.:." o A' PL.ATTSMOUTII, NEI5UASKA, 3IONDAY KVKXINO, JULY 10, 1888. lailST YEAH Mill M0i W0ttlll mmm 1 I OKKIG3511S. ..r JI;rk. Treasurer, jail. Attorney. ,, ' J:imlue-r. aellim j.i,c Judge, - 1; Mir.liaU, ', Couuciluieu, 1st vlTard, V K. Fox 2n.l 3rd 4th. 1.7 I .1 VV JOHN N,OH Hoard Tub. Work Kkki (Idmdkk fQf ,S0UU 1) II llAWKSWOK Jam K.t I'ATTKUSON, .IK - Il HON Cl.AKK - A Maim i.k . S i:i.iKKnti W II Mai.ick .1 V WH RItACII I A SAI.IsniJllV ) l M JONKS I I lit. A Sill CM AN M li MUHI'HY ( S W ItUITO.N t COS O'CoN.NOll. V McCai.i.kn. I'kks VV JOHN IM.CllAIKMA.N I Camblors Raided. Airoha, Neb., July 10. Tho police made a raid on the gambling houses this morning about 1::10 a. in. and nrrfsted nine. All hut one of them, Will Mires, the proprietor, nave bonds. Mires is in jail. His trial is net for Tuesday. t "X lerli. opa eoo Sirr Att Supt. 1 Pi ll I. A. Cami-bkix TlPM. I'ol.MJI'K 1MKI ClCITCII I- I K1.U Y.w Chi h:hki ki.i V. II. Tool. .Ions M I.kvipa W. C. HllOWAl.TK.lt J.O. ElKKSHAKV A. Ma polk A i.i.kn i:kksn MAVNAKP SflXK 0. UUSSKLL Treasurer. liemuy Treasurer, - Clerk. - -lieputy Clerk. - -ltceonler o( lei:ij nouty UecorJ-, Clerk of litrict Co irt, Nliertll. Surveyor. Attorney. Kupt. of Pub. .School. County Judge. HOAKII OK HUI'KHVISOKH. . V. i ,J .;.'v - - Kunwood A. II. ll,'KSo, - THE VASTNESS OF INDIA. O. O. F. Meets 1ASS 1.01'CK No. 14. I ciiyty I in;f av evening oi iViKut broth? are re,peetl"' iviied to attend 1M.ATTMOUTII ENCAMPMENT No. 3. I. O. I t). V.. meets every alternate r rn a, -111 i. .: i. w. tlif M:iMoiue Hall. isiling Jtrothcrs are Invited to attend. U. W. Meets at h. of I mi'lil IDDliK NO. HI. A. O. I . i. ... .. l.'rldul- CVI-liilltl w i v .ii i ri lint j i i h ill Transient brothers are restwuuy m- KernVder ; II. J. Johnson. Kl ; M:i-h j.ieW iiaugherty. Ins..e (.ti;u J. J IAS C IMP X.33S. MODKKN WtlOllMES 1 ' f Anierioa Meets second and fourth V-.n-iawBli j at K. V. . All tiinjifciit tether- are re.,..ested to ...ee w III us- ; Neweoner. Venerable Consul:.. I. Worthy Adviser; S. C. Wilde. Hunker ; N . A. lioeck. Clerk. i7CtTSMOI;TH I.OIKJE Mt.K, A.O. IUV. 1 Meets ev. rv alternate Friday eveiiniK at Kockwood hall at S o'clock. All t ra'.siel.t broth m are re-pe.tfti'.ly Invited to attend. I h. m 'wr: V. Boyd. Foreman: V Aac; Reorder' ; l.eoirard nderson. OverHr. -i .T-riiMiil-TII I.OIKiK NO.i;. A. h. A. M 1 Meets on the lirt ami third Mondays o iVl l io.it U at their hall. All transient broth Jo cordially C'K SSSAv. M. V'M. Hats, SerietHlV': v ttj::::iA c'iiAi-rEit. Nn. -s. n. a. m. Meets seeond aad fourth Tuesday of eaeh month at Mason' Hall. Trauseitnt brothers are Invited to meet with us. V, E. W MIT 15, II. P. Ty. 1 1 a ys. Searetary. , General Harrison's Indisposition- Inoianai-oi.is, July lo General Har rison passed a very quite day. Although under the doctor's care, he expressed hope this morning that !y tomorrow he woald be fully recovered from his indisposition. Telegrams and letters of inquiry continue to pour in upon him from the surround ing cities, asking him to fix a time when )olit!cal clubs may call on him. Preparing for a Grand Opening- Nkkkamka City, Neb., July is. A argo meeting of citizens was held l.tst evening to take notion in regard to tne ironoscd celebration of the opening oi the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy bridge when completed. The road oflicials have promised their assistance towards making the celebration a success and it promises to be a great event- in the history of the tjty. The date will prooamy .- lime in September. Restless Redskins. Victoiua, B. C, July 1C It is report- ed that Mr. Clifford, in charge oi me Hudson liay company at llazelton, and one of the special constables sent from here, had been murdered by Indians. 