The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 18, 1888, Image 2

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    ... wMfamniith Tlailv HeraM.
Publishers & Proprietors.
Is published every evening except Sunday
and Weekly every Tnursday iiiominj;. itcnis
tered nt the postoOlco, I'UttMiiouih. Ncbr..s
ttecond-claflM matter. Olllce corner ol ine and
filth streets.
On copy one year in advance. ' mail..
One copy per iiionlu, ty carrier,
One copy per week, by currier,
. Ml
nne eopy one year. In advance...:..
One copy tlx mouths. In advance...
...Si no
of Indiana.
of New York.
"FREE TRA ',' Will' 'H i
Every time the democrat ic shullh rs on
the tariff attempt to adjust themselves to
the locality they put their foot through
the free trade net. The trouble with the
party is its ilouMc dealing with the iucs
tion at issue. Mr. (Cleveland, wlio is un
questionably for free trade, and whose
"Surplus messiije deals entirely in free
trade sophistries, case,, unfoituuately for
his party, his demand for a reduction of
protective duties liuaneiall y, upon the
necessity of reducing the revenue of t he
government; iiie-e-dciit to this nei-esity lie
argues that the duties, as now scheduled,
are oppressive to the consumer, etc.
' In eoiiejuenee of this peculiar position
of the pre.-ident we find one section of
the party for "tariff reform" another for
"tariff for revenue only," that is they
would impose enough duties on the for-c-ip'ier
.seeking to trade in American mar
kets and tii foreign goods, to barely
meet the receiving expenses ot the gov
ernment; while another section, of the
party, are for free trade out and out and
each one of these divisions claim that
they are the true exponents of the St.
Louis platform which takes up anil makes
Mr. Cleveland's surplus message its tar" IT
plank. Now, while the democratic party
as a party is unquestionably the enemy
of a protective tariff, it will claim, in the
eastern states, to be for reduction of
duties only; in the northwest for revenue
only, and at the south largely for free
trade; and hence, will have to be met
upon all and each of these pretended is
sues. I f for "revenue only," the effect
of such ;i policy would be to reduce or
lower, a little, the duty on articles manu
factured in this country; that would
stimulate foreign trade anil build up the
import, so that the result would be very
much larger amounts of imported goods
and the reduction! would simply increase,
instead of diminish our revenue and in
stead of wiping out the surplus, which
lias offended Mr. Cleveland so much, it
would be filed up still higher. A fluid
iu finance can see that this would be the
result of a "tariff for revenue only;" so
that the "revenue reformers' and "tariff
for revenue only" statesmen would, so
far as the surplus question is concerned,
simply "step out of the frying pan into
the tire." This leaves "frte trade" as the
only logical ground upon which a demo
crat can maintain himself in this indus
trial controversy and the democratic par
ty dare not bo honest with the country
and bravely occupy that ground, which
it unquestionably would occupy, if it
was only brave enough to face the cer
tainty of stepping down and out foi
principle certainly it is not an enviable
position to occupy for a great political
England grew rich under a gigantic
system of protection for .100 years; until
she had established the manufacturinp
interests which her statesmen proudly be
lieved would rule the commerce of the
world. Mr. Iilaine says, commenting on
the tariff of that country: "When by
long experiment and persistent effort
England has carried her fal tries to per
fection ! When by the long accumulation
of wealth and the foice of reserved capi
tal she could command facilities which
poorer nations could not rival ! When b
the talent of her inventors, developed mi
der the stimulus of large rewards she had
surpassed all other countries in the mag
liitude and effectiveness of her machinery,
she proclaimed free trade and pursuasivt
urged it upon all lands with which sin
had commercial intercourse. Maintnnin"
the most arbitrary and most complicated
system of protection, so lng as her states
men considered that policy advantageous,
she resorted to free trade only when sin
felt able to invade the domestic mnrkt fe
of other countries and undersell the fa
brics produced by struggling artisians I
who were sustained by weaker capital
and by less advanced skill. So long ns
there was danger that her own ni.irket.
micjht be inyaded and the products, oi
Iit looms and forges undersold at home,
she rigidly excluded the competing fa
bric aHd held her own markets for her
own wares, ' I it wise in the face of
these historical truths to take the advice
of "The Cobden Club", or had we not
better take care of the American market
Men and brethern this latter is the Yankee
platform of the republican party and it
will receive the sanction of the American
votes in November next. Let us have
that vote squrely and honestly counted.
