The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 06, 1888, Image 3

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rLd fiflatjufa, it cmtAcjiT A,. TlTEODAY, NOVKMBErt c mn.
Come frrftve lbfslr wroR, on runt!, be, more
'c,pil (! ,B oereun and rrot. them en tb dust;
Tnxl ,u,.r r.rf.t. tl.tjjrt of rvTV v Ij, !.
H'l r'i'u It earth nnd l.iotu-1 fi'vn ol-i ttlnd;
T.i-io. f r i l;i tl,o Krav... fc bade tl!;. he
"uu K-evM u.rjr could tot n aj c tlio Alml--htys
Ir. 3. a.uJJtu.
ns before 8 o'clock: b la there every
night." '
"Not eyery nlbt, eurelyr said the
I bare twn the piece at loaf;t half a
doyen timru. and bo wai in the theatre
it i.
Titrkj'lV rrtv vrr i.n nil M....:..
'.i"iii;iii.,M,,w j -redone I.ouiiLitr.1 in
certain grl.Jy mch,dratn.i Ijiaiinir the
t.xivo til!-, i'ari.ian tlramall.-ts buvo
iuwas a I. fining to the ghastly In
' l r.,r.ia, nl lui:-.Lu audiences have
-r incliiiat i.n. us witness
L i i.::r !; N, "L,'H,tl do It Tcto
i'oir. ' and n f .HxJ rnnitv r.tln.r r.ln...
- .- - . . . . ...... ui
gns.y oni, r; but thin psychological
J,.r.. ... I .l.. . Ti . ., "
j ...... .u.-.ii .r m-moil was a
an tiro ill tho i:ir, nnl
- ..... ' I IIU
!! till atl'Mtfll I II til i,t II. n At,.,
t ('- thrived i,,l tin UK14. red ns
it I ' i ( li-n:iiMi'-o of the great
..! tolie'i t,T tl,
wi t i -lay. Thn damath,t
I l::iI,:,.,! tin t,, im-i.
liable to
l.i ;
j !
1 :
I r.: ...! i:
;: ,;.- c.f t!:u .l;!y
J -d !:!! lil
: I ,
f m , :i" ; ;ir.d f ;i!ir':ti'-;:
!-.!;:.:. Ulved tt:;d
ii i:i I l.:..:r.J li .,-1,1 .f
; : . ." ; ( irot--.-H.:i. i;i
1 1 v I ivcit do
I . r. lirii.-d, in
j !;! :ratiotiS
-- I I.v t!io
. 1 !y .lev
' V, i :) 1 In? f.
1 1
U 1
: .-.-.,!
1 :
1 . :
r ! i
t ii: 1 i:
. I -..::'
i i ! n. uu v.c::t v.-i-il, v.Tlb liw-i;
:!i i.i;;la im.t fi-i:t:ido t!.. t'emon
'"' t"t iC misk. s:;:o;i of I, is victim
: d t.) !.-, 4 ,,f i. !,,,!
'- ''" ti;u i.c net! t!.itro tbcre
I ii m.. :it iinnvir t!::it litld tlio
" : Srfliloiinl. as tbo man
:::uvr a l.aiuifnl rf povrtlcr into
f t!.. Iiii id li-iit that
d l.i: l. v.-t.-. nvn tlo awful
I :' ;M i:i.di tu t:ov -,:-r. Tl.o tall,
tbo i!iy.'.ici:;:i, graceful and
i i I. i f li. -at fVi'liii!;; lU-L-ss, sv.tll(d
::irr i:::'..i-L:si'.it.. l:-iv. nv, uiuscu
' I .i t;n;i''.- IIit..-ti1os. ivbi!t
:L'f i dross chant d to
i ' f; ii-1 i -; 1 1 ic-.l can of Iho
; . ;-.'-i;l.: :.: I jo faeu c!jniu:l, too; tLe
., !. reliucd fecturos (hicliotiod, the
i.rov.3 prevv fw-ntl.ouhe liko alcove Le
Inrid gkam of th maligiimt oyos; v hi.'e,
with s.. cry fbat bad nothing: in it of
liumanity, the transformed crcaturo rush
ed fort h to revel in rapine and murdtr.
Needless to expatiate upon the action
cf the play. Tbo later scent s reeked with
hlood, tbo v.-bole scheme of the drama was
I ageless and wild; but the glamour of
Iuiaitro'd genius bebl tbo audiencu jn a
f,v.c "I I'i-oatiiiesa interest, which Eagfred
:i')t t : :l i
v. ::
: ;i v
r i
f.Vi of the curta.hi. Tii nlir
svecrfj iLo Ambigii baii
i.v yon.-s.
ruu onr.i:,
i::e p
-2t to oar
noe, 5iarc i
it a v
if i 1 lir-ri i J yosr J of
; t1
; r.
rtd-J'i'onal and cx
r ' tf i!o
.. . ; .,. !! ii:.'s
:. .:.. in
p''"- !. '::... i.nd ocn
t . i;icos of
. ; ;.. ti.o cole
t i -- K-lif .l t!0
- ' '-:,..i ;: . vl:f
. .. :.ia..v
i ' j . ! ,!cp'n;
::... i . i i !. :i.
