The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 11, 1888, Image 1

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OUT:!, SCIJRASK , TILUKS!A V KViiMNCJ, H?T018I-:i: 11, 1S8S.
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A !.'..!; (;: IJAXAXAS.
;t vr-:r
I ii ni' i '-ii.kI i.. ir i c"f i v ; ie.t :
j 1. 1,1 U :i load. .1 tho' day 1
lu ..ri v t f 1 1 : i : .-l I ': v. ;x ion v
jn.vay iM t ;;!.)! 1 i ; v. . ii; lii
nrj Twr r.nAT i rii-wvti ban-is. ('.mi-
i r - in u spoil, ! ir- tieioio t,o snip
I I '-:i,'iii"! 1.. r !. .ii.: " i i. Thov Luvct'J 1 :
, i it ht'-aincr j
.- , and bud j
'i ii . stowing
rupiiros cx- i
tin ro wcu! I I
e.iiiii fluri.y Ai-'nri's y Timi' at I he
r f:l" l lie- Mean'nil.v p.-cae ! a . :. truta.. a
I 'age 1 I bat the air v. tl j :i -Ii lbv;a .
l.T V.
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i: '. ;". nv t. vi'!o h-.t wcimi ic
.,' .i.i' !i tlit? sliip l.iy. A
;..".! :j k more, wi-n 1-mn-f
r ilic work to h.'uai
: , i.i ulitrli the -t. Iit'li.i
;:l.' :'i"i:;; us in wait i ::;4 i'oi"
i.i t'.i, !i v.-ii li !,
:i ; i i t'. h:; .-vc1 in ;
4.l wiiUi-.u-r.- j.;: , all ivs :
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HI i'. II'. .ii.- l'i( J'lllt f"!"!U iiS
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. .'.. -j liny; u!i vr.vr.,
i ! i:.s:iio, -!n..:H
; . i;.i.'i'ij in:;1: .''!. lit- rjro
: ; i.i .'iri v it iv:v pillow
t'.i.'v in i.-.ii'ii .i i i M,wr
LMi'K'. A
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U:i tUo wilier Luuu, vliy;i r-hii) icavlies
liisiwr luiitud'-.i oa l.vr r.v: i.':v.;:i-.l xoyiz.:
tLo vt'ixtilili'rs Live. i . ho t::!:i'.'i away ;ani
the hol.l wi'.h i u:u:i i:n 'i'ho A
JSLuiU'I. hi,' i;oi!ii-ai:y i: '- i: . Li-' : i i' rotci t
juy it: l'ruir t : i-v i.. t !.. v.r:: ly . i.
Tl,,; h"i I I ; . i : -1 li- 1 . J r. :.t j.i-.t. ; ii' h u .'. i.i.'i
uiir.v ii. rirly n- 1 . . .:.. :!.., ii- .r- ilio
y:. ..; .i i'v ilu yi v..- iah.-r .. ;.Ia riTeu
lb.; 1 : nil t vui-il? uii-l a ' Ucreeu lower
v.i.'::' l i i:::l it. A -. ail things, no salt
v.-ii'.n i.:'i 1- i to touch the fruit, cv i :; :m', i' ; nothing ruins the banana
r.."... 'I i;o record of tho Loaieward voy
; ;t ; ,n'ii;i ship id u wonder for its co:u-
1 1 ... . L ..
I-.- '. -j3. -Vs certain uourseer uuy iner-
i.i .ri; r.: X lailioa a i
t!.v- ; liip iu 6ueh a j
:..rr- vni largoenouli
-r ; .
V. ! I !l. Ill .
l. i; -.::i.r l. i ..
f. .1 Kiiif. i'".iii.
: i N ' J '. M
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Mil .'I'll !
H... :
i:i l .
(. : : r.
oometcrs are lowered into th.' hold through
openings proviiied for tho pnri.rtj-ie, and a ie
cord idni-i'lo of each te.-'t on hiiioks provided
for tho i tu-posf. Even tho opening or cloaing
of a veiit.iai.or has to Le; bo that
! wlifiii lae faliiciiy tiiiso pi.e-i-ii-'i, ino
i. i-.-.'.'- c hi. slination his owiier
...i.alHJut font- feOt j,,,1)V,s jus-t v. lu"t tioali.sel.t ho he; rtoeiwl
... .uumuv.. t'.'ii i' 'iioab Uio tn.- iVU.u'.m JJr .ualo id
i taken off tho for- -j:rr- 'i itu-J.
i .-ral men wc ro teut Lelow
-unchcsa-stliey were passed cautioVrHuo "-onntVyBanta-r.
