The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 01, 1888, Image 1

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.SECOND Y i:tt
Police J Jiltf.
K. M
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A AlAliol.K
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COUjY'l'Y oiincFajs.
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Denn'r C!t.-ik.
C -l Koeonier i.I llncda
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Clerk ot in-tni-i 'u u-,
bUpt. ! Ill! HcllnOl-",
County iu ii.
A. B. Tnui. Cli'in., - - n iiii.ii.i:'!
Louis K .L.rz. - Wr-pm -a -lei-
A. B. 1I KrlOX. - ...W..U.1
il VIG SOLUKc'L'icS.
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rpuio i.oi.;k.
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d y Vf !iln i K. f '. lull All luimriit
irniieri" are n"ii"i-ii wi-u
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IlLATrMOl'T'l I. CIC Mi.ii. K. A M.
M.itsou tlf ll.'-t :iud hrl Mm :av- t
ach month at 'iiir halt. All iia'is'' t l.rotii
eta ure corili-Iiy lu Ueil t' iif -' v. nli a-
J. ti. Kicu tv. W . M
Wm. Hat. Serr :ry. . i
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nionihai .ManV fal! irjiiisci ui !: 1h-i
lire luviifd tu i:ie t wu.i uh
r. E. a nine II. 1"
WJt. Havs, Secretary
M'.-ZIO1 rMI.V IKV. "O 5
Mrrl- first ai;. lliTtl eiliii sn y iii'lsl
-A'-li hiii;ii ai- M i-o ' !! ill V hi l f-i
are c-riiu!iy i'ivit it to ui- wi u -
Wsi. IliVi, -eo. K K. Ajur.K.
. 'iASSfL"VI mi t?!,IfiYl. Ki-xNT'l
yj eet" tiie -ec m:J .mil f un:! Mui I i -f
adi niuiitli at in-a u n i.VI.
i. C. Ml.-cill. Secietary.
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Cor. 12th Orm'te Str-ts.
Sept. 1 2-rtm.
Plenty f f ul. M ur. irr dinn ami
meal at Ilcwr mid tf
Tlidfinrft hc!ri.i''i) run be fmi'i
Men's Wot kiii.:; Suits
Men's Badness Suits.
i'h Bet Made mts
Men's Custom i;ule uits
I3L3ant of
. .
Died DdfindingThamsalyes.
Ixnuon, Oct. 1. Al vice from Zmzi say that thu C i-nntun iiiurJerud at
Kiluen dii l while uoMy defending them
helves. A Genu in Miiboat was present
lut was una'ik' to give assistarjce in the
face of the thousnn-U of armed nativen
linini; the heach. Tlia eorpses f tin
murdered Ui iin-ins were terriMy mutilat
ed. An English uunltoat .svi-d tlie liv
ot tlie ti i in tu- ut Lii.d . The tJermaii.
escaped fropi Mikin l iai half an hour la
fori- the arrival of the in.-urgentH, w'n
firm volley at th -m. The rnlire wealth;
i omiiiuniiy of IJiitish Indian suliji eta i.
I'at;iiiiierjo left that place today tenoi
siricki-n, owitiK to a rumor that a descent
upon the town ly nntivts wu imminent.
Tho Yellow Fever.
Jackson, M .., Spt. : ). An official
hnM- tiii of thu ite board of health will
be isueil tomorrow dt-el.uing fontinued
bi-li. f in the exifti-neo of yellow fevei
and warning relumes not to return untih
a procl iiualion I' the ame ouc.' , to
bs mad'? h-rc;ifter, win n the danger may
be j on- iueied pa-t.
DiXATtu. Ala., Sept. SO. Mr. nntl
M s. Hn!.'t Inmnii both died last niht.
So far : cm be h arued there are fifteen
cast-- now un'b r treatment here.
Jacksonville, Kla . Sept. "0. Tin
new ca.-e-i numb.-r 3 venty-nine, of which
tliiiti-i u eases tre whit'-. There were six
dentin. Tot d number cases, 2 ,G20; total
di-aths, 1' .".". There ar-j twenty-live cases
a! P i iKUnlina.
Harrison Polo Raising
AiNBWoiiTii, Xi-b.. S.-pt. 2'.K The catn
pni'jn was op-ned in Drown county b-th--
raisin ; of a I'urrrson and Morton
pole this alt rnoon. and a rousini; ineet
inv t tiospl-ii-e t lii-a ev ning. The speak
in a was held in lh-- O-boin opera house,
which was filled to its full capacity.