L-.'.. : his j,V
;- fi.tiuy.
r. j to Lti ;
- : -;. :! i.-r.! ;ip. :j. : iu
" - ' j'Vi i:-:ya::'-o of the j iuy ai;:
; : : .. : !.'.. ; . .-:- Jr v us eve n tLo::jb;
t '. .' . :v A . !..;i wt.iil i ta'ta at
'; :.pi-roi-ri.t:(.-u of liia ,o;!twurd F.'.-ia
i .".:.i.-, and f-oesibly inako it the subject
f.T n lawsuit; but the great cbenns
t;ce:d amused, aci even flattered, wbf u
if read the comments of tbo critics upon
tbi.-i piirticidur fi-atursof Lemaitre's cliar
crtcriation. lie went to see tbo play
vas intercsteil; went oain saw Lemai
t ra in Lis dressl room, and id id 6 rarious
::f',"3:n.s, wbicu lutf-nriued tho gnn
i t aliJ-m oi' tbo scene Lu tho laljoratorsr.
It v .. ; L-trved by and bv that Aval on
i' :.s t it :;eaily every nibt duri:i,c
;ci.o.l of t.iO i-tiiormiiiicc. lxii
o.:v.:rli o inpicd or.-a particular aval!.
;.-K!.;:"!-i ; t LIn::-cif j wdil, but thes.;
if..' " r I'V.s .!;o v.-eM liLio to.oo bisfacc,
.ui..'".;! i:i tLo hhado'.r of tho curtain,
r: I ;r;-.-!r. i: i l iieut expression and
j.--.'. c:-. :i;;t fciufd to derive
I i vc tiu.n Jlen bnvo told mo tho eamo
ti:iirr II i t a lihid of mnniu a disi as-d
vr.!iiiy 1 Kt:p'.-. Ho likes to see him
Heir on tho hi ."..;: th central tjf,i;re. tho
cyno.,uro (;f every eye.
Tbo man they Bpo!:o of approat hed and
prised toward the theatre. Tall, tli:n,
well dresf-ed. with a lirht vout over
bis c.e:iii::r t idt. f.alo. with a f.:ed look
nhont th eyes, u curioun mobility uboiit
the iiioiil h.
"Ho UA:h baraswod and ill," eal.l tho
yoimj man.
Overwork, hniln precsure," said tho
elder. "I should not 1 surprised if 1
woYo to hoar within tho next few months
that Marc Avalon bad ono off his bead."
C'anler roso end followed the preat
chemist into tho theatre, followed him to
the door of his avant -scene, and then went.
round t lie other tide of the, and pot
a stall from which ho could obscrvo tho
fa'-e in the bhadov of tho curtain ns well
as tho lowered lights would allow.
J hat idea of this rHnroof Keienco In inn-
rn the vere of Iumwy had started a cu-
rioi:r? train of tbourht In tho brain of tl,
skilled de'.e tive. lie had some timo since
made up Ins mind that tho murders of the
Uuo Me. Mar'rnonto. the uuo do la VieiTI.i
(-interno tnd tho Kue des I'eves v.ero tlm
woi it c.f the Panio hrs.ul. u'idthat 11 in i:irwl
of a homicidal mni:ine; but it had never
occurred to l.i-n that these ghastly, no-
uve insane murders nn.-Iit. bo ilm .
:'nv. of f oine'luii shown uron tho
-.!.!' of ii IVii-ian tlientro. To-iii;rht. for
1 11 lime. lie. ii:o luy woi Kingman,
wuore rour-j were f"Id. taw tbo prisly
)i:-.y wi.icii o:i tl-e idlers of Paris had !ecn
glof.ting upou f,.r tho last four or fivo
montiiH. ! :dso mw, or believed that
iio saw. l!i i i-.., ,-.nii s:i"Testion of tlioso
sirniigo itnil i.ioo.Iy iissussinations which
had convulsed tho oil v.
Su h a !.-,v. nctinrf upon the prepared
mind f i ii i"i:'i'V(T.!oil lunnfie niir!,t in.
:re a r:: n s.m.cruinary impulse, an
It C.j ! .'IT e." mess 1 o 1 :i-tn t !ino umenlinno
lud i iijoliou.i de.h-ied in all their bideous-
li ;-s by l ! c r.( Lo: liiat whieb u-
pal.';;';; and ivvn:;i:i;r to sane minds mlg-ht
::eivuo u i.iorbid laticir.ation upon the
insane. Ti.o l.ijhir the education and
the greater tlio lellnement, the deeper
mi'ht bj the descent into crime.
iho detective huu;r about the vestibnlA
till bo miw Marc Avaion leave the theatre.
and was uble to keen him in eirht without
apioaring to follow him. An elderly man.
who looKed like a doctor, accosted the
savant as he went out, and tbo two men
walked alonar the boulevard toe-ether in
the clear, mild niirbt as far as Tni-toni's
where they went in. Cauler bad followed
close enough to bo able to overhear their
conversation, which was upon indifferent
u i ions, i no ebemiEt s friend remarked
upon his locking ill and wearied, and
remonstrated with him for overea'remess
in his eci-iiitilio experiments.
ion &r- tryiri,r to get n oiTnrt of water
:t: a 1 -iitle," l-.e said; "noblv ever
t.::e.:cv.v, in that yet Take care
you d u'L !.a-:,L Jho lotile. There are
very .e. ra.i .f yo::r r.go who have made
as gsvttt a lurvk Ujjn ho century n you
hnve. Cart yon bo content to rest uiou
your l.iUrels'."
