The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 20, 1888, Image 4

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    THE r ViLY Vlu : JbLATTSMoUm NEDKASlUi TUESDAY, ot -J, 1888.
Tne Evening Herald.
IT. KaU'barjr. llealM, Uorkwvexl HuiMiiig,
Trlrthne S. SJ.7.
Ir. Hfirif ln. mr la lrrln'i Hrmg hiorr, Kml-4.-acc
Tor. irnitr, T4 l ihonc o. i-
lr. Wlthr. Ihn l'ainl- liratUt. I'nlon
Itlork, oter Vrlrkr' lric Morr, I'UIUuiouth.
Mr. F. S. Thomas will move into his
new re-sidene-c on Marble street the latter
part of the week.
Who ha-n"t taken a guess on V
Wans? If you have not been there you
tdiould h:ivo been.
Bolts To Mr. and Mrs. Johnatlun
Halt, jr., a bright ami healthful daugh
ter. She arrived last night.
It is si!ririing to notice the number
of surprise parties iu which the young
people of the city are engaging in of late.
The Murray fc Murphy company
.1..:- ,l...,r) nru f.,r l.inril II tlllSl
morning where they hoM forth t might.
. The street car company have located
th.-ir lu.'n taMe on the corner of Sixth
and Main strata. ! " work of laying
the track to it U completed.
Dr. T. P. Livingston was attacked
liy tousiliti-yesterdiy, and was compelled
to submit and s.jck his bed, where he
now lies. H'c will be pleased to h- ar of
LU recovery soon.
Miss May ("runner entertained a
small company of about ten people at
her rooms, corner of Fourth and Main,
l ist night, in honor of two lady friends
visiting Miss Olive Gass. A very pleas
ant evoiing was spent.
The regular malting of the Chautau
qua Assembly occurs t&nhjht at the ollice
of Byron Clark. The subject to be
brought UJ tonight for discussion is
"Alexander I lie Great." There are
About twenty-live tin-inhers in the society
at present.
The following prisoners were ar
ralngned before Judge Chapman today on
the following charges: Moore, of Weep
ing Water, robb.-ry; Cou, of Weeping
Water, selling liquor without license;
and Keough. of this city, robbjry. Tne
time for trail will be set today.
The tickets for the entertainment to
bo given under the auspices of the
"Women's Relief Corps will be sold at the
moderately low prices : 25, o5 and 50
rents. The concert will be given ut the
opera house on Tuesday evening, Novem
ber 27. Reserveel seat tickets on sab at
the usual place.
Stanley & Lewis, the artificial stone
walk contractors, have secured the con
tract to lay their walk from the walk re
cently finished in front of Mr. II. Boeck's
furniture store along the whole front of
the Dovey block. This work will surely
mike avast improvement in the appear
ance of the street and the block before
which it is laid.
Last night about twenty young lad
ies and gentlemen met at the home of
3Iiss Carrie Guthman, preparatory to
inarching to the home of Miss Annie
Biumeister, to whom they tendered a
surprise at her home wot of the city, yes
terday being her twentieth birthday. Up
on their arrival there they found the sur
prise complete, after which a yery pleas
ant evening was spent by indulging hi
the dance and the usual games until a
late hour.
A very pleasant farewell party was
tendered Mr. W. P. Keelcr last night by
.Miss Laura Reinhackel, at her home on
First street, on Winterstein hill. The
evening was spent at cards auel the usual j
amusements, after which the guests were
invited to. partake of a very inviting
supper prepareel for the occasion. Thos-.-present
were: Miss Merges, Mr. Kellogg:
Miss Cora Wayman, Jlr. Shelton; Miss
Ilattie Latham, Mr. Aug. Reinhackel;
Miss Georgie Olliver, Mr. Will Rein
hackel; Miss Kate Oliver, Mr. C. Morgan;
Miss Celia Goos, Mr. II. Hillary.
The enterprising firm of S. & C.
Mayer are moving into their new (juarttrs
in the Carruth block, corner Fifth nnel
.Main streets, wuicli has been fitted up played to a fair house for this town,
specially for their fine large clothing , Although the company has visited Platts
stock. We bespeak for the above firm mouth three times, they received as strong
great success, for they have eyer been j applause as at first, and everybody was
popular as livo and accomodating bui- apparcntly well pleased with Ike witti
ness men, and now that they have a store cism3 of Murray and Murphy, while the
room one hundred and thirty fc-t long perfect impersonation of the characteris
ivhcre they will find room to show off they represe nted struck the audience
their stock to good advantage, every in- a einj about right aml everv)odT
dication points to the change as a sue- 1 apparently felt themselves well repaid
essful one. The room has bje.i fitted j for attending. Their baud and orchestra
j "--j
euarraing appeirance.
