipped him o ily
leniently, he then asked him if he vjugld
mind, but the boy exhibited as much
stuooornness as at Iirst. Jlr. CJiatburu
then told him he would whip him uatil h;
would obey, but he still continued to act
contrary and hohjjy told him he would
not. He was then whipped until he was
willing to do his work. If ths child had
b;en sent home as some peopLr
think he should have been. for
punishment, the father would no
doubt hive gon-j to th.-j teieher and in
formed her, as he did once before, tit. -it
lie sent his boy to school and left
him for her to manage. We learned tha
lie went to the school room shortly after
the boy had been dismissed, finding Miss
Safford there, but the principal ahett
After he had questioned her concerninL'
the matter, he endorsed her actions. t!allery, on J 8th and Davenport streets.
Since then he has changed his mind and j Omaha, for four day., commencing today
is bent on prosecuting the teachers, and i an(l continuing until Sunday ' izczlng.
from all appearances he has been urged 1 This is Mr. Liningcr's own collection and
into this procedure by some pofessionnl I contaics a number of fine pictures well
men who are short of funds and are cu- ! wrth the study pf all artists. Admission
deavoring to secure a few dollars in this is ' r six tickets ic,r f.ptp dollar,
wiy. Prof Cintburn was summoned to! Alice SntriiERi.
appear for trial y:-sterday afternoon. -.r - -7t ,
i-t t j-i . ... . fc Mrs. nWii;j will receive a few pupils
which he did, but the case has teen con- , jn music, on Stturdays, t Mrs. Living
tinued until December S. As for the boy ston's rtisi.lence, corner & and O.-Tk
being serioudy hurt, as has been reported,
it is untrue, for he Las been on tl.e strict
j usual since.
Correspondence of u mild nature we
are pleased to receive at this ollice, but
the following shows a warlike face, and
we trust the two parties may settle the
matter without making this paper an
instrument in their afTairs.
A Much Wloanor Man.
Readers of the I Ikcal d no doubt no
ticed the article headed " A Mighty Mean
man." I think I can bring forward a
meaner. What do people think of a
man who will move into a houc that has
been leased by another, after he has been
told by the owner of the house that she
does not want him for a tenant? About
a week ago in coming home I n tiet el a
paper lying in front of my door, and
thinking it was an advertisement, fiiili
as is often thrown around, 1 picked it up
and after I got into the house I found it
was the Hkkai.ii and supposed it belong
ed to a certain man who has in past time
do ie the dirty work for the sheriff and
thinks lie can bulldoze everyone, and as
he had done a dirty underhanded trick
to me in moving into a house legally
lease 1 by me, I did not think it necessary
to put myself about to fire the paper out
as I found it on my property. My hired
girl also picked the. paper up ueevcning
;.s she was a stranger and supposed it
belonged to me. If the party I have
spoken of says it was 'taken oftencr by
either myself or any of iny people, he is
a " liar ". This occurred, as J have said,
about a week ago, and yesterday he had
to appear in court and give bonds for
rout to ef a postponement of the case, as
I have sued tr pscssion of the house.
Seeing that he can't buHdoe jjje into
allowing him to remain in the house, he
lakes a scunillous attack on me in the
columns the J I Kit alp. but I think he
has tired wide of iua JJiaj-k, lis anyone
acquainted with the facts of the case cat
ciij' see that it is all done through
spite. Js. M. Mint.
Monte Cr.sxo In Omalla
At the Grand opera house 1 est night
Aiden ISuitdict opened in "Monte Cri.slo"
10 a big house. .Mr. B.nedict plays a
li ;ii:t iz it ijii of his own which is in
many respects superior to that of James
iNiel, w ho lias made the play familiar
;j Omaha theatre-goers. Especially is
this true in the climax of the third act,
in which Mr. Benedict makes a lightning
change from the priest to the old Jew.
This is one of his disguises assumed for
the purpose of throwing Messiur De
Villeport off his track. Then he cli:
cards the disguise of the ancient Hebrew
and stands as the Edmond Dantes of the
iirst act, which makes Do Yilleparfs
recognition of him more reasonable.
