M -V V PL.ATTSMOUTH, XEItUASKA, TIIUKSDAT EVENING, JULY 5, 1888. XUMIIEIIU-M FIKST YE All 71 ft r- 1 I LI GIY OFFIGKliS. Mayor, ciMk, Treasurer, Attorney, Police Judi;e, Marhall, - Couuulluien, lit ward, 2u.l " 3rd 4th- " ij W Johns n. Hoard Pub. Work-? Yn.Kli,,Hl,y 1 11 HAWKS YY Y. M. KICHKY V K fox Jamki Patterson, jb. - liVKON Cl.AKK - A Mauolk - S ('LIKKOKK W II MAI.IOK jj V Wkckbacii ( A HAMBBUKV i I M JoNKH I lK. A SlIII'MAN t M It M UK I'll Y S YV 1IUTTO.N ) ( OS O'CONNOK. 1 P McCai.i.kn. rur.a J W JriH.N.t IN.UIAIUM1.V OHTH GOU jVl'Y OKiaGKiS. Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, - Clerk. Deputy Clerk, -Kecor.ler of Deeds Dluty Ktuiordor Clerk r Dt-tnct Cojrt, SIihtIIT. hurvvor. Atl..i.y, r KiilJ.of Pub. School. Coi Jf7 J'l'lKO. v 1. A. CAMI HKH, Tllot. I'OLLOCK BlHI CltlTCHUKI.O, EXAClMTlHKIEI.l YV. II. l'mU John M. I.hyda YV. C. KHOWALTKH J. U. ElKKSHAHV A. MAlOLK f.SOST AI.IKN 15 K.K MAVfTAKK Spink C. ltUHHKLL. HOAUD Or PER VI SO US. a n Tv.i.iv f U'm.. - - Plattsmnuth U)UM Kol.TZ, A. 15. Ul .KHU.V, Weeping Water Uamwoou GIVIG SOGIKTvliS. " 1ASH i.ou;ic no. 140. i. . . --Mc':V Vj- .tv Tu.-day eei.liis of fadi week. All r.:trt:ii.iit brothers twe.;i'eoUiiUs' Invited to i.Vt TMOCTII fcNCAM I'M KNT No. ' ; 1 O. K.. ineet every alternate I rmay ill ii. mi! i In tlie. Alalliu ii.ii'- I'.rot hers are Invited to attend. MWUO LODOK NO. 81. A. . U. YV.-Meets 1 every alteruat . Friday evening ai i rr....ul....t lirollitr-i ar rt'SIKM'tf lllly lu- vi H.'l t..a'tte.,l. K.J. Morgan, M.trYV,rkil.aii . ; ir; 1. It.wVn. ; ijvK ,,loUI,S,0.l,l,1, I:o,...r.i. r , H. J. J..h-'. ,lI,1il,,r.,er:M v" Kh'-rty, lnsS leliu rd. HE ACCEPTS THE NOMINATION. WCiDENT OF THE SIEGE. ,,,ss CAVP NO.332. MODE UN C' .Vrf.-.i -Melts H.-co-.d and fourth M.u Iviuh it K. of P. H. AH transient i. ii K...HI.. Kx.-i:ai:kr : vY. O V.'i'Iett.i. Cl.;rk.-1 O V.'i'Iett.:. CI I' 'Went- t-v-iy U-r.!:,te hrtifay e.M. i:mt i,- nr.. r.'Kff'Iful'y i:ivnd 10 auci"- Wilde. i:tc.ird'r . . iya, l-iciiian : S. V. Leonard Anderson, overseer. 1 1 A T'l'SM O t"'f 1 1 l-OWUi' NO. tt, A. t x A.M. i ' iiVt-Ss iui r.rt ai.d t!;iid Mondays .f cie!t i!-.ni!?h ltllielr AM transient liroth-T-r ar? eovtlia'Ii united to meet with in. ' j. ;. uiciiKv, yv. m. W i . 1 1 ays. Secretary, V JCUIiASKA. CUAP'lKlt. NO. 3, It. A. M. i Meets m:oii1 and f iiil't tl Tuesday ot eaeli iiionlh at ila'i HiiM. "i'rauseu lit lS'iithor livilfl to meet wil'd ll, tf. It. YVllITK, II. P. Vm. Hays. Secretary. , -II r. ON COMMANDAUY. NO. 5. K. T. J1m.., I fust and liiild YVi-diiesday iiiKlit if each month at M iso shall. Visiting hrothers are o.ir.llally invited to meet wnn us; V M. II AVS. Kec. K. F, YVm i K, McCONlHIF POST 45 C. A. R- ..USTElt. ;o!iiinaiiacr, .Kr-itior Y'lce Junior " Adjutant, Q. M. Olllcerof the iay. Cuaid Pert Major. ..Ouarter Master St '.fjt. Ptsi C.alani ,r t. v. .n.a"sov C: a. Tvla A. MATKi. litll. Nll.KH IINKV SrKKHillT. M Al.oN 1I VOX .ClIAlU.KS Kiltl NHKKSX bit v.... 1 !?; JO lili -EM A X . . KTIS i .Satiwday e WHEN YOU WANT WORK DOM General Harrison Promises to be the Republican Candidate. Indianapolis, July 4. Tlic notification committee representing the late republi can convention today ollicially informed General Ilarridon of liis nomination. Tlic committee met in the parlors of the Denison hotel at 10 a. in. Hon. 51. 