THE DAILY imiALli ; 1 LAT fajjOtlTil, K'KBHAHKA. HAiUi.u..i, , U, iySS. r Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. Kall.barr, DeatUt, Uockwootl Telrphaae a.. Halldlair, Dr. Khntlaa, Offlea la (if rla' Dra More. Km. Vara tor. tilth aal Uraalt. Trlrphoae So. 42. Dr. trithrra, Iba l'alalr lntl.t, I'bIob Blork, Ofer rlrkc'a lira More, riattanoala. CITY CONCRECATIONS. (fATHOLlC St. raul'i Church, Oak. between fifth mid Hlxtli. Father Carney, I'astor. Kervlee : Mam t 8 and 10 :.T0 A. M. .Sunday hchoul at 2 uso, with benediction. CnnisTiAN. Corner Locust and Eighth Sts. Hunduy Hc'tiool lo a.m. KPIM4-OPAU St. I.uke'M Church, corner Third iidlne. Jtev. il 15. I5urj;c. iaitor. !Ser- vlres : II A. l. ai.d 7 :Jo I'. M . buuday School at M 1'. M. Ofioian Mktiioimst. Corner Sixth ft. and (intuit. Iv. Ihrt. l';itor. hervlees :11a. M. iiiiiI 7 ::) I'. . Sunday jichool lo :;i a m. J'HKMivthii AN. .Main, between Sixth uixl Seventh. Ut-v. .1 . T. Piiii.l, luilnr. Nervier. rniial hour. tiiorniiiK and evening. Sunday hch'Nl a :e. 'IUT Mktiioiit. Sixth St.. betwrn Main and Pearl. Kev. V. 11. A lexaiulrr, pastor. Nervier : 1 1 A. M.. 7 :'Jtt l m. Similar Neliool '1 :- P.. si. J'rayt-r iiu elir j; Weduetday even ing. OritM av Vkm:vtf.iiia.v. Main and Ninth. ifev. lite, pastor. Net vices : UMial hour. Sunday telmol : ::h a. si. 8wr.i:iM'i 'o:itirii atioNAI. (Jruiiltc, be tween Fifth and Nixtli. CITY CORDIALS. 'Taster Mr Shane." This is pure Nebraska weather. Only three more days of democratic stnpei.c, then they will fall. The nws lis been a little Lit .scarce todij, everything is politics. Every young man in Pl:iitmoth is invited to attend t!io Y. M. C A. meet ing at the association rooms tomorrow nt 4 p. in. The liniirn ifc now busicth herself with fJ"( tin f the family dwelling place for gcn; spots anl summer real estate, and her efforts are richly re warded. Frank Carruth lui.-i completed thi first twenty feet of stone walk on Sbuv street. That io front of tlic Cass cc.iDty bank is drying. If.nrv Boeek anil Johnny Blake are building and more will he built The Union republicans will have a granl meeting tonight, Paul Schminke, John C. Watson and 11. A. Gibson will t ilk the truth to them. Union and vicini ty promise a grand republican majority next Tuesday. The twenty-fourth annual catalogue of the Nebraska Telephone company was passed around to the patrons of that company in this city today. A compar ison with last year's issue shows a marked increase in the lists. Jacob Hansen was brought in from AshUnd yesterday and examined to ascer tain if he was insane. The examination proved the troubfe to bs more imhecilii than real insanity, and lie was taken out to ths poor farm to be taken care of. Last night a young men's bible study class was organized at the Y. M. C. A. rooms, to meet there one night each week and study the word of God. This is a class in which every christaiii young man in Plattsmouth should be an active member. J. I'. Young was a west-boun.l pas enger on the n the 4 flyer" this morning tJ join Mrs. Young, and spend Sunday with 3Ir. and Mrs. II. M. Bu-dincll. J. p. will take in the performance by th "Cold Day Company" nt the Funk to morrow night. Died. Milinda llobbs, living soutl or riattsmoutli, died October Mb. Sli was aged 10 years, 8 months and !." d.ivs nnd left eight children. Lincoln S Shepherd, brother to deceased, died Oct a.iO If . . lie was z vears montli .