riilST YE Alt PJLATTS3IOUTII, NEBRASKA, MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 1.5, 1888. NU3IIJElty77 GI'fY OFFICIOS. Mayor, Clerk, Treasurer, F.M. Kit Hir W K Fox Jamp.s I'attkhhon, JB. - JJVKOJt Cl.AIOC -A MADOI.K - S CMKKOKU W II MaLIlK Attorney, Engineer. Police Judge, Marshall, Councllmeu, 1st ward, 2nd " I .1 V Wkckhacii i A Samkbukv I 1 M Jokki I lK. A SlIlfMAN M It M UK I'll Y " 3rd h w DorroN l tvw O'DONVOU. 4tll. Hoard Tub. Work ' 1 P MtCAl.LKN. PKKS J W JonNH'l.N.CllAlUAIAN FltKI (iOHDKK I) 11 HaWKoWoKTH COLTjNprY OFFIGIirvS. Treasurer. Deputy i'reasurer, - Clerk. Deputy Clerk, Recorder of Deeds -Deputy Recorder Clerk of Didriet Court, Sliurtlt, - - -hurveyor. -Atturu.-y. Bapt. of 1Mb. School. County Judge. HOAUO OK BUI' A, It. Tom. Ch'in., Lui;m Foirz, A. B. l)I'KDO.V, I. A. CAMPBKI.L Tium. Pollock Biri Ckitciikifixi . kxacuiithkiki.i) W. II. Fool John M. Lk.yia V. C. SltOWALTKIl J. C. ElKK.NHAUY A. MADULK AI-LKN 11KKHDN MAVNAKI 8PIXK , C. ltOSSKLL. KKVISOK8. Flatlsmouth Weeping Water Kimwood GIVIG SOGIK'l'JiS. r w w v w w w w tA i.oi;k no. h;. i. o. (). F. Meets ( j.irJrv TuhmIav evenln of each week. All trtnslent brothers are respectfully iuvited to attend. , . 1JLATTMOUTH KN'CAMPMKXT No. 3. I. O. i- O. F.. meet every alternate rriday in e-ich inopth In the Masonic Hall. V tailing hrctl,ers-are juvltod to attend. TUIO UllXJK :;). 21. A. O. U. W.-Meetii every altcfiiat Friday fveniug at ' . hail. Transient brothers are respectfully in vited toatteMd. F.J. Morgan.MuiterWorkinaii ; K. . Har.tow. Foifemau , Fraiit h.owii. Over seer ; 1- Bowen, tluide; lieoige Hou.worih. liecrder; II. J. Johnson, Financier ; Wanli. Smith, lteeeiver; M. Maybrlght. last SI. w. . Jack Daiigherty. Inside Guard. i t ASH CAMP SO.W MODERN WOODMEN ' of America Meets second and fourth Mon rt a lvJ"bK at K. t,f P. hall. All transient (.'other at. r.,.,ueted to meet with u. L. A. LViontt VVnciat.li f):Mil ; F, Nile. Vtoy AJv!,sor;:i.C. Wnje( ijaup.-j W. A. J).e, fr, Cferjt. ' lfLAirrHMUUTil 1.0JHJK NO. , A. 0 !- W; i- Meet every alleruaM Friday evenni.K at Itockwooi " ""'; A tr- era are respectfully invited i atffnd. L. S. Larson. M. W. ; F. Boyd. Foreman : S. C. Wilde, kecorder ; Leonard Anderson, Overseer. 1M.ATTSMOCTH LOUISE NO. 0, A. F. & A. M. Meets on tilt first n:id third Mon.lays of f ae 'iO"tli rt their li-l. AH transient broth ers a ..uiailinvitod to meet-Ayah us . ti. ii;tnr V. W, M. VVl'. Ser.etry. VeiiKASKA CHAITEU. NO. 3. K. A. M X Meet second and fourth Tuesday of each month at Ma.onV Hall. Transcieut brothers are iuvited to meet with us. F. E. Wiiitk, II. P. Wm. Hays, Secretary. 31 t. ZION COMMA lAKY NO- 3. K. T. li first and third Wednesday nixhl of oi.c!i i.,f.nth : t Maso s halt, -l-.i.-.itiiig brothers f.-vo'dtHlI. invited t roeet v;iili ti-i. 4$Y?T HAVS..-Kpc.1 F. b AVH K. K. C. IIASSCOfNClLNO lO-.-l.UOYAI. MKAXl'M i meet t !ip fecond and fourth Mondays of each month, at Arcanum Hall. It. N. t. lfnx, Uegeut. rT. C. MixcR. Secretary. McCONIHIE POST 45 C. A. R. R05TEK. J W Jotxsov Commander. C tj. 'i: W-; se'itor V.ipe j?. a. iiVT..;:....:. ..JuMor V " f ; ro; Ni i. ks ..: - A djtitan . lt7.USk' STtEItillT : 1Y i' luu. i). . . . , fli? ot..u,f. 1 '"j AMKR!O.V FltY IT .g J J jrn;oHBMcMAS.. ..Quarter Master heit. li iVt'e ktis Fost Coaplaii) ectioir Saturday eveuin PLATTS MOUTH BOARD OF TRADE rresidpnt Bbt. 15 Wil:.)