The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 10, 1888, Image 2

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    liEUALU : i'Li tiShOUixi, iueAgikA, "BAjURfiA Y, QVEM&fiR 10. iwfc.
The Plattsroouth Daily Herald.
Publishers & Proprietors.
Dr. i,ii,ic1 every evening except Hunday
M$Yrrkly rvrrv Tuurxtifty niornlni;. Kk1i
at the onnt-e, I'lalf Miioutli. N'lr..n
mi ih1--Ia.h matlrr. (IU-e rorner of Vine aud
V Klftli Mr-t!. 'Jielione ISo. 3.
One copy one ear In mlvar.e. Iy S no
One copy per month, by rartliT fto
One copy rwe-k, ly can lrtf J3
8ne opy one year. In advance,,
necopynx inoiuna. In aUvaiir
IlCfiNKRs will now boom.
Osi.v nineteen days more till Thanks
giving D.iy. It seems to us tlint this is a
very appropriate holiday for the present
TiiEitE will now be a reduction of the
tariff, but it will be made by the
friends of protection and in the interests
of American labor.
The conn try is now safe, so let us boom
riftttsmouth. This city ought to, and will
be the third city in the state. Let the
improvements that arc begun roll on.
England is angry at the defeat of its
friend Cleveland. This is one of the
reasons why the United States made no
mistake when it struck Cleveland down,
Globe Democrat.
Govehnoii Thateb should now issue
the Thanksgiving proclamation. The
papers from Iowa report that Governor
Larrabee, of that state, coppied Grover's
Thanksgiving proclamation just as soon
as he heard the news from Kcw York.
Hepcbilicaji majorities wire given on
Tuesday by the Territories of Dakota,
Washington and Montana. This fact
alone prove? that they possess sufficient
intelligence, public spirit and patriotism
to entitle them to Statehood, The repub
lican Fifty-first Congress will see that jus
tice be done them.
Exolisiimex hold up their hands in
holy horror at the corruption of voters
by whibh Cleveland was beaten. Cor
ruption! Why, Johnny Bull just think
of the money the democrats wasted in
Nebraska alone, to say nothing of the
other states. Corruption! Well. The
English party had a little to do with the
corruption business according to the
latest bulletins Lincoln Journal.
Gkover Cleveland is the fourth
president who failed cf re-election when
the standard bearer of his party. The
other three were John Adams, John
Quincy Adams and Martin Van Burt-n.
Seyen presidents were successful in gain
ing the executive chair th second time.
These were George Washington, Thomas
Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe.
Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln and
Ulysses S. Grant.
Alabama 10
Arkansas ?
California 8
Colorado U
Connecticut 6
Florida 4
Gecrgia 12
Illinois 22
Indiana 15
Iowa 13
Kansas U
Kentucky IS
Louisiana 8
Maine 6
Maryland 8
Massachusetts 14
Michigan 13
Minnesota 7
Mississippi .. 9
Missousi 1C
Nebraska 5 ..
Nevada 3
New Hampshire 4
New Jersey -
New York ......... 36
North Carolina 11
Ohio 23
Oregon 3
Pennsylvania 30 ..!
Rhode Island 4
South Carolila 9
Tennessee 12
Texas 13
Vermont 4
Virginia 12
West Virginia 6
Wisconsin 11
Totals 239 1C2
Harrison's majority 71
A ca3C is reported from Brownsville.
Texas, the explanation of which implies
that some ghosts are not only of a prac
tical turn of mind, but also philanthropic.
The ghost of commerce, so to speak has
lost credit on account of his persistent
unpracticality. In revisiting the pair
glimpses of the moon, he apicars to have
no more definite object than the terrify
ing of people who do not know him,
who did not know him when he was
alive, and who had no ambition to mike
his spectral acquaintance. As to the
if bout of the spiritual seance, he notori
-HiUy confines himself to the most exasV ' vr aie "5 -r ttT " '
. , ... . t, . T i A counterfeits and mutations. The gen
peratiog platitudes. Bat at Point Isal-cf ,. manufactured only by John O. We
there u a ligfithooje which tn been j
lute light-keeper has suffered mysterious
nocturnal bombardments with shingle
nails of all things in the world alternat
ed with oyster shells and brickbats. All
attempts to ascertain the source of this
bombardment having failed completely,
the supernatural lm been fallen back
upon, and a very picturesque little story
is brought forward to account for the
mysterious occuranc-?.
