(fl Ay FIRST YKAlt PI.ATTS3IOUTII, NKP.UASKA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 1, 1SSS. NU3II$Enj07 GIl'Y OFFICIOS. M.ir. 'lTlC, Tr.uri:r, .tturiiey, Kniue'-r, I'olie.r .1 l'li , . I I. . 1 1 K. M. KH II KV W K fuK jAMK.t I'ATTKK.SON. .IK. - 15 Y HO H CUIIK A MAIHii.K S t :i.iKHui) V II Mai-IvK Couiii-ll-nen, ward, i A SA., : . . . . . KltACII .ISI-.UUY 2ud " tli M Jon kh IMi. A hllll'MAK M It Mcicpiiv I n V lurn:N 3rd 4th. I Con O'CoSNOK. 1 I MrC IUI.I.1N. I'llKS I .1 w J W JOHSH ISi.t'lUlllMiN Hoard Pub.Wurk-J f kki; V"uKi?, 1 1' i 11awkWoktii . J v,, TrVtirer. Unimiy Treasurer, - Ctt-rk. Deputy CliTk. Kcconler of Ix-rel Itaputy KtfcrlT t:jr rk of Ultrict Co art, .Slur HI. -Ki;rvyir. -Alton.. Huit. f 1'uti. ShouI. L'uuuty Jmle. - lOAKI OK MUI A. n. Toir. f.'li'in., Iitri!t Koi.r., A. 15. 1i IKwiX, 1. A. CAMrr.Ki.L. TlUH. 1'Ol.l.OCK. Hum Ci!ircMHH.u . KxACicirciiriKi.K W. II. J'oi, John M. i.kvia W. C. KHOWAI.TKK J.C. ElKKSHAItl A. M AIIOI.K . Al.l.KN 1SK.KSON Maynahd SriXK C KUSSKLI. ' Kit VI SO It. mattsinoutli Wet-pin' Wiitrr li.lllWOud GIVIG SOGlKUfJiS. liAHS l.(i;i:K No. U. 1 . O. K.-Mia-ts t-riiry TilBwIay evi.m? "f aHl " tran'iri.l brother are n-M'tfCliully iuvit-il tQ HI U'li'l. . I.ATTMOl'TII K N C A M I'M 1 NT No 3. I. O. A O K.. iimei every alterant b rijlay In :i-li li.oiilli in I he Ma-onic Hall. siting llro.the-rs :iro invited to attend. fnWoUJllUK Ml. hi. A. . V. W. -.Meets I every alteii:it Friday evening at k . . of I . hall. Transient broll.cn ar respectfully in vited to attend. K..I. MorKaii.MiisltirWoi-kiiisiii ; K S r.aitow. Foreman ; Frank Krown. Over-i-tr; I- Bow.cn, tSuide; Oeoitje llouswortli. Kevord.-r ; If. J. .I.diiisou. Financier ; aMi. Kmilli. Ue.ei.et ; II. Maybrmlit. 1'aft M. V. . ; Jack Dangherly. Inside Ufifird. VSH CAM l NO. 332. MODKItS WOODMKN of America Meets Hecond and fourth Mon day evening at K. of 1. hall. All transient l other are requested to meet with no. J-A. M.wiiiMivr, Venerable Consul ;.. I-. Wormy AdvJber ; S. C. Wilde. Hanker ; V . A. lioeck, Cleiu. . . r-' )ILTTSMOITTII U)I)(iK NO. 8, A. O. V. W. Meet- every alternate Friday evening at rijoavcod hallutKo'clocK. All transient brotli- Jiw icuiV'-'ifuily in.ied to attend. 1 l.:usi!i, A'. V. V. !5'yd. Foreman: i. C. V;lde. Kocorder ; l.eona.d Anderson. t)verseer. 1 I. T rsMOUTH UiDU E NO., f.. A. K. c A. M Mee!-ou th lrt and third Monday o ?aeh tuoiitii at llieir ball. All transient broth ers are cor.tially liiijed to meet with us. .1. tJ. jJjrHftv. w-M- Wm. Hats. Seeretary. . V'KHKASKA CHA1TKU. NO. 3. It. A. M. 11 Meets second and fourth Tuesday of cat h Itiouln at Ma-onV Hall. Transcit lit brothers a,e invited to meet with us. p Vm. Hays. Secretary. , t. zu,N COMMA IAKY. NO. 5. K. T. lixferl lust Him tiiUd Vi..ii:ei.d:iy n:'lit ot c.-.cini.uth ..tMaso -ls hall. Visiting brothere -rnre cordially invited to meet with us. SVi: Hays. hee. F. K. Whitk, E. ( . 1ASSCOCNC1I.NO .;i'1.1OVAlf xKCAXl'M J meet t lie feeoud and fourth Moda I t.-!l i,outh at Arcauum Hall, x " K. N. y.t.VSX, Kijjelit. - if. C.Minoi. Seri-ct:fry. McCOHIKIE POST 45 C. A. R- uostki:. J. V..IonvsoN- . ..Comimiiider. C. S. Twins Senior ice k a it r irs Junior oVokh::"?... Adjutant. M a ..on 1i xon Omccr of the jm . CH KI.E-S FOUD r-r. ' 'U;'rd i.r b(-ch1!'