!.am 1st Vi.-.e Frc-ident .A- Ir.d .- e I're..idtiit ' Neville "pi'tctaiy -- i Herrjiiiiiin r HI 11 WTO It. .1 C. liichev. I. K. Wliite. .1 C. ratterson. .1 . C4)iiner. H. Ktaon, C. W. Sherman, b. i.ot h f 4- eckbacii H.LPalmer4Son XHCE AGENTS Represent the following time tne4 an Qre-tcstci companies: American Ceutral-S. Louis. Aseu Sl.258.loo Coiaiuerdal Uuion-EnRland. " 2.W.314 Fire Association-Philadelphia. 4.4I5.S76 Franklln-rhitadelphia, " 3.1 17.106 Home-New York. " 7.35.9 Ins. C . or Vorth America, Phil. 8.171 JC2 LtverpooliLondon & ii'..be-Eag " C.fi3-.7t Njrtn British Mercantile-En " 3,378.754 jorleh Cuion-EnKland. 145.406 ilugUv.'ld F. & M.-SpringfleM, " 3.04115 fota! Asets.12.1 15,774 imi AJjnstm snlPajdattMsipiicy WHEN YOU WANT -OF- Any 3ESLxica. PALL ON Ha. G Iaarsonf CorJitli and Granite Streets. retractor and Builder WORK DOM I Sept. 12-Cm, THE FER-DE-LANCE. THE TERRIBLE REPTILE WHICH REIGNS IN MARTINIQUE. Tb Deadly Serpent Wblcli I lord of tlit Foresta nd Solltndea by Day, and the Terror of Roads and Parks by Night The Cat Its Blost Formidable Enemy, Nature is dangerous here; tbo powers that bull J here are also the powers that putrefy; here life and death are perpetually inter changing office in the never ceasing transfor mation of forces, melting down and reshap ing living kubstanco 'bimultaneously within the same awful crucible. There are trees dis tilling venom; there are plants that have fangs; there nro perfumes that affect the brain; there are cold green creepers whose touch consumes flesh like fire; while in all the recesses and tho shadows Is a swarming of unfamiliar life, beautiful or hideous in sect, reptile, bird interwarring, devouring, observing, preying. Strange spiders of burning colors, immense lizards, scaribs nuirasscd in all tints of metal, humming birds plumaged in all splendor of Jewel radi ance, flies that flash like lire, centipedes of gigantic growtli. And the lord of all these, the despot of theso vast domains, is the ter rible Fer-do-lance, tho trigonocephalus, tho Bothrops lanceolatus, the craspodecephalus, deadliest of Occidental thauatophidia. There are eight varieties of him, tho most common being tho gray speckled with black, precisely the color that enables the monster to hide himself among the roots of the trees by simply coiling about thera and coueealing his triangular lieu'L Sometimes 'lie is' a beau tiful flower yellow; then he may never be jlistinguUhed from the branclj of bright ba nanas among which he hangs coiled: or rny bo a dark yellqw, pr a, yeUawish. brown", or (he color of wine lees speckled with pink and black, or a perfect ash tint, or black with a yellow belly, or black with a rose belly all hues of tropical mold, of old bark, of putrefying trees, of forest detritus. The iris of the eye is orange, with red flashes; at night it glows like incandescent chprcrs.