i THiT LAILY HERALD: rLATTSMUuTII, IEKASUAt 1 UiUA i , uuivwi 10, iq- ) i! . ahouHer. and when be tried to lift hi nrrn a bhurp pain ma-io hini drop it nuiekly. "Aro you wounded, Greencoat?" Asked a sergeant near litm. "I think so," mur mure I 1'iorro. "Ah, well then, there's nothii.g moro for you to hit hero; go down to the chateau, where you will fiud ambulances aud somebody to take euro of yon." Phrro roso and tried to walk, but was v-rcoiio with a sudden faint noss. A Hi 1 1 i -r j;avo him lii-t arm ami holjM.-il him to desce nil the wooded hlojie, which was already veiled In tho deep shadows of tho fast grit herin twilight. Near tho chateau they wcrn met by miiiid of t ho atubulalico corps with un empty ambulance. "It is already dark " Raid one, "thenlind your self a place, tnon brave, and let iih hurry, they will ilress your wound lit tho farm lions". " "Wait one moment ," said Pierre, Ftnl dotdy recalling 'be siit iiin mid thrilled willi pity at I In; idea of his lxly remain ing e.)-.c:l in the woods nil uight nml probably !.-spoileu by somo midnight htr.i.irl -r, "t.vcnty paced from hero, there i- a Wounded oliieer, t'lli'j him along too." Tim Lieu consented, imi hTlving found the Ixxly by Pierre's directions they laid it in tho otiier compartment of the ambulance, slowly gained tho plain through tho ini -rea.-iug darkness, lighted hoto nnd t hero by tho distant camp Urea and crossed tit interval. by tho Haming course of a l'riis.si;iii shell. Tho farm of I.u Fouil leuso was crowded with wounded men. They wero brought in every fow min utes on litters. Tho kitchen, which served as an Infirmary, was filled with soldiers :.tendl on straw. From every comer could bo hoard the groans of the dyin, mingled with oaths mid impreca tions wrung from the poor follows by aoni.inif pain. I)im, flickering lights wero borne hiihor nnd thither in this ut inon:i n heavy with odors f ether ami arnica. Surgeon. mid nurses moved mpWIy betwtsen tho rows of wounded, rT.iiniiiiiiT -:u-h one mid apjilyiii band ps arid clre-isiiigs. l.'ii i n .Manet an h:id been laid side by '! v. ith tho yoitnj captain of tho l:!o!i!e-S. 'lt us loo!: nt this shoulder," said a Stan' surgeon t Pierre. as ho rapidly cut away theslefvo if tho green overcoat, t!.t :i shiit, an 1 hiving bare the s'uoul-'.r-r exa ii::i d t ho w..;i:id. "This is only n ' ii v o-ind. tlio bail did not touch tho l.n-. . Ir won't amount to much," ho said, ;;i . ':-!T l'ierro i:i tdiargo of t!io mirso to ii".vo Sii-i shoulder dressed. 'Cut. la.i foi, "ti.i i t t ht Fame (mm' with his neighbor, here. tVooTit! us those rascally Ciermufis my. Wiiy in the devil do those fords b:ln;r dead men here'.' Take this poor fel low out in tho tHiroh." Pardon!" murmured Pierre faintly, and inventing a pious liclion. "This ts a oiibin of mine, and I could not boar to leave hi-u alouo there. I wish to carry Jiis body to ids family." ".Ah, well," answered the surgeon, care fully, "It t him tako his dead man where ho likes; put them together iu nij ambu lance! Xow for the next one." Trans lated from the French of Andro Theuriet by V. ti. Sully for The Home Journal. rt:tfes A 1110:17 ",e Hindus. Thesi infant marriages aro tho root of tho soci,.! evils of tho Hindu system. A child of 7 or 8 is married, taken from her parents, and brought to the house of her j.iotli r-i:i law. Tho English stage mother-in-Ia.v is Jiot au agrveabiu jwrson, but sho is aroi ibiii. v per-oniiiod compared to tho actual Hiniu mother-in law. In tho pres j .:( o of t his domestic tyrant tho poor little child wiP. is not permitted to tit down; from rn :-::i-ig till night i he is employed n a m i v::u'. in household drudgery. If ,;-.. c- ::;'l.ii:is her rniirmnrs are met with t:: ; . and even blow.-:, nt a word of 1 P -s. not a t-ign of love to cheer her 1 ; i I r life, and this at an age when im ps. v.',.in are ea'ily formed, a.id when ti e ! li .ract.'r Is l;i the course of forma t'o:. I.i s.)::v c?.sos the education of the child is (.iit:,;".-d until 10 years of age, and in a T.'v.-, v.-ry fow, exceptional oases longer; b"t even i:i the tnost cxceitlonably favoi i ! i foa.-slt can 1k but niisorably deficient, .!' ci:i; 1 is a not her before sho is 11, 1 t!:":i :.;1 ir.ental cultivation must of n :-s: '..y ! ; di- coiii inued, and sho sinks iito S iu- ti.me--t ie iru:gti she is ever after to reuiu'.;i, her highest ambition boing to get new clothes and jewels, her highest uwy to sfvtisfy the animal instincts of In r husband. liivo, in its highest sense, between husband and wife is unknown; sympathy for and interest in tho hus band's pursuits, interchange of ideas, even conversation en ordinary topics, is naturally impossible. At best the bus Laud treats tho "partner of his joys and sorrows" sis a toy, to be played with in his idle momenta, aud to be abandoned when it has ferved its purpoio r.ud begins to pall. I'uder these circumstances Is It to be wondered at that the women sink to the lowest dt pths of tho moral and ln tcllctual scale that their conversation is coarse, their ir.ftincts bestial and cruel, aa J their character utterly lacking in any of the reslR.ints imposed by purity, hi)M ir or truth fulness? Nineteenth Cen tury. Mtin; by a Mexican Ua-p. If yci have never been stnng by mi old fashi.