-m l A Crarld Musical Catnerln. As a result of eancet personal work of the young people of the Presbyterian Sunday achool in Belling ticket to their cenccrt given last night, there gathered at Hock wood hall a large audience of both young and old. The entertain ment more than pleased those present. All the programme was giyen in good Btyle, but the most taking exercise of tho evening was the music by the Zyther Club. The club was under the leader ship of Miss Lillian ICauble, who.though but a girl, displayed musical talent and ability worthy an older head. The Zyther Club appeared twice on the pro gramme, and 'was each time encored. Mr. Eigcnbroadt was encored on his solo, and responded with a song of his own composition, which was a parody on "I Stood on the IJritlge at Midnight," At the close of the concert the older folks took aiipper and left the hall, while the young folks had a illy time with iiuiaic and games for about an hour, Men'ti Wool mitts at 25 cents, Men's fur hats $1.25, Men's fur Miff hats $1.."0 at Mayer's Popular Clothing Store. Crand Musical Comedy. From the Ohio State Journal: It would be almost impossible to bestow too much praise upon the side splitting musical comedy now running at the Grand under the title of "A Cold Day, or the Laplanders." In addition to the comedy element of the piece, each act is flavored with a number of popular songs which always win favor with an audience. Souk: of the renditions were superb, ami mi encore was responded to alter rath. The charming little songster, Carlotta, fairly raptured every heart in the audi ence by her exquisite rendition of the song.'-l'm so Shy." As coui lians, Messrs. Le- i.'iiuer and Sampson are fine, and keep th; audience in a constant state of merri ment. Individually nnd collectively, the company is unusually sliong. Go and see the funny comedy without a dot, written expressly to make you oiiT"h. introducing; a larjrc number of new song-, dances and other specialties. Dou't W.l to go MonJii' night, or it will bo a cold day for ; yn'i miss it. V days old. Causa of death unknown. Two men. evidently farmers, betam considerably excited over a political di.- cussion, iu front of Johnson's h irdwar. tore this afternoon, and rju'te a crowi .r. 1 1. 1 Tl... . r T p -nii-iiu. i iic poiiii ci dispute was "Does Johnny IJull invest money ii American polities." If we can believi the truth, lie does. iri. . .... Vientiane s pasters winch he s-nt e.ul over the state, and which have been s i t to several of Plattsmouth's voters an goin to work against him. Some "nor democrats at Guide 11 ck, tliis state, sav .i i , mcj nave necome disgusted nnd vil! vote for John M. Thayer, and will luy noiuing to it j with a -'paster" candidate. The ladies of the M. E. church, will give an all day lunch on election day, in tue new building on the corner of Main and 4th ss. All ladies interested are re iuest?d to bring their contributions auui.iij mwuiiijj, nnti iena their asist ance through the day. Everybody is in Men's Heavy working boots won.ii $:JJ50 and !j:4.00 selling at half price to close ter,ro pnr removal. S. fc C. Mayer the Popular tdodiJc-K. A paper entitled "The Farmer's Voice," a democrrtie campaign, sheet, published in Chicago, is being spread over Nebraska. The last issue is full of brotherly advice to the "protective class'' telling them how io Vvte and f urn.:shiug them a republican ticket mcdiiud io suit the taste of John A. !Ic8l)3ne, and of course the Voice tells them if they don't vote that ticket they are voting against tbfcfc os'u interest, The