The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 20, 1888, Image 3

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CUwa your, aaby, darling.
Ulco aoft clouds o'er tklt-a of bluet
All uomvo the holjr angels
Keep their watch. dear, oreryoa.
To hla couth in golden splendor
Kiuks, at lant, Um auminer auu;
White the twilight, aoft atul Under,
Telia the day la done!
Lullaby I sleup and rent,
(Yadlud on this faithful breaatl
Kafe from life's atoruia, fierce and wild.
Klwpand rent, my Utile child I
Lie a bird, that, tlml of roaming;
Heeks at ere lla downy next,
Ko my blrdlln-. In the Kloatuinfr,
Sweetly Hloejsi uku uiy breatttl
Oil to dream luiid baby's Kolujr
Hluuilier's silken sail unfurled
While oixht winds are softly blowing
O'er the mk-nt world!
Ioilluhyt 8U-p and ret.
Cradled on this faithful breast!
Hufe from lifo'a storms. Here and wild,
Meepand rent, my little child!
Kva ISest in Detroit Free Pre
Wet and dreary. It is midwinter; the
ft eno is Kirklinglon, on tlie I-ondon and
Northwestern; the liiue quarter to 11;
just after the night mail liad flashed
through without stopping Ix.und for
LiytrM,l and the- north. The railway
otlR-iuls aro collecting, preparatory to
going oir duty for the night.
"Where's Dan?" naked one of the crowd
upon the platform.
"I saw him in the hut lust after the
quarter to 11 went through. Can't have
come- to any harm, surely?"
"No; he said he'd seen something drop
from the train, and ho went down the
line to pick it up."
And Dan had picked up something.
It was a Inisket, a common white wicker
lia.k t, with a lid fastened down Iy a
string. What did it contain? Dirty
clothes? What?
A laby a child Iialf a dozen weeks
old, no more.
"Whero did you coino across it?" asked
"Lying on tho line, just where it felL
lVrhaps it didn't fall, icrhapg it was
chucked out. What matter? I've got
it, and got to look after it, that's enough
lor me
The little mite's linen was white and
of tine material, but lay upon an old
shawl and a few bits of dirty flannel.
All they found was a dilapidated purse,
a common snap lag purso of faded
brown leather. Inside was a brass thim
ble, a iaivn ticket and the half of a Dank
of England note of 100.
A new parson Ilarrold TrefTry had
come lately to Kirklington.
lie is now paying a round of parochial
visits, accompanied by an old college
chum, who is spending Christmas with
'Yonder," said Treffry, pointing to a
thi.i thread of smoke which rose from
waio gaunt tree-.- iutothc sullen winlrv
air, "yonder is tho house if, indeed, it
deserves so grain! a name tho hovel,
rather, of one whoso case is the hardest
of all tho hard ones hi my parish. Tlu's
man is a mere hodgcr and ditcher, one
who works for any master, most often
for tiio railwa3, but who is never certain
( o a job all tho year around. He has a
swarm of young children, and has just
lost IiLi wife. Ho is absolutely prostrated;
aghast proliably at his utter incapacity
to do hij duty bv his motherless little
ones. I wonder whether you could rouse
him. If you could only get lum to make
a si rn. or cry, or laugh, or to take the
smr.!le.-.t interest In common affairs.
Jovli. I believe you're tho very man.
You might get At lum through the cliil
dri'il that marvelous hanky panky of
yourJ. those surprising tricks; a child
takes to you naturally at once. Try and
make friends with these. Perhaps when
Hie father sees them interested and
uaiused ho may warm a little, speak,
jierliaps approve, per haps smile, and in
the end give in. Jack, will yoij, try?
Jack Newbiggin was by prof ession a
convevanccr, out nature had intended
him for a new Houdin, or a wizard of
tho north. He -was more than half a
professional by the time he was full
grown. In addition to the quick eye and
the facile wrist he ltad the rarer gifts oi
the suave manner pnd tho face of brass,
lie liad even studied mesmerism and
clairvoyance, and could upon occasion
surprise his audience considerably by lus
They entered the miserable dwelling
together. The children eight of them
were all skirmislung over the floor,
except one, a fluid of C or 7, a bright
yed. exceedingly beautiful boy, the
least wero not nature's vagaries well
known li'.:ely to bo born among and be
long to such surroundings, who stood be
tween the legs of tho man himself, who
had his back to tho visitors, anil was
crouclung low over the scanty tire,
The man turned his head for u mo
ment, gave a blank stare, then nn im
IcrcentibIo noil and once more he glow
ered down upon the tire.
