I. THE DAILY llEltALD: l'l-Ariamuuia, mSJKASKA, FP.tDAY, JULY 20. 18S8. B i i I V Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. HallMbai-jr. natit, llorkwood HailJIng, Talrpkon So. 5. Dr. KIkkU, OIBre la Jerln(' Drng Slor, Bl 4rnr Cor. SUth ami UranlUs Telephone . 4 Urn. Cat Krollh. the raisin l-ntUU. Union lock, over t'iUona' llank, I'Uttuniout h. CITY CORDIALS. The case of Hogan nnd Eagan Is King tried Wforo Judge Russell this at ternoon. Particulars will be given to morrow. The ladies f the 51. E. church nre requested to meet Saturday afternoon at three o'clock at the church, business of importance to attend to. We acknowledge the receipt of a ticket to the 22nd Annual Exhibition of the Nebraska State Fair to be held at Lincoln, Sept. 7th to 1 4th- The Plattsmouth journal is getting to use poster type in its editorial articles now. It finds it out that it has to, to get any one to read them. Eagle. We have our opinion of a reporter who will ppend half a day collecting ma terial for locals, and then hunt up his best girl to assist him in writing them up. "We never saw this done but we have heard of such things happening. Ilogc and Murphy, the "Q" conspira tors, arrived in the city this morning with a large following of the Brotherhood. "We did not learn their mission here, but suppose they have come to work up sym pnthy for themselves and try to close up their broken ranks here. A stranger who was strolling down Main street this morning noticed one of the lean men practicing for the coming game, and as he stood and watched the man exercise himself for a short time, re marked to the crowd: "If that lean fel ler don't let up playing ball, there won't l.r pnniirrh of him left in five years to "" direct a. letter to." We have seen things that were very amusing, and at the same time very prac ticable; but the best thing we have seen lately was one of the lean nine, who was out playing base ball with some small boys, practicing for the great game in the near future. We will not give his name. He is a couniy cflk-ial, and play ed second base last evening at practice. The lean base ball club, which has worked its way into prominence since the alt nf tbe eomincr amc. which is to be - c ' played on the ball ground next Tuesday between the fats and leans, were again oa the diamond last night exercising them selves as though they were possessed of a spirit of considerable encouragement. Kverv move during the game va5 grace ful, and the players worked with cousid t-rable viui until a hot liner crossed the diamond. It apparently was directed to Mr. Campbell, who, seeing the ball rapid lv ndranein? towards him. threw UP his -j hinds as catchers do. The hands seemed to be no impediment, and the ball sped on its way. When the players looked for the ball it was discovered that it was cut in two. and the game was called im mediately. jout eighteen Loys who "are nil .bout seventeen or eighteen years of age are about to organize themselves into a - band. A. meeting was held last night, nnd the boys selected as their leader for the present Ed Sehulhoff, amember.the B. & M. band. A meeting will "be held Monday night for the purpose of making more complete arrangements and arrange or the purchase of instruments Several oi the boys have a fair knowledge of music, and as they are all ambitious to come to the front in that line, we rest with great assurance on their success. About the same crowd also formed them selves into a glee club, and are apparent ly anxious to attain a knowledge of that profession. We trust the boys may be successful and also be a credit to the town in the way of a band. About forty young people express themselves as having spent a few hour3 last evening in a most enjoyable manner at the residence of Mr. M. Gering, the event being a party given in honor of Mis Celi a Severin, who is the guest of bis daughters, the Misses Gering. The lawn was beautifully decorated - by Chi nese lanterns, and the evening being a delightful one, it brought fourth enthus iasm from each young lady and gentle man present; and from the whole party in its jubilation, sounds of laughter could )2 heard until a late hour. A pleasant time, in the strongest sense of the term imparts to the readers the true enjoyment of all present. The usual games were indulged in. Appended we give the jiamcs of those who were honored by in vitations: Clara Palmer, Maggie Vallery, 3Iaggie Oliver, Maud Vivian, Lou Simp son, Janet Livingston, Yerna Leonard, Mamie Shepherd, Edith White, Kit Cum mins, Ella Clark, Berdie Housewortb, Dora Wiggenhorn, Dora Fricke, Bertha Wise, Edna Adams, Ida Boeck, Notie Eikenbary.