The actor was called before the curtain
at the end of this act, also at the end of
the second. As a Uiejcdramatic actor
Mr. Benedict has few superior, sn t-he
American stage. His readings showed
power and intelligence, lie was well
supported by Miss Francis Field, who in
the fourth act, astonisj'cd those of her
friends who had knowu her long in this
city and had predicted great things of
her. She is unquestionably one of the
eomiug leading women of this country.
The remainder of the cast was good, and
the scenic and mechanical effects were
-plendid. The play will be given again
this evening for the last time. Omaha
1 lerajd.
Adien Benedict will appear at ihe
Waterman opera house tonight as ijontc
('is to. lie makes a guarantee that all
will be satisfied with the performance in
every particular, so that all should feel
afe in attending. Seats on sale 3t the
usual placa.
The y. R. .C Concert.
The following prosraiiiie, which will
be rendered under the auspices of the
W. R. Corps, is being prepared at present.
The concert will be held in the Water
man opera house on Tuesday evening
next, Sisj-embcr 27 :
IMano Solo Sdieio ii.;i'ellison Miss
Km m, t Join, son.
Keeitati'm Drummer F5oy of The ilani'nui-.
J iiecK, Mis Ursula U i'es.
; Introduction Major IlenUersliot - Judge
3. M. .itn:aii.
it-iif rai ran -a f:i;-onte i.iarch Mai. Ileu
Jeisliot ami mjiI. lite iciupeei Mr. lieni v.
l.a I'la'.a iuicksteis Maj. Jleieieii..t h.,-1
Mr. Merges II Trovator Fantaxlp.f'ranter
Imitation of an 'ngiue pulling Irani MiJ.
lieiid eis!:ot aim son.
PAier skc-o.n i
l am. .vrs c'il niter. Miss roliuek and Mr?
lixie Maj. Iten.letrtioX UifA tan.
Maufiolinaor KantaL-e l.ej Vich -Mrs
r utr-1 Logan's faycrite march Maj Heu
Jershut and aou.
1 a-s solo a Hundred Fathoms Deep
Sliattacli Mr. Derrick.
The old trniv sick fall come and get your
(Hiintne Miijor lieiide rslioi and son.
?iiet Might in Venice Arditti Miss Tan!
and A'rv Carpeuter.
The j!d-iih.:i,'iid White Army Bean Maj.
Hndershot t;horiii
Tis tiie bfan that we iuea,, .
a nd we'll eat as we ne'r te before ,
Tiie army bean nice and clean.
We will stick to our bans ever more,
tirtiiallon of Battle, inlrodueing pieket tiring,
the at'aek. the rjotle of musketry, tiie roar of
eaiinor.. the bur-'tui of lel aud tiie charge
MaJ IlenJershot aiid sou. '
Fine Art Exhibition.
Editoii Herald: There is an exhibi-
tiit paintings at the Lininger Art
streets. Plattsmoulh, Xov. lgss.
Wasted A smart hov at the
I & & w m- hi & H k i a U m
Ladies' Modjeskas.
Mack Diagonal Cloth, Fur Trim
med, only sT.OO.
JJlack Extra Quality IJoucle Cloth,
Sjiike Fringe Trimmings, Uell Sleeve,
..njy 1.0.00.
JIack Frieze Oloth, Iall Trimming.
(Quilted Lining, A st radian Cull's aud
Collars, only 1J.OO.
i;ro;Vll !1d Tan .Urocaded Matel
lasse, Plush fjra! Tjiniming, Pltudi
Cuffs and Collar, only Sl-'O.
Silk Plush, Plush Pall Trimmings,
plain Satin Lined, Chamois pockets,
only 15.00.
Plaek Astraclum Cloth, Spike
Trimmings, Satin Lined, pply D-
Fancy Silk Striped Cloaking,
Pall Trimming lo match, Quilted
Satin Lining, only 20.
Seal Plus),, Elegant Plush Pall
Trimming, Safin l ined, genuine Seal
Loops, only $b
Elegant Seal Plush, Peaver Pall
Trimmings and Collar, Quilted Satin
Lined, only, 32.50.
