THE DAILY IlEttALD: 1'LATiaaiOU lii, ruSiutAsKA, SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1S88. The Platts'mouth Daily Herald. KNOTTS BBO S., Publishers & Proprietors. THE rLATTSMOUTn llEttALtt I published every evening except Sunday and Weekly every Thursday morning. ltegis tered at the postonice, riattsmoutli. Nebr.. as second-class matter. Olllee corner of Vine and Fifth streets. TERMS FOR DAILY. One copy one year In advance, by mall $6 oo One copy per mouth, by carrier 60 One copy per week, by carrier, 15 TERMS FOR WEBKLV. One opy one year. In advance $1 0 i n oi v all months. In advance 73 NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR l'UKSIOKNT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, of Indiana. FOR VIC E PREMDEST, LEVI P. MORTON, of New York. Mil Blaine has been coaching through England and Scotland at the expense of Mr. Carnegie. Journal. We suppose the Journal measures its readers' intelligence by its editorial stand ard. Such watery falsehoods are wor thy the barroom loafer. When a democratic Journal gets "so far gone" on the tariff question that it refers to the difference between England and Mexico in industrial affairs as an ar gument why free trade should be adopted iu this country it is high time for the in sane commission to sit, The matter should not be postponed, Mr. Showaltcr do your duty. Those who are crying free whisky to the republicans will please read the fol lowing: "We declare for the immediate abolition of the internal revenue system, whereby our national government is de riving support from our greatest national vice." Prohibition Platform. "If there shall still remain a larger re venue than is requisite for the wants of the government, we favor the entire re peal of the internal taxes rather tlan sur render any part of our protective system at joint behest of the whisky trust and the agents of foreign manufacturers." In the face of tlu? above how silly and nonsensical the cry of f re,i whisky lie comes. A man who has the of fairness in JiU make-up, will cease to use it in an argument. TnE Journal wants to know why Mexico is not better off than it is, as it is a high tariff country. "We will answer: Twelve years ago Mexico did not have a tariff that would support her government, laborers only eot 12 cents per day. .Since she has taxed everything 100 per cent, she has commenced to build manu facturies, the country is prospering and labor has tribled an the cheapest labor that can be had today is 37 J cts. per day. and if she keeps up her high tariff, rail roads will be built and ni an a far: Juries will rise up and it will be one of the grandest countries on the face of the globe, so much for high tariff and pro tection. The Journal seems to immagine that the working men of Plattsmouth are not right bright. From a free trade fact he states hiit proposition that "the object of protection is to raise the price on manu factured goods." The Journal ought to know tetterthan this. The working men know better. Then the Journal farther says the working man has nothing but labor to sell. "Well suppose he has nothing but his labor to sell; the Jour nal would destroy that value to the working man and it is that commodity that the republican party defends. In tlefending it, both the man that labors and the man that hires and pays have got to be protected. Does the democratic party propose to keep out the cheap la bor of Europe ? Not much ! It is in different on that score. The working men of this country understand that un less the manufacturer is protected their wages go down to the English scale and that the necessaries of life will cost them then, just as much, with that low scale, as it does today with almost double the Englishman's, wages. No amount of hog-wash will get the Amerian working man's attention from the main question and fool him into cutting his own throat by supporting a party that says our home markets should be broken down. The working man becomes very much fatigu ed by such arguments. HOW FT WOItKS. In answer to many inquiries regarding the permanency of cures wrought by St. 