One of ths members of the Bache'or '
i-lub took a tumble to himself on Sunday
night last. Their clu reom is located
in the Fitzgerald block. He was about
to descend the broad stairs leading to'
to the sidewalk when his attention waa !
suddenly diverted from his course. He !
kept on walking when at the he id of the '
fctairs as though treading on air, but an
interlude of tumbling was brought in.
and he rolled his carcass from the top to
the bottom of the stvirs. sustaining s v
vt hi very disagreeable &kin removals, acd
n yery sore head. II13 nNtrne should I c
sent to the PoUne-Oa2ettetor he might
be pictured out as a chant
- Can Croup be Cured ?
Ko. ITkiialp: There s 'tDis to be an
cpedemic of Cynaroche Trachealis, or
Croup, prevailing in this city at prescut
time and in most cases they result fatally,
and as there is nothing in the books of
any school of medicine sT far as I have
examined that can be relied upon as a
cure for this terrible disease, I have con
cluded to give to the public a remedy
that has proved yery successful in my
practice during the hint fifteen years.
With it I have cured a number of cases
of true Membraneous Croup, one case
especially I will mention. A little girl,
(now a young woman living in Louis
ville) wa given up ' "r attending
physician as beyond all hope, and as he
expressed it, nothing but a miracle could
save her. I took the case and with this
prescription alone restored her to health.
There arc several forms of Croup, the
two principal ones are called Spasmodic
Inflammatory or Membrneous. The form
er is not generally very dangerous, but in
the latter the Membrane must, be re
moved or absorbed or the child elies of
suffocation. Emetics are the main reli
ance of physicians to remove the false
membrane, but in my experience it fails
in nine oases out of ten. There hive
recently been reported cases of the intro
duction of a rubber tube into a child's
throat and retained there until the mem
brane is absorbed. A very doubtful
remedy opei.i.di;' in young children.
My prescription is simple u...I be had
at any drug store. Some of my old
customer? keep it in the house to be
ready iu emergency.
The prescription is : one Qunctt cf Bal
sam (.'opabii, one ounce Glvce-iiiie .or
Syrup, one did,.r V: Jx, Gelseminam,
one half drahm Sol. lodi Bromide Q. Co
Mix. Dose: Teaspoon ful one, two, throe
or four hours apart, according to the age
and urgi,iy?y of tha case. My theory of
the action of tiis icu;edy is that as there
is more or less spasm "hi ali &f
Croup that the Gclsemmum, (otlierwiV
vGry depicting" in large doses) in the
dose 1 giy(. relaxes the system, allays the
fever and itsiid.' action of the
muscles of the throat. The iiaisa, I
Iodi Bromide cut or disintegrate the
false membrane.
It this pfebt jest-ion. should be the
means of saviug one Jitiie sufferer Jfchall
be fully paid for this publication.
Dr. G. II. Black.
Jerry Donnaher, a young man about
twenty-five years of age, and who is
well know in this city, having resided
here the greater portion of. U life, met
with a fatal accident while out hunting
near Tucson, Arizona, where he has re
sided since his departure from this place.
The report came that he was accidentally
shot while out hunting. The parents of
the deceased, who live in this city alone,
were terribly shocked by the news, and
the mother has suffered intense agony
ever since. The young man was a boiler
maker by trade and learned the trade iu
the B. & M. shops here. The remains were
.shipped to SanFraflcisco where they will
lie embalmed, after which they will be
forwarded to this city for interment.
The bereaved parents have the sympathy
of the entire community in their geyere
Mr. W. P. Keeler, formerly an em
ploye in the hardware store of Messrs.
Weidman & Brekenfeld, as tinner, will
take his departure this evening for
Paloose, Wyoming territory, where he
will visit for a short time with his sister,
after which he will go to Spokane Falls,
not far distant from there, to secure a
position at his trade. We -re sorry that
1'lattsiiiouth cannot afford him ample
remuneration for his services, nnd that
lie cannot be eontcnteel to remain here,
for he will be much missed in the chy by
his many young associates lie has al
ways been known here as a gootl, genial
fellow, and the societies will fall short
of his many witicisms; However, our
best wishes fur success go with him, and
should the new field of labor not prove
attractive enough for him, we would be
pleased to cca him return..