"1 nin ndv overworking mv brain."
ensvend. uoggediy. You talk
if I wom an iacipic-nt luriatic.
wary .i'T.j tf overwork about
acted caution of the aovice. In the walk
of tbo detective there was the mibtlet. , t
of the man accustomed to bunt his fellow
-This .4 Dlueblr.n'je. whom wo have S
beard of from lot; t l.i ; Is Id.-ap. who
has beta feeii by another lot. This ia the
man." !
" He followed that creeping figure, j
'.oii' hiTig across the road, doubling, wind- ;
lug. bis band clutching something in his '
breast. Cauler followed hiiu f;.m t.ho j
Hue fc-'t. Guiihtume to the Quid tie i (Iruiids !
Augu.slius, r.cro.-'S one of tho biidgesto I
tho Cite, from tho Cite bv another bridgo !
t tbo region of tLo markets; never lost i
i-i;'lit of liim, yet on tii( wav oontriveil in !
f-f'I it. ..4 .. J..ft. .. .r . ; .i . i. . . i
... u c.ul.oii oi ingat ponce ami to I lianils, ton. are t,o en ;y of -oes.s--to suv
; mi, t a couple of rHiiuymcu in the chase. I nothing cf the Moioc o troubles I made
if iiiiu.i nve minute:; n.a t )
Tlie .ilviuiluK-M uimI M1s1iuim in .Ivurm-y
Afar tvith l.itlic Pr. .urul l.r. nnd
I-nh !J;ii:;;uS Steady Nrrv N tided.
lniu;;fH r ( liiiiutr ScrioiiH I'erits.
That little mes in Tliiiot." says Mr.
Tavid Ker. tho t ravel.-r. "ii inviting
The:! thetiei-man row in Samoa mirrht be
ivoit ii entral Atiai-u! t !m Im:;
'.'.""''f.T"' ".on" KomjJn tinlr.. bavlnir oiir mnM nod price aUmiMxl,ilT h mnt.
retftllVr will .upplyjrou wlih ti.- .tniTl Ifyou Inil.t uim.ii hi. .lolnn ,, iV v!i.. Toor.
rtller will co you luto buy lug Uiorlor .Lot upua which tbly".,i llif t .U 'nu "um
liio tnreo contrived to h'-i p LIueLlouse
MgM. wind Siiid douUo ivi 1,; :.,i-!,t;
watched hiiu ns he r.cco.dcd ft iik'ht wan
derer in u dark idle-, nnd Kaw' her llv
from him, scared rt that grim face nnd
panther teeth uv.-t -; tho rod cap. They
followed I.ii.i throu'di tho intrioac ies f a
labyrinth of sijualid id rods v. hi-.-h has
long disnppoarc-.l; m;w him rdop to i-peal;
to u woman, mure wretched pei-hups than
she who had fled fi ;,t i bim half an hour
before saw him he! .1 t pr-ak to ht r us
if in friendliness, then with .:i d,i....
clutch fasten ouo livid hand upon her
throat, while the other hand was thrvs-.t
into his breast.
Quick as tbev were to nwm ldm
they wore not an in.dant twoV.oon aIi!
other second hii.1 that long kniio would
liavo done it3 deadly vr,-.-k, );s it iud done
tlirico before in tl.o rtieots of Purls. The
t Mini i il lir.i 1 1 . . . ...
jMarguorite, t!io !;; do la Vioilic, I.;:ntei-r.r
and tho Uuo des l oves, was found. Yes
una ins me souiiton cr tbo mystery
Iloriicidal mania, tho fatal outcome, of r
brain wrecked by overwork, day labor end
night labor tho too ardent thirst fox
knowledge, tho too keen ambition to
achieve, it had needed but a spark to lire
tbo brain, and tho spark bad been found
in tho suggestion of tho drama at thc-
ammgu. Mare Avalon bad watched and
oroecicu over tbo play till it bad become
reaiuy to nim. and ho had yielded to the
irresistible impulse that drove him to act
out the idea in bis own noram.
Ile died before tho end of the year in
diuiu luuuiio asymm. in searching his
......ivi , iaa uuiiru lOUUU morn Ili.-in r.lif
set of fangs, carved in ivory, which the
chemist had laboriously fashioned in imi-
lanon oi mo actor s hideous make-nr.. It
was discovered, too, that ho bad carried
uis experiments with the magnesium light,
then little known, far beyond tbo "ne
chanisni of the theatre: but confpsslmw
made by him later to tho doctors rt Hi a
asjium revealed tbat ho had (irmly bo
lieved in Ids possession of occult knowl
edge by which he was ablo to assume dia-
ooucai attributes and diabolical power.
iNoithern Alriea u
iiidicu is u!I that Mr
long eliou;r!l to p;!
say that your
I s!;-.i:.hl v. ant
mo. or. rasher,
h-t me
1 1
,Co t irivo
:-! 1 1 Uii minuies'
Ker reouircs oui'ti
k our tv.o hand barrs."
v. !iy, you don t mean to
wil'o always acco;-,. panics
i m-f Why. il i you fa::ev
to loavo mv wife bohkid
that siio would eciiM nt to
3 3 SHOE
AN 0
v5vof FIT.
