THE DAILY llkilALO : rLATTSMOUTIl, EBHASKA, IIP , f The Plattsmoutb Daily Herald. KNOTTS I3RC S., Publishers &. Proprietors. THE I'LATTSMOUTII IIEKAI.D Is published eery evening except Sunday ami Weekly every Thursday morning. Kegls terrd at tho nlofnYe, I'latlMiiout h. Nebr.. ts necond-cUNK inatier. OMcm corner of Vine and Fifth trtets. Telephone o. as. TERMS ro tlAlt-V. One copy onfl ear in advance, by mall. One copy per month, by carrier One copy per week, by carrier TFKMS FOR WKIfKIV. One eopy one year, in advance One copy 111 luoittaa. in advance .$ no . W) . 13 ...1 3 NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR PRKMIDKNT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, of Indiana. yon VICE IKEllKNTt LEVI I. MORTON, of New York. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. H. C. RUSSELL, Colfax county. GEO. II. HASTINGS, Saline county. M. M. BUTLEK, Cam county. CIIAS. F. IDMNGS, Lincoln county. JAMES Mf NENEY, Webster county. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. FOR HOVKRNOK, JOHN M. THAYER. rOTt LIKL'TKXANT ;oVF.KNOK, GEOItOE I). MEIKLEJOIIN. FOR RFX'RKTARV H HTATE, GILBERT L. LAWS. FOR TP.KATKER,' J. 11 HILL. FOR AlDlTOIt OK ITISI-IC ACCoCNTf, THOMAS II. DENTON. FOR ATT'lKXKV (ili.NK.RAL, WILLIAM LIXSK. roR commiionkuok rtrr.i.ic lands and iii:ii.iin;, JOHN STKEN. FOR Pl'PERIN'rF.NPfcNT OF ITCI.K-" HTIStTl'TION". GEO DOE D. LANE. in- CONCRZSSIOMAL TICKET- FOR CONUKKSS. (First 'o;iKr"f DNtiict.) W. J. CONN ELD. COUNTY TICKET. I-OR STATIC KKNATOK, MILTON I). POLK. lOR FLOAT KF.PRKSEXTATIVE, (Dis'rh-t No. i-ht. JOHN C. WATSON. FOR U KPKKSKNTATI YES, N. M. SATCHEL, EDWIN JEAUY. FOR Col'NTV ATTOKXKY, ALLEN DEESON. FOR, IfT. DIST. AMMI D. TODD. FOR iCKVEYOR, HERMAN SCHMIDT. Mr. Depew predicts a majority of -20, 03) for Harrison in New York, and n mm is better qualified to judge of com ing events in the politics of that state. Tub vote in New Y rk City and B o k lyn will be such as to astonish everybody, h3 says. Changes liaye been going ou quietly all su:mncr which will not be fully known until the votes are counted: and the local Democratic dissensions are certainly calculated to promote lU-ptibli-can success. 2 The Journal from all the galaxy J talent and character on the democratic ticket has selected Mathew Gering as its chosen idol of democracy. A wood cut of Mathew making his exit from the jur isdiction of our district court a couple of terms ago on account of the fact that he was supposed to be needed as a wit ness in a case of sorre celebrity, would now be in order. Mathew would maki a very exceedingly brilliant and efficient prosecutor (?) he would. Repcblicans from the interior of the county bring the intelligence that their vote will be longer and stta'ghter on the whole 'icktt than it has been for years and that a close canvass by districts .shows that a very large stay-at-home vote which has not been at the polls for ytars will be out n election day, and w:ll be polled without a scratch for the national, ttate and county ticket. Now. let the the republicans of IMattsmouth do their duty, and there will be no question of doubt in regard to the success of the whole ticket. Ml!. WAT H ON FOR FLOAT. When the democratic wire puller?; say that Hon. John C. Watson cannot carry his own (Otoe) county, republicans can put it down that they know better. Mr. Watson has never been defeated in Otoe county; he has received the endorsment of the people of that county time and again in the shape of large majoritif s and he will in this year of our Lord agar . c.irrv Otoe lv an increased majority. He U an able brilliant mm and legi-lator, and although he was not our represent tiva in the last legislature he wa3 found there fighting Cass county's battle on the Apportionment and it i largely in recog nition of these disinterested services tnai Cam county with a majority of delegates : convention endorsed -Mr this office.. A vote for John h" - . C. Watson is a rote for'the Tery best in I CON NELL AND MORTON. 