tiuAajxt irEHAtD : ri.AjisXo.tJtii, yEpnASKA. sat! up a y, no vnrnF.n 1 7. isss. ) - 'POSSUM AND 'TATER. Crr;fA Gonmidn tiho ItfI In the Clilcf Delight of Ui Year. I-III vou svthr.t suspicious looking nriinaf haninr out hi front of a Ma rk thi tti-Cit restaurant tlio oilier day ? J.' i yot saw it if j-ou passed that v f c our. o vou knew, even if it ' ..'t li.-.v.-aiiv liaircm it. and even if it -. I'lil. -hen ti i.n.l re.uly for the oven, ! it vv,'..-;iMssiiiii. Rut lil you know t ' ' 't:.Mi!ji riarket in Atlanta r .r t ' t o "ti(i.il" utt Did you . v t: .:t "" 'n.i and 'Liters" was l.'i" .'v..l ii.-.')-s at the restau . II. if you didn't, rend along1 ; . '!: r :;!nl I'll j;ive you some ! t::'- j)(-.s'i:i crop which .1 D i .-. , th v did ine. 4 .-. ti.; t!.: V. 1 .. ') I!. I I i tii '1 i-Miitiy animal has it f ti.- L.iit!i as lonjr as i ! i s.jiy south, and. like '. I . i very prolific, and : i- . i;, of dimini.-dt .1 :!. lie ii very fond ;i which thu name i i; ' i-u,"l. lie was y i iit t a pirniminon .r :;': was known as the !: " J !'.:i!:iv.n. whicli was . ! 1 i:il' o"i his.su in. v i'r. t tl.C 'possum 1 ;. .::!.;!. :;:d is caught ' . ..!: t ito l.ini in ' i : . ily cut i n,.;: i..;wiid Id : '. i vu t!:at tlie i V:;i; !kr the i and it is ;" 'i Uii .. that climb n t i- - ii a pursued by the ; i , y : cr our CDimnis '.. ;.l ; I buying a few .: i i! 'i. iitry and selling1 ."i t: tomi rs in At !..tl a 'jxissuni now : i . way into the city .. .: v .f home jre;it ". v.iidiilv.-ays found a iu?'t::is toothsome animal. - l..:s ti:..n;ad since then, :: l I t;::ouj,-n no et :. a:; -i to a vcrv im- - i.t ti. -j - '.nnercial world. . la ichant informed i .! h- h indk-d IuO 'jwssums a .. .a J f! is-r:i"s lestaurant 100 1 :. j ;.:.! :-aS j;ie hutcUoml eveiy !. ;. i F.'.v d out to those who ' : f thorn, and that means ) -y- cv:ry southern raised man. ' '.e inajontr of the 'possums sold in Allanta come from tho country mer chantj, and a largo pen-en tage of this nuiiler coaie from up ou tho Marietta and N.irtU Geoji ruilioad, a section bf "the country " hich s ivgartled as , i i . mr Lnest in tlio woiM lor grapes, rye, 'u s.-u'.rjs ynd com liquor. " A number 'ja. v.it.tr men living m Fulton comity ' .... i : i. . . ...I Sfmi times they bring them t.V v. :t;r0:i lot-id. as thev would load of chickens. :: im -"o .-.".iiij are so'd ct various prices, v.vcrned recording t. the sine of the animal. The kittens bring from 20 to 'iJ cvnts, Y.hil-j the full grown range Iro::i - rciils to ilia iKtssuni is Vir : I: jhe 1st of SoptendKMyand he is ui-..il the "1st pf faivlj. The : t p:-. id for po!s-.ums a mouth s'.msoii will amount to i -Ti. : C'-':-'. inu!:ing the 'pos-v.e.-ih a: .out 4,000 to At- Vi.s.-r.;ri.r.nl t;iteis nt the lili o. t yot: "0 .vats, but U p.v;!iHi s-jppv.-r it will ii -1 . Ti to A 'possaia lt.; tf a "po&uni, r'.t p. t;.t k's. and then i 1 :v:'d t ;ii coiFee thrown i- .ui:. :uul titers, to v.- -I ( ,:i- n with corn - : wry rrmnkable n:.v-t. t is a i : i f a la- :: V-nt, ub - -( i .. it'i safet :U :'.. t.-c. ! diires-tioa. ;,,;ii up l;ice Hi'k tr other ; can er.t a very large L ivcl v.o bad ch'tcts . c;-". -.t in a mile and a . ;.: . 1. as I iiid before, :. .;.:!.:: s and pro! Hie as i:i .f'iiir.g hoie j ' i.Kx.nsIiijiy night i : v. v ! ar.d vcrv .1.1 t iti ct. and ; : : . him limine. ...at ; . -:n wrs the : ..v: ; t la ti::::ior (::Lle. v. t. . ;-d 'possum : -I i i v.: in : if you ' :ti. -1 -lil-i'i 1' 1 1 . . . ; c:..al ! "pTT-Sl'lTI . i- : : i r.t a mxk . ;.! t fret o Lit i v. i Ii swoet .:;: t'lu.::: t -morrow . v. r. t. tlioeitd of your . .. .'riii. C.T. Her:.. cajw bt' ion lia tl.roi; an.l tlel i;. in. i tWIH.. tiers high. hie o' home cn l.r;:c i ju.