The most.
,' m .nil- ri'i ,hei V1""1 ',rorf. '" ",r I'ranrli of In.luxfry that w are now !! to MfHrm thnt th
i Moan' $i SIiih In I it every ru-Kix-t-t e'limt to I i iiIiimv ... . ..I. . t... . .....7.J...1 ."..:!" "...'?
t.n dollar. If von will trv on v,.,i win i V.....wi ". .i...-"' .i'L-.. .7 """'"
.....I ;! an.l l SIi.h. an. I l..,u, wi.7. .i t- "."""."" ""T'mrrau'- "ur" .
. jvjj u m
ouallty of fuctJ.ry nro.lii.-lK. I our llni-s wu un. Hi. Ihi-. ,...r i.. . , V, '.i:';':r'" "
Momi'latntti'K " "-"-''' I-H, Uu and Rocky
go v. lihoitt her? t)li' bo
;ip;'i:i:; i.anal right after
. fi-.d Had event took
r v. e t .-a voted
1 t hro;:"! Ueh
Afgiianb.tan; i:i lvb-J it v.
.atal. Zuiuland, t!i; T:
i:;t-t !:.-;ion and .".':..
feiam. rhd.v-c-a. Sumatra;
ii i '. :o :
i. nil-! ::!.
i: In that t
"j'on'K ru-;v;-.. i:i I
1 1 at
I Va!
C. iiae.i, Caticasuu. th;
tno t. as man. then to Au.nto'i-t ? !
;ran this
.o wcro
lace in
:.s Capo
'' ira, in
in lo-M.
ii.. A" "l,'r' y "afwilo.1 with tlm rrulUof my trip. I hay I Inn far nuciyMMlwl In pla.lnn our full
line Iq thn l.aii.U r'A No. l .Val.m la every PoJiU I Uve vllil. Ho Kun on to iuy. "1" J , , i
wplruiild region f,.r im to b. II Kh- In, l- a.i mIMt of th n-taltr aro i-lVurKliiit thrlr i-UH(j,m."r. i.t
ir.-tal al-out douhlo the .rl.-,.B which tlm Mum-h have rit Ht "holiZl" "
Bok-sor every pair an- break iiiit down tl. tilh prlem which have hlih. rto rulo.l Ii II.. , maVkVia irn
,..r.,7 In, V TiV.V.l::.V... .""'"V w?al "'"a"'" lKinc no far you iirMM,n.rnt. II
:o i:u r
."- V. u
' ;!
.ill T .1
: d. :
vi it-: ..o- i-y, j-r.:.:r.
n- i -. ..t thi
r :i .- 2'.i:u.-i. i tr.u lan;i;:; to
r o!J frieud. and with perfect
a i:.o. t
It V.';
ran.-. ".
' t :
v. :
t .It
.-. ..Tor's - must r i ly embodiment of
i.:"; ;:l character.
.:i during the run of ll.ij ph.y that
a-; ;-tartloJ ly a sri'-i of cinrtUn
i -o-.js tlian i.::y iii..:o lLat had
.-,'.-: durinj tl.o n ig-n cf tin'
x-iurd-.'rs vl.ic!i boro a boi
lac ;:i UL.g to all appear
!c as. t?id iUv work of a mon-l-
soL- '.rt-iw v'a.i 1 1 f.'. ci p Lim.sal.
hlt-ed of au iMif.7i"!ikliag yictim.
' i-'o. iLi i. o. v. j;Li:i a perl ii ,f
i . hro;; lai-ths v.-.. i the city hci ii
r;'Vou:.i.7 act of butchery; oiuci:
I--'.:o fc'io. - larvae rue. v.'bero a
1 !
hnljititit of t'.iat human sliam-
:ad MietcLod in thy guile:,
i -:.-r i.'.; aaothrr in li.j
iiij Ijautcrne; a third in th;
O fHi
I::,; f. r
the Chora 'amr It
i l ha laarderc-r va.i
t ! of i.i tii-i.M! t:;hs where slang i:
:'.:. .-..';.- I.'.;;-;-.::--.-. Pay c.riK-r day ti.t
j : " ' ci t pclter announced that
: (" i.;r..:r.a had been heard cf end
ovei;-a-d yy-illt bi-e cr there; had eatei
rr drank ia this or that restaurant, from
t .he liocber do Caucale to bo Chat Xoir.