-ned M:?:iic:i:i wasp it is an expcrl c:ko yo:t v.v.tit to avoid carefully, confeiit vo:ir.v!f with such information about too little b: auty as you can gather from third parties aud documents. It is, when Mature anl healthy, nearly two inches i.::-,'.v. Uh a sting that looks like the point a H::e tambrie :eedlo. It is a brownish red ii to! r. and its disposition is always ho til''. 'hcn it stings you there is for n -."yf'-'nt or two a sensation of numbness nbi't'i? part, which rapidly gives place to a pain that can only bo described as a ;o:'v. If you could imagine how it v o'iid feel to" have a wire drawn through tho cicst sensitive part of your body and then raised 6lowly to a white heat you could perhaps form a theoretical idea of tvliat tlio feeling is like. Tho sting is never fatal, end tho pain passes away after an hour or two. but it is simply an uish while it Lists. During tfco Mexican war one of tho companies of Doniphan's command camped in an old building where there was a col ony f t these wasps. They managed to clistur!) th..- in sect j in somo way, and the compmy was completely routed and de-ciorailr.-.-d some of tho rien ran miles away from tho plaeo before they were found and gathered in again. Dr. Gun ning, of Lt-shoar. Colo., has made quite a Study of theso articulates, which, ho says, represent an unclassified member of tho v.-a.) family. There are, 1 believe, no living creatures outside of snakes, scor pions end centipedes which are able to luCict so rr.r.ch sufferingou their enemies. CLicr.go News. ITorr to TiZixke a tlciil Sensation. ' Auotlier u;.iu La3 safely -cone down throufrh t-o Xiar. rapids a:iI whirlpool. 'e viil btt L:m 13 cents ho cau't corao j back tluvui'li theio. Washington Critic. REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. Tlie repiit'llcausof the L'nltel States, assem bled by tlielr tiellKHteH in national convention, panne on the I lirexlioli) of tliHr proceedings t hoiior tl.e iio'iiioiy of tlieir first Kreat leader and liii.riirlal clmiiiplon of liberty and Hie rights of Hie people. Abialiam Lincoln, and to Cover Hlsu Willi wreath ! IniperNhable re-ineinl)raii-e aud xratltude the heroic names of our later leader vuio have breu more recently called away from our councils, (iraiit, (iarlleld, Ailliio, 1'K'iin and t'onkliiiK- May llielr iiiein oiles be litit lifuliy clieiished. Vm also recall with our nieetinr an. I prayer for Ina recovery the name of ime of our livmi.' hero- n whose lioinoi v will be Ireaxured in tt'e history both of republiraun and of the republic. The name Is thai i.I the noble xobller and favorite child of viei.ory. I'l.iliji II. .Sheridan. I ii Hie fpirit of f hose ifreal leailf-r ami of our il'-volKiu I i huiuaii libeitv, and with that Ixis 1 1 : i l y to ml tonus of desotiniii ai.d oppression which ! the f iindaiuciititl Idea ot the r-publl-eau nartv. we rend IrateMial eoiiKratulations to our 1H1"W AineileaiiM of Itrail upon their fiealaelof eniaiolinl mu which completed the abolition of Mavi'iv throuhoiit the two Aiiieni- n eoi tiueiilH. We euriikstly Hope we i. ay lioon eonmaliilate our fellow citizepH tif lri-h birth iih.ii the peaceful lecoveiy ol uoine Mile for Ireland. WK KI IIIM O 'I! PNMWKIlVIN5 KKVOTIoN lo IPe naliolia eoiiKtltiilioii and to the iinlin sol ible iiioi.ii ! staten to the aiiloomiiy re x rvi d to i he states miner the eoiihtitut loll, to the pi rvnial rijihts and lilielt rs ol eill.eiiH in i ii . -,i i u-s Hi l he union and es- peeially lo the sup-cine aud sovereign liisllt of cv;-iy citizen, lien or poor, native or roiein i... i .. u i.ik- or iihii-k. lo ea-t one free ballot in Tl -p'u'ilie e;''lioi:s ;ml to have that ballot oily count' ii. w e noni a nee ami nonnm iup u'ar ballot and Jind and eijual repieHentalion of all people t ie I he inundation of our re oul.liri.il kov iimieat and demand effective li Rlslalnm to -eeur; the integrity and purity of elect ioiih whb-li are the fountains of all pub lic .mtlioritv. We choice that the present ad ministration s::d the democratic majority in i on r.