The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 28, 1888, Image 1

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cruv officios.
W K Fox
- Jamkm Patterson, jk.
- liVKO.V Cl.AlIK
. S currouo
W It
Police Judge,
Councllitien, 1st ward,
2nd "
3rd "
4th. M
) I) M .Ion kk
UK, A Nlltl'MAN
) M H Mil It PHY
i CIX O'C'O.NNOlt.
1J W Johns n,Chaiumam
Board Pub. Work Khk.i Ookokk
TlKH. PoLM.ejK
W. U. Tool,
John M. 1,kvia
A. Makoi.k
, C. KyssitiA.
muj Treasurer, -
lftuty Clerk,
Itecorder of Heeds -Deputy
Clerk t District Co.trt,
Attorney. - "
;,lf.:f ti;t. School.
I " " Tiattsmouth
Weeping Water
A.TJ. 1odi. Ch'irt.,
A. 15. Dl . KSO.V,
L-every Tue-lay evening f each "eck. ,At''
traiMifiU brothers are re-ptctfully luvlled to
attend. .
1 o. K.. meet every alt.-ri.ate 1 n; ay
p... ! i.w.i,t!t lo t:e Maome ll-tH- Visiting
fc-'uilter ae m vibidtofctM 'ti.j-
reiuYo lodok no. s. a. o. u. w.-mhs
1 evrry altemat Friday evcHi-c at k. of I -Transient
brother are respectfully m
vU. toitte..'l. F.J. Morgan. MasrVorkmoi . ;
K K. i...M.,.. l-.;.cni:.a;if-.nl5 tyjtwtf. "f
ifch'V. liowi.n,' Uut.le i Choi llOUMWorttl.; II. J. Johnson. Financier ; W a-li.
Smith, Uc.-lver; M. Majbrlgbl. i at JJ.
jiick Daugbt-rty, IliS'dC uuaiu.
mill fttnrth Mon-
day eveiiiu at K. ot P. hall. AU transient
t'ov!i!er, V fdOr:iMrt Consul;.. H , Nile,
Worthy Adviser ; S. C. ilde, Hanker ; . A.
lioeck, Cleik.
IiLAxrsMourn lodce no. . A. o. it. v
Mpft every alternate Friday evening at
llovkwi.od hall at 8 u'cmcK. All transient broth
vij iwe respectfully Invited io attend. I.. .
j,.-r.iOii, M.- W. ; F. lioyl. Foreman : S. C.
Wilde, P.c-iiordr ; Leonard Anderson. Overseer.
11.A TTSMOUTII LODtJE NO. 6, A. F. ft A.M.
1 Meets on the flrt and third Monday I
each montli at their hall. All transient broth
els are cordially Invited to meet with ijj.
j. (i. iaciiKV, . m.
Wm. Hats. Secretary.
i Meets seemid and fourth Tuesday of eacli
,u .. M-inmi'i. Hull. Transcient brothers
" .
are invited to meet with us. whitk jf p
"Vm. Hays. Secretary.
.'.'ON CO,MMAl)Ai:y, M). 5. K. T.
Meet Tir.-.t arid third Weflnesday ol
j":itli month t Maso .'a hall. Vlsitint; brother.
.ri i-.oniially invited to iiieet willi ii.
t. II f. Kec F. E. WHiTK.fc. .
.iccnnrvi'ir vn inl IM)VAL HCANr.M
y .. Pt th cecond and fourth Mondays 01
taeh month at Arcanum nan.
lu K. N. ULEMN. Urgent.
I'i C. M i ou. Secretary.
J. W.-Touxjox ...... .Commander.
O. H. f visj ,....Se:;ior Vice
U:::::::::"!. "i....
ASUIKSOX FKY ;.SOriit iJ0?;-
.1 :. OoKur.KMA.v.. ..Quarter Master N. rt.