paper is full of stories &ud nwreprtsentations concerning Gen. Thayer, auci rake lc Shane before them as though lie were a a Prince of purity. The farmers of fo braska kno- Letter what is good for them than some feiict democratic cam paign editor in Chicago w ho hm been favored with a share of McShane's cam paign boodle. The republicans of Cass county are too Hcasiljle to peririt them selves to be bo beguiled into voting a ticket that has been doctored and put up by the wholesale in Chicago by demo cratic election frauds. Report comes from several towns of the county that these prepared tickets from Chicago are .1.:,!. t..: - . . . iiio.iv in in eir vicinity, and mat an ittempt will be made to "play dirt" with liem'on election day. A straight repub lican ticket from republican hands is the nly ticket that republican should Niuch next Tuesday. Papers from Omaha printed in German, have also been circulated by the democratic dev Itry headquarters. Children's overcoats ?!.2., Boy's over oats 1.50, Men's overcoats 1.73 at layer's Popular Clothing store. Sr. Andrews Brotherhood Concert. The postponed concert of the St. An- Irews Brotherhood will be n-K-on i r- lOCKffood nail neat Thursday night. It vill be a grand affair. Tho following :s the program to be produced : giro-tea- Me-srs. U.mvick. Cr ther. AVead nd Keinpster. Solo Mr. C. M . W a.1. ;:e' ita1ion Misg Malic Fonda. S I Mr. YV. Ciowther. Keeitation Miss Maiirl Konda. Solo Mr. I,. A. Moore-. I hi 'tt-Messrs Ken.pster ad Carwiek. Solo -Mr. C. Nf . V.ej.iS. i:-e!tiTi.)ii Mis Mab Fonda Solo Mr. . is. Keni.s?-r. KecitMtiou Mi?s v iel Fonda W'i-ineiin-vcr.s. iUrwu k. Crow ther. W.i f I k ii 3 vl u '&&&! v. ' '4 14 fen I . , ..i -. TJi ' . v irt. 7.0 -i '- . . e , - ', v. J I '. " " X r i - f -j ti 4 W -? 5f H ; ; . -r, . ;.. ( -'fir tJt 'n - , 1 I : ' 1 l- i : t. j i V. A f r - a : r; p a f ? W 7 A ?h b ;v c' 4 mmmA SIceves FRED noffirnrfunn U Unr Assortment surpasses anything heretofore attempted hy us in tin's Department, and our customers will be surprised at our magnificent display of Ladles anil- Misses' . rJPTTTlTlQTlf'PtQ I and at very Low Prices. We are showing decided novelties in Stripes, Checks, and Solid Colors ! J. lain, Jiell or Angel ' D 0 0 I'd i Kid Glcy We shall of;", r u) uf ii: Kid Gloves, worth from C t . 7 " to, nt the Nomi nal Price SI.OO PKR PAIR. This incliiih s vrr thing w- c iiiy in Stock of )resi d, Sin iUs, Cuttors, and Driving Gloves. li Button Sin-p'.-oii's II -t Cillers and Ilruks, now Cl.'O, w.'iil. ."-.'i. 4 Jhllton SiiiiJ'-'i I!' t Cujoi's and Hiaeks, now ifl.r.o, v, i t!i nlM!5. 4 Hutton Oi:r fn:i Fam-y Kmbroidired IJaek, C'.Joi.s ami Iiiuck, now .$1.50, W"i th .2.00. 5 IJutton Don KxiiTi, Colors aim jmicK, now, w sin !.. K r.ottoil lIoM.ii' t:.irc So... .? a only $1.50, w ith ?'.2 C Button MoMiuetuiiu per pair, is ( xtm huge size, nnd .f m ndiy ndvertisfd as a big Inipnin nt !j5.( 0. 11x4 White Impi rial is lull si.e iind at 7.50 a pair is a ood bineiiin. $1.50,Wtstern HchtM' Utd lili.i.ktt is good value at s?5.'0. fo.OO, 1I,1 Blanket (Mia i-ht nnd (jiiality. 2xh K1 Bl.inkit nt $!t.(0 jxr pair, made n j of the finest wool. Brown tmd Gray mixed Is, fit all prices. Our $1.00 (Ymfcit, fair piin, r,nn value. Gltr !fl.50 Cenifelt, g( ( d ,ll:iiitV. print solid, red lining, it'll white batting. Our sf'-'-tO inn foil. Best 1'iint, cxtia weight. Our $2.50 Comfort, two good vidii's: No. I. I'iot Color'-d Chintz Piint, AVhite Cotton Pilhd, i.xti.i h't.r uiul weio,t. ,No. 2. Fancy Sutin-. m I'd nigs, rlerrniit line of pntti'i i j rolms. Our !i?:.25 Imported (hut I'.