-.i i : tioa I otli l cajn i an : n i r iir-. i Iron U- r run' ; u r.l . a' t v 'I lit-', . :":) . . " v:i ti ii-i i rw:'l tii.-:: U'lli-liica. Wr: e::r (! wir!: . a bu r ear : will t oi! i., j from : Citmn. v. i!! ro an .l v. ! k. any 1; rosi l . the l more ! cii'icr It 1: smo!i" We ii. sinekt been I toms. truder !. ear g?r ner of in t!ie given kDoc'. i you I. borne- . Mi.', pow r : enn 1h? Marcr.i of the 1 ring c--tiou o lion, : colic. Corf wlivii cpil. ; son." La t'::' a rir.g ri.-i; :. jii.r; T.. W eeri'r.o- ciirii-:1. to lir; th3 h l;il v : i A a; it., i . i. 1 1 i i . . : . . ,i .i c:.ir;e"!)r, is. per i . . : '.-.a ; y hi 3 cc!ebi?tej v..-.' :: ? ou ll:? lyre during th !..: o: ci.'t;itul although this cpi.cd.' net mentioned bv t . ; : r:-.!ij ta Tacitus. M. Hol- :-...-r;v .f tho French school t . . a j 1 ikiar e3tcayatii) . ut-uiu" ift BccotiA " for tlio J-"; . vemnint has found a stone i cai'-ctur.ry of Apollo Ptoios, or th "Aj ollo of the Infernal Regions," which presents tU Roman tyrant in another light. . i i : Tlit stono has engraved upon it what JIMIolI-Jaiix cills "a genuine speech cf Nero's," - that is to say, ono which vi".o net composed for him, but uttered hi-r-.'i'W es trrapbre when giving lib1 tit h Ortks.- -Nero plumed nlm r l'r t cc Mi-se. oa hrs versatUityand . . -cd that h6 was' !'al"roun'i ,;.-. ;-.- hl. tq COinpiJS,' (o' maia i :.4jUcs, to icct and to stng. The div oveiy of M. Holleaux may, perhaps, provo that the tyrant was a real artist in v.-ords at hcst, for, according to the haiicd excavator, the fragments r.f orvov fouiui ou ipe etona wert to-.i i'-l jn ' Mrong. sanoi-ous and - eTi pb-t:c "Greek. Paris Oor. London Tel- . f .:' h. ' .An .ratrlcan Compoaod, ; ; :aj-5;:n--V is 'a coraioun4 wuc a ....T.l rrxni U bankruptcy suit 3n iL.3i'-!:tcr. It is said to Qomo 'froia. Aiuei ica, aud it is sold in largo Vuantiues Iu KnglaTuL . . . viiie.V i? I hr.vir.: ""I'V the r. or mc of t!o; rPTJUlf: ho;-a and t'atu. sav lh After i pLiced tight ot her of and rfi laid r withi'r water . Th 07. likj lii.v hearts' have vr to th- thfy :: for u.. trahtv ally tivcly c . ilea-?.. h and English fioldlcr. iis in ealutinz their tm .cep their hands to their ng twelve hti jm eix Kteps meet and mx after tlicy , a a rather hasty tour s of Germany, Kngtand ruck the writer that the 1 ich more military look ; like than those of the .s named. Elnglish sol- to red ceats and heavy, i.ats which are formida j wearers. MemU-rs of wear little round stitr rj never intended to le their hca.ls, tut they are Mile and held m om- leather htran which in s under the chin and in hrs tlio lower lip. The 1 f the toy caps worn by ;'.; monkey. Mi. rs are small in stat n hlattrrnly and their !o- wide. They might venting soldiers from t such laygy breThes . their movements in 1 otJiccrs as a rule are ' " i:i 1 graceful in motion. : ud step out easy. The ifonns t'' them the wing broad bhoulders, mall waists and it is .1 wear corsets. Their . loth, to match the suit, i ;aed with some com II lltting and liaving .')! ' i;'.. The (ierman's si.'.rrow and shapely, : K-.ok tall and putting . !i to the very becoming t -f boldierly looking 1 Home Journal. TM f ASSENGER TRAIN CONDUCTOR. In tlio Ear. a a bug gets into the !. toned, but drown him : 1 water. There is no ; '.'uld bit unmoved with i-ing a tattoo upon his . I frightened, for it ar movements. Sweet Sx'.st thing to keep him .t is tho first desider- - y its thick consistence, ;:id U-draggle its legs V intolerable noise will . il le not at hand use : ; not loisonous or rer-- ill probably be within tv one. This is also at him out. too, than r glvceriae, .'sted to blow tobacco r to Btupefy the insect, j this advise; tobacco the ear of a child has causo alarming 6ymp- . movements of the in- 1 arrested syrinsje the .varm water.