The Murray and Murphy fpmpany
a?serye special mention, wo were
abletl to hear a ittle mu,ic between acts
a 13 seldom our privilege,
Aid;n Bjaedu'ct, with his Monte
Crista co npany conxsi well rec unmeuded
l,y managers of tlie opera houses through
Iowa and Illinois where thsy hava been
playing t!i3 pst month, an I M.mager
Youug ii asurl that this comoanv will Monta Cristo in first class style
with th ir owa scanery, mechanic d and
calcium efljet. S ;cure your tickets now
oa sale at J. P. Young, for Thursday
night, November 22.
. A nice line of silk ami linen handker
chiefs and muSfl-rs just received nt-J. If.
Donnelly'. J tt
, uiuuV
IHIH fell M-MV$Vlil
IsUli tin mtUti inwAm
hi f s sf ff K B & Ms $k In .
Ladies' Modi eskas. '
jilack Jiarronal Cloth, Fur Trim
med, only &Y..00.
1 lack Extra Quality lloucle Cloth,
jripjKo I'rijl.-;'' Trimmings, Uell S'eeve,
only $10.0(3.
JJlack Friezu Cloth, DalTi immi!.,
Quilted Lining, Astrachan CvAY ar.d
CvHa'-s, only 1J.00.
lasse, PlUffli Yil Ty'wninlnLr, I'hioh
Cuils and Collar, only Zld.M.
Silk Plush, Plush UaH Trimming?,
Tlain Satin Li-.icd, Chamois pockets,
Mack Astrach.iu ,CJ-th, Spike
Trimmings, Satin Lined, only $10.
F;incy Silk Striped Cloaking,
iUU Ti.l;ii'iii'nti; fo match, (Quilted ii Lining, onlv "2t.
Seal Phjsli. Klegant Plush Pall
Trimming, Satin lined, genuine Seal
Loops, only 23.
Elegant Seal Plush, Beaver Ball
Trijnmings and Collar, Quilted Satin
Lined, only, 33.fl.
Our Plush Sacques are iini.-hcd witi tho k'st pf Qinltpjl Satin
Lining. Chamois Pockets and Genuine Seal Loops. Any guarantee
failing to meet the representation in wear given our garments, will be
replaced by a new one.
tia ilZ 'Ka&r t', V
Mr. J. P. Young was called to Lincoln
t -etay on buslues.
.Mr. M. A. Hartigan, of Hastings is
attending court today.
Mr. IT. Wa terman went to Omaha
to-elay on business for the B. fe M. com
Mrs. G. Foster, of Denver, sister of
Mrs. Frank Carruth, is visiting her rela
tives in this city.
Misses Goodell and Ronomonas, of
Gleuwood, are visiting with Miss Olive
Gass, of this city.
Mr. J. V. Weckbic'n and wife took
their departure for Omaha last night to
visit there for a short time.
Mr. A. B. Todd left for Laird, Neb.,
this" morning, where he go.s to attend to
business in connection with a land claim
Mr. W. Thurston and son, Mr. J.
Tiiurston, of D posit, X. Y., uncle and
Gjusin of Mr. H. Waterman, are visiting
in the city. Tkej- rc;naineel over for a
few tlay3 visit while enroute to Arkansas
and western points.
Y. M. C A.
The library received from the Y, L.
R. R. A. is now open in our rooms to
members of this asseeiation and to all
persons holding tickets issued by the Y.
M, C. A. Time for exchanging Looks
as follows? For ladies, Saturday after
noon of each week; for gentlemen, Sat
urday evening. J. II. Waterman.
4t . Prest. Y. M. C, A.
The Cass County Agricultural So
ciety will meet on S.iturday, D3cemL3r
1st, at 2 o'clock p. 111. at the oilice of the
county judge. By order of the presi
dent. Fued Gokdeii.
Those who haye been invited to take
part in the District School entertainment
are requesteel to meet at the Presbyterian
church next Thursday evening.
Mrs. Simpson will receive a few pupils
in music, on Saturdays, at Mrs. Livings-ton's
resideuce, coiner sixth" and Oak
streets. Plattsmoutb, Nov. 10, 18S8. tf
Two or three fresh milk cows for sale
at Holmes' barn, j - - tf -
Our Assortment surpasses
anything heretofore attempted
hy u.s in this l)ejartment. and
our customers will he surprised
at our magnificent display of
Ladies' and -Misses'
and at very Low Prices. We
are .showing decided novelties in
Stripes, Checks,
and Solid Colors !
with Plain, Uell or Avcre
rim an n9
Clergymen Are But Human.