It is the seafaring residents of this
jHjiiit who arc responsible for the theory,
which is us follows : The anicent mari
nemsiiy that during the the afore
said light, was put out by a lightkeeper
who was in league with a gang of
wreckers, and that some vessel was thus
misled and wrecked, and the crew all
drowned. Now it is supposed to be the
spirits of the drowned sailors that have
liecn manifesting, through thu purely
muudane medium of shingle nails, oyster
shells and brickbats, their disapproval of
the abolition of beacon, whose former
extinctions caused their untimely demise.
There is, it must be admitted, a certain
straightforward intelligibility about this
hypothesis, which speaks volumes for
the estimation in which the 1'oiut Isabel
mariners hold the good sense of their
deceased comrades. No doubt it would
have been still more to the purpose if
the spooks had bombarded the premises
of the lighthouse board which ordered
the Point Isabel light to be discontinued,
but then it will not do to expect too
much from the ghosts of simple sailormen
who, after all, if the theory is correct,
have found the way to express their
sentiments plainly chough. New York
Tho Troa f Uf."
The tree '.f lifo bearing twelve manner
f fruits seems to have existence outside
i tho vision of St. John, no less than the
story of the deluge, which is to be met
with outside the Scripture record. On
this subject a writer of a series of papers
on "Asiatic Svnibolisni," recently pub
I i shed in The Indian Antiquary, remarks
that "the tree of life, bearing twelve
manner of traits, yielding its fruit every
month," described by John in the Revela
tion, has its counterpart in ' Eastern art.
On Persian carpets is seen the figure of a
tree with twelve leaves, or sometimes
twelve- flowers or fruits. Yarkand car
ets bear the same representation, but in
a more cJcntlon&l form- Publie Opin
ion. -
Kncrgy, Force and Vigor.
There Is a difference between energy.
force and vigor. Energy is connected
with the Idea of acting, force with that
of capability, and vigor with that of
health, fcjiergy lies only In the mind.
while force and vigor are the property of
either mind or body. Hartford Religious
Itit to m "Sovel Une.
The telephone was put to a novel use
In Toronto. A citizen who had been sum
moned to appear at the police court foi
breach of a bylaw, finding that ho would
!kj unable to appear in person, telephoned
tho fact to headquarters, admitting his
guilt, and was fined $1 aul costs through
the samo medium. Chicago Herald.
Now i:nglaml Guide Hoards.
Guide boards have been growing nunier-
ms in tho country towns of New England
for a few yeais past. In some sections of
Massachusetts at every corner aro set
olid grr.nile posts ten feet high, to which
ire bolted iron feign boards with raised
letters. New York Sun.
It H estiniat-ed that in England one man
In gels a college education. In this
lorious country one man ia every 200
takes a college course.
Our dutv to others does not at all de
pend on (ho manner in which they per
form their duty to us. Bar Iloman. 3
Wilt You Read This for SSOO!
For many years the manufacturers of
Or. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, who are
abundantly responsible financially, as
any one ran easily ascertain by inquiry,
hare offered, in good faith, a standing
reward of $500 for a case of nasal catarrh,
no matter how bad or of how long stand
ing, which they cannot cure. The reme
dy is sold by druggists at SO cents.
The Daily Hebalo
15cts. per week.
delivered for
What Am I To Do?
The symptoms of biliousness are - un
happily but too well known. They differ
in different individuals to some extent.
A oilious man is seldom a breakfast eater.
Too frequently, alas, be has an excellent
ippetite for liquids but none for solids
.if a morning. His tongue will hardly
bear inspection at any time; if it is not
white and furred, it is rough, at all
The digestive system is wholly out of
rder and diarrhea or constipation may
le a symptom or the two may alternate.
There are often hemorrhoids or even loss
uf blood. There may be giddiness and
ifteu headache and acidity or flatulence
ind tenderness in the pit of the stomach
To correct all this if not effect a cure try
Green's August Flower, it costs but a
trifle and thousands attest its efficacy. -'
Send your job work to the Hekaxd
SSOO Reward
We will pay the above reward fcr any
case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick
headache, indigestion, constipation or
costiveness we cannot cure with
West's Vegetable Liyer Pills, when the
directions are strictly complied with.
They arc purely vegetable, and never
fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes
containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c,
l nt 1. 1 .11 .1 . 1 -t
tac W. rd?-"i Et. Chicsso.nnd
Oar Orenrorlu'd "-id I'u-Jrrfed Boyt and
GlrU Uour uf Study Irregular Eating
ITubltK Dhj.lroni lleiiult of Ijnorance.