- ,4nd the fdi'-dd-lunei reigns absolute Icing over the maintains' and the ravines; b;d. '3 lord of the forests and the solitudes' by day, inl' W nitrht ie pxtds ii5 ilarntninh 0 jjjr It.tf plitillU lOhila. tlso fclitllUr w-i . .wJ. - "3t 4 ., pteaxure resorts. People must re main at home after dark unless they dwell in the city itself; if you happen to be out visit ing after sunset, only a mile from town, your friends will cautioi you anxiously not jo fol low tha boulevard as ') du' go' "back, and Q kev'p'as flpsely as possible to the very center iif tho i-ath. Kven in the brightest noon you cannot venture to enter the woods unescorted; you cannot trust your eyes to detect danger; at any moment a seeming braucb, a knot of lianas, a pink or gray root, a clump of pen dant yellow fruit, may suddenly take life, writhe, swell, stretch, spring, strike. Then you will need ail indeed, and uiost VjuiAl y; (Kt within th5' svico of a" few heart beats (Lb fti ukn icsh' philis, timielles, softens, c.liung&3 color spots v?olafeousy, aiid an icy coldness crawls' thioug'h all tho blooil. If the physician or tho pamx-ur arrives in time, and no artery or vein Ljis been directly piercvd, there is hopo; but tbo danger is not parsed when the life has been saved. Ne crosis of the tissues begins; the l'csh corrupts, tatters, tumbles from tho bono; ui the colors of its jiutrefacTic.T a.n frigbtCnl mock" erics oi iho hues of vegetable deatlr, of forest decompdsitioh, tlio ghastly pinks and grays and yellows of rotting trunks and roots melt ing l-ack into tho thick fetid elay that gave them bjrtb. i'm moMei; as' the ti-ees molder; you crumble and dissolve as dis solves tho substance of the balatas and tho palms and the acomats: the Death-of-the-Toods has seized upon you! And this pestilence that walketh in dark ness, this destruction that wasteth at ncr. day. may not be exorcised. Each female prOdiicei viviparously from forty to sixty young at a birth. The haunts of the crea ture are in many cases inaccessible, inexplor able; its multiplication is prodigious; it it only the surplus of its swanking yliav oyer-r.MU-i into the cone fields, ' and makes the high roads' perilous ' after sunset, yet to des irty three or four hundred thanatop&idia on ft emgle small par,t&tiqi luring the lapse of twelyp months has po.t been uncommon. Tho introduction of the mangoute (the iohneu rnon) may, It i9 hoped, do much toward pro jecting the workers In tbo cane fields and on the cocoa and coffee plantations; but the raangouste's powers are limited, and tho ocean of death is illimitable. Tho experience of fear has enabled domes tic Rnimrda to discern the presence of the enemy while invisible" to &ian. Your horse rears arid plunge's 'in tho darkness, trembles and sweats; do not try to ride on until j-ou are acsured the way is clear your animal has perceived far 'ahead, tvyo scintillating points, two moving sparks of fire.' Or your jlbg may- come running back", whining, shiv ering; accept his warning. The animals kept about country residences have learrod ta UgbS for thejr lives J the hen battles hope lessly for her chickens, the bull tries to gore his supplo cuen.y, tho pig gives more suc cessful combat; but the ereaturo who fears, tho monster least is tho bravo cat. Seeing a snske, she nt once carries her kittens to a place cf safety, then boldly advances to the encounter. She will walk to tho very limit of t'.io serpent's striking range and begin to feint, teasing him, startling" him, trying to iliv.w Lis blow. " How' the emerald and tho topaziiib