1 ne Indians are thoroughly excited and threat-. . , v ii en to exterminate all the wii us in uus part of the country. A special force of piovincial police lcaveM ioimjjiu iwi scene of the trouble. Tlie Indians who the worst on the coast, aud nearly all are well armed. Painful Accident to a Switchran. NuitTii WKNi. Nel.f July 16- O. James a brakeinan on the lluion Pacific ...l.;to r-mnlinrr :i cur. Cililflilt hiS lam Ulldee - N(. K. T. IJ k 4 Sir VI. W COllMA'' KAUV -3Met-ts first and third Wednesday tiiht tf each month at Maso 's hall. isittu' UiJUiers Hie e ially invited to timet with u. W yuj A f. Ho. F. K. WiiiTK. h. C. UNO ItcM.KOVAl. H;cANCM lot htil Vl ASmI'OI:N( V ii iiet ht "eeoad and fourth Mondays of i ( i niofitn at Arcauuiu . . - '. u l.F.N , 1"' C.MtNoit. fteerctary. nt. HwU. ' .....ili" . .e nam. lie was .wa""cci thirty feet over the ties, leg above the knee and ieceiving severe internal injuries. Dr. Elwood was called and removed him to hi3 residence. He found it necessary to amputate his left leg at the middle of the thigh. At this writing, several hours since the accident, the surgeon repoi ts him doing well, and in his opinion he will recover. Ancient Nations. Crrat Cities. Flcl'tlug Peoples Occupations and Industrie. For eighty years at least writers have en deavored to bring home to Englishmen the vastneM of India, but, so far as can be per ceived, have failed. Tho Briton reads what they say, learns up their figures, tries to understand their descriptions, but fails, for all his labor, to realize what India is a con tinent large as Europe west of the Vistula, and with 0,000,000 more people, fuller of an cient nations, of great cities, of varieties of civilization, of armies, nobilities, priesthoods, organizations for every conceivable purpose from the spreading of great religions down to Hvstematie murder. There are twice as many Bungalese as there are Frenchmen; the Ilindostanees, properly so callea, outuunioer the whites in the United States; tho Mah rattas would fill Spain, the iieople of the Punlab with Seindo are douhlu tho popula tion of Turkey, and I have named but four of the more salient divisions. Everything is on the same bewildering scale. The fighting peoples of India, whoso males are as big as ourselves, as brave as ourselves, and more regardless Of death than ourselves, number at least 1:20,000,000, equal to Gibbon's calculation of the population or tho Roman empire. There are 400,000 trained brown soldiers in native service, or whom we hear perhaps onco in ten years, and at least 2,000,000 men who think their proper profession is arms, who would hvo by arms if they could, and or whom we in r.ngianu never 'bpar a word. If tho Prussian con scription wero applied in India, wo kuoum, without counting reserves or landwehr or any force not summoned in time of peace, have 2,500,000 soldiers actually in barracks, with 800,000 recruits coming up every year a force with which not only Asia, but tho world, might be 6ubduetL There are tens of millions of prosperous peasants whose hoard ings make of India the grand absorbent oi the precious metals, ton3 of millions of peas ants beside- whose poverty fellahs or Sicilians or CJonnaught men are rich; millions of arti sans, ranging from tho mon who build pal aces to the mon who, nearly nak,3u and al most without tofdi, do. tho'bumblest work of the. potter- livery occupation which exists iu Em-ope exists also in India. The industry of the vast continent never ceases, for India, with all her teoming multitudes, with a popula tion in places packed beyond European precedent, imports nothing cither to eat or drink, and, but for the Europeans, vould; l.mjrt nothinsr wbatever. hue is sumcienc to herself for everything save silver. Amid these varied masses, these 2T0 OOOSfl, wl mere d;.ijiiijj w-WuM uiB qi il-'-"-" voiumos, the . ,rt-8 as vigorously as in Europe. i here is as much labor, as much contention. as much ambition, as much crime, as much varietv of careers, hopes, fears and hatreds. i . . . ... ... . . 