.k:S.. ..tiiarter Master ert. ,Vl'c-K8. r.J . . ...r. Ast Chaplain ilwetinir Saturday eftnnt PLATTSMOUTH BQARDOFTRADE I'resident 1st V ice President Jnd Vice 1'resident Secretary Treasurer ...Kobt. I. WiiHlhaui A. U. Todd Wm Neville F. Herrmann F. K. Culhinan ii it k. roits. .1. C. Klchpv. F. K. White. J ( I'atterson, .1 A. Conner. It. KNou, C, W. SUenaan, t. t.or d r. J. V. vieckbach. H.LPalmor&Son GENERAL INSUMNCE agents J:prese:it the fallowing time tite l :ml lire-testeJ cnmpanies: American tVutr.il-S-. Louis, As-eu Commercial ITnion-Knijland. " Fire AssK-!a,.hn-PbiIadelii!iia. Franklin-I'hiladelphla. " r Home-XeW York. " I us. Cj. of North America. Phil. " l.lvrpoo:.; lyou.lon & Globe-Rug " Krth'Brlt;sh MrtaKii!e-Ea " .ofvl.jti Ci;in-lii;s:iu!:d. : 2.u'uil;!d F. & M.-Sjiiiu-lield, " Sl.2.-..s,100 2.5SW.3I4 4,4 I3,5T S.llT.liKJ 7.8."5.5 9 g.lT.302 e.i;3;, .',578, 7H1 751 l'.i 15.406 Z, 044 .9 1.1 Tola! Ase?s,$I2.ll--,"4 LossBS Aijastel M Paid at tiiisAirwy WHEN YOU WANT W 01 DON Any HESLxnci CALL ON Ea. Iaarsonf Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. extractor and Builder SPOUT IX CALIFORNIA. SHOOTING JACK RABBITS WHILE RIDING AT FULL GALLOP. Pleasures of Hunting n the Cat-IOc CoaaL Voire of a Dying Ylrtlni Kxprrience of an Knttitsi:iH(lo Ki lislioian Laiwtoitiy an Anry lie nr. The following lay wo found liorses at the door nml a pack of hour.ds. "I am going to .Low you, cetillaincn," inid our host, "some California sjort after rr.y own ideas. Driu;; up the horses, Bob," to thouteJ, aI IJoh frrtljwith led up thm mustaugs. fully sad died, that apjiearrsl to li.ivo Ix-cn kept in the st.-.blo for mouths on u highly excitable diet for ur especial lieuctit. FiitiiH.tr wo iiKiunrcl. nad the host put his iiu;; at the feiico several times. Just to warm Inm ' Now, ;eiiUenicii," ho paid, i.s we loped uloii the hard road, "the country Ut hereaway is well supplied tvi'h j.n-k ral.-hirs. and the scii:,Itl'J is I ) l :' them din :l h h'uli ii lid tto:L tliem with tho riilr." T'.ic -ii,neI had nipplasl o.-: with ril!cs fl'id, l:!;e ccrt.-tiii I'ic-Ii tvie::iitis, ivj w-re in for it. Ti:a country was ;.iitly rolling, and we iiki:i came out into n w bru .li. with patches f cactus her-' and I'.iciv- All at once .i ma!l bro'.t ii creatire. with black c-rrs, dr.rlcd x . and in n laoiueut was away lil;o a lla.h. fiie hur.-es auat the infcctioM, and i:i a -i'i):iJ wetv upon a devl run, f ! y cra;:'d .vlth exeitenierii , sner'iii, their eyes bluzin, ml riiniiiu lil:" the wind. "Jjou!; iit fr Imlc.s!" k'.ioutrd the colonel, m his Loi'so tjok ii badger burrow. Cut. it v;is t late; ono tif tl:e nm-'tu's landed ;r.i- di-cp in a burrow, stopjied riiort, while i ho ridir Lept on. lie was rui old hand at tiii i s.rt f-f thin;.', however, and clearing hiui-sj-lf luticly landed mi his feet and ran tttvr.ty or thirty feet to return and examine tls- uiouut. Luckily, no louod were broke:i, and leaping jnto the Kiddlo the I'.cld iui tway :ijnin. The jack hatl i.;ii.;)cd in tho mean time, but another t".ti! lii place, and horses and riders were soon making the hard ground shake. To hit an animal so small ns a rabbit, at full run, with a rifle, was seemingly an impossibility, yet tho valiant eolouel (lid it. His horse took him within twenty feet of tle (lying1 jack, when, dropping tho line?, ho raised tho Jight weapon which had been hung iixn tho saddle, and in an offhand way flreiL The jack bounded three- feet into tho air like a bail, and fell, uioauin; like a child. 