Our Plush Sacques are finished with the best of Quilted Satin
Lining. Chamois Pockets and Genuine Seal Loops. Any guarantee
failing to meet the representation in wear given our garments, will be
replaced by a new one..
ea V3 irs
Q uL.u d?
Mrs. Duffy, of Omaha, cousin of Mi-s.
Danihcr, is in the city.
Mrs. McCarty, of Galesburg, la., ar
riveil iu the city 1-ist evening.
Mr. C. N. Hands, representing Max
Jteyor at Lincoln, was in the city yester-
Miss Lotta Breed, of bistii-,gsi i e,y
pecteil to arrive here 'hi evening, Siie
will visit the Misses Heniple.
Mr. J. T. Hitter and wife arrived in the
city today from Indiana. Mr. Bitter
wct f'"re in the interests of the B. & M.
- . .
.Mr. and Mr.-?. Grimes, of iana'to,,
daughter and son in law of Mr. and Mrs
Danihcr, arriyed in the city last evening
to attend the funeral i:f iter brother.
Riddle House arrivals: E. J. Cooper.
Kansas City; W. J. Covell, Omaha; J. A.
Marshall, Lincoln; Monte CrUto Co.;
Will Sheldon, New York; F.N. DeLime,
Des Mc-inesj J. M. Mayer, Chicago; F.B.
Newell, Feorii: .j. V. Velpi, Willtr; C.
Kirkpatrick, Lincolii,
A pL'tilion is in circulation today,
already numerously signed, to be pre
sented to thi city fathers at thei r next
iieeiirg, praying thani to pass- an ordi
nance compelling property owners to fill
the creek now running aloug Pearl street,
as the stagu int water with which the tlitcli
is filled would soon produce a stench
euch aa would terminate in a contagion.
Hop Lje, the Port Huron Chinese
laundry man, is iu a bad fix. He is de
sirous of visiting a brother Celestial, who
;S sick in S irnia. Meantime he swears fn
pigeon linghsU t,t Jl:3
Petrolea, Ont., Tepic.
'Melican man.
Aiden Benedict deposited $5000
in 4. P. young's show window this morn
ing as a guarantee that his play tonight
woul 1 bj none other than first-class. It
the company and their play attract the
-effre like the money in that wiiulow,
there will fye a bumper house at the
Our Assortment surpasses
anything heretofore attempted
by us in this Department, and
our customers will be surprised
at our magnificent display of
Mies' mill Misses'
and at very Low Prices. We
are showing decided novelties in
Stripes, Checks,
and Solid Colors !
with Pia:n. Hell or Aiiorl
Trrm sa. im irn .
JJdJm &SkV wUkMm Jh4 U
Crand Entertainment
At Waterman's opera house the evening
pf Tuesday, 2Jftyemer X'7. Given by
Maj, 11. IL Ifender&hot and sop, assjstefl
by the best local musical talent, under
the auspices ef the W. R. C.
Maj. Hcndershot is saiel to be the best
drummer in the world; his son is a Cue
fife player. tf
Owing to tdje prevalence qf diphtheria
and other- eontagioij3 disee.srs, physicians
are requested to register all eases of con
tagious diseases at the office of the city
clerk. By order
Ciiaiumax Boa ud of Health.
TT-.vo or three fresh milk cows fur sale
at Holmes.' barn. tf
A nice line of sijk and linen handkps
chiefs and muiik-rs ju.t received at J. II.
Donnelly's. tf
The person who furnishes items to
the newspaper is always a valuable friend
to the editor. Mmy friends hesitate
about sending personal notes to the
: rjexysppper regarding the movements of
il-iends, et the nevyxpapej; man should I -
think them too anxious to scg thejr rianiea
in print. He will think nothing of the
kind, but, on the contrary, he is glad to
get such note3. Many seemingly unim
portant items, when priuted are news to
a large number of readers.
