The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 13, 1888, Image 3

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411 J..
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onuiank)iip f the Mexican nquero.
"Tho Sytni of Ilrraklng Untamed IJron-
ami Home Victory at I
Our ranch is alout 140 miles from the Mex
ican Contra! railway, and tho City of Chihua
hua, in tbU tnte, is our headquarters and
depot for our supplies that the ranch does not
furnish or produce. Wo lio at the laso of
the Wi-rra Madro range, in a finely wooded,
watered and grassed valley, where the moun
tains attain Aheir greatest height und the
weucry is most picturesque. The olimatois
Bujierh, tin altitude is about fi.riOO feet high,
enough to escAM the heat of summer, yet
low enough to avoid tho snows and cold of
Wo are in tho midst of our summer "rodeo"
or round up. Tho round up is for the pur
lns of weaning last year's calves. Up to
now tho work can bo dono by any ono able
to fcit a horse. Our object is to cut out and
separate tho cows, steers and bulls from the
calves. Tho men, inmnted on their fleetest
horses, work in pairs. Entering the outer
edge of tho herd they select a beast nearest
them. WiiJr a shout they aro after it, ouo
on either hi L'. The animal seeing two horses
tearing down on him changes. It dodger, to
tho right or let, not caring to leave its young
or tho herd. As it turns the trained horses
turn with it. There is no outlet but straight
ahead; for that pnce the brute makes, the
men riding on either side. At twenty or
thirty yards from the herd another man gets
behind the animal, prevents it from turning
buck, and tho Ijenst remains in tho seiarate
herd, guarded by two men. This sort of
work goes on all day with vai ions mishaps
and tho frolic of tho men.
Tho Mexican vaquero, a good one, cannot
bo beaten for toughness, ability to follow
trails, dexterity with a rope and for a seat in
tho saddle. Ho is not eo trustworthy as his
American brother, but more easily handled
and skillful. Not a day pusscsjnit we have
exhibitions of horsemanship and ropo throw
ing that would put Mr. Cody's show to
thume; and, by the way, the bust thing in his
Wild West exhibition was tho riding of the
steer, an animal which is much harder to sit
than the most bronco of horses, and was the
least not 'reflated by a New York uudieucc.
Hitting unbroken hoies as done in the
states is unknown here, though wo are now
introducing it for breaking carnage horses.
Of course, tho methods -of breaking horses.
i.t. Ueii brought up on a raniro and
havo only seen man at a distance since they
were branded, must dilier trom thse em
ployed by such a horse breaker as Professor
'riioii"ii tne nroressor is hiom. ci
ceiicut in urcubiug u wu? .0 uy
his methods, ho would sadly fail in applying
them to a horse that would not allow himself
to be approached within forty feet.
Hero the horses nro driven into tho corral.
Tho mausador or. bronco buster, as ho is
termed in tho states, selects the horse that is
to lio btoken and ropes him. The moment
the noose tightens on the animal's neck he
plunges and rears in his attempt to run
away, and will not allow himself to lo ap
proached, for the placing of the halter on his If this cannot be accomplished a sec
ond ropo is thrown, catching the horse by
his fore legs; tho rope is drawn taut and the
f . animal, with a terrible shock, is brought to
tho ground.
Now is the tamer's opportunity. With
a l"unil ho is on tho animal, pressing his
wefht uion tho neck, and in a twinkling the
ha'tor, with a ropo attached, is placed on the
head and tho other lines cast loose. As the
orse rises and attempts to run he is brought
- Vp- barp by a jerk on the rope that throws
" him on his back; that is reieatcd again and
again until ho learns that he is only safe
i?':ou standing still,
'i'ho tamer next attempts to saddle him;
OA soon a3 the saddle blanket touches the
horse's back he is oil", only to be brought up
short again. This continues until by dint of
coaxing and rojie hauling the saddle is finally
secured by two siuches. The moment this is
f.n and his head Jet lso tho animal pitches
and plunges, endeavoring t rid himself of
his strange load, until his strength gives way
and he stands iiutiug and wild eyed. With
cars.cocked and front feet firmly planted he
tugs at tho roje while the tamer takes a turn
around the horses jaw with his rop and
makes a pair of reins of it; a bridle is of no
use until the aniinal is taught to turn his
!tii ri.imor nnlmals are ridden with the
reins tied iiMt above the neck and made iuto
a tingle rciu so as to guide them by the neck
....iL-ntli.-ir iii;in:i''ement with one hand
easv ailowins the other freo to use the rope.
