The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 12, 1888, Image 4

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    T1JK bAiLY HKHaLU : Vi ii KSiiuuTn, MiStf liAaiiA, MONDAY NOVEMBER h, 1S68
. . :- w , , , - -
Tne Evening Herald.
A. KIUIry. llratUI, Uorkwooil HaildU,
Talrphoae S.
r. KIstkIb. Oflr la UcrlaK'a lr Store,
4ar lor. lta a l ttraall, Trlrphuae o. 42.
Dr. Wither, the PalniVM UcatUl. 1'aloa
Block. r I'rlrkc'a Urn More, I'UtUmouth.
Totlay is pay day nt the It. fc M.
Miss May leverage gave a large
party at her home lust Saturday night.
Mr. W. II. liiker is moving hi stock
to the Anhouacr-IJusch building today.
The county seat is seated, and a
The east store room in the Anheuscr-
Dascli building h Uing fitted up for the
post office.
The three-year-old child, of Mr. Peter
Coos, -who died ytstcrdiy of mcmbrant-
oua croup, was buried this afternoon ot
2 o'clock.
Great preparations are being made
for the coming jollification meeting to he
heM here tonight. Large delegations
nrc expected from all neighloring cities.
Married nt the residence of Win S.
Wise. Iy Niuire L. C. Stiles, Saturday
Pninr. Nov. 10th. 18 Mr. Janus
Jtebal to Mis Mary Trility, all of Platts
Atlvance agct t Xugent, for Murray
ami Murphy in in the city today making
preparation for the coming of the Irudi
visitors and their company on Monday,
Nov. 10th.
The liiie of march which will I c
adopted tonight ly th jubilant rcpubli
cans in their march will li the
aame as on the 13th. Parties along the
line are requested to illuminate.
Sewer contractor '1 homjon was ar
rested ly the sheriff this morning foi
taking tome part of the grading engine
wraith wad seized home time ago from him.
He will have hi trial on Monday next.
"The Old Fashioned District School"'
will be given by ihc V. L. R. 1L A. and
the ladies aid society of Presbyterian
ihurcb, Thursday anel Friday, December
12 to and 14tb,at Watermaa'a opera house.
Jfr, Ji. Ginger who visited hi home
in Pennsylvania to cast hi ballot and
pay a short visit i hi relatives, re
turned home yesterday tuwrnJog to re
miaaj his duties here at the B. jfc M.
ticket office.
Membraneous croup is the prevalent
death visitor among the children of our
city at present. The majority of death:
Among them during the last two month
have resulted from the effect of that
dread plague.
Jennie Uitchic, the five year old
daughter of Mr. James Ritchie who died
Saturday morning, was buried yesterday
afternoon. A short burial service was
held at the Episcopal church before the
cortege moved toward the cemetery.
It's about time C. W. Sherman
- should prepare himself for the difficulty
now staring him in the face. It is said
that he made an agreement some time
ago to wheel the ugliest colored lady in
the state for a whole block an Main
street if Cleveland was defeated. lie'.
defeated all right.
The business men who were afforded
so much gratification by the victory of
Plattsmouth over Weeping Water in
holding the county seat, should decorate
and illuminate their windows to-night
during the grand jollification. Every
man should show his appreciation in the
coming event, and help out what
expected to be a hullaballo.
Rob Fitzgerald, a prominent Iris'.:
democrat, was seen last Saturday night
carrying a man named Gavin arwuttd a
whole block to fulfil a contract made
on the result of the election. Rob xv is
alout to play our. before he hid rum
pleted hi t ask, as the man he ciriied
was about a heavy as himself, but being
prepared for all emergencies, he spurred
t'te frantic Irishman up to a sense of Ins
The ladies of St Luke's church wh
made arrangements to give a Chrysan
themum social and hop next Thursday
have changed the date, and wo learn
that the event will occur on the day
leviou3, Wednesday, Nov., 14th ct
Fitzgerald" hall. The door will l:e
opened in the afternoon and the ladhs
trill gracefully accommodate all their
visitors. Admission 10 cents, dame
ticket for the evening $1, supper 5 )
cents per couple.
