Bel , i: it. ti. ' ' UtUnoath. )IALS. ! , ' Lad a time. 1883 glasses at the Rid- . . -Drted that the pretzel stock J today. Wa for all defects of the vision i-ldle house. VMr. Charles vYeckbacb, of Lincoln, ia the ky, visiting his parents. About five thousand people were on le fa! grounda yesterday afternoon. , Glasses for weak or overstrained -ight at the lliddle house. Mr. Joseph Gil more and family, of , "Weeping Water, are in the oty to-day. 1 Glasse's for paralyzed sight, but not for the pocketbook, at the Riddle house. Jlra. L. E, Skinner has leen confined to her room for several days by sickness. Glasses ior sun blindness at the Rid dle house. Free whisky was well advertised last night by the transparencies and their carriers. W. J. Connell, of Omaha, was nom-ioicr'-tr7e"conartsfeional convention cld at Lincoln yesterday. Mr. W. E. Dayidson, who has been visiting at Chicago for several weeks, returned home this morning. Judge Chapmin and Messrs. Byron Clark, M. D. Polk and Allen Beeson re turned from Lincoln this morning. Some of the Iowa young ladies came over to attend what they called the hur rah. Hurrah for the young ladies. Mr. W. P. Critchfield and family, of "Weeping Water, are visiting at the home of hid brother, Mr. Bird Critchfield, of this city. . This being the last day of the fair, it is expected that it will be well attend ed. Full account of todays races to morrow. The Frances Cleveland club of this city and the young ladies1 club of Glen wood were the main attractions ia the procession last night. Judge Russell issued marriage li censes to-day to Mr. T. J. Edwards to Miss Susan M. Brisley and Mr. "W. D. "Williams to Miss May Gillett. me democratic nats wincli werj worn last night are made so that they can be adjusted to the different sizes a democratic head is subject to. C. II. Peterson and Geo. Edgerton have dissolved partnership in theKatie Pease, by mutual consent. Mi. Edgrton will continue to work for Mr. Peterson. Charles Ellis and James Stewart were arraigned before Judge Russell this morning for being drunk and disorderly on the streets last nigut. Ihev were fined $10 and costs, each. Glasses for color blindness at the Riddle house. We were unable to ascertain the number of democratic visitors in the city last night, but comparing them with the number of kegs disposed of, the majority would certainly be small. Glasses for nearsightedness at the Riddle house. Willie Gorder, son of Mr. Fred Gor- der. who is seriously afflicted with pneu monia and complications, is expected to die at any hour, as he is said to be be yond all hope and fast sinking. Astigmatism glasses at the Riddle house. We would advise the hold their next rally in state. If the prohibition democrats to a prohibition democrats of Illinois learn of the style in which tin western democratic rallies are conducted, Harrison will make a clear sweep. The saloon-keepers of the city all smile and look happy to-day. The only reason we can ascribe for this is that their expectations were gratified finan cially last night. Over 123 kegs of beer were disposed of, besides what was taken on the side. One of the transparencies carried in the procession last night illustrated Ben. Harrison trying to put his grandfather's pants on and immediately above the pic ture was printed " Bennie can't wear hi." grandfather's pants." That has nothing to do with him wearing his own, and Grover can't go to the White House again because he wore his out. .,, The Andrews Dramatic Company, which was billed here for" five nights, took their departure from the city this morning. They were under the impres .. sion that the Cass county fair did not as sist them much in their efforts to enter tain Plattsmouth people, and - thinking v he prospects little better for the coming '-hts, decided to move on to a more Able locality. , . , ui I 2ATICjHURRAHJ'acy at Its Highest-Streets j Crowded with visitors Largest Crowd oyer In Plattsmouth. The democrats of Plattsmouth held their long anticipated and much talked of rally and blow-out here last night. The event eclipsed any previous turnout, of the kind ever held in the city, and visitors and clubs from towns of several miles distant put in an appearance and formed themselves into one large body to console each other over lost hopes At about 7 o'clock, when all the trains had arrived, a procession was formed on Main street and marched through several streets until about !) o'clock. Torch lights and various