'Here, little ones, do you see this
gentleman? lie's a conjuror. Know
what a conjuror is. Tommy?" catching up
n mite cf 4 or 5 from tho lloor. "No, not
you; nor you, Sarah; nor you. Jakey" he ran through all their names.
VI icy had now ceased their gambpjj
r-ld were staring hard at their visitors
i'.M i:oi;ient was propitious; Jack New
. LSxin It-jan. JIo had fortunatelr jillcd
y hi ; jxxrkets with nuts, oranges and cakes
lvfore leaving the parsonage, so ho had
half his apparatus ready h) hand.
The pretty lxy had very soon left the
father at the lire i:nd had come over ti
join in the fuu, going back, however, to
cxliiLit his share of the spoil and describe
voluminously what luul occurred. This
and the repeated shouts of laughter
seemed to produce tome impression on
liku. IVesently he looked, oyer ns
shoulder and said-but wjthout an;,
"It is very good of ypu, sir, surely;
verv good for jou to take so kindlv to
the little chicks. It does them good" to
laugh a bit, but It ain't much as they've
had to make 'cm lately,
"It Is good for all of us pow and again,
I take it." said Jack, desisting and gojng
towards him, the children gradually col
lecting in a far off comer and comparing
You can't laugh, sir, if your heart'
heavy v if you do it can be only a sham."
While ho was speaking he had taken
the liible from the shelf, and resuming
his scat began to turn the leaves over,
"I'm an untaught, rough countryman,
sir, but I have heard tell that these
strante tilings you do are only tricks;
ain't It so?"
Here was indeed a hopeful symptom,
lie was roused then to take some interest
In what bad occurred.
Vest ia tlwmlaFketrirt'ric
"All trick", of course; It all comes
actk.-e," said Jack, as he nrocoeded
explain some of the simple processe.
hoping to enchain tho man s attention
! i I V .7 .
"Ihats what I thought, sir, or IV.
have given you a job to do. I've been in
want of a real conjuror many a long day,
and nothing li-ss'll do. JSeo here, sir" he
said, as he took a small, carefully folded
iiiter from lietween tho leaves of the
liinlc, "do you see this?"
It was half a Iiank of England note for
"How, sir, could any conjuror help me
to the other half?" '
"How did you como by it?" asked Jack
at once.
"I'll tell j-ou, sir; short as I can make
it. Conjuror or no conjuror, you've got
a kindly heart, and I'm main sure Unit
you 11 help if you can."
Dan then described how he hadsfftV-ked
up the basket from tho 10:13 LiverjKxd
"There was the linen; I've kept it. See
here; nil marked quite pretty and pro
. per, with lace round the edges, as though
its mother loved to make the little one
Jack examined the linen; it bore a
monogram and crest. The first he made
out to mean ILL. M., and the crest Was
plainly two hammers crossed, and tho
motto. "I strike" not a common crest
and he never remembered to have seen
it before.
And was that all?
"'Cent the Iwink note. That was in a
poor old purse with a awn ticket and a
thimble. I kept them all."
Like a true detective Jack examined
every article minutely. Tho purse lore
the namo Hester Gorrigan, in rude let
ters inside, and tho pawn ticket was
out in the same name.
When Jack Newbiggin got back to the
parsonage he round that his host had ac
cepted an invitation for them both to
dine at the "big house," as it was called,
tho country seat of the squire of the
"I have been fighting vour battles all
day," began Mrs. Sitweil, the hostess,
when seated at dinner next to Jack.
"Was it necessary? I should liave
thought myself too insignificant."
"They were talking at lunch of your
wonderful tricks in conjuring, and one
said that tho skill might prove inconven
ient when you played cards, for in
stance." "A charitable imputation; with whom
did it originate?"