J C. Ccktis 1'oJt thaiUiU
Meeting Saturday evening
President : Kobt. P. Windham
1st Vice President A H i odd
?nd Vice Pre-itJcnt .....m Ncvule
l:e. etaiy. .. V. Herrmann
Ti-easurer...-. V- i-nthman
" ' lilRKITOKS. '
j c. Uichev. F. H. White. .). C. Patterson,
J A. Conner. It. Llson, C. W. Sherinan, F. Uor
d r. J. V. Vk eukbat-h,
Represent the following time
trieJ and lire-tested companies:
Ainerleaii Central-S-. Louis, Assets St.258.lno
Comme rcial ITnion-England. " 2.5W.3I4
Fire Association-Phjladetiihia. ' 4.U5.576
Frankliii-PhUadelphia. " 3.117.V6
Home-New York. " 7.855.M9
Ins. Co, of North America. Phil. 8.ITt.3C2
U verpooli London & Olobe-Kng " C,fia.781
Krth British ft Mercantile-En ;4 " 3.378.754
jrorttich Uulon-Enjrland. 1.243.406
SprUsaelJF. M.-Spriiigfield. " 3.0H.015
Total Assets. S12.1l",74
Looses Adjasttii :ni FaiaattlilsAgfKcy
Any 3SLi3Lci
71a. G Eaarsoxi,
Cor. 12th and Granite Streets.
tractor and Iluilder
12 Cm.
Factions Engage In a Quarrel and
Seven Men are Killed.'
Libehal, Kan., July 28. Shortys, a
livery ataMo keeper nt Hugotown, gives
tho particulars regarding u terrible en
counter between Hugoton and Wooils
dtilcmcn, in Stevens county, whereby no
less than seven men lost their lives. Sam
Uobinson. city marshall of Ilugotoivn,
and M. Cook, of the same place, went to
Dudley ranch, near Tony creek, yester
day, uccompanied by their wives, to
look up borne cattle which they were try
ing to buy. While taking dinner Deputy
Sheriff Short, a Woodsdale man, accom
panied by five other Woodsdale men,
rode up to the party and asked Robinson
to surrender, as ho had a warrant for his
arrest. Uobinson said he would go a
short distance from the camp, leaving
Cook the ladies behind, - and then
give his edemies a chance to' take him.
He did so, and on reaching a convenient
spot both parties opened fire, with the
fCjulj. ihat lour Woodsdale nca were
killed. The other two lied to the strip,
and Robinson escaped without a scratch.
Cook hastened to Tlugotown and gave
tho alarm, and soon an armed squad
went to their assistance. Meeting a lot
pf yoodlale ?.icn an cicoiuuor too
pace, jn which t Wee' more persons were
killed and a number wounded. Accor
ding to the uite.vjf;!! wr.q'te (-oujt-try
"is at war. Joim Cross, bhuiiff
StrfVjig county, was one of the killed in
the second fisrht.
Andrson is Cheerful-
JChJsxowN, Neb., July 27. At 11
o'clock tonight John Anderson was still
imprisoned in the well. Work today has
progressed very slowly. Anderson him
self has worked most of the day. ood
anl water has been g'nen him in an in
creased quantity and ho is gaining
strength. Today a coat and hat was
lowered to him and tonight blankets for
him to make a bed. lie is in good spirits
and feels more confident of being saved
than those who are trying to rescue him.
He has done most of the planning today
and his head seems to be as level and
his judgement as good as though nothing
had happened Win! ' ild, experienced
well diggers and miners say it is tl-cmost
difficult and dangerous job they ever saw.
The sand being coarse and loose runs and
slides very bad and at times it is very
hard to keep it from coming in on the
mau and smothering him. To get out he
will have to come up through this sand.
To prevent an accident, a small curb has
been made and when the hole is made
large enough the plan is to have Ander
son get in the curbing and to pull hoth
out at the same time, What tho
will be will likely be known by 8 o'clock.