-.tli rns, very fancy quilled. Mi l .'i.-tn d v.t i:.d.t. i d in- ueiies, (. olors. Colors Our .fU.'O Fin,' Fahf V Mitine Lined, very n:cl 72x2. ell ); lid tize Su di-f and Black, $1.50. wonJi $2.00 4 Button Captors, Colors, only now $1.30, wortli s2.. Suede Guant Id Driving (Jlovcs. Ci.lors, onlv now 1 50, woith .i5. Underwear. Ladies' Modjeskas. Jlaek Jiagonal Cloth, Fur Trim med, only 7.00. Black Extra Quality Boucle Cl.dli. Sike Fringe Trimmings, Bell eeyc, only 10.00. Black Frieze Cloth, Ball Trir ming, Quilted Lining, Astrachan Ci fls ant Collars, only $1-1.00. Brown and Tan Brocaded Matsl lasse, Plush Ball Trimming, Plush Cpfts and Collar, only 15.00. 'Silk Lah, PJush Ball Trimmings, plain Satin Liued, Chamois pojjjcets, only 15.00. Jlajsl: Aetrachan Cloth, Spike Trimmings, Satin Lined, pnly 10. Fancy Silk Striped Cloaking, Ball Trimming to mutch, Quilted Satin Lining, only $20. Seal Plush, Elegant Plush Ball Tfiniiningj S?itin Lined, genuine Seal Loops, only SiiS. Elegant Scal "s?1 Beaypy Ball Trimmings and Collar; Quoted Satin Lined, only, 32.50. Our Plush Sacques are finished with the best of Quilted Satin Lining. 'Cijanao'S Pockets and Genuine Seal Loops. Any guarantee failing to inetjt Itke pepniV-n in wear given our garments, will be replaced by a new one. c Shawl O. Our $4.00 Bi a vi i Sij;. Browns, sold !si w I in (iri-vs and re i.t $5.(!0. -:!iie Vchit, in Greys F.Micy 1 ; rd. r. is decii lilch-I'j.nt.s fine, mrpnior j i m I : f 3, ts. .!( is, y 1 4 1 si.. es Pants to Ii ;:t minu Our $5.00 Ki y and Br(jwns. wit eitiy a irooil I r; Our $7.00 iN..v-r u'.w-d heavy Shawl. Areiy pretty lin.- of eel Our $'J.0() Bojiv r, si;;n rior qtnditv. eleoant pattern-j, v.iil wi.-rMi i-lo.(:). Our $10.00 J; r: i r j.) C:-. ys. T.-ns and Browns, entirely new patt riiv, nnd would be decidedly cheap at $12.1.0. Yarns. Ladiefe' White Merino "( i-t-, S';S ed, Silk bound, at SO cmts ench to lll.ltl Ii. L idi- s' Fxtr;i White Meiiiio V ;it 75 cents each. price. Ladies' White Wool Vests, Silk Bound and Stitched, al $1.25. Budies' Natural We. 1 ', ;-ts nnd Punts at $1.00 each, worth $1.25. Ladies' Si tilli t Vests ii!.'.! Pjii.K M:iof,th and soft, on'y $1.00 each. Ladies' Seal let Saxony V.'ool V. Ms no, I Pants, finest tjuulity, at .t.75 each. L'ulies' Camels Hair Pants and Vif-fs IJeduced to $?.'3.00 a Mlit, worth $1.00. rull Lines of Children's, Misses and Boys' Underwear. White. Scarlet. Natur al and Camels Hair at Low prices. Com prises K very th i l g i n Cjerm.'iii lvi:if i;i:r, t)pa;:!;. Uei ih cm .). j . i 1 ; I ' . v i . Fail v Floss. Shetland Flo;. Angorii. Saxon r. Z.-phvrs, Crewels. Comforts and Blarskets. 10x4 Vt'hite Blankets at $1.25 per pair. 10;4 "White Bhinkcts, gevd weight, ouiy j2.uo i pin.. '" P 10x4 "White' all "Wool Guaranteed only $1.00. Our Country lii idc Vt'lnte, iit $4.75 Seal Plush Wraps. Gur line of. Plush Gurineids thin fiCilSOll are made up of the best trnuh s of Lon don Dyed and Liters Seal Flushes, i.od Every Garini nt Guaranteed to wear. Our Plush at $;.-.( 0 ar verv cheap. Our Eiiolisii Walk in .!..( I: ts. three- fiuarters 1. ngth. at $25. wli worth J-'IJO Our $25.00 Flush Sue. u, s. sold i be- where at $::o,oo Our $;;o.t'0 Flush S;ic.;us v. oitli fully 3.j.).L" Oiir jj;;;5. 