'rThe rifle was loaded w ith shot, colonel," shouted oi'Uiio pno. "Ono shot," laughed to poloupl, as hp stooped froirf the saddle an 4 picked up the game by tho cars. "It's mere praetiee; any pne can do it, but J will confess i Ji bocnftbQUt ten years getting into tho habit. There goes another 1" and away went the horses, who knew a rabbit half a mile away, and enjoyed the sjiort as much as the riders. Jacks appeared as if by magic; every bush seemed to afford cover for one or more. The sharp reports of relating rifles began to sound in rapid succession, and littln clouds f Juxt putfs hks Biooke rose cei'o and ihe:-o aTi'abdut'tbd flying' game; showing how 'diGl cult a thing it was to hit such a mark. "There is no use in trying to take accurato aim," said (he ".hot," as th l.cjrs s c.imo up and rounded to. "Jt is a matter of intniLion, I i'elier'e. T take no aim,' but point the rifle where; think the rabbit will be w hen the Lu'lcfc guts t hvrc, and In soino way thuy man age to make connection," TJidlng across country at such a speed in tho clear, bracing air was a most exhilarat ing sport, aud the excitement it caused was astonishing.' The horses fairly went mad. There is something unpleasantly human about the voice of a dying jack. Tha first I ever took hi coursing was in tho vallej', and my greyhound' "had started :to the east and gone 'out of sight. ' deep arroyo stopped my horse, and I was uding iq the raddle ttying to foilQiy her with lny eyes when 1 heard piercing screams and then moans from the road directly behind mo. Thinking that a child had been run ever or injured in some way, I dropped into the saddle and made for the road, to find my dog standing over a dead jack. She had circled and turned, him, and brought it to a finish immediately be hind me. Often when shot on the run the jack will utter a' piercing, half human shriek, and bound into the air to fall dead; so to an oversensitive ersou t'lo slaujrhtfv. of hun dreds is by uc m&ii4 a pleasant sight. As the hot sun bega to pour dwii we wended our way hue", to ttio ranch, and wbiled the time away listening to the yarns reeled oil by the colonel, whose experience had been rich and rac3'. 'Talking about sport," he said, "reminds mo of a llttla experience I had with an Englishman peine years ago up in 'the main range. lie came down from 'Frisco with a letter of introduction to me, and wanted to get ntQ the heart of tht big ganio country. It so happened that I had 400 or 500 head of cattle up a valley and a camp there; so I took him up and introduced him to half a dozen cowboys regular old timers and they guaranteed to show him all the bear he wanted. They got it into his head that it was unsportsmanlike to shoot a bear, and that it should be taken with a lariat; so he practiced with a ropo at steers, degs, slumps and men until he was a very fair hand at 'i$T and finally one day' went off on a" regular bear'hiint. ' " "It so happened that the boys knew whetf there ivas a large patch of wild grape thaf black bcaii are. fond of, and th,ey made for it, fairly sure to find one or more, and. sure enough they did- Coming down a little sidi canj'ou, they came out into J level spot, with a patch of trees covered with vines in tha center. Some of the dogs were put in, and in a few minutes out came an old brown bear, snariing and showing her teeth in a terrible fashion. '.Xow's your chance,' yelled, the boys, and