"Sir Lewis Mallaby."
"Please point him out to me."
He was shown a grave, scowling face
upon the right of the hostess a face like
a mask, the surface rough and wrinkled,
through which tho eyes shone with a
baleful light, like corpse candles in a
Jack let his companion chatter on. It
was his habit to get all the information
possible about any company in which he
found himself, for his own purpose us a
clairvoyant, and when Mrs,' Sitweil
flagged he plied her with artless ques
tions, and led her on from one person to
another, making mental notes to serve
lum hereafter. It is thus by careful and
laborious preparations that 'many of the
strange and seemingly mysterious feats
of the clairvoyant conjuror aro in
formed. When tho whole party were assembled
in tho drawing room after dinner a
chorus of voices, headed by hat pf the
hostess, summoned Jack to his work.
There appeared to le only one dissen
tient. Sir Lewis Mallaby, who not only
did not trouble himself to, back up the
invitation, but when the performance
was actually begun was at no pains to
conceal his contempt and cligust.
The conjurer made tho conventional
plum pudding in a hat, fired wedding
rings into quartern loaves, did all man
ner of card tricks, knife tricks, pistol
tricks, an4 Juggled pn ponscientiously
right through 'his repertory. " There was
never a smile on Sir Lewis' face; ho
sneered unmistakably. Finally, with an
ostentation tliat savored of rudeness, he
took out his watch, a great gold repeater ,
looked at it, and unmistakably yawned.
Jack hungered for that watch di
rectly he saw it. Perhaps through it he
might make its pwner uncomfortablo, If
only for a moment. But how $o get t
into his hands? He asked for a watch
a dozen were offered. No, none of these
would do, t must be a good watch a
Sir Lewis Mallaby's was the only one
in the room, and he at first distinctly rer
I used to lend it. liut so many earnest
entreaties were addressed to, him, he
hostess leading the attack, that he could
not in common courtesy continue to re
With something like a growl he took
lus watch off the chain and handed it to
Jack Newbiggin.
A curious, old fashioned watch it was.
which would have gladdened the' heart
oi a watcn collector ail jeweiea ana
enameled, adorned with crest and" in
Bcnption an heirloom, which had pro
bably been in the Mallaby family for
years. Jack looked it pver puriOusly'j
meditatively; then, suddenly raising his
eyes, lie stared intently into bir Lewis
Mallaby's face pnd almost as quick v
aroppea them again,
"This is far too valuable," he said cour
teously, "too much of a treasure, to be
risked in any conjuring trick. An ordi
nary modern watch I might replace, but
not a worn or art like this.
And he handed it back to Sir Lewis,
who received it with ill concealed satis
faction. Ho was as' much, pleased, prob
ably, at Jack's expression of possible
failure in the proposed trick as at the re
covery pf his property,
Another watch, however, was nounded
into a jelly and brought; put whole from
a cabinet in an adjoining room.
"Qh, but it is too preposterous," Sir
Lewis Mallaby was heard to say, quite
angruy. ino continued applause pro
foundly disgusted him. "This is the
merest charlatanism. It must bo put an
end to. It is the commonest imposture.
These aro things which he lias coached
up in advnnce. Lej him bo tried with
something which upon the face of it he
cannot have learned beforehand by arti
ticial means."
"Try him, Sir Lewis; try him your
self," cried several voices.
" scarcely hike to end mvself to such
folly or encourage' so pitiable, an exhibi
tion." But he seemed to be conscious that fur
ther protest would be in Jack's favor, so
he said, Can vou tell what I have in
this iocket?" tie touched the left breast
of lus coat,
"A pocketbook,"
"Ban! Every one carries a pocketbook
in his pocket,
"But do you?" asket) several of the by
standers, all of whom were growing
deeply interested in this strange dueL
Sir Lewis Mallaby confessed that he
did, and produced it an ordinary mo
rocco leather parse and pocket book, all
in one.
: V,ntbU "Cof
I ullM i 1 . a
"What does this pocketbook tontaia?"
"Evidence of what?"
"Of facts that must, sooner or later,
come to light."
