1TX THE DAILY HiiK PLiiriSfliou i'ft, "wgifKASKA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2 S'OYLLINE LEAVES. 1.i fory r,f our .,v Li Incomplete; Tb- leaven of childhood uud of youth are tnb '"jt. Yet '-bolter Life u,an never" two to meet; Our lijm, at leant, aru uot too old for kutoiiig. What rapture to have iOTei as boy and girl! How nrwl to have been playfellows together; Over oo fairy Ulo our h.-ud to curl, Icacparablu birdiingH of a feather I To mate In tho first freshness of our youfli Was happiness lifo to us never granted; Lonely opart we pined, each seeking truth! Too ther we have found Ioto'm land enchanted. Tlio iut U flown; tho future ntill have we; let our twin nauld blend U-yi.n l the nges. Till. young cud fair, henlde the Jaor tea. We may discover oil love's torn nt puges. George Hill In Llackwood'h Magozino. . 1888. A CJiYIXG CHILI). Iurin' war tiruca tho gorillas lied torn up most uv tho cypress ties an used Via far kindlin' an' btovo wood, an tho result wuz that when tho war wuz over there wuzn't anytLink left uv tho Ilan'bul 'nd bt. Jo but the rollin'-btock 'iid the two htroaks uv rails from one end uv tho road to tho Other. In tho spring uv '67 I lied to pro out into Kansas, and takin tie Ilafr bul 'nd St. Jo at Palniyrv junction I wuzn't long in findiii' cut that tho Ilan' bul 'nd St. Jo railmnd wuz jist about tho wust cast of rolllu prnirer I ever struck. i hero wuz ono bunk left when I boarded the sleepin' car and I hod presence uv mind 'iiuff to ketch on to it. It wuz thoji just about dusk an' tho nig-ger that sort uv run thinp in tho car sez to rue: "Eoss," sez lio, 4T11 have to get you to pleas not t sitoro to-night, but to bo uncommon quiet." t.nafc ion fez i. "iiain i paid my t,2 an' hain't I entitled to all tho luxuries uv tho outfit?" Then tho nigger loaned over an told mo tbut Col. Klij.Ji (lutes, ono uv the direc tors uv the i oral an' t ho richest man in Marion county, wuz ubo inl, an' it wuz ono of tho rules uv tloj company not to do any thing to bother him or get him to fell his ido !i. Tho nipper pointed out Col. Gates, "ncl I tool; :t Ion!; at him as ho sot readiu' Tho I'ulmyry Sjx-ctator. lie wuz one of our Md uv people loiitr, raw boned 'nd Lu.-ky. Il j.Kikf -1 to be a!out GO cicv If liotquiloontoCO. lio uuznt bothered v-;. !i much Imir onto his head, "nd his was r luived. all except two rims or t'; i:i s uv it that r.m down the sides uv his luce 'ml ni'-t underneath his chin, i .Ms frir.f-o filled t:p hi.; neck so that ho I'i-Iu't Lev to wc:r no collar, 'nd lio hadn't jewelry about liiiri exrep' a Lg carne iiaa bosom pin that had tho picture uv a woman's lies:d ua it in white. Ilis Fpecs y-l well dov. n on his nose "nd I could seo Lino ovtr Yui. small eyes, but ".''.'.: i ur -od nati:.-: '!. h"--iveca his read .''vl is p.vfr 'nd his oatiii' plug1 ter rr liol.ro' tol.-r'L'iy l.usy till come bed- 'ii'o r.-t o:i hep' us quiet 18 y cf.;;id. for wo knew it v;iz an honor io ;ide in the &:it:ic tLepk' cur Willi tho i :r!:?st rr.-iTi i:i Mari-.n conn ty "nd a direc !(!: uv th-." iic.ii'bal ':id ii. Jo. to boot. .A ! "boct i o'tK ! i' o cr lfiTu l reck . . i l i.-jM tniT-.b! into l;f-J; vi'e.; he'd '.r'we-d l.i.s lyis 'il l hvn-j hid Coat i .t-l in a frcs'i h:;r.k n nat'rr.l leaf ho oiv.-kd into the best bunk an' prceontly we 1 verod Lim slcciu'. 'Jhcri? wuz Tir.ti i:i clr-e fr th? rtr-t uv us to do but to folkr suit, 'nd v.o did. It must I:ave lwn about an hour later ?ay ulons alut I'rairer City that a Vtuan Cue: nl.fd wjtlt a baby. Thero i ) .-n't no iunk lor her, but tho nlrtrer tillowcd th.tfc sho miprlit set back near tho etove. for the baly 'pcarcd to be kind of sick like 'nd th woraau lo.kc(l like she had been ciyin. Whether it wuz tho jouncin' sy !; ar or whether tho younf one wuz hu jTiy or Led a colh into it I didn't knOw, b:it anyhow the train hadn't pulled o it uv Prairer City aforo the baby oecrau kep riirot on crvln. fst th 3iuok-l but Low that baby clid cry P.ow 1 reckoned that tho coloiul would bo pettin" almighty mad If this thlnr kep' up much longer. A man mar rakto "lven children as easy as rollin" oir"n a Io". "nd yet tho twelfth one. that isn't his at all may break hint There Is ginorally a last btraw. even when It comes to tho matter uv children. So when tho colonel riz feet forerpost for tho third time outern Lis bunk that uiht or, I should say, moruin', for it was mighty near moruin' uuw-wo looked for hail Col urn by. "Look a hero, my good woman." sez Lo to tho young woman with tho baby, "as I wuz tellin' you aforo. von must d. .-r pin to keep that child quiet. Itll never do to keep all these folks awako like this. They ve paid for a good night's sleep, nd it s my duty as a director uv tho Ilan'bul nd St. Jo to jertest agin this disturbance. I ye raised a family uv "lovcn children nd I know, as well as I kuow anythink, that t hat child Is hungry. No child ever cries like tLat when it isn't hungry, so I insist on your nursin' it 'ud giviu us peace 'nd quiet." I uc-n tho young woman begun to sniffle. "Law me, sir," says tho young woman. "I ain't the baby's mother I'm onlv iust tendin'it." 3 1 The colonel got pretty mad then; his face got red 'nd Lis voice kind uv trembled Le wuz so mad. "Where is its mother?" sez tho coloneL "Why isn't she hero takin' car uv this hungry 'nd cryin' child like she ought to be?" "She's in tho front car. sir." tli young woman, chokin up. "She's in the front