51. Estee, of California, was made chairman. and A. II. Potter, of New Jersey, vice- chairman. At 10:r0 the members of the committee, escourtcd ly the local com mittee, took carriages and were driven to General Harrison's residence, where they were recei ved hy Russell Harrison and Cant. M. G. McLane. The mem bers of the committee were escorted Into the handsomely decorated parlor and were seated in a semicircle. At 12 o'clock General and Mrs. Harrison, accompanied by Mrs. J. N. Huston and Mrs. John C. XeYV, entered the parlor and took a po sition facing the committee. General Har rison looked pale ami car3-worn, his ex pression being one of deep seriousness. Chairman Estee stepped forward and said: "General llarrisrn, ye a.e com inissicncd' by the rational republican con vention to oliicialiy notify you of your nomination as the republican candidate for president of the United States. In doing this we may be permitted to re mind you that your selection met tlic hearty approval of the whole convention It left no embittered feeling for luke warm supporters, &r.d actior. voiced the averftge and best judgment of Hie convention. Nor was your nomination due to accident or the result of hasty or inconsiderate dcIILciation. ii indicated that you possessed in a most eminent de gree those peculiar qualities which com mended you to the i .-echini in L k .1 J f lliC iiml"or the s peril you cheer fully accepted an humble position in the army, went where your country most needed you, and by long and faithful service rose to higher commands and re sumed graver responsibilities. Elected to the United St-itcs senate, your en lightened and conservative statesmanship commanded the respect and inspired the confidence of the American platform adopted by the American people. The convention, marka out with clearness and precision the creed of the party." General Harrison rose after a moment's thought and among other remarks said: "I accept the nomination with s-o deep a sense of the dignity of the sftice and of the gravety of its duties and responsibil ity as to altogether exclude any feeling of exultation or pride.' Long and continued applause re-echoed through tlic house as Gen. Harrison con cluded his address, and, reach'. ng forth, he cordially clasped thcr extended hand of Chairman Estee, who then presented him with un oflicial copy of his notification. WATER BALLAD. Or HESLxxxoL The Hotnh.-irttment of Atlanta An leter rupled Kfiullng Narrow i:-a;io. The lirst Kpasin of fear was over, an J the citizens strengthened their bombproof, uml calmly prepare for the worst. The nwn niovud uljout tho street oa usual, discussing tiie topic of the .day, and dodging an occa sional fchell. The ladies busied thcmajKc: with their household matters, with their ear on tho alert for tho well known sounds of danger. Many times during tho day a busy hou.-i-wifo would unceremoniously drop her hewing, unci gathering her little ones to get her, would make a wild and precipitate ilu:igc for the back yard, where the family would quickly disapiHJur into the bowels of the earth, there to remain until there was a lull in tho storrn of lead and iron. Ono hot July night the members of a little family iu tho southern part of the city sat on their piazza trying in vain to obtain a breath of cool air. Occasionally a fuse shell as cended with a whish into the mid-heavens, and burst with a deafening explosion. Tho watchers were not much afraid of these mis siles, as tbey could see their approach a long way aR. Suddenly there was a thunder clap in the next yard. Several panels of the fence were knocked dowu, and a few stray fragments of shell knocked off two or three of the bannisters of the piazza. Iu less than ten seconds the family had found its way into the reliable bomb roci. "Pshaw I I am not eo'.ng to Ltay down hero this hot night," sold