ihejj ail stood back to give my new". Crieuq a chance. I tell you ho was' no slouch'; Vi put his horse up aj uear tho critter as ha would gp, and ritling around, dropped his, rope over the bem-'s hoi!ld',rs thfj luiiiuw she raroi tip. Whim she foU the rope she crabbed ct . but the pony settled back, then down she went, and h'gau Just what tho l-oys expected, the 'roiling' business. Over and over she wont, winding thj rope about her, getting snarled up, but coming lu-arer und nearer the pL:iy all tho time. The iony wrs th- Grst oe to tumble to it, tho Loys s iw, and bean t- saort aivt buck; but it was r.o ue, the o'.d bear Lept comiug, getting more a-.d more entangled svery moment, und finally tho ny tui-ied tail and besan to ili aff ' Ler, sh yeliluji aud wninicring ana ueratcmng gravel, rao corto crazed; and in this shapo they came to tho side of tho bill. Over tho horse went, buck ing, tho Englishman cussing things until they were blue. When half way down, the rope broke, and, fearing tho b,ear would get away, some of tho boys, who wore laughing themselves sick, put her out of her misery. The boys got rather left trying to fool tho follow us he showed so much pluck iu trying to stop the bear that they never tried any Sanies on him again. After a while they asked him what he proposed to do with the Lear after be got tho rope around him and then he saw the joke, and rather thought tho bear was catching hira." San l'xancisco Uhroniclo. A Floating Saw Mill. Ono of tho greatest novelties of a practical character which ingenuity has devised is thus deserilied by a Florida exchange: J. It. Maull & Hon have their mammoth floating saw mill' anrhored off the banks of Burton & Harrison's hammock. This struct ure is a marvelous piece of mechanical in genuity, and was built by J. AV. Maull and Edward, N. MhuIL It is 80 by 40 feet, and stands about live feet out of the water, draw ing only about seventeen inches. It is solidly built, and according to the judgment of Mr. Carl, an old time ship buildur, is capable of enduring tho severe strains of even tho waves of the ocean. The operation of all the machinery doe:s not seem to move the vessel any more than if it wus on the land. It has so far proved more of a success than its pro jector anticipated. It is equipped with a forty horse power boiler and engine, with tho latest improvements in saws ami carriages. A planer, head box und shingle saws are all on deck and connected by shafting concealed under deck, so that the main deck is freo from machines and available for tho piling up of immense quantities of lumber. la oim corr-.er of the veascl is tho cook house, Where' tho hands board, v Idle. ou the hurricane deck arc Iho cabin of tho proprietors and work men. 'They are now so situated as to have command of an unlimited, supply of ih jufgest nd aneht timber, and from points heretofore practically inaccessible. A saw mill callable of ino ing up und down stream seeking a supply of logs, uud thus bringing the mill to the product instead of vk:e versa, may o.Ter very valuable advantages, espe cially iu tho south. MnJo lienuiiful by Sutl'ei-iug. The beauty of life is in growing. The hap piness of lio is in striving. How many women in the world are there who have. cnljjC been made beautiful by suffering! Hoty many hearts have only grown' tender from having ached very hard. If is wbat we see of life and w hat we know and