1 . . , T...Knn .fc mangling one it is still possioio to a moucj " become vizier of a dynasty older man His tory, or llnance minister of a new prince whose personal fortune m naru casu is double that of the late Emperor William, or abbot of a monastery richer than Glaston bury over was, owner of an estate that cov ers a county, head of a firm whose transac tions may vie with tiioso or the uanngs or Bleichroders. One man, Jute rcrsuau. uy name, fed and transported the army which conquered the Punjab. Meredith Townsend in Fortnightly Heview. The AVIt of an "Immortal." M. Ijibiehe, who died in Paris not long ago, was a ineinlier of tho French academy one of tho forty literary "immortals'1 of France. M. J.abi-ho originated the saying, now not unfamiliar in characterizing a per son who, though ignorant, insists uin mak ing a great show i.f what he thinks he knows, "lie is a man of vast and varied misinforma tion." Labiche expressed t he thought iu this way: "lie has a great and varied ignor ance." XoL long after Lnbieho had used this' expression, and had embodied it in a literary work, Prince llisniarck said of some one: "That man tmssesses a iierfectcilcydoiKi-diuo i'.rnorance." Labiche insisted thut Bismarck had liorrowed tho phrase from him. But it is more probable that tho rejietition was a mere coincidence, as Bismarck himself is a man of genuine wit. At the marriage of his son, Labicho gave a little party, and, as ho was unite unaccustomed to ceremonies of a social sort, he was at first puzzled to know what ho should say in greeting and parting with so many people. "I have it! I have it:' ho exclaimed finally; "I will simply say to each person as bo arrived, 'At last! and to each as ho g(ies uway, 'Alreadyf" lie car ried out his programme, and all his guests felt very much flattered. Pitt-' ;::;-; 'i:i! Real Estate Bargains kxamini: i:k list. CONMSTINfS OK- CHOICE LOTS - x ir .Starvation and lied Tape. Once when I was in Ijtuidon a woman op-t plied to a hospital for 1Vm1 for her liabe, .vhich was dying of btarvatiuu, Tho com- 1 nittee of gentlemen called her in and asked her a string of questions, and finally said they could not give her anything unless sho had a written application from tho secretary. She tbauked them, gathered her dying child in her arms and started off to look for the sec retary, lie called her in, asked her ques tions and said he could not make out ihe. ap plication without an ordei-. from tho doctor. Sho t!iac.koi him and went back to tho hos pital to tho doctor. lie gave her tho order, and with hope in her heart aud hugging tho preciou3 burthen to her breast, bidding the little ona wtiit; just an hour more, the poor mother, hurried away to the secretary, anil from him to the hospital again. But when food was brought and sho drew tho ragged pud of her shawl away from tho baby's face, the littlo one lay daad in hor arms. It was dead of starvation a:'.d red tape. Catharine Cole in New Orleans Picayune. UUUtii On r! I UllM Trcland'ii IJovcl Industry. Recently, an' entirely novel industry h?i epruug into existence. In tho genj-j j firn--cf southest. Ireland v,um- J imity. of thV - "y .prox; I p,,!..- - ...