Nothing less than this should satisfy the
American voter.
llaH'.s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kcnewcr
is the most reliable article in use for re
st'.'riii gray hair to its original color and
promoting the growth of the hair.
An Expl anation.
What is this "nervous trouble" with
which so many seem now to be aillictrd ! I f
you will remember a few years ago the
word Malaria was comparatively un
known, today it is as common as any
word in the English language, yet this
word covers only the meaning of another
word used by our forefathers in times
past. .So it is used with nervous diseases,
as they and Malaria are intended to cover
what our grandfathers called Uiliousness,
and all are caused by troubles that arise
from a diseased condition of the Liver
which in performing its functions tiuding
it cannot dispose of the bile through the
ordinary channel is compelled to pass it
off through the system causing nervous
troubles, Malaria, IJilious Fever, etc.
You who are suffering run well appreci
ate a cn re. We recommend (ireen's Au
gust Flower. Its cures are marvelous.
When, by reason of a cold or from
other cause, the stomach, liver, and kid
neys become disordered, no time should
be lost in stimulating them to action.
Ayer's Fills act quickly, safely, and sure
Iv. Sold by druggists ami dealer i:j
We now publish music each week
in the V.'kkki.y JIi;i;i.i. Everybody
should be a musician. The pieces furn
ished in the paper will be found as pop
ular as any costing -0 cents. Every body
should take the paper. We are endeav
oring to make it a great success, and feci
quite confident we can suit all.
IJodily health and vigor may
tained as easily in the heat of
is in the winter mouths, if the
e inuin-
blood is
purified and vitalized with Ayer's Sarsa
parilla. Every person who has used this
remedy has been greatly benefited. Tyke
it this month.
$500 Reward.
W e will pay The aoove reward tor any
case of liver
complaint, dyspepsia
headache, int
ligestion, coii.dij.iafion or
eostivciiess we cannot cure with
West's Yeg- table Liver Fills, when the
directions are strictly complied with.
l'hev are mirelv vegetable, aud
fail to srive satisfaction. Large
ontaining ;)( sugar coated pills, 2
For sale bv all druggists. IJeware
counterfeits and imitations. The genu
ine manufactured only bv John ). Well
it Co., sc.2 W. Madis,".u St. Chicago, Its
Hold by W. J. Warrick.
Why Ayer's Sarsaparilla is
preferable to any other for
the cure of Blood Diseases. no poisonous or ilclctcrious
ingredients enter into the composition
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla contains only
the purest and must ciTcctivc remedial
Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is prepared with
extreu-e care, skill, and cleanliness,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is prescribed by
leading physicians.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is for sale
everywhere, ami recommciulcd by all
iirst-elass druggists.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a medicine,
and not a beverage in disguise.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla never fails to
effect a cure, when persistently used,
according to directions.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a highly con
centrated extract, and therefore thu
most economical Blood Medicine in the
Ayer's Sarsaparilla lias had a suc
cessful career of nearly half a century,
and was never so popular as at present.
Thousands of testimonials are ou
file from those benefited by the use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
ritEr.i:i:i i.y
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Trice $1 ; six bottle, i't. Worth $5 a bottle
fu e a ct 5t n xfrT3 n n r
L?and fir " voHjro0i!.
Srnd rr Circular.
Omaha, ITob.
(Name this paper in your order.)
A ? fSlSel
The republicans of the United States, assem
bled by their delicate in nntlonnl convention,
native on the thrediold of their proceedings In
honor the memory I their first (treat leader
and immortal champion of liberty and the
rights of the people, Abraham Lincoln, mid to
cover also with wreaths ft imperishable re
membrance and gratitude the heroic names of
our later leader vvno have been more receutly
called away from ourcoimctle, Crant, !arflcld,
Arthur, Lilian and ConklliiK- May I heir mem
ories be faithfully cherished. We also recall
with our greeting a prayer for bin recovery
the name of one of our tiviim heroes whose
memory will be treasured in the blstory both
of republicans and of the republic. The name
Is that of the noble poldier and favorite child
or victory. I'liillp II. Sheridan.