-ss owe tlieir existenet; to tbe Mlipiiressloll of the ballot by the criminal nullification of the constitution and laws of the United States. W e are iincronipioinisiiiKly iu favor of the American .system of protection. We protest neainst flip destruction nrotmsed by the pre! dent ami his parly. 1 hey nerve the iiitere.-ta of K u re ne WK U'll.L sl'l'I'OItT INTFKKST3 OF AMKKIt'A We accept, the issue, and confidently appeal to fie people for their jiul'iiu-nt. The pioteetive svsteiii must be tnaliitalued. Its abaudomiient has always been followed by ueneral ulnnster to ail interests except those oi me uuiiiier and hheriif. We ilenoiiiice the Mills' bill as destructive to -fi-r;il l.io-ines. I;ilir. una Hie lariiiiiiK Inter- . sts o; the eniutfrv. and v.e iieartilv endorse the censiteiit an- patriotic action of the re- puliiic.oi representatives in congress in oppos iiiK its pansaue. We condemn the proposition ol the democratic parly to place w otd on the free ltt and ius:s. that I lie duties l Hereon shad be adjusted and oiaii.tained so a to fur nish full and adequate protection to mat in :iwl r' Tiie rt-i.iilil!i-:u i.artv woi.ld effect all needed i edue: i n of i atioual revenue by repealing t'ie taX'-v on tola eo, which are an arrogance .-nil l-i:i i! n to am e-i'Il nie. and tne tax upnu soil sis iis-d i.! !!:' al ls nnd f or iM-chai ical pur- i .-, :i;.ii I v mi. :. i. vUio-i f the tariff laws as ii! : ii. I i,i ciiecK i.i.n rts o. such artb-lea as a r p: !.i::icc.i t ;. oar pi ii .e, the production of n i.i. o !iiv .:,, .! eit to our la nor, ami re- i-:.s.- (! -in i i it it'iiit-s these articles of for nioi : n u.i.-.i eiceoi iiuurien. the like of .-. iiic'u caiinel In produced ill home, there r hall .1 ill remain n'aiifer revenue than is reauiitfc f r t be wai:i -f governinont. of internal taxes rather than surrender any pari oi our i rotec- tivenyslem at f-e Joint Dcnst tn tne wnisay rinu ana uizenis oi lojuiirr; in.iuuiaciuicis. VCAINmT PALi'fK AifcO ifaliOrt ''Kl,SI8 We eeelare hostility to the it. traduction into this coiintrv of foreipn contract labor and of Chinese labor alien to our civilization aud our constitution, and we demand the ngl t enforce ment of existing laws against it ana tavorsncn immediate legislation as will exclude sucn ta hnr from our shrubs. We declare our opposition to all combina- tioti! oi rapKsi o;gr.niicii ;u ir'jai vr jiuci v. ise to control aibitraiiiy the condition of trade amomr mir cii zens and we recoipmemt to cowgress and the state legislatures Iu their . . . . t. I .... 1 . 1 .,:... . ...Ml reipeCIIVC Jill 1SIIU-I nlli aui 11 o-iii,ii.VM o win prevent the execution of all schemes to oppress to neoole bv undue eharues on their ouppnes or by ui.j'i t rit.es for the transportation of their pit. duets to market, we approve legislation by congress to pre vent alike unjoHi p;jrens anu uniatr u.eciiiii- nation neiwetui iatcs. VMSI.IO f.ANM LKUISHTIOX W e re::ltirm the policy ot appropiiatinR the oiibi c lands ol the uiuteu Mates to d nome. stead for American citizens and settlers not ilieni. whic" the republican party established in 1'2 i''rt r't the pe.rsiste.it oppoKitiou of .11 H'-moi'lH's in wuicii ua.s uioiizm- v ur great western domain into magnificent de . f-lepenie-'t. i he res' oration of unearned land giaiils i o i he public doui in for the use ofac- mi settlers, which was begn it' tler the ad-a.i,.l-i ratii i. of i'res'tlent Arthur should be i oniioi'f l. A e ueny tint the denn ciaMc partv 'ins . vi.;- i;iiiii".l i.l.f fli'R' to the people, but declare that by ihejo'nt ei. on of republiealis ml detm-eiats abou' imi minion acres i un earu-'ii lanos. originally granted for the con- irui :iin of n.iiroaits. h ive been restored to i !, public lo:::ain in luinance of conditions iiis- ued bv :;n- i ei-'Ulniej u parly in the oiigin ,ii giants. Weclia-uet e democratic admiiiie- iialion u iTn lalb.re to execute law s securing to s..'tk'! title ii iiitii iminf-ie.id anu witn us iug ajo r- ri;.tio...- m oie for lloir piii'pose to :ui:iss I iioeenl set tiers with tidt" and prose en! i n- 1'inb r i lie fai-e pri tet.se of expot-iug f -I'liii and viMUfa' injr tne nuv. AuMllllM OF TI.HItlTOlilKS, The ":v.-i iioo iii l cm gre of the lerriter ie :s based npot: m -ecsitj tiiily to tbe end that t ii. v n.ay t-ccoii!!' stti.e-in i he union : tliere- f 'i .-. m i:eo"ver I lie condition- 'if population maleri.':l ie-onre, j: blie iritelligence and molality are -ueli as i insure tablf) local gov er. iiie 'i t liei'-'Mi the people of such territories ffiiou d b i-er'eitte.i. a right innerem m them to form for iheuiselven eoni'titiitious aud state government and be ad itted Into the union, rending preparati n for statehood all oltlcers thereof shoutil be selected Irom bona tide residents and citizens of the territory wherein thev are to serve. South Dakota ehu'ild of right be lmtiicMateiy admitted as a state in the union under the constitution framed and adopted by her people and we heartily en doree the action of the republican senate in twice passing bills for her admission. 