car In a box, dead; we're takin' the body 'nd tho baby back homo." Now what would you or me have done what would any man Lavo done then nd there? Jost what tho colonel done. Tho colonol didn't wait for no second thought; Lo jest reached out Lis big bony hands 'ud he eez, "Young woman, gi me that baby" sez it so quiet 'nd so gentlo liko t fiat eccnied liko it wuz the babv's mother that wuz a -speakin'. The colonel took tho baby and rWfr, may bo yon won't believe me tho colour' held that baby 'nd rocked it in his arms 'ud talked to it like it had been his own child. And tho babv seemed to know that it lay agin a loviu' heart, for, when it heerd the ol" man's kind voice 'nd saw Lis smilia' face 'nd felt tho soothin' ro. kin' CAM OF THK EYES. WHAT SHOULD BE DONE DURING THE TIME OF CHILDHOOD. Tarf-iiU and Teacher Miurt IlxercUe an Overnight CureicsHiiix cr Nurwr-CiuiM of Squinting A Critical Period A Cou ple of Good Kules. uv his arms, tho baby stopped itsgrieviu' 'nd cryin' 'nd cuddled up cloao to the colonel's breast 'nd begun to coo 'nd laff. The colonel called tlio nigger. "Jim," sez he, "you go ahead 'nd tell tho con ductor to stop tho train at tho first farm house. We've got to have some milk for this cbild'-somc warm milk with sugar into it; 1 Lam t raised a family uv 'leven children for nothiu'." Tho baby didn't cry no mere that night; east wise we didn't hear it if it did crv. Dlessed if us would louesomo to tr.ko on. The nigger run back as fast ns l:o could 'nd told tho voting woman that bhe'd have to keep that baty fiuiet . because Col. 'Lijy Gates, oue uv the direc tors uv tho road, wuz in the car and wunt be disturbed. Tho young woman caught l'.p tho baby scart like nd talked soothin' to it 'nd covered t little face with her fthawl 'nd done all them things thet women do to make babies go to sitep. But the baby would cry, and, in spito it a'd the young woman 'nd the nigger fould do. Col. Klijah Gates heard the baby rryin', 'nd so Le waked up. First his two bine yarn socks come through the cur lain "nd then his long legs nd long body 'r.d long far? hove into sight. He com down the car o fho young woman 'nd !ooki at her over his specs. P'dn't seem to bo in least bit mad; jest solemn 'ad bizness like. "My dear madam," 6? z he to the younj jvoiaan, "you must do 6umpin' to keep that child quiet. These people have all paid for their bunks 'nd they are entitled to a good night's sleep. Of course I know how 'tis with, young children will cry sometimes have raised leven uv em my self, 'nd know all about 'cm. Cut as a i3lrctor uv the Ilan'bul 'nd St. Jo I've got to portent the rights cf these other folks, go jist keep tha baby quiet as you kin." Now. there wexn't not Lin cross in the roT'jrWs tone; the colonel wuz as kind 'ud consid'rifc as conld bo expected uv a man vho had so mnch responsibility a-restin' onto Lim- tut th. young woman was .kind uv nervous 'mi aft or tho colonel rnt back 'r.d got into Lis bunkim vonng .."jian fc,'ui:ej auu nunim aim sevmeu -ie bh had Jost her wits, 'nd the babv r" crvin' j ?i a-j hard as ever. Waal, t t:cr; wuzn t mti'.-n sieejjiu to oe none in tl.ut car. iT vvLat witli tho baby cryin' ':il the oi:"? v.omun a-suyr.i : Ja, ,'. i- "i-,! "Oh. t?v" tnd tho nirqer a- nd Hko t uO bidder bewitched s!vr ulT7 out nv ran to vako ur. "ud rut their heads outern their bunks to tee what wuz the do-gone matter. TLLi mido thirgs ploasanter for the yourjg woman. The color-I stood it as long as Lo could and then Lo got up a second tim'o "nd come down th? ear 'nd looked at the voung woman over his specs. "Sow, as I wuz tellin' you afore," sez Lo. "I hain't makin' no coyiplaint uv my self, for I've raised a family of 'leven children "nd I know all about "cm. Bui these other folks Ler in tho car have I aid for a gcod night's sleep 'nd it's rav duty as a director uv tho Ilan'bul 'nd St. .To to see t hi-1 they get it. Seems to me like J ou ought to be able to keep that child quiet you can't make tno believo that there' any use for a cLild to b) carryiii' on so. Somepin's hurtin" it I know fcumpin's hnrtiu It by tho way it cries. Now, you look 'nd eeo if thero ain't a pin stickin' into it somewhere; J'vo raised 'leven children 'nd that's just tht way they used to cry whou thero wuz a pin stickin' 'em. lio reckoned he'd find things all right thi-i time 'nd Lo went back to Lis Lunk f jclin' tolorldo satisfied .ith hiaisclf, but the young r or.ioii couldn't fcnd no pia -.stin ti Labv. nd. no matter hov nuicb. she stewed nd worrited, tho baby I And what if v.o had heard it? I don't think everv last ono of havo got up to help tend that tit Io thing. That wuz inore'ii twenty years Rgo, but I kia remember the last words I lieerd tho coIt.cI say: "'o matter if it does cry," sez he. "It don't mako no more uoist I li ill a cricket, nohow, 'nd I reckon that I ...ing n director uv tho road I kiu stop tho tialn 'ud let off imy body tiiat don't liko tho way tho Ilan'bu' 'nd St. Jo does business." Twenty years f.g-o! Col. Elijah Gates is sleepia' lu the J'almyry b;rj in' ground; likely us not tho baby has growed up Icastv.