the only man' in the 'party.'' "4T11 go up to' my room and finish reading the 'Life of Napoleon,' and if there la any real danger I will come dwu to you." There wero toara and protests, but tho colonel, as he was called, was stubborn. B ho went upstairs in the wing of the building nearest to the bomb proof and seated himself by a window, where he had the advantage of alight, and could also look out upon the" city. Tho shelling was terrific, but the fn- mates of tho dugout, every tuey took a txop. could ieo iUi colonel turning xVer the p&gis of his Napoleon, apparently forgetful of the stirring occurrences around him. ' Had a volcano broken loose? Tho ground trembled under the oiiGok of the exTlose3, .fjr the lurid" glare had diid a way, tho dousB fumes of sulphur filled thb air," and rnade tho' atmosphere so thick that nothing could, lie seen. ' IWc.:$ U wi f- fied in tho homV t'J pulT " " W&g, r - emselve ,a very much like a singed val, only much bigger, rolled down into their midst, awl then sat up with a sneeze. It was tho colonel! There were frautic inquiries, and a close insiwotion of the victim, but it was soon dis covered that ho bad escaped without any more serious damage than a few bruises, and the blackening of his face with gun powder. "How did it happen?' asked everybody in a chorus. "Don't ask me," replied the colonel irri tably. "You know as well as 1 do. It must have been a twenty -four pounder. 1 know 1 cun't hear, and I can hardly see, and I'm all choked up with sulphur and rubbish." Jur.t then his wife, who had looked out, gave a cry. "Where is the left wing of the house?" she asked. "Don't know. Don't ask me. I couldn't bring it with me, you know. 1c was all I could do to get here myself." When morning dawned tho extent of tho wreck could be seen at a glance, Tho shell had completely demolished the wing in which the colonel had been sitting in an upper room, aud his escape appeared to be almost miraculous. After that the colonel stuck closely to his family in the bomb proof, and yet during all the long weeks of the siege that followed the house was nevei struck again. Atlanta Constitution. Come hither, gently row In jr. Come, bear me quickly o'er The stream so brightly flowing. To yonder woodland shore. But vain were my endeavor To pay theo, courteous guide; Row on, row on, forever '. I'd have theo by my side. "Good boatman, prithee host thee, 1 seek our fatherland 1" "Say, when 1 there hare placed thee. Dare 1 demand thy hand I" "A maiden's bead can never Bo hard a point decide; Row on, row on, forever; I'd have thee by my sldoP The happy bridal over, The wauderer ceased to roam For, seated by her lover. The boat became her home; And still they sang together. As steering o'er the tide: "Row on through wind and weather. Forever by my side." -Colerldg. HABITS WORTH BREAKING. Ileal Estate liargains EXAMINE OUH UST. CONSISTING OK CHOICE LOTS - X 3NT Some of the Funny Things Absent Minded or Worried Persons Io 111 Ilesults. "Just look at that girl I" "Yes; it is Miss Blank. What about her?" "Don't you see her tnnne'" "Ohl yes. isn't it iorfeetly . dreadful? They say she always sticis it out lik that when eh?'s thinking about anything." The young woman In question was prome nading on West Fourteenth street early one morning recently, attired in a bewitching costumo, and with a pensive expression, while the tip of her !:ttle tongue protruded between two lips of the description known to novelists as coral. "Yes." said one of her feminine acquaintances, "she always does that when thoughtful or worried. It's eo of those terrible