The wholo tlig'it cf canarcs were on tbo
wing, cud every moruing ami evening
g there wa3 c. new one let Sly upon Paris;
.".Jbut those who faew imj-thiug at jl
fcbont the matter knew that, so far. the
folic vera at fault No trace, no clcr,
no h'.ut of the Chonrineur bad yet Leon
btai::e.l. CauJer, tbj chief of the secret
-uarJidn of tbo public Efety, 1...J
v i.i ked till he wa3 weary; weary of l.Is
own fale Iig!.t3 tnd failures; wearie? cf
othor p'...i.c's futile an-i sometimes id:o;ic
f - . t i lie was fitting in the April
twiii :ht I o.'orc a Jca'e o.n tue lknJova -d
t'.es Italians. ;ot icrny d.wrs froia to
Ai::b:-,;i tboatre, sitting clono at one of
tho hit io t;arb:e tables. taJiing his derii-t:.--;"ti.rr
a tt-mpemte dinner, and listc-n-iag
biiy to the conversations around and
rdiui "i un. lie wa3 c'.l duty, resting a
jaded br.-vin, yet tho old habit of lisieh-.g
kr.J pnrtirtg two and two together at all
t imej rnl in all j.'acis v. as so string
ua-i l-ita that las car was on tho alert'.a-.sciously. and l.Li brain toon cwaii--i;cd
to iatnrot in ti.o talk of two men at
a t".Lio :.c:r Lis
uvy v.ero cf tLe I'dncur species bolb,
cua yourj. one xaidulj agLd taea v. ao
Lnctv their Pri3, evidently.
'IlL-re be come?," Mid the elder man.
looking down tho boulevard toward tbo
Girciid optra. "I felt euro be would j-ass ;
r P a n. this Is the coi-HKn
.ell 1. 1 :a:, cieVotCS himself to bis
. ten nnd c-ueoteds u little bc-ttcr
bis feiiov workers. Overstrain.
irain woi-a. incipient madncssl That i
what his friends say about him. Kindly
U.OUI!!.. uououoi, inn arrant iwauaiei '
i hey went into tho cafe, came out'agaiu
m a tjuaiior or an hour, when Avalon
hailed a cab.
The detective followed him in another.
Tho fly cleposlte-d him at bis own bouse ia
the fvue Ht. (iuillaijuno. Ouler drove to
the end of the street, dismissed Li3 cab
and went back to Marc Avalon's doorway
on fee. Th-? bouse in which tho chemist
lived was a fine old mansion in a ouad
ran 'mlar court, dull, dignified, respect
able. It was a moonless night, and tbo
court yard was black as Lrcbus at this
hour, suva for one lamp which burned
dimly over the porto cochere. There was
plenty of cover for the detective.
He saw the light of a lamp travel tdrough two rooms upon the
second Ccor and finally settled ia a third
Tho external Venetian shutters wcro
clojx.l, but I hero were r.o curtains drawn
v.itbia, and the lamplight shone betwixt
the wooaou
I.I. Caubr took up bis position in the
erabrasuro of a doorway leading to tbs?
cihees, an cbscuro doorvay in a corner of
tho g: ea: , grave bouse, as if be meant to
say tijoro half tho niht. A curious
v.iiite of r.o .vtr, one mirrat suppose, this
night watch in tho Kuo St. Guiliuusae,
but or li:tn Cuuicr bad been wasting inueh
po."cr in hun:i;;g wiil-o'-tho-wisps across
t.'ie morass cf Pans, and one ignus-fatuus
is n-j good ks another, lo-nio-ht it was
Cavdcr's v. bi:n to watch tho windows cf
:iarc Avalon.
for l
tor ?
lamplight coiiticued undisturbed
an tor.r and n half. Tbo third quar
Rficr 1 1 toi'o-J heavily from the tower eiicc yonder, and other church
emrips repeated tbo solemn measure.
Suddenly those windows on the second
Coor grt-w dark. Thj3 time the light did
not travel from room to room; it was ex
tinguished on the spot.
The man of science has gone to bed,"
said Cauler, with a touch of disappoint
ment. "I may go home and g-et my
tlo waited seme minutes notwithstand
ing, and, locking up presently, be travo a
i cry of triumphant surprise
"Uieu eio ineul I have hit it this time,
ho muttered.
There was a light shining through the
shr.tier3 of these three urner windows a
iigLt; Ejre vivid than the shine of the
ciorat-stii. lump, a fiery crimson glow, such
ts be had swii lu tbo theatre three hours
pge, i i tn? famous laboratory scene. It
Listed three or four minutes, and then
came darkness again.
Th-s tita Cauler bad no idea of going
Lome to supper. He waited for tbo ex
pected opening of door or window.
It raj-o presently; a window on th
m.:r. '
. - -
nan tV
mrai wu: dig a blue blouse and a red cap,
a ruCva! y looking brute, with big, pro
tect;. ;g tc . ;h. Lko the fangs of a wild
lea t, r-.'t h :g. coarso black hair. like
tbo i:a;r if;i v. i! J beast.
Coot of Living Abroail.
In England house rent, clothinir nml
nearly all tho coninodities of litA ni.
eneapcr than thev m Amevi.-n !Trt.i
cnarges, admission to theatres and
iiaeiui'- f-re excen; :ons un ess von
A .1 . 1 - 1 , . J
travel tuna class. iheio is t ; r r.r
aoc'iismnir th.- seeon.1 dona nnd r;.-
(ieoi-io lueir cuoiee c:ny U-twec-n brst end
third. As it :t, r. f Ib-t et
carriages run O'ii; i.v l -.-.I only fuoumber
iuo iraus. tor :.i ;.. t :i,ir?;e., intrench
restaurants and hoic.'j thero is pood
reason. .Vnv York !oes n -t npprecinte
the gror-t advantages it enjovs in its
abundant i.v.d -heap market supplies. In
Puns three tram s per pound (sixty cents)
is t barged for the samo quality of beef
steak which wo buy in New York for
t ni'ty cv;.;fl. :oo: tvlTee in
the sumo price per jxtund. fhreo francs.