'What ditl you mean, parson, by say
ins m vour sermon vesterday that a
horse trader could not be a good Christ
ian?" 0
"I meant what 1 said. A man who
trades horses must necessarily lie."
"I can't agree with you. I'll trade
my sorrel for your roan, though, now
that we're talking about horses."
"Yery well. Bring her out and let's
talk about it."
Latest styie of Duiijap Stiff Hats in all
shades at S. & C. Mayers. . d-tf
A Disagreeable Lecturer.
"How did you like Prof. Greenbalm's
lecture at the church last evening?"
f'Nct at all."
"Why, I thojgM it was great."
"You elid? I can't uiielerstad
The man's voice vyas so loud that I could
not sleep a wink.''
Woolen Jackets fr.m $1 and upwards
maele bv the celebrated Germania Knit
ting Mills, at S. & C. Mayer. d-tf
Crand Entertainment
At Waterman's opera house the evening
of Tuesday, November 27. Given by I
Maj. R. II. llendershot and son, assisted
by the best local musical talent, uuder
the auspices of the W. R. C.
Maj- llendershot is said to be the best
drummer in the world; his son is a fine
fife player. ff
For perfect fitting Suits or Overcoats
f"r Men Boys and Children call on S. &
C. Mayer the popular Clothiers. d-tf
"All ether goods by fortune's hand
is given,
A wife is the peculiar gift of
Is your wife changed, your home un
happy ? Doe.-s she go about with gloom
on her face and do you ece no more the
smile that won you 1 Is it because she
is bilious. Bile causes half the misery of
ths world. Ifer system is clogged up,
her head Get her a vial of Dr.
Pierce's pleasant Pellets and they will
giye ner relief and the atmosphere of
home will grow bright again. On tiny
sugar-coated Granulel dose. ,
A new line of Astrailin rVwta nnl
i.Vests just received at S. & (I Mayer and
icllisj fart t C13. d-tf
fil iciminiuvu
id Gloves.
We hliall ofT. r all f ur Kid CJloven,
worth from 1.75 to f2.50, at the Nomi
nal Trice
This includes everything we carry In
Stock of Dressed, Suedes, Castors, ai.d
Driving fJloves.
0 ISutton Simpson's Ihfct Colors and
H!af ks, now If 1.50, worth $2.50.
4 Button Simpson's Bef-t t'olors and
Blacks, now f 1.50, w rth f 2.25.
4 Button Our Own Fancy Embroidered
Backs, Cilois and Black, now $1.50,
w rth $-' 00.
5 Button Bon Marche Extra, Colors
and Black, now $1.50, w rth $1.75.
8 Button MoMjuctairc Suedes, Colors,
pdy $1.50, vorMi $2.25.
1 Button Mosrjuctajrc Su des, Colors
and Black, $1.50, worth $2.00.
4 Button Cattors, Colors, only now
$1.50, worth $2.00.
Suede Guantlet Driving Gloves, Colors,
only now $150, worth $2.25.
Our $4.00 Beaver Shawls in Greys and
Browns, sold elsewhere nt $5.00.
Our $5.00 Reversible Velvet, in Greys
and Browns, with Fancy Border, is decid
edly a good bargain.
Our $7.00 Beaver popd l?ayy Shawl.
Very pretty Jine pf colors.
Our $9.00 Beaver, superior quality,
elegant patterns, well worth $10,00.
Our $10.00 Beaver In Grrys, Tans and
Browns, entirely new patterns, and would
be decidedly cheap at $12.00.
-Comprises K;verythit' ill
German Knitting,
Eider Down.
Fairy Floss,
Shetland Floss,
Comforts and Blankets.
10x4 White Blankets at $1.25 per pair.
10x4 White Blankets, good weight,
or J ?2.00 per pair.
JUS" lyhife aji y"ool Guaranteed,
Our Oontry-made Wlnte, at ff.'fi
Fo. Herrman m9-
oots sunn! Shoes
SPECIAL Sales in Ladies' Fine Hand-Turned Shoes, selling now for only $:j.50,
worth Sfa.Ou,
UR Three Dollar Shoes is far better than ever put on the market here before,
pOR Two-Dollar Shoe nothing will equal ours.
"lME is going on and our goods must be sold.
OJIE ihink this is just a blow.
OW all we ask is for you to give us a cull.
AND to see the gooda will convince you that we are selling rhe 1
other fleajer,
RICES our Motto.