-earn, many vani'ura ...ou uucks cro scon hi tho farm yards of the peasantry. Theso dc's ere cross Dreas mvimm-v wliiin rl.iei;3 with a strain of the numerous wild fowl which frequent this neighborhood, nir.llard, migrating ducks de tained from crossing tho channel by storm, etc. The plumage of these cross breds is bril liant and varied; magpie wings, green heads and blue vrir.g feathers, pheasant breasts and indefinable tints are to be obtained. An asso ciation called the Bandon Duck Eggs com pany has lately been formed at Bandon, the center of this favored district, with the ob ject of exporting to England tho eggs and also broods of ornamental farmyard ducks. Boston Transcript. 21 lots in Thompson's addition. 40 lots in Townscud'j addition. Lot IU block l:JN, lot o block 101. Lot 1 block , lot (i block ii.""). Lot 11, block 111, lot V, block bl. I.OIS IN YOl'Xt! AM) HAYs' AUDITION. Lots iu Valmcr's addition. Lots in Duke's addition. Improved property of till descriptions and in all parts of the city 015 ci;y terms. A new and dcirab)o residency in South Park, can bo bough, on monthly payments. before purchasing elsewhere, call and sec if we cannot suit you letter. Dr. C- A. Marshall. DE.MTIST! rieceryatlon of natural teeth a upeelalty. fi rth trtnu ti 'l without mln ( ve 11 iMimhiug (In. All work warranted. I'liccs reasonable. KlT.OKKAI.lt'rt lll.'X K I'l.ATTHMOUTII. Nrit DllS. CAVE & SMITH, 'Painloss DcntiotG." l i e only IlelitintM hi the West eontrollng till New Svstem f Kxtraetiiiu mid 1 lllnin '1 eet ll uitliinit I'alu. Our iiiiiieslhelie 1m 11 tlrely free from c 1 1 1. o 1 : ( 1 ') 1 : 3 1 o i 1 :t i i i : it AND IS AP.SOI.PTKl.Y Harmless - To - A1U Teeth extracted and mliiichil teeth liixeited next day it desired . 'I lie iii-s-rvnl Ion of the natural teeth a specialty. GOLD CAPS, BRIDGE WORL The very linest . Olllee in ( ' 1 1 1 1 1 block, over '1 he Citi.cuH' liank. lo.ttex2r--'U.t2 OO TO Win. Jfcrohl & Son - pon Dry Goods. Hslieas Boots and Sbocs t it (.adics and (bnfs FURNISHING- (JOOT)S. lie keeps as lai'ge and as will SELECTirD STOCK A "ali be found any place in t lie fit y and make you prices ti;al dely competition. Acents for Harper's Bazar Patterns and Ball's Corset?. uiocnutHIE POST 45 C. A. R- i nosTF.it. .1. v. Johnson - .......Oonimander. C. s. T-.visi Hemor ice 1 a luTus Junior ' Ml Adjutant. -V-V- .; ....Sergt SgS .1 vc.r. ;o.lu.KM AN. . ..quarter Mast er helgt. 1.. I'.t'l'UTis, lost Chapiam Meeting Saturday evening PLATTSWOUTH BOARD OF TRADE T... si. lent Kobt. 15 Windhani 1 1 t'Sl'l 11? - . 1st Vice President A- ,,,,a ,We President '. IreasureV.:::::".--' V- !Ha nlKKi.roits. 1 c Hi. hev K. i:. White. J Patterson, .1 "a ;on!ier. li. Kl-oii. C. V. Sherman. K. tlor- d r. J. V. Weekbaeh. H,LPalmer&Son GENERAL lfjSURI??iCE A6EHTS Koprescnt the following time tricl ami lire-tested companies: .v3.iiiMn Centrat-S. i.oiii. Commercial Union-Kugl.inJ. Kire Aisoel itiou-Pbiladetphia. rr.iiiklin-rhUinleliihia, Iline-XeW York. Ids. C . of N..rth Ameriei. I'h.l. l.iverp.io'.SI.oiidou & Ulotie-Kiiir Kurth Hri:i!i M.re.iiilile-lia Norwich I'liion-Kiviand. S;i.a.!"ieM 1. .St M. -Springfield. As-ets $I.'J.-)S.1(H) 2..".'.h;.314 Two OtTflcers Badly Hurt. Ri.i'K Hi-niNos, Neb., July 10. This morning William Ilacklcr, and Frank Acton, policeman, of Wymorc, employed John Hock to take them to the north part of "Wymorc to arrest a man The I'eddler's Itevengo. It sometimes happens that tho peddkrs who travel from door to door with usual patience and humility becomo spirited and independ ent in manner, as a story, repeatoa in an oiu One day a laay Boston familv. illustrates. As who saw the approach of a peddler put her they were ret urn 111 ; Rock drove to last don,fc wftnt anythiES!" The peddler looked0 over the railroad track, which threw tin up: -put your old head into that; wmuow.