LCnstdcrable dissatisfaction is being man
ifested by the people in the vicinity ow
ing to the time the rescuing party has
been at work without bcin' successful.
It is rumored that if the man is not tak
en out tomorrow, others will take chargo
of the work and sec If they can be more
The First Train.
Nebraska City, Neb,, July 27. The
first train crossed the new Chicago, Bur
lington & Quincy bridge at i o'clock this
evening. It consisted of an engine and
three cars. A number of individuals
were present and crossed with the train,
which was in charge of Engineer Crosby.
Hon. J. Sterling Morton and a number
of other prominent persons also crossed.
The bridge will be open for general traf
fic in a few weeks. The test is entirely
Addressing nu Kuvciope.
Do not write the address so as to cover the
whole envelojie. Almost every day I see
envelopes on which there is no room left for
a postmark without disfiguring tho address.
It is no wonder that such icttei-s go astray.
Write jour correspondent's name first, be
ginning at the left hand side of tho envelope,
put the name of tho town a little to the right
on tho line below, and that of tho state still
further to the right on tho lower edse of the
envelope. Then note the county, street and
number .or box number in the left hand
lower corner.
Dou't adopt the new 'ad"' of writing the
stale first, then the town, and lastly tho
name. You would have to regenerate en
tirely tho postal clerks to make that custom
successful, and the present generally used
form is much more sensible. Horace London
in Tho Writer.
The Great St. Bernard Tele phono.
The telephone has been added to the safety
service at the hospice on the Great St. Ber
nard. Tho travelers who intend to go over
the pass are now announced to tho monks
from the station in the valley below a pre
cautionary measure which Las thus far been
instrumental in tho saving of six lives. In
the last of these casec a house servant bad
been sent to meet the ascending traveler lata
in the afternoon. Night coming on and the
two not arriving two more servants in com
pany of two of the monks set out to meet
them, and after a search of several hours
found tte missing two in the snow at a dis
tance of two miles from the hospice. But tor
this timely help both would have perished .
Home Journal
She tossed her ball this way and that,
AdJ shrieked whene'er It strayed;
She wore a most coquettish liat
As we at teunia played.
No creature wo to me so dear
As that same little maid;
I trembled now twixt hope and fear.
As we at tennis played.
My foollxh heart went pit-a-pat,
And all its chances weighed;
I whispered somcthius "neath that hat.
As wo at tenuis played.
Thft sweet reply came low un.l clear
Peneath tliut hat's l.rorvl kIuu!.;;
We've Used th". d i.v for just u year
Siaec we ct tennis played.
Kdith tiesuous Tupper in Outing
A Traveler at N;u.kiui.
Nearly a week was pa; red in rearhing Nas
au; a week of dreamful i.l!eiu-s.-, of weird
exixTivuces union;; i:iy swarthy cinnamons
and their strange :icijn:ii:it;ii!; es on key :ul
a:i island cove, of starry limits arid balmy
winds lulling tho senses tenderly. After such
an ei'rk:ieo o:;e grows to j-e-u-nt Mi; toueh
of land lieuiat.!i t!ie f.vt, cvj.i, though till that
greets M Oya i 'u.-iiut, ialeresting und lux
uriant. All this is at Nas-uti a::d everywhere
Uhiiid, a Ion;.; the Cower ginHed " island
drives. It is mmoIv ('iih:i ili:iju:;t.jvely,
under iK-Vt-' r .it, 'I ti. ro" !i"o a Vreat hotel,
a toueli of Uaglihli arisfoer.iev, u horde
of invalid, an ancient flavor :f art-liiiceturo
ami ail form.) and .customs irowin;; out of
human activities, or raider inactivities:
Th:te men and women who, un '.cr the inllu
.;;ieo of the narcotic surroundings
iive and movo as ia a dream; r,nd 30,C1J0
;ii!i h piiileJeyo. ,:tlf ,mla.; yUol; foik so
.oddtii hi iiuu'tiu that mental activity implied
in dreanis scc".v..i iiajx " Iliit that is all,
iavo tho endl'. ss co:itr-::i!)l.-ii i(t ' '!r-d's
unused, ivPi'l'-f.jutv.? iV1ii'Vv"t.riij
atg!;t pi-vfisill Oi'r.;Mn:t '-' ; T, ,
J w... J-oilis Kepublic.