-iso tho Ilan'bul 'nd St. Jo has; every think is difTercnt now everylhink !:au changed cverythink except human i:atur, an 1 hat is tho samo it alius ha3 been, and it alius will bo, I reckon. Eugeiio Field in Chicago News. Many persons yearly mato tho very sad mistake of neglecting their eyes until they begin to see tho mist before them, until tho object they are looking at must bo brought verv close to the eye to bodis cerned, or until the print in tho book they are reading becomes all blurred, and then, when in many cases it is too late to re pair the injury that has been caused, they begin to seek udviea Every year there are hundreds of cases that conio under tho oculists' caro that could havo been cured if a few rudimentary principles had Wen known to or observed by the patient These things everybody bhould kuow. but. perhaps, of all persons whose es pecial duty it is to know them, tho mother has tho greatest need of it. She. at least )f all persons, hhould know thut tho luman eye of tho child whose in f;mcv H vhe first few years of its tender childhood are especially entrusted to her caro, for very often it is in infancy, when tho child is yet but a few months old. and has not left the nurse's lap, that its little eyes are injured for life. It is natural that, when we havo ar rived at middle age and begin descend in" tho hill of life, our sight should coin mence to fail, but how are we to preserve it as long as it is possible? First, by hav ing our competent mothers and nurses take care of them for us while wo are yet infants. In a day or two after birth it will perhaps be noticed that tho lids are swollen, and perhaps that some irruptive disease has set in. In such a caso the mother or nurse will do well not to try to bo doctor as well as oceunyinir tho trvintr position of either mother or nurse. A skillful practitioner should at onco bo called in to seo tho child, that is, if the symptoms become at all serious, because it is at tins verv time that the sight of tho child may be seriously affected and perhaps permanently impaired. Above all things don't in such cases try moth or's milk; neither bo overanxious that tho child may bo hungry, and thereby overfeed it. IJemember, first of all, that a low diet must bo given in such cases; this is imperative. The child should at ouco be taken from a place where thero is a strong light and kept in a room where tbe sun or artificial light has been sub dued. A conscientious physician will in most cases bo able to effect a rapid cure and save tho child from untold agony, which it might have to endure when it grew older if neglected now. CARELESSNESS OP NURSES. Nurses frequently allow the child to lie in their (tho nurses') laps, and in such a position that in order to gazo about it, the infant must roll its eyes until sometimes it is staring at objects oyer its forehead or with its head tipped back it is looking at objects upside down. Tho careful nurse and tho thoughtful mother will never allow the child to reclino in this REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. The republicans of the I'nlted State, assem bled by llieir delurnU's lu national convention. iiniu-e on me wirt'MioKi 01 llieir proceediiiKH t honor the memory of tlieir lirsi irn-ut l..nl..r Hiid immortal champion of liberty and I In; rights of the people, Ahraliam Lincoln, mid io cover also with w rem In if Impel isiiHhie re membrance and K'atitude th heroic names of our later leaflets who have been m ie recently called away from ourcouncd. (Irani, (iillcll. Ai uiur, i.ok;iii and ( onklliiK- May llieir mem ories be faithfully cherished. V e also refHll with our KreetliiKM H,1 prayer for his recoveiy the name of one of our living liero-s whose IIU IIHII V will lie t r:. Hlirtxl In Hia liUlnrv l..,il. of republican)) and ol the republic. The name U that of the nnble nol.iier and favorite child of victory, f'lilliii II. Mieiidaii. lu the bpirii f those ureat leaders and ofour devotion t tinman liberty, and with that hos tility to ail fortiisof deNpotiFtn aid oppression which is the fundamental idea of the republi can parly. u fend Irate nal coiiKratulaiiomi to our fellow American of llrnzil unmi liielr treat act of emancipation which completed uie anoutioii oi slavery tlirouliout the two American continents. We earnestly hope we nay noon conriitulate our fellow cilitens of Irif h bnih iiiou tue peaceful leeovery of home rule for Ireland. place it so (it tho First How 83uH, "It's funny that so many silly old fel lows will persist in taking tho first row seats," said a bright coryphee at Niblo's. "They might as well stay out of doors and ask afterward if we had seen them. Tho footlight glare is so etronar that It is impossible to distinguish anybody person ally within a range of several rows, and even then, especially in a spectacle, whera so mucn depends on dazzling lights, it la almost impossible to maKe out mdivia. uals. lneyaro all alike, and about as separate in feature as so many Stoughton bolt les. Jiera and titere, witn tno waver ing light, ti glistening" surface hobs hif q view, and shows us that our old admirers are on duty, but the vision is too brief and vague for any special glances or smiles. "A yoang friend of mine in the second line of thefjlathlaa Sandorf pallet hat an anxious experience ' a' few weeks ago on this account. Her intended husband fW seveiaj nights sat near to the stage, and beamed with happiness every time his idol came into view. Her ' smiles, however, appeared to bo in directions away from him. He was jealous in an in stant, and went homo brooding and hurt, instead of after her, as was his custom. The next night and the next he had the same sad experience. Sho was mystified and heart broken- At last c&nie along his grieved letter, which 6he confided to mo, and tho wbole thing was clear. 