The spe tk m were M. B. Malloy of Lon
Pin.-. P. I), M'-A.idrews. (!. F. Boyd and
11 Gould of Ainswotth. Suttons' cornet
band fnrnislnd music for the occasion.
EfTcot of Klcetrie Lipht.
"Electric orostration' may be called a new
disease. It troubles workers under electric
bgnc Seven? cases are reported from Creu
sot, France, where au electric furnace is used
for quickly heating metals. The light ex--cecds
10,0T)0 candle power, and the men suffer
from it, not from the hear. After one or two
hours the workers have u painful secsation in
tho throat, face and temples, the skin be
comes copper red. and an eye irritation be
ginn that lasts forty eibt hours, the dis
charge of tCL-r3 beiiij copious. After five
days the skin peel off. Darl: colored glasses
somewhat mitigate tLo elTect3 of thia tre
mendous light, but not eutirely. New York
A Io at the Telephone.
A good dog story cornea from Manchester.
A bl ight witbxl girl telephoned to her father
at h oCloe, asking if her dog "Curly" was
there. Reply cara that ha was. "Well,
take him up in your arms and hold the re
ceiver to his ear; I want to tell him to come
Lome," said the pirL Her father did so. The
dog's countenance wore, momentarily, a look
of astonishment at hearing: "Come home.
Curly; como home!" iu tho feminine tones of
Lis Cilitress, but it took him only an instant
to understand what was wanted, and, the
door of tho oSle? Ieii;g opened, he made a
wild break for home as t'ait as he could go.
TVobtirn Advertiser.
The Time Keeper.
"ilamma," said litilo 2label, who liad just
coiua homo from church, "what mada that
n.-r,:i in tho corner say 'Amen' so oft?n while"
thu preaehar was talkiugT'
"I kr.ow," 6aid AVillie confidently.
'Weil, Wiliie," said his mother, "why i3
"It's a way be has of calling time on the"
preacher." Merchant Traveler.
The nautit of Cartcrla,
German scientists have just laid bare the
latest baunU of bacteria. The surfaces of
coins are found to be coated with them, and
with species characteristic of putrefaction.
Old bank notes and eveu new ones ure alive
wifh micro organisms, which, in fact, would
seem to abound on all objects which are ex
posed to frequent hand! in;. Chicago Her
ald. Through the Suburbs.
rasenger 1 tuiak tho city we are nearinjj
must be Chioajro.
Another Piisnenger Why?
Passenger Because most of the suburban
residences hare cabbages planted in the
front yard. The Epoch.
$ 4.05
: oo
ir3 ivr
j3oys "STouth.' aad Gliildron's Overcoats, ovl miss it if you den's hwy your CXctliing, Slats Caps, Fur-
nisliin Goods, Soots and S2a.oes, otc, of
- The - One
Mi thcxl of Watihlug; Window.
Thero is a right mid wrong way to wash
windows, and as this operation is usually
dreaded, the following method will doubtless
1)0 appreciated, as it saves both time and lalior:
Choose a dull day, or at leastatimtf when
the sun is not shining on tho window, for
when tho sun shines on the window it causes
it to bo dry streaked, no matter bow much it
is rubbed. Take a painter's brush and dust
them inside and out, washing all the wood
work Inside before touching tho glass. The
latter must bo washed simply in warm water
diJutod with ammonia do not use soap. Use
a small cloth with a iointed stick to get the
Just out of the corners; wipe dry with a soft
piece of cotton cloth do not use linen, as it
makes the glass linty when dry. Polish with
.issue paper or old newspaper. You will find
.his can be done iu half the time takon where
uoap is used, and the result will be brighter
windows. Commercial Reporter.
Get a Good Microscope.
There is nothing so"Taluublo as a micro
scope in an intelligent family. It is an in
strument that brings work and play together,
and tbo young people are in the very heart of
study while they feel that they are having a
jolly frolic. Tt opens a world to them, as
Columbus found a new world; but they need
not ail across an ocean to reach it. The
value of a microscope I find very great. It
involves something new at every moment.
Ten dollars will get an instrument of excel
lent power, that young folk ran uso for sev
eral years, befoi-e needing a higher power.
Mary E. Spencer in (J lobe-Democrat.
Borax fur the I-aurulry.
The washwomen of Holland &nd Belgium,
so proverbially cleau, mid wllo get up their
linen so beautifully white, use refined borax
instead of soda, in the proportion of one
largo handful of borax powder to about ten
gallons of boiling water. They save in soap
nearly half. For laces, cambrics and lawns,
an extra quantity of powder is used, and for
crinolines requiring to be madebtiff, a strong
solution is tu-cesary. Borax, being a neutral
salt, does not in the slightest degree injure
the texture of the linen. Its effect is to soften
the hardest water. Boston Budget.