A" tioiio.1 Lfctwoi'ii Country bimkers are a verv important class
.1,. hatch to pass too bunches of p,,,,.. T1;0 ,.hec1:s ir.d"draf ts they issu9
n. i woiiieii carried tho Lunches I ar hc,lg0il ll,out w;ih fora:s and char
to tho ship and handed -Leiuto Ilt.tors ti,.,t t;,-n- catiiiot. raided witii a der
io liangii- p.aof-.rm An la- ; rk.k rtl. fo (l i y a t.l;U ;.;::iliih. Tbero is in
l.-.nuyon tae wnarr ia;epin vuicas n ln:l.1 who inobahly handles raoro
of tins l ural i:i'c'tiah-lo p..; er than any or.e
l.-e. lie deals i.i a class of literature which
ay . .w-eii the sued r.:-l tao shiM:no m (.: h;. M,lv.:rt)5ia? l.hrfs ia tho column:
.... -xierous blow cut Uio 1.. a;; am I io- o ;he col!1;.,.v ,.ro,; ro t..ll:, j ho show:
-; ' "n ?ilC:h blfnca 113 ,c,v-:s ''f'1-' I1"11 down a pair .f ' hr. -r.irv v:, bt.6 ho rakd
...i.e. : bunch wti.t through live ju tliy jMt aIi'f aaii-.e.: tohimst-If th.
the i.. : 1.
i every bunch and rejecting all
1 leiiiibh or wcro under siz-.'. A
i.i iitUiii1M'miiu.,."iU,.u .uivm, . ,-t ",.,;:l'.n.,l'',.n r. ,-..M it. of r.rfe...
j pot ail tho t.:o.:!C,f ::.ii.'.i;.r to tumst-if til J
v.'hilo at the .ullihiaty f Uio bi-f-oiic public.
They beck something fe.i notl'.ii;.; ho gives
them nothing for i-o! act Ji:.
Tliooihor day ho i-hiivu d n chi-ck ho had
received in payi:v-i:l f 'fa loo!; hie'u he
termed in bi l a-toral :.J c rtisemcnt 4iricli,
rare aud raoy." Tho che.': was drawn on a
hank in a Kr.ta'l western town of t.': mush
room era, and it wix-i drawn by tho president
c f ti.o bank. It f..r $1. The signature
wa-5 cviduntly in Imitation of th'it of the
man who sins p:-.s.n i: i rniiioail oflico
v,i:i-h i,i- no! rv.o.l naje-ii c-oiiiilfr.-iirrMvl
'.' iJ ' by," r id, tho -signatme, at an a.iglo cf
1 n ty-..vo 'i'.fTiv, v.iio v. ritt'jit tho legend,
Oii'j dcibr." No puo could l:avo raised it
o. cit'.-.vt it u-.ilcs-s ho had boon u Ilerrrjaun
i " f. IC,. 'i.r. 1 1 was eollpliTiil fi r a dollar
that v. orM haw babied even an Oberkainpf.
It v. as 'v:;::i'.,it A' of tho cju: ion of a coun
t. y biiiiiier. Cuio.-go He ml, L
M- Pressure
I.:', 'ii.; i ll :i tri ies these modern days,
'l'iie i, suit is ii fearful iinveae of 1 1 ruin
rind Heart Ijso;ises - iJencral le-i.-Wiiy,
I asor.ial.i, I ;ira lis, and In
b.iaii.v. r!i!o ;d and Torpliiit augment
the evil. 'ill;' l:n'd i-i :u: best adapted
to !o ;.. i . ; i : ; ; n i ;. i.oo'l is Ayer's Siir
iap iriMa. i! p-tiiiie.-., curiehi , and
it ii! i:'.'-.-, I Ii, 1 i!o ir I , a ud thus si ren -t liens
t '. i f i;:ie! !:! ."Jid f.ii-nlly of the body.
' i liif.e i .i d Ayer's Nnrsaparilla, iu
luy tainil;.', f, -r ye ii i. I have found it
invaluable a l
A Cure
fm- !Tei-v.-u:; l!.iiilitjr catised by an in
!:.! , iivri' ;:ii,l a low state of the blood."
Meiiry ISaeoii, Xi'iiia, Ohio.
" For souii; time I have been troubled
with heart disease. 1 never found any
thing to help lne until I bean using
Ayer's Karsapuriila. I bine only used
this nit'dieine six months, but, it lias re
lieved me from my t rouble, and enabled
me to resume work." J. 1. Car.anett,
try, 111.