Real Education.
Children havo not only a right to the
wisest edueat ion, hut they have a right
to be such by birth and heredity that they
can be educated to so mo purpose. It is
astounding, as one walks through a low
neighborhood, to sco what a vast number
of beads of a truly Inferior sort are be
gotten. Or if you will ride with me up a
back country road you shall find an im
mense preponderance of badly shaped
faces and peaked or pinched brain caps.
There are neighborhoods where this is
not so. Largo heads, well shapen. and
handsomo features are the rule. What
makes the difference? Biology will tell
you tiiat the thoughts of parents and
their emotions in other words, their
habits and habitual feelings shape tha
whild. Not only do sudden frights go to
mark the unborn, but the every day
thoughts and ways of living do the sam2.
Responsibility runs far back, and somo
day tho matter will get a full and popular
discussion. Physicians of Intelligence
understand it. Every one should be made
to understand it. Every child has a
moral right to enter life under at least fa
vorable circumstances.
Overworked and underfed children are
far more common than is supposed. And
this occurs in families above the average
in this country more often than in those
under the average. I do not believe one
half the damage is now being dona by
overworking bodies that is done by over
working brains. The factory for children
under 12 is not 60 dangerous as the school
house. I am now speaking of the echool
house for young children with good brains
and fine nerves that are capable o f very
large attainments. No child should ever
be compelled to undertake book learning
before It is 6 or 7 years of ago. and until
12 ouo hour at a tune is all it should bo
allowed to study. Sot your boy down to
an Interesting book, a story, or whatever
ho enjoys. Let him read it for thrco
hours, and then call him off. You may
now diagnoso him.
He is dazed as he walks. lie is very
likely irritable with other children. Ex
amine his tongue, and you will find his
digestion is impaired- Pnt your hand on
his head; it is hot. His eyes aro full, and
touched with inflammation. Sitting for
a long time, he has grown weak in his
back, and is leaning in his shoulders.
The boy every day is tired and unstrung.
If this is a habit, or if he is r.ccustomed
to five hours in school, with possibly
study and reading out of sclioof, he is
already an Invalid be is on the road to a
breakdown- Mark yon, I da not say he
will become diseased; he is diseased. In
steau Ca lbur built up to hlj best estate
physically, ho is being pulled down. And
this Is true of the majority of our schol
arly boys and girls. Almos; at the be
ginning of life they are staftpd on inva
But I said they are underfed. So they
are, the children of our best families; they
are overstuffed and underfed. They be
.'in life almost at once on cookies and
neat and other foods that do not nourish
them at all, and servo only to destroy tho
digestive organs. They eat at all times
and whatever they chooso, and aro thereby
underfed even when gorged. It Is well
known that only that food which is assim
ilated and used ly the blood becomes
nutrient or nourishing: mutter. 1 Ik
may have far too little of this v.'.. m
stantly eating. This is peeuliaiv, :r. . if
allowed to overtax the brain. V'! c'iMd
has iio?K loo muolj i;!,H!o to do Inu build
ing work, br.t thi i awn liri'-e to do u vast deal ty.-j much ! ...'.:-
and imagining. That is w'.iat I uu'a.:i by
underfeeding and overworking 1 sin
cerely believe that at present 'we aro more
in need of laws f.iria.'mg tho overbmhi
tasking of children ikiuiof laws forbid
ding their employment under 1 in factc
ie:s and for undue hours. Wo shall
shortly conio to see that our educating
process needs safeguards for tho children
instructed to it.
It will be well when we come to Her
bert Spencer's idea that real education
shows "in what way to treat the body; in
what way to treat the mind; in what way
to manage our affairs; in what way to
utilize all tho sources of happiness which
nature supplies; how to use all our facul
ties to the greatest advantage to our
solves and to others; how to live com
pletely. " In all these respects the rights
of children extend, and if the state . is
right in Interfering at all to secure com
mon education it is obligated to interfere
to tho extent that will secure for the
child all that a true education involves.
Does our present system cover the case,
or even pretend or purpose to cover It?
Take, for instance, the one item, "How
to treat the body." Is it not a fact that
99 otit of 100 chddren are left to find out
whatever they do find out about the body
and how to use it by stumbling upon facts
through bitter experience of disease and
pain? And when, after a wretched and
miserable career, they die, what is done
to make another generation wiser than
the last? M. Maurice, M. D., in Globe
Democrat. nis First Nlrht Out.