'v Jacobs Oil to which publ.c attention has fem specifically called in many varied forms, the following serves as a most ex cellent example of how the great remedy performs its miracles and what is meant by a permanent 'cure. Hundreds have testified to the same effect. Mr. J. E. Bonsall, Prothonotary New Bloomfield, Perry Co, Pa., in 1881 was permanently cured of rheumatism. From the age of 15 to 43 about 2 J?rs, he had suffered acutely at times from that dre"al disease acd at the date specified, he was perma nently cured by St. JscobV Oil. In proof ' of i'Js, fcs writes in 1823 fcs Las had no reoccurrence of rheumatic pains since his relief in 1881. Again in April, 1888, he writes as follows: . "My health con tinues good; uo return of rheumatism since 1881 when cured by St. Jacobs Oil. I receive lettters from all parts asking about my miraculous cure after 30 years suffering. " HE'S NO JJEJIOOOOUE ! OH NO I To repeal the internal revenue tax is to act in the interest of monopolies, says the Journal. The stupidity of such an as sertion renders it almost a misdemeanor to notice it. A tax on the foreigner who seeks our markets with his wares is in fa vor of monopolies, while the direct war tax on home productions favors the peo ple; and the man who perpetrates his chestnut on the suffering public claims to teach the people great truths touching the industrial question of the hour? IIlri!V NiL.n t:r Dr. Redurd has ii:Mi'.i.i',at ?il Tar'.t Academy of Mo.!.ci:u simo .;:-er-;:'.i:-i rv tho !i:iva:;L of t'aa s'.:in of li:riL i'or grafts on ivouiul.t of human l-i'in.ri. 11. t::kcs tho skisi from brsiiMt.'i tho wi.rj f n c-liirLen, carefully Mcuri:i;j ilio .' n!ij iiv:it .-! lular tissue, but avoiii:.g lLo ::dio.o tis-iio. T1k transplanted tissues varied from u i.xtli to ft third of an inch i.i tizo, and tin y w i rc maintained in p-.ilji! by means of a little cotton wool aid iodoform fcaoi'u. 'j'lie skin of birds and fowls lias the advi;tugti of be sunpli, delicate mid vascular, and is readily adapted to lln surface of a wound, where it adheres without u!ider;;oii abxorp tio:u In u casu of SL-vero bijr;) of tho scalp of eilit months' standing i:i a child ti years old lie obtained rapid cicatrization by mean jf grafts from a fowl. Tho trend iiiea.s!ired :i ineliej by ','' j, iitM I'ui.'ip'eu-ly healed in two months. Doto:i limine!.., A Way to Ke-; riottei-a. At a recent horticultural wetinpf exhibited i. it glass l!ilt;J will) water lilted with a wide and fl it stopper. To (he stopK-r the flowers tvero attache-! and .I:v; carefully introduced into the water in the frl-tito, tho stopper co.noli te! V filling the .iioutn o; tho globa and lK-injj wide enough io stand safily. tnj'.nbijj the whole ar .uiigoiuetit so that it stood oil Hif, '."pocr, ins (lowers were loft completely surround-d by water. The water nviniiied tho flowers ami a pleasing opt leal illusion is tho result. Klowff.ii I'mm ju;:i:yrsel wiit keep twice as long as tboa in the -r-Dtyit Free Press. &trycliiiino vs. Alcohol. According to reccut experiments strychnine undoubtedly neutralizes the intoxicating and ua;'.ftoti,j effects of alcohol. It enables large quantities pf o te,o)iol to bo taken for n considerable btretclj of ii.'iiv without causing tho usual organic lesions y hich' fotJo v, vtUo iif) of alcohol alono. Therapeutically, jcVyvi tiine should le used in all forms of alcohol ism ; jt may be regarded as a powerful pro pbyliitrtflrf 'ftgans'fc Hi.vibolisjn. Frank Les lie's. ' ' Talking: to a Severed Head, Tho experiment of talking to the severed bead of a victim of the guillotine immedi ately after the knife has fallen has been tried over again afc Bone, France. The doctor seized the head as it fell from the guillotine and spoke a few words to it. He aJJeges that from the movements of tho man's eyes and mouth he is certain that the bead undei-stood and tried to reply. Chicago Herald, Quick Fencing for Railways. Railway pompanies in Australia, after ex perimenting witli various kinds of "quick fencing for railways, especially vdth a view to keeping out snow drifts," have ietted upon hedges of the "rose of Providence." f$ ;s6aid that a fence 6 feet high and 3)f tbiiHs wllj check snow drifts. The blossoms are salabio, ami fr? jbJ fence is profitable. New York Sun. l)iI It iu Self Defense. VTitn This is a pretty hour for j-ou to be coming lionuc It has just struck 12. (The haslxind begins litatlng tho clock with his cane.) Xow, what ai-e yoa beatiug th clock forr Husband Ti:c clock (hie), confound jt, the clock struck first. Flieo;jdu JJlaetter. Hard Wood from Soft. A patent material said to have all th properties of lignum vitre is prepared in I;ilsic, !y .f. Stockbardt, from ordinary ioft wood. The wood firs; impregnated with oil, then subjeebjd to greac pieisura, causing u considerable increase iu density. Arkausaw Traveler- In the trial of the jockey, TTood, 3r Charles Russet, made the statement that only two jockeys on th English turf Lavs unblemished reputations. "Paradise," by Tintoretto, is the' largest painting in the world. It is 84 feet wide, U3) feet high, and is fiqyr In the Doge's palace, Venice. $500 Reward. "We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Li yer Pill3, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to ive satisfaction. Large boxes containing 30 e?!gar coated pills, 2oc. For sale by all drugjsts. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. Tfce genu ine manufactured only by John O. Weii & Co., 802 W. Madison St. Chicago, Its Sold by W, J. Warrick. Job work dona j short notice at he Herald office. A Warning. The modes of death's approach are va rious, and statistics show conclusively that more persons die from disease of the hroat and lungs than any other. It is probable that everyone, without excep tion, receives vast numbers of Tubercle Germs into the system and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop, at first slowly and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat and if allowed to continue their ravages they extend to the lungs produc ing Consumption and to the head, caus ing Catarrh. Now all this is dangerous and if allowed to continue will in time cause death. - At the onset you must act with promptness; allowing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and may loose you your life. As soon as you feel that something is wrong with your throat, lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Bos shee's German Syrup. It will giye yon iaz:- I'is relief. f ' - . REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. The republicans of the United States, assem bled by their deligates In national convention. pauBe in the threhold of their proceed Ings ttt honor the memory ot their first ureat leader ami Immortal champion of liberty and the rights of the iieople, Abraham Lincoln, and to cover also with wreaths f Imperishable re-tiipinlirnni-n mid trriOitiule the heroic names of inur later leaders who have been more recently called away Iroin our councils, tiranr. tiariieiu, Arthur, ltjan ami Coiiklintr- May Ibelrmeiii ories be faithfully cherished. We also recall with our greeting and prayer for bin recovery the name of one of our living heroa whose memory will be treasured In the history both of republicans and of the republic. The name Is that of the noble eoldier and favorite child of victory. Philip H. Sheridan. In the spirit of those great leaders and of our devotion t-i human liberty, and with that hos tility to ad forms of despotism ai.d oppression which Is the fundamental idea of the republi can party, we eend fraternal connratulatioiis to our fellow Americans of Jirnzll upon their lireat art of emancipation which completed the abolition of slavery thronhout the two American continents. We earnestly hote we may eoon congratulate our fellow citizen of Irih birth upon the peaceful recovery of home rule for Ireland. WK A FKI KM OUR r.NSWRBVlKd DEVOTION to the national constitution and to the Indis soluble union of staten to the autooumy re served to the states under the constitution, to the personal riglits and liberties of citizens In all alaten and territories in the union and es pecially to the supreme and sovereign right of every citizen, rich or poor, native or foreign born, white or black, to cast one free ballot in the public elections ami to have that ballot duly counted. We hold a free and honest pop ular ballot and lust and equal representation of all people te be the foundation of our re publican government and demand effective legislation to Kccure the Integrity and purity of elections which are the fountains of all pub lic authority. We charge that the present ad ministration av.d the democratic majority in congress owe their existence to the suppression of the ballot by the criminal nuIlillcat:on of the constitution and laws of the United States, We are iincrompromisingly in favor of the American system of protection. We protest against the destruction proposed by the presl dent ,u;d hfs party. They serve the interests of Europe WK WILE. RUpi'ORT INTlCaFpJS O? AMKBIC'A. We accent the issue, and contideirtJy appeal to the people for their judgment. The protective system must be maintained. Its abandonment has always been followed by ueneral disaster In all interests except those of the umurer unit soer;;f We denounce th,? 