" I have been ii practicing physician
for over half a century, and during that
time 1 have never found so powerful
and reliable an alterative and blood
partticr as Ayer's Saisaiiarilla." lr.
IM. Muxstart , i.oiii ; iile, Ky.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
riiia'Ai::'.!) jsy
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowe!!, Mass.
l'ri'Sf $1 ; Bix bottli H, 'i. Worth r a botlle.
Choicest Inauds n( Cigais,
Baiiams ill Fa
aiwiii' Cli
ttrney fr;.i tuo t-ton.o
:-hr: 1 ir. I ii ;,irl r
l troni tin- ; iv.:t hea:
i or Lis head, uu 1
tho hanging plat
: .. 'I'.Uli .1 'ec!c, W UO
i .. . . :. in i'u iiaioh
: . :!i ''frs iu
.; '.. .. .' ; '.i to
.iy tufaod
; .d ',:.;.s
V. 4
t wo
i i :, .
iniliiilinu our
n i 5 a
2 Ilk I
UIIFOl'j: YOL'liL'Y -
11 U
i i n
k m in
Flor do Pepperbe ro' end 'Eud?
alvy-ftvs ai stock. Nov. ;, 18Na
iatcs Caps a.d Trunks.
". "c.
it lA ill
I.i". I I
i 1 I 4 1 lil
. 1 1 l r i c it
.1 1: i.i !.:i..l
i O 1 .1
I. I ... .1 t.
-V fonvlo of Clever Trick.;.
A l.cairhy looki!: man horriiled our poo
plo a yc.a- r.g-.j by manchiug la.-s apparently
n tho average American eats peanuts. IIo
ilid not cat ghi3, however; ho swallowed a
fcuiilfu'dy prejiru-'.-d coaspoition that rt.Hiu-
i 'o'. t'!-i-s, LaS bio p-tjiiaLmcnt is recordcil
ut:vcrvl-..'k'ss. 1 ho Rlass rater U under tho
physicians' care. Tha exposure of tho trick
will lossen tlso c-onsryr-tlpu cf tbo ctiot that
ittt brought a trickster to grief an J a.
Vw?L3--i3i3U:r0 as "bad as Anuio
'?C"rftl Z ooposiiion. About eighteen yoani
ago a woman living in V.'aj-ne coraxty, N. Y.,
named Aunio Brown, p-nznled the doctors.
!-"h'j professed to bo the victim of a snake.
Tho snake owned her, Jt was 6oen in her
s.icuth, biTt when tho doctors tried to get it
ii returned to her stomach. Annie made
?..; 1 1 i .-) t-ff tho uio-hs j f;,'mo money e::a:oitin rr.o nrjaa or the
: i ! -- .-.r v. , . :-k l, v 'tho-liht ofthe suake, until sho was taken to tho infirmary.
. , . ...... .i i i , ,
p ) i CitopUtD ! toic'i, tl.: : : . ...nt :-.:;.'ii of tho bananas, I tuuluuI vuo uay asarcu puysician sua-
.i' -atnr f.iv eve-i'i. - th'-; "It W::. ' . i :. ; ;:.., -. ... iu.f-r.-i m ll-. Uciuy cuoea ncr ami conipc-tioa. H01 to dlsS-
5 a. a. R.
;..;ii.i- ., ' ;
fch"i t ti:
' l. h, .;!.: ' , ; ,-.y ,
- ' 'u a.i . i.-;. i li
!" '." i-J 1 :11 io
K' wTklt.
.ii -.n 'i- iim:: 'r,
. Senior lee
- . Ir'i. Iifiior "
n.Sttl't .!.
r tviii -siia iuiil -
1 1 i V f M vox '.l:(''.rof t!l,,' l:iv.
(rUKi.Ki: F--iii .' " . " i t::vt l tha j
AMIKK-MN "iiV .-t'iy
i a",iti lin.iH .ni.t.f.. ..ij'i.ii ri-r..'M;i:."(-r n-ii:t.
L. i Cruris..
J:jiii is l . .
Lis bi.o';. ..
tho U i
dtfV.-.-. tl
;i'-i.' s i.
u i : i ." ! .i:
1 P
t ii
1 ".