what we feel and what w; endoi o and sulTer that makes us beautiful. It is wanting things and hav ing to do without them that makes us gentle over tho needs of others. The beautiful women in this world are tho all but divine Marys and Marthas who have known what it was ' to sit all night alons with giief, who have broken htut hear; cvti' little woeai that Cithers could not knew nor unuerstaud; who have g6ue alone and ia the dark, each,' into her own Oethsemane, and there spen long hours in voiceless travail. Caiharin Colo in Kewr Orlo?.n3 l'i-jayuue. Styles in Xulies Collars, Collars, pro yjn iigh and low, the stand ing vQllar with round corners, the straight collar turned back at tho front of the jacket corsage and continuing thence in ho shape of i-evers, and the square sailor collar which leaves tho neck exposed. Is'ewer than any of these is n turned back collar of lace cr pleated gauze from two; ?.nd r hale to three inciiu 4esp ; the Jaco is -sewed to the, ihrierc edol the dress and turned back looselyj uotr 'tacked, about the ueck,, which, ia put ilowa a triH-ttJk the middlf of tbq fronj aricl tMAu - ' '' ' ' " ' " "' " " I'aris Liulles s I'hotograpners. Tho marriageable young ladies in aristo cratic French families are often at a loss as to how they are to employ the time between the final departure from the Ciaivents or th(i bo ruing schooU and the arrifal"of the" bridegroom. The bals-blancs, the diily rides, walks and drives in the Bois; the oc casional visits to the theatre and tho opera, the courses of water color, drawing, or tha matutinal" manipulation of the inevitable piano are not enough to fill up the leisure hours of French young ladydom. A new pursuit has accordingly been de vised for the occupation of the spare moments of blooming maidens who are awaiting what. Bon Jouson calls tho "GoMia Mntiimpuy.1 This is ho practice of photography,' and Tyq are assuied that' a photographic apparatus, is now fitted. up in the boudoir of pcajly every young heiress n th ncib j taubourg. Ffieudj, acquamiituc-ei, servauts and favoi' Ite dos are all faithfully photographed, and some of the fair votaries of the art are said to bo remarhr.Uy edroit in using their cameras, which are all constructed after the Eiost modern plau. Very recently, too, a young lady who was married "out" of the Faubourg naiat-Germsm received, among other contributions to btr corbeille de noces, or wedding presents, a costly cud uperb camera, - which, would tot l:avo been dis dained by I'adar himself. Home Journal. lie "Was Disliked. ?'I don't like Squildig," observed Mr. Snaggs. "."le's too temporizing." 'That's so," rejoined. Mr Snugga. "I've often, teen his temper rising." Pittsburg Chroniole-Telejrapo, s Slave Trade in Africa. The condition of the slave trade may be estimated w lien it is learned that Car dinal Lavigirie, archbishop, of Algiei'5 and partlia&e, has felt it to lje his duty to go to Eitroe to denounce" ts continu ation, lie has lately delivered most iuvi passionetl harangues from tho pulpit of S, Sulpice, Pariy, lie says that the evi dence is that 400,000 slaves are annually bold on the African ehores, and that, tak ing into account those killed in capturing them and the deaths from barbarous treatment, the slave trade counts 2,000, 000 victims every year. New York Sun. Think It Mr. Lazybones thinks it lucky we arc not centipedes, because it would bo such