- re-tr -cat of the sprin- wagon out behind, he said. "Xobody asked you if you did rwr-t.uoi uit. f. ,f , . ' and he went on his way without emotion. precipitating both liackkr and Acton illJuraa. violently to the ground. Both men struck on their heads, lighting on the rails. Ilacklcr is not expected to live and Acton is seriously injured. They arc vcrv larc men and their weight pro duced a terrible concussion. They each 3sot Quite So Wortliless. First Citizen You. knew tho widow Sokes' husband, did you? Second Citizen I did. 'ihe most utieny worthless fellow I ever heard of. Drunk all the time; abused his wife, and was dead drunk when the engine struck him. Spent have been officers in the city for several all her earnings for whisk the First Uitizen vo mow. ooses iu m ..lifn en wnrth as vou uiaua out. axis . ... . jr. r ru Tlie Idiotic Topical Song. The impression that all "topical song's," which fo'-m a prominent feature of tho comic ojieras, so . illed, are written in asylums for idiots is not ouite correct, though the qual ity of most of the songs certainly gives color to it. The nursery rhyme is bad enough, perhaps, but in comparison with the average tnnieal sons it is a gem of purest ray serene. Every time I attend a comic opera I want to o out when tho topical song begins. In the lirst plaeo the alleged singer has no more voice for melody than an old crow, and in the second place the words he pretends to sin" are either idiotic, or, in a literary sense, mere rubbish. It is a rule to make new verses for every new thing that comes up. Xew York Cor. Detroit l iee 1 l ess. , acres of improved ground north of the city limits. 5 acres of ground adjoining S tith Tark. 2 acres of ground adjoining South Park. of ground adjoining South Telephone 12, 1 1 acres Park. 20 acres near South Tark: So i sec. 14. T. 10, It. 12, Cass county, price S00, if sold soon. nwiscc. S. T. 12, 1. 10, Cass Co., price 2,000. A valuable iinproycd stock fram in Merrick Co., Neb., 100 acres and on reosom:bk' terms. Vo have our house tilled l!h A FINK QUALITY OF ICE, And are prepared to deliver it daily to our cus tomers iu ;u:y ipiantity desiri d. ALL OEDEES PROMPTLY FILLED. I.eae m tiers with At store 011 sixth Stnct. We make a Spec ialty id CUTTING, PACKIlsTG Anil I.o;ul!ii; ( ais. Kor 1 tins see us fir write. K. C. MMAKEN & SON. Plattbiuouth C. F. SM ITH, The Boss Tailor. Main St.. Over Merges' Slice Store. lias the best and most cornpliW stock of samples, both foreign ami domestic woolens that ever ciiine west of Missouri river, note these prices: jhmiici- from $1(5 to '.."i. dress suits, 2r to $15, pants 4, !?:, i..r;0 and upwards. Will guaranteed a (it. "1 1 1 a-.nav-tkill'kaVT 111 years ana nave ucch cxcmpiai v i performance of their duties. 4.1I.VCG :f.tiT.ioo T.sj".. s.s;t..V2 r..r..w.Tsi ::.17S,75I l.l".4t" 3,ei;.'"5 Total AseH.?12.H.","4 Lasses AliustniaiiiPaiiaUMsiieiicy WHEN YOU WANT WORK DOI I.ittlo Love or mature. No ono who reads our English literature of a hundred vears 'ago or more can fail to see that the writers of that age cared nothing for the crraudeur of mountain scenery. They sneak of mountains as horrid, gloomy, for bidding. If any scenery appealed to them it was the most artilieial terrace and tamest lawn. There was little sympathetic study of nature then under any form. Angling for trout and tho fox hunt were the only pursuits that could suggeat tho eager search for rocks n,l nlmts and buzs. that is now carried on n tho fields and woods. This newly awak ened taste for out-of-door study, and this curious observation of nature is rellecteil in tho literature of tho time, and is often com mented u'iou by writers. Youth's Compan ion. Colors Used Iu Scaling Wax. Colors used ia sealing wax are