Havin ' brouiht the horse to tho point of
standing comiarati vely fpiict, a handker
chief is tied about bis eyes an animal will
not run blindfolded and ho allows the tamer
t- mount, not Wing frightened by seeing a
man in such close proximity. One hand
h.. linrsft bv tho ear. the otner seizes
lirr fif t li saddle, and with a light
tuv livi fc - r
vault the tamer is in his seat.
The handkerchief is raised from the eyes
and tho now maddened and nfijightoned
l'.mitA raphes to the end of the coral on the
dead run, leaping, pitching and plung
ing at every step; in bis fury the horse runs
against the" sides of tho corral, jumps in the
nir and comes down with bis four feet rigid,
the hardest pitch to withhold; now with his
front legs pawing the air, tho most danger
ous act, as he is apt to fall backward, killing
himself and wounding tho rider; now with
Lis hind feet kicking out straight in bis en
.wrt.n'nuat the tamer, but all of no
Ti.n r?,1. p sits calmlv in the saddle, with a
firm trio aeainst its sides with his knees,
sboutin". hittinjr the animal with bis heavy
quirt and digging his spurs into its sides at
pv,.rv nitch. hinm or kick; the horse, with
enmt i.-ii'Tiiii'iIouuits sides, a bewildered
i.K.k in its eve. stands gasping for breath,
.lisenui-awl in its efforts to unseat its rider.
A few moments' breathing spel for man and
beast and they are at it again. Tor an hour
111:111 remains in the saddle, and tho
horse's lesson for that day is over. For the
next live d:iys the horse is saddled daily, the
i-t iiK-r. nst-d dailv iu length, until tho
last dav he is ridden all day, doing ordinary
wni l; Rut 1 then turned over "broke" to some
man for use in his mount and who inspected
to finish its education in roping and turning.
Ifss trouble is experienced in breakiu
mules than horses. They are more timid,
1. lit n-ii.-ter. and need a longer time to learn
thoroughly their duties. To the men
ride the mountain lines mules are furnished.
Thev are better than horses for that .oi k,
heinz surer footed and of greater endurance,
but for round up purposes mid cuttiug out,
horses are preferred for their fleetness.
Chihuahua Cor. New York World.
Dreticy Summer Waitft.
light blue, pink or scarlet surah blouses
are made with tucks at the top run by hand,
ind are worn in the afternoon and at home
iu the evening with skirt of block lace or
net, ecru or cream loco, or else of surah com
Red Shlrt'a View on the Sanny aatl Shady
- Bides of Voyage.
One of the band of Indian with Buffalo
Dill's show has for a chief a brainy old fel
low known as Red Shirt. He has an original
manner of thought and expression, which
makes turn a constant source of amusement
to thoso with whom be comes In contact.
For two days after tho great show sailed
away from New York for England last year
they had a sea as smooth as glass. On the
evening of tho second day old Ked Shirt
called a pow wow In ono of the cabins, where
he proce;ded to "chin chin" about the great
voyago. Among other things be said that
tho niignty works of the white man continued
to fix wonder in his brain and still the vio
lent beatings of his heart.
"TI107 are a great peoplo," said he, "and
this last evidence that we have of It here on
this mighty tepeo (boat) is greater than all
all others. The giant river (ocean) which we
have Known about as a tradition of tho old
men has become to us now a known and ac
tual thing. Down in tho bowels of this giant
teie! the white man has placed bis miracu
lous engine that cats wood and drinks water
and spits fire and smoko and fog, but goes
whirling round and round its paddles to
mot e this great mass of wood and iron. We
kno jv that we are safe In the whito man's
coirpany, because he goes with us, and he
has been over the mighty river many times
before. But it is all so wonderful that it
seems like a beautiful dream."
Tho next day was dark, cloudy and finally
stormy. It was thrco days before Old Red
Shirt crawled out cf his bunk and summoned
bis warriors to another council. This time
they were a sick looking lot. Not one of
th'sm had escaped the horrors of seasickness,
and, although they endeavored with stoical
Indian fortitude to "brace up," the evidences
of their unhappiucss were as plain as the
signs of debauch on a man who has been on
a long spree. Old Red Shirt shook bis head
ssdly as bo began to talk to the braves. His
first sentence might have been almost liter
ally translated, "These be perilous times."