eyes' glow then they are flames. A moment more and the tri angular head, hissing from Iho coil, flashes swift as if rnovc-d hy wings. But swifter still the string 6troko of the armed paw that smites the. horror aside, flinging it, mangled and gasping, in tho dust Never theless, pussy docs net yet dare ta spring; tho cnemyj still active, has almost in stantly reformed his coil; but she is again in front of him, watching vertical pupil against vertical pupiL Again the lash ing stroke; again the beautiful counter in; the living death is hurled aside, th9 scaled skin is deeply torn, one eye socket has ceased to flame. Once more the stroke of thu serpent; onco more the light, quick, cutting blow. But now the trigonocephalus is. blind, iststupefled; before he can attempt to coil, pussy has leaped upon him, nailing he hor rible flat head fast to the ground with ber two' sinewy paws. Now let him lash, writhe, twine, strive to tangle herl in vain! he will never lift his head; an instant more and bo lies BtilJ; the fine- white teeth have severe the vertebral just behind the triarjgolag OUR CANINE COMPANIONS. A fJootl Word for Sim Dog Sense tif Co-.i radefthljt. Often lias the prosunt writer tpicxlioned hit canine companion with no it ;po!ise bcy:i; tho act to find why it is that he, who uil) never set out on any excursion by himself, will yet find no bliss so great as to run I .; !c a vehicle, a horseman or a i-e!'.tri:iu, tra versing bill, lield and forest in perfect I ipji Hess, so long as be goes with his friend., in deed, a large part of ii dog's e::Lsti:uco consists iti trittin.; about tli.; farm or the estate, svita Iy toeoLibiish liimscif near his matter, his mistress, t lie baby, the hired man, without definite communication, but sim;l y with the scti-.M of comradeship. Ilo is an uniinatcd shadow cf you; and whether your immediate aim bo playing teunis, booing corn or read mg Sliakesjieaiv, it is neeib'ul to his happi ness that he should lie close by. Iio sympa thizes with his eyes, interrogates with his nose, appeals with Ins paw, and, as Victor IIugoays, smiles with his tail. As for his intelligence, a myriad anecdotes raise tho question seriously w hether wo do not compliment ourselves too highly in putting our sagacity besiilo his. Can we find our way like him? Can wo sock, investigate, remember, liko him "There nro times," said an eminent author to mo, the other day, "when that dog of mine has no more sense than a man; but threo days out of four ha knows more than I do. Ho knows when I am going to take him down to the office with me as well as I do; indjed, ho often knows it before I do, and is at tho door all ready to go in certain days when I had supposed my mind fully mado up to lo-ivo. him' di home; the result is that he g"oes."" To tpye a dog thoroughly, it is necessary to, have reared him. For full enjoyment, you must bo able to traco back this gracefu) creature who bounds besidoyqu, with his eye full of light and. every silken hair a liue of beauty, to. that shambling Puppy who was first brought to your house known to the boys of the neighborhood ouly as "ono of Quin's pups," mid iossessiug no gifts beyond a blunt and very wrinkled nose, a tciiy al ways waddling helplessly in tho wrong direc tion, and a