said to ex press a certain significance. White is used for weddinas: black, drab and pui-ple, for mourning; lavender is condolence; dinner invitations are sealed with chocolate color; blue denotes constancy; green expresses hatred; Vermillion signifies business; ruby or cardinal denotes the most ardent love; light ruby or rose is affectionate remembrance; ti1. preen :s innocence; yellow Indicates jealousy; yellowish green signifies grief and disappointment; uarK orown, lutmutuuy and reserve. Chicago Herald. widow has sued tho company for $o0,000 for killing him. Pittsburg Bulletin. Where It Comes From. Russia leather is made in Connecticut; Bor deaux wine is manufactured in California; Italian marble is quarried ia Kentucky; French lace is woven in New York; Mar seilles linen is produced in Massachusetts; Enzlish cassimere is made m Jew Hamp shire; Parisian art work conies from a shop in Boston.; Spanish mackerel are cauguc on the New Jersey coast, and Havana cigars are rolled by tho million in Chicago. Chicago Herald. Will Make Xo IiOrence. Guest (registering, to hotel clerk) I am 1 Editor Stvggles, of The Buckville Oazette, but I haven't er any baggago with me. Clerk (hospitably) Glad toseo you, editor; that won't make the slightest difference. Guest My not having any baggage? Clerk No, your being Editor Styggles, of The Buckville Gazette. Two dollars, please. The Epoch. Catalogues anil Correspondence. A New York house which ten years ago employed 100 traveling salesmen jiow does its business entirely by illustrated catalogues and correspondence, and its trade is ahead of what it used to be. Others are moving the same May, and in a few years hence the drummer will drum less numerously. De troit Freo Press. A C'hanniiis Uridal Chamber. The most beautiful bridal chamber ever mii was one recently fitted up by an English duke for his bride. Her favorite flower is the ihiifndil. and it -predominates 111 the decora tions. Tho ceiling and the walls are of a palo grayish green and gold. The fringe and dado of dull -rold canvas silk, hand embroided in white daffodils and narcissi. The chande liers have for globes opaline glass on the same ilower designs. The velvet carpet is ,ri-iv rreen. sprinkled with golden flowers. Tho furniture is of heavy English oak, carved with winged love's heads, and tiio draperies and window hangings are ot Span ish lace, in conventional designs of daffodils. New York W oild. -" Windham & DavieS. Prices Defy Competilion. IU BANC Consult your best interests by insurim in the Pliccnix, Hartford or .Etna com- Indians and Wlilnky. It is true that the Indian will drink whisky, Knh tho reason he rots so uproariously drunk is because, unlike the white man, he does not panies, about which there is no question know how to use the drink. An Indian may not take one drink of whisky in five years ; then some white man will give him a pint Cask of rve or bourbon, which he doesn't know how to take in moderation, but drinks at ono sit ting, the consequence being that tho Indian i...f.rinp -pi-v di-imk. He is like a child in as to their high fctanding and fair dealing. TORNADO POLICIES. The present year bids fair to be a dis- J. E- ROBBINS, ARTIST, IXSTKL'CTIONS 'IIVKN IN FINE OIL. PAINTING WATER COLORS. ETC. ALL LOVERS OF A11T A UK INVITED TO CALL ANJ ZEZXIMIIILsriK JULIZ: WOEK STUDIO OVER OLIVER & RAMSE MEAT MARKET. O-- 13. KEM PSTEB, Practical Piaiia and Organ Tuner AM) ItKI'AI KKI!. First-class work guaranteed. Also deal er in Pianos and Organs. Oflire at Uocck's furniture store, PlattMiiouth, Nebraska. this respect, and knows no more than does a astrous one from tornadoes and wind child as to what the enect or rue nquor wm -OF- CALL ON Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. 