He continued in something of this strain in
lugubrious and melancholy tones: "This has
been a trouble to try our manhood and our
nerves. The sky was black, and the waters
were dark, and the great waves roilea, and
we were sickliko women. TJgh! The big
tepee must havo taken fire water in its bow
tils and become like a drunken man. Ugh I
It pitched up and down like a bucking horse.
Ugh I It was no longer a beautiful dream, but
what tho white man calls a night horse. It
was a foul, bad dream." New York Tribune.
A Vender of IJrcad Fills.
Tho odd shifts to which men who hava V?
eomo recruits in tho rankq of pqywty resort
to get a living ore worth perhaps parsing no- j
tice. "Ona half tho world (Iocs, uofc t-'Z .
how tho other Ijalf UP-'' oo M ith" jus-
tiee alter.- -get its living." How some
people, living in good style, get that living
is often a mystery to their neighbors, but the
dodges among the wreckage of tho profes
sional and trading classes are extensive and
v ilham Jones, when I first knew him, was
a commercial traveler, making from JCCOO to
700 a year. Through his own folly he lost
his situation, and then lived "how he could."
On ono occasion, during a drinking bout in
tho north of England, he jumped into the
river and was rescued by some men working
at a puddling furnace, aud carried iuto tho
works. hen he came to himself he faucied
ho was in the infernal regions, and this so
horrified him that it brought on an attack of
brain fever.
He drifted in due course'to a London slum,
and when he was on the brink of starvation
he remembered tho old opera in which be
had seen Dr. Dulcamara. He got an old
college cap, rolled up a bit of bread into
pills, sprinkled them with flour, and went
out and sold them, screwed up in a bit of
jiaper, half a dozen for a penny, proclaiming
them to bo an absolute and certain euro for
almost every disease under the sun. Having
the gift of the gab, he soon got an audience,
and ho sold his pills out in half an hour, lie
then went home and mado some more pills
and did equally well. In a few months he
had established himself as a great medical
authority, and marvelous cures were related
of bis wonderful pills. He did so well at the
game" that he earned enough money to
take to dissipation again, and having ruined
his health ho is now in tho workhouse.
George R. Sims' Loudon Letter in Philadel
phia Times.
Trlcli of a Minor Actress.
Something amusingly tricky was p.ccom-
nli.shedbya minor actress in the Wallack
comnanv last winter. ine nixai season or
that now disbanded organization was arag
ging along, with very frequent changes of
bill from one old -omedy to auother. This
actress had been out of the casts for a
month, and was very anxious to get before
the public again, which she knew she would
do if "She Btoops to Conquer" were revived,
but not otherwise. Ono day she was sad
dened to hear the stage manager say that tho
Diece would probably not be reproduced at
all. That meant further seclusion for her
and possibly no appearance at all before the
winterrritiou of tho company. At this
iuneture her wits devised a scheme. She en
listed a score of her friends, men and women
not connected with the stage, and induced
them to serve her purpos. Next day a well
dressed lady went to the ticket office, asked
for two seats for oue night or the next weee,
and remarked:
"These are for 'She Stoops to Conquer F"
"No " the treasurer - replied. "I believe
'Monev' is to continued."
44 Oh. then 1 don't want these seats. I will
wait until 'She SLoon3 to Conquer" is pro
A dialogue of something like the same pur
port, but in diflerent language, was re
peated twenty times within a week. Tha
treasurer told tho management or tnis strong
demand for "She Stoops to Conquer." No
doubt of tho honesty of these requests was
raised, and they were construed as indicating
a general fashionablo curiosity as to that
comedy. Therefore, it was put into immedi
ate rehearsal, and the ingenious actress uao
the pleasure of facing the footlights again,
whatever may have been the pecuniary re
sult to the theatre. Clara Belle in New Or
leans Times-Democrat.
Government Female Employes.
Tho female employes of the government
printing ofuce ana tlio oureau 01 engraving
at Washington do all kinds of. work, dirty as
well as clean. They help manage tne press3,
their sleeves aro rolled up high above then
elbows, and their plump, round arms receive
many an ink spot during tne aay. auuui
1 500 women aro employed in me mu um-o.
work side by siae witn
white women without dashing. omcago
A Car for Dyspepsia.
The Rev. Nathan Smith, of Ackworth, Qa.,
has preached the Gospel for more than fifty
years. He is a well preserved old gentleman
of seventy-five. He hajmlque cure for
dyspepsia. After suffering from that com
plaint for a number ot years he cured bim
elf by swallowing a mouthful of bran after
each meaJ. New York Evening World,
ImmenKe Herds of Cattle and Sheep He
longing to an Esttuichk Slaughter at
Las Jarllhn An Ignoble Spectacle.