boundless gift of getting leash entwnjlsjd :;uad jyur a'iklfe$. '' Xpuf fcUachinent for VihVias gro,vvn proportion to the extent of his. developnivnt llio doj; (if my own Immediate household Ii the dearer, J suspect, for every folly ho has ".t76wn and every siu he has imperfectly reformed. We s!jo idd almost regret to have him quite lose lhat guilty expression of sub dued longing which still creeps intc Ids ejvs when h,o paaa i.ear a particularly plump' ten, although It ir irow a yar 'o.r t'tfft' sijc liQ ;T3' phased ono: pr the Tj.laucti hu mility wkh which 9 0Wtt68 orouchlng, un Clled, to have his ems pulled after barking at the postman. lie knows that as he still keeps within ear shot, as it were, of those sins of his youth, so do we; like many an other handsome scapegrace, bo is never so near the heai-t as when it becomes necessary to forgive him. Nothing so militates against v irtue, ' Do'tli among dogs and,' meh as a cer tain"' becomingness in partiotu. types of wrong doing. '-'.f. . JI," iu Harper's BasaA Undone by a Double. Milton Nobles relates this story of Mr. McClosky. Both men aro Brooklynites. lie says: "AVe had a grand production ojS 'la zeppa' in San Frnsco. Lon Phelps, who did ilaw-ppa, was afraid of horses, and re fused.' to make the run, so they had to resorl. tii a dou"b!e. J. J. McClosky was macla u; for the double, and masked. , hy the crowd of peasants an retainers was strapped to tho fiery 4Utamd and dashed up the mountains. ElacL night theio was a big call and Phelps, carefully made up in fleshings, would march triumphantly in front of tho curtain, bowing and smiling his thanks for the call. On the fifth night of the play the second rung gave way and McClosky and tho horsa disappeared tpihi- auiiu Cracking boards and, timbers. Qf course there was great ex citement and the audience began calline learn whether Mazeppa was serio'-'iy hurt. After a short pause PTVS fcvUo(j( out in front of the si.tin, w'ijh a littlei property blooa qa"h'is face and( hands, and limping des perately, hut smiling a sad., sweet, painful smile, as' though saving, 'Its nothing, ladies and. gejauien, a mere scratch, nothing more, I assure you7 Meantime tho carienters and supers wero dragging ioor McClosky out f yon under broken boards, horse, etc. Mac was badly shaken up, but not seriously hurt. Tho audience in front was wildly applauding P4elps' mock heroics. "The stage manager, who in tho excitft-. ment had forgotten all pb.put the doubje, pulled McClqsky down to the first entranca shouting, 'Go but ;' go but and let 'em see that you ain't hurt.' Mae, half dazed with pain and fright, and not realizing wh.a,t he was doing, stepped in front of the curtain, with real blood on his. f ace, and nursing a gonuina lama leg. Just as he came on Phelps started to limp off, and they met face to face in the center of the stage. The expressions on tho faces of Pbejpsi and McClosky, as the sitnatjon suddenly dawned on them, baffles description. Had they been costumed as the Dromios that expression would have immor talized them. For about ten seconds there was a deadly stillness in the audience, then, as the truth of the double struck them, there went up a yell that nearly raised the roof. The two Mazeppas forgot their limps and. rushed