"What ridiculous nonsense! I give
you my word tliat this jocket !ook con
tains nothing absolutely nothing but
a ISank of England note for 100."
"Stay!" said Jack Newbitre-in. f.icincr
him abruptly, mid sHaking in a voice of
thunder, "it is not so you know it it
is only the half!"
And as he spoke he took the xcket
look from the hands of tho really stupi
lied baronet, and exhibited, for insiHO
tion the half of a Iiank of England note
for 100.
There was muc h applause at this harm
less and successful denouement of what
threatened at one stage to lead to alter
cation, perhaps to a quarrel. Hut Jack
Newbiggiu was not s.itislied.
"As you have dared me to do mv
worst," said he, "listen now to what I
have to say. Not only did I know that
was only tho half of a note, but I know
whero the other half is to be found."
"So much the U tter for me," said the
baronet, with an effort to apiear humor
ous. "That other half was given to shall I
say. Sir Lewis?"
Sir Lewis nodded indifferently.
"It was given to one Hester Corrigan.
an old nurse, six years ago."
"Silence! Say no more," cried Sir
Lewis in horror.
bir lewis liad teon a younger son; the
eldest inherited the family title, but died
eariy, leaving his widow to give him
oosuiuuious neir. tne title remaining in
aleyance until time showed whether the
infant was a boy or a girl. It proved to
be a boy, whereupon Lewis Mallabv, who
nau tne iirst information of the fact, put
iino execution a nerarious project which
ue naa careruuy concocted In advance,
A girl was obtained in a foundliner hos
pital and substituted by Lady Mallaby's
nurse, wno was in iewis pay, for the
newly born son and heir. This son and
heir was handed over to another accom
plice, Hester Corrigan, who was bribed
with 100, half down, in the shape of a
hair note, the other half to be paid when
she announced her safe arrival in Texas
with the stolen child. It occurred to
Mrs. Corrigan in her transit between
London and Liverpool that though 100
would be acceptable on her arrival, the
child would be only an encumbrance.
Sho therefore threw the basket contain
ing him out of tho window, forgetting
that in it sho had for Bafety deposited her
It was the watch borrowed from Sir
Lewis Mallaby which first aroused Jack's
suspicions. It bore tho same crest two
hammers crossed. . with the motto. "I
6trike" which was marked unon tho
linen of tho child that Dan Blockitt
fiiflrofl ur of Tli-L-linrW-i-oi tni i... 'VM -,
initial of the name lallaby coincided
with the monogram II. L. M. From theso
facts and what wo had been told by Mrs.
Sitweil, Jack rapidly drew his conclu
sions, and made a bold shot, wlueh hit
the mark, as we have seen.
Lewis Mallabv s confession, combined
with that of Mrs. Corrigan, who was
found by tho police, soon reinstated the
rightful heir, and Dan Blockitt in after
years had no reason to regret the gener
osity which had promoted liim to trive
the little "foundling the shelter of his rude
home. London Tid-Bits.
Loiidou'n Growth pf population.
When (ho population of England in
1601 was under 0,000,000 that of London
was 9.8,8G3. The capital and the king
dom have grown together, bu.t the for
mer has always grown faster, so that
while England (including London)
mounted from nearly 9,000,000 in 1801 to
ueariy o.ouu.uou ill ibhi loik on trrew
from 958,803 tq 3;81C,483 in 1881. on
don 'rnprd, than quadrupled jts people,
whilo England (including London) did
not quit triplo it; England (excluding
London) advanced in a still smaller pro
portion, and it will be seen that England,
excluding all its big towns, exhibits a
still feebler advance.
But note this point" about London: its
limits increase. 'If we had a series of
maps shaded so as to show the popula
tion we should see tho black central spot
of London getting bigger and bigger
the wen which pobbetdetested and de
nounced growing mote and more por
tentous in size put though the black
spot grew bigger, yet its center grew
lighter and lighter; and by the penter is
not meant thai strictly limited area
called the city, but something more like
what London was when the century be
gan. Take, in fact, the area occupied
by the mass of those 958,803 who consti
tuted the population of London in 1801.
and fewer persons will bo found living
upon it, while around it lies' a widening
rmg, growing piacKer as the center
whitens. While, however, London has
grown so enormously in population and
in so great a proportion compared with
the fcst pf tlm " kingdom, " its rate of
increase has not been at all commen
surato with that pf many ' provincial
towns, nor has it beei equaj tu that of
tho iQwns. pf England as a whole. Nine
teenth Century.