C'ooiiiig; O.T a 'r:inx.
"I saw the first ivhear.-il T iu;otl;er new
tank drama' tho ot !; jay,n saia rhe theat
rical agur.t. lLlt was up on .State street, at
the corner of Twct'ty-ninth, and I was pass
ing on a car tit the timo. 0:i one corner ia
a saloon, and outside, o:i tho sidewalk, there
was a trampisii l.x.kuig individual who had
evidently been auuoyiug tho proprietor of
tho place. This proprietor, ia shirt sleeves,
stood in tho. doorway, surrfiunded by a quar
tet of friends, u:id was warning tho tramp
oir. lie refused to move on, and suddenly,
as if at u preconcerted signal, tho proprietor
and his four friends mado a mad rush for tho
interloper. Before he was fully awaro of it
ho was picked up bodily by his assailants,
there was a splash, a volley of oaths, a wild
yell of derision, aud the half drowned tramp
spluttered and blubbered as he climbed out
of tho horse trough at tho curbstone. His
ardor and his clothes had both been seriously
dampened, and he plodded wearily dewn fhb
street, lcar;ng r; vfutevy ti ail" behind hmi.
Ho was" not' ambitions fQr an encore." Chj
c&go IJeraid.
lA'onomy on m Street Cor.
Economy fails to be appreciated at its true
worth sometimes. Tbey haven't done laugh
ing yet at the device of a pretty girl in a
Madison street horse car the other day. fcSbo
wore the daintiest of white gowns, of some
soft, thin fabric, easily Boiled. " She was
bound yery'eVidently for. the scene of some
afternoon festivity, and had no spare money
with which to biro a carriage. The car scat
was dusty, and after glancing at it she did
net immediately sit down. Instead, she un
tied a Lundlo of sorao size crried on her
arm, and out dropped "
thing el v-eralyoi somo-
' ... iie, A sheet it appeared to the
feminine eyes. This sho proceeded to spread,
not without some sign of embarrassment,
but with a fair degree of composure, in the
corner belonging for the moment to her.
Seating herself carefully in the middle of the
whiteness, she drew up the surplus about
her, and there the gown was as scrupulously
protected as if the judicious young woman
had been mistress of a coacUand four. There
was some staring which flushed her cheeks,
but it was woilh a dressmaker's bill to keep
her best dress immaculate. Chicago Herald.
Importers' Work aud ray.
Th' pay and work of different reporters
vary widely. A column a day is more than
racst city reporters write. The pay of such
rejtorters varies from $S to $-10 a week and
there are more who get $S than there are
w ho get $ 10. I doubt if the average of city
reporters' pay throughout the country ex
ceeds tlS a week. "'W. H. H." in The
A AVeak Effect.
She (gazing at tho elephant) What maj
esty, George I Such massive dignity and
conscious power!
lie Ye-es; but don't you think, dear,
that the ono small peanut ho has just put
into his huge body with such a childish relish
somewhat weakens the general effect?
Carper's Bazar.
The Test of Love.
VTifa Why! How lato you arc! I thought
you were never coming home! What inado
you stay away so long?
Husband Doa'S reproach me, woman! Be
thankful that I am biro so soon. Why, 1
left the grounds at tho end of tho twelfth
ttiiiiu- wirh tho s'cro a tie! Tuiuk of that!
Lowell Citizou.