They gi-ow some fruits in Franco end
England that wo don't in the
uoiii,, j,uc i-u jut whole tho fruPs v.f
tbes-o two countries xviil not compare in
Bbur.elaneo and flavor with those pro
duced even in our northern state nuiv
and as for grapes and poaches their best
specimens aro grown midcr glass, but it
must bo admitted that no grapes In the
world eqttaj for size and beauty' tho' Eng.
lisli hot liouso grajiea. English hot bouse
peaches ore pretty to tho eve, but tbev
lack the juiciness and rich "tlavar of the
American poach and their cost is very
great. The nights in England an"i
i" ran co aro too rainy tor tbo faicrable
production of tine fruits in tho open air.
lletail dealers over there instead of selling
vegetables aud fruit in our rough -and"
tumble way, by measure, which by its
very uncertainty i.i unsatisfactory bob to
seller aud buyer, sell them by weight or
number, potatoes and apples bv the
pound, peaches and largo '-William"
pear3 by tho dozen. "M. P." in Uome
The Rulis of Spain.
This allusion to los toros naturally led
to my asking tho impresario if the breeds
had not degenerated.
;Los toros degenerated," be exclaimed;
"Cios inio. sou tan bravos oomo sipmnw.
los augelistos (our bidls, good Cod. sir,
they ore .ns Lraye as ever, the lit tlo
angols)! One would think you bad never
seen a bull fight. Wo have splendid
breeds in Northern Spain, in Castile and
in Andalusia. The Navarreso bnlls nf
Carriquirj are the smallest, but thev are
powerful and terribly quick and agile.
i ney nave a Knack ot lumninc over th
barriers into the sort of rromenado that
runs round the ring between the seats of
the public and the rlne Itself, and have
ofteh leaped up, as they did at Vitoria two
years ago, right in tho midst of the lower
seats, lo3 teudido3, and caused frightful
pamc3 tuereny.
A Tiavarre bull costs from 250 to
$300, to which sum must be added the
cost of carriage and manv incidental ex
penses mat increase SX) per cent, the origi
nal price. The Castilian bulls are verv
good and cost from $350 to $450, exclu
sive of Incidental expenses. Tbe most
lamous breeds in Castile are those of Col
nienar. a few leagues from Madrid, in Cue
pasture lands, where you can go and pick
out tbe animals while grazing that is, If
yoa are a good rider, for they are sure to
chasd any outsider they espy." Madrid
Cor. Philadelphia Times.
in. iio'.imaiiia. tho
pet rolt-um of
I'i. !!:. v-
ia icc.o, on clear me! that was a deiigultid
year; lirst class shipwreck on the west
coast of Africa, rrd bd tile--, e f7
mocannioaia . :.!i.u;uts, ami in lbHi
u was Congo, Dougola and tho Cameroon
river, and last year u little jauut. nothing
much to speak about, to Ceylon, lmi mah
,.! Tl.;l...j A .. x t - . . . .
""u j.iouo-1., uuu miw iurs. Ivor is just be
guiuing to have a tasto for travel."
"Does Mrs. Ker travel lighty"
'Mio is obligcil to. Vo each carry a
"""u". toiu uio two would not weigh
bfiy pounds. Poth of us take on our backs
what wo wear. We buv what wo wear
out. One thing, wo ljth cany pistols and
j.irs. Ke r knows how to use hers. I taught
her, and a friend of ours. Capt. Hansard
of the English navy, gavo her lessons,
one has tho 'drop' down very line, nnd I
really think at long raugo may bo bettor
than her husband. Pray, do not sunl
it is a very matter of fact business. We
have to go through countries where vour
revolver must ho seen while your monev
is not."
"Then, Mrs. Ker must have been in
strango placesV"
"Sbo has been in countries where no
whito woman bad ever been beforo. Thrt
wa?,il.1tho c"stfs river, tho Cameroon
and YVeiloby bay, tho true Gorilla land."
Kctnruing to the toilets of a lady under
such t-ircumKtr.nces, Mr. Ker said;
"Weil they have
wo two were in Zuzulaud when tho intl
as8 irea you that If you k p on l.u.vli.K hi,.. Iai-i., iioiiLnulactnr. ' unn ., t taxi" r.-Vu il prli'iMaii ihU
S,h1.l:'V,",,,''","ot If" whatjrou an. KttluK an.l your r.iall.-r In pr.,l.nlly ii",kli,i y.,Vi IZl .l i h2
what yourshoxs have cost hlm. Now. can you alTor.l tU thlH while wear. i.rou-ctli.i? y..ii hV l.u Vi.lni
ouruanie an.l the tlxed retail price u,mn the m,U- of our before they leLvi "our full ?ry Zo that' oS
voijik''' i"jjmij u pay iiiorB ir your hiiiHa. iiimo llicy ri worth ?