- Allman 1 bugs have been foimd you can never tell in a e rude caller is that is ioor of your brain till .-rrUr. J. Herbert ipiai-C'lassics, Power of niiis. ;H, having the supposed ting or curing disease, -..jk as far as the time of Trolian, a physician 'stury, possessed asignef . j engraved f eniesent 1 1 angling pie Tem?uxu . was a certain "cure for :i country Edward the presented with a ring unfailing remedy for ;ich was preserved fo in Westminster Abbey, at Perugia is still shown .'d to be the -Redding 1 Iary and wliich has .y joiracles that a book .em in the Seventeenth -5 ixwers besides th? ; have leen attributed I.ing of Lombardy, war. r of njo wlijch "would . where he wandered--tiio right path, a ring .ireful in London during ndmany juveniles and vo eijrhod for tlie ring 1 com rolled the bledieiit i. London Standard. ::si at Gravvlotte. h guns opened firoit '.:;t the king's position ;".ge, many of the shells . ' to make the plaee n table, so itfwasug t o a less exposed jioint. i to listen to this wise d finallv leaving )i ictance, liowevc'r -and 1 Kezonville. I waited Ii. who did not go im .e king, but remained :iag alter some of the on wounded, irr ngeu lor their care .a the king, and before : hi ? majestv, who had 'anions foad anJ vas ihrong cf fugitives, rating in German eo ia-.l me forcibly of tlie . that 1 used to "hear in Ohio. Tho dressing hi3 satisfaction, the oxs6 toward . Jiozon "ver, to; rebuke 'in thfc In eveiy group pf 'ryn -0. bheridan in ".-ittcnlns Oysters. planting oysters ana1 lappeily after they'ir ;y well Understood by . There Is a great deal 1 in the industry along . and occasionally some interested in a financial . at tho littlo end of -s of eatcliiiff;6y6tes jj for the markot b, to a very interesting one. m are caught they are r.ense float, which is air "des. Theio are a num- ho bottom Of this float, -' rs have been Varef ally 'oottora the corks' 'a're ingtho flpat to fill ,vitq . o bottoiq 'or ' tne bay. heuopen their mouths wh and drink to their After two or three tides r them they are brought ce more. Bythistimo j Plump vyeter3i" ready ork.Omphie, . ' r Good TeMiper. .13 a dispassionate nU hlch, though ifgener kx temper, can - neither is it mast indeed be so men can only r.ega- . then it Ebould also be they cannot positivelj TIm Mott Exacting Ioitlon to tU Itanka of Kallroad Kmploye. Tho passenger train conductor has in many rcsccts the most diihVult position in tho railro.d ninks. lie should be a first class freight conductor and a tiolisheil gentleman to boot. Uut in his long apprenticeship on a fivight train he lias very likely been learning how not to fufiill the additional re- I quirements of a passenger coutluctor ! ship. In that service hu could 1k un couth and even booi-Lh and .still fill his position tolerably well; now he feels tho need of a life time of tuition in dealing with tho diverse phases of human nature met with on a tassen- ger train. He must now manago his ! train in a sort of automatic way, for he has his mind filled with the caiv of his passengers and the collection of tickets. II must be good at figures, keeping accounts, and handling money, though the freight train f.v'r vico has given him no experience in this line. Year by year the deiical work connected with the taking up of tickets and collectiir ol 'cash farer. has been increased until now on many roads an expert bank clerk would l.