5!ills' bill as destructive to general business. labor, and the farming inter ests of the country, and we heartily endorse the consistent ami patriotic action of the re publican representatives in congress in oppos ing its package, We condemn the proposition of the democratic pariy to place wool on the free list and insist- that the duties (hereon tha i be adjusted and maintained so as to fur pbh full and adequate protection to that iu-oii-Uy. The republican part tvojild effect all needed i eduction of th national revenue by repealing the taxes on tobacco, which are au arrogance and burden to agriculture, and the tax upon spirits used in the arts and for mechanical pur poses, and by such revision of the tariff laws as will tend to check imports o: such articles as j.'e nroduced by our people, the production of Auu iji.'s employment to our labor, and re lease fio'm iihpj.v'es these articles of for eign production, except jwuiie;, the like of which cannot bt produced af home, i-,iieie V;r,!l si ill remain a Jari-er revenue than is reoididie for the wants of government, of internal taxes lather I han surrender any part of our i rotec 11e.y'tepi at tbe joint behe st of the whisky Hf)g ap'd atfpprs pjt foreign manufacturers. AGAINST pAJL'fFii Aj'f LAftpR TRJTS'S. We Ccolaro tiost'iUU b the ji.trpd'fiction mto this country of foreign contract iapor anfl pf C hinese labor alien to our civilization tunl our constitution, and we demand the rigid enforce ment of existing laws against it and favor such immediate legislation as will exclude such la bor from our shores. " W2'je.ar3 o:r opposition to all combii.a I'ons of i-AtMaJ nrj'.:ik. -J ':i frsts or other wise to control arbitrarily tfi oJJtlon ot trade among our citizens and we recfiinmend io congress and the state legislatures In their respective jurisdictions such legislation as will .-;j.'f.!it the execution of all schemes to oppress bVe'Pef hy undue charges on their supplies ot I;y unjust' yitif for t.'ie transportation of theii' product to piarkv,: ' r we appvovp legislation by fo pre vent alike unjust biu'dep.j and unfair d:spntn ination betweon states. I'UBMt? LAND LKOISLATION. We reafilrm the policy of appropriating the public lands of the Ohited States to be home steads for American citizens and settlers not aliens, which the republican party established iu isr.2 against the opposition of the democrats cbnr .ss, hieh has brought our great western' domain irt,J nar.'leent de velopenient. The restoration ot uh.eaVned iand grants to the public domain for the use of ac tual settlers, which was begun under the ad ministration of President Arthur should be continued. We deny that the democratic party liaa evpr restored one acre to the people, but declare iw by the joint action of republicans wild deiooiraH aoout nity in.llioa acres of un earned land, oifeinaljy grafted' foi- tne -coa-stmction of railroad, have lpe)i rstorejl to the public domain in of conditions inserted by the republican party in the oi initi al grants. We charge t' democratic adminis tration with lailure to execute laws seen ring to i-it-.3i-3 title to their homesteads and wltn us ing afjpi'op;.ia.' I.ons nade for that purpose to harass lnnocenr titnueta spies anu piose cutious under the false pYeecns cf exposing frauds and vindicating the law. - v admission of territories, TJ;a government by congress of the territor ies is based upa necessity only to the end that they inay become states m tl;a union; there fore, whenever the copilitioiis of population, piaterial resources, public "intelligence and plurality are sucl) as o insure stable local gov ernment thereii) tlje people of such territories should be permitted, a runt inherent in them. to form for themselves constitution state governments and be admitted Into the union. Pending preparation for statehood all otticers thereof should be selected trom bona tide residents and citizens of the territory tt herein tney t;e to serve. South Dakota should of right be i:mrdUiely admitted as a state in the union under the con dilution framed and adopted by her people, and we heartily en dorse the action of the republican :sfenate in twice passing bills for her admission. 