Miom tioin our celcbratrd factory are oolil by wldr-nwakn rrmll.!-. ! oil --
JAMES MEAm Vi CO., 11 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass.
s " r o s
"ssw o, i.:e party was ropre.-entod by
a nusul L'tir.dio bold together by a shawl
Hi-ai- all ur voiidly goods and tbrt
slang on tho cud of a s near carried l-JV
litutod native.
. . .
n I :'.j. r. i-r.i. ...
Allien '.i,,..- ) -. ..... i . ,
i ..i ..; ; - ! 7 :ia:u:y nor
,a"rl uasuer near, we savo shcr a no. I - f,.-
ing:i by taking them ou. It aM:m
fit : : -...- 4.. 1 . .
i'"---.'--'-' " -;io.v nvw to v.aiio. Catre-
iiom.ig to ilo m-gtevs on the C
liver vic:: tbev s-iv
i . ...... . , i . i. ; . i
--"'- -ev :i H v. ..isc woman. itv
on t i:e taiDt-remi
his. icr, thev
'..'1.-.OOU1 ci' tho
'At times I hi
i a.y to be oi'..;i r.-.i
;a.c:na!oi 1 ! i -!,:.. riaf
hT- ' 1 1 M-"-s:'tV r".rt v India. f:.r he
-" '-o iCj ivai Hied tlrj
.xi..:i-s x-i-:pt:r.
;r i i'-'o not so i.!.-a-3.nnt
i i -
ljuiTcneu mv vilo
out in Afr ha:.! :. I
lore LiMl-r.u .",.-.. . j. '
- " LXaCiii.'-r l IL-.t i.Iei.S
no i.a z Leon tleei.uvr the
takes a
.'and t!
iitiil l:-.i:-v
rng f,lil f her
o she
iron wlirte the ha 1
I m .' - l. l ..r 4 . 1 i .
.i nn, L.t-n who nati boon
e.. out u few minutca i.-oicio! Ii ti sta-'.y iiorves to sco
things. "
V.'j.ll I.. i
.i. i.uo- uuota ii;e on'"-v
carries? It can't bo much if'a
uuiuh.wiu ong no.iaait.
"toi, I hero is so: p, of course, and
brtiiies ami combs, 'ihoro eight to be
hair;;.;;!:;; presumably t hero a to. Certain
ly. i bore is a big lot of qtiinino and a
pistol. Cuira? Yes. a cttir. Collars?
Don t know. It is tho qitiaine, radlv
now, which is tho rcost importaut. We
should oli bavo peiislicd in Africa if not
for Jdrs. ller's quinine. What are frills
and Counces, laces and ribb-ous good for
in a pestireroua swamp? Then Mrs. Ker
takes ueecics and thread and a thimble,
and a pair of scissors, for wo both want
mucn repairing. As tidy work as I ever
saw in cutting, basting, fitting and sew
mg was done by lira. Ker in a iun'de
with tho admirino- monkev
a jungle,
admirinir monkevs chiii-teim-
mourn) i:s. ies, ft portable ma
came wotikl bo very Uooful in our travels
anu so wouhi be a ppitablo grand
itiere, i ui'vo
contents if f ;s
i.i i y caiiiiugco
i;vfT-i;jLi i
O iLY 33. 1 0 FOR
v wvu.v.vyw m MwuiJUjijr 4fjMKMijj.jjivi y
Manv h tin nose I)EMOnKsT) MnvTnr v
to be a fafhioa magazine. Tbi la a creat mlatake.
Yl ..n.... ....... .il.. I.. . I . . w . .
jii u.iuuuuicuijr .iHjijuiijiB ino nneFt jTAphion IJK
parthbnt of any magazine published, but this la
the cane from the fact that great rnterpriae and ex
perience ore shown, ho that each department la
equal to a magazine in itself. In Dcmoret' you
get a dozen magazine in one, and secure amune
ment aud instruction for the whole family. It con
tains Stories, Poems, and other Literary attractions,
including Artistic, Scientific, and Mount-hold matters,
and is illustrated with original Kteel Kngravings,
Photogravures, Water-Colors, and fine Woodcutu,
makiin; it tlio Moobi, Magazine or Ahbrica.
....... , ISach copy contains a Pattern Ordeii entitling
the holder to the selection of Ajtt Patterw illnctrated in any number of the Magazine, and in ant
or TBE bizks manufactured, each valued at from SJO cents to 30 cents, or over $3.01) worth of pattern
per year, free.
Yearly Bubocription, $2.00. A trial will convince you that yon can get ten times the valu
f the money paid. Single copies (each containing Pattern Order;, SJO cents.
Published by W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, New York. .
The above combination Is a splendid chance to get oar paper aad Dimobest's Mosthxt at A
reduced rate. Scud your tmbscripiicina to this ofllce. .
H? -ft
giwii you tho principal'ii handbag' a pistol.
O n Iju.llo j.r rt. ....tu:.
wnai more could a woman v.-anff
a ioi; i.A.GL.Atii:s.
"li Mrs, Ker a HrguistY"
"Yes. Jiy v.-jfo i,j.3 a. neat turn fci
languages and is at homo in rrencli. Cer
man. ljiinnce. limelostiinr-d mui M
. e i-.-l "Tr.-.-r i -
x'. cive ott er f. t.eient
assortment e f t'h.l-.-rls.