habits wiJiih, v'uen ouce contracted, ztsU cioacsr than a million broth el i Mfsf Blank began it when a child, and no one' ever took the trouble to break her of it Now, poor girl, it mortifies her terribly to be told about it, though, of couee, she is anxious to cure Lcieelf. BuJ then nearly evory cna ha3 some curious Uttle habit which he would bo very glad to break if Uo cc,ukls somo triojc mora or less unauto.a ' In the first j1- & jjobao'" 1 ' caused VVd nl nervousness. o' tho man who tugs at his .ir.stacha and I ho ono who is perpetually pulling up his cellar. Then there is the girl who is always rubbing one eye as if in search of a stray eyelash, and the man who can't bo quite happy without some more or icssrragi w article to twist and bend and turn about in his tinkers. An vthinsr and everything from your finest lace handkerchief to your new and extremely delicate paper cutter is sacrmceu to the demon of nervousness which possesses him, and yet jou can't find it in your heart to rob him of his plaything. He is quite hap py and at his ease so long as ho is ollowea to twirl and t wist as much as he wants to, but bereft of the temporary object of his affection he would be abjectly miserable, and you know it. Many a man can talk Huentiy ana well whilo winding something anything alxmt his finger, who, without it, would be constrained, awkward, silent. "One of the most anno3"iug forms or una disease is the incessant tattoo wnicn some people keep up on their knees or the table or whatever happens to le most convenient as a keyboard. I have noticed that musicians usually indulge this uaUit, auu it is a veiy trviucr one, thoush I don't know that it is worse than 'twiddle your thumbs.' There are lots of other curious little ways peculiar to individuals. I know a man who, when embarrassed, always taps the sido of his nose with his little finger, and a girl who is so "iven to nushinff her hair behind her left ear . ... , 1 x- hat she has worn a oaia spot tnere. jbw York Moil and Express. nirrn - vm Pari, Dr. C- A. Marshall. 21 lots in Thompson's addition. 40 lots in Townscnd's addition. Lot 10 block IMS, brock Uii. Lot biock 0, lot ( block '.)."). Lot 11, block 111, lot M, block !1. I.O'I S IN VOL NC. ANp It V" A I Lots if. Maimer's iiddftH. Lots in lHlXc3 Uddi'i'" .a. inf'- .oved property of all descriptions and in all parts of the city on easy terms. A new and desirable residence in South Park, can be bought on monthly payments. Kef ore purchiiMng cist whore, call and see if v.e cannot suit you better. Preservation of natural teeth a pprclalty. I'rrth ertrartxl without ftiin lu uxc of iMiiylidio iln. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FlTlEltAM'S P.I.OCK Pl.ATTHMOItTII, NltK DRS. CAVE & SMITH, "Paialocc X3ontiatc' The only DenlMx In the YVcsl rontroliiiK IhU New System of Kxtnietini; iinil rilling Teeth without Pain. Our nnaesi he! ii; is en tirely tree from CIILOKOF01i3IOUETHEIC AN1 IS AJt'SOI.L'TICI.V Harmless-' To - All. Teeth extracted iind nrtilU'iul teeth Insnlrd ii".t day if desired . The preset viitioa of the natural teeth a specialty. GOLD CROWNS, GOLD CAPS, EEIDGE WORK. The very llut"-.t. tinlee In I'niiui Hloek, over 'i lie CM ieiix' Itairk, i-iatteniiutri. OO TO Win. ilerold & Son roil Dnnln nml OhnflP cn- Ladies and G( tits FUUNISIIING- CiOODS. lie keejis ns large ami as well S JJ1 X, GrX"" JO STOCK A" can be found ioiv pliiee in the city and make you pi i'- s tliiit defy competition. Ai'.' iit s for Harper's Bazar Palterns afii Ball's Corsets. IIo looked CALL ON 2a.