dreadful work to button on fifty pairs of boots every time we wished to take a walk. Youth'l Companion. DAUGHTERS OF EVE. Queen Victoria's favorite color is blue. Mrs. Cornelius Vunderbilt pays her physician $10,000 a year. Emily Faithful decries (lie "shabby genteel" idea that work is degrading for women. Miss Edna Dean Proctor lias given a drinking fountain to her natite town. Hentiilur, N. II. Miss Ames, daughter of the governor of Massachusetts, is said to look wonder fully lil; the Princess of Wales. "Jenny" h one of t lie baptismal names r.f the new empress c f Germany. That has a pleasant, homelike ;.o:;i;d. The dirth of ex-Empress ( ';ii lotta. of Jlexico. may o. cur at any !iio;:u !it in !'.e!;:MM!i. Sh. is r.; i'ily sinking and hss U-einne cnlirely helpless. S. fi.:iy-t':ree hsceinl.-uit.; llc- '-eci-a Xmi:.-". "the l io::r; wiioliof lfJ'.i-J." piri.l'-i.cd i;i her hoi.'nr at T.lanvors Cen ter. : 1:::-::., :e otlu-r (i;;y. Mia; Agnes .' e.vn !!t:ekv'!l. a 'r.:i-;':i-Icr .1' v. Af !' '.: i.. I':. . i' '. will, ..is i'.. .t t;- i.igli i .1 j.: i.'.-.. in :!:." -'iii'o (':::.-s" ;,1 (.': per Union at its late :;j'.i,i:.il e.':.ini:i;;l ii ;i. A m'!:i .i .1 if l:i)iisf!;;.t ping has been st;:vli"l :;i J!u;; .-,tls I y the Ciiin.U -s ui i'l..' -dcr.-:. 1 :'ty piiis there recti ve :. f !.i( : it ;: 1 traioi'i;; in !:;:; .-.t i eci::;)i.i y. m: !;:; ing. ciMjKing. Sin-ndiiig :.:ri laun deling. A?i I!:e.;i;j!!nr.M I'.u, dc-eriU'-: Q;:oen t: !i lhn f I.-a'v i;: u.- V;:A V::'A Ca :.'l' j: ' i L; 1' i':.i-,' i- so ; .e.M.; uc i.u y Ul- ::(-; i:.;; and i t :u i :i: tlr.it it ii.!;' In.-i'-;:g t;i a:,y i.L'i 1. -rn lady ui:l ia:.i!;! ! d ') . i-.i.' a' .si.-r.:-. i Ii-r ? miio, hvr !v. e r r. .lily w,r.!s :;:e .t-r!-'-i : tii oi ::1 ni;. o.i --r!.;,j e;(!iri' iiiv- un ic;!.'!.-. i j.. rit c!. iV.-.i oi a '.oval i:aiii:f." Tlie ,Io;::i:-.i !:i Ihivre has found the r.r'" de i:::!: . :n:r- ( i" llerMiiardt. si:.' w::., bur i i;i Ujivre. Her j , it 1 s- was the e;:;:'h: . ; i .i' ,s 1;, i l.n oeu-h:-;. ;;.) I !.er l'.:l!:s- v : : -. .v-'i : ti.-u t ..f.ic!i.l. v.-ho I;';,, ,nii emmit 'd sui cide. .':',!;.!; '.s origin:, 1 'u'l!.:- was 1 ':;. lie. 't .n.' i"; -;:i i.-.es of ti:e tiM ; lliui j-i u was Du:eh. iVince. s Irene f Ue.--..-, v!n. ::v: j-,:st ui'irried I'ripeu th-r.iy .' i'ru-;-;.!. Pa.; re i-ived a h;i;-.ngh h:use-.vife.s tr.iiiiiiig. S'i: ra.i f!".v, n.;d:e h-;et;'l. u:: l ; i vi iy t'.iiii;; :he would !i.:v::- to do v. ;,- she fated to l-cftiiuj the v. i:'e t-f a p-x.r num. AH the I'riiieivst.s t f 1 1 !.; v. ere trained in this was tiv tin. i i- mi.ihcr. Ihv l. t;' grand duclie.-s, daughter of tjiuvu Vi; toria. The French pn'sur t" we.r has de CidotJ ., 4iv, ati the ros ; i' the l.egi.n o Uonor to Idnie. Dronau at the coming July fete. Rise wm; the fniihi'iii .lieiid ant of the I'ift y-ri; h r-.-gfiiu-iit f ia faMiy dtieio be war .-f i'lK behaving with the tilmo'.t valor ihtrrng tl' i attlen about Mctz and atteii-iiu... u, the o'-H-Icors and tr.en, eveii when they were under a bpavy lite, until she was taken prisor.c-r. Preserv tho fivpini!ie,t Imtlm :rks. There is surprising rccJJessnes-? regard ing the preservation of monumeuts erected by the government surveyors tliroughout xot tlovest. T'htsurvever of hanvi;, coiiniy, Dakota, gives this (iniely warning in a local paper: I notice a lanu'iilaUo want ef caro of the govern refc;,t coiners among the