-o none too proficient for the duties im posed. The conductor who grnm uliuglv averred that 4-it would take a Philadelphia lawyer with three heads" to till his shoes was not far out of the wav. Lvery day, and perhaps a numlier of times a da v. he must collect fairs of fifty or a liundi-ed persons iu less time than ho ought to have for ten. Of that large number a few will gen erally have a complaint to make er an objection to olFer or an impudent asser tion concerning a fault of the railroad company which the conductor cannot remedy and is not responsiblefor. A woman will object to paying half fare for a 10-year-old girl or to paying full rates for one of 15.' A person whose income is ten fimes larger than he ele serves will argue twenty .minutes to avoid paying 10 cents more (in cash) than he would have beeiv charged for a ticket. Passengers with legitiniate questions tq ask will pouch then in vague and hack handed terms, and those with useless ones will take inop portune times to propound them. Thoso are not occasional but every day experiences. The very best and most intelligent people in the com munity (excepting those who travel much) are among thoso who oftenest leave their wits at home when they take a railroad trip. All ' these people must be, met in a conciliatory manner but yrithout varying" strict regulations in. the least degree. The ollieers of the reve nue departmont are ineiforabjo mas ters, and. passenger offended by alleged uncivil treatment are likely to make absurd complaints at the super intendent's office. A conductor dreads an investigation of this sort, however unreasonable the passengers' com plaints may be, because it inay. tend to show that he jacked jAei'ju handling thd casG.1 Ku't Wter. becojiunff' habitu ated tqliis" soft of dealings, ihei-o are still left the occasional disturbances which no amount f philosophy can make pleasant. These are the en counters with drunken and disorderly passengers. The conductor stajtiiiir at the forward end of his train,' finds, perhaps, uv the first Car one t or two "toll gas' '-'who refuse pavui&ul of tare and ?re spoiling for a light. Care must be taken with tins sort of character not to punish him or use the least bit of unnecessary severity, for he will, when sobered olF, quite likely be induced by . :darp lawyer t6 "sue thw rauroaU company for damages by assault. The conductor, however, if he be one who has (in his freight train exierienee) dealt with tramps is nble to cone with hi.ve.iision'iOi- find ron"fmo him to the baggage, car or put him otf j The tho train. But u'tussle of this kind is. louses at best, far from soothing to the tern- Krupp; per, and tlio very next car may con tain the wife of a 'millionaire, who will expect the most genteel treatment and critically ohject to any bchatior on the pari of o'ifc conductor which 'is' not fully up to fhe highest drawing room standard. Exue'i iehces of thislrind.it can be readily imngintd, are exceed- Udings inuiv rviiir. Ths" conductor cannot around rive himself up completely to learning Molt ..... . . - ...... - 3 gentility, tor lie still lias need for his The Zinc Plate In Art. The photo-lithographers ar? lookinq toward zincogruph' as a refuge and i 11 bst it u to f or the lla varian 1 i thogra ph ic fctono and the wood cut, and experi ments arobciu made in America, Germany and tngland. where picto rial periodicals and newspapers arc published to