00 plush S-ieooes woitfi fulJv flO.OO. Our f:57.5t Flush Saciiucs where at $45.00. Our $15.00 Flush Saeom s, puce, $.i . old evcry- ouh;r ity sn J. JM1. ZLJJ .UaU. ONE DOOR EAST FIRST 2TATIC1TAL BANK. 9 is-; f-i i 1TK. PERSONAL S- W. P. Crilehfield, of Wree))3r.? Water, vas in town today. Mrs. Cl-as Breckerfeld was a passen ger to Omaha this morning. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. White and Miss Amelia Valley spent to-day in Omaha. According to the looks of things it seems to us, and many others, that J. IL Burris, presidu:t of the t-tate Farmers' A liance, has eith?r been bad y 9old, or cku he is tiying to sell the alliance to the democratic party. Ve - re told today by a member of the allLnse how it comes that thise l'F!rmni" Voices' met Keiajster. Overcoats for men with fur collars nnd cuffs for $12.50 at 3Jayerji Popular .luiwuij otore. The democrats have their last re hearsal of fond hopes once cherished but soon to be abandoned, at the opera house tonight. Hon. F. E. White, J. C. Oil more ana .Slat. Gennsr will tear down vitait irk onmn Zw ; i . I i . uic LLuin ana .are a I tuuuia micr coiunin otrcnublican votes social time. An oyster suniipr win I nnd hold th nn7n tVi ArM bef-re tlie people. Everybody eo out Tomorrow afternoon, at four o'clock I anJ 1,ear t,le oltl story, its the last chance a meeting for young nun wili be l.e!l in I for our years and it will afford a sonree the Y. M. C. A. looms in the Anheuser- I for an est,a pleasant smile during the Busch building. No young man fehould I uaPPy yeais of Harrison's administration absent himself becaus? he is a t-trano-or to lIlnW of "what might have been." or for any other reason. This meeting J course they will tell of great wrongs, js for toc, no matter who you arc or I never wt' re ueard of. about what has what you are; come out and spen"' an fiotir with christian associates, and they will gat acquainted withyou. It will do yoa go id and you will be invited to coma ngain. and will happen if their side don't "get mere. But keep in mind while listen th it "we're all riht." you from Chicago democratic headquarters are finding their way into the hands of all Nebraska farmers. The copy con tains a great lot of trash i.bout Gen. John JL Thayer, while it gives to John A. McSiianc a character (.f a;ifejip cast. Mr. Burris, as presidi k, sept to the dem ocratic campaign literature headquarters in Chicago, tiie name cf ihe members of. the alliance, and in return the bossi' there sent to each number, a bundle of " Voter.? " as bia as i stovepipe which i!;3 receiver is expected to distribute among hi.; frienls for the "good"' there is in them. Each "Voice" pontains several of the doctored republi can tickets wifh McShane's nsme instead of Thayer's. A large number of these bundles have been consigqed to the stove and more are going there. The farmers of Nebraska think for themselves and will vote their ticket euaight this fall. If there is any class of men that love an honest ballot and a fair count it is the farmer and he don't propose to be bulldozed with democratic scull- duggcry, or to vote a ticket made Jo order by anybody. John Guyger, of Wabash, who four weeks ago icdiy name to Plattsmouth as a delegate to the democratic convention, and became insane on the road, was ar rested, examined, and returned to his home, the attack being thought to be more or less temporary, is again far off from his mental balance. He was brought in from Wabash this morning again and is now confined in the jail here. Appli cation has been made to have him ad mitted to the hospital at Lincoln. That institution, however is crowded and there may be no room for him, b ut until a re ply is received he will be kept here. - lie is very rest; ess ad walks nnd talks con tinually. Political excitement seems to be too great a strain for him. Boots and I' LExVSE !..:i"t !t; yon I'mi-oh t jibfut tia fc C. are "ivinir. absorb so in lie) i of great cut in cali yi.