Mr. Astor'a Expensive Yacht.
Witliin a stone's throw of a South
Brooklyn piet recently " were fifteen
yachts, sloops and schooners, little and
bi. They represented $1,000,000 of capi
tal. The highest priced w-as Mr. Astor'a
bis 273 feet long steam yacht Nourmahal,
wliich lay looming up like an ocean
steamer. Tlie NpurmahaJ post $300,000,
and Mr. William" Astor, her owner, uses
ner iot aoout inree montns in the year;
tho other nine months she lies idle. The
expense of running this leviathan toy is
$o,000 per month. By the necessary ex
pense is meant the cost of fuel and the
wages and keep of her crew. What Mr.
Astor spends in entertainments, etc., on
board, of course nobody knows but him
The expense, therefore, of keening tho
Nourmahal for a year, outsido of her
owner's personal expenditures, is: Interest
on money invested, 18,000; expenses for
i injo tiio ij m commission, $l,000; re
pairs, etc., each spring, about $5,000;
total, $41,000. From these figures it
would be easy to estimate how much the
yacht would cost to keep should she be
iti commission the year round. Aloiit
$100,000 a year wpuld just ahout cover it.
Even Mr, Aetor, with all his wealth, could
scarcely afford this, and so tho Nour
mahal lies idle most of the time. Brook
lyn Eagle.
The tTnlvefiaa) Solvrut.
Tact is the universal solvent. But it
is a gift, like extraordinary memory, or
a sensitive musical ear, or a quick and
true eye for color. v Without it there is
do magic cf manner, but wit), it a charm
inir nersonnlitv i: trium nhnnt TTnr-rw-
1.,- . j . . r-' -
flfljazine. , .
, . ... . . . ,
or "Aro you prepared to go on? said
to baronet, hauirhtil v. to Jiu-k.
How Cr Are Conpled.
Tills operation must, according to the
regulations of most roads, le performed
by the aid of a short stick; but disre
garding the regulation, partly to save
tiuie and partly because of fear of the
ridicule that would le called out by the
exhibition of a lack of dexterity, the
average brakeman uses his fingers. lie
must lift the link and hold it horizontal
ly until tho end enters the opening, and
then withdraw his hand liefore the
heavy drawbars come together. A de
lay of a fraction of a second would
crush tho hand or linger as under a trip
hammer. And in oint of fact this
delay does, for various reasons, frequent
ly happen, and the nuuiler of trainmen
with woun4cd hands to Ik; found in
every large freight yard is sat! evidence
of the fact.
But again, assuming that this part of
tho Oicration i. accomplished in safety,
there is another and worse danger in the
iMJssibiiity of Ining crushed btxlilv.
Cars are built with projecting timbers on
their ends at or near the center, for the
puiixise of keeping the main bodv of
each car twelve or fifteen inches from
ita nci-!ilMr, but cars of dissimilar pat
tern sometimes meet in such a way
that the projections on one lap
pass thoso on the other, and the
space which should afford room
for the man to stand in safety is not
maintained. If the brakeman." i.i the
darkness of iii"ht or the hurrv of his
work, fails to note the jK-cuIiantics of the
ears, he is mercilessly crushed, the pon
derous vehicles often bamdn-' together
with a force of many tons. A constant
danger in coupliugund uncoupliii i.; the
liability to catch the feet in angles in the
track. Freight conductors are pcculiai lv
liable to this, r.s V.e of u:i:-otij li.:
(pulling out the coupling pin) generally
devolves uion them, and must be done
while the train is in motion. Walking
rapidly along, in the dark, with the right
hand holding a lantern and grasping the
car, while the left is tugging at a
pin which sticks, involves ierplexities
uerein a moments Hesitation may
prove fatal. B. B. Adams, Jr., in Scrib
ner's Magazine,
Dressing; the Hair lu Jupun.