get tho effects of the lithographic pen. The difference le tween the processes of lithography ami zincography, however, is to great that judgment cannot be passnl us yet. Tlie great ponderous soapstone repmdi:ees i colors drawn on it wilh a givasy ! pencil. The zinc can he ctc!icl with ! nitric or muriatic acid, and, wilh the aid of a Mwerful h-ns, p.hotogiaphy :i11.h1 into aid with marvelous" e-fi'ict. The advantages of such a process may l.e Kuinmaried under two head; j f-r:Miouiy and convenience r.nd for I !.iily newspaper pictoiial wo;-!:, v.h- ie ' i-.i)idity i:iu.-t b? combined with a vr 1 t un amount cf artistic exce I!e!:eo, the:v can Ihj no doubt of the zinc piate : i'.pcj-.;tiling nil ot!:cr methods of iv- p.-tJoceii'T pictures, and the wood cut -is (71-aiiualiy fading away. In th. weeklies and THE' AE.GD'OF PROSRIESSg OUB LATEST IIIPEOVEIIEIITS ! n it you Iit not n our Intmit lmrmrwt rvkli rnn ' Mir romiirilturt h towurk li kmi v litno ", of urn 3 tolfOE, orllw JA.IIM WEANS' tY AiioK CABnot lm(iae biW lively iraUe U or howr hnrxi our comtwt Iturtlhnve m wttrk t. k-i i iihin -iht itPitltiir Ca vour neeui. pAsktlvrlv ii ono reoufn tinlew hain(r our nAm and nrlc damDiHl i-lalnlw n i ha ai rrmiirr w in lupin yuu rTiiuin'ir niiuvi i uan nn uuiur mi; 11 7'U UO Uol IOjiIaL fttklfkA into uuyiutf ui i en or tuoc umju wnicn mry inake a larger pruQU AHk your ivlallrr for Itto JAMES MEANS accMlDit to your n-eu If L ft m a mm -vtv JXMES MEANS $4 CANN SATI .'hors the mez:'.o some oi tji-j p:ioiogi;.j'inc pe: ti:ie 'arawincr is i!:i::Kasui-..' !v l!: ii tho 1. lac!; and wiiile b;-u:h i.-or! wood. The i)-oces3 i-f bitinr u r moiithlies. lint ran L-? tavtvss- fully printed, the wood cut may en dured lor sot ue time, bi:t e ven i:-w i and i:d; b'v ! r'ter : o.i iai '.ii.i i.ci l is. oi t i ! .,c. uiuk t:s:::i ml.randi, Lut it !.::.; t!:o 1 -t few years been an expensive and la borious art. The hurry of the rgv de manded iu i: : i.i. J s.oi.ii it will lo jxssib!e to rc-proilueo gi-eat pictures in a few horn's, and transfers may be made with great facility and preserved for future, use at the nomi nal expense of the cast of tho sine plates and tho necessary stoi-age room. Baltimore American. retailers will coax you I 'jTLMES MEANS' S3 SHOE UNEXCELLED IN .STYLE UNEQUALLED in DURABILITY AND C aMf. Y, nr FIT. S eiiriCfl lit Kui-h hn li--n th rfnt rriiM In rnr liranchff Irvtti'try tlmt are now att to afllrm that tha Janus Mi'aim- ft Shoe Is In every rH--t -i li.l lo Hie lnx-il which ilnljr a fi-w yearn ago were relnlleil at eUht or ten .lollurK. If vou will try on i.alr yon will l roiivn.etl that wv ! uot exaKiceraie. Our are I ha or:".!ml &i uni $t ShiN4, auil thoie who tmifnte ur H.rHtein of liunlne are unable to ooinfiete wllU lit lit U.ility ol factory pnxluels. In our hue w are the I.VrK'et Fiumiifaeliirerii in the United states. One oF our traveling aleiniieii who I now viauliitf the hoe retailers of the fueinu Coaat and Rocky Mountain Region wriuwfroni there n follows: "I am more tlinii atlstlel with llii result of my trip. I have thus fnr luiiwdnl In plaeltiff our full line In the hamla of 'A No. 1 ' dealers In every point I iiavo vlltei." lie icoea on to say, "This Is a fcpleutliri region for ns to sell hIkm-h 1m, liei-aUMi must of the retailers are ehartrttiK Oielr rustoiuers at retail altout tloul.le tho priees w hteh tr. hhoen have cost at wholesjili. The coumhj nenc? Is that tha Iieople who wear "hoe are a v Ink' e! v or neven .lollars a pair for shoea which are not worth as much as our I AMl'.S JIKASV 3 and Si HIIOb. Our nhoes