The election is over but Timothy
Clark still has plenty pf cpaj and wood
at his yard on s'ouh 3rd street. Orders
taken at central telephone office nnel
M. B. Murphy & Co's store. Canem City
$7.25 per ton; Iowa Lump $4.75;
Momosia $5.00. tf
O. P. Smith & Co. have the finest dis
play of holiday goods ever brought to
to the city. -
A house to rent, bandy to the busi
ness part of the city. For infoimation
call at this office.
Elson, the One Price Clothier, is selling
the Chicago Hats at $1.90.
Plenty of feed, flour, graham ami
meal at Heisel's mill, tf
II. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl
edged to be the finest and most complete
in the city.
II. M. Gault is receiving some very
fine novelties in Oxidized Silver tr,n,a
for holidays.
If you have a watch, clock or iewolrv
of and kind you'want repaired good, take
it to II. M. GanlL All work warranted
to give satisfaction.
Men's Unla3iried Blurts, 40 cents, at
ia nr
per pair, is .(ni hii,c ti.v, itiwl p rxibliy
advil'tisid as n lir I niiiin it 5 ( 0.
1 1x4 'While Imp linl is lull sie in d
at $7.50 a air is n m cd l iiijjniii.
$4.50,Wist(in IhKiM'Ihd Mul.ktt is
good value at $5.( 0.
$.00, Bed Blanket extra Miight ni.d
12x4 Ih d Bltinkct at $f).f;0 pi r pair,
inale up of the finest wind.
Brown mid (Jiny iuixd Bhuikdf, at
all prices.
Our $1.00 (Vnift it, fair j rin, fcood
Our $1.50 C inf it, frvi d qi.ulify,
print solitl, red linint', lilhd with
white bnttiiifr.
Our $2.00 ctmfoit, I'st I'linf, cxtia
Our $2.50 ('(infoi't, two pood vnlms :
Xn. 1. Fast Colored ( hint. Flint,
White Col ton Filled, x1ra tU.c find'
weight. T
No. 2. Siitii.e. m lid i(d lin
iii'.'s, ( 1 errant line of pnlti i i s t vt Johns,
()ur $:.25 Imj i it(d ( l)i 1 I'attdnF,
very fancy quilled, ixlin siei i ! uciprht.
()ur $4.00 Fine Finiy Stii , Solid
Satiiie d, ry nice J v Jinlll, f-ize
Ladies' White M( lino Vi Mt. Sill, Hilh
ed, Silk bound, at 50 cn)s Fimta
to match.
Ladies' Extra fuc. nupuur riidifr,
White Merino Vcfls, Jers y lihl i d shiv
at 75 cents each. Pants to n ntdi nt u mc
Ladies' White Woe.l Volf, Silk Vt vm
and Stitched, at $1.25.
Xifldus' Natural Wool Vffts nnd Pnr.ta
at $1.00 inch, worth $1.25.
Ladies' Sent let Vf his unl rm.ts. fire' th
and soft, on'y $l.f!0 oki.
Ladies' Scarlet Saxcny Wool
PHnts. fine st quality, at .SI. 75 each.
Ladies' Camels Ilair Pants and Vesfs
Reduced to $:.00 a suit, w orth $4.( 0.
Pull Lines of Children's, Mieses nnd
Boys' Underwcnr. White, Sciirht, Natur
al and Camels Hair nt Low pliers.
Seal Plush Wraps.
Our line of Plush Giiiincrls this srnson
are made up of the best grades of Lon
don Dyed and Listeis Seal Plushes, iii;J
Every Garment Guarantc-rd te wear.
pnr Plush Jackets nt 1V(.p are yery
cjierq'). ' .... ...
Our English Walking A. i in Is, three
quarters h ngtb, at $25. well woith $0,
Our f 2n.()i) Pltish W.juH, old elie.
where at $:;0.00
Our $:J0.00 Plush Sacques worth fully
$.15.00. i .
Our $:J5.00 Plush Saeeiues worth f u )
Our $.17.50 Plush Sacenies sold eveiv-
whfi-e at $15.00.
45.'0'PluKh S.ierjiHS, eiiv
puce, $.j.
per than any
Dr. C. A. Marshall.
Resident iDexitist.
Preservation of the Natural Teeth a
Specialty. Auesthetics pive n fe-r I'aix-
Artificial teeth iiihiIo cn Gold, Silver'
Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted
as soon as tenth are extracted when ele
si reel.
All work warranted. Prices rfnBr,oi.i
Because he had no Gari.aku Stovf
Buy one of Johkbon Buoh. pt22-dlnw
Remember you gave 25 cts; on eycry
..i 1
! r)
I (