1 he re fusal of the democratic house of . representa tives, 'or part Van purposes, to favorably con sider these IhIU s a willful violation of the Mai-red American principle pf local 3.eb-goyeru-meut, ami merits the copdempaiiop df all jiist men. '1 he pending bills in the senate for acts lo enable tlie people of Wtshington, North liakota and Montanna territories to form onn stituliom and establish state governments should be passed without unneces-ary delay. Die republican party pledges inself to do all in Us po-r fo facilitate the admission of the ter ritories of Ne, Mexico. Wyoming. Idaho and Arizona to the cnjojmenf fit self-government as States.' Such of them a. aie' quallijetl as soon as pn.ssiblc.and otliers as s'aon as tbey jnay beconie so. ffiK MORM0X QfESTION. The rulitiel now.:r of tliA Mo.mon church in the territories as exercised In il pat ' a inenanee tr free limtitutions too dangerous to be long suffered. Therefore tte pledge the re publican party lo appropriate legislation, asserting the sovereignty of the nation in all the territoiies where the same is questioned, and in furtherance of that end to place upon the statute bonk legislation stringent eaor;gJ; to divorce political from ecclesiastical power1: auj tjr.; stamp out the attendant wickedness of polygamy. The republican parly is hi jaor t,t the use of both gold and silver as money, and con demns the policy of the democratic adminis tration m it efforts to demonetize silver. We demand the reduction of letter postage to i j.t per ounce. In a Huio:;rs. where the citizens Is the sovereign and the oiiU;i! the servant, where no power is exercised except oy the v- ill of the people. H is im;Krtaiit that the sover eign people should possess intelligence. The free school is the promoter of that intelligence which is to preserve us a free nation. There fore, t lie state or nation, or both ennbined. should support free institutions of learning Hutlicient to "Itord to every child growing up In the land the opportunity of a good comiuon eer.ool education, OUR MKROHAJIT MARINE. We earnestly recommend that prompt action be taken in ci.Dpiess in the ei actment of such legislation as will best secure the rehabilita tion of our American merchant, marine, and tve protest against the passage by congress of a lree ship bill as calculated to work injustice to labor by lesseidcg the wages of those en gaged in preparing materials as well as those directly eihployed in ;ur shipyards. We de mand appropriations lor tlie KHfiji rehoilding of our navy, for the construction of const fortilirations and modern ordinance aiid bther approved modern mean9 of defense-for the protection of our defenseless harbors and cities. for tbe payment of just pensions to; our soldiers, for necessary works of national im lortanA Id the Improvement of the harbors and channels of Internal, osstwtser an 4 irel etmiueie?, for Lite en?z? frt if the shipping interests of the Atlantic. Gol? and l'aciflc states as well as lor the payment of the maturing public debt. This policy will give employment to our labor, activity to our various industries, increased security to our country, promote trade, open new and direct markets for our products and cheapen the cost of transportation. We alllrm this to be far better for our country than toe democratic policy of loaning the government's money without interest to "pet banks." FORRION RELATIONS. The conduct of foreign affairs by tho present administration has been distinguished by inef ficiency and cowardice. Having withdrawn from the senate all pending treaties effected by republican admlnistratioi s for the removal of foreign burdens and restrictions upon our coinmeice and for its extension into a better market, it has neither affected nor proposed any others In their stead. Professing adher ence to the Monroe doctrine, it has seen with Idle complacency the extension of foreign in fluence in Central America and of foreign trade everywhere among our neighbors. It has re fused to charter, sanction or encourage any Americau organizytion for constructing the Nicaragua canal, a work of vtal importance to the maintenance of the Monroe doctrine and of our national influence in Central and Smith America, and necessaiy fo' the development of trade Willi our Hacilic territory, with South America, and with the further coasts of the Pacific Ocean. KJSIIKKIKS QUESTION. We arraign the present democratic adminis tration for its weak and unpatriotic treatment of the fisheries question, and its