Tlie Art of Dressing.
A part of the art of dressing lies in the
ability to appreciate the effect of harmony
and contrast in color. Flowers are lovely
in almost anj place, but even they will fre
quently spoil a delicate complexion, a fact
which every woman is bound to rocognizo
sooner or later. A pale woman should never
wear bright red roses or flowers of gay and
brilliant hues. On tho other hand, a robust
woman, with a tendency to florid complexion,
would look ridiculous with dainty and
fragile blossoms. Chicago News.
An old fashion revived is to cut the figures
from various engravings and arrange them
as the artist never dreamed of doing, upon a
dark backgrouniL Human figures Lave the
best effect. They may be colored, but must
bo finished with shellac or some fine varnish.
This is a good thing for an oid time lamp
stand that has grown shabby, or for old
work boxes, or for screens, where larger fig
ures can lie ued.
. A uso for the scissors, paste pot and brush
is this: Preserve your old postage stamps.
You can remove each without risk of tearing
l3 floating it on a basin of clean water, en
velope down. In ten minutes you can lift
tho stamp off. A number of these will orna
ment a box or a portfoUo cover very curi
ously. When all are pasted on they must be
delicately varnished with shellac.
Stains of fruit on good table linea can be
removed without injury by using the follow
ing with care: Pour boi ing water on chloride
of lime, in tho proportion of one gallon to a
quarter of a pound, bottla it, cork it well,
and in using be careful not to stir it. Lay
tho stain in this for a moment, then apply
white vinegar and boil tho table linen.
To clean decanters, take some soft brown
or blotting paper, wet and soap it and roll it
up iu small pieces and put it into the decanter !
with some warm water. Shako well and j
then rinse with clear cold water; wipe the
outside with a dry cloth and let the decanter j
drain. i
To insure paste from molding, put into it
a proportion of alum and resin. A few drops
of any essential oil will preserve leather
from mold, and a single clovo put into a Lot
tie of ink will have the same effect unon it.
Chloride of lime spread on the soil near
plants v. ill protect theni'f rom insects or ver
min. Brushing over the stems of plants with
a solution of the chloride will keep all insect
plagues at a distance. J
Coffee pounded in a mortar and roasted on
an iron plate, sugar burned on hot coals, and
vinegar boiled with myrrh and sprinkled on
the floor and furniture of a sick "room, are
excellent deodorisers.
To make apple water, cut the apples iu
small pieces and pour over them boiling
water. Strain Ln ttiree hours and sweeten.
This makes a refreshing drink for an invalid.
For coffee stains try putting thick glycer
ine on the wrong side and washing it out
with lukewarm water. Foi raspberry stains
weak ammonia and water is the best. ..
Child's Kilt Suitsfrom
Child's fcuits from
103's' Suits from
Youths' Snits from
- Price - Clothier, - Plattsmouth, -
Sealed Proposals.
Sealed proposals will received at !
the office of Hie Board of Public Woik-, ;
City of Phtttninoiuh, Neb., until o'clock j
p. in., Thursday October IStli, lws, for j
moyeinji twenty thousand yards of cm lli, i
more cm- less, in i(iadin Oak street.
Fourth street. Third street, First strict. I
Sixth street, Main street, Ninth strct t and '
Seventh street in compliance with niili
luince Xo. passed and approved S' )t.
L'4. lf-.H. The est'matid co-t of Mid
work i twenty-five cents pf r cubic riul
and no ovoihall. The board riser vc the
rijjht to reject any and all bids. For
particulars enquire tit t lie oillc-f of the
j Board of Public Works.
I tf J. W. Johnson.
Chairman Board of Public Woiks.
Joe, the One Price Clothier, the 1;
j stroyer of High Prices, will open Oet.
' :rd, in (lorder Block. Com;; in and see
his rand opening.
Private Sewerage
All parties h siring piivat.-' sewerage
' connection with the main sewer, can be
accommodated at : ' v ' ; ,.!.
inj; llaulins ifc Shclum, Sewer Contnie
tors, P. ). box 1 1 :10, or by calling at th
office, Murphy's fetore. lm
Wednesday Oct. 3rd, IKSS, Joe the
One Price Clothier, Destroyer of Iliili
Piicts, will open to the public the largest
stock of Fall and Winter Clothing, Fur
nishing Goods, Hals, Caps, Trunks;,
Satchels, etc., ever brought to Ca.-s Conn- (
tv. find nt such reformed low prices it
will astonish you. Don't miss his Grand
Opening, Solonian it Nathan's old stand,
( order's Block.