Tlie manner of wearing the hair in
Japan is so elaborate tliat a Japanese
woman cannot do up her own hair, but
is obliged to go to one of these establish
ments. It is quite interesting to watc h
this operation. The worna seats herself
on the lloor before a round mirror made
of polished metal, and the hair dresser
sets to work. It is really quite a formid
able affair, as tho woman is apt to be
very critical and insists on each hair be
ing arranged just so. The whole ar
rangement may be descrilied as a kind
of large bow knot, and liecswax enters
largely into the material used for the
dressing. This has tho effect of makints
the hair very stiff and shiny. The
reason that the peculiar pillow is so much
used is jso that the hair may not be dis
turbed while asleep.
l tus puiow is a block of wood with a
notch cut in it for the back of the neck
to rest in. You see that even out he re
woman is the same, and iust as much :i
slave to lasluon and vanity as in our own
country. -ct one thinjr must be said in
favor of the Jt'.pr.nesu women that can-
lot tjQ saut or our countrywomen, ami
that is that they do not, like them poor.
rnisniided fools that thev art. ruin lhei
health by corsets and ti-lit lac-ng. Euro
Iean inHuencp hah had the irood elTect oi
driving out the horrid custom of black
ening the teeth and gilding the lips. The
f'lrinuicn ii.iLini,ii ... . ...... 11.. I .1
when you once iret accustomed to tlieir
faces. The most of them lmvp rcxl
unvAi slight li'rures, but to me the chief
beauty lay in the expression of the eves.
which are as sol t and plaintive as a doe's.
The Chinese women, or at least those
that I saw, were the homeliest and most
disagreeables" sot that' 'ever Rnw i:i mv
life.TLSamuel f" Earrar In Chicago Jour
nal. AVufcte of the Panama Cumraiiy.
Tlie immense amount of money spent
and the enormous waste immediately
impress one. Many times saw "pieces
of line mach.t-ipry, brought there at great
expense; "lying half covered with mud
and rusting without shelter of any kind.
Where we stopped at tho villages along
the route everywhere I observed tho
same listlessness, iind apathy. Here and
there small eranrrs of men could bo seen
shoveling earth, but so, far as any organ
ized and perfect Jalor with a purpose in
view is concerned it does not exist along
the canal. Through that portion known
as the Culebra cut evidence of much ex
ertion is seen. They aro trying to cut
away a mountain; they have not yet suc
ceeded. Here largo squads of men were
working and seemed, to. be working well,
but onp pf he. superintendents smiled
when Tasked him if tho "cut" would be
completed in 1889 as Do Lesseps has
In a tide Icvp capaj i may be imagined
the sides a;
in rauroads. and c-sneciallv
in tliij casp
wh.evo the Chayres river can
risti ixiy tfet lu a few hours, and where
it rains every day. The Frenc h engineers
did not carry their earth to tho sea;
heavy rains came and the rivef retmr.1
all the excavations to th?r. original loca
tion, only a h'.tllo hu-tiVe'r down stream.
The ex i H-'nse of excavation mustacain lie
paid. In some places along the line tlie
ucuris lias been washed Lack so juicklv
as to partly bury the very machines
which threw it out. -v-Panama Cor. New
York Times.
An iLnIishvvoiiiun
in A merit's.
jutt, is a verv rural town, tmrled m
town, buried
foliage, wjlh wido streets, gardens and
letter boxes somewliat far apart. As a
sity town, lovingly inhabited by
f petiple, it sends and receives I
countless letters; these letters aro left
lying about, confided to public honesty in
a perfectly startling wayt
Upon that day uy return we stopped
at a news "stand to buy a paper. The
owner was nowhere to be seen, but upon
the stand was perhaps 20 cents, perliaps
more, in silver and copper. Jiy com
panion selected a papf. hud down 10
cents, took povfn, from the silver and
copper collection, and we walked away.
I looked timorously over my shoulder,
expecting to be grabbed by a poUeeman,
although I liad not TP seen ono m
America, they being few and far be
tween. Since then I have found exactly
this a frequent practice, and once in
New York for three days in succession I
helped myself to both my paper and my
change without once encountering tha
owner. Deliverance DingLj in. CassuU's
Magazine, V
Discharged from Prison.