1..U-IV .x-ii. as
I am
up u
tongues. v.-:tn an
e pick tin the
uo taat or w
:t tirae.-i
aoor whs caauonslv lifted and a.
""i out into the" courtyard a
l'nis brutal tgure crept stealthily across
t li'j yard and oat of the porte cochere,
Cii'i'er follow! tit mora ctaalfViilv ff In
i .-n ,.riVt j , M . Iour year3 n9 practicea amongst tfcs;
blonaa there waa tb oyer- habitaata. Boston Budget.
Livlug Entirely on Meat.
Dr. T. YV. Greene, writing to an English
journal from Montevideo, says tbat fresh
meat forms tho staple article of diet in a
part of the province of Buenos Ayres,
where he lived for four years. Vegetables
and fruit were unknown except "for one
month in tbe autumn, bread could not be
bad, and biscuits and farina, a meal made
from niandicca, were too expensive for the
poor. Tho population live entirely on
meat, and c rink nothing but tbo mate do
verba, a bitter Land of herb, containing
the some active principle as tea and coffee.
It is not uncommon for a man to eat four
or five pounds of meat at a meal; but Dr.
Greene thinks it contr.in3 less fibrin and
albumen, and more salts and water, than
English meat, lie never knew a case of
scurvy, or anything like It, during tbo
four years ha practiced amongst ts ia;
tab; very fast. Wo muat
might starve at times."
" i .era must bo oreat Kiire-.-b-.o.
frcni clianws r.f riir-.Mfnv"
"veh. v.e bcth climb up and down the
therm. .motor and don't think about it
3:y wife ban Blood 1 7 deg. in tbo shadt.
in Control Aa and in Russia 70 deg. be
low zero. There is only ono slight failing
of Mrs. Kcr's, which 1 think will become,
less in timy. She will get seasick. Cut
if an emergency comes she shakes that off
at once, bha rides weil on a horse or an
elephant cr a bullock or a camel, onlv
camels aro boasts. It was in en wly ice
cold torrent in Afghanistan, and Mrs. Ker
was slung in a basket on ono side of tho
brute and I on tbo other and In mid
stream, tho wretch of a camel wanted to
roll, and bo did roll, and wo conld not
help it, and it was very funny and chilly."
"You must have had many escapes from
serious periis?"
"We don't beep tally, but I think that
for not less than twenty -three times ba3
iirs. s uio oeeu in peril. I don't count
my scrapes I quite exult over Mrs. Ker,
for they never tried to hang her yet, and
I was very near it once by the token of
my having had a noose around my neck,
the knot under my left ear. and bavin"
been lifted off the cround. Mv wifo hn?.
crossed tho water only eighty-sis times so
far, and is 102 times behind me on that
record, but take it all together, since we
have been married sbo has gone oyer 105,
C00 miles." New York Times.
J. W. hi A KTIib1.
u nip mm & mm &
61 El V K4.15
Sugar Cured F?!eals, Hams, Bacon, Lard, &c., &g
of our own make.
The best brHrtls of OYSTERS, in cans ami bulk, t
tn itM '3 rr -
P r 1-1 E H
m S iMf A PR si
KtJ.i, .A
TiVH Ti i rtvMMt
" 1 Z $4 - -
P ? d 5
ft 2 HI?
If you seek for a faultless friend you
will be friendless all your life. Rouma
nian Proverb.
nS t tar gL
Dr. E. C West's Nerve and Treatment
I a giwantee secit!c for iiystetbi DiztneMs,
' Couvtilriioii.K. Fit. rvoiis jS'eiiraljjia, Head
' a':)!. Nerveeus brostrllon omifed by the new
i t a'eohol or b. bacon. Wakofn'tiPSK. Mental Xe-
I'leir-Ieti. S.ifieniuir of the Uijiiii iffUltlnir in In-
saiiity and Iradint; t misery, tleeay and ieath,
re:na! ure "Id A (;?. r.arrei.nes!i, iiss of Pow
er in eitiiirr sex. Inviiluutarv l.hcs nud hper-
mat -rr!io-a caused bv over-exertion of th
; brain. seilabiiHe oi-'iver-indtilroijce. Kaoli box
p eonralns one :nnntl;' treatment. l.HO a box
S r ' or six ii?x for ?.', mi by mail prepaid on
Z. ' receipt of price
o 5
k - m -
c j To cure any cae. With eaeh order rrceived
, by ns for !x hoe. 8C:;onifnn eil v. tn.5 (Ki,
we will send the purchaser ur r.rbte.i guaran
tee to returu the money if the i atment doe
not elTeet a pure. fJuaranteM insued only by
Will J. Warrick sole a it. Plattxmouth.Net
Pomona! attention to all Euslnesa Entrust
'o my care.
Title Examined. Abstarcts Compiled. In
vuranoe Vfi iltcn. Ileal I'.st?te Sold.
I - Af A. 4
All work first-class; west Fifth Street, j MWIA.CJL AggaCJt
North Robert Slier wood's Store. Plattsmoutb, TVebl ' Hi si
fiettpr Fjictlities for ruakins Farm Loans than
, i