Bride (of a month) My husband seems
to be out very lato to-night.
Maid Yes'm; it's after 11 o'clock.
"Mercy on me! Do you suppose he
could have met some former sweetheart,
"No, indeed, mum; the bntler tells me
your husband is at tho club, having a
food time with his bachelor friends, "and
think, ma'am, you ought to do some
thing about it."
. "Why, of course. How thoughtless 1
am! Get me that bos of phosphorus
from the cabinet."
"Dearie me! You ain't going to com
mit suicide?" ; s.
"Suicidel You must be crazy. I'm
going down to the front door to rub phos
phorus on the keyhole." Philadelphia
Record. .
Turkey ia Winter, -
Turkeys do nqt require as warm quar
ters in winter as do other fowls. How
ever cold tho weather, they should bo al
lowed to run out of. doors every day, ex
cept, perhaps, In very ptormy weather.
If. confined in warm quarters "and Hot d
lowed to run out of doors, they nsnally
show signs of indisposition, lose their ap
pctito, become dumpish and inactive and
pot unfrequcntly die. They are very
iardy bird and easily wintered. About
all they require s apUpe q roost at night
whero they will be out of the wind, plenty
fo et ar 1 driax f-J f c -r.T ,
"MUM Coffins" for the Trade Phane of
the Undertaker' Iluttloewi.
On a cross town street, uot far from
where Seventh avenue begins, is an under
taking establishment, 'lo be sure there
is nothing wonderful about this fact, nor
is there anything particularly noticeable
or out of the way to the averago man who
chances piist, about tho place. For the
office is nothing more than the basement
of a dwelling house converted into a store,
the brick work torn away and a big plate
glass window replaced in Its stead, a trans
formation that may be seen any time on
Fifth avenue or other thoroughfares now
turned into business stroets. But there
was a cardboard sign in the window of
of tho shop that, when I noticed .it, ap
peared very unusual indeed. I read and
re-read it about ten times, and then 1
placed my baud against tho glass to make
sure that it was inside of the pane, for it
struck me that, somo one might have been
playing a practical joke on tho innocent
undertaker. But, uo there was no de
ception about it. Tho four corners of a
square of white bristol board were pasted
to the insido of the glass and on it in
modest black letters was traced: "Misfit
coffins. To the trade only."
I am not naturally inquisitive, but I at
once became curious enough to inquire
what this notice meant, and aceordiugl y I
opened the door and stepped In. In the
rear of the store an elderly man with a
smoothly shaven face, which, together
with LL body, woa about as fat and as
round as a billiard ball, was writing at a
desk. He rose as I closed the door behind
me and nodded a good day.
"I haven't got any business to transact,"
said I, "but 1 would like to ask what is
meant by misfit coffins?''
"Oh, that's easily explained," replied
he, with a merry chuckle. "You see"
here he produced a snufl box from his
pocket, tapped it and took a huge pinch
of the aromatic powder1 "you see, it's
just this way: When un undertaker re
ceives an order ( ! a funeral he goes
around at once and t!;cs a measurement
of the deceased. I t lien orders a casket
from one of the large supply houses for
very few undertakers themselves carry
stock. If an elaborate casket is ordered,
with silver mountings and an engraved
plate, it will nut perhaps be ready
until tho day of tho funeral. Then,
when it is brought around it may
bo found for the first time, and to the
consternation of the undertaker, to be
cither, say too narrow or too short. May
be the body was lengthened out, as they
pccasionally do after death, or, perhaps, it
was enlarged- Again, the undertaker, or
a careless assistant, may have mado a
mistake in taking tho measure. Under
such circumstances therois only one thing
to bo done, and that is to order a new
casket. The undertaker must, of course,
suffer for his own blunder, and the manu
facturer will not take back tho first
coffin. This leaves it upon. hi,s hands,
and, not wishing to carry it and take his
chances of being able to use it at some
future time, ho comes to mo and I pu
chase it at a fair figure, !
"For instanf-3, that casket you see
standing at the extreme end of tlo ca:-c
there is ooo J bought a, fy (lays, ago. It
Is ft very f.xpensly.e ouo of polished rose
wood.' The engraving on the plate I have
burnished down, so that It cau le lettered
again. Now, that co'Iiu, considering what
I gavo for it, I can sell for very much less
than a manufacturer would char,";e, und
by and bv some ono in tho tradewill want
just such a one, an 1 he will naturaily me to get it." -
"IIow will io. know that you havo a
casket of that description":!"