Out of 600 men discharged from JoLLt
pri-ion and kept track of (or two years
over 300 hyobeea returned to the prison
again, und not over 120 ot the wholo let
were dear of suspicion or surveillance,
-CtiessoEtrrld. J
TC3E r.lAt.GC3
uujtt JjATJSBT
"rmprtltlon la Ibtt
riiuon im i m.tin oi rriait."
cannot wiiumi
In tiow lively ir.l l, or how l,r.l
AkK your rt
aiMMirtlliiir to
lallrr ror me MKA.W
1'oalil vrly iioiim Kfinnne unlre having our
relallfr will nupply you with h. .tatm. ir
j o uw-w
3 0 .
nN a
v OF fit:
(illch hurt Im'Ii th recent oroinn Iti niir tirnnnh e.t In.hmti-v that ....a -.1.1. ..m-. .
$1 Hioe Ulii vry rfMH't i-qual to Oi
. If vou Will trv on m i.Rir von will
ortitliml ft an. I $t Shoe. aiiathoe who IniKute
or ten (loiium. it you will try 011 a iaii
uuallty ot factory iiroiluctri. In our Ilia- w hnt ihH
One of our traveling :Iihiiiimi who Ih now vIbIUujj llio ulioo retailers or the 1'acino Coant mail Hoiky
Mountain Region writes from tln-re an follow : '
"I am mora than MatlKlieil with the reult of my trip. I hn vo thti far iitV(1i-I In plminir our full
line In tliu hands of 'A No. 1 drali-ra in every point I liare vlli.-,l." ll KOt- on to Jay. "This la a
aplrudid reKloii for iia to sell mIkm-m In. U-eaiiKe incmt of tho retailer aru liarKlnx their eutomers at
retail alxut louhle tho ,rk-ea whl-h the shoe have cost at whoh-Hnle. Th col,e,ueii-e U Oiat tha
Ti'U. .7v.h.rnll.!ih'.ej; n I'avlnjr 1 or wvu ilollars a pair for hIkh-x which ara not worth as much as our
JAMK MKAN' tf.t antl l HIIOKS. Our shoes with their verv low retail i,rlcis Uinil on tin
soles of every pair are breaking down the IiIkIi prices which have hitherto rule.l In the retail markets her
aul when a retailer puts a full Hue of goods lu his stock they at ouco begin to no off like iiot cukes so great
ISow. kln
1 reader, Just stop and couRlder what the above 1itnln so far as you are concerned. II
tat if you keep on buyliiK shoes t-eitrhin notnauufiu'tiirerV name or fixed retull price stamiM-d
ou cannot tell what you are KettliiK and your retailer is probably luakitiK you pay doul.l
aisures you that
on me soles, you cannot tell what you
what your shoes have cost him. Now,
Gun you
our uuiriu ami inu nxea retail price u
....... I . . . - - ' . .
non the k,iIi.s
v-AMiMoi. mi iiiaiie mi py more lor yourituoei man
fmiocm irom our celebrated Inrtory are
tne country, we win pnu;e them
cent ill a poHtul card arid write to us
We will place them easily within
JAMliS MEANS ii CO., 41
-di:ali:h ix-
x.acti copy cuiilaiim a 1 attrks Ohiier entitling
the holder to the Belcctlon of Ant Pattern illustrated in any number of the Magazine, and in asy
of tbs sizes manufactured, each valued ut from ao cenU to a0 cents, or over $.1.00 worth of patterns,
per year, free.
Yearly Bubscription, S2.00. A trial will convince yon that yon can get ten times the valu
OI the money paid, binglo copies (cacti containing I'attcrn Order), 20 cents.
Pub.ishe4 by W. JENNINGS DEMO REST, New Yon k. - ,
Vht abovo combination a a splendid chance to get our paper and Dsaoarsi's Momtult at
Mduced rate. Send your subscriptions to Uiia. oflicu. . ..
Cured Meals, Hams.
ot our own make.
The best brands
AU work firat-clasa; west Fifth Street.
North Robert Eherwood'. Etore.