The payers succeeded last evening
iu making the connecting link, as it were,
between the two portions of pavement
mcetjng at Fifth street. This has been
the desire of niauy for some time, as the
street has been iu an impassible condi
tion for a long ' time. It is hoped that
the work of paving Sixth street hill will
soon be commenced and pushed through
Vefore the frost lights upon the work
and prevents jjj progress.
It- 1,-1 1 r .
urren v neeier, n ve year oiu son
of traveling engineer Wbeeler, of the B.
& M., swallowed a buckshot last tmhr.
and na ieen very si-k ever since from
fhe effects. ' He was playing wlcii some
boys when one of Lis playmates gave
him the shot, when he immediately put
it in his mouth and accidentally swal
lowed it.
id Gloves.
We shall offer all of our Kid fSlovis,
worth from if 1.75 to $2.50, at the Nomi
nal Trice
This includes everything we cniry in
Stock of Dressed, Suedes, Castors, and
Driving Gloves.
liutton Simpf-on's Hit-t Colors and
Iilacks, now $1.50, worth $2.50.
4 liutton Simpson's Hcut Colors and
1)1 ticks, now $1.50, w i tli $2.25.
4 liutton Our Own Fancy Embroidered
Hacks, C Iors and Black, now $1.50,
worth $2.00.
5 Dutton lion Marche Extra, Colors
and Black, now $1.50, worth $1.75.
8 liutton Motquetaire Suedes, Colors,
only $1.50, worth $2.25.
ti Button Mosquctuire Sin des, Colors
nnd Black, $1.50, worih $2.(0.
4 Button Cnt-tors, Colors, oidy now
$1.50, worth $2.00.
Suede Ouantlet Driving Gloves. Colors,
only now $150, worth $2.25.
Our $4.00 Beaver Shawls in Gre-ys and
Browns, sold elsewhere nt $.i.00.
Our $5.00 Reversible Velvet, in Greys
and Browns, with Fancy Border, is decid
edly a trood bargain.
Our $7.00 Beaver good heavy Shawl.
ery pretty line of colors.
Our $9.00 Beaver, superior ejuality,
e-Ieyant patterns, well worth $10.00.
Our $10,00 Beaver in Greys, Tans and
Browns, e ntirely new patterns, and would
be decidedly cheap at $12.00.
CompiLses Everything in
German Knitting,
Eider Down.
Fairy Floss,
Shetland Fbiss,
Comforts and Blankets.
10x4 White Blankets at $1.25 per pair.
10x4 White Blankets, ereioel weis-ht.
only $2.00 Ver pair.
104 White all Wool Guaranteed.
only 4.00.
Oiir Country-made White, at $1.75
Sale S
Fo Herrmann
Soots andl Sluoes
FECIAL Sales in Ladies'- Fine HandTurned Hlioes, stilin" now tor only $y 5n
worth $5.00.
JuR Three Dollar Shoes is far better
pOR Two-Dollar Shoe nothing will e
g IMR is gOi)ij on ;)id of jjoo(l3 jjut
OME think this is just a blow.
OW all we ask is for yon to give us a
AWf) to sec the gomp n-jH cor-ince yon
otlitr dcid'T, '
PlUCES Low is our Motto.
W. A. BO
-The election is over bnt Timotliv
Clark still has plenty of toaT'and "wooa
at his yard on south 3rd street. Orders
takem at central telephone office and
M. B. Murphy & Go's store. Canon City
$7.25 per ton; Iowa Lump $4.75;
Momosia $5.00. tf
O. P. Smith Jsc Co. have the finest dis
play of holiday goods ever brought to
to the city,
A house "to rent, handy to the busi
ness part of the city." Tor Jnfoiijjadpn
paU at this office.
Elson, the due "Price Clothier, is selling
the Chicago Hats at. $1.90.
Plenty of feed, flour, graham and
meal at Heisel's mill, tf
II. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl
edged te be the finest and most complete !
If: .if- Oault is receiving some very
fine noyelfies in Oxidized Nil
for holidays.