behind the curtain at opposite sides. At each subsequent appearance during tho evening Phelps was "greated with yells of laughter, and after the next night tho play was taken off." Brooklyn Eagle. Tho Ocejm'n Way, Soieniist9 insist that tho waves of the pceati aro never higher t-an a few feet. Summer bathers will insist, with equal earnestness, that the average wave is from a hundred feet to half a milo high. Pittsburg Bulletin. In a minute an express train goes a mile and a street car thirty-two rods; the fastest trotting horse 147 9-U rods, and an average pedestrian of the geaus homo has got over sixteen rods. Chicago proposes to have a crematory in running order in si? months. Tha health officers favor it, and there is plenty of money to back ik If you are compelled to eat aVa railroad station -take but a light meal and eat it slowly. Drink milk instead of tea or coffe. A new thing in England is a walking stick made hollow, with a place in it for holding tight or nine cigars. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. A (J RIC'ULTUlt AL IM I'LKMENTS, 1IAIJ.& ( i:.i;. Agricultural Implement., On it land IIii'Ich and ICiithford Wagons, "Cood 'Jtniher and Hone Dry." sold mid Warranted. Main street, between Kixih and Scvenlti. BANK. FIltST NATIOVAL 1JANK. of riattsmowth. Capital 4.'mi.(mni ; .surpln-i ftli, OiK). John Fitireiald, I'rffident : S. Waiish. Cashier; F. "i. White, Vice-President. Hoard of Director.! : .0hr, Fitzgerald. F. K. White, Jno. It. Clark, 1. iiuvk.soi'th, S. Waugli. BANK. THE CITIZEN'S ItANK. of Plaltsmom:.. t apit '1 stock paid iu, S.V) no. Frank Cairutli, l'rehideut : W. II. fiishinj,'. allier; J. A. Connor, Vice-riet-ident. A tfeneial banking bui'iess tr.incacted. Collec tions receive prompt and cartful attention. LACKSMI Til KOI'.EIiT DONNEI.l.Y. lilaeksmlth Fud Wagomraker, Healer in Vlnd mills. Pumps and Finings. BOOTS ANDSIIOKS. JOSEPH FITZEU. Hoots and Shoes. Kt-paii inn promptly attt nded to. South Side Main street. BOOTS AND SHOES. PETER MERI.K.4. A complete acnorMii i-t .- f ' v y T.'n-i ', V i.. wear and cheai ei .liu the elieapest w. si ot the Missmui i;iver. Also manulaituring and Henailin;. BAUIIER SHOP AND IS. XT! I ROOM. El. MOIlbKY, Hot and Cold Baihs at a!! h..,r.,. Ladies' and Children's Hair Ci;tt;. a' specialty. Cor. r.ili and Main. i:uu( r CarruthV. B AKEUV. V. STADEbMANN. Bread, Cakes, Pies. Puns, etu., Le h daily. Party, eddiui; and l a-vy Case a specialty. Ice Cream in any ijtiantity. poOKSELI-ER. ETC. D J. P. YOCNO, Book('llfi'. Stationer, and News Dealer ; Fancy (lootis. Toys, Conieetioiiery, Fine ( hjars. Soda Water and Milk shake, Pianos and Organs and Musical IiiKtnimont, fH.OTlilN'J. l' S. &C. MVYKIJ, . fcV '. .tA 1 1.4V, nishim's. Fi'i-j ':'a,to'Maie Clothing PoyS' ai'i Children's Wear. Theii- lipiit's r nrinsiini' in Men's, J' pricey e.y"c,iiei.r.tilioii. They misrepresent noti.uij;. j i,eiv worn 'a rneir Soui, CLOTHING. L. HOLDING, Clot h'l'K. Fu-nyiiiiK Goods. Go to the old re liable house for Hals, Caps. Umbrellas, Trunks, liotts, Shoes. Main street, next Case Co, P.a.:ik QLOTIIINO. C. V VKSCf-. Clothlnrr. iiat w Cabs, ;vc Fine FuvnishliiKs our specialty. One price and no Monkey Hus- iness, it i ays to trait a witn us. Kockwooa liik. G4NNINO COMPANY, CARKLTli CANNINC CO., Frank Carrulh. Henry J. Streilit, Proprif-Jcus. Packers of the Climax liraud Veget-'Ofl--" CONFECTIONERY. " liilibt'lll KKAI S, Fru't. foofectlonerv aud Fine ('ijja'c, DRUUS. " O. P. &M f if & CO, Dealers In Yal I'upt'r, Paint', Oil, Ait Mater ials, Chj.ws ,)e, Loekwood IHock. DRUGS. 