1 Lad j her write him a tender note, and when i they met had tho cilliculty soon mended and" left them rs happy ns ever, lie now eits further back in tho orchestra, how ever." New York Evening Sun. v.-i.'li i.il tLis .in ou, s! t!.o r.Tiest. l'olks bi; Medical New Tork in 1S0O. It was an ago of controversy, of fierce politics and unyiriding domatisin. In riDdicino tho methods of "Galen rather than of Hippocrates prevailed, and thero was more art than science; theor rule! tho day. Tho physician of the period prated about nature, inert practice, plo thora and depraved humors, but bled in riably and without grudging. Vene section was tho fashion; indeed, its omis sion was a oin. Tho first dissection In the city, that of the body of a criminal, was made in 1750, and is in New York city the first medical degree ever granted iu America was conferred upon ono Robert Tucker. In 1703 occurred tho great yellow fever (pldc-inic, which destroyed 2,ll3J persons, creating a great furor in the ranks of the meuic.-.l profession both in the Old and Nerv Worlds. Tho physicians of the day carried their own medicine and charged at the rate cf 12 ccvU a dose. Dr. John Shrady's Lecf uro. It Costs One Horse Tower. I According to tho best scientific author ity, it costs one horso power to keep lu j motion one ton pf metal or weight; thuj every unnecessary 2,000 pounds weight on xocr lino shaft costs yon one horse power. To maintain a horse power costs from $23 to per year. Any manufacturer who will take tho pains to investigate the un necessary weight, by heavy iron pulleys, too tight belts, etc., will Le surprised (a II nd tho eucrraous waste of power caused iu this manner, to say nothiug about tha loss resulting from the shortened life of tho entire equipment. Boston Budget Iiositipn, or if they do, will tuai ruero win no no incentive for it to look over its head. Sight is impaired in many children in this way. When tho child is teething is a critical time for its eyes, and later, when it is be ginning to learn to read, be careful then that it does not acquire habits which, when it matures, cannot be easily eradi cated. Observe how it lipids its book: don't Ic-t it hold it up to its face' and squint 'at ii. 'lio careful' alsq that it isee both eyes at the same time, because many children acou'tra the, 'habit $i uajtig oiie eye and leaving the other unused, caus i:ig it in time to grow exceedingly weak. Primers and first readers should invariably be in largo type. and tho child should bo made to sit up straight. Pontr-ntly leaning over, a'desk or a piano has a pad effect "Upon the eyes of children, which is" 'fully equaled, py a misfortune which befalls Tittle girls, and that is thetr tresses falling down over their faces. It is supposed that squinting is caused in the brain, but it is well known that children inherit it. Many of these surrounding influences are indirectjv tho cause of squjnting, and they should 'be most sealously guarded against- Always see to it that children have plenty of iresa air in me scnool room, and do not excite tno child s imitative faculties Many a child has been a squinter for life, maae so by imitating a nurse or a com pauioif who squintea ro? iun. u nis Is a most pernicious practice, and one that ' is oftentimes Indulged in by those who have the care of children because the child ou Z1J4B. K l.lll.t BO WC1. '"" ANOTHER' CRITICAL' PERIOD, The next very critical period is when ii i.ii i i . me cnua nas grown into a youtli or maiden. Their constant study, or the too ciosg application q pn exacting occupa tion, fvill work incalculable injury.' TP young man pr woman who is fortunate enough to discover this In time has reason to bo thankful, for the skillful oculist may, if he has the patient in season, be able to do him some temporary rood: but. alas! for those who are not aware of their true conaition unVJ they are frightened some day by the specter of luminous objects and black specks floating before them. They seo undulatinir brhts and objects that appear to be composed of a misty substance. When this state of things arrives the wise youth or maiden will at onco sLow himself to a physician and get medical advice. If the defect to the eye is in its first stages tho doctor will not bo iu any hurry to have you wear glasses. ims is not so desirable 55 many suppose. U lasses are anpoy lag to thoso who are forced to wear them, and if thero Is any way A - 1 - 1 . . J 10 u.oiu it, no one snouia oe in any hurry to put them on. In the first piac, a person who notices himself afflicted w ith these symptoms will seek rest." If he is a student, let him temporarily give up the companionship 01 his books apd sack th companionship of nature. Always it will be found that good sight is dependent to a great extent upon good i-caiTii, anu on snouia never, under any circumstances, neglect his general condi tion, no matter how trifling the circum stance or symptoms may appear to be. A good rule to remember in carir.g for tho bight U: Neye? scad In bed; and another very good . rule to. observe (it i disregarded by almost everybody) is nevei to read on the cars. Boston Globe. WK Al-MleM 0''K I'XdWFfiVIN'l! HKVOTIOX to the iialiona' constitution ami to the iudin s.il ilile union of slates to the autoonmv re-servt-jt Io ihe stales miner the eoiiMitnriou. to the personal rights and liberties of citizen,, in nil -.Juti-n and teir'tones i the union and en pechilly to the supreme aud sovereign ii:rlit of every eiuzen. rieii or poor, native or lnelKii l-oru, white or black, to cat oue free ballot in i ne punnc eieciious ami to have that ballot limy eouuiPd. vt e noiu a iree and honest pop ular ballot and jiint and qiial representation of all ptople t lie the foundation of our re- iiuiilicun government and demand elfeeiive legislation to necuie the mtejjiity an-: puiily i fit-i -1 inns h men Hre i lie ouniilllS ol ail pun llo authority. We eliuru that Ilie present ad iiiiniMirauoii a::u me (temocraiic maj rily iu congress owe their exl.