kinds of transparencies were carried, and had it not been for the disorder in which their bearers marched, the sight might have been a pleasing one, but as it was, looking along the line as they marched, the lights could be seen moving in every direction, and as one man remarked. "You would take it for a democratic crowd as far as you could see it." Wc give them credit for their jenceaMenes9, as not one fight occurred during the whole evening, to oui knowledge. The two bands which joined in the procession were the B. & M. band of this city and a band from Wahoo. The ladies' democratic clubs of this city and Glenwood also formed iu line with the procession and were the main attractions in their neatly arranged uni forms. The Frances Clevelaud club of this city entertained their lady friends from Glenwood, the Young Men's Demo cratic club of this city and the musicians, at the G. A. R. hall. They certainly de serve great credit for their exhibition of cleverness in accommodhting as large a crowd to such perfection. The tables which were neatly decorated were amply provided with suitable refreshments for all, and their assistance in this event, contributed largely to its success. After the procession had broken up, the crowd divided, some going to Rock wood hall, some to Fitzgerald, and others to the G. A. R. hall. lion. John A. McShane, who was ad vertised as one of the principal speak ers, did not put in an appearance, but the following prominent gentlemen were present and helped out: W. T. Canada, of Nebraska City; N. S. Harwood, Lin coln; W. J. Bryan, Lincoln; A. S. Ritchie, Omaha; II. Emerson, Lincoln, and W. M. Fried. Lincoln. Oversightedncss glasses at the Rid dle house. Wahoo vs. Plattsmouth. The base ball game yesterday afternoon turned out much more unfavorable for the Plattsmouth team than any one an ticipated. The game was played on the fair grounds and was witnessed by about ,000 people. The boys experienced greater difficulty iu batting their pitcher than any they have come iu contact with this year. The game was a very interest ing one. Th3 visitors outplayed the boys at eveiy point, and especially at the bat, winning the game by a score of 8 to 3. The Wahoo club was composed of several players from Freemont. Each club played for $30, ajd it is supposed the home team would have worked harder if there had been any greater object in view. Little betting was done, and until near the end of the game little money changed hands. This was about the last game of the season. The following is the score by innings: 12 3 45G789 total Wahoo 009410201 8 Plattsmouth 0000020204 Base hits: Wahoo, 9; Plattsmouth, 6. Errors: Plattsmouth, (5; Wahoo, 3. .Struck out: By Pord, 12; by Patter son, 7. Umpire Beverage. Irregular eyesight glasses at the Rid dle house. The tail end of the procession last night was composed of "kids," employed by the democrats to carry torches and make tilings look more extensive. In giving them their instructions they over looked what proved as an embarassment. When tne vast throng moved along the street, the whole crowd of boys gave vent to their feelings and out with "Hur rah for Harrison and Morton," until no other sounds could be heard. The jumbo commanders exhibited much embarrass ment to think they could not control the urchins. Oscillation of the eyeball glasses at the Riddle bouse. The men who are furnishing rigs for the accommodation of the public during the fair to convey passengers to and from the fair grounds have not yet been heard to complnin of cut prices. The only impossibility in having a Niagara Falls right here would be the scarcity of water. As energetic and high-priced hackmen as evtr drew lines over a borse can be found in our midst. There is nothing small about any of them, and fifty cents goes. The W. R. C. will hold a meeting at the G. A. R. hall tomorrow evening at 7:30.' The G. A. R. post and Sons of "Veterans are earnestly requested to be present. rnn r ti"i h i mi hi irnmo TELEGRAPH CLIMBERS. A VOCATION WHICH REQUIRES A CLEAR HEAD AND SURE NERVES. The Dagger Which Beset Climber Dur ing Thunder Storm Wonderful Skill la Locating; Breaks The Uneman on a Tramp Hnvarm of the Wires. The work and experiences of a telegraph climber tiare much in them to interest not only the small boy but older persons as well There is enough of danger and adventure in their work to make their occupation an in teresting onei Particularly is this true where a telegraph line is being