pusillanimous surrender of all privileges to which our fishery vessels are entitled in Canadian ports under the treaty of 181s, the reciprocate niarin tine legislation of lt30 and comity of nations, and which Canadian fishing vessels receive in the ports of the United States. We condemn the policy of the present administration and the democratic majority in congress towards our tiisherics us unfriendly and couspiciously mi patriotic and as tending to destroy a valuable national industry and an iudispenslble resource of defense against foreign enemy. The name of American applies alike to all citizens of tbe repabli. and imposes upon men alike the same obligation of obedience to the taws. At the same time citizenship is and must be the panoply and safeguard of him who weais it, should shield and protect him whether high or low, rich or poor, in all his civil rights. It should and must afford him protection at home ap.d follow and protect him abroad in whatever laud he may be on a lawful errand. CIVIL SERVICE RKFORJrI. The men who abandoned tbe republican par ly in 18S4 and continue to adhere to the demo cratic party have deserted not only the cause of honest government, but of sound finance, of freedom .and purity of the ballot, but espec ially have deserted the cause of reform in the civil service. We will not tall to keep our pledges because ti ey haye broken theirs, or because their candidate has broken bis. We therefore repeat our declaration of isst, towit : The reform of civil service auspiciously begun under republican administration should be completed by afurther extension of th reform sstem already established by law to all grades of tbe service to which it is applied. The spir it and purpose of reform should be observed In all executive appointments, and all laws at varience with the object of existing reform leg islation should be repealed, and that the dan gers to free institutions which lurk in the pow er of official patronage may be wisely ana ef fectively avoided. The gratitude of the nation to the defenders of the union cannot be assured except bv laws. The legislation of congress should conform to the pioduS m'ide by a loyal people, and be so enlarged, and extended a io proy'de against the possibility that' any jnaa who honorably wore the federal uniform shall become an in mate of an almshouse or dependent on private charity. In the presence of an overflowing treasury it'would ba a public scandal to-do less for tposa wliosij valorous service preserved the govern me;it. VVe denounce the boj.file spirit siiown by ''rcsiUept 'Cje'eland hi U nuiaerotis vetoes of measures lor pension relief, a,id the action of tbe democratic house of representa tives in refusing even consideration of general pension legislation. In support of the principles herewith enun ciated, we invite the co-operation of patriotic "ien of all parties, i specially of all working Mien wjio.'a p.psperi'y is seriously threatened by the free trade policy. of tue .jraut admin istration, 'i.i..,. Republican State Convention. The republican electors of the state of Nebraska &re requested to epd dejegates from their several counties to meet in convention at the city of Lincoln Thurs day, August 23, 1888, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the following state offices. VSoyerPi.;, Lieutenant Governor. Secretary of State. State Treasurer. Auditor of Public Accounts. 4-tt.orney feaW- Coaimissionor of Public Lands and Buildings. And the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before the convention. THE APPORTIONMENT. The several counties are entitled to re presentation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for Jlon. Samuel Maxwell, judge, In 1887, giving one delegate at large to each cpupty, apd for eaph JS0 votes, and major fraction thereof: ? COUW'f KB. VOTES. COUNTIRS. VOTK8. Adams i-i Johnson 8 Antelope ! Kearney 8 Arthur 1 Keyha I'aha 5 Hlaiue 2 Keith 4 Boone s Knox 7 Box Butte 4 Lancaster 25 Brown...' ;i Lincoln 8 Buffalo 14 Logan.. 2 Lutler y Loup 3 Burt :. .. .. :i Madison. 8 Cass . : ..It; McPherson 1 Cedar Merrick 7 Clis,3 5 Nance 5 Clinvry..". .'.'.... r Nemaha... 9 Cheyenne .."....1! Nuckdls u Clav ...V Otoe...'. .....12 Co;f.ix 7 Pawnee 8 Cuming 7 Perkins 5 Custer 17 Pierce 4 Dakota 5 Polk 6 Dawes 7 Platte 10 Dawson s Phelps 7 Dixon f. Bichardson. 12 Dodge Bed Willow 7 Dousrlase... 27 Saline 13 Dundy ." ...-4 Sarpy. ... . '. 