1 1113 COUll'nb IS III lll.-. tuilicnsiviiiu district m between J. Sterling Morton and W. J. Council. As between these two men there can be no chance for doubt or hesitation. 3Ir Morton is a hightoned gentleman, by instinct in sym pathy with capital and corporate power. Mr. Council is a man of the people, who has always been in active and cordial sympathy with the working classes. Mr. Morton is a member of the Cobden club and English in his ideas. Mr. Council is thoroughly American and in favor of the people of out own laud a against the en tire world. Mr. Morton was for many ycai -t in tlic Linpl y of a powerful rail road corporation, and was known as a railroad lobbyist. Mr. Connell has al ways openly opposed the unjust exactions of corporate power, and has bravely and successfully contested for the rights of the people. .Mr. Morton has always been a gentleman of leisure, cultivated, edu cated, of good presence and a captivat ing talker. Mr. Conaell has been a hard worker, earnest and active in all his undertakings. For two years he has held the position of district attorney and was considered by both democrats and republicans as one of the best and most bucccsful prosecuting attorneys ever elected to that position. For tivo years he was city attorney for the city of Oma ha, and during his entire term of service uever lost a case. During his term of service, and at its close, democrats and epublicans alike were unstinted in their praise of hie ollicial work. In one re spect Mr. Connell and Mr. Mortou are alike, both h ive many friends and some iitUT enemies, Mr. C nne)l especially has a good m-iny and espec ially parties that sought to impose on the tax payers of Oni ihi and corporations like the gas company, street railroads and the railroad companies who Were taking advantage of the city or seeking to evade tM-ir just responsibilities. His support will largely come from the work i.igmcii and from the farmers who desire a representive who can neither be bullied or bribed, cajoled or whipped into line b corporato power. Dee A CHESTNUT. We understand that political capital is attempted to be manufactured in the western portion of Cass county against Mr. Commissioner Todd on tin ground tint the board of commissioners have ap propriated soiiio :),000 road money to this district in lieu of the several expen sive bridges which hive been turned over to the county and done away with by the municipal authorities of the city. In the first place no hojust man who rightly understands this act of the com missioners, will condemn it, because it is :i move cliroctlv in the interest of the county, saviog in the future the large expenditures of money to keep up, re build aud maintain, these county bridges and second because Mr. Todd did not do i:: it was the unanimous action of the c unty board, done in the interest of the w'i "le county. We understand that in the second place, the men who have started this c leap and dishonest story are appealing ta citizens of this road district for votes to elect Mr. Jones, also a resident of Plattsmouth. If Mr. Jones and his friends expect to make anything out of this kind of political work with our voters they will find they have very much underesti mated the intelligence aud honesty of our people. MILLS HILL IN ENGL AND. Harry Pearce, a hotel-keeper at Acmc- tonia station on the West Penn. railroad, Iiris received some interesting letters from Ids brother, llcnjamin Pearce', of Notting hamshire, England. He writes wanting Harry to return to England. In one of Wis letters he says : "Old England is going to be twice as good a countiy as vcr it was before. Wc are sure Presi dent Cleveland will be elected over again md the Mills bill, as you call it, be 'idoptcd by congress and I tell you England will be in high feather then. We are doing all wc can to put President Cleveland in. The in sev- r d places are contributing a shilling