About two hundred Plattsmouth
republicans, wearing hat painted red,
white and blue in a hundred various
styles, went by special to Omaha Saturday
night to attend a jollification .there.
Nearly every man was armed with a tin
horn and the mighty blast made by the
whole number lefore they started from
here, made the hair of their audience
stand on end. About as large a crowd
from Glenwond accompanied them. It
i estimated that there were about 75.-00
people on the streets in Omaha, and it
was said to be the greatest turnout ever
wen there.
Men'a Overcoats at Elsoa'f, the Ore
Fric Clothier $1.00.
Marlon and Amml.
And it came to pax on the ftixtlday of
the forty-fourth week in the eleventh
month of the year that the gentiles of the
largest city of a largo state shouted for
joy and marched around their city blow
ing trumpet.
And it cnine to pasn on the
evening of the same day that there
came to the gathering lare numbers
from abroad, among them were follow
ers from the city of hills, and there were
two among them named Marion and Am
mi, t,vo mighty men in that land.
And Amuii said unto Million, let us
go birth invo the city where our brothers
goeth and let us rejoice with them.
And Marion answered saying, we will go
up together for who knoweth what harm
may come unto our brethren of the city
Of lulls.
And Marion and Animi went unto the
large city of the large state and rejoiced
with them. Ami when the hosts had
shouted for joy until their throats became
parched, and they had marched to the
ends of the city blowing their horns and
inakiug a great noise, it was about the
eleventh hour. And Amini said unto
Marion, let us go to our brothers and
tell them to go once more unto our city.
And they went unto them and bade them
go, for the hour was l ite and the morn
ing of the seventh day would soon dawn.
And Mariou said to Ammi, let us re
main in this big city of our brothers
ou the seventh day and show
our brothers how we can rejoice on the
seventh day, And as they waited their
heaits beat for joy within. On the
morirng of the seventh day the two men
arose and went forth onto the streets,
and as they walked along together they
met a man named Smith who had once
lived in the city of hills. He was a law
maker among the gentiles, and all feared
him with a great fear. And he said
unto Marion and A mini, let us go unto
the city of many bluffs on this the Sab
bath day. And the three nun went on
their way across the mighty brhlge, and
Amoii said unto the other two; My feet
are sore and my heart faileth me for the
distance is great.
And Marion and the other gentile
said unto Ammi, whoso feet were sore,
corns tboa wth us and we will bear thee
Straight forwurd jt.o lbs rijy of bluffs.
They walk yd. along together c.cmoling
A man cainc that way driving an as?,
and the ass looked weary.
And the two men spoke to the man
and offered him ten pieces of silyer to
take them to the city.
The Smithite had on hi head a cover
ing which looked like a bushel. The
bojf which was on tiie wagon was high,
and the three gentiles had to stretch their
necks to look over.
The women who passed taaglied
at the men and when the three men
reached the city of bluffs Ammi said un
to Marion we will wash our feet and rub
them with ointment for they are sore.
We will never come this way again.
Anew supply of Chinchilla Overcoats,
Beaver Collars and Cuffs just received at
S. & C. Ma-ers. they are qxcelent value
and selling at 14. d-tf
The Works of a Great Actress
"Thou standest proudly nd alone
In art, expression, form and
And changing beauties of thy faee.
Avil sweetness of fhv voice and tone,
Like seeptered geuius"on a throne."
Rhea was born in Brussels, of wealthy
parents, and early in life commenced
hard study, uow being highly educated.
ine years oi ncr jire were spent m a
convent, at the close of which time her
father and mother both died. Her father
had lost his fortune. She has two sisters
married, but is unmarried herself. Her
taste led her to books and music, the
piano being one of her favorite instru
ments, on w hich she performs very finely.