If you have a watch, clock or jewelry
of and kind yop'want repaired good, take
ft fo II. M. Gaplt. All work warranted
to give satisfaction. "
Men's Unlaundried Shirt, 40 cents at
Elson' the One Price Clofhier.
iu E Im Ini uvyu uvl uvJ n
per pair, is .tia large t-izc, and gtiuiidly
tul 1 1 tist d its a big 1 ni 'r tiin 1 1 $ 5 ( 0.
1 1x4 M bile Imperial is lull iie n d
at $7.50 a pair is a gocd I nicnin.
$4.50tKt(in lUt-itvc INd Bb.i.kit in
good value at $5. CO.
$0.00, Bed Blanket exlia weight and
cpualit v.
12x4 Bed Bbinkct at $0.(0 j cr pair,
made up of the finest wool.
Brown and day inixul JSlniikc tc, at
all prices.
Our $1.00 C nif it, fair piin, fc"cd
Our $1.50 Comfort, get d rpualily,
print polid, red liiiing, Tilled wilh
white batting.
Our $2.C0 infoit. Be t-t 1'iint, extra
Our $2.50 Cc.mfort, two good vbIihp:
No. 1. Fast Colored ( hintz Tiint,
White Cotton Filled, extia ize t.r.el
No. 2. Fancy Sat inc. filid reel lin-
ings, elegant line ef pnltms i ifo eeilois.
Our $y.25 Ini'oited ( 1 w tz I'ntteiiis,
ve ry fancy ejuilti d. e xtia iz in t1 v ight.
Our 4.( 0 Fine Fan y t'-. tm, f-ottil
Sntine I.iind, veiy nleely i lt size
Ladii s' M bite Me tiro Vettf. Sill
ed, Silk bound, at 50 cints e i:e b.
Tants to match.
Ladies' Extra fine. suieiior eVtdily,
While Meiino Wsts, Je rs y i i 1 .1 e el vi i ve s
at 75 rents eac h. I'tints to n ate h tit tun.o
Ladies' White Woed Vests, Silk I Mind
and Stiteheel.flt $1.25.
Ladies' Natural We e l Vesls and Punts
at $1.00 enrh, wenth $1.25.
Ladies' Scarlet Vests? in el I'm. Is, fir.e e Ih
and soft, on'y $1.00 eae h.
Ladies' Scarlet Saxony Wend Vitsar.el
Pants, fine st epndity, at !?1.75 e tie h.
Ladies' Camels Hair Pants and Vesls
Reeluced to $:!.00 a suit, v oi th $4.00.
Full Lines of Children's, Misses and
Boys' Underwear. White-, Seaib t. Natur
al and Canie-ls Hair at Low pi ices.
Seal Plush Wraps.
Our line of Plush Gtn niei.ts this seasem
are made up of the best grades of Lem
don Dyed and Listers Seal Plmhes. ami
Every Garment Guaranteed to wear.
Our Plush Jackets at $15.( 0 are verv
Our English Walking .b e ke ts. three-
quarters b nglh, nt $25. well weiith flifl.
Our $25.00 Plush Sae.pies, s-old else
where at $."0.00
Our $:i0.00 Plush Saeoues wealth fullv
Our $.55.00 Plush Sure.ues veith fullv
Our $.57.50 Plush Saeeuics sold evV-
where nt $45.00.
Our $45.00 Plush Saee:iis. regular citv
price, $55.
than ever put on the market hue before.
qual emw.
be S!,d.
:h:,i. we are selling f !,, r any
A. Karsha'l,
ZlosidsrLt IDeatist. of U,e Nj,fUnd Ai'u t
specialty. Aesthi tics given for Pain
less Filling ik Extkaci'iox ok TErTH
Artificial teeth made on Gold, Silver'
Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and ins. Heel
as soon as teeth are extruded when de
All work warranted. Prices reasonaUe
Because he had ho ?Ga,ii.ani fiioy..
Buy one of Jpnxsos Bnos. fc-pt22-d 1 jtV;
Remember you save 25 cts. on. eve ry
" 1111 ou the
Price Clcthier.
The holiday stexk at Smith & Cd. ia
Immense this year. Call and see it.
Dr. C-