'Contractor and Builder Sept. 12-fim. .lob work done on short notice at the IIekai.d ollice. A Thought of the Fntwre. She Won't it be delightful when we are married, Jim J 1T. Won't itl She No conventionalities to bind us, and He (who has played a very long game of tennis) Yes, and then I can take the rocking chair and you tho camp stool, without excit ing remark. From tlie Dismal Swamp. John Boyle O'Reilly writes from the heart of the Dismal swamp: "This place is won derful and beautiful. It is a desolate land crying for attention and reclamation. This is the most defamed land on earth. The Dis mal swamp is the greatest sanitarium on the American continent," Chicago Ilerald. Ye.YV. F. Cody in The Epoch. About the Same. "Say," said Alpha, "my son is learning to play the violin. Come around this evening and hear him practice." "What is he em ployed at during the dayf asked Omega. "He works in a saw filing factory." "Well, I have another engagement for this evening, but I will call around at tho factory to morrow and remain a few minutes." !Xor ristown Herald. lie Always Tied the Knot. Minister's Wife (to husband) I think it is perfectly scandalous, the Widow Bently marrying again and for tho third time. Don't vou think so. my dear? Minister Well, it would hardly be right f.ip ma to sav anything against Mrs. Beutly, mv dear. Sho has been too good a customer of mine. Texas Siftings. Clubs of rmtlon. It is reported that several of the oldest and most respectable London clubs are in want of both money and members. The new clubs are so numerous and possess so many fresh attractions that the old ones find it difficult Vhe Unmounted Cavalry. It appears that lcsides having ships with no guns, England has cavalrymen with no horses. For example, the Third regiment of Household cavalry has but S00 horses for l,o00 men, and 17,000 dragoons and hussars have but 10,000 horses. In the German array the usual proportion is 1.000 horses to TOO men. New York Sun. storms. This is fore-shadowed by the number of storms wc have already had the most destructive one so far this year having occurred at ZSIt. Vernon, 111., where a large number of buildings were destroyed or damaged. Tlie exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc currence more probable in 1888. Call at our ofllce and secure a Tor nado Policy. Unimproved lands for sale or exchange. J C, SOOSTE, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. All work first-class; west Fifth Street. North Robert Sherwood's Store. It. B. Winpiiam, John a. Davik.s. Notary Public. Notary Public. WIXDIIAMA iavii:h, Attorneys - at - Law. cnice over liai:k of Ca-J. County. Nlbhaska. Plattsmouth, 4 N. SUILLIVAN. Attorney at Law. Will .A. give prompt attention to s.ll buciues In trusted to him. Ollice ia Union Block, East side. Plattsiiiouth. eb. Fire Insurance written In tho Etna. Phoenix and Hartford by Windham &, Davies. B. &. M. Time Table. The twentieth birthday of tho czarewitch was celebrated bv a ball at St. Petersburg, at which all the ladies appeared in white, and all the men in red. The champion fat lady at the dime museum owes most of her success to her winning weighs. WIHDHA1UM7IB8. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. -:oin: wi:vr. No. 1. 4 :.Vi a. la. No, t". :4'i p. III. . No. Tt.'.t -:.:T, u. 111. No. : ir p. in. No. : p. ni. COIN'l FAST. No. 2.-4 :" p. 111. No. 4. to ::ki a. 111, No. . 7 p. in. No. s.- -! :'M a. 111. No. 1U.--U -AT, a. ni. ah trr.hm nm rt:ii!v bv wav of Omaha, ercrr.t Nos. 7 and 8 which run to and from htliuiler daily except Sunday. No. -jn is atubto Pacific Junrtlon at 30 a m. No. lit Is a stub from Pacific Junction at 11 a.ui,