1 he re fusal of the democratic house of representa tives, or nartUan nurr8es. to favorably con sider these biiij is a willful violation of the sa red American principle of local eli-g"vpui-meut. and merits the condemnation of all lust men. T he pending bills in the senate for acts to enable tn neo'plo of Wishington. North IaI.ota anl Montanna territories to form con stitutions ..cd establish state goveniniei Is should be passed withuiit unDPOiiiary Ue'ay. The republ;ca!i party pledges inself to do all in Its power to facilitate the admission of the ter ritories of New Mexico. Wyoming. Idaho and Arizona to the enjoyment of self-government as states. Such of them as are now qualified as soon a possible.and otliers'as soon as they niuy become so. THr MORMON QVF.BTION. The political .ovt:r' the Mormon church In tne territories as exercised In the past i" a menance to free Institutions 'oo dapgerous to be long suffered. T. erefore e p etle the re leiMi an party o ai'proprlate legislation, a-s". !ivg t ii" snvereignty of the tint ion in all t:.e t-iT't -t.ic-s v:.-.-t the seme is ouestioned. iaj in fui : h.-i ai!'1 cf thai end to pmce ii;. on T'ie si mire r"k l-;lslation stiingetit en r..'h to d:vor.'e eoli'ii'a' from ecclesiastical pnver inl i has ff.,n.p out the attendant wickedness of polygamy. i to- i. i iioia ..ii party is in favor of the use of b -tli -obi ami silver as money, and con demns tpe policy ol the democratic adminis tration in n- eftorf to demonetize uilver- W e de.nar.d the reduction of letter postage to I ct.I per t unce. In a tepubli.; like ours, whre the citizens is the sovereign aid the ollicil the servant, where no power is exercised except by the wisl of 'he people, it is important that the sover eign j eopte should ;wisess ia'elligeiice. The free ciino! is the promoter of that intelligence which is to preserve us a free nation. There fore, the state or ration, or both ennbined. should support tree institutions of learning sufncietit to fiord to eveiy child growing up iu the land the opportunity of good coiuuiou school education. Ol'K HkSCHAST MARINE, We earnestly recommend that prompt action be taken b c eg ess iu the actmcut of saeh legislation as will best secure the rehabilita tion t.f our Amri3 n iuercliant marine, and we protest against the l asi-ige by congress of a ire ship bill as calculated to work Injustice to labor by lpseeniig the wages of those en I -geri in preoai m:' materials as well as those directly employed in our shipyards. - e de-man-1 appropriation for t he erly rebuilding of our navy, for the eontruction of coast fortifications and modern ordinance and other pprovea modem meas of defense for the protection of our defepseleos harbors and cities for the payment of Jut pe slonsto our soldiers, for necessarv w -rks of national Iti- portanc in the iinnrovmeut of t!i harbors anil chaiiT.els "f lternl. eoastwlser and ore gn curamsts. for th eneoorageinent -f j the sbiiiiu interests of th. Atl-ntic. Gulf! and V .ciCe states as well a for the payment i of the rnitnrips p'i'!lc db. Tht r-i'icy. will giv employment to our I bor, activity to our , various industries, increased security to orr country, promote trade, open new and direct markets for our products and cheap-n the cost of transportation. We atllrm this to be far better for our country than tue democratic policy of loaning the government's money without Interest to "pet banks " KllKKION KBt.ATION. The conduct ol foreign affairs by the present administration has beeu distinguished by Inef ficiency and cowardice. Having withdrawn from I he senate all pending tiea les effected by republican administratis s for the removal of foreign burdeus ami restrict inns upon our rommeice and lor its extension into a better market 'l has neither affected nor proposed any othen iu their stead. Professing adher ence to the Mouroe iloeti ire. It has seen witn Idle eoiiinlaeenev the extension of foreign in fluence In Central America and of foreign trade everywhere mining our neighbors. It lias re fu-eil to dialler sanction or encourage any American orgaui.vt Ion for constructing the Nicaragua canal, a work of vtal Importance to the maintenance ol me Monroe doctrine aim of ..ur nutioiial inlliieuce in Central and -Soii'll A merie:t and necessai V In' the development if trade with our Pacific territory, with South America, and with the further coasts of Hie facihe Ocean. t lHMKKlKS Qt'KSTION We arraign the present democratic adminis tration for its weak and unpatriotic