w Ith their very low retail prices staniat on lue soleA of every pulr are lirenk 1111; Jo n the hih prices which linve hitherto rulo.1 In the retail markets here, nmi when a retailer puts a full hue of fcooJa u his slock they at once bcKln to Ho off like hot cakes, so (treat is the tlmnml for them." - Now, klmi reader, just atop ani consider what the abova slirnines so far as yon are concerned. It n8ires you that if you keep ou hu hit nhocs liearltiK no manufacturers' name or fixed retail price stamped) on the KOleii, you eatinut tell what you are uettluir and your retailer is prohabiy maklnir you I .ay iouils jry so I bat you SHOE fi J ot fail. i to r ! 1 .1 THE MOST ,S I JLgZZ what your .shoes have coxt htm. Now, run vou afford to do this while we are protecting you lr atampinsl lacioi our name and the fixed retail prhe u cannot lie made to ay more for your a, pon the sole of our slim s before they leave our .hoes than they are worth r A Dinner nt Teheran. There are tiny Iambs roasted whole, salmon which has been brought packed in ice upon tlie heads of runners from a distance of a hundred milea, appetiz ing kababs of lambs and venison, fowls and partridges (in silver bowls), stewed to rags ami (served with strange colored sauces of the richest kind; great heaps of boiled rice in steaming pyramids, white rice, green rice, col ored by an artful admixture of herbs; rice boiled with saffron of a ruddy gold color; omelets ami sweet dishes, innumerable Jittlo china cups of tooth some pickles, small china bowls con taining various thick soups, but not a single joint (o bo seen. Every bod v eats away as if he had never 'tasted food before, There aro no forks, no spoons, no plates; but everv man's : uanu appears to be dipping at once into the innumerable dishes. Occasionally our ho&t. with his mouth half full, grunts o.it r.n cn treaty that we thould taste so:re par ticular fleHc?Vi m Uwuty miu utcs ;dl i.Vtr-. Iced roscwutcr is -.Hiurotji upon vhv rillg-Oirf of each guest from i filvcr ewer, and he wipes them alum a delicately embroidered napkin. About a tenth of what has l.e-ii rvrv- vided lias been consumed by the party ; the rest is i-cmovt. ( iu;V l.hieu up hoea from our celebrated Inrtsrr are sold bv wide-awake retailers In all aarta af the country. We will place them easily wlthiu your reach In any Slate or Territory if you wlil luveit wis cent In a MMtal card nd w rite to us. JAMliS JIEAXS iV CO., 41 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass. la. 2Li lL 2T DCALKH IN- STOVES, FU RNITURE, AND ALL KINDS OF- HOUSEHOLD GOODS. -LATEST !TVLKS OF- WINDOW CURTAIN S KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAM). FICTtTBE FBAMBS IEi3DE TO SIXTH STREET, EET. VAIN AND ME. 1 I All. M I 'J I 9 I 1!. wuli ur.:iiig. c.c-U. -t-ity" ' i tribe. o Hiungjv. i;u; a'nt 3 oi-ou;;t.t oiic-.a pjp the o' r ih; no t Cftn VrfrtitloM ; .v; tr.rro u iittio the I'ersian:; t ar- to talk if tor a rood meal i.; the act of an ill bred man or a fool." A id ihon we get up a.nd bid our hosiita!;!o friend good night. And we see that h inysic-'rtous covers! tray U U'lag" taken to the banqi:- tin room, end we know that our felioC. ,uest.5 and our nii- will drink, sr.1. .'.'ad gamble until an ur.he'y ho-."