I u I he spirit of 1 hose loeat leader and of our
devotion t human libeity. and with that hos
tility to ail forms of despotism ai d oppression
which is the fundamental idea of the republi
can parly, we send fiate'lial congratulations
to our fellow Auici'icann of P.razil upon I heir
meat act of emancipation which completed
t he abolition of slavery tliroiilioiit the two
American continents. We earnestly hope we
may hooii congratulate our fellow citienx of
Irih birth upon the peaceful recovery of home
rule for Ireland.
to the national constitution ;md to the indis
soluble union of state to the aiitooniiiy re
served to the states under t he con-t it ut ioli. to
the personal rights and liberties of eitieit in
all t!itcs and lei ritorics in the union and es
pecially to the supreme and sovereign lifil't of
every citizen, rich or poor, native or foreign
born, white or black, to cast one free ballot in
the public elections and to have that ballot
duly counted. We hold a free and honest pop
ular ballot and ju.t and Cijiicil representation
of all p-: ople tw In- t he foundation of our re
publican government and demand cflcctlvc
leL'islalion to Fceuie the liiteiity am! polity
of elect ion which are I he I 1 1 n t a 1 11 s of all pub
lic an t horit y. We charge that the present ad
ministration ::d the. democrat ie majority in
congress owe t heir ex isle nee to l he suppression
of the ballot by ' be criminal millilicatun of the
constitution and laws of ihe United States,
Wt- lire uncrouipromisiimly iu favor of the
American t...Ii 1:1 ol protection. e protest
against the deKli!li"li ploposed by the prei
dent aint his party, i'iu-;' serve the interests
of Kuroi e
wk win. srrrottT i nti. 1:1 s-i s jjicimc-a.
We accept the issue, and confidently appeal to
the people for their judgment. The piotectlve
svsle in uiusi be maintained. Its abandonment
iias alwa v been followed by ueiicrl di.-.ter
to oil 'jip'rcsls evept those of the llliMircr
and slienn.
We denounce the Mills' bili ,is destructive to
general business, labor, and '. he I ;i n u i ! ic inter
ests ot the country, and we heartily endorse
the consistent an t patriotic action of ihe re
publican representatives in congress in oppos
ing its passage. We condemn the proposition
nt t he democrat i part y to place wool on the
free list and insist that Ihe duties thereon
bh.c'J i.e mi justed and maintained so as to fur
nisli (i!il ..i il i;dei:;ite protection to that iu-
Tile republican part v, o;..J er'Vi't all needed
.'"duel ion of th national reeiue. I.y ep.:.v'i;'g
the ta? on tobacco, Inch are an
i.ud burden to agrleiiHur-, mn the tux upon
spirits used in tin arts aud for u'cclianp-Dl pur
pose, and by Mich revision of t he land law 4 as
will tend to cheek Imports such nrticle as
a e produced by our people, ihe pioduclion of
which give employment to our labor, and re-l-a.-e
ft ::! import duties these articles of for
eign prni.ciioii. except luxuries, the like of
w hu'li eaoiiot f,t p,-,..i:!eed at home, t here hall
still jeinain a J.-iig.ej- ie..vii'. I.'.' in is it ouisllt
for the wants of joveriiuit'!ir . o ,nt.
rather than stiiicniler any -.i t oj,;.
live system i:t the lolut bejit s o the vhlsfcy
ring ami agents t f'ioici'.i iij.t;:uf;ict niefs.
AOAINST I'Al'I'FIt AM i.A t": 'f'tO ' p.
We declare hostility to the ii.iroflnction into
this country of foreip'ii contract labor mmI of
l ' labor alien to our civilization ainl our
coestitmioii. anil we deinaiul thelii 1 enfoice-
:;e;it of existing laws against it anil lavor such
iiiiiii.-.iie legislation as will exclude such la
bor from or Ji.o'es.
We declare oii'r u,i.-s;Mon t.) all coinbii.a
t ions of capital orgdiii.eii ji. I.,.i.!v! or other
Mieto control ai oil i ;o ii v th.; 'oij.:jon of
trade amoiii; -tir citizens and we recom.ociid
in congress and the state legislatures In their
respective jurisdictions such legislation as v. ill
oi event (he exeeulioii of all schemes to o'l'iess
Hie pel pie py lindne chait'es on their supplies
or by unjust raleo for the transportation of
Iheir products to market."
we approve legislation by eongrjuSo p Pre
vent alike unjust burdens and unfair u;?i.Ti;i:
ination betcon states.
. CUI'.LIC I.AMK l.l'.i;IS.AUON'.