Novel Violin BrZdj
An na:i..hmaa has inveutjd a violin
bridip ia ihreo sections. Tho two outer rec
tlo.i i" i mt '.i;? a middle section Loueycombed
by mora liiaii 100 ceils, 'ia.) gnucnJ Hues ol' 1 ri i ro t:vo !.; djpar:ed f:f;..i, except
i.!.-i;. it is made tuickc: and tho ir.ercsso of
x?v. er ar.-.l brilliancy is said to Lo viry great.
-Xcy York Sun.
Very Slac'n ACected.
Sympathetic Old Lady Co coaviet) Ah,
nv"u:if j: r:i:iate friotid, your fato is indeed a
j-Ird one, tud as sho tai-ik3 of you herd in
this drc.iuful place, how your poor wife must
Co-.ivioi (very much afTectOvD Wh which
une, muaii i'ui up for bigamy. Luc
V'.'e Can Get Alon;;.
Jurt- as a:i Italian chetnLst Lad discovered
a way lo manuacturo reuJ diamoiuls at the
rtttj of u !.ci- itr day Le i;oo in the way of a
-.ta-c a:i.l was ru: ever and Lit led. Iihiuo
s'oues v. iM. liter, fore, havo to in: wont by a
iarje majority uutll ju.o os.e else can pick
up those jrcL-r Detroit Freo rtvss. . .
A Suggetdlon to Mechanic and Other
Ijtliorers K.lucate Yournelf.
What jKrtion of tho great army of work
men in this country ever consider this sub
ject, or ore willing to admit that they have
time for both. They argue that life is too
short, and tho prospects of advantage too
few, to make it either desirable or necessary
to devote their spare time to study and kin
dred improvements of the mind. 'Very few
ever find any time to read, even, except pos
sibly enough to keep osted on the results of
lall games, prize fights and the miscellaneous
sensations of the day; although upon these
important subjects one will find but very few
who are not thoroughly jiosted, and can ex
plain every detail very minutely.
Ask the average mechanic or other laborer
to subscribe to a trade jwiper, tho benefits of
which you have carefully explained, and tho
invariable answer will bo: "I shouldn't
read it if I had it; I don't get anytime to
read, and can't airord it anyway; besides, the
fellows that write tho-ie articles are too high
toned for me, and I can't understand what
tdieysay." This is ono of the lamest argu
ments possible to think of, and is one of the
best reasons why they should road and stndv,
that they may bo iJ.'o to and
profit by what theso high toned writers say.
BucU arguments not only show their igno
rance, but their willful disregard of their
own usefulness and education.
There is no better educator than the trade
paper, for it keeps one jwsted on what is
being done iu tho world of science, and wt
think thA many of tl.fe disinterested men,
if buj .rbidd, spend a small fraction of the
ttitia they devote to reading trash In looking
yer a good trade paper, they would find
some things tliat word I piteres? arid instruct
hours' sleep is enough for any healthy man,
and this leaves six hours out of every tlav
that may be divided up bev.ocn. study an
recreation, for ye would, not ask ol? expect a
man to. do rote, all Vf'bis life to the former.
How the actual facts in tho case aro that
nine out of every ten of these men do iipt
sleep even eight hours, neither do they study
one-eighth part of that time; and still they
havo not time enough to read f1 cood, sensi
ble article that wp.l show them how to mako
the labor they perform, and about which they
are pretty suro to grumble, much easier aud.
more profitably accomplished,
Now let us look at another sldo of this
question for a moment, and see what some of
the effects of a little time devoted to reading
and study am Take, for instance, tho great
inventors and prosperous manufacturers,
many of whom have risen from common
laborers. They havo invariably been tho
most careful readers, even "burning the
midnight oil" in their pursuit of, informa
tion, not of the ctandlng of the League, nine,
or of ths latest scandal, Liit of that which
was to bo tlio work of their lives. Think 5-ou
that they found Mich, time uninteresting or
unprofitable, or that they ever begrudged
the little thoy spent of their hard earned
wages in the purchase of books and papers?