put up or repaired in x wild and almost uninhabited region. Tele irraph lines have boon run through sections so infected with hostile Indians that a detach ment of soldiers had to be sent along to pro tect the workmen. Repairing wires brokea by falling trees or branches has not infre quently to be done now in the west in dis tricts where life is more or less iu danger. The climbers and linemen out west often go as completely armed as do hunters and scouts. But the chief dangers which beset climbers ore not occasioned by Indians or wild beasts. There is great danger of falling unless the man is experienced. As is well known, those who have to climb telegraph poles strap "climbers" onto their foot to enable them to obtain foothold as they ascend or descend. These may be loo6ely described by saying that they are a sort of open work iron boot strapped to the foot and leg and provided just beneath the instep with a sharp spike, which with each step taken by the wearer is starajicd or rather jabbed by the leg into the pole. These spikes are artificial substitutes for claws. The experienced climber will jab the polo with each step so as to get a secure footing every time, and do it as readily as he would take a step ou a pavement. The Inexperienced one will often find bis footing insecure, and as be raises one foot the other sustaining his weight will slip and ho will fall unless be is quick and fortunate enough to get a new foothold, which is a difficult matter. Another danger which climbers have to undergo at certain times is from electricity. Often during a storm and for some time afterward the wires are heavily charged with electricity or lightning, and a wet tele graph iole is a sufficiently good conductor, frequently, to convey it from the wires to the body of any one who may happen to be clambering up the pole. A fchock thus re ceived is very likely to knock the climber to the ground. Repairers, on this account, usually suspend work during a thunderstorm and for a short time afterward. It is impos sible, however, always to tell when the dan ger is over. In the country each stretch of about 150 miles of telegraph line is iu charge of one man so far as repairs aro concerned. lie must bo a climber and thoroughly under stand his business. Light repairing he does alone, and occasional help, such as is neces sary in putting up poles that have been blown down, he getB from the railroad sec tion hands. He is generally paid jointly by the railroad and telegraph company. When ever any considerable damage is done to the lines by a severe storm or otherwise a full crew of men is sent out from Chicago or the nearest large city to repair thorn. A force of twenty-two linemen, groundmen and repair ers is kept at the Western Union office in Chicago. Ten or twelve of them are kept busy in shifting poles and lines, and the others attend to the repairing necessary to be done in the city and within a radius of fifteen miles or a little more. The skill displayed in locating breaks is wonderful. In or near the city, whether the wires aro underground or overhead, breaks can quite easily be located by means of test stations. As these are generally only two or three blocks apart, when it is ascertained that the break is between two given stations but little- time is required in finding it. Out in the country there is more difficulty. By means of tests it can be found out that the break or crossing of wires is between two certain stations, but these stations ore often ten, twenty or thirty miles apart. It has, for example, been ascertained in the main office that a wire fails to work and that the trouble lies somewhere between Kenosha and Racine, a distance of about twenty miles. The lineman takes the train for Kenosha. He does not get off there, but remains on the train and looks intently at the telegraph wires to discover where the break is. If the wire is broken and hangs down he can usu ally discover it from the train. Should the trouble arise from two wires being crossed merely the discovery of the location is much more difficult and cannot be made from the moving train with any certainty. If the lineman goes clear to Racine without locat ing the trouble he starts back afoot, walking as nearly as possible under the wires and looking up at them. Sooner or later he is pretty sure to locate the difficulty, though it may be only after a tiresome tramp of tea or fifteen miles and a "crick in the neck." The experienced lineman, when