We realhrm the policy of appropriating the
public lands of the l liited States to be home
stead!" for American cil izens and settlers not
aliens, which the republican party established
in lsi'2 against the, opposition of
the democrats m congress, which has biouht
w Kvat western domain into iiiiigi.iticeiit de
vcloii'enwni 1 be restoration of unearned land
grants lo ihe paiioc for the uso of ac
tual settlers, which was beu.i :iPil,;!' the ad
ministration of ''resident' Ai'Minr ohciia ;c
continued. We deny Hint the demociat;c p:n'ty
lias ever restored one acre to the people, but
fi. ciaie that by the joint action of repiibhcahs
and democrat;; al'oiit titty million acres i f un-
earueil laiul,-. o; igiii,i!j,' lMiileii lor the con
struction of railroads, have i.-ea jystored to
the public domain in pwi.u;i;i(v of ,-,,.i,:;i;iiis
inserted by the enublican party in the oiiL'in
al grants. ' We charge f e democralic atimiiiis
traiion with lailure to execute laws securing to
settler title to theii homesteads ami with us
ing appropriations wade for that purpese to
liarrass innocent settieiv with sfdes aiul prose
cut ions under the false pretense of exj.osii.g
frauds and vindicating the law.
The government by congress of the territor
Irs :.s based npoH neeessit y only to tlie end that
li.ey j.i,.y 0;-e,inie states in the union: there
fore, v. iu-iiLv.yr ih ("e.'iditiuiis of poj.'iiial ion.
material resources, piipii,. intelligence and
morality are such as to ihsare ;;ta!ie Joe:;! i?ov
ernmeiit t herein the people of such tcil'itoric
should be permiited. a right inl'.erent in them,
to form lor themselves coi.stitul ions mid stale
irovernmenis and b ail t ilted into the union,
i'eiuling piepiiniti n for stjuchooil all ollicers
tlioreol s!iO.:hl be selected lliiii bona tide
icsidents and citizens of ihe territory wherein
they are to serve. South 1'akota t-houhl f
right be imiiie'tiately itdinitled as a state in
tlie union under ihe constitution framed and
adopted by her people, aud we heartily e:i
.lorse I he -et ion of the republican senate in
twice passing bills for ber admission. 1 he re
fusal of democrat ie house of representa
tive., 'or paiti..-aii p::;r-ses. to favorably con
sider these lulls is a '.v-flfii! violation of the
pen -red American principle' of iocal t.e!i -gc-vei u
inent, and merits the jndennat ioii of all just
men. Hie pending bills in the senate for acts
to enable the u..i'b' of Wjshiiigton, North
lakota and Moiitanna teuiioriee- to forni coii
stitutioiM and establish i!at goverii'iiet ts
should be passed without imiieces-ai y de' .
'Ihe rei ublican party pledges inself to do ;dl in
irs power to facilitate the admission of the ter
i itoricH of New Mexico. Wyoming. Idaho and
Ariona to the enjoyment of self-governim-nt
asMaU-. Such of them as are now (pialdicd
as soon as psdiiu.ii;ul others as soon as they
may become so.
tiik ;.ioii5io:v ot-r.sTiun',
The iolili al power of Ihe Mormon el, inch 111
the ter" it'-i ies as exenised In the past is a
inen.iiice to free inst it ul ions t dangerous to
be long sullered. Therefore v e pledge the re
publican party to appropriate letM.-lation,
asserting the sovereignty of the nation in all
the territoiies wheie the snme is questioned,
and in furthers nee of that tnd to place
Ux;n the statute book legislation sttingent
eiii.iih lo divorce political from ecclesiastical
jiower. and thiid stamp out the attendant
wickedness of polygamy.
The republican party is hi favor of the use
of both gold and silver as money, and con.
demnsthe policy of Ihe democratic adminis
tration in its efforts to demonetize silver.
We demand the reduction of letter pottage
to 1 c-nt per ounce.