treatment of the flshetics iiii sti..u, and its pusillanimous siin-enilerof a'.l iirivHgH to which tnir fishery vessels are entl; led iu Canadian ports umler the treaty of isls. the reciprocate marin tine legislation of is.in and comity of nations, and which Canadian II si: ing vessels receive iu the ports of the t'nite.l States. We roll lemii the nolicv of the present administration and the democratic majority hi congress towards our fisheries as unfriend! v and conspicioiisly unpatriotic and as tending to destroy a valuable national industry and an inuispei.sii.ie resource of defense against foreign enemy. The name of American applies alike to nil cillzens of the republl , and Impose upon men alike the same obligation of obi-dieie-e to the laws. At the same timed izeiislttp is and must be the panoply and safeguard of him who weais It, should shield and protect him w hether high or low, rich or poor, iu all his civil right. It should and must afford htm protection at home and follow and protect him abroad in whatever land he may be on a lawful errand. CIVIL 8KKVICK KKFOKM. The men w ho abandoned the republican par ty in 1k4 and continue to adhere to the demo cratic party have deserted not only the cause of holiest government, but of sound finance, of freedom and purity of the ballot, but espec ially have deserted the cause of refor.n in tho civil service. Wo will not tall to keep oiu pledges because thev have broken Ulcus, or because their candidate has broken Ms. We therefore repeaT our declaration of Ism, towit : I'Iim reform of vivil service uuHplc-lously begun tmder republican administration should be completed by a further extension of Hi- reform njsti'in already established by law to all grades of the service lo which it is applied. The spir it and purpose of reform should be observed in all executive appointments, and all laws at variencewith the object t.f existing reform leg islation should be repealed, and that the dan gers to free institutions which lurk in the pow er ef oftcial patronaie may be w isely and ef fectively avoided. The gratitude of the nation to the defenders of the union cannot be atniurnd except bv laws. The legislation of congress should conform to the pledges made bw a loyal people, aud be so enlarged and extended as to prov'de against the possibility that any man who honorably were the federal uniform shall become an In mate of an almshouse or dependent on private charitv. In the presence of an overflowing treasury it would 'D a public' scandal to do less for those whose valorous service preserved the government. We denounce the hostile spirit shown by President Cleveland in his numerous vetoes of measures for pension relief, and the action of the democratic house ef representa tives in refusim: even consideration of tjeneral pension legislation. Iu support of the principles herewith enun ciated, we invite the co-operation of patriotic men of all parties, especially of all working men whose prosperity is seriously threatened by the free trade policy of the present admin istration. The first corceru of 11 rood government is the virtue and sobriety of the people hnd the purity oi their homes. The republican party cordially sympathizes willi all wise and well directed efforts for the promotion of temper auce. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ATTORNEY. S. F. THOMAS. AitOiiiciT-at No:ry I'ublic. OfTlce In Fitzgera'.d lilotk. I'lat'.smbuih, Keb. ATTOltXKY. A. X. SULLIVAN, a ttfti-nov-at . I 'tic Will ffivf. nrr.mnl Attention . j - . ' ... . r- , 1 . to a!l business intrusted to him. Office lo Union r.lock. Kast side, t'lattsmoutn. xcd. A GKICULTITKAL IM PLFMENTS. i HALL tS.- CRA1U. Agricultural Implements, Courtland Buggies anl Ruthford Wagons, "Good Timber and Bone Dry." sold and Warranted. Main street, bet'.veeo sixth and Seventh. BANK. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. of riattsmouth. Capital Sai.ono ; surplus 11, noo. John Fitzgerald. President : S. Waugli. Cashier; F. Z. White, Vice-President. Board of Directors : John Fitzgerald. F. E. White, Jno. R. Clark, I). Iiawkswortli, S. Waugli. BANK. THE CITIZENS BANK, of Plattsmoui:.. Capit-I stock paid in, SoO.noo. Frank Carruth, Fresideut : W. H. Cusliiug. Cashier ; J. A. Connor, Vice-President. A general banking business transacted. Collec tions receive prompt and careful attention. BLACKSMITH. ROBERT DONNELLY. HlM.:k..ni;f h and W'H'rotiinaker. Dealer iu liVind- inills. Pumps and i-fttings." BOOTS AND SHOES. JOSEFH FITZER. Boots and Shoes. Repairing promptly attended to. South Side Main street. ROOTS AND EHOF.fi. A complete assortment of every kind of Foot wear and cheaper than the cheapest, west of the Missouri River. Also manuf alluring and i:epairing. BARBER SUOI AN P BATH ROOM. l. MOKLEY. Hot and Cold BaUis at all hours. Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting a sr.eUalty. Cor. Cth and Main, under Can ut h's. T5AKERY. D F. STADELMANN. Bread. Cakes. Pies. Buns, etc.. fresh daily. Partv, Wedding and Fancy Cake a specialty. Ice Cream In any quantity. BOOKSELLER. ETC. .. P. YOUNG, Bookseller. Stationer, and News lealer : Fancy Goods. Toys. Confectionery, Fine cigars. Soda w ater ami mhk snaKe, i lanos and organs and Musical Instruments. CLOTHING. S. &C. MAYER. Gent's Furnishings. Fine Tailor Made Clothing In Men's. Boys' and t.-bjjdren's Wear. Their prices defy competition. Thev misrepresent nothing. 'Their Word s Their Bond. CLOTHING. L. GOLDING. Clethlrgr. Furnishing Goods. Go to the old re liable house for Hats, Caps. Umbrellas, Trunks. Boots, Shoes, Main street, nejtt Case Co, Bank,, CLOTHING, c. e. WEScorr, Clothing. Hats. Cans. dc. Fine Furnishings our specialty. One priee and no Monkey Bus iness, ii pays io iraue witn us. kockwoou bik. CANNING COMPANY". OARRUTH CANNING CO.. Frank Carruth, Heury .1. Streight. Proprietis. Packers of th6 Climax Brand V egetablee. CONFECTIONERY. PHII I MI KRtl'S. Fruits. Confectionery and Fine Cigars. DRUGS, o t s-ut nr .5- co Dealer? In Wail Paner. Painto. Oil. Art ?fater- lals. Cigars &2. Rock wood Block. DRUG 8. GERIVG & 0. Drugs, Chemicals. Paints, Oils. DRUGS. F. G FRICKE .1- CO.. Drugs. Medicines. Cheiuica's, Points. Oils, Varnish -s. Dye Stuffs etc. Fine stationery. Select Toilet and Fancy Articles. DRY"GOOD3, G ROC KT K.S. F. . Will TK. Dry floods, (Groceries N;it ions. General Mer chandise, etc. a. E. cjrner ?ilan and 6.h Mts. DrTgoodsI -f. hkhrmwv, - Dry Goot. Notions ao-l Lj'1Ih pw--vjn C'. I ohj -r i RY (JOODS.OKOCKKIF.8. E. u jmjvey t floods. Carpets, y-ieensware. Notions, and Fancy floods, to be found Iu the county. Up ler Ma n street, between 5th aud titli. DliNTlST. DIt. A. T. WITHERS. "The rainless Heutists." Teetli extracted w ithout the least pain or harm. Ar.lflclal teetli Inserted Iminedialely after extracting natural ones when desired, fiold and all other Killings strictly first class. Office Iu L'lilon Plock. FURNITURE. IIENItY BOECK. Furniture. Bedding. l-ooKiug lilasse. Picture Frames, etc. Wotnlen and Metal Caskets kept in stock. FURNITURE. I. PEARLMAN. Furniture, Parloi Suits, Cpho'stery Goods. Stoves. Oueeiisware, 1 inware. and all kinds of Household Goods. North (JtU street, between Main and Vine. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. J. H. DONNKLLY. Gents Flue Furnisher and Hatter. The most complete ami finest stock Iu the city. Carruth Block, Cor. Mh and Main. GROCERIES. M. B. MURPHY CO.. The Lending Dealers in Groceries, Crockery. China, Lamps. Wooden and Willow ware. Flour, Feed.&c. Cash paid for country produce, G ROC Kit IKS. I.KHNHOFF & SOENNICHSKN, Groceries, Provisions, Glassware ami Crockery. GROCERIES. F. McCOUllT. Green. Staple and Fancy Groceries. GROCERIES. BENNETT & TUTT. Staple and Fancy Groceries, Green Fruits and Canned Goods. GROCERIES. AUG. men. Groceries aud (Jueensware, Flour and Feed. Cigars, Tobacco and Cip .-rv. Hi l lie U -u-e. GROCERIES. CHRIS. WOHLFARTH, Staple ami Fancy Groceries, Glassware and Crockery, Flour ami Feed. HOTEL. FRED 'i()OS, Proprietor City Hotel. Terms, sM.no per day. Special Attention given commercial men. HARNESS. W. ;. K REFER. Successor to O. M. Sfrdght. Harness, Saddler j Goods. Nets. Robes, Dusters, and all horse fur nishing i;oods. HARDWARE. JOHNSON BROS., Hardw are. Stoves. Tinw are. Table and Pocket Cutlery. Rasors, etc. Household Sewing Ma chined and Jnwel ttasoline stoves. Tiuwork of all kinds done at reasonable prices. Main street, itockwood Block. JEWELRY. O 15. A. Mr EL WAIN. Watches. Clocks, Silverware aud Jewelry. Spedal Attention given to' Watch Repairing. JEWELRY. FRANK CARRUTH & SON. Always carry a liny stock of Diamonds, Watch es. CI cks. Jewelry, silyeryarn t.ud Spectacles. Drop in and inspect thoirgoods before parchas n;g elsewhere. JEWELRY. J. SCHLATER, Jeweler. Walt ham Watches a Specialty. Main Street, near Fourth. LIVERY STABLE. C. 2!. HOUJES i. SON, The Checkered Barn. Livery. Heed and Sale stable ; parties conveyed to all parts of the city. Carriages at all trains. Corner Vine and Cth. MKAi MARKET. RICHARD BILSTEIN. Who'esale and Retail Dealer in First Quality Beef, Pork, Mutton Veal. Lamb. etc. Sixth stree", Neville Block. Prices moderate. MEAT MARKET. J. H AT r P. CO., Kill thoir ow n Cattle. Render tlieir own Lard aud Cure their own Bacou. Main street, EAT MARKET. KICK LEU & CO., Eggs. Poultry &e. We use o ly the best erade of native stock. Oysters and game in season. MERCHAM TAILOR. C. F. SMITH. Merchant Tai'or. Main