farmers and landowners of the country. Where stakes existed they are rotted off, often pulled out and used for firewood; the mounds are erased by cattle or trayfl, the pits are filled up and c.bUU-iuted, and soon, if not already, t.o certain evidence will remain of their exact location. Now I need not enlarge on the very great import ance of preserving these points to mark on boundary Jinos. Residents, from tho east can lec-ail any amount of trouble arising from somo 4 "lost corner," doubts, disputes, liligiiiion and perchance a big surveyor's bill. Therefore, let every one of '.hese corners receive the prompt at tention necessary to make it dofhiito. und i permanent. Since erci Comer uts an individunht.3' o its own,' owing to the ioavkc.d "irVegulavities of the government surveys, it is a ftijstals e to think that a lost tiornev may readily be restored by nictisiirenieiits from adjacent corners. For enduring monumeuts I would sug gest a pointed .stone or iron rod, or where practicable plant a tree. To forestall any subsequent dispute two or more of the adjacent owners should unite in the planting of the corner. 1 would caution roadmasters against carelessness hi cle-. stroying or burying too. deeply these landmarks. Chicago Times. A Test pf fioxl Krectlincr. Traveling is ono of the severest tests of good breeding; and whoever leaves home to go to the seaside or to the mountains, does well to h-car this fact in mind. At the places of summer resort, Ux, people are more in danger of making disadvant ageous, or even objectionable, acquain tanceships than they are at their own homes, from the very fact that here all the v. orltl meets on a more familiar foot ing; and aa every person is a stranger to every other) people of doubtful character or reputation in their native places, often succeed iu passing themselves oil for what they are not, in the crowd of a watering place, All this is so thoroughly recognized at Newport and other large and exclusive summer resorts that a stranger, genteel or otherwise, w ill find great difficulty in. making any acquaintances among the 'summer people,'' as they are called. If he have no frien t introduce him, and bring na letter of introduction, he need not hepe to join iu the gayety which he sees around him. lie is only a specta tor, and probably leaves his hotel at the end of August, thoroughly disgusted with the inyiybie but lirpi ban ions which have excluded him from t!i ehavrueti circle. Demorest's ilonthlv. Real Estate Bargains KXAMINH Obit LIST. Cti.NSISTINU OK- CHOICE LOTS - I 2T Qf! ilk Uulilii I Uili 21 lots in Thompson'); addition. 40 lots hi Townsend's addition. Lot 10 block i:iS, lot r, block KM. Lot 1 block 0, lot (J block !i.". Lot 11, block ill, lot M, block ttl. LOTS IX YOCXi; AM) JAV ADMTIOX. Lots in Palmer's addition. Lots in Duke's addition. Improved property of all descriptions and in all pi is of the city on easy terms. A new and desirable residence in South Park, can be bought on monthly payments. lie fore purchasing elsewhere, call and see if we cannot suit you belter. 