0ERIXC. & C' Prngs, Chemicals. Paints, Oils. DUUCS. F. O. FRIOKK. ,t tt., Drusif. Medieiiir."1,. l-iieinieals. Paint. Oils, Yiuiiishfi. Dje StniTs etc.. Fine fctatiouery, Select Toilet aiid Fancy Articles. DRYOOODS, I.ROCEhlES. F. S, WHITE. Dry Goods, Groovi'ies. Notions, lienerat Mer eliaiidi)it, eto. S. K. corner Main aol tli St. DRY HOODS. F. HEURMANV. Dry Coeds. Notions and Ladies' Furnishing (ionita. One oooreast First National Bauk. D RY HOODS. CP.OCERIEa. K. x. DO KV SON. ("arrv a 1 irae fto;k of Fi.io (iroeeries. Dry Hoih's, Cariicls. tiwensivare. Notions, :.nd FaiiCY HiMidA. to he found in the county. Up per Ma n "street, between .Mil and Otli. DENTISTS. DKs. CAVE IT, "The PpimIcSj limiFTS." Teeth extracted Vitr:.'ni;Telr-!at pain or haini. Ar IP.eial teet h inserted immediately :il'ter extractiii natural ones when tleii't;d. "Hold and all other Fidsngs ct'ietly first clas. Oflice in Union P.loek. FURNITURE. P HENRY P.OKCK. Furniture. Redding. Looking ChiHse". Picture Frames, etc. Wooden aud Metal Caskets kept in stock. tr URN ITU RE. C I. PEARl.MAN. Furniture. Pallor Suite, Cpho'stery Goods. Stoves. Oueensware. 1 iuware. and all kinds of Household Goods. North Gt'i street, between Main and Vine. GENT'S FURNISHING Gfon. .1. H. DONNKLLY. Gente Fin Furnisher and Hatte'. The most cnmplete and fiuest stock in the city. Carrulh Block, Ccr. 5th aud Main. GROCERIES. M. II. MURPHY ."fe CO.. The Leading Dealers in Groeeiien. ( rockery. China, Lanps. Wooden and Willow ware. Flour, Feed.&c. Cash pa'd for country produce, G not; fries. LEHNHOFF & SOENNICHSK.N. Groceries, Provisions, Glassware -iid Crockerj. GROCERIES. F. McCOURT. Green. Staple and Fancy Groceries. GROCERIES. BENNETT & TUTT. Sfanle and Far.cy Groceries, Green Fruit and Canned Goods. GROCERIES. Al'G. BACH. Groceries and Qiu-cnswarc, Flour swid Feed. Cigars. Tobacco and Cutlery. Riddle Houe. HtiTEL. FRED OOS, Proprietor City Hotel. Terms. Sl.ro per day. Special Attention given commercial men. HARNES?. W. G. KEEFER. Successor to O. M. Streijiht. Harness, Saddlery Goods. Net", Robes, Duters, aud all horse fur nishing uoods. HARDWARE. JOHNSON BROS.. Hardware. Stovex. Tinware. Talde and Pocket Cutlery. Rasors, etc. Household Sewing Ma chines aud Jewel Gasoline ftoyei". 'linwork of all kinds done at reasonable prices. Main street, Kockwood Block. TEWELRY. J FRANK CARKl'TIf & SON. Always carry a flue etock of Diamonds, Watch es. CI cks. .lewelrv. Silverware and Spectacles. Drop in and inspect their goods before parchas mg elsewhere. JEWELRY. J. SCHLATER, Jeweler. Waltham Watches a Specialty. Main Street, near Fourth. TEWELRY. O B. A. McELWAIN. Watche3. Clocks. Silverware aod Jewelrj. Special Attention given to Watch Repairing. v Tuo Weeks Take Time by EO - UOT . OL'K GKEAT CLOSING OUT SALK Will Terminate Aug. 27. "Wo ar viixdor contract to op on our 2Tair- m-n 3ev.:2 !3cptombor 1st. Those who have not taken alvanliire of the IJarain.T ofl'eretl olailv at onr (jreat Closing Out Sale will regret it when we are gone, s. live y id At 60 cts. per Pound, Worth 75c. Dress Goods Sale, Great Cloak Sale, Silk Sale, Carpel Sale, Trunk and Valise Sale. We are too hnsy to make a Price Li.