out on such a tramp, does not have to look at all the wires overhead. He knows the particular wire that has failed to work, and he knows its location on the crosstrees at the top of the poles, so he has only to watch that particular wire. The experienced lineman can stand by a pole which sustains fifty wire3 and can name every one of them and tell their terminal points. The railroad wires always take their name from the road, as "Michigan Southern 4," 'Grand Trunk J," etc. The commercial wires ere some of them named after the roads and come of them after their terminal points. When named from the roads they differ in designation from the railroad wires only by number, "ilichigan Southern 4" may be a railroad wire, while "Michigan Southern 5" may be a commercial wire. "St. Louis 3," "Cincinnati 11," "Milwaukee 8" are examples of wires named from their terminal points. All "St. Louis" wires go to St. Louis, but they do not all go along the same railroad. They go by all roads, and some go by the highway along the canal Chicago Herald. The IJterary Work of Today. I eaw Edward Eggleston, the other day, and ventured to ask him this question: "What do you think of New York and its yearly crop of literary ventures f "New periodicals, particularly literary ones, are an evidence of 'good times.' I am of opinion that more money has been sunk in literary papers in New York alone than has ever been made in that way in the entire country. There are always plenty of rich men who are fond of putting their ducats in a venture of that kind. They are weak on the subject of being considered 'literary.' " In referring to his days of literary back work he said he considered it good discipline la some respects, but that too long a siege of it was death to spontaneity. Like the ma jority of workers, Dr. Eggleston has a fond ness for doing other work than that which has brought him the most tame and money. His preference is fo:- historical writing. His sketches of early colonial history have con sumed more than double the time in which he wrote bis novels. ) Yet if he had not ac quired fame through his fiction he would be comparatively unknown. 2T ew York Latter. f " AC A CARD. Ilaving this day sold my stock of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, etc., to Messrs. Brekenfeld & "Weid man, I would respectfully and ear nestly ask that all those in my deht come torward promptly and settle their accounts; as it will be neces sary for me to close up my business as speedily as possible before en gaging in other pursuits. I ako take this occasion to thank the public, both in the city and county, for the very liberal patronage giv en me during the time I have been engaged in business here, and hope the same will be extended to my successors. JNO. R. COX. loctl-v3in BAD BLOOD There is not one thing that puts a man or woman at such disadvantage before the w orld as a vitiated state of the blood Your ambition is gone. Your courage has failed. Your vitality has left you. Your languid step and listless ac tions show that you need a powerful in yisjorator, one bottle of Bergs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker will put new life in a worn out system, and if it does not it will cost you nothing. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. A fire started in the show window of Mr, B. Elson's clothing store. The deco rations of the window ignited from a candle which dropped from its place and damage to the amount of about $25 was done before the fire could be extin guished. Glasses for snow blindness at the Riddle house. All business houses closed yesterday afternoon and the proprietors and clerks attended the fair. Glasses for staggering blindness at the Riddle house. Dont go to Omaha when you want to get your beautiful parlor and bed room sets but go to Henry Boeck's fur niture emporium where you can get every thine: in the furniture line that will go to make your home beautiful and comfort able; and above all you can get it cheap. Remember '.hat he who sells most can sell cheapest. Drive through South Park in return ing from the fair grounds. 18s-8 When your skin is yellow. When your skin is dark and greasy. Wheu your skin is rough and coarse. When your skin is inflamed and red. When your skin is full of blotches. When your skin is full of pimples you nerd a good blood medicine that can be relied upon. Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker is warranted as a positive cure for all of the above, so you cannot possibly run any risk when yoo get a bot tle of this wonderful medicine. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co. Durable vision glasses at the Riddls house. Colic, Diarrhoea and summer complaints are dangerous at this season of the year and the only way to guard against these diseases is to have a bottle of some reli able remedy. Beggs' Diarrhoea Balsam is a POSITIVE RELIEF in all these disa greeable cases and is pleasant to take. It will cost you only 85 cents. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. The finest bedroom sets can be found at II. Boeck's. Wood for Sale. Leave orders with J. D. Tutt, at Ben nett & Tutt's store. tf. Return on Lincoln avenue from the fiar grounds, and drive through South Park. 18S-3 II. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl edged to be the finest and most complete in the city. Sherwiu & Williams' mixed paints, the best in the market, at Fricke & Co's. drug store. 8-tf. Child's high sandals, only 25 cents a pair, at Merges'. Everything necessary for furnishing a house can be purchased at H. Boeck's. Plenty of feed, flour, graham and meal at Heisel's mill, tf Return on Lincoln avenue from the fair grounds, and drive through South Park. Drive through South Park in return ing from the fair grounds. 18s-8 School books cheap at the Post Office Book Store. 15Stf. "W. H. Baker. Light snmmer shoes for your little girls, 25 cents only, at Merges'. Glasses for night blindness at the Riddle house. Mr. Jas. Donnelly sells the Atwood Suspender, the only suspender in the world that can be adjusted to the form of all. Non-elastic shoulder straps and elastic back straps. tf. Glasses for old and decaying Bight at the Riddle Louse. B.&. Nt. Time Table. GOING WET. No. 1. 5 :10 a. m. No, 3. 6 :40p. ni. No. 5 6 :47 a. in. No. 7.-7 :30 p. m. No.K.-6 :17 D. ni. QOIKO FAST. No, 2. I :33 p. ni. Wo. 4. 10 :30 a. ni. No. 6.-7 :13 p. ni. No. 10. 9 :45 a. m. No. 116 ;27 a. m. AU trains run daily by way of Omaha, exeept Nos. 7 and 8 which run to and from Schuster daily except Sunday. No. 30 Is a stub to Faelfle Junction at s.soa.m No, 18 la stab from Faclsc Junction at wir. BOOTS A"i.i Do not fail to call and examine the "Cuh" Prices we will t. for the Next Thirty Days. You Can Save 25 Per Gen; While we are having this Great "Cash" Uedmtion Sale. W. A. BO EC K & CO. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! We are now Showing a new and Attractive Line of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Onr Line of Fall Dress Goods is the Largest and 3Iost Complete Stock in the City, and we are showing all the new Colorings in Dress Flannels, Broadcloths, Henriettes. Beiges, Serges, at Prices not to be duplicated. 38 inch All Wool Suitings, Solid Colors and Mixtures, only 45c. yd. 40 inch All-Wool Broadcloths, Solid Colors and Mixtures, only 00 cents per yard. 52 inch All-Wool Broadcloths, Solid Colors and Alixtures, only 85 cents per yard. 54 inch French Broadcloths, Twilled Back, at $1.60 a yard. These goods sold last season at $2.00. 40 inch All-Wool Serges in all the popular shades, only 05c. yrd. 40 inch French lienriette Cloth, iu all the popular shades, only 75 cents per yard. Dm Tiling id Bin ! The Largest and Finest Line we have ever shown comprising everything in the Latest In ovclties in Gimps. Passementeries, Braids, Etc., Also Full Lines of Foragers, Ornaments and Loops. Our STOCK OF BUTTONS Comprise everything in Plain and Fancy Crochets, PJain and Bullet Silk Tailor Buttons, Jets, Fancy ?,Ietals and Pearls. Feather Trimmings, all shades, only 40 cents yard, worth 50. and Plushes in all Colorings, such as Tahac, Mahogany, Moss, Olive, Gold, Saphire, Navy, Blown, Cardinal, Wine, Black, only 1.00 a yard; same goods sold last season at ft 1.25. Surah Silks in all shades only JiO cents a yard, worth $ 1.( 0 Black Silks at 1.00, 1 25, '$1.50, $1.75, $1.85 and $2.00 a yard, all good values. ONE DOOR EAST FIF.S 30 DATS 30 DAYS 30 DATS For Th. Test 30 S "We will have a Special Sale of all Articles in Stock, so as to make ro. for our Fall Purcbas. OUR ST 0GK IS C'OMPLF In every Department, and all goods kept in a First-Class Tin She Hardware Stare will be found in our Stock. Call and see r before bujing elsewhere. Weidmann & BREKEN (Successors to J. R. COX.).; PLATTSMOUTH - - - X PLATTSCT0UTH ONLY 15 CENTS PER WEEK! Dc OFMCE COOEB TINE AND 5th. Plislies ! MIL - T FATT01TAL BAEE. 30 DATS 30 DATS 30 DAV Daily. p J V