-dence to 1 be Mii-iresion of the ballot by the eiiiniiiHl millilieat on of ilie consum' 1011 and laws of the United Slates we are uneromi'ioiiiiM nly In f iver of the American system of pio'etllon. We protest nxuinsi me uesirueiiou proposed oy the prel dent and his party. They serve the iuterp-t of Kuroue WK WILL SUI'l'OllI' IN ' Kltr.STS Or AMKKICA. We accept the Issue, and coundently appeal to the people for their Judgment. The protective system must be maintained. Its abandonment nas aiwayg neen lollowed by uenersd dU ter to all interests except those of the uueurer and sheriff. We denounce the Mills bill as destructive to general husinees. labor, and the farming inter ests of t lie country, and we heartily endorse the consistent aim patriotic action of the re publican representatives in congress in oppos ing its passage. We condemn the proposition of 1 he democratic party to place wool on the free list and insist that ilie. duties thereon sha 1 be adjusted and maintained so :i to fur nish full and adequiite protection to that in- u-n jr. The republican nartv would effect, nil i.e. .,!,! reduction of thu national revenue by repealing me iMi-t ou looaceo, "iiicii are an arrogance .urn i uiucn iu ;ui;imurc. anu tne t:iv imnii spirits used in the arts and for mechanical pur pose, and by such revision of the tariff 1 iv,s as will tend to check import 01 such articles as a e produced by our people, the production of which gives employment to our labor, and re lease li"m import duties these articles of for eign production, except luxuries, tlio like of which cannot ut produced at home, there hall si ill remain a larger revenue than is reoulxltt for tne want of government, of internal taxes rainer man surrender any part of our 1 rotec tive system t tre joint bell, st of the w hisky ft " ..(irUl31;i ioiei;u iiiaiiuiaciurers. AGAINST 1AL' PVR AMI UI1IIH Tlllis a We declare hostility lo (lie h traduction into t'ds country of foreieii contract labor and of Chinese lubor alien to our civilization and our coi:miiuuou. ana we ueinaua iherigi iev.fo.rv.t-- iiiiii o; e.i.sMi..g ia;.vs against 11 and lavorsiich iiiiineoiaie legislation as will exclude sue o'.i 110111 iiui snores. n uev.-i:tre our ojiposnion IO H'l COIIlbll.a tion ot eapilal organized 111 tmsts or other wihelo control arbitrarliv the condition oi trade aicoug ur citixmis and a' vecdmiiiend o congress ami tl'.a state itgisiiitures in their respective jurisdiction? such legislation as will prevent the execution nf all schemed to 0 Vie-si he pet pie by undue cliaives on their 'li'ojilies orbyui.iut ral-eu for tiiu Uansj,oitatioii of their product4 lo maiket We :iptr ve legislal ion by cong-eys lo pie vent alike unjust burdens aud unfair d scrnii fnation between -tates. i i:li: 1. xi lk;isi, ,,t:ov. We reidiirm ili pchey cf approp i itipr iMiblic hiiids of the !liit d Si;irc-! o i n i. stead for Ainet -a;! :hil ivrtl.-i'Si not aliens, 'wiii.it. .lit' prt.lfi:tT cil'i'l v "VirtaiilKhed in i:2 agAmsl the p-i4is.;c.it opposition of tlie demiitra s u coiigie.s. which h;i l.ivjmht. ' wesjirm ii. main mj Jiiiiiiiiiriyent de country, promote trade, open new and direct markets lor our products ami cheap 11 the cost of transportation. We afllrm tliU tube far belter for our country than tue democratic 1 .i.icj- 01 loaning tne government' money Without UilereNt lo "pet banks." KOKKION KKLATIONS. J ne conduct of foreign affairs by the pieseut numiuistrailon Han beeu dn-t Ingiil.shed hv Inef flcle-cy and cowardice. Having withdrawn irom uie seiiale nil pending trea les elterted by republican adminiNtralioi s for Iho removal 01 ioreign uurdens mill restrictions upon our 1 oiuiiieiie auu lor us extension into a better mantel 11 nas neither allectcd nor prop-ined any others In their stead. Professing adher- eniro 10 11 moiirne noeii-ine it iiu u'liii j Idle complacency the extension of foreign I11- inienee in Central America and of foreign trade everywhere among our ueighbois. Ithasie- iiised to charter, sanction or encourage any American oigiinlzytlon for com-tructing the Nicaragua canal, a work of vtal Importance to 111c ii.aniienanee 01 uie Aionroe doctrine and of our national intluem-e In Central and South A mei lea, and neces.-ary fo tbe development of trnde w itli our 'aeitic tenitorv. w ith Souih America, aud with the further coasts of the I aciflc Ocean. KI'IIHBlrH yL'KSTIO.V. We arraign the present democratic adminis tration for its weak aud uupatrintic treatment of the fisheries question, and its piihilUuimoux surrender of all privilegnn to which our llsherv wsseli arc enti led in Canadian ports under the treaty of lsls. the reciprocate, maiin- uiie letnianou or is:h and comity of nati 111 and whieh Canadian lishing vesnels receive I ilie ports of tne I niteil Mtali s. We con Jem 1 no 1 i.iicy oi uie present administration an iu iiemocratle majority lu congress toward our turneries as iiiiirif udlv and consplelnu-d unpatriotic and as teudimr todei-t rov il viilteit.l nat ional industi y and an indispeiislfde resource 01 oeiene against I reign enemy. The name of American applied alike to x cilizens of the rep.ibll . ami impones upon men alike the same oi ligatio 1 of obdleii';e to the aw. At thesametimeci i.eiishiis and must be the panoply and safeguard of him who weais 11, .mourn .siiie'n and protect linn whether hlgl or low. rich or noor. in all his civil -; 1. 