Having a decided talent and showing u
desire for aetiug, she was induced by
friend amoug the uobility fo appear on
the stage. She recited to Charles
Fletcher, who predicted success for her,
ami recommended her to Samson, the
teacher of Rachel. lie being too old to
teach at that time, sent her to Beauval'et,
a great tragedian and professor in the
conservatory. Sept. 15, 1871, 6he made
her debut in Brusells, in the comedy of
' Fairy Fingers," remaining there for one
year a great favorite. She then went to
Rouen, from th re to Paris, playing at
the Vaundeviile for one 3-car. After
wards when on a starring tour through
France, she received letters from the
Imperial court to come to the French
Imperial Theatre, and afterwards, by
reincst of the Czar, she appeared at the
Russian Theatre, remaing there for five
months. After the assassination of the
Czar the theatre was closed, and she went
to England. Atter studying English
one month, she appeared in Much Ado
About Nothing.'
Woolen Jacket from $1 and upwards
made by the celebrated Germania Knit
ting Mills, at S. & C. Mayer. d-tf
Smith & Co. will give away a fine
house and lot in Vallery place during
the next sixty days. Each person guying
$3 of .oods during that time is untitled
to achancj on the house aud lot.
Ask for Mayers La un dried Shirt the
best in the market cither plnin or plaited
c' H V3 fe- B7H-A
). 1 V -U U U h ' & '4'f4 v
L . I i fc ?v4M
. ; m t-' 1 f vlivA u
U. 1 ' j i i'.: H t-.i i i H -"A ' C A 3 11
Ladies' Modjeskas.
iilaclc Diagonal Cloth, Fur Trim
med, only ;?7.0.
JJlaek 'Extra finality Bouele Cloth,
Spike Fringe Trimmings, Pell Sleeve,
only 10.00.
Llaek Frieze Cloth, BalLTrimming.
Quilteel Lining, Astrachan Cuffs and
Collar.--, only 1-1.00.
Pi own and Tan Proeaded oVIatel
las.e, I'lush Pall Trimming, P'ush
C;i!:s ant Collar, only 15.00.
iSilk I'iush, Plnsli PaH Trimming?,
plain Satin Lined, Chamois pocket?,
only lo.00.
Plack Astrachan Cloth, Sjn'ke
Trimmings, Satin Lined, only Sltl.
Fancy Silk Striped Cloaking,
Ball Trimming to match, Quilted
Saiip Lininir, oiilv $20.
Seal ' VWi, Phish Pall
Trimming, Hn Ljnvet, gen nine Seal
Loops, onlv H'3.
Flo-ant" Seal Plush, Peaver pall
Trimmings and Collar, Quilted Satin
Lined, only, 332.50.
Onr Plush Sacques tve rinitbed y.-jtli the hest of Quilted Satin
Lining. Chamois Pockets and Genuine Soal Loups. Any guarantee
failing to meet the representation in wear given our garments, will be
replaced by a new one.
-V- W
Mr. J. "Patterson, tr., spent Sunday in
Mr. Cha.9. Thoruburfj and wife arrived
la the city this morning from Omaho.
Messrs. Frank and Will Schlater, of
Louisville, arrived in the city this inorn
ing. Eli W. Feasel and Miss Laura Ellen
Baldwin wen: granted license this morn
ing to wed.
Senator Polk and wife accompanied
the delegation of republicans to Omaha
Saturday night.
Mr. and Mr?. S. W. Orton. of Weeping
Water, spent Sunday visiting the family
of W. II. Pool.
Mrs, Tiers, of Ulysses, Neb., arriverl in
the city this morui-ig, She will visit at
the home of Mr. S A. D.ivis.
Mr. M. A. Ilartigan, accompanied by
Kitlip and Dot, of Hastings, arrived in
the tity Saturday night to remain for a
few days.
Mr. Stanlcv, of the firm of L'wis ifc
Stanley, acoompnnied by his wife, re
turned from Omaha this morninf, where
they visited over Sunday
Mr. Lou ITorton, who has been un.
able to attend to his duties for a few
eliys on uocount of sickness, returns to
his work at Omaha tonight.