Quirk and Itloody Work.
The name estancia is given to those im
mense estates, some of which surpass in ex
tent tho departments in France, and whose
owners are exclusively occupied in raising
horses aud cattle. These cattle are counted
by thousands their sheep by hundreds of
thousands. Thesu immense herds lio in tho
open air and graze in tho fields which sur
round the main buildings; these are usually
built on the most elevated spot iu the estan
cia. Horses, oxen aud sheep aro watched
and cared for by herdsmen living and slecp
ingcoiitinually in tho open air. Each herds
man is exiected to guard from 2,000 to 3,000
bead of cattle. As to tho main buildings, or
estancia proper, they are built in tho form of
a square or rectangle with terraces, with no'
outer entrance except a largo gate as thick
ami strong as that of a state prison. This is
the residence of the master, tho major domo
and tho household servants. All tho apart
ments open 011 walks bordering tho court, in
the center of which is a well of fresh water.
Thes walks, sheltered by veranda, are mado
of bricks. Then there is a chapel where a
priest conies every six months to officiate,
and a high tower from which, a3 wo havo
seen, peons watched day and night over the
Adjoining tho estancia are vegetable and
pleasure gard&ns, the ranches in which re
side the peons, tho corrals, inclosures formed
of wooden palisades, iu which are kept tho
horses in habitual use, the milch cows and
jioultry. The forge, the wheelwrights shops,
the vehicles used in the transportation of
produce, the warehouses with walls pierced
with a hundred holes, in which are lleeees
and hides to bo sent to i'utngonia. Jiueiius
Ayrcs or Rosario- tnd in.aliy tho corrals,
where tli,Ci ifVcivnt animals aro slaughtered.
A wall,' four feet high, surrounds all theso
buildings and sVpendciicies; this wall is pro
tected by a large ditch, im whose outer edgo
is an impenetrable hedge of aloes, vvi;n
leaves as long, sharp and strong as iron
sjears. Xli?s triply rampart forms the iu
closure. of every estancia in South America.
As soon as the black Hag is rim up, al tho
herdsmen, and other servant who may be
outside, hasten to regain the protection of tho
W-hi.J arrived ntLas J.u-il'-- . , , 1. 1
to Wlt no tte fcl,. of tbe animals. This
""...Cu a matadero. It is an ignoble spec
tacle, but then travelers must have tho cour
age to witness everything. Every morning
at daybreak during the whole time that the
niatadcro lasts. ho jieons drive 200 or o00
head of cattle to the entrance of tho corrals.
These animals, who smell the blood shed tho
previous evening, generally refuse to enter.
Then men on horseback throw lassoes over
their horns, while other horsemen spur their
horses right on them, and the shock throws
each refractory animal to tho ground.
Scarcely has it fallen when those who have
lassoed it drag it inside, where one man
throws his lasso over one hind foot while a
second cuts the leaders of tho other. Tho
poor beast falls forward on its knees, as if to
implore mercy from tho executioners; but
its sufferings are almost over. Armed with
a very long, snarp unite tue maiauor uu-
vances he raises his arm a flash a gleam
and all is over.
The animal falls as if struck by a thunder
bolt. The blade, buried deep just below the
left shoulder, has touched the heart. The
matador withdraws his blade, the blood
gushes from the wound, and moving slowly
011 account of the enormous boots which en
case his legs tho matador approaches another
victim. Tha animals aro immediately
skinned and cut up. The meat and hides are
salted and dressed. Tho former is sent to
Brazil and the latter to Eurojie, where they
are tanned and servo to fashion tho dainty
boots and slippers of our elegantes. Ono
must have witnessed a matadero to form an
idea of what it is. The swarthy peons, naked
to the waist, with their wild, fierce faces aud
flashing black eyes and bare and blood
stained arms, are fearful to behold. With
out pity they slay, and strike again and
again. The slaughtered animals are heaped
upon one another, but what matters it!
The sun is sinking lower and lower, and
they must finish before nightfall. "Hurry,
Pepa! faster, Jose! we must mako haste,
Caramba!"' And again tho shining blades
are buried in tho bodies of the poor animals,
whose plaintive bloatingsand lowings almost
break your heart. The sun has just disap
peared below tho horizon. Soon flocks of
owls, ravens, condors and vultures collect to
feast on the remains and offal, which, but
for theso birds of prey, would poison the air.