street, "over Merges' shoe store. Complete stock of samples. Fit guaranteed. Prices defy comnetitiop. Mli.LlNe.ItW. MRS. J. F. JOHNSON, A Complete Line of the Latest Styles of Mil linery and Trimmings ; also Children's and lu- lants Bonne's, to oe cioseo our. at cost. TJ ESTAURANT AND LU.VCH ROOM. iv JACOB lis NNCII, Meals nd Lunelle sei ve'd to orir at a'l hours. Also Oysters, t'tgars. Tob icco, Pop and Cider. Opposite Riddle House. SAMPLE ROOM. FRAIIM & KLIETCH. Sample Room. Imported and Domestic W:nes, Liquors and Cigars. Only straight goods han dled. Milwaukee Bottled Laer a Specialty. Cor. 5Mi and Main Sts. SAMPLE ROOM. THE AA1ERICAN EXCHANGE. Nick Cunniirghaiii, proprietor' Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Pool and Bil.iard Tables. R'ddle Houe Block. SAMPLE ROOM. TUEELKHORN SALOON, Wm. Weber, proprietor- Manufacturers of Soda Water. Birch Ber. Cider, ete. Agents for F'red Krug's Celebrated Lag.;r Beer. SAM.'LE ROOM. JiH BL VICE. Sample Room and Billiard Hall. Choice Wines Liliiors and Ci jar, IMliard and Pool Tables. C. F. S M I T H, The Boss Tailor Main S' Over Merges' Shoe Stole. Has the lest and most complete stock of samples, both foreign und domestic woolen? that ever came west of Missouri river. Xote these pi ices: Business suits from $I(J to $35. dress suits, !25 to $45, pants 4, $5, 6.50 and upwards. tgWill guaranteed a fit. Prices DefV Competition. BROWNE, P rsonal attention to all Business Entrust? to my care. XOTABY IX OFFICE. Titles Examined, Abstarcts Compiled, In surance Written, Heal Estate Sold. Better Facilities for making Farm Loans than Any Ottier Agency PlttitoutIi, - l ika G, 33. KEMPSTER, Practical Piano anil Organ Tuner AND REPAIRF.lt. . First-cl;iss work guaranteed. Also deal er in Pianos and Organs. Office at noeek's furniture store, Plattsmoutb, Xebraska. JT. C, SOCXT33, BARBER AND HAIR DREISER. All work flrst-cUss; west Fifth Street. n 1 o ran .nnn n i v raa ijiM Em &m am Plaftsmoufh OKKICK AT HIDDLE HOUSE TUK won i.n KAMols AN FliOM Berlin, Germany. TJ You can consult m aiiout Your Byes, and how to take care of them. More light for the unfortunate spectacle wear ers, and tha doom of blindness prevented by the use of his Alaska Brilliants nnd Australian Crystals. A new clfmical combination, of SPECTACLES And patent self-adjusting Spring Eyeglassss The first time intraductal into this coun try; manufactured to order after cartful examination by modern instruments. PROF. STRASSMAN has arrivtd in Plattsmoutb, and lias an office at the Riddle House. He is do ing an immense business throughout the United States, giving i;hc esi of satisfac tion and delight to hundreds with de fective .sight. His knowledge of the human eye and his skill in adjusting the glasses is marvelous bey one imagination. Endorsed by all the great men of this country nnd Europe. In an instant, as if by magic he is en abled to tell you any ailment of your failing vision, point out the cav-e aud danger, and adapt brilliant glasses, pe culiarly ground to suit every defect of the eye, which will aid in strengthening the eyesight of the old and young. Sci entists invited to examine the new sys tern for the preservation of the human eye. Teachers should watch the early mani festations of their scholars' eyesight and report in ti:ne to the'r respective parents to have tlieir eyesight examined by Prof. Strassman, the expert optician of nation al fame. Artificial Eyes Replaced, Persons deprived of an eye can have this deformity removed by the insertion of an artificial one, which moves and looks like a natural organ. OFFICE HOUR S, 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to i p., and 7 to 8 in the eyening. Pv E F E R E X C 3 S : NEItflASKA CITY. George litirgett, Rev. A. Clark, Mr. Duff, Mrs Dr Larsh, I) P Rolfe, Mrs Streeter, Dr Iiriukcr, R M Rolfe, Roden hrock, C Anderson, J W Waldsmith, Vr A Cotton, S II Calhoun, Judge M ipes. David Brown, Dr Heishey, Win I Iyer. T S Jones, E M Taggai t, E Reiber, W. II Murphy, Frank McCartney, James Fitchie, Rev, Emanuel Hartig, Mrs. A. E Rndd, W D Merriam, Miss VanMi ter, Dr S L Gant. A Home, Paul Schniinke, Nat Adams, Geo A Wilcox, Mr Sheldon, Mr. Gunsell. Rev R Pearson. SUomertis. L Levey, S M Kirkpatrick, Drycoll. Donald McCuaig, William Wilhelmy, Rev Rivers, Logan Enyart. N Tlidiield, J F Welch, Rev. J B Green, John Good lett, C Ii Bickel, Dan Gregg, C W Scher fy. E S Hawley, A R Newcomb, Wm Nelson. Mrs N Divis, Wm Fulton, Acam Kloos, Mrs Ed Platner.