In a republic bke ours, w hre the citizens Is
the sovereign and the ofticNl the tervalit.
where no power is exercised except by the wi-1
of the people, it is important that the sover
eign Icople should possess The
free M'liool u t"e promoter of iliat intelligence
w hich is to preserve ;:k a free nation. 'J here
loie. the state or nation. ;r both conbined.
shi'tihl sujiport tree institutions nf learning
sufllfient to 'tlord to eyety child growing up
iu the land the opportunity Of a good eoiiimon-t-el.oi.,1
CU11 JIEhlHAXT .11 A It INK,
We earnestly recommend that prompt aelion
be taken ii e, i pi ess in the ei actment of such
legts ju ion as will best seen re the rebabili'a
lion of our An ericn merchant maiine. :n:d
we protest ngaiu.-t the passage by conuress -f
a tree ship bill as calculated to woik injustice
to labor by lessening the wages of those en
gaged in preparing materials as well as those
directly employed in our shipyards. w e de
mand appropriation for the "e-irly rebuilding
oi our navy. lor the construct ion of cast i include in their call for their next rountv
fortifications and modern ordinance and other 1,11,11111 JI1 l,,c,r Lnl1 1UI. mtir next couuiy
approved modern niea-s of defence for the j convention the submission of the prohi
pr..teeion of cur defenseless harbors and ; bhiu question to the IsEPUUI.ICAN Voters
cities, for the avmei:t of just pel sions to! our . , ,. - .
soldier, for necessary w. rk of national nu- at tlie republican primaries,
portance in the improvement ef the harbors I , Geo. D. Meiklejoux, Chairman,
and channels of Internal, coastwi.ser aud w-t- CPPT vv oritl)r,,
tare'gu cummerce, for the encouragement f "- (Jt"-Ltli otereiarj.
the Milpuiiif interests tif th Atlantic. Cnlf
anil faclllc tales n veil as for the naymetit
of the maturiuK public debt. Thin (policy will
Ulve employ inrnt to our labor, activity to our
various Industries increased security to our
country, promote tinde, open new mid dlrett
markets for our products and cheap-n the cost
of transportation. We atlirin this to he far
better for our country than ti democratic
policy of loaning the government' money
without Interest to "pet banks."
Tlie conduct of foreign affairs by the picscnt
administration has been distinguished by Inef
ficiency and cowardice. Having withdrawn
from t he sniate nil pending tieaties ellectcd
by republican administratioi s for Ihe iciiiovai
of foreign burdens and restrictions upon our
coiiiiueice and for its extension into a belter
market U has neither affected nor proposed
a!iy others in their etead. Professing adher
ence to the Monroe doctrii e. it has i-een v. ilh
Idle complacency Ihe extension of foreign in
tlueiice iu Central America and ol foreign trade
everywhere amoi.g our neighbois. It has re
fused to charter, sanction or encourage any
American oigatiiyt ion for constructing the
N icaragua canal, a work of vtal importance to
t he maintenance of t lie Monroe doctrine and
of our national influence iu Central and South
A mei iea, and liecessai v fo- the development
of t rude w it h our I'acilic teriitory, with Sou'h
A inerica. and w ith the further coasts of the
I'acilic ( leea a.
I'ISII Kit i KS or KsTION.
We arraign the present, democratic admi'iU
tratioifor lis weak and un patriot ic Ireatmeiit
of the hsht l ies question, mid its pusillanimous
surrenderor all privileges to which our fishery
v ssels are entitled iu Canadian ports under
the treaty of lsls. the reciprocate marin
tine leiMslat ion of '.x.Vt and comity of tuitions,
and which Canadian lisp inn vessels icceive in
itu; pol ls of 1 be I nited States. V o (. n il-lull
t he i ojicy ol tiu; pn sfiit adminisi rat ion and
l tin democrat ic majority in congress towards
our tlsheiies as iiulrieudlv and coiispicioii'-ly
u u pat riot Ic and as tending to der-t rov a vnluabhi
nat ion a I i nd list ry anil an iud Is pens! b!c lesouree
ot defense against f reign ciieiny.
The name of A merican ai plies alike to ;11
cilizeits of the rep.ibli -. and imposes upon men
alike f he .same obligation of obedienve to the
aws. A t t he same I line ci izenship is and must
be t he panoply and safeguard of him w ho weais
It. sliou'.il shield and piotect him whether high
or low, rich or r. in all his civil right. It
Khoiildiind uiusi atlord him protection at home
a;id fallow ainl prideet him abroad in whatever
land'o'e may !,e on a lawful errand.
civil. si-,ivi.r. i:k''OI!M.