Mr. George Chatburn returned from
Ame.4, la., thu morning. lie reports a
pleasant visit with his former professors
nd old college friends there.
Mr. Tom Wilkinson and wife were
called to the city yesterday to attend the
funeral of Jennie Ritchie, a relative, who
was buried yesterday afternoon.
Mr. L. C. Newcomer left this morning
for Des Moine?. lie was a delegate from
the Modern Woodmen, here to'the meet
ing of the head camp at' that place.
3Irs. P. S. Gilmorc and daughter, who
have been visitinj at the home of Mr.
O'Rourke, sister of Mr. Gilmorc, for
about a weeV, left for Omaha Saturday
night to meet Mr. Gilmore and his band
Our Assortment surpasses
anything heretofore, attempted
by, us in this Department, and
our customers will be tui jirised
at our magnificent display of
antl at very Low Prices
are .showing decieleil novelties in
Stripes, Checks,
with Plain,
ITS S8. Til TTB -
Plattsxioittii, Neb., Nov. 12, 1SS8.
To the Stockholders of the Platts
mouth Canning Company. At a meet
ing of the board ot directors held on the
9th of November, at S p. m. at the
factor- it was ordered by said board ef
directors that an assessment of 25 per
f cant be made oiuall stock i.-sucel and
that a special meeting of the stockhold
ers is therefore called on the loth day of
December 1SSS nt T:;!0 p. m. at the
county judges oiiice. All stockholders
are requested to attei.fl the meeting.
F. 11. Gl'Tl.'.MKN FUED GOKDKlt
President. Secretary.
A new line of Astrachan Coats and
Vests jut reeeived ul S. k C. Mayor and
selling fast at " d-tf
A l.irge number of Plattsmouth
peoplejoined the heft of excursionists go
ing to Omaha Saturday night to witness
the grnud iollifioation' here mid several re
mained overnight to hoar Gilmore'. band
at the Grand opera house yesterday after
noon. All xv ore apparently xvil repaid
for the trouble by the gratification of
their de-sire to hfar inufcic in in richtst
straies. The pre gramme was interspersed
with vocal selections from the very best
artists in the country and that alone
brought forth marked appreciation from
For perfect fitting Suits or Ovi rcoats
for Men l?oys and Children call on S. &,
C. Mayer the popular Clothiers. d-tf
A house to rent, handy to the busi
ness part of the city. For information
call at tliL otTice.
Latest style of Uanla:) Stilf H its in all
shades at S. k C. 3Iayers. d-tf
O. P. Smith it Co. have the finest dis
play of holiday gooels ever broutrht to
to the city.
A feeling of eiullness and languor,
Which is not akin to pain,
Anel resembles suffering only
As the mist resembles rain,
is often the first indication of incipient
disease. In such cases the famous "ounce
of prevention" is the highest wisdom,
.and may be found in its most poteut
form in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery, which bv its xvonderful blood-
purifying and invigorating tonic prop
erties, will quickly restoro the ebbing
vitality, repair and strengthen thesvstem
and thus ward off throateninff sickness.
Iii saving inrlt encj reaches every or-n I
vv- s; 'i&- " w
V 1
j htm MiMkmmmM 8
Kid Gicves.
We shall off. r nil f -i!i Kid Cloves,
worth from ..r, i. ,..(, ii t the Nomi
nal I'liee
This includes Virything we cniry in
Flotk of Jri-sscl. Suedes, l':i.-tois, silid
I)i i iiig (!l'iv(
J JUitton Siiiipsoi-- liist Colors ami
Iil-ifks, no.v i.r.o. voi 1 1.
I JUitton Sin n o'r J.'. -t t'olm-s and
r.laeks, now $1. ."., will, fyj.i.n.
i IiiHtou Our Own liiicx Jjiuliioidered
Ua.1.,4, I". lots ;:i.d JJlrtfk, now fd.ftO,
5 liutton Hun ?.!.-;rel'e i:...'; !, Ctilois
ami lilnek, now 1.50. w . ith .".
tILilton JloeqiK ( ,'ire Si;dts, CekiJ,
only 1.50, avo;11) 2.'j5.