This was Saturday. With the last day of
the week the matadero comes to an end. The
corrals were cleaned ; the blood stained soil
was covered with layers of fresh earth.
Then besran preparations for tho biera, or
branding tho animals of tho year, which was
to begin on Monday. This is alwa3's an oc
casiou of great rejoicing and festivity.
Henry Leturquo in Detroit Freo Tress.
An Average Cook.
"IIow do you like housekeeping, my dear P
inquireu Mrs. Matron of Mrs. JNewjywetl.
"Oh, it's just lovely! Charley thinks 1V3
delightful! It's such a pleasant change, he
savs. from boarding house fare, and he just
mvps over mv cookinsr. I love to plan and
prepare our little meals. Do stay for tea.
You really must. It won't inconvenience me
in the least. All I'll have to do will lie to
lav another plate. 1 have everything all
readv, and will only have to speak to our
girl and tell her there is to be one extra."
And when she spoke to the girl she said:
"Run around to the bakers anil get a
dozen fresh rolls, a pound of assorted cake
and some lady fingers. And stop at the gro
cer's and eet some canned beef; and get
some cold boiled tongue at the delicatessen
store, and a jar of raspberry preserves and
some tarts. I guess that'll be all we want but
the tea and you can make that." lid .bits.
Overeating In Childhood.
The habit of overeating is commonly mad.
in childhood, when ignorance and sensation
override moderation of appetit? and reason
able caution. The child should be restricted
to the food that it naturally needs and
should not be allowed to make a hog of it
self When tho growth is attained and the
system no longer easily eliminates the waste
material not necessary for the ordinary pur
poses of repair, then the body begins to store
no fat bevond what is of use and fags out the
muscles in carrying it around; or, if there is
no fattening with overeating, there are uys
rieDsia. fevers, gout, rheumatism, biliousness
and other ills. A temperance organization
which should lay down as its fundamental
law abstinence from excessive eating, wouw
do away with the greater part of the ordinary
Bicknesses among pextona who should live up
to the law.Qood HoaaeKeeping.
A railroad will soon bo built from Gibral
tar to communieato with the rest of Spain.
The now passport system in the Alsace
Lorraine districts is said to bo very annoying
to American tourists.
The secretary of tho London Eloctrio com
pany reports that the stokers struck and
stopped the lights because "a gratuitous
meal of roast beef was served cold instead of
At Hamilton, Ont., a man who borrowed
an umbrella and did not return it has just
been sentenced to jail for one year. A timely
warning to tho wise is cuClcient.
The last French rifle, aa described, has a
ball so small that a soldier can carry 220
rounds, shoots with a now smokeless powder,
and its bullet pierces a brick wall eight
inches thick at COO yards.
A disobedient schoolgirl at Portsmouth,
Va., was mado by her teacher to stand in
ono spot without moving for a long time.
Tho strain mado her sick, and sho is now said
to bo dying of a fever.
Some hen's eggs that were accidentally
covered up by somo men plowing at Teta
luma, Cal., last summer, wero hatched by
tho beat of tho suu upon tho earth and tho
noise made by the chicks led to their discov
ery and release,
Tho first volumo of tho correspondence of
Peter tho Great, edited by Count Tolstoi, has
been published. There will Iks ton very largo
volumes, containing upward of 20.000 letters,
which havo been gathered from archives all
over Europe.
The Holmden farm, near Pitholo, Ta., for
which, in the days of tho oil craze, tho Gar
den City Petroleum company, of Chicago,
paid $1,500,000, was sold n f "! iVi
taxes amounting to les than $100.
Tho lumber from which tho gallows was
constructed on which John Crown was exe
cuted is owned by a resident of Haii-'r'3
Ferry, who is waiting for- somo relic hunter
to come and tako it off his hands. The modest
sum of $1,5,00. is asked for it.
Heoently at a Moscow sunset the rays of
tho sun wero intercepted by a cloud, and
through some peculiar property in tho atmos
phere the eutiro city was colored u vivid
purple hue. This stranjt nect lasted for
eight minutes.
The buck of a gold watch, with a crown
and tho letter N engraved upon it, was re
cently returned to Dent & Co., of London.
and they identified it as tho back of a v"ateh
whMi the Empress Eugenie had Ven to her
son, the Prince Engeno. - 1STS; Tho rt.lic
wassoldtOh Senr'- Uie Africall Uia.
inund n.:--s a Zuu
There is now filed with a will iu litigation
in Monroe count v, Ga., a silver dollar that
was issued in 1T75, and has been in possession
of the same family for moro than 100 years.