1 1 should and must afford htm protection at hoim ami follow and protect him abroad in whatever iu.uu ue may uh on a lawitn errand. CIVIL SKKVICK KKKOKM. The mii .. 1. ,i:,.,.i rei-i:' !!. ), i,... ly in luil ami cmil 11.1. e . . ..iu-ie lo U.e demo wia.iiu fiaity nave (ic.serieii not only the cause of honest government, but. of sound finance, of iiceuom ann Tini-irv or riie r.ui ni i...t i..t.un. lallv have deserted the einiao nf r..f i. ii... civil service. We will not tall to keep our pledges because tl ey have broken theirs, or DK-ause ineir candidate lias broken l.N. We j ueieiore repea' our declaration of 1MH4. towit uie reiorm or civil service auspiciously begun under republican administration ttlllltllfl lio completed by afurther extensinn of th" reform svstem alread v es'.'ihlisheil I.v law tn ni; i,,t,,t.. " me aervice 10 w iiicn ir M apnned. 1 lie pi I' ll .and purpose of reform should be observed in all executive aDpolntmcnts. and all laws at . anc-iii e nun me oejeei oi extsiiug reiorm 1 g islation should be repealed, and that Hie dan gers to free institutions which lurk in the pow er of official patronage may be weiy ami ef fectively avoided. The gratitude o ilie nation to the defenders of the union cannot be assured except hv laws. Hie le-gishit ion of congress should conform to the pledges made by a loyal p -op!e. and be so enlarged and extended a to prov'de against the possibility tht any man who honorably wore the foderal uniform shall become an In mate of an almshouse or dependent on private charity. In me presencn of an overflowing treasury it would b a public scandal to do less for those whose valorous service preserved the government. We denounce the hostile snii-it dhown by President Cleveland in his numerous vetoes of measures for pension relief. a ti.e action of the democratic house of eHicenta tives in refusing even cona-i'ituon of general pension legislating In SUDIKir!. I lie' illllielnlea l-i-,... It I, et'.fo.l ti-'A l.iv.u(l... ..... .1 . . , ... . v . . i.iT.ir ni,: i.-ii -ii nei .ii iiui oi iiiii riiii if i . men of all parties, especially of all v.'o,,knuf. j.wfchUY, i Dry nd nitY ;ooi.s.;Kori:niK.s. f K. U. DOVICY A KOX. arry a large niock of 1'lno .rocerl'K, fJoods, Carpets. liieeuswMie, Notiomi, Fancy (looiln, to be found In the county, per Ma ii Hrect. between Mil and nth. t i : x i i s i IK. A. T. WITIIKKH, "Tho I'amlcsi DeutMs." Teeth extracted without tlm least pain or harm, a in Iflelal tetli Inserted Immediately after extracting mitniHl one when deired. Hold and nil ol her Filling utilctly lit t chus. Office In Union Jtlock. FUKNIIl'KB. HKVitY ItOICcK. luriillure. lleddlng, ltoKtng (;lan, IMcturH l rames. etc. Wooden aud Metal Caskets kept iu Hock. plIUMTUltK. " I. I'KAltl.MAV Kurulture. I'arlor Mnin l'i.i.,.v ioves. Queeiiswaie, Tinware, and all kinds of Hoip-eholiH ioods. Ni.iili mi. ....i 1...1.. Main and Vine. ' GKNT'SKUHMHIIINt; O'Kllisi. .1. II. ION N KI.I.V dents Fine Furnisher iin. I Hatter. Tim most complete ami llnest slock In the city. C'airulh lilnek. Cor. 51 ll and Main CO. Qlt'lCKKIFH. w ni if 1 1 irr tv v. .... -- . I lie Leading Dealers in Hi-.,,.. 1,,.-., China, Lan.ps. Wooden and Widow ware flour, I-eed.&c. Cayh paid for country produce, rjKOCI' KIKH. ' ' I.i:ilNHOFF& KOKNMCIISKN. t.roccrleH, rrovlfioim, tihissware and Crockery. fJUOCfcltlKH. y F. McCOUKT. (reen. Staple and Fancy Orocei les. f'KOCKhlKS. . , , HICNNF.Tr & TUTT, tapleand Fancy Groceries, iJreen Fruits and ( aimed (Jood.s. GIJOCKHIICS. ai;c It A CM J.ror cries and iieenswaie, Fhuir nnd Feed. IKltrs. flilKU'CU mill CmlMrv I'i.l.lU II....... ...... " - j .....lull. ..ipiic ftltOCEKIKS. CUIUS Wnm ! 1 irrn staple and F Croi kery. Flour and Feed. ' and HOTKL. Klf I'll eniw rropiietorCltv lintel r.. u"'m tU ... special Attontlon given commercial men. day. HA UN ESS. w. : if ki.-lm.-ic Successor to O. M. Stivigiu, liariiei-s. Saddler OOdS. ,Net-. Ilnlies IliiHii.ii um.i ..11 ilshiu uooxIsl TJAUDWAKK. JOIINSDV IllKisi II an! ware. Stoves. Tinware, Table and I'ocket t lltleiv. K:LSoi's. ete II..1.0..I...1.1 w 1.... . .. of L'!ruo"i'' -V'1 ,j!,H'li" "tOTW. J inwork of all kinds done at reasonable prices. Main street. Uockwood Ulock. 1 ' TEWEJ.HV. I!. A Watches. Clocks MrKMVAIN, SI t'rtl'tU! pa niwl THO..II.L Special Attuiitiou dven to Wiitcli JCep'airiug. h 1a "'f " w'"J-e prosperity is seriously l.Ve.lene.l lsM"iMon'ee VolicY ttftna present adinin- ....'" ihe ilVvt U- 0"ril of il L'ood irnvurur.,,. Ic the virtue and sobriety of the peoph mid the purity of their homes. Ti. cordially sympathises with nil wise and writ directed cttollsfoi the promotion of temper ance. 1 BUSINESS DIUECTOKV. J EWJTUjv. KliAN'K f'A IHflTTir k. uz-ixr Always carry aliuc sf ee of Diamonds, Vatch -Ur T. 1. ' ;TW Hrv- "V'trwai-o and Spectacles. 