::f of li:o i.i
retched oiM'
was a i!'.,;..-.:lt:ti":.t:-.tive had through- j fcorge tn biviro, wnien provea to i-.o a Jarge
our. vlia b-..;:a,e;u:- r sufar in the hold, l;5w& of black India lubh'.-r- that sho siirped
r. Tvit u-ci- hi o1 ii"ii " -anv lo'-s .-hk! iceii I iown her throat, and then, '.vi! h her canvul-
! bides and tobacco, la u short tinio thu whoio t;v-' iovemems, raised up and down. Of
Wharf as covered w;th t:? cut o!f ends f ; ' '""ubkium b s is mucu iuu ivcress
banana Efies. jiuil had lrcquentlv to bo trk!:- Tbo raanagers of museums might
fcv. cutaway. Two or three timta somebody's i l?"lvo lt nOTV t!iafc Slas3 eating is one of the
rrii f"i', i c" IiIj f-vii ci;n i 0 i o 1.,,..,.!. ,.f ! wit arte Pittsburir Bulletin.
I U ) banimas ramc down or. tho wharf wiih a :
- thi;,! 1 1 i
t pieces, on'v t ;.i.o.
?'l.n fJ-cller -f IVrfunics.
tii'- man fo lrro-i .sitt ii:-j hii
"Vry tZS$g -3 -T ctf.l i-i tH-mi.Utii-ihr.t !.iu-ryi..i-;-v.1tv.i
.:.r.I. OS- - 1 n a :-.: n-n.-y; bat he -vi.i-.:.t
- - -v- Jk y
- - - -
( ' , -. lUfb -i:: 1 ' -:r-' ts,
, -- ..,. d p. . .0 : . t".' -t!i' r wi:.:out kou
"- 'a1 writ:.,...; i f.-.i;iri'.i::i i:!,J in stu-h c;;s
-.1.1 i"-r ''O'.f- e e .. . t: t.'.ii.:.1 Ii -
i..-.' :h nthn fo'lr.-'-i in in-' t..-4 : i J:r ; ;-in : -J t i!.-ci'!ii'.r "i:e?ts arouTta a
bote! i.. :i i:i-e'T cv-diag- no for now feat-x;r.-
;. I-i:.-. there ii a drummer for an
cr; .-tiv:o, i.nutti.VtCturinjr a full line
of i. v. l.. to this city oc-e.nio-.r.ii
- !; s veritabla walking
.- . !
". ; t. 12 t-ta.
fV :iv of f-.t ,1. -rar'lb
i- '.-s'. tf
T!ie fir. b -'tc -o:i t
a: II. Ii . i k's.
; i ; - :-
u:''v-i.;r-.i!a s.-s. .: ta f-uca a'-c:aci .';
LappcUetl, r.::d til." i atiass iitv-r de.-'i-eudeii
M.'.ilOlK i:ii,..'ii: ilU it O.lO of lil.' e'.'.t (j't
tiea;-. I: i. -i.i i h.'.vo I.---. -.ibi-.-. vi
Vf.r.: " a ei'.'d f t 's:t hi iiaii eol-
th y .: t : ; .' ::;- th-ir laags, and : c I 1
aw.;;.- at : a nuo t..:.t a pitehe I batti:
(t i ;. j iicy t.-iia ii uui in mjUI-
i'i s; nil i-iy. : . ; i rai eiy or i.-yt r ivu-t to
b'. .r- oV'. - il. i.- v ..'i 1..
'i Lis 1 t oa i'roi 7 0-loek t ? li. Willi it
lolilil I'.i'l ..'.-. I... I i. . " 't I . '.iLi . I:i thc.-o
t'ou - b. ui - !, -.' L-acitc-.-oi' bananas were put
i.i tii-' I ---- I . a .1 ai: : ? v.-ai.l have been taker
rd, -r -.':., i ha employers. IIo
tlAc. itt ib . jv.-T.t t'.y'o, i'i of p. striking
; . t,-; -neral ma'r.o up, has
LL". 1..!!.!:M !.icf.. Li'Tcctly saturated with
iJ. a .-: pe fu...:-.-, r.:;d with a small rub-lv?:-
ball i e t'rrowa a ''" cpray of pcrfttno
ori hij f b:::t bo...:. a-..l v'lothii'y;. threat
trr.i'.i.'.g attemio"! to Lij bitsiiii'"s Ly
i.:r.::.-i.!:r'f a CTabt'tlion of deliclons
isra 'lis. trr.a t s-.-'a-v '. i f cact; ftl
a d.-"n t-j t h; ! '. i. c : : ' d.-v
Jr. K : West's ei v and lirniu Tiratineia
I i; gir:.u;ee : j ei-iiie f r HvM ria Diziness.