-t. To accommodate the great ru?h we will keep our store open until 10:00 o'clock p. m. SOLOrciOiSf SMATHAW, White !Froiit Iiv Ooodi irou.se - M:iin Si. LIVERY STABLE. CM. HOLMES & SON. The. Checkered Barn. Livery. Feed Jind Sale stable ; parties conveyed to a!! parts of the cil v. Carriages, its all trains. Corner Vine and i;tn. MEAC MARKET hlCHARD P.I L3TEIN. Who" eside and Retail Dealer in First (Quality BeeL Pork, Mill ton Veal. Lamb, ele. Sixili stree', Neville lilnck. Prices moderate. MEAT MARKET. J. HAT f & CO.. Kill their own Cattle. Render llieir own Lard and Cure their own Bacon. Main street. MEAT MARKET. FICKLER & CO.. Ekus, Poultry Ace. We use o ly the best trah; of iiative stock. Oysters and name in reason. MERCHANT TAILOR. C. F. s-MITH, .Merchant Tai'or. Main ctrett. over Merges' shoe store. Complete Mock of amplet. rit guaranteed. Prices defy competition. M 1LL1NER Y. MRS. J. F. JOHNSON. A Complete Line of the Latest Styles of Mii linerv and Trimminss : also Children's and In fants'' Bonnets, to he closed out at coed. RESTAURANT AND LUNCH ROOM. JACOB HENNCII. Meals and Lunches seived to order at a'l hour. Alo Oxsters, isHrs. Tou-icco, Fop and Cider. Opposite Riddle lloue. SAMPLE ROOM. JOHN BLAKE. Sample Room and Billiard Hall. Choh e Wines. Liquors ami Cigars, ivi'.iard and Pool Tables. SAMPLE ROOM. FRAHM & KLIETt II, Sample Room.- Imported and Domestic W'nes, l.iuors and CL'ar. Only straight goods han dled. Milwaukee. Bottled Lager a Specialty. Cor. 5th and Main St. SAMPLE ROOM. THE AMERICAN EXCHANGE. Nick Cunningham, proprietor Choice ins, Liuuors and Cigai-s. Pool and Bil.iard Tables. U-ddle liuii'e Biock. SAMPLE ROOM THE ELKHORN SALOON. Wm. Weber, proprietor. Manufacturers of ; Soda Water. Birch Beer. Cider, etc Agents for j Fred Krug's Celebrated Lager Beer. t "Watclios ! Watclies ! H. H. GAULT Ilns niOTi'd and is now in the Shcrwooci room, Cor. 3th ami Main St-?., where he is better able to s-how his Large Stock of Watches, CLOCKS AUD JEWELRY ! Than ever before, antl will as an induce ment sell you Watches way down. Call and get the Special Prices in Gold Watch es; ir-will surprise you. A Full Line of the best styles ot Jewelry and Silverware. Repairing will be given Special Atten tion. All work warranted to give satisfaction. "InWfTn MM the Forelock. DELAT ! Geese Feathers o 1 O 3 5 a 3 ID? g 5S?. 8 t& trri o Z1 C- A. Marshall. Resident Dentist. Preservation of the Natural Teeth a Specialty. Auesthc-tics given for Pain i.kss Fn.i.iN'i on Extraction ok Tketk. Artificial teeth made on Gold. Silver, Rubber or Celluloid Plates, nnd inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FlTZRRAI.I'S Bf.K'K Pi. TTSMOl7T H". XlB R. B. Windham, ' John a. Davifji. Notary Public. Notary Public. Vi'ixmiAMA iavii:m, attorneys - at - Law. Office over Bank of Cafc County. Platthmoctii, - - Nebraska AS. 8ULL1 VAN, Attornry at Law. Will give prompt Attention o all bmdneM in trusted to him. Offlw - ta Union Block, East side, Plattsmoutb, Neb. w 1 w hj - 1-3 3 iisi 1 w i : 2 j Dr. pfenlL Lfca4io PrB 49 Mareex-