A. B. Grime in Boston Budget,
A Newly li'atclietl Ostrich,
The ostrich eggs, are huge affairs, as large
around as a quart measure. They lay out in
the open field, and just as I was hanging
aver the fence, wickedly waving my jacket
to make the majestic ostrich perform an un
dignified pirouette, ono of the eggs broko
open, and out popped a little ostrich. Im
mediately there was a great commotion, and
everybody rushed bi-ejvthlessiy in our direc
fcio.v jicWper was told the news, and
came hurrying on with ejaculation of bur-
prise. He vaulted the two fences at tno
farthest diitauoe from tho mother ostrich
and made in the direction of the newcomer;
but when the mother bird took long strides
in his direction, and manifested a lively
curiosity as to his purpose, the keeper
vaulted again over tho nearest ience ana dis
appeared from the scene.
It was quite comical to see tno oiu Dira
with her new born offspring. At first she
disdained to notice tho little thing, which
looked about the size of a 2-months-old
chicken, and sought to follow the parental
guidance by running a few steps and then
quite unexpectedly toppling over, or turning
a feeble somersault. I had quite hateful
feelings against tho mother bird, who by this
time stood prancing before us with her long,
beautiful droopy plumes. I think sho saw
by our expressions that we did not approve
of such spartan motherhood, such unnatural
calming of the emotions, for she immediately
turned up her heel and bestowed a motherly
kiss upon her solitary scion. There was a
thrill of satisfaction along the whole line of
spectators when she finally sat herself down
upon her nest and drew the ugly duckling
under the shelter of her rarely pluinaged
wings. Los Angeles Cor. New Orleans
"laborers' Trains" for Boston.
In Massachusetts tho law now compels
every railroad company which runs into
into Boston to maintain what used to be
called 'laborers' trains," which are required
to reach Boston before 7 in the mordiug and
leave Boston after G at night, with rates so
low as to meet the needs of the men who re
ceive the lower grades of wages. The rail
roads disliked this interference on the part of
the state, and would have balked it if they
could, but had to succumb and run the
trains. The result is that not only mer
chants and their clerks whose work begins at
8 or 0 in the morning, have their country
residences outside of Boston, but also, that
many workmen live in the country whose
daily work in tho city begins at 7 oclock in
tho morning. The success is so great that
all the suburban trains are now run willingly
at rates lower than those at first enforced.
The result of this legislation has been the
growth of a large number of villages where
workingmen can live with their families in
homes of their own, where tho children can
have the advantage of country life, or out of
door life, whilo the workman himself goes
into the town for his day's work and returns
in the evening. New York Star.
tSj.nroiii.itf- f i- f"Atrt2AiiT
After an expenditure of three-quarters of
a million of dollars for snachinery and pros
pecting, Egypt has abandoned the search for
Tho greatest obstacle to being heroic is the
doubt whether one may not be going to pn we
one's self a tool; the truest heroism is to re
sist tha doubt Hawthorne,
them, nnv p-tmovb the lu-ejudice against
hp mu ihutoja. Th6 average working clay
,J uours. Now it is safo to say that eight
Bciil Estate Bargains
Voi4k Drirlf
UUUiii " i uiii
21 lota in Thoiupson's addition.
40 lots In Townstnd's addition.
Lot 10 block 133, lot 5 block 101.
Lot 1 block fi, lot C block f).1.
Lot 11, block 111, lot 8, block OL.
i.ets ia I'almei's addition.
Lots in Duke's addition.
Improved property of all dc;ii iptions
and in all parts of the t hy on easy terms.
A new and desirable residence in
South Park, can be bojght on monthly
Before purchasing elsewhere, call and
sco if we cannot suit you better.
L m&im JnT HUD t?.
5 acres of improved ground north of
the city limit?.
5 acres of ground adjoining S nth
2 acres of ground adjoining South
11 acres of ground adjoining South
20 acres near South Purk: Se i sec.