'Ihe nieliwho ab.oidoied t I.e repuoi iea;i par
ly iti lss4 and continue to adhere to the demo
crat iu party have deserted not only the cause
ol honest government, but of sound finance, of
fieedoiii iijid pmity of the ballot , but espec
ially have .h-seircd (Jic eau-e of reform iu the
civil service. We will i.oi taf! to (jeeji oiil"
pledges because tM-y have broken llieiis. ..r
because their candidate has broken his. We
i hereloie repea' ;nr declaration of tssl, tow it :
I he reform of civil service auspiciously begun
IMO'cr lepublieall adliiiuistratioi) should In
completed by a furl her extension of l h reform
s st cm already established by law to all grades
of b service "io which it is applied. The spir
it allii p,ii.,:ie af i foriu should be observed in
all fcciliVe .n p';iiitiie;jt.-. ;i:i,1 all laws ai
vanelice with the ot-tc.T ol ei.-tiog rel.Ht;i I' jc
iftl,i:ioii slmul.l be repeaied, and that the dao
gers to free ipsi it ul ions which link in the pow
er ft official patronage may be wi.-.ely and ef
fectively avoided.
The gratitude of the nat i ii to the defenders
of the union cannot be assured except bv laws.
The legislat ion of congress should conform to
the pledges made by a loyal people, and be so
enlarged and extended as to provMic against
f tlip possibility that any man who honorably
w oj . tie fcdej-a i nnilorm sliall becon c an In
male df .i;l al.osho.i !: or dependent on I I ivale
charity.' la tf.c pi"r-'eir..e of o-.'ilowiii
treasury it'wo.t'ld h" a public sca:nd;u t. do Je.-s
for l.oie w hose valorous set vice preserved tlie
goveroiiieoi. Vi- denounce the hostile spoil
diiiv ii by i'resideiii i'evela:i, )n his nutneioi!
vetoes of me:e-:tnes for jiensi.ui relief, ,in.l I !'
action of the democratic house of reMesentn
lives in refusing even consideration of general
ension legisiat i( n.
In sujiport of l he irii:e!ile iierew ith enun
ciated, we invite the co-oierat ion ol patriotic
nen c.f all paith-s, fspecialiy of all working
ie.i,"-e oropeiity is seriously threatened
by the free ii'i.U.; pp!i y of the present admin
iliallon. ' '
Republican State Convention.
TJic repuMican electors of the state of
Nebraska a'C j'CiiiestcJ to sejul tlelc;ates
from their several counties to meet in
convention at the city of Lincoln Thurs
day, August 1 888, at 2 o'clock p. m.,
for the purpose of placing in nomination
candidates for the following .state olliees.
Lieutenant Governor.
gsee.-eiir, of State.
State Treasurer.
Auditor of Public Accounts.
Attorney General.
Oonmisetoier of Public Lands and
And the transaction of such otiicr jiusi
ness as may cfme lie fore the convention.
The several counties are entitled to re
presentation as follows, being based upon
the vote cast for lion. Samuel Maxwell,
judge, in 1887, giving one delegate at
large to each county, and for each 1.10
vote?, and major fraction thereof:
Cul'X'll KS.
V o r i
...14 .Johnson s
. . ! Kearney fe
... I Keyha Paha r
.. " Keith 4
. .. f Knox 7
. .. 4 Lancaster '.",
... ! Lincoln s
...11 Logan M
.. v boup :i
. . Mad isnn 8
. . .h; Mcl'herson 1
. . . ;" Merrick 7
... e Nance ... .-,
.. . " Nemaha y
. ..ii Nli(:koIls ;
... (hoe 12
... Tjl'awnee s
Aut elope . . . .
Pox l'.utte...
Hu tialo ...
i liM-v. . .
I'u tax
I a wsou
1 indue
l)u nd y . ...
Front ier
Fin lias
Callleld... .
( Josjier
. . 7i 1'erkit.s
.. 5:i'oik
.. Tjl'latte
. . s: Phelps
. tijlMchartlson .
..iL' Ked illow.
.. 4 Sarpy
. . liijSaunders
. TjSeward
. 1,. Shei itlan.
. . ;ij Sherman ..
. . hij.-inux
.. :rlantoii .
. . o
.. 4
. . Ii
. u
. . i
6j rhayer...
4 Valley ..
Mall 11 Washing
Jlamiltoii in Wavne. .
ou. .
Harlan Webster. ..
Hayes 4 Wheeler....