11 g 1 """ i"s,'1 ttu-lrgoods before parchas- .r iir t c i .I..ia'ah ... ' ' "i-'ti. itiiuani waiciies a iMi'cof, near Fourtii. Specialty. Main T IVEUY KTAIII.E. ni r.. C. M. MOI.MKS SON, Ihe Checkered llar-i. I.lverv Kced and Sale stable : panies conveyed to ail parlsof the cit v. t airiages at wll ir .ins. Corner Vine and eth. ATTOKNEY. f! L'. Vti(.l' A S Attiwid.v-at..t.aw'jiud No'arv riiblio. ait'ej.u BlovU. I'lattsiuouth, Neb. OITlcc Ir velQpeiUKi't '1 I.e. w.--ieiuinj'ii of 1:1 f.iiriif.fl l-Lii.l ' 'lit pooii;: uoin iu ior Ilie Use of ac- imti seiiiels.wiucli was begun under the ad- miiiieiraiioii ot 1 'res dent Arthur should he ATTQitNt-Y. A. N. 8UI.LIVAN. Ationiey-at-l.aw. Will give prompt Attention , uiiiesB inirusteo to 'iim. tjiiice in ..moil ihock, cast side, i'lattsiuouth. Neb. A OKICULTUUAI. IM PI.KMENTS. A . HA Lb & CiiAIU. Agriciiltnra! Implements. Cooithind Hucoies d 'J imber and ted. .Main street. continued. We deny that Ihe dem; crat;c partv . ,R. c-iiu"lral ."""PM'Pnts. Coo has ever restored one acre to the people, but inu , '-'."'"i04, , " ''.!!" "' declare that by the j..int action of tepid s iHV A,vy, sVUi Hi"i V "fanted and dcmociats about flfv m;iiiii;i nixi s V f'u n- betwet'M Sixth and Seventh. .";"?. "i'iii.iii! y tr;iiiit;q n yi 'ah;is;-live liuen l:c domain in piVrsuaucc. o earned P'imI ftructi the put .VM'V4"' or. In't roa- rcstored to of condition insrt'-d l;y th ict.WJ.,;ia luily th oiilu. al grants. We cp;i.i4u t iimocratic aduiinis- uaiioii w itn lan-iro 10 execilie laws ,sect;l ii:ir to ".iiiup iniu i ineii iHMne.Me;.os a::u wiTJi us ing ap; ropi ia t ions m:ide for than purpose to iiarrass ienocent settlers with snies ;m.i curious under the fale pretense of exposing frauds and vindicating the law. ADMISSION " Tf.-'.'.'.'I'-.-vj, ies isri.-acft, ups iu --!iy only :o the end that they may become states In the uniou : there fore, whenever the conditions of population material resources, pi.blic intelligence and' morality are such as to Insure stable local gov ernment therein the people of such territories should b- permitted, a right inherent ia tnem to fona for themselves constitution. and state BANK. FIK3T NATIOVAI, BANK. -of Plattsmoulh. Capital $50.0110; suiplu Sli. otto, .loiiu rit7geiald. Pr?.ileiit ; S. Wanuh. . vil ""'ie, ice-i-resnient. Hoard of Directors : J lin Kitzo-erMlil Ic t u-i.ir ... o ci.k 1. iiT. " "" -ioiv, i. nun knv.u(1 n, s, waugll. governmeota ami br. ad iLtivr into rti-o m.o... Pend ing piN)pai ..t i n fd? statehood all officers thereof should be selected trom bona fills residents and citizens of tle territory w V.eivi i ieyaie ig serye. Sovif.i i;1uu should of ngiii ue niimt'T!;;eiy namnied as a state in tho. umoii under' the constitution framed and adopted by her people and we heartily en dorse the action of the republican senate in twice passing bills for her admission. 1 he reJ i-isai 01 uie democratic house of renreseid.ji- tive. 'or partisan pui'i;ses. t faveniblv efco sider these bi!N is -4 w'fui vioiatidn ol tho ' f'u" A,4iO'.' !tiii'C-!lile of iooiil elf-g.-vern meui, an 1 lueuu lite condemnation of all just men. 'the pending bills in ihe senate for acts to enable the noodle of Wishington, North Dakota and Moutanna teiritories 10 form ei.n. slitu ion and estahlisli state governments should be passed without unneces arv (le'sr licitn pa-ty pledges Insc't '. m' o facil't-tte the ; I.i i... ritorWs of Nv Wyoming. Idaho and A.ii'Aia fit tne ecjoyment of self-government. as states. Such of them ns are now qualified as soon as possible. and others as soon as they may become so. THK MOItMOX QUF8TIOX. The liolitical power of the Mormnr r"n.,.'i. m the ten it! ies as exert i -ed tf' piut i a menance to frer ip.it.itloiia 00 dangerous to Pe ,;iiia -ititerert. Tr erefore v e 11. edue I he re publican party o appropriate levinlation a-sertirg the poveieignty of the nation in all the territories whee the same is questioned. anu m iiiiineranee of that end in -ii "DANK, '"rl.: Cf TIWRXsl dixit 01 i-latr;moiit:.. ap!t I stock paid in. .50.000. I rank Carruth, Precideiit ; W. !I. Cushiug Cashier; J. A. Connor. Vice-President. A ceneral banking busi-ics tr,-macted. Cllec tions receive prompt and careful attention. TJLAt KSMITH " f KOtifiBt WjNNELLV. Miacksiniith ind Wntfontnaker, Dealer in Vind tntlls. Pumps and Fiitiugs, BOOTS ANDSIJOPm. JOSEPH FITZe-.U. ll.-ois and Shoes. Kepairing promptly attended to. bouth Side Main street. BOOTS AND SHOES. I'ETEK MEKHES A complete assortment. c evoiy kind of Foot wear and ehefip tj,au the cheapest west of the jV!siov,4 fiiver. Also nianufartuiing and tir;ii.ing. TUEA.1 MAUKET. , itiCUAKI) RILSTKIN. w ho es.de i.ikI Ueti.ii 11, . .1,.. ,. Beef. Pork. Mutton Vetl. i.u stree', Neville Block. Prices moderate Qualify blxth Tiff eat makket. i-r,.. . ,,ATr - Kid their own Cattle. Kewder their own Lard and Cure their own Bnoon. Main street. ME AT -MAKKET. FICKf.KK & CO.. hfjgs, Poultry &c. We use 01 ly the best tirade otjirttive stock. Oysters and gaum in eason. JyTEBCllANT 'JAII.OU. "L C. F. SMI iTir -Merftiians laior. Main troet. over Merges' shoe store. Complete stock of eutopic. Fit guaianteed. Prices dfy eoinpetitioii. JWf ILLINElTV I A'A MItS. .1. F. JOHVSON. A Comidete Line of ( lie l atest sii ti.u .1 n.m liuery and Trlminlngs ; alco Children's -uid In fants' Bonne's, to be clos-d out at cost TJESTAUUANT AND Id'VCH KOO.11. Lk' JACOB IIEVNCII. Meals and Lunches set ved t' order at -id hodr Also Oysters. igars. Tob