- : he inorning. (too.1 . I s4saaaaBBBaasm4BBBasaSBsc I OttLY S3. IO FOR UK WEEKLY II KIM Ml Demorest's Llonthly Magazine. A WONDEKFL'L PUBLICATION. Many suppose DEMOREST'S MOVTIItV to be a fliion magazine. This In a great mit-take. It undoubtedly contains tho llnert Kapbion Vb fabtmbnt of any iiiagftztue published, but this ia the case from the fact that preat enterprit and ex perience are shown, fo thut each department ia equal to a magazine in Itself. I" Demohmt's yon get a dozen ma?aziiie in one, and secure aiuiiKc inent and instruction for the whole family. It con tains Stories. Poem. and other Literary uttrartions. including Artibtic, Scientific, and Household matters, and is illustrated with original Steel tin'ravinirs Photogravures, Water-Colors, and fine Woodcuts, making it th Moiim. Magazine or Amehk-a. Each eoiiv contains a I'attibw Bira eiitillinif the holder to the selection of AKY Patttrs lllnstraled in any number of the Magazine aiid is as it or thb sizes manufactured, each valued al from M cents to 30 cents, or over :J.UU worth of patter... the valua old severity. B. 13. Scribner's Slajrazine. Adams, Jr., in Xlie Ononlasa Indian Tribe. A good picture of the state of affahs reprobated by tho recent Indian coun cil i seen in rthe case of the Onondag-a tribe. This tribe owns a reservation of 6,000 acres on the site of the old council fires of the Sis Nations. These 0,000 acres are uniformly of ths choicest farming lands, and mcltfde stents quarries ot ' the' finest gray lune ftqnej. " Bu the.' Indians neither farm their lapda nor work their quarries. There are twenty-six cluefs for 400 members of the tribe. The old Indian language Lj still in common use. Tlie state of morals is absolutely mileciikr able in de;en EnisluTVtenurwof land. ' isf "tribal, ' The renunciation of Christianity is a requisite to election as a sachem ; but nominal Christianity is professed by about half the tribe. Tho Feast of the White Dos; is cel b rated -with indecent ceremonies. ' lTfcc question' of. 1 Vb'laa'fc - to do witli tho In diana ia now necessarily to be recon sidered. It is not enoucrh to hold them on reservations and feed them. Globe Democrat, How Japanese Rooms Are lighted. Light "is admitted into Japgn.esp roomsYnoVby glass, windows, but by a kind of wooden gratings, over winch a 'white paper is pasted ou the outside. This paper difTuses tho sunlight about the room very pleasantly, but it is uot proof against rain; in rainy weal hex. therefore, the shutters, have to bo" put up 7'bicli aro usoVI lo' close the veranda and bouse in the night time,' and which ore the only doors iu a Japanese, hquse that it is though pece&jbai-y to, furnish TritL bolt. As tho putting, up' and tAking" rfdwii of " thes-i "shutters' is. a mattef flemandfttg; "so'ino ' lime, "it is uua to havo a small door made in them, which is called 'the earthquake door, to provide means of duick cape in case or emergency v v.iriff anher;r.tir.n. 3 oo. A trial will convince von that roa can pot ten tiinea Cf the tPoaey jiaid. Single copies (each containing Pattern Order), 20 cents. I'ublished by W. JENNINGS DEFOREST, New York. The ahoTC combination Is a splendid chnnce to get our japcr and Demohmt's MaNTin.rj.t raduced rate. Send your eubecriiHioua to this oflic. Von Mcltko at Oauvcioi to. French artillery an-.l : responded viiroroar. '.- t and with deadly cliect. L:;t v 3 tar cs vre could sea tlie Gorman 1.;; continued its advance and stair" oilicc; came up fj-equeiitly t,o, i-ajwrt "that -cl was going, on well at jjoinis hiUdu from pur view-. 'ihcW renoi-t.-t wri- kuir first, and rivei.t r.-nli 1 1 I ivias liituto ia irie. iver tinvbotiv t r wutii of to the light car unfolum Wo clustered riows, Ge:i. 'o:i a man rneanwinl and explaining tho ritnaUon. 'ily kae, iho.vhief "of tho ptaff, hiio rr aitnig. the next report, would either, return yoat that had been made for. snh v.