- May Patterson. Frankie Stiles, Clifford Wescott, Gec-ee Maimer, if'ranic - m TV V. Taa TTnL-a Johnson, Tom Parin v Dave nawKs worth, Will Heinacl ' Carrol Leonard, Wil Murphy, Fred Cox, 3 SUdleman, Ed. Wee! r-n rank Buzzle. nent, Charlie VtighL Will '"'swir Llv- Crass-Widowers vs. Sought Love. In one of the articles published in 1,1M,KKA''U 1CW, """"' s.n f v prlitora ox bnilsted Ills VOCabU- lory in a discussion, of the many haps and mishaps, fortunes and misfortune, that befall that Dart of humanity, which the cruel messenger of fate, (which more or less determines the destiny of the human race) has irom time immemmor- ial decreed that they should be called arass widowers, aud now while that class of men, as well as all others, deserve the attention of the pulpit, press and public sentiment, yet there is another class which wo believe to be wortby or like attention. There are some redeem- ing qualities in the former, from the fact, that when fate has released them from her grasp and they return to the joy ana f domestic life or to "the bald headed end of the broom," they are then eft to themselves to enjoy home or share ts sorrows as the case may be; but the class of which we speak differ in many respects to the latter, from the fact, that in the first place there is no hopes of the public being relieved of them as one of them have truthfully said "six months of leap year is gone without any fatal re sults." They are to be found every where, the private boarding house is in complete with its list of boarders unless one or more of them has got his name there. While there, he amuses himself by teasinc? some of the waiters or some of o the boarders and if tired of that kind of sport, he will get a pail of water and amuse one of the neighbors by throwing water on them. He then returns to his sanctum and amuses himself by writing up locals, taking for his subjects some of his fellow boarders; but we see we are getting almost personal, lest some one be identified by their vocation. The class of which we speak are very fond of attend ing lawn socials parties etc. It was eur sad fate to meet one of them some time ago (far from here) at a party, the party was a surprise, and a present was to be given. From lha portly appearance of our friend we infercd that he would be able to very gracefully deliver the present, according lv he was selected for that purpose. The time came for the present to be given and to the astonishment of those in the secret the present was not given and soon all started for home. After we got outiae an interview was held, but the present could not be found. They went back in the hcjise and commenced looking for it in a very evening jnanner, when amid many blushes and smiles i.ami t;a class nf humnnitv run blnshl our friend went down in his inside vest pocket and brought fcrh the treasure and very grace- fullv presented it. It een)3 as if there x had been some misunderstanding in re- 'ard to who was to make the presenta tion and our friend forgot that he had it. But the last and worst of all of their pe culiarities, is their tia&i cf being such slaves to duty. Their attention to i-he grass widowers in the absence of their wives, they proudly claim to be prompted by the puteat of motives, that of duty; but is it not pbiin to bo ceen that they are trying to live the model husband while in .single life, but they ask what motives for so hvir.. Oh no, they do not know that the young swains i.rj pot entirely in sensible to their actions. But now m con clusion we would advise that our friends devote their aileution in all future time to those who are still in the market and not waste their time on those who are lost to them forever, that the old song may fade awsy; "N'o one to lov. iiiisij to caress. None t lespond to tins iitwi's t.sndeiness, , For in my sorrow I'm weeping alone." Brother Reeve of the national prison congre complained of the easy manner in which marriage licenses are granted, aad added that if a man wanted to rn a locomotive or practice medicine or plead in the courts he had to submit to a rigid examination as to his fitness for the posi tion and be abie to piss one. The infer ence is that Mr. Reeve would have pros pective husbands submitted to a rigid examination aa to their merits and quali fications, which 633ms like a good scheme. The Journal would suggest tljat the man who contemplates matrimony should be required to answer a series of questions similar to the follwing. (1) Ilave you been married before? (2) If so, where- is your wife ? (3) How long do you expect to remain married? j (4) Is your salary sufficient to enable you to procure divorce in time of need? (5) Are you satisfied hu$ your pros pective wife caii support you comforta bly? Numerous pthee queries could be ad ded, and if they were answered satisfac torily by the bridegroom, the wedding might tak place to the credit of every body. Tbe Journal will do all it can to boom the scheme. Lincoln Journal. A strange geutlemaa, well dressed, with pleasing manners and addres, step ped into the county clerks office this morning, and asked for a license, where upon, that worthy official asked him if he wanted a marriage license, when in answer to his query lie frankly remarked that it wis too hot for that. As wisa men are to be admired, we should be glad to bays him remain in our city as undoubtedly, one of the vise of the wissrt. - . PERSONALS - furnUurc celehrate jn 0naha today 1- A. Campbell, county treasure, was one of the gay passengers to Omaha this mornm,. Mr. James lleotan, superintendent of burial of deceased soldiers of Lancaster county, Neb., is in the city Mr. Pease, of Fairbary, Neb., uncle of Mrs. W. A. Btock, of this city, payed them a short visit last night on his return home from a trip through Illinois and Iowa. Miss Maggie Johnson, who has been vj9lt;n her cousin, Mr3. Jas. Pine, left tuig ,nornmg for her home in Niobra. jIrg pine accompanied her as tar as Lin- coin Avhere they will visit a few days In the early spring this year a few cases of base ball fever was reported by Dr. Chambers but the doctor thought there would be no serious trouble, but it seems as if the mania was still spreading, as it has continued to do since its first outbreak For a time the mania was confined to the stars, but alas, the fats and leans have became victims to its gigantic ghost Jumbos and torn thumbs alike fall pow erless in its wild career. We might feel ourselves at ease if wa thought this would be the end, but we hear that the ink fiends vs. lather slineers have had a serious attack and will take dose of ball and bat the coming week and now when such prominent citizens as the latter fall a prey in its course we think it high time to be alarmed. But we have become accustomed to being alarmed and well we may be from the fact that we hear that our county officials fats vs. leans, have very alarming symp toms of the disease and we should not be surprised it in the iiear future some of our fadies should be challenging some one for a came of base ball. It will be remembered that two of our county of ficials are of that persuasion, so it seems as if all that can be done is to fold our arms and complacently look en. There will be a meeting of the Plattsmouth ?port?rcen clnb tit the par lors of the Kiddle House this evening i 7:30 p. m., by order of the president J C. W. Sherman, Sec'y The fare ha3 been put down on the ferry boat (Katie Peaae) to $1.00 fat rpad trip for two horses and driyer. tiny yur W froM tlie otber s"le of tue ver' loj im I Unruh has the nicest line of Antique i rocke-a :s the city. Price them. Men's canvass shots" at 'Merged, kpy 83 cents, everything cheap. tf. HOPE ANO DESPAIR. Cloj'i dai U cr.-.J i,vr:?? h!4 t?'S SlT: Desqwiir with cup 01 ru Moci L-y Aiul sillied. "PriiiU. uu1 l iniiio.'" Pat with such te;u-, fcnd moans she ptaytnl To Ho I turtiPii. the raiiinut tuuiJ, Aud qnufVetl her rusy wino. Ttuit fn.-.laul Istsavea was sunuy blue; And is fi.y gVV- ' tncw tc.spair. the !:uvdc$!l.iGiZ!tt ihc bla.Ie, Br&vu litar!0(l 11gj tlx shiijisl ' -litlna Vena p.tector. Hovers In lle Ssndwic'i Island.-. The Sandwich Islamls muy well te termed the lau4 of flowers. Tbe natives and all other residents tvii w?rs profusely iu dec orating themselves, ft' is a ooniijion fpecta clo to see a barefooted Kanaka with &u old straw hat literally buried in wreaths of rare flowers, and lines of the same hanging about her neck. -Whet a steamer sails the band plaj-s merrily upon" the dock, and crowds of natives, with garlands of flowers' and native maille wreaths, wave adieus. Departing friends are &Jways profusely decorated with flowers and wreaths. Kanakas are almost amphibious. The bay is dotted with colored lads ready to dive for coin like fish. The holoku or Mother Hubbard is the universal dress for women on the islands. The women have fjue figures and are generally bare footed.' the' men are generally fine specimens of mankind. They ard not' farge, but are well formed and exceedingly muscular. Detroit Free Press. Fraud In the Mummy. If you don't want to be swindled in mum mia, choose .only the flried