Child's high sandals, only 2- cents a
pair, at Merges'.
Colic, Diarrhica niul summer complaints
arc dangerous at this .vmsou of the year
and the only way to guard against tlnse
diseases is to have a bottle of some if li
able remedv. Ueggs' Dtanhrea Balsam is
a POSITIVE BELIEF in all tin. so disa
greeable cases and is pleasant to take.
It w ill cost you only S3 cents. O. P.
Smith & Co., Druggists.
Dont go to Omaha- when you want
to iret vour beautiful parlor and bed
room sets but go to Henry Boetk's fur
iiiturc emporium where von can get evtrv
thing in the furniture line that will go to j
make jour home beautiful mid comfort
able; and above all j'ou can get it cheap.
Keniembcr that he who sells most can
sell cheapest.
Will J. Warrick is offering a bargain
in Wall Paper.
There is not one thing that puts a. man
or woman at such disadvantage before
the w orld iisa vitiated state of the blood
Your ambition is gone.
Your courage has failed.
Your vitality has left you.
Your languid step and listless ac
tions show that you need a powerful in
yigorator, one bottle of Beggs' Blood
Purifier and Blood Maker will put new
life in a worn out system, and if it does
no" it w ill cost you nothing. O. P. Smith
it Co., Druggists.
Wall Paper at Warrick's Drug Store at
reduced prices for Dext SO days.
Thoroug-lily cleanse tho blood, which is the
fountain of health, by using- Dr. Pierce's Gold
en Medical Discovery, and good digestion, a
fair skin, buoyant spirits, aud bodily health
and vigor will be established.
Golden Medical Discovery cures all humort,
from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption,
to the worst Scrofula, or blood-poison. Es
pecially has It proven its efficacy In curing
Salt-rheum or Tetter, Ec7.cma, Erysipelas,
Fet-er - sores, Hip -joint Disease, Scrofulous
Sores and Swellimrs. Enlartred Glands. Goi
tre or Thick Keck, and Eating Sores or j
Ulcers. I
Golden Medical Discovery cures Consump- j
tion (which is Scrofula of the Lunprs), by its ;
wonderful blood - purifying, invigorating, i
and nutritive properties, if taken in time. I
t or venK AiUnirs, ppitung oi Aiioon, csnorx
nesa of Breath, Catarrh in the Head. Dron
chitis. Severe Coughs, Asthma, and kindred
affections, it is a sovereign remedy. It
promptly cures the severest enoughs.
For Torpid Liver, Biliousness, or "Liver
Complaint' Dyspepsia, and indigestion, it is
an unequaled remedy. Sold by druggist.
Price f 1.00, or six bottles for fo.OO.
H.& M. Time Table.
o. 1. 5 :lo a. ni.
, :i. r. :40 p, m.
No. r C :4T a- lil.
No. 7.--T :."' i'. in.
linl.vo kas r.
'o, 2. I p. in.
No. 4. lf:"0. in.
No. 0 7 :1?. p. in.
'. I". 9 :15 a. la.
No. :.( :57 p. in.
No. 110 ; ;u 111. ,
AU trai-.ia vmt datlv t-v wavof cim.-ibn. rxer-;it
JCos. 7 and S wliic-li run to ami. froui i-f-tiuj!er
daily exeept Sunday.
No. SO is a ftub to Pacific .Iur.rtionrts.Ti;, id
No. 19 Is a stub from Pacific June-tieii r.t I'a.n:.
$1.90 to
.'2.00 to
3.2 $ to
X.OQ to
15 00
nnurn rmmmninro
uto hu mo th burn Ltd
KxtCMid-n Kind I nvit:iti"M t. Kvrrvli"iv :
At Solomon eV
?r Errrs
My StoeEs will
Honest Goods at Low Prices
i '
P. P"
Ail brli
03: Winter "Wear.
DRES B Gr O O T ;-.-'
And Kvorvtliin kft i i . I'ir-t-CLr-.s IIo'.isp i-r "Winter AVi-i-c.
A Full and Couij;ele Stock of
!Nev Goods deceived Dailj'. Give a Call.
Men's Overcoats
Men's Nobby Cheek Overcoats
Mcii's I'ur Beaver Overcoats -Men's
Black Worsted Overcoats
a a
Nnlli.'in's Oid St.-iiil,
he tUe iLsargjcsij
ILs&w&SL &BBdl
M M t II (1 Trk ti
U y U E I L.