5 Fillmore ; 10 Saunders... -....12 Franklin :.'J Seward lo Frontier :....Q Sheridan.. 7 Fui has '. ...'. ....... 9 Sherman 7 cage. siopx 2 Gariield.',. .".',. 8 tan ton.... 4 Gosper 6 Thayer 7 Grant 1 Thomas. 2 Greeley 4! Valley 6 Hall 11 i Washington 9 Hamilton 10 Wayne 5 Harlan Webster 9 Hayes 4! Wheeler 3 Hitchcock 6; York 11 Holt. .14: Howard.. Jefferson Total ... 671 It is recommended that no "proxies be admitted to the convention except such as are held by persons residing in the coun ties frpm which the proxies are giyen. To Chairmen pounty peutral Commit tees: " Whereas, At the republican state con vention held at Lincoln October 5, 1887, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the state central com mittee be instructed to embrace in its pall for the next state convention the submis sion of the prohibition question to there publican voters at the republican pri manes, Therefore, in accordance with the above resolution, the several county cen tral committees are hereby instructed to include la their call fpr their next county convention the snbnii&iion pf the prohi bition question to the republican voters at the republican primaries. Gf.q. D. Meiklejohn, Chairman 7aw. II, Cr-rjjtY, Eepretary. 1 - - - t : Eureka Meat Market. T. J. THOMAS, W HOLESALE AN1 Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Fouiliy. Z invito all to givo mo a txiol. Sugar Cured Meats, Hams, V.tucn, LnrJ, etc., etc. Fmh O.ubis in ( i n m d I'ulk at lowest Hying prices. Do not fail to trivc me ycur J iitiiMif.e. T. T. THOMAS. DEALER IN STOVES, FURNITURE, -AND ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS. -LATEST W2NDOW KEPT CONSTANTLY ON UANi, PICTUREFEAHE3 MADE TO OSIIDEIl SIXTH STREET, LET. MAIN AND VINE. FLAT! f-MOL'J n, M P, FURNITURE iMPQRiUM. FOR ALL CLASSES OF FINE :-: FURNITURE YOU SHOULD CALL ON VJierp a magnificent stock of Goods and Fair JVippSi nboiirn. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY HENRY BOECK CORNER MAIN AND SIXTH Be que Will call ycur attention to the fact that they are headquarters for all kinds of Fruits and Vegetables. We are receiving Fresh Strawberries every Orangesj Lemons arid Eanancs constantly cn hand . Just received, a variety of Car.ned Scurs. We have Pure Maple Sugar and r.o mistake. BENNETT & TUTT. Jonathan Hatt. JffiUAMA M MATT & WHOLESALE .ITD RETAIL COTY SWEAT RjaARKET. PORK PACKERS and dealeks in BUTTER AND EGGS. BEEF, PORK, MUTTON AND VEAL. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. ALWAYS ON HAND. Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c, Lc of our own majte. Tlie lest brands of OYSTERS, in cans and Jjulk, ni WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ? . HEALTH IS WEALTH ! f)r. E. p. West's Nerve and Brsin Treatment a iu:iranee specific for' JJvsteria Xiziness. Convulsions. Fits'. Nervop3 Neuralgia, Head nolie. Nerveous Wostratlon caused ly the life of alcohol pr tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental le prejon, Softening of the Brain resulting iu in sanity and leading tn misery, decay and death, -remature old Age, Barrenness, 1osb of Pow er in either sex. Involuntary LcsneB aud 8per niatorrhaa caused by over-eertion of 1 tie brain, telfabuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one mouth's treatment, $1 00 a box or six boxe.s for $5.00, sent by nail prepaid 00 receipt of price WE GUAB AKTEE SIX BOXES To cure any cae. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied itli S5.O0, we will send the purchaser our written guaran tee to return the money if the trt-atment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by Will J. WanicK sole aenj. Flattsnioutli. Neb. Flre Insurance written In the Itnm. hanixn4llart9rl by &mm rut; ;!3LlgltR EATM ENT RETAIL DEALER IN KINDS OF- STYLES OF- CURTAINS PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA T 11 J. W. AIaktiiis. Tliestandaid nnitdy for liver rem-' plaint is West's Livtr Pillf; tlify ucvtr disappr int you. 30 ju'lls SSc. At Wfir rick's drug store. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at Law. Will give prompt attention to all bin-ibes tn trusted' to him. Oillc In Union Block, Kast side, l'lattsmouih. Neb. JULIUS FEFPEREEFG. MAKCFACTriiEK OF JiSD WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN TnE Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor de Pepperbergo. cr.d 'Ct FULL LINK ' TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' " Jway in ttocb. I"