- Larson, .?or. 12th aud Granite Streets. Goutractorandliuilder Sept. 12-6m. .E.PalmerciSon following time- 11 present tne a. tried an-l lire-tested companies American Central-S'. uo.r.s. Assets t.25.loo . ... . r. 1 t " rim.si4 Coinmeruhtl Uiiioa-EanUind Tiro As3.)clati.)u-Pni!adelph!a. Franklin-Philadelphia. ' ll xne-NVw Yo.-k. Ir,s. C, of Vorth America. Thil. " l.iverpool.tLoadon & ilobe-Kng " North Uriiish . Mercanti'.e-Kn " Norwich fnion-EiiKkui.l. tnria:,'tietd F. .Sc M.-Sringfiell. " Total Assets, S42.115.774 2.r'.6.3l4 4.415.576 3,117,100 7.855," 9 8,474.: J3 6.CJ9.781 3.378,754 1.245.4C6 3,04t.fl5 Fight at a Picnic. St. Joseph, Mo., July 5. At the Trades' assembly at Exposition park yes- terdav, Golden Ilolman, a so-called scab switchman iu the employ of Kansas City, St. Jo and Council Bluffs, was assaulted by a number of men and the affray end ed in the shooting of Cornelius Horigan A large crowd was in pursuit of Ilolman, who when cornered drew his revolver and cleared a way of escape. The only shot he fired struck Horigan who is seri ously, perhaps fatally injured. -Otoo County Crops- Nebraska City, Neb., July 5. Far mers in nearly every precinct in this coun ty report small grain as standing finely and m excellent condition. If no high winds visit this section the crop will be the largest ever known The harvest will commence between the 10th and 12th of July. BAD BLOOD. There is not one thing that puts a man or woman at such disadvantage before the world as a vitiated state of the blood. Your ambition is gone. Your courage has failed. Your vitality has left yon. Your languid step ana listless ac- Tlo Funny Man 1'roposes. Ila proposes as seriously as a humorous man could and she laugneci. blue. Then sho smiled and said: "That was a capital joke." . "What's a ioke?" he asked in surprise. "Your latest. Shall you have it printed?" "That is no joke. 1 meant it." "You did? Why, you have written so much In ridicule of love, courtship and mar riage" i "Well, er-er-yes, but" ' "I should never suit you. I write post scripts, stop before the mirror, aai slow in dressing for church, admire a new hat, some times want a new dress and"- "But, my dear Angelina, I should never obiect" "You have shown that happinessends with mnrrlatre. and I have a, mother wlio would be a mother-in-law to you, and who would want to visit me; and" ! "Whr. I" "And I may have my animosities, and may look around in church ; and you would find such a lot of thines to write about." "My precious, I would only write about other peoplo then; tho neighbors, tno "Those horrid Miss Suiflletotsl " "For a fact." "And the stuck up folks ovr the way? " "Most certaiuly." "Enough! I am yours." Tid Bits. Ojibvva Pictographs In the West. "In the ucishborhood of Oilanah, on the Dad river," says Capt. Garrick Mallory, of the bureau of ethnology, in a paper, 'is a large, vertical soft rock, on winch picto raphs are still to be observed, although nearly obliterated, ineoojects ugureci bi chiefly birds and quadrupeds, many of them being repeated, and are an prooaoiy iolciiuc I ndeed. that is the direct evidence or an oiu Indian who saw somo of them made in his hovhood. He says that when Indian visitors came by there that being a well known trail they would each cut nis totem on me rock to show to what clan he belonged, either to establish his identity to the resident Indians who might happen to be present, or as a record of his passage. 