(! f.utton Moqu. t.-iii- rW;' dep. Colors
ami libick, 1.50. wonh ( ,u
4 Button C;itniF, Coi;is, only now
1.50. worth $2.(10.
Suede Ooanth t In it i;i tdoves. Colors,
onlv now f ICO, worth $2.2-1.
Our 1.00 Ue.-ivi ShnwU in (Jr. ys and
Urowns. sol-1 (1.-, wli 1 1- nt 5. CO.
Our 5.00 li.-v- i-U.l.- V ivi t, in (Jn y
fintl IJrowns. with Fuiiey l'"! il- r. isd' tid
edly a 'e ha'jui .
Our $7.00 Til-aver ood heavy Sliawl.
rery pretty line of coif r?.
Our $9.00 I?.'av:r, superior quality,
elctcant piit turns, w !I worrh ,f 10.00.
Our $10.00 15 aver in Or. s. Tans find
Iji'owns. entirely new pniteti:-'. imd would
he decidedly cheap at $12. CO.
Comprises Everyilii; in
German iwittiiis..; .
Elder huivii.
J-'uiry Floss,
Shetland Flos?,
Z-phyrs, .
Comforts End Blankets.
lCxl White UhiHkets al ijtl.'i.'; per pair.
10x4 White "!-r'kclp, good weight,
only 2.00 per p:iir.
10x4 White all W..ol Cuaiantecd.
only 4.00.
Ou; Qo-vwxr.. Winte. at $t.7o
V ' I '
SLKASI. don't h-r jxilitics absorb
g you fi.rgit .nil a:,.,iit the great
& Co.
tti'i1 triving.
WING to tbe slow demand for
sell at a
N Oldtr to frit tl o l;h Ci -
O time later will b-v yeiii I'o;
TRCe' cTTl ffl
buy tl-em lor the next Tbitty dy.-..
IM wii! tell before we jire i..iai,v dvs older v. in 1 r.
residtn t.
a your .'iv-rifo hy buying
a man's Arctics for 7.5 cents, at
Practical Piana enii Cuaii Tuner
First-class xvork guaranteed. Also eleni
f r in Pianos and Organs. Oiiice at Doe ck's
furniture store, Ph'ttsinouth. N braka.
Because he had no G.uu.and Stovk.
Buy one of JoiiNaorv Iljtos Bept22-dlm.
Ilemember you save 25 cts. on every
dollar by trading xvith Elson the One
Price Clothier.
II. M. Gatdt i? receiving fcome very
fine novelties in Oxidized Silver goods
for holidays.
If you have a xvatch. clock tr jexvelry
of anel kind yon'xvant repaired ffoinl, take
it to II. M. Ganlt. All weik xvarranted
to give satisfaction.
Men's Unl iundried Shirts, 40 cents, at
F.'son's the One Price Clothi?r.
For Rent
Part, or all of my house to small fami
ly. Cor, Cih and Dav streets.
tr ' :- -
per pair, is ixtiu large mc, ni:d go unlly
nelvcrlisrd us a l ig l ni',nii. i.t J5.(0.
11x4 AVhile In ei inl is full ii.e M.d
at ? .r.O ii air is i t;ood I M -nit .
$'l..10,Uihtin i:.fiie Kd in
fjood vnhi nt t.Y(,0.
('.00, Ked Idui.ket extia V.i if l.t in d
enialit v.
li.v'l I.'ed lih.i-kit nt :'. (0 pr l-iiir,
llilide ll I lie tiliist ol.
l'.iow ii iind Cniy ni.vid I'iikilf, t
;ill pi ii es-.
Oni 1.(0 Cf i . f it, f;.ir j.iii., cod
v I ne.
Our CI.50 (, o i d oi;:dlty.
piint solid, ltd liijiii;, filled with
while I ;:itti n'.