- M T Joflnson, Mrs Carnout, Mrs. Sterling Morton. Mrs. Watson. Miss Morton. Mr Geo W Hawke, Mrs W T Sloan, Mrs L W Ux, Mrs n jr- r-. r r - - - OPT C tt lfr&&lJ i!M uBIQ, Never liol'o re lias an Ojitieiiin re ceived Piicli testimonials from t lie jicoiile. Oilice of Iowa Soldier's Home Maishalltown, In., Feb. 17, 'HS. Phok. Stkahsman, Van- tiir: The glasses you furnished myself and wife when in Clinton, have proven in every way satisfactory, nnd we take pleuauro in recommending your work anil glasses to all who may be in need of Mifoly und and comfort for your eyesight. Very Respeeti ve! , Ci.. Mii.o Smith, Commnndant. Mayor's Office, Maishallti n, November :ird, 1HH7. Prof. Sttassman has been in our city some six weeks or more, nnd as an opti cian has given I he btst of satisfaction bulb u to prices and ipndity of woik, having treated somo ol the most difficult cases of Ihe eyes w ith succi srf and Mil sat isfied you will find him a skillful opti cian and a rcnt Ionian. Very Respectfully, Nki.wi.n A.mks, Mayor. -Prof. Strnssmnn. n ilistinui.shc'.l op tician, now stopping iu our city, conies before us with the highest tcbliimmiiilM of skill and cxpei it iicc in liis art, und I take pleasure in rccoiiiiiit nding him to my ii lends and the public who may bo in need of his scrvicew, n out entitled to his confidence, J. Williamson, M. I). Oil um wh, Iowa. r ew Eyes The long frit want in tlii com munity for sight-restoring glasses is now supplied by the siirctMsful optician, Prof. A- StrasniHii, from Berlin, Oe:many, for a short time longer ut the Riddle house. The waste of valuable eyesight can ho prevented, if not too late, by his correct mode of equalizing all ini-iptalilies of the injured eyes In his specialty, it is con ceded that he la tiie head of the profes sion, and many of our bot citizens, and physicians haye been successful in ob taining relief by the use of his glasses: Allen Bccson, Dr. Scliildkncclit, Byron Drew, S. P. Vanatta, J. Vallcry, jr., W. H. Newell, H. Boeck, Mrs. P. Kessler, Mrs. V- Jolms' ii, Mrs. P. Kennedy, Mrs. N. E. Sage, C. W. Sherman, Mr. O. Nichols, Eli Sampson, Mr. Hodgctt, Mrs. Rankin, Mrs. Levings, Miss Young, yir. Hayes, M anker. Mrs. Nieman. Prof. J.R. Wiftcomb (ico. Buckle. Judge A N. Sullivan Mr. Leonard, Judge Chapman, John Bobbins. Mrs. Benfer. Mr. Holschuch, G. W. Covel), Miss Laura Baker. Mr. Elscn, Jlrs. A. S.vift, Mr. f'o. Natterson, Mrs. W. I). Jones, Mrs. I). M. Jonts. Mrs. Kate Siivon, Mr. J. C. (,'uniniini, ?.Irs. P. L. Wise, BeV. F. W. Witte. Mrs. L. I). Bennett, Mrs. MrK'nrrv, Mrs. Dr. Jno Black, Dr. Ceo. Bla:k, deo. Khralcr, I red Goos. J. II. Young, Mrs. L. A. Plumb. REFERENCES. Dr E B Ytinajj, (; F Cbn k. G K Powers, D B Miller, J B lieev.s, Mis J S aiik.Mrs T II Dearborn. G W Holt, A C Bbme, W A CI os", .Mrs. Apjdebeo, Mr Stockslager, J S Wroth, R-v MtClure, .Mrs Hesller, .Mrs. Farrier, Mankcr, Rev Mct'nlleiy, 3Irs Stanley. R Wadsworth, Mr Mareiiiilt.. Mr Jelliies, Rev Jagg, W Stafford, C W Schneider, Harvey Spry, C E Richard". David Harris. Mr. I-old, (' II Lane, C M Mills. T H Lee. Wm Koehler, (! J Lilli jebcrlf, T M Lie, Geo L J'h.tt, Mis L ilolyser, Wm Dubley, O Ruiiiii-I, Mis B S Porter, I 11 IJazarYmis, Xtr Broadbv. F A C.irtc-r, .Airs Fisher, Mr Stoddard, II O Shtphi-rtl. A McCoimell. E A Brown, .Mr Gibson, Mr Fikes. Rev J W Hamil ton, S P Miller, Mrs F C Cbi.-k, B E A Simons, J Sautbin, Mr Van Alstine, L F Riss, Mrs Detiner, .Mis. Junkin, Ttios Giiffith, I Sai.born, Geo Bintis, 3Ir. Meyers, P. P. Johnson, and many other from the sisrrouueling country. LA1ti.MJ. Col W P Heiburn, rx-congre stxitn; Hon T E Clark, fenator; Rev Snook, Dr ('okciKuvtr, Dr Lcwt llen. F W Harish, J fi Mclntyr. A S B.-.ily. J D Joius, B W Foster, H (; Beck with," John filaseby, (t A Kimball, Mrs. Morsman, V fbaffRcv. Scay. Dr Van Stint, J D Ha wlev. T M Moiir.tr.go. Dr Milhn, II B dwell, Capt Stone. J II Stet, Hon Wm Butler, O N Hurdle. A T Clement. J M Cr.ibill. Mr Newton, Mrs Shaul. Hon T E Claik, Mrs Lurncx, Dr. Powtr, Rev Eddy, Raymond Lornx. A P Skeed, J P Burrows, Dr Ba-rett. Mrs fills. c::ksto,-. Pretldt nt of First National Bank and President of Creston National Bank; J II Patt, Mr Donlin, Mrs Teed. Ed Derr, Rev Van "Wagner, Geo Webster. Miss C Webster, Mis Mai v Eckert, Thou. MfGrath, Ed Lewis. Dr N Tuin v. Prof Larrabee, Col Swall. Mrs W D Moore, W V MiQu iid, J II Lithty, Mr Spurr, Dr Groves, Mr II Newman, Dr Dr.idap, W F Patt. Rev F W Eason. Mrs M Sulli van, Mrs Larnmore, Mr. Zailars, Mrs K Duane, Miss V, Eoyt-r, R E Ewing. W M Lparr. Dr. Reynold-, Mrs H P Sawvcr, Miss Mattie Muntz. C Hurlev, DG Miller, N II Blanchard, Dr SchilTeiie. Mr B Hur ley, Mr H.imman. Mrs A M Gow, Prof Meyer, Dr Reynolds. iowa err v. Senator Bloom, Dr I F Hansit, Dr, Coppeithwaite. Mis Dr Lee. Messrs. Par vin. Kost. Mosier, F II Bradley. II H Jones, D Suireliff. p ni Purdy, Gen Ross, Warner. Mrs F J Cox. Hon P A Dey, Rev Porter. Prof Parker, Prof McClaire, Prof McEride, Prof N U L A O I