W i
f o 3 kaH
" SoUTshiTwni he pleaietT'lo show ' I
lo any I roonu
our mmi-tltom liv l.. work f l....!! TV. . J"
ami ir ou liavo not wn l. .
H.-t Mlluk it k.- ''
" - mr.j
ANN' II Nlioiil
you In.ui ,. , .lofiiK ir you ,io ,'oi
aoira. Your
not (unlit, hm '
uyt. n n it tjifjr inn e m iarwr roflu
-$ TO
MSTi d i qvk rrr., Art
urine which only a IVw vcantatfo wcr rU.tltM tUHKhft
L, i t !... .1. 1 ..... . "
our yUin of hiMlneH ro 11 11 ah J- loooiiMM-t win. i.T
Ijh ihi
urrorii to do this while w e are proUi-tlnu you bv staninlint
" - ' J . uu. . u .-il i w illuv tuu
ir our lni..i, l...f,ri. t K,.w I.. a uu ,wu i. ...
iney are worth t
nl.l liv w lfln-n mm nil. ..inll... I .11 .. a
your reach In any Slate or Territory f you will luvesl uus
Lincoln St., Boston, Jllass.
2L. 2dZ OT
VINE. I Lfilli-yt m? M p.
r .rjuvTsKW1 AMD
eDemorest's Monthly Magazinr
Many phi
iiDoee IIKMOflKT MnvTiir v
Talilon Diuirazme. 'J hi is a cw-Ht. ni.iii.
Talilon DiiiL'a.ine.
It undoubtedly contains tlie ftnrpt Fachion
pabtmbnt of any magazine puliliched, but this is
the cane from tlie fact that preat enterprise and -x-pcrieuce
are shown, fo tliat -nch dcpartmint M
equul to a magazine in itself. In DEaoitKeT's yon
et a dozen maayincs In one, and wriire amin-e.
inont and inatruction for tho whole family. It con
tains Ktories, Poems, and other Literary ultractloriB,
Including Artistic, Scientific, and Uou liold matters,
and is illustrated with original Steel Kiiirraviiius,
Photogravures, Water-Colors, and fine Woodcutu,
makini; it the Mourr, Magazine op Amckica.
AITX) r.Z.T-fiIX,
Baecn, Lard, c,
of OYSTERS, in cans und huJk at
I Dr. K. C. West's Wrve and I'.rjilu Trfatniei,t
a guiiratitee iiirclnc fur HyMeiin I)iZ7lne.s..
Cdti vulsinii-4. Kits. Ntvous Neuralgia, Head
aelie. iSrrtmiiK I'mst rvl Inn e;ii,sed .v Hip ui-ft
.f a'eolio! or lobaceo. W;ikefulji-s. V Vnt al !?
Iresin, SoftniDj; of ili I'laln reniltiii"; In iu
, sanity awi lendiDK t imsi-ry. deeay and '!-atli,
reniarure '!d Aire. I'.-n n.-i.iiess. Loss i I J'ow
er in either st-x. litvi.-liu.tary l.tsrt-n uud Fper
m.'tt rrlKia -:tus-fl l.y over-exertion ff tli
brain. "ir;tliuse or over-lndtilirerce Kat-li box
contains on nioi lhV rreritment, s-i ut a hox
orslx Itoxen for 45.00, sent by mail prepaid. n
receipt of piite
i To enn? anv cae. With each order rtrti
! by us f,r s.ix nones, ccipiiiian cl vim f.S.ou,
j we will send tin- purchaser Mir wiitln miaran
i tee to return the n-oney if the alment dtei
nor i-nect a rure. Guarantees r-Mied only I, v
w ill J. v ariick s-iie w ut. PI-iMMnr-m h. '
P "noriil attention
o my care.
to all Utulness riilruat-
Titles Examined. Abstarcts 'om piled In
surauce Written, Jieal t.-tte Hold.
Better Facilities for makint; Farm Load taa
Any Qtliec Ajencyv
for rent, cbepT'
ntmi( t 1 .jm-U
H i
- ; y
f -
t i
cf i-t t?-' rli v"l f'l P-.
I f
8 tf. 'drrrti.