"Beeauso I Issue- a monthly catalogue,
with full descriptions of. stock on hand,'
and if he i.i careful to keep this before
him on h'13 desk he will be able to get a
bargain more than once. I have just
started bl this branch of tho business
and at present have the field all to my
self. "And now, sir, you know what a misfit
coflin is. Call again." John Preston
Beecher in New York News.
Scheme to Get a Seat.
A party of four one fat old lady, her
unmarried daughter, her married daugh
ter and tho latter's 3-year old son
climbed into an uptown bound Broadway
car in New York recently. They began
staring at men in away calculated
to make them pop up, surrender their
seats and kick themselves on receiv
ing no thanks. A simple minded young
man with a smart new fall suit,
sat close to where they stood and busiod
himself looking after their welfare. He
pointed out to the old lady and one daugh
ter where two seats could be had in the
forward part of the car by making some
men squeeze up a little. The women did
not thank him. The men glared at him
and their lips moved - nimbly in silent
swear. Then tho smart young man com
pressed himself narrowly and so discov
ered one seat, to which ho motioned the
mother of the boy.
Did she thank him and sit down? No.
She stared at him in a stony fashion and
then carefully lifted the boy into the seat
so that he knelt at the window, ostensibly
to look out at Broadway's stirring sights.
.The boy's shoes were full of rich, black
mud from the crossing. He had been put
there to act a a petard on the young
man. He wriggled about on his knees,
and the grimy feet waved "perilously near
tha smart fall suit of tho too thoughtful
young man. In less than fifteen seconds
the young man bolted. Ho fled to the
front platform completely crushed. To a
friend who met him there, looking like a
suicide, he said: "I didn't mind being
sworn at by the old chaps in front, who
were- badly squeezed by that fat old wo
man. I didn't even mind squeezing my
self to let the mother and - the boy sit
down. She could easily have carried him
on her knee. But when she sprang that
cold, heartless game on me and used those
muddy boots to pry mo out of my seat, I
began to weaken." . The scheme is ono
that clever mothers have frequently
wprked of. late in crowded cars and it is
generally successful The Argonaut..
Gettlnjr Beady.
Mrs.' Ethereal Brown (languidly) I be
gin the-rest euro treatment next week,
you know, my dear.
Mr. Ethereal Brown Yes, I remember
you were saying something about it.
Mrs. Ethereal Brown And none too
soon, as Dr. Aristarchus says- Why, the
mere exertion today of being fitted for the
ten tea gowns I shall need has completely
exhausted me. The Epoch.
Ho-jarjr fuw Appearances.
Mrs. LIIfTors An agent for a dcw burg
lar alnrm was hero today, and I ,old him
to call again when yon were at homo.
Mr. lilifurs Huh! Burglar . alanasl
There is nothing iu this houso to stea). ..
- "No. but whea the neighbors hear we
have CtteJ up onr house with burglar
flams iLey will think we havo Eornctku?
, t , - - ! - - 1 r j
JCjOA'T you lint ic it ? Of course you do an dytu
11 if I ir(( t warm Underwear, Blanket, etc.
(yUR L'uic i.- Jh; uipassed bij any otlu r iim Lib
the city. . I hand some
J'IU1 ' ETy i j " a oh able Dress Goods, ilroad
cloths, lli-nrii ita, Cloths, Trecots, etc
JYERYTilJXG in Blankets, Flannels, Bed
Conifu; . . , lioiit rv, Battings, that you rill
'SOU will net regret looking our difj'i i ihl Ije
partm ! 1 . over before purchasing It trill
pay you.
GlMYEA'. l I' I and a Handsome Line of Car-
pets, Jfu;is I leor Oil
Low Prirr-s.
Ik "
1 iln
gasbag &
: : t :
lit IJ.-.!iiC;;v, t.chas
In all
.Stock of
r -
5t" t!
I&VeiJ C i' :;' ;
V" - . i F
-, 5 i V
On W ":' .: 'iufrwear.
A Call W;ii CnnvlnGG
I U I J i
- i k 4 $ n w,7i u K' tf
v. : U ft Urrt K t;;f; -" 1
" : :'" s,; t; U t ft i- ;'.'.- 'Jf-
Cloths, and Linoleum at
arul Extra Good l?;ir;ii:ir. in Lf
dies', Children "t; tu-.A Mi...-,.,'1
Seal Plushes,
Short Wraps,
Plush Spcq.u's-a
Eti;., Vic.
You, I
' v