. rf. .I..1 1.'... -V' V
vi"in!ia'i:s, i i:i. .it umis .Nti'iiii;:iii, i lean -aelie.
Nervous I ro.-t ratinii eau.-.ed lv the Ut-e
of iilei liol or toh:iccv Wiikefulness. Mental I)e-pi-Ki-ioii,
SofteuiiiL' oi the i-raii: i e.-ulling in in
siiidty aii't leadi;.!.- t misery, dceav ;aid 'it-iith,
reiuisliire lOd A ve. liarreiuies':, boss of 1'ow
er ia cit tiers- x. In vcb.uit.o'y losses ami fper-mal-
lrtuva liiiusi :d ny over-exertion of the
brabi. si-ibiiiuse or ovei.-iiKlnletiee. Knell box
i'ontiiiiis obl month's treatinent, 51 '!i t box
orsix lioxes lor i?5.0o, sent, liy mail prepaid or
receipt of pii'-e
To euie ai7(;iS(J. With each order received
J7 us for six boxes, aeeonipaiced with 5.00,
we will semi the purchaser our written guaran
tee to return the li-oney if the treatment does
not effect a cure. Citaiantecs issued only by
WillJ. Warrick sole a ul, J-'U!.t-saoutli, N'eh
.--Oont ff-.t to Omaha when you want
to get your beautiful parlor and bed
room sets but go to Henry IJoeck's fur
nitur cinpot ium where you can get every
th'nn in the furniture line that will go to
m ke your home beautiful and comfort
able; and above all you can get it cheap.
Vt'.meniber that lie who sells most can
sell cheapest.
oi Low Prices !
At Solomon cS: 2Tath.axi'c Old Stand.
1 '"- -fe..'''
B 8 i
a JBffi .are
D E E S 8 Gr O O T3 B
OFri:K!:n at tki: lowest immci:.
Thoroughly cleanse the Mood, which thi : All i lt.vervtll 1 kOlli Jfl a ! lft-(. J t.-'. i'lil'fi.- to' ',V M.lcM' V!ilc.
fountain of health, by using Dr. Tierce' Gold-.. -
en Medical Discovery, and srooU uipr-ation, w-a T'i . , . , , .
fair skin, buoyant spirit and bodily tcaitu CARPi JL , O ) JlIV Tv I A TTLGS,
and vigor will be established. j -4 -. a-". v wy;
A ir'ull and CuriL-te Stk of
w Goods JJor .-: Cih c u- a CViL
. t-as
-r.Fl that 'u ho
Oi'oaa-li hi C...'. 1.
oolden Medical Discovery cures all humors.
rom the common pimple, blotch, or eruption,
to the worst Scrofula, or blood-poison. Eb
iecilly has It proven it efficacy In curing
?alt-rheum or Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas,
Fever - sores. Hip-joint Disease, Scrofulouj
Sores and Swelling Enlarged Glands, Goi
tre or Thick Keck, and Eating tfores or
Golden Medical Discovery cures Consump
tion (which la Scrofula of the tuners), ly its
wonderful blood - purifying1, Invkjorarinij,
ana nutritive- properties, ir Taxen m time.
: For Weak lamps, Spitting- of Blood, Short
i nes of llreath, Cutarrh in the Head, llron
chitis. Severe Couabs, Asthma, and kindred
rfections, it is a sovereign remedy. It
i promptly cures the severest Coughe,
I For Torpid Liver, Uiliousru-ri, r "Ltver
Complaint. Dyspepsia, and indigestion, it ia
an uneipinjea veined v. Sold by druggisla,
'i:.zi ?1.U0, or six bottles for $j.Q0,
in. i r f ;
:1 :
1 Tt-h 13 gT.T7ai
- .--1 ic-.vr-i
IcnV ,'o!'ki:i;- -Mills
.Mfii's Du.-iui's iiijs
Men's ViK- --nits
"U ii.-. ( 'ii-!')in J.-i-le uit'
; -i.;r
7. St)
J " 00
ChiMV Kilt Suii.-iY.;u - l.frO to 3.75
e.riitVs .-:;its is-oni - ; - 2.oo to 9.0
Hoys' iMiico from - o.-j to i().9D
YoulIi. Suiu iVoiii - - - 1.0J to 15.00
Men's Overcoats
m Z.ien's Nobby Check Overcoats
Men's Fur Beaver Overcoats -
I Men's .black Worsted Overcoats
a-cld dJO'i'a O 'OOiats. ovl miss it if vou don't "bia.Tr Troiii? CJlotKi-no" tt r- -
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