inn. l'oo i.n.l l!l.ur' Opposite Kiddle Jloii.so. AMPLE BOOM. KliAIIM .Cr KMKTrrr Sample Uoont. Imporiedand Domestic Wines LiOUors ami Cigars. n!v tn!.,!,t ,..i ' wf"a; ".'otlled Lager a SpeclaltyT Cor. 51 Ii and Main Ms. O AMPLE BOOM. , TK AMEUH3AN EXCIIAVfiK. Nil k Cunningham, pnrrfetor Choice Wines. Lhiiiors and Cigars., l'ool and Iiil.iard Tables! Ifddle lion 0 liiock. O AMPLE Boom . THE ELKIIOBN SALOON. i'm. Weber, nronrietor m u....f ..f r Soda Water. Birch Beer. Cider, etc. AgentH for t red K rug's Celebrated Imager P.e?r. "D ABBEK SHOP AN O BATH BOOM. f El. MOKLEY, Hot and Cold Ba lis at all hours. Ladies' and Children s Hair Cutting a snetsiahy. Cor. nth and Main, uuder CY'Ttdh'. p.AKEKV. " F. ST AD E LMA N N. Bread. Cakes. Pies. Buns. etc.. fresh daily Party. Wedding and F"cy Cake a sp-f'uUy-' Ice Cream in any quantity. ; ' upon the Ktafute book "ejjUIii.ioo virlngeiit eneiigh to divorce political from ecelenistip.ii i.fiwei. Mia 11111s t-tainu out the attendant w icKenness 01 polygamy. The rebublican party Is i.i favor of Oia no. of both gold and silver as money , 'i;.u eoil- iiemiis tne policy of toe eniocrattc adminis- iraiion in us Etiuvis to demonetlze silvef we demand the reduction of retter' nnt-inn BOOKSELLER, ETC J. Votrvri Stationer, and News Dealer ; Fancy WOOUS. TOYS. Confectioner fe'luu i.rUl.u u...il xi 1 1 t . "itlle.r,'lnosauu organs and .h.-i. at limn uiucuis. Q LOTH ING. QAMa'LE BOOM. " , , JOHV BLAKE. Sample Reo.m and Uilllard Hall. Choice Win en l.lOiiort and Cigars. Bdliard and P..0I Tables WM. E B R O W X K5 TwfVW OFFICE. P rsonal attention ' o my care. to f.ll Buauit Entrust- Cent 's F'-nds S. C. Iii A VKR. ' .liwi..:'-. r np iui av 'i. v. il ' r r v" .'fifr nut niiiif J".- ; v ys an ' "Udren's Wear. Their ,...Y .it v..iiipeiuion. inev misrepresent nothing, iheir Wjrd 3 Tlioi? bond. UarLisg Cp the Wrong Tree, Magistrate (to bass ball umpire cjiare;e4 with being drunk and disorderly) It is simply outrageous, young man. the condi tion ii which you are brought before me. You are a disgrace to the great national game. " Umpire Wh.-a-t! That'll c-host yon twenty-fife (hie) dollars, judge. No back t-talk (hii!) t-to me, or I'll fine job th limi.. New York Sua. . ! iK MvoP"5- ' imj.oria.nt tuat the sover- 'igu 1 ei-pie snouia posses intelligence. The free school is the promoter of that intcpiceaiic which ia to preserve us a free v'rloi. 'tl..,ul fore, the state cr Wlon. or both, 'c.onbJaed. should support ire lntitutloiis"of Wrninv ;uu!uiiji:iiiuiuiuneii ruipi STrO'.vlIlM up ii uiv iwu me im.'oi iuiii: 01 tgooa common school education. OU K M RRCHA.1T M A KIN R, We earnestlv recommend that, oronmr action be taken li C: ngess in the ei act men t of such legislation asu ili best secure the rebaUili -tlpu of our Arneric in merchant marine, and we protest acaiust the passage by congress of a frea ehiD bill as calculated to work iciutira to labor by lessening trie woae of ton- cn- aaou in-brriar;nu iiiatpriais a4 well sis tnohe Uectly empioeirin our shipyards. 'e de Lii.ind annroririalionn tor th autIv rAtnildlnr ol our navy, for tite oon'tructioo of c ast fortincatlons and modern ordinanoe and other approved modern mea"s of defence for the protection of our defenseless harbors and ! cities, for the Davment of lust nfleslon to our soldier, for necessary wrk of nation:;! ,m portanue in the Improvement o harbors aat cbanceU oi Internal, coastwlser ana fore'gn commeroe. for tte encouragement of the shiDDins tRteresta of tha Atlantic, nnir and Pacific states as weU aa for the payment of the mitfu. riser nubile debt. Thl rmiiev win C'va erB'vis-n t toor ls"-, -'' y tj cuir -: i l " it ' 1 1 t' PL' THING. w , ' I.. OOLDIN(i. poth rg. -u iiishfng (imids. (o to t)je old r. liable house for Haw. Caps. Umbrellas. Trunks. ".otn, Sli.iv s. Main street, next C'as Co, Ba ik. .Vwv r- R' WR".corT, Ctothmg. Hats. Cans, tc. Fine Furnishings pur specialty. Oae priet nd no Monkey utis- ness. pays tu twUe with us. KockwooJ Blk XOTAItV XM OKFICK. Titles Examined, Abstarcts OorncKed In surance Written, Leal Estate told. Better Facilities for making Farm Loan than. Any Qth.Qt? Agency Plat t3riio?tUi, - .! ;i.a C- F.SMIT H, The Boss Tailor Mala St., Over Merges Knee Store. riA,x:f ;n company. V C KUUTH CANNING CO., F?aak Carruth. Henry J. Streiglit. Proprietors. Packers of tae Climax Brand Vegetables. PON FECTIONEB Y. PUILLIH KRUS. rruit. Oonfectionerv and Kin Cigar. DliUGfi. O. P. SMT -tt r?r llealera tn Wall leaner, Painti. Oil.' Art Mater ials. Cigars &c. Hock woo I Block. DBU-3S. (JEKtMii , n.i. Drug?, Chemicals. Paints. Oils". DRUGS. F. G PRtfiirr a. cn "ra??V MJaicincs. CUen;i(w.Is. Paints. . "i, evj . fine Select f i;ldt aud Fa:x ly Articles. Oils. Stationery, TVBYGOOD4, GrtOCEKIE.'. f ' V.H. WHITE. DryOoods. Groceries Notions. General M. chandise, etc. S. K. corner Main a.nd nth. St D BY GOODS. p. . HE?aANf, Has the best an J mot comoltp oclr of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came west of Missouri river. Note these prices: Fiusineps su'tA from $1(J to f:35, dress fuita, $25 to $4.'. pants $4, $3, $G, $r,.'jO ar,d upwards JWill guaranteed a lit. Prices Defv Comnetflion. J". O, BOOITS, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. All work first-class; west Fifth Street. North Robert Sberwood'a Store. C3-- KEMPSTER, Practical Piano act Organ Tuner A3TD HEPA1BER. First-class work jniarantecd. Also-dcal- Jrr iari -tr-iC rrVm