3Li XD S. .1 acres of improved ground north of (he city limits. o acres of ground adjoining .Smith Park. 2 acres of ground adjoining South Park. 1 acres of ground adjoining South Park, 20 acres near South Park: Pe i sec. 14, T. 10, U. 12, Cass county, price $1, 800, if sold soon. n w i sec. 8, T. 12, Ih 10, Cass Co., price 2,000 A valuable improyed stock fram in Merrick Co., Nek, 100 acrc3 and on reosonuble terms. Windham & Davies. Consult your best interests by Insuring in the Phrenix, 1 '(art ford or JEtna com panies, about which there is ne question ns to their high standing and" fair dealing. TORNADO POLICIES. The present year bids fair to be a dis astrous one from tornadoes and wind storms. This is fore-shadowed by the number of storms we hayo already had tfp most destructive one so far this year haviag occurred at Mt. Vernon, 111., where a large number of buildings were destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc currence more probable in 183S. Call at our ofiice and secure a Tor nado Policy, Unhivproved lands for sale or ex change. WINDHAM Da7IB8. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. llluU uilliui!. Dr. C A. Marshall. S0k U B,HTIST ! Preservation of uatural teeth a upeclalty. Cectli trtractal without jxttn liy uc of Laughing All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FnznKHKi.n'n II lock I'latthmouth, Nm DRS. CAVE & SMITH, "PainloGs Dontiste." Tin only lientlM in tlie West eoritrolliif; thin New System f Kmi'hi-I inu nml ! Iillni 'lee III ill I I . O. k . .- , "hiii'iii i.ini. liin MiuieKi niiic in en tirely free from CIILOKOFOKMOni.THEK AND IS A1SSOI.L"! fcl.y Harmless - To - All. TnL?. !xVjiT.l,'trii',il,nH.,iitU,M Inserted " "". I'leservHllou of tlie natural teeth a specially. GOLD CROWNS, GOLD CAPS, BRIDGE WOM. The very llnest. meeln Tnlon Uluek, over iiiv Vllli.rup JiHIlK, "ljxtt-i5a.-va.tir. 3rO 1 Win. Horold & Son ron Dry Goods. Notions Coots and Stioes or Ladies and Uciits FURNISHING - GOODS. lie keeps as large and as well SBLECTITTj stogie Ah ean lie foinnl any plaee hi Hie city and rnak joii i'i n r i u iy eeiii(r in inn. Aj;enUlur Harper's Mm Patterns and Call's Corsets. Watclios ! Watoiios I K. M. GAULT lias moved mid is now in the Sherwooa room, Cor. "ith nnd Main Sts., where he is better i.ble to show his Large Stock of Watches, CLOCKS A1TD JEVy'ELKY ! Than ever before, and will an un imliiri. ment sell you AVatches way down. Call and ret the Snecial Prices in (Je.bl Wtr li. " - es; it w ill sui prise you. A Pull Line of tnc iM'st styn s ot. Jewelry ami Silverware. Ibpaiiing will he given Special Atten tion. All work warranted te cive salis- f act ion. C. F. S M I T H, The Boss Tailor. T.liin Sr., Over Merges' Slu e .Store. Jfj-lti flie lt(i.f auA tnrict tf'tfintti1..f. tfnr-lr of samples, both foreign ami elomestie woolens that eve;r came west of Missouri river. Note these prices: IJusiness snita from &1; to ft:?.-;, dress suits. 2. to 4- pants $4. ri, r;, r,.,0 nnd upward. Y ill guaranteed a fit. Prices Defy ComPetiliQ"- -. o s - - Pi T. 3 i op 8?td i u ? W Gr. B. KEMPSTER, Practical Piano anil Organ Toner AND KEPAinr.I'.. First-class work guaranteed. Also deal er in Pianos and Organs. Ofiice at Boec-k' furniture store, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. B. A. M. Time Table. GOIVO WMT. No. 1. 1 :50 a. m. No, 3. :40p, m. No. 5. rfiS a, m. No. ".7 :45 p. rn. GOI'CJ FAST. No, 2. I .5 p. rn. No. 4. io a. in. No. 6.-7 :13 p. m. No. 8.-9 :) a. m. No. 10. 9 :i5 a. In, No. 8.-6 :17 p. m. All tralcs run dailv bv wav of Orniaha. exce.t No. 7 and 8 which run to and from tcliujler, daily exc pt Sunday. No. 30 is a stub to Pacific Junction at 8 .n Mo. 19 is a stub from facilic Junction H-tv Ui i i i id r i 1