-Hi ;:tk htioii thi rifiri5 "V. A. lUci j&ty'SYlSG to the .-hi'.v ?t-nanl for Fall Goods we arc comr.oih o! to n.i: Lunch will be served all day Tues day, in Roekwood hall by the W. It. C. Everybody remember and go there and taLoyour friends to dinner. OlCieJ to i.;-. 'C;..-h" tn n: t X .iii Are yon and dyspeptic Does your liyer sluggish seem ? Is ypui- slum !','?! often broken liy a hideous, nightmare dream ? Friend, be wise : The Pleasant Pellets Made by Dr. Pierce procure. And they'll bringyou back the sunshine Of good he.dth, you may be sure. B v3 Ejs"W8 I fa O ti:n. buy t a ii:a;j : V VI I))' JJo.,: ... obHgjtli'oit.s. ( yon c:.U if. V :oc j- v. ii i. e W 'J l .y i , Ol 1: IS. '. L r ,;r. pr;. Hi. W ?I Men's Unlanndried Shirts. 40 rpnfa f E jon'i the On Price dottier. r-5Totwithstanding the hard work the democratic orators liaye bad telling the old story around over Gass county this fall about "political outrage i.nd extra v- agsnt managing," the farmers from tho central part of tha conaty report for a heavy straight republican vote, and vic- 1 lory oo eery hand. - A Safe Bafelnes!), "Do you ever bet on the races, stran ger?" ho asked, as the boat aDproached Bay Ilidgr. " "I used to, but it cost me top much fuoney. f-'You are a business man, I suppose?" f?les, sir; I sell 'tips.' I can give yon p aiiio icu io one winner, today only IIal Never Seen t. City Poet What a very queer looking yellow weed that is! Youngr Lady Yellow weed! Goodness me! This is the beautiful "golden rod" that you raved about la vour last poem. Tim a. A French electrician claims that he will pon be able to produce a thunder storm wherever and whenever it is deirci A MAN Hk.'Z Because In- 1. ; v Buv one of J !;:;. v !:U;-J "ATri I : u '-'i ovr:. t'.-.' dim. . . , A : i No. 5 fi J : Kf. T.--7 ::r. j.. i o. b ::, . ia, t.'i. Modern society seems to bo made ud of two Street e! rises' the snubhers tml 'tha snubbed. New York World. Joe, the one pile- clothier, i srllincr the genuine Chic-go hat with the Chicago j 0A!G. :'7 a' '"' . Brand in it at $2.25 fan fee. tf ft,. a T ': r lo J ;i' a. ii.. All trair.a run ilsPu t... r . Every hat war- ! J t-nd 8 ; wl.icn r"u,'to" aua iZ'lJZZtt j ai,Ii ict;.t holiday. Everything necc-.iry for furnishing house can be purchased nt H. litutk s. II. M. Gault IS IfOt J VI V 'IllC fine noyelties in Oiidlztd Silv for holidays. very goods Xo finer, larger, cheaper line of wear in the of Neoraska you can fiud at Joe's, the one clothier. neck than price tf ;,,:'' tS.10 ?C1W Jn"tIon at s 3'ia m r,-. a. c, ,.u irorn racnic . unction at 1 In. Dr. C. A. Marshall. Nice little houso to rent d-t2 V". S. Wise. Tho Lick pbservatorv the not ttanp window. ATey JTcri Ptr-'atcli. , - lin Gold and silver watches tnousrh to supply the country at If. M. GanltV cheap and warrant' d to ui ve satisfaction. Joe. the one price clothier, bclievp nn the good old morto, "Quick, pales and small profits." Joe is always busy sell- 0OodJ, ; t Preservation cf the Natural TW(h i Specialty. Auesthetic3 given for Pain less ob Extbactiow ok Ti vtu Artificial teeth made on Gold Silver Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices resso-thl'o. w i Ii