V: Tilt DAILY UEKALD: tX.ArreuouTU, :ii:UItAC::A,bATUr.DAY. JUi.J 1J. 1- I ' - i I Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. KUUrjr, lllUt, Uockwood Building Irphon Si. . The Fourth of July- Tlie grand old fourth U rolling 'round. Hut not a move to make it sound As though the people ere around -To see what uood they might accomplUh. Dr. KIkU. Ofllra la khtrwood Blork 1mm l-r &iih mm-i (iraiilte. Trlrpbonv AO Dm, Blocs So. ii. Tno fourth of July will soon be here once more and no move has been made as yet, excepting by one or two men who Dm t' smith. th plii" ltlt, l'nlo seem to have an interest in the welfare lock, er tliue' iuk, ruttwotii. of Qur tit A Ineeting wa8 called last night by a committee, and no one appar- CITY CONGREGATIONS. ently put in an appearance but the mem bers of the committee. Little has been said eo far in the way of agitating the people to a sense of their duty to'the city when such an opportunity presents itself. me" in vvrdnJsday niht. All are cordially Somebody is continually wanting to see LnUnT.reM if somebody has done anything yet, and mnK ttVeUy who when somebody sees that somebody else nv nei'ii roeiimru . . ------ i ijas occn loOKiiiir 10 seo n bouicuuuj CATHOLir.-St. Paul's Church Oak. between Fifth and Kixth. Father t.'arury. Pastor. Services: Mat at 8 and 10 :.'!0 a. M. Sunday Mi IkmjI at 2 W. wltll oeueuicuun. .M. , M. i... u ii . m. null 7LK1 P. N. i mj'i Hi'hool at 2 im, Willi utueuicuuii. CMRMTIAN. Corner Ixcust and Eighth. M A. Hampton, pastor. Sunday School 10 A. m Prraebloi; II A. M. and 7 U)0 tr. M. tray PERSONALS Two Old Citizens. The following paragraphs were clipped from the Omaha Htrald, in which the names of two old residents of this city Mrs. Sharp left this morning for Glen wood. tt I .!.:. .riKn.Mll ar airs. jvrnu icr " i appear: v Chicago. "Lincoln. June 15--J. D. Calhoun f'nt. L. D. Hennett starts for Chicago has sold the Lincoln Daily ' Democrat to 1 Al Fairbrother. now employed by tlie tomorrow morning. ,i. lt n r Hi.kIhipIL the liefa Mr. A. Clark leaves for Chicago this Lincoln correspondent, and S. D. Cox.the afternoon on the flyer. Omaha Herald s Lincoln corresponuem. . The consideration is suid to be f 13,000. Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Greusbl leu lor transfer wiU be made iuly 1. The Hastings this morning. paper will be changed into a republican Mrs. IL H. Windham was a passenger sheet and improyeu materially. THIS WEEK'S BARGAINS thonwHives known either hy note or person KriiM-WAU-Kt. Luke's Church, corner! hird and Vine. liev. 11. M. Uuri-ei.-. pai-tor. her- vi' es : II A. M. a'd 7 :M v. M . Sunday School at 2 :30 I. M. kkmX Mr.THoiiT. Corner Sixth Kt. and irnit. Ke. Hlrt.l'antor. Services : II A. M. and 7 :30 r. M. Sunday School 10 A. M. IK v.B u YTKltl AN. Main, between Sixth and Seventh. Itev. J . T. Bainl, pastor. Scrv e. i.sual hour, morning and evening. Sunday bchool V -.30. r. fnnni4T -Sixth St.. betWCU Malll i.d Pearl. Uev. W. U. Alexander, pastor. U.r.lKU 1 I A M . 7 -M P. M. 2 :i v.m'. Prayer meetic Wednesday evening- Uitkman Pkfskvtkhian. Comer Main and Ninth. Itev. Witte. pastor. Services : usual hours. Sunday tchool i A. M. Swkkmmh ,oNiuriATioNAL C.ranite, be tween Fifth and sixth. done anything, somebody finally does nothing, and if they only continue to look to see what somebody cLso docs, somebody will certainly get left about the fourth day of July, 1888. We feel quite certain that the business & yWU , e . 1 1 A.A . 