-jt 1 porno hnapsacks, or would cccupy t!io timo walking about, kiclcing c'iod.s of tlirt or Htncll stones hero and there, his haucli clasped behind his hack, his face palo ajid thoughtful. He wag then n.n-iy 70 years "old., but becyusa oi hi-, c'r t : ciatwl il.ure, vh'a'deep 'wrinkles 1:1 his face, "and VnvwS feet about hi'j eyo. ha looked even older, his appearance being suggestive of the practice of church ajrccticurns i-ather than of his v.vil known ajder.t devotion to. ;hj military profession GtJt Sheridan in Scriby'a iho. IVcuIiurities of tlio A in lis. Inasmuch as thcra are no family names, no village, tribul, or uationi rights to be reflected, ther U nothing r.pprosirnat'vi f father right cr luotuer'right. Or perhaps it would bo more exact to tay that, inasmuch as woman are only l-ecognised ao servant throughout their wholo lives and iia mothers as SQ05 C3theha-va reached tho pryfier. age,' the pbi'soaality- of the wholi.' family. L" mi ill?" in 'that of tha husband a:id tether voile ho lives. When lv d.iea ho is at ouco and abso lutely forgotten, and each surviving member of hii family pursues an en tirely separata course, i. 2.0 way con cerning himself about the other? f si man dies and leaves funnily of in fant children., th. t-a'ro" of them de olv3 " tipoh the mother until the oldest son-reaches tlie ago of about 13; then ho ' becomes, th cf th'S faralv, Yc4nali nheranco is utterly unhiiown, as wuld be expected in a gociety-wherein wpmenj bave no rights at all." ( ft nan is so unfortunate as to leave uo true heir, or so careless as not to have adopted one, his property eoes to his nest younger brother, or his nearest male relative, if h have uo JOWATUAN 11 ATT, J W- MAKTHJs. JSATHA1S MJTIT CH.? WHOLESALE ikXTJD ITill- CITY HEAT MARKET. rORK PACKERS asd dealers is BUTTER AND EGCiS. BEEF, PORK, MUTTOK AND VEAL. THE BEST TIIE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. Sunar Cured Meats. Hams. Eaccn, Lard, do., 4c ct cur own mako. The best brands of OYSTKHN in AYllOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ciii-iS iit f.nlk, ut UlSJ faf 5)1 FSiMI Si ? " s Mi 1 HEALTH IS WuLTH S I i I aiiAt ii Dr. V, r. W'' NVrvp and V.xuUi Trennnf-fct a Ku;i--Hnt'e s-cinc fir llyxKiia IrzttiesN. Cmivtil-iioin. Fit. NrviUH ,Niualji. Hml- -m afUe. Nervem.tt rrnr,j phiih-u ny ninue g "j - x . (( a'coliyl r tol':t.-p.i. v a)o-f a. V-iital le- 2 .re-iiu:. Sftiiiiji f I ISraiii irmllini: In lit- JZ r; j sa'.iiy au 1 t lnlsery. ln-ny nl '!al. er iu either s.-x. I o v .tuir.v i.m na rper- y ov-r-e:.eriii fir in r-liKiiiVncc. r.urn vox reHtiiieiit, a iix nrsix iof for f .1 oo, t by n.all rfpalaoB re-fipt of pili.'e WE GCAHAKTEE SIX BOXES T cn re a:iv ene Nitli -:it-li ordfr r- f'rrtt ly us f ir ix Imi'ps. :,-.-ui.wii ! Hl f4o, w ill seri.l l?ir piirli:isr i;r writtt-n vitran tee to return Hit in"iiey if ilu- i ut"riit 1h ni.t Tff :i rare. ;u:iiante-s l'-u-d inly ttjr Will .1. WarricK o!- nt. ri:ittiimui Ii. KeU 7. m:it rrlKf-i cuynl ly -s - brniii. ae:faln:ae nrovtr J - fontairts rroiithV ! SO O Hir, l, BROWNE, OFFICE. I ronJil Ht'entiou !o lay care. to all Xiiie!neh Fnfrnsf- : tney cannot rotauveij rape in case oi eiu quick es- j brothers either by hjrth, or adoptiod. V .--Cassell'a : J. K. QoeWch, m opotnr ccienca or. a. BOOITS, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. All work Gret-class; wet Fifth Streot. ITcrth Hubert r"--rweoi's rT ?. xotakv ix orrrcK. Title Fxamineil. A ii.ftrf t . Vnir,i!eU, In surance wriitea, 1 tal rotate "Id. Eetter Facilities Iir inukiu? Farm I.oana ttian Any Other Agency 1 !. ' .1 j ' ii- j r ? ' ! ; : i 1