apiece from their weekly wages to be sent to America for use in the campaign. Pittsburg Commercial Gazette. What Am I To Do? The symptoms of biliousness are un happily but too well known. They differ in different individuals to some exicnt. A bilious man is seldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent appetite for liquids but none for solids of a morning. His tongue will hardly bear inspection at any time; if it is not white and furred, it is rough, at all events. Tlio digestive svstcm is wholly out of order and diarrhea or constipation may be a symptom or the two may alternate. There are often hemorrhoids or even loss of blood. There may be giddiness and often headache and acidity or flatulence and tenderness in the pit of the stomach To correct all this if not effect a cure try Green's August Flower, it costs but a triile and thousands attest its efficacy. -jQOJV'2' you know it ? Of course you do and you will want warm Underwear, UlanJicts, etc. Q UR Line is Unsurpassed by any other line in the city. A handsome fAUIETY of Seasonable Dress Goods, Broad cloths, Henrietta, Cloths, Trccots, etc 'YERYTIIIXG in Bl an h els, Flannels, Bed Comforts, Hosiers, Battings, that you- will icant- 0U will not regret looking' our different Dc partmenis over before purchasing' 11 will pay you. gjnXVJ BUGS and a Handsome Line of Car pets, Mutts, Floor Oil Cloths, and Linoleum at Low Prices. - & mm - Other Branches, such as TESSGffllS In all varieties. Our Stock of I s very complete. Itejncmber otier a Special Wiaat sod, 1 5 Per Cent Discount On All Woolen Underwear. A Call Villi Convince You, Jo WeoklteawBlhi, ibiyjyiiiiv M n tie. " t, m "We continue to offer SPECIAL PRICES I and Extra Good Bargains in Lf J dies', Children's and Misses' Seal Plushes, Short Wraps, Cloaks, Newmarkets, Plush Sa'cques, we PS V OUE I ATE ST HJPEOVEIIEITTS I "Competition , w ir. f Trnt and ?i?v'elVra'' ' ft. o? im htto S"? f.'r VlM JAMES MEANb' 3 eannot iiuiuin iT lln,?,t2,YiUfinT tannine unleM baJn(r our nm and pr!o tamped plainly on the wi. .T 1. Htan,pt ir you In.ha noon hi. d.. "KJ-M you no not MnUt. vuUOlen wUlcoox you Into buy lug Inferior "oe upon 'JAMES MEANS' $3 SHOE UNEXCELLED IN .STYLE UNEQUALLED .in DURABILITY . ... ih. r.nt nrV7TM In our brftnrta It - HiU.:r4he:afri;,net,h,t Ailt. of rny trio. I ba th. 'U,Un $ZW wmmmsimimm ;l HUOKS. Our au.l when a retailer puts a full Hue of goodi iu hU is the dei.iaii.l for tfiein." .,.,.i.. .n-or every pair are urek ijuo . - r. ... ... - .-7 - r .... , ..,1, -.t..- as.&r;hUiru our name ami the fl.tert retiiil prlee i khi tli wileaof jljiH 1eHsw& CO., 41 JL. -AND ALL STOVES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. -LATKST W ' KEl T CONSTANTLY ON HAND. PICT"Urt23 2lXSS SIXTH STEEET, LET. 3HA1K AND 7iNi!i the holder to the selection of AtfY Pattbrw lllnstraa-d in any number of the Magazine- ai.d isiNT of THBsizM manufactured, eacb valued at from 30 ccnta to 30 cents, or over 3.W worth of patterns ''ey Ascription, $2.00. A trial will convince yon that yon can Et ten times tuo valua I the money paid. Single copies (each containing Pattern Order), 20 cents. Published by TV. JENNINGS DEM0REST, New York." . .... . , T- "If .. . The aboTC combination Is a splendid ennnce teuccd rate. Send youx subscription to thi For "run-down." debilitated and overworked women. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the best of all restorative tonief. It i6 a potent FpeciHo for all those Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases peculiar to Women ; a powerful, gen eral as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, it Imparts vijror and strength to the whole system. It promptly cures weakness of stomach, nausea, indisrestion, bloating-, weak back, nervous pros tration, debility and sleeplessness, in either sex. It is carefully compounded by an experienced physician, arid adapted to woman's delicate organization. Purely vegetable and perfectly hflrmlp in nnv tonditinn nf the FVstero. "tavorue rrecri. tion" is the only medicine for women, sold by drup-irists, under u positive guar. WtBRiHTEJ. antee of satisfaction in every case, or price (Jfl.OO) refunded. This guarantee hns been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. For larjre. illustrated Treatise on Diseases or Women (PiO padres, with full directions for home-treatment), send ten cents in stamps. Address. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 003 Main Street, B-iffalo. N. Y. The Daily Herald delivered" for 15cta. per week. CD o ;if O J ZLk 2 it 5 m Iri - hi HP - h it S'ftl? 'i O a- hi 3 l?J f a If TOO HOI en our irnproTwi kooub th COnVnior. have , wort r Jo 81IOK. or tb JA.llES MbANn' 9 hliOh. Vonr olltW wui. ...-- - -"- J&MES -MEANS $4 SHOE CANNOT FAIL TO S ATI S FASTIDlO: of ln.lMf.try that w re now to 'imrm inn- Hho'i with their very low rtM! in wt.l..H Iiav. tkltfirU, r.lle.l III rt-iail li.r,T, iit-m. loclt tney at once ockiu i o v.. n,..w atnlflM no far ax Ton nrecncerneJ. II t-"" ---"vj. :. .. ... . ..rr i...i ,h1..m , iirul on ir Ikm-h before they leave our faetory no that you IIU Lincoln St., Boston, Mafcf. fib i j6' .JJ&. n rt euuwF ZEZ L 2v 2nT DEALOl IN KINDS OF- STYLES OF- CURTAIL 'V. MADE TO ODEE VINE. I I AVIFJXl 'IT, I I'- Cr. LY 3. IO FOR Vi:i:KJ,Y IU-FAL1) r-.yrxs and -rz' I Demorest's Monthly Hasazinc. A WONDEHFL'L I'UDLICATION. Many Pnppooa IIEMOKEST'S MONTIITV to be a fahlon This la a great mit-taki;. It undoubtedly contains the Cnrpt Fahiiion l)K parthent of any magazine publixbed, but tli)H in the case from the fact that preat entrpriHc and ex perience are shown, eo tliut each department In equal to a magazine in Itself. In Demoiikbt's you get a dozen magazine in one. and secure biiiumv. ment and inBtmction for the whole family. It con tains Stories, Poems, and other Literary attraction. Including Artistic, Scientific, and Household matters, and is illustrated with original Steel Kntrravinirs, Fbotosravures, Water-Colors, and fine Woodcuts, making it the Moon. Magazine or Ambuica. Each coov contaiua a Patter RiEn entitling to get our paper auu jiwji.d4 o wva . uu oUicu. J.H.E3IM0NS,M.I). H') (KOPATIIIC Physician Surgeon Ofllee over Weseoft's store, M:im street. Residence in Dr. Scliildkne l.f s plnejly. 'li 1 on i- DIsHKes mid Diseases of Wmnnii and Children a spet-ialty. Oilice hours, u to II a. in. 2 to 5 and 7 to !t p. in. WILL OPEN SCHOOL OF ELOCUTIOH ANI VOCAL Cri1'UKK. ' cue liiken in cultivating i'iiig j power, removing voite from j C LEONE 0. DANIELS, I Of Oiiiit'.n, foimtily of VR.-liir(cn, ! D. O. Tcni), nfluffd. per less-on. r0cts. ! AUliuts Box :lTy2. EJattnoulli I. O. B. &. M. Tirr.o Table. IIOIVO WKST. No. 1. ." :H a. m. n, :j.--f, : to p. 111. No. r. r. :4T a. m. No. 7.--T :::' p. m. Ci.lfi I AS". No, 2 1 p. in. No. -t. --10 :r:o a. !:, No. . T :I3 p. M. No. I0.--W a. No. ' r, :17 r. m. No. 11 r, ;L-7 a. in. All Iniivs I'ln d;.ily v;:vof ''ihIiu. ' Xf-it Nos. 7 Mil.! h w!:ie': rim t anti from .i liu j ier ! daily c.e pt Si luiay. No. ?m is a "tit to Pairf'i'! .Iiinetinn p.t 7m in N;. U l- a siu! fio.n Paeiliw .licn-t:oti at 1 1 u.ui Ii. 15. V. INIWI A M , Ji.K.-. A. PAVIKH, Notary I'uhiic. Notary rublic. wiviiir vid tr.vii:s, attorneys - at -1 cvr. OfTice rver P.. i k t I ('a- County. Platt.-mocth, - - Nkhuapka FOK'SALE TOFKEDKIiS ! Steers and He! for s, On". Two and Thr yi-ar .!.!. nonr Kiowa, Kan-sis: huit-ibii for Fe-din or Kouchin. iVlRO Stocls. Cattlo. Will fell on time to parties nwkin first-class t pan- r : a'llr -;s : It. IMiUIMKS. K'.ewa. Ka., cr V.IJ. Ultl.MKS. Kaio-as ;ny, y.o. Dont go to Omaha when yoa ivant to get your beautiful parlor and bed room set but gj to Henry Bocck's fur niture emporium where you ran get every thing in the furniture line that will go to make your home beautiful and comfort able; and above all you can get it cheap. Remember that he who sellsj most can sell cheapest. terests of Cass county.