up, "ornery" onos. There is said to fce & great deal of fraud in the mummy business in Egypt. The dealers are aware that purchasers will pay a higher price for well preserved mummies, and as no genuine mummies are well pre served they contract with tramps, beggars, etc, for their fcodios when defunct. The money paid to the mummies th&t ars to be, of course, is spent in dissipation, which hastens their death. Then the dealers pickle and smoke their bodies until they are what an ideal mummy should be. And the first rich ''Christian (leg" who comes along sees them and pays a big price for one of them, with an elaborate pedigree running back to the days of Sesostris thrown in. JTeT York Tribune. In an English Court, In an English court recently Mr. Justice Hawkins said: "This is an exceedingly trumpery case; not that that is a distinctive description, because most of the cases that come here are trumpery." The lawyers be gan to endeavor to exonerate their client. "My client, my lord, was most anxious to avoid these proceedings. AVe have simply been dragged here by my friend." "On the contrary, my lord," said the other lawyer, "we have been literally goaded into litiga tion by the oondnct of my friend's client." "Oh, yes," replied the judge, "I quite under stand. Tbe plaintiff has been driven to bring this action by the exasperating resist ance of the defendant to his unjust claim. - New York San. CAPABILITY. Each Idler I meet In aqu&ra cr In street Hath within him what all' that's wfthout him belles The miraculous Infinite heart of man. With Its countless capabilities! . . And the foot that last year, at her majeatya bah. Sickened me so with hia simper of pride. Is tbe hero now beard of, tbe first on the wall. With toe bayonet wound la hla aide. . Tjpptncott'e. Real Estate Bargains EXAMINE OUR LIST. CONSISTINO OK CHOICE LOTS - i 3sr South - Park, 21 lots in Thompson's addition. 40 lots in Townsend's addition. Lot 10 block 138, lot 5 block 104. Lot 1 block 0, lot G block 95. Lot 11, block 111, lot 8, block 01. LOTS IN YOUNG AND HAYS ADDITION. Lots in Palmer's addition. Lots in Duke's addition. Improved property of all descriptions and in all parts of the city on easy terms, A ner and dp&ille residence in South Park, can be bought on monthly payments. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and see if we cannot suit you better. 5 acres of improved ground north of the city limits. 5 acres of ground adioining South ita. 2 acres of ground adjoining e?outh Park. II acres of ground adjoining South Park. 20 acres near South Park: Se I sec, 14, T. 10, R. 12, Cass county, price $1, 800, if sold soon. jy,v i sec S, T. 1?, K. 10, Cass Co price 12,000. A valuable improved stock fram in Merrick Co., Neb., 100 acres aud on reosonvble terms. Windham & Davies. INSU RAM Consult your best interests by insuring in the Phoenix, Hartford or j.jia com panies, about which there is no question as to their high standing and fair dealing. tornado Policies. The present year bids fair to be a dis astrous one from tornadoes and wind storms. This is fore-shadowed by the number of storms we haye already had the most destructive one so far this year having occurred at Mt. Vernon, 111., where a large number of buildings were destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc currence more probable in 1888. Call at our office and secure a Tor nado Pqficy. Unimproved lands for gaje pr ex: change. WINDHAM OWES, PfcATSMOUTH, N!l. Our Mid-Summer In order to Clean up our Odds ami Shall oiler Extraordinary 3 - Special Bargains in Hosiery - 3 Lot i. At 25 cents a pair Our Entire Line of Children's Fnlicy Printed Hose that have never before letaihd for hs than u) cents a pair. Ladies' Hose iu Solid Colors and Slrij en worth from 35 to 5 cents a pair. At 50 cents a pair comprises our Entire Line of Children's Plain and Jlihbed English Lisle Thread Ilor-e, formerly hold by us from 75 to CO cents a pair. 1. adieu' Fancy I.i:-le and Silk Plaited Hose worth from 75 to si. On a pair. At 75 cents a pair takes in our Stock of 'Children's Farcy Striped Lisle Hose, worth 1.50 a pair. Ladies' Fancy Lirle and Silk Hose worth $1.50 a pair. Lot ii. Lor hi. Extraordinary Values In Fans ! Gauze and Satin Fans, Plain and lland-Painted, formerly sold from $1.50 to 1.75, reduced to Sl.li. Handsome Satin and Feather Fans, Uand-PainU d, foimcrly h.M from $2.00 to $2.50, reduced to Sl.C'J. Elegant Carved Pone Handle Satin Fans, Hand Painted, fomuily sold from $3.00 to 3.50, reduced to $2.:J0. Black and Gray Ostrich Feather Fans, formerly sold irom $J.