It is ono of thirteen dollars that were paid to
a Revolutionary soldier when discharged
from tho Continental army.
A Chinese lantern tied to a kite th:it was
poised in nudair caused a sensation among
tho negroes of Augusta, Ga., a few nights
ago. Tho uncanny light dancing in the
heavens terrified them, and their cries and
prayers are saii to have boon wof ul to hear.
'One old woman prophesied that it was a
warning to them all to repent.
Something that pays bettor than a gold
mine is a large leuge or mica located j"uc
west of Moscow, Idaho. It was discovered a
few years ago by an Indian, who sold it for a
trifle to W. A. Woody. Tho ledge was next
purchased by a Chicago firm, who paid
$125,000 for it, and have since taken a fortune
out of it every year.
A great parrot show is to be held at Turin
this summer. Prizes are to be given for th
polly who can use the most phrases and for
tho oldest parrot. It is said that a polly who
has seen SO years will bo present. It is ro
tated that Cuvier, tho celebrated naturalist,
had a parrot 111 his vestibule, who, upon
seeing a stranger, would cry out, "What do
vou want witu hit master.' ' Ami wueii a
reply wa3 civen he would respond: "Dont
talk too much."
Girls Clad as Mummies.
It seems curious that a fresh and all alive
young creature should be clad in cloth copied
exactly from the wrappings of tho Eg3'ptian
death Th's fabric is a novelty of the season,
and will bo used extensively for summer
gowns, being light, cool and new in color. I
don't suppose that this reproduction of
mummy habiliments will make it rest at all
heavily . on tho fair forms of our girls, al
though I have seen ono case in which the
wearer certainly realized the source of the
material. She had fashioned it into a house
robe to exactly resemble tha original Egyp
tian garment, with its curious trappings and
bands. It was an idea worthy 01 tue spec
tral Bernhardt, although it originated with
a merrv enouch Fifth avenue maiden. As
the result was a shapely sort of costume, such
as plenty of women aro ready to adopt, I
shall not bo surprised if, when touched up by
the skillful fingers of the modern costumer,
the spectacle of apparently vivified inummie3
in our btreets becomes general. .New i.ork
Thrift and Frugality.
A lawyer living in a town near Water-
bury, Conn., states n fact wJTich well illus
trates tho thrift and frugality which char
acterize many of the old families which have
not been touched by modem extravagance
and love of display. In that town three es
tates have been settled within a few months
aggregating property to tho amount of
$700,000, and yet ho says if all the household
furniture of those three families had been
sold at the best possible price, tho amount
received for it would not havo amounted at
tho outside to $300. It is too of ten the habit
now to havo thousand dollar furnishings for
hundred dollar estates. Waterbury Amer
Pasteur's Rabbit Destroyer a Failure.
Tho South Australian Register, to hand by
the latest mail, contains an account of some
experiments at Sydney with M. Pasteur's
microbes of chicken cholera, A number of
rabbits were inoculated with the microbes on
a Saturday morning and placed under
close supervision in isolated boxes; but on
Monday the rabbits had not shown the
slightest traces of the disease, which, ac
cording to M. Pasteur, should provo fatal in
about twenty-four hours. The experiments
were not regarded as hnai. .Microbes may
be strengthened by cultivation, but that will
be a matter of time, Chicago 1 nouue.
Believed to Be a Witch.
In the narrow valley where the Amazon
takes its rise among the Peruvian Andes, a
woman was recently burned to death because
the Donulace believed her to be a witch. The
town of Pataz, which has thus distinguisnea
itself, lies on a well traveled valley road, is
big enough to figure on the maps and in the
crazetteers. and from the mountains on the
west the intelligent citizens must be almost
able to see the railroad that has straggled
into the neighboring valley north of them.
As the stone aire of human existence, cow-
ever, still holds sway in some ports of the
world, it is probably a little too early to ex
pect that witches will everywhere take a back
seat,oew Orleans Xuaes-iemocrat.
The Plattsmo.uth Hera Id
on joying aBo-oa-in botb. ita
Will le one tlurino;
national interest an
strongly agitated and the
President will take place.
Cass County who
Political, Commercial
and Social
of this year and would keep apace
the times should
Daily or Weekly Herald.
Now while we have the subject before the
people we will venture to epeak of our
Which is first-class
from which our job
out much satisfactory
which the subjects
d importance will
election ol i
The iioonle fit'
would like to learn of
in all respects
printers are
bined with lace. -