1 his is interest ing in comparison with a similar proceed- inn- in New Mexico ana Arizona. "It is desirable to explain the mode of us ing the Mede and other bark records of the Ojibwa. The devls are not only mne monic, but are also ideograpuic anu uesci ijj- . i - . i , tive. rnev are noi niereiv imeuicu vj cy press or memorize the subject, but are nolved therefrom. A eeneral mode of ex plaining tho so called 'symbolism' is Dy a suggestion that tho charts of tho order, or tho song of a myth, should be likened to the popular illustrated poems and songs lately .KiicV.cut in FTn.mer's Masazine: tor in stance. 'Sally in Our Alley, where every stanza has an appropriate illustration. Now, n acres of iniDtoved "round north of the city limits. 5 acres of ground adjoining Smitl. Park. 2 acres of ground adjoining South Park. 1 J acres of ground adjoining South Park. 20 acres near South Park: Se sec. 14, T. 10, P. 12, Cass county, puce 800. if sold soon. nv i sec. 8. T. 12, P. 10, Cass Co., price 2,000. A valuable improyed stock fram in Merrick Co.. Neb., 1C0 acres and on rcosonvble terms. C. F. SM ITH, The Boss Tailor. Main S.. Over Merles' Sinn- Store. Has tlx: best and most complete block of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that e ver ramc west of Missouri river. Note these prices: IiusineHS nuit from to $:;.", dress suits, $21 to $4.r, pants 1, .fn, :ri.f,0 and upwards. 2f"Will guaranteed a fit. Prices Defy Competition. J. E- R0BBINS, ARTIST, INSTKUCTIONS CIVKN IN FINE OIL PAINTINC WATER COLORS. ETC. A Lb I.OVKP.S OK A I IT A UK INVITED TO CAI.b AND STUDIO OVEI1 OLIVKR & HAMSE M E A MAHKET. Windham & Bavies. KEW ICE ltEXT We have our house filled with A FINE QUALITY OF ICE, And are prepared to deliver it daily to oiu cus t ni is in any quantity desire d. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY TILLED. I.eae orders with At ttore en Sixth Street. We make a Spec ialty of cutting, ivcis:i3sra And Loading Car. For t i ins .see us or vi lite. IT. C. M'MAKIN & S.ON.f Telephone 72, - - riatUmcuth Tho Invfitiiur of Urvnamlte. Mr. Alfred Nobei, the inventor and chief 6Urjpose that the text was obliterated forever manufacturer of dynamite, 13 emphatically indeed, the art of reading lost the illus- a man of peace and deplores the use of the trations remaining, ns also tho memory to no n rfpstrnver ot human life. "If mnv nersons of the ballad; the tllustra- I did not regard it as on the wb ole a great tions, kept in order, would supply always the blessinz to humanity he said rcenuy. i order of the stanzas, nna aiso me Keuemi would close up all mry factories and never make another ounce of the sj.uff." New York Tribune. . A Oneer Theatrical Crroak. A 6trange sort of theatrical crank has tions show that you need a powerful in- been discovered in Paris at the mbigu. It Hnttlp cif lCi'S lilOOCl I IS a woman wuo uu uiunjf i imi AfllnstRH anfl Paid attHlsAgency p rsonal attention to all IJusincas Entrust to my care. XOTAItY IX OFFICE. Title Examined. Ahstaretf Compiled, In surance Written, Keal Estate Sold. r.-tter Facilities tor maUini; Farm Loans than Any Other Agency I'latlsmoutli, - Xeb ka vicorator. one Purifier and Illood -Maker win put uc life in a worn out system, and if it does not it will cost you nothing. 0. 1 . Bniun & Co., Druggists. I sell shoes cheaper than anybody. Call n I be convinced, no trouuie to show foods. tf. Peter juerges. galleries aud leans the pieces by hi 'art It is said to take her eight days, and she recites with the actors In a whisper. Ilei- neighbors are surprised to hear her answericit the cues before the actor is heard. Chicago Herald. Justly Indignant Tlilevcs. Even the criminal classes are lotsing faith in the lawyers. A society of thieve in San Diego has passed a vote of want of confidence in the legal profession, and decided that its members will go to jail withoutthe assistance of attorneys hencef ortbv San Francisco Examiner. Tutting It Nicely. I "Now. Mr. Bijones said Mrs..Ringfinger, TTIVF RELIEF in all these disagreeable who was visiting Mrs. Bi jones, "don't try to Wi nnd is uleasant to taKe. it win oe pome, w cost you only 33 cents. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. Colic, Diarrhoea and Summer com plaints are dangerous at this season of tbn vear aud the only way to guard against these diseases is to have constant ly on hand a bottle of some reliable rem edy. Beggs' Diarrhcea Ilalsam is aPOS- not here, and we shall if eel everaso much more l 4 Qccae." nu v - subiect matter of each particular stanza, and r. . . i c a 1 tho latter would do a remmaer oi tno wum This is what the rolls of birch bark do to the initiated Ojibwa, and what Schoolcraft pro tended, in some cases, to show, but what, for actual understanding, requires the obtaining of th literatiou of the actual songs and chargos of the initiation ceremonies, or in other instances tho literation in tho aborigi nal language of the non-esoteric songs and stories." Science. Fires Kindled by Bletcors. The remarkable possibility that mysterious fires may have been set by sparks from other worlds than our own has been suggested to the Paris Academy of Sciences by Mons. Ch. V. Zenger. From a study of statistics for several years he learns that fires of un-i-nnvn ori-in in woods, farmsteads, barns, milk, and even in villages and large towns, are extremely often coincident with the peri i.i shftwcrsof shooting stars. He points out that during the first eighteen days of lass A-ch -einlent storms, rich meteoric dis plays and conflagrations were of frequent occurrence. aasansaw iiem. Consult your best interests by insuring in the Plicenix, Hartford or A'Ana. com panies, about which there is no cpuestion as to their high standing and fair dealing. TORNADO POLICIES. The present year bids fair to be a dis astrous one from tornadoes and wind storms. This is fore-shadowed by the number of storms we haye already had the most destructive one so far this year having occurred at Mt. Vernon, 111., where a large number of buildings were destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc currence more probable in 185?. Call nt our office i.nd secure nado Policy. Unimproved lands for sale change. J". C, BOC2T23, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. All work first-class; west Fifth Htreet. North Robert Sherwood's .Store. Teacher of Vocal & Instrumental Music Residence Northwest Corner of Elev enth and Main Streets, PlultMiioutb, Nebraska. Tor- or ex- GS-. 33. KEMPSTEB, Practical Piano and Orsau Tuner AM) I! EPA I It I- It. First-class work guarantee d. Alto deal er in Pianos and Organs. Ofiiee at Eot-ck'n furniture store, Plait-mouth, Nebraf-ka. WIPHAM &D7IB8. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. K.15. WIM'IIAM. JollX A. 1A VI KM. Notary Public. Notary FtiMic. Vt l.Mil A .11 Jk DAVIi:, ttornoys - ct - Law. Cir.ee ever liank of Cat-i County. Plattsmoctii, - - Neiihaska. D.St, M. Time Table. ;cin; wkt. No. 1. 4 :5i a m. No, 3.--i :4"p. in. No. 5 '. -:.t a. in. No. 7.-7 -Ah t. in. No. !.-- :17 t. in. OOINO KAST. No, 2.-4 :'J5 p. HI. No. 4 1' :: a. in. No. 7 :l:5 p. in. No. -'M a. l). No. 10. 0 :45 a. ni. All trail run daily by wavof Cinl.a. xcej.t Nos. 7 and 8 which run to ami Irom cIluyler daily exec j t Sunday. No. 3 is aftuh to Pacifie .Juiicth n at 30.a.m. No. W In a stub from Pacific Junction at 11 a.m. " ,-9 .