Hitchcock e. York
..14 Unorganized Ter 1
, '
.. ti Total
It is recoibincnded that no proxies be
adn.ittcd to the convention except such as
are held by persons residing in the coun
ties from which the proxits are giyen.
To Chairmen County Central Commit
tees: "NVhekeas, At the republican state con
vention held at Lincoln October .1, 18s7,
the following resolution was adopted:
RtfiofrtJ, That the state central com
mittee be instructed to embrace in its call
for the next state convention the submis
sion of the prohibition question to there
publican voters at the republican pri
Therefore, in accordance ivilh. the
above resolution, the several county cen
tral committees are hereby instructed to
V- --7--- r- s - i r?s :
Eureka Meat Marcel
Wllo.i:s.U.K AM
Ueef, Pork, Mullen, Veal M.d Icialjy.
I invito all to give mo o. xicl. Cured "Minis, Hums, IhiM.ii. I.nrd.
at lowest liyin; piitis. Do i f
La i i:st
K i: I T C N ST A
i-'oj: all
yor snori.D call on
iww a
Will call your attention
they are headquarters for all
and Vegetables.
We are receiving
Oranges, cr
Just received
We have Fure Jeple
t i n
I mem
Jonathan JIatt.
Sugar Cured Meats, Hams. Bacon, Lard, c, &c
ot our own make.
Tlie Lest Linnd
Dr. E. r. West's Nerve and lirnin Tieatmeiit
at'ua.rantoe stu-cific for Jlvstiiia Ijiz.ii.fs.
Con vulsiims. Kits. r cms Neur:il.'ia. Heacl
aclie. Nei vcoiif I'rcistratioii ciuim-u !' ilieix
of a!colol or tol ac-co. V;skefii!m ss. Mental Ic--prei-ion,
Softc-niiiL' of tlie Hiain n - nit ii ir in in
sairity and lead ifi t misery, dec ay i:iitl 'i-al li,
i-rc:ii"al urc old A:e. rarreniess. J-ose of I'i.w
er in cither s x. Irv.-!i:r,tary I. s s;ini er
iiiat li licea caused hy (, er-e ertion f-f 'lie
brain, selfal use 01 c.vef-ilnlnlc i.t e 1 "acli lu x
eonlains one ii'Oii'liV 1real:ner.t. flic a box
or six boxes for 6".t, m nt. by n.ail jnc raider
receipt of iilce
To cine an cae. Witli eaeli older received
by ns for six bo.xfs. eel willi P." 00,
we will send tlie iiurclihser our u liiten nuiuii
tee to return tlie n-oiiey if the tu atn.ent does
not effect a run'. iuarantees issued C'lily bv
Will .1. Warrick sole ayelit. l'lattsincuitli. Ne b.
If you want a good
send us 30 subscribers to
silver watch,
the Wlekly
I fiiil
( le. I n . ul is in ( t i:
.ii s. i t n r ) i nr i i. tn I nj.e.
nd 1 ilk
jLj 2V
di:ai.i:k is-
KINDS (!"--
stvij:s of-
IS TLY O.N 11 A N i .
22323 TO OXiDZZSl
VINE. II. AT 'I f-JHt'l If, M '.
storA of
I'l.A'l TSMOVTI r. N 1 : 1 : b' A h K A
to the
k i n d s
feet that
of Fruito
Fresh trav,berr iee eve
c n
d E'Errrza ccrctsntl y
f 1 bii'ls and I ;ii I'
variety cf Csrr.ed
Sugar r. d r o n i e t 1. c
W. jMajjtiih.
T1 A Tr
.2TD jX2
Cilll.S und 1 ul k, i.t
I Ti;c f tarda) d rcii.edy for liver ferin
; plaint is, VVtst'fe I.ivtr 1'illt; iJ,(j-
disii,iic hit ;ii. ''() j ills IZc. At War-
ric k'i- ch i' strrf.
VVe vill eivc a silver valdi, tl ut is
Wtiriabtcil l y ll.c "n ( n of tLis
city, to any i.e vl.o I i ii is ; -xeaiiv
Ca.'ll Sl,l,KllI I IS to tl.C I'AII.Y FllJi?.
- - 1,1, , . .
M AI Kit IN 1 UK
Choicest Brands of Cigais,
incl udino- ,ur
i nor ae K"eppcrcerco'
r c
t s
always in stock. Nov. 26, 16&5.