Our 2.( O ( on. frit, lYi-t 1'iint, ixtia
Our 2.50 ( ( rnfoit, two vmIiks:
Xo. 1. F.iM Cnlol-M! ( I ilit7 I'linf, ,
White Cotton Filled, iMrn i.e in;.r
Is'o. i!. Vu Kfitiie. lid lin-
inp.v, le.';i?.t line of pnli i,if ;:,il cplnrs.
Our :j.25 lmportrl lm i. I "n 1 1 i
very t :n ' v ouilt' 1. ' . ' r ' i ' ' i lit.
Our 4 .(() I'ine I'. i c y 'v l'i . f-olid
ip; (.iind. v. rv iiict 1 , )f ', t'-zo
Lfidies' iVhitc Mciino VY-M. f.iik i-(il h
cd, Silk hounel, at 50 ci jits ciieh. Fnntd
to nuitch.
I-i iliiti' ilxljii luc. ti.i. i'( i i.t id.ty,
"V 1 i t M.'i iuo " f t. J. i." y i ii I . o hh- v a
i't 75 li l ts each. 1'nnts to n : t( 1. :.( n iuo
I.iuli.s' V hite V.'i.ol ' sis. Siik l.'oiiud
!M:d Stiti 11. lit 1 .25.
Ladle".' JS'i'1 nrul W el V. ts and I'auta
at $1.00 rf oh. woHh 1.25.
liadips- Somli t Vcht; nnd 1'antn, f mooth
and fpftf ptdv jji.';0 r-icii. ' '
Lndies' Si ftrlet Saxony Wool YrstsanU
Pnnts. finef t qnnlity, f:l.?5 n)t.
LiuIich" Conu-ls Hair I'mit and Vfli
Il ihiocd to :!.f'0 a mit, v.ortli 1.00.
Full Linos of Childiy nV, MisKfn and
Tfoys' Undr rwcHr. 'While. South t, Ntur
nl and Cum els Hair nt Low pi ices.
Seal Flush Wraps,
Our line of Pluvh Gunner tK this ? ason
nro made up of the hfft prude of Lop
don Dyed and Liters Seal (Mijbhes,
Every G.-irment (J uai an ' i d l. v. tar.
Our IMi:: h J i.t :"'!5.C0 .-ue vcrr
f Ik a p.
Our Kili.-l, W: .'
quarters J. r e i, :: f 'J
Oar i' 1 r-h
win re : .:'.ii.;!(
! t... thiec-
v.oith -::o.
. V. '
Si. 'ji ' f. 'i-old else
ai euis win Ui fully
pur Ga.Cp Fl.;sh
Olir ..Jo.OO 1'iuh Sitoq-.jf b v.-orili
n,,p f3T.'"'0 Piu.'li b.-.cener, c,,!,
v. hero al 4 5. CO.
Our $15.00 I'l Sae1ui h, if. ular tity
1 Moo, S.i.l.
r7 ti
r 1
.-.o n;u-h ii' u. atl(j.ti j that
cut i a.-l. -vh V.'. A. J'occJv
Fa!! C i,
1 to
Ii f ef ,
- ;;
yo! can
x our for.tofr v.-lrr
vfi; a v cot
Br. C
g s id o at T.c 2i''it.
Prcrvfiti n of jL Zm.nA rlith a
Specialty. A u lh ti s given for Pain
less Filling ok -L'xtb action of Tkkth.
Artificial teeth mde on Gold, Silver!
Rubber or Cellui jid I'liUf, i.l1 it,seitcd
as soon as teeth ere cxto.tted v.l;n ele
All work warrai.tid. V-. n;.f..rslle.
FITZOKR M.'s i.'-c:.. I'uir T'TII. NfTB
B.B. Windum, ..'eiim. j ami H,
Notary ruLIic. "aiy Vt.Uic.
Attornoys - at - law.
Offlj orer Ki.k 'iff ..- ( .nm-y
bcsotOf only f l at B. a C, Ilr-yeia, d-t I ttrre,
v .. -