( 0 to $1.5.0, reduced to $3.40. Our $8.00 Ostrich Feather Fan, Pone Handle, in Cream, Maize and Plack, reduced to 5.00. Our $10.00 Ostrich Feather Fan, Shell JJandle,in Plack and Gray, reduced to '0.50, Full Lines of Japanese Fans at Popular Prices. Bargains I n Parasols ! Cream Lace Covered and Pongee Silk Lace Trimmed Parasols worth from $1.00 to $5.00, noy $3.0y; Cream and Plack Lace-Covered Povasols that sold from $7.00 to $8.00, reduced to $5.00. Black Beaded Lace-Covered Parasols that sold at 0.50, reduced to 0.50. Fancy Striped Coaching Parasols that sold for 5.00 reduced to 3. i t tt " ' from $0.50 to $8.00 re duced to $5.00. Silk Sun Umbrellas at Greatly Peduced J 'rices. Alpaca and Bombazine Parasols at (J really liedu;-e:l prjepa. F Herrsinaiiii ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL BANK. BAD BLOOD There is not one thing that puts a man or woman at such disadvantage before the world as a vitiated state of the blood Your ambition is gone. Your courage has failed. Your vitality has left you. Your languid step and listless ac tions show that you need a powerful in yigorator, one bottle of Bejs' lilood Purifier and Blood Maker will put new life in a worn out system, and if it docs not it will cost you nothing. O. P. Smith & Co., Drtiggi&U, Ladies, Attention ! - Iiecamier Toilet Preparations which include Cream, Balm, Moth and Freckle Lotion, Powder and Toilet Soap, are sold only by Gering & Co., and recommended by the following society ladies : Mes dames Adelina Patti-Kicoiini, .James Brown Potter, Lillie I.angtry, Sarah Bernhardt, Helena Modjeska, Fanny Eavenport, Clara Louise Iellogg and one hundred oihers. tf. Furniture for Sale- A fine lot of household furniture can be purchased at a moderate price, also a fine residence can be rented which is in a convenient lpcftio for parties.wis'aiag to keep boarders. There are several large rooms in the house which would find ready tenants. For information ap ply at this office. lOjl. Furnished House to Rent. A furnished house i oyea to ienaats at a moderate rate. The proprietor offers to board with the family that rents the house. Any family without small child ren can have a good chance by inquiring of W.'W. Cole. "When your skin is yellow. When your skin is dark and greasy. When your skin is rough and course When your skin is inflamed and red. When your skin is full of blotches. Wrhen your gkin is full of pimples you need a good blood medicine that can be relied upon. Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker is warranted as a positive cure for all of the above, so you cannot possibly run any risk when you get a bot tle of this wonderful medicine. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co. The cheapest shoe3 at Merges . tf. Colic, Diarrhoea and Summer com plaints are dangerous at this season of the year and the only way to guard against these diseases is to have constant ly on hand a bottle of eome reliable rem edy. Beggs' Diarrhoea Balsam is a POS ITIVE RELIEF in all these disagreeable cases and is pleasant to take. It will cost you only 35 cents. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. I sell shoes cheaper than anybody. Call nd be convinced, no trouble to show goods. tf. Peter Meroes. If you are in need of anything in the furniture line go to Unruh. tf Slaughter Sae i Ends in annus lb jiarlnirnls wo inducement. - i-r this uti le. 9 3 H e2 TO. . H R O W 1ST Iv? Personal attention to all Businepe Kntruht to my care. XOWKY IX OI'I'ICK Titles Kxainini-1. AliKturot Compiled In surance Written, Heal Estate Hold. ' ' Better Facilities (riiiakiiij; Farm iane tinu Aar Other Agency IMatt.smoutli, - eb ska WatciiGs ! Watcliea H. M. GAULT Has moved and is now in ihe- Sjierwot-d room, Cor, 5th find Main Sts., where he Is better nble to thow bis Large Stock of Wutcln s, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY ! Than ever before, and will as an induce ment sell you Watches way down. Call and get the Special Prices in Gobi Watch es; it will surprise you. A Full Line of the best styles ot Jewelry and Silverware. Repairing will be given Special Atten tion. All woik warranted to give satis faction. Plenty of feed, Hour, graham and meal at Ileiscl's mill, tf Sherwin & Williams mixed paints, the best in the market, at Fricke & (Vs. drug store. tj-tf. Will J. Warrick has the best and larg est stock of wall paper in the city, theL'- styles are new and fresh and no job lots c'y last year's designs or bankrupt stock rua off, if you want the latest and assortment of new goods see V stock. H3 7 V Ml gig!? sgil o o rrf o gin h in : J. i (I