14, T. 10, R. 12, Cass county, price $1,-
800, if sold soon.
n w I sec. 8, T. 12, R. 10, Cass Co.,
price .$2,000,
A valuable improyed stock fram in
Merrick Co., Neb., ICO acres and on
reosonvblc terms.
Windham & Davies.
l! RAM
Consult your lcst interests by insuring
in the Phoenix, Hartford or Etna com
panies, about which there is no question
as to their high standing and fair
The present year bids fair to be a dis
astrous one from tornadoes and wind
storms. This is fore-shadowed by the
number of storms we haye already had
the most destructive one so far this year
having occurred at Mt. Vernon, 111.,
where a large number of buildings were
destroyed or damaged. The exemption
from tornadoes last year renders their oc
currence more probable in 18S8.
Call at our office and secure a Tor
nado Policy.
Unimproved lands for sale or ex
Dr. C- A. Marshall,
IB 3,11 T I ST I
Prenervatiou f natural teeth a specialty.
Ccfth citractrd u ilhw.t pain by uue of Laufhing
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
FirzoEitAi.o's lirN'K Pi.atthmouth, Nkm
"PainloGc Dentists."
The only Dentl-I" in the West coiitrollnj; t It In
New System -f Kxir:ietlii; Hint KIIIIiik 'J eel It
without Pain. Our i:iiae.helic l.i en
tirely free from
CIIIjOKOFOKM ok ktii k k
AM) IS AliMObVlhl.V
Harniless - To - All
Teeth extracted and Hitidiliil teeth liiHfited
next day if desind. The preset vat ion of the
natural teem a specialty.
The very finest. Ofiieeln ti.lmi liloeV. uret
TheCitizcLu' Punk,
Win. Hcrold & Son
Dry Goods. Notions Boots and Eta
or Ladies and Cents
He keeps as large and us well
Ab can be found any place In the eity and rank
you prices that defy ion.
A;:ents for
Harper's Bazar Patems and Ball's Corsets.
Watches ! Watches I
Has moved and is now in the Sherwooct
room, Cor. Cth and Main Sts., where
he is better able to show his
Large Stock of Watches,
Than ever before, and will ns nn induce
ment sell you Watches way down. Call
and got the Special Prices in Gold Watch
es; it will surprise you. A Full Line of
the best styles ol Jewelry and Silvcrwnre.
Repairing will be given Special Atten
tion. All work warranted to give satis
faction. C. F. SMITH,
The Boss Tailor.
Main St.. Over Merges She e Sloie.
Has the best and most complete stock
of samples, both foreign and domestic
woole ns that ever came west of Missouri
river. Note these prices: Business suits
from if lb to ?:.". dress suits, $25 to ?45,
pants $4, $0, $(5.50 and upwards.
Ef-Will guaranteed a fit.
Prices Defy Competilion.
Practical Piano anrl Organ Tuner
First-class work guaranteed. Also deal
er in Pianos and Organs. Offic e at Bocck'a
furniture store, Plaltsmouth, Nebraska.
R. B. Windham, John a. Davies.
Notary Public. Notary Fubllc.
Attorneys - at - Xaw.
Office over Uank of Can County.
All work first-class; west Fifth Street.
North Robert Sherwood's Store.
Send your job work to the Hkkai.d
B.St. M. Time Table.
No. 1. 4 :50 a. m.
No. 3.-- :40p, m.
No. 5.-r-: ::s5 a. in.
No. T.--7 :-tr P. in.
.c;oino KAST.
No, 2 4 :2.r, p. in.
No. 4. 10 :::ei . in.
No. . 7 :!.'! p. m.
No. s. 9 -jm a. m.
No. 9. 6 :1, p. in.
No. lo.a a. iu.
A 11 t ruin a nm .Ittilv tiv ten V r.f 0l'M.ll& eieeot
No. 7 and S which run to and from fcchuler
daily S'.unday.
No. .to is a Hub to Pacific .Junction at s 2a.m.,
No. 13 Is a stub from Pacific Junction at lla.ui.