1 ..i n ..t l- I men nere, n iuey cau iuun i mm vu interests at all. would donate enough to " Norfolk. Neb.. June 15. F. H. Car- rahcr. a slioe manufacturer of this city, suicided by taking strychnine. A coron er's inquest was held which elicited the fact that Carraher has been acting . some what strange ever since he came here, nhont two months aero. This morning Messrs. Henry Weckbach, L. G. Larson i uurchased strychnine at a i a for Chicago this drucr store. savinr he wanted to use ! it. nmnnnin" rats. Isot loner after- w . v - to Omaha this morning. Miss Ella Gabler, of Omaha,, is in the city on a visit to her friends. Mr. F. D. Seelemier and wife left for La Platte to visit over Sunday. and Walt Dayis start afternoon. Mr. Orla Armfield leaves this afternoon for his old home at Elmwood, Indiana, Messrs. C. E. Wescott and Thos. Rey- wards he was seized with convultions at his shop, and in spite of the efforts of physicians to save mm ne expireu im mediately. He had taken a large dose nf tli itnwnrful druT. A letter was found in his handwriting which read: ;.n?eV, one of his salesmen, leave this Jet , good-bye;be fair with all my child- ?i-!'0' keel tbe wheel roll,nS' anJ they WOUld r,.' 4... ni,,,.!,, mn. Oood-bve. Frank." Carraher wa.- CITY CORDIALS. Itecause It's so warm, 'I lie people a!l swarm Arouiul tlie slia'le lr-c. To Unci a cool breeze. surely resceive a ricn rewam iiiuncn'j. m Since a few have started the work, let Mrs. J. P. Young and sister, Miss Nora it be carried through successfully, and if Campbell, left this morning for their the people here would only get a move home at Queen City, Mo. on themselves, there would not be a I Miss Maggie Johnson, ot lveota, ioy a, question of doubt presented as to their arrived yesterday morning on a visit to succcssfulness. If a grand celebration her cousin, Mr. Jas. Pine, here is advertised to some extent outside, jg Blanch Feight, of Omaha, who a large number will certainly come here j,a8 yeea visiting Misses Maud and Mamie to see what is going on, if for nothing cCoy, returned home this morning, more than the novelty of seeing Platts- ,r;Q Trti and Mav Lathron start mouth get in motion. Kock Jilulis, f Denver tomorrow morning. Miss Weeping Water and all the great cities May .g only going on a vis;t du,ing the in the vicinity of the metropolis of the vaCation, and Hatt'e goes thither Warm. That's all. What did Chicago ever do to Platts mouth ? - In our persoual list today, Chicago is sultstituted in many places for Omaha. .. y time wiy cau- WCJ The Kiddle House hiis secured quite 'e would like to see Uock Buffs Weep county are energetic enough to have a a novelty and enclosed it in a bottle of water. Go and see it! The fare for tlie rouud trip tickets 1 3 Chicago have been reduced to $10. The tickets will be limited from the lith to the 25th,. Mr. Geo. T. Quinn was awarded ft license today by Judge Kussell to marry Miss FrancU Gordon, both of the western part of this county. -Mr. Denson and wife who leside cn Billings How, ara deeply bereaved today .r tUn lu of tlip.ir child. The child died somstim J List night. Mrs. Leslie Basset, of Chicago, elo cutionist, will appear at the opera house, Tuesday evening, June 2(ith, undar the auspices of the B. of L. F. and E. Mr. Morris O'Rourk has a pet attach ing Water once over the loss of a cele bration which they might have had had it not been for that town up there on the mouth of the Platte. Since the committee was not unsuccess ful in securing a quorum for their coun cil last night, they have determined to stir up the boys of the fire brigade, and if they are successful in securing their assistance, they should also request them to make use of their fire apparatus in to reside permanently. Mr. Henry Jackson leaves this after noon on the flyer for his home at Burling ton. After a few days' vsist there, he will continue his trip to Chicago to at tend the republican couyention. Mr. II. C. Ritchie left last evening for York, being called there on account mt the sickness of his little girl. Mrs. Ritchie and children, who are visiting there at present, will return with him tomorrow. Mr. Sol. Levi, salesman at Elson's clothing store, starts this afternoon for throwing water on the sleepy people who his old home at Rock Island where ne are inakTnf no efforts to wake up at this will visit for a few days, after which he late hour of the day, If some of them will continue his journey to Chicago to ren. Uooct-uve. xranK. urruuci wua was a widower 31 years of age, and leaves two children, who are at Nebraska Citv. TT has a brother and an uncle living at Emrick postoffice, this county, to whom a messenger had been sent. Thev are expected to arrive and take charee of the remains tonight. The coroner's jury rendered a verdict that deceased came to his death by taking r rvchnine administered by his own hand." JJSEFUL, THOUGH ABUSED. A Short Chapter Concerning the MephltU Americans A Valuable Far. Who has not beard of that little symphony in black and white known ti. fashionable circle as the "Russian cat," but better known by ornithologists and chicken coops as the great American skunk? Webster 6ays the skunk "is nearly allied to the weasel on the one hand and the otter on the other," but he initrht have cone farther and fared worse by saying that the skunk had the happy faculty of making his presence felt and smelt even in Egyptian, darkness. On the darkest night he can create a commotion altogether out of proportion to his size. One of the largest dealers In raw furs In New York paid a tribute to the excellencies of the great Mephitis Americana the other afternoon, and his story upon the fragrant but highly useful bird was of an interesting nature. Tli r.rlnoinn.1 sa well as the best fur in the United States," said he, "is that of tbe skunk. It is the most voluble as well as the most salable. In New England the skunk Is found mainly in Connecticut, New Hamp- - I . . . .i rf-Mi n 1 i:n I . ? . a ; l tTM V.ii within n n .r it... i. f i narfii-'innrn in rim i;m('3i() nuuuuiiLuu i sajre. fliamo auu Ywmuuu, are not inaue aware oi me t' 1 - - fiffw mt, n, thn town of Derbv. in aiu vsi uiii " ' . m s t Fourth is near, it will roll smoohtly and jubilation. slowly by and those people will ask when Hoto Cass gets Anotier Boarder, the Fourth ot July celebration will take jamea Connell, who not long sinpe bid place. Let everybody donate in some a(Jieu to cujcago ftrid the state of Illinois, way towards the success of such a move. seekino- other fields and pastures green, ed to his hand which he is tenderly nurs- jf vou i,ave no m0ney to spare, look for j hJe(l iijmseif to the garden spot Nebras ing. One of the ball tousers made him a some one tuat iias am make them con- kawhere doth abound all the best gifts present of it the other day at their game, tributc to aid the good cause. There Q the Go(j of nature to man. In due time, Ti.i nftf-moon tlie fiver will pass will be a meeting tonirI)t at the council it Sfieras.this "innocence abroad" brought throuoh here at the regular hour. The chamber. If nothing is done, a lot of up jn the quiet, modest little town of ing. perhaps, a white stripe on the head, is will go to Weeping Water and Cedar Creek wheM ston6 sand rarbB Connecticut, more skunks can be found than in all Massachusetts. The animal lives largely iipon vegetables, and if the crops should be poor in one state they travel until they find a state where the situation is more favorable. There they will breed and remain so long as the vegetable crop remains good. This fact has been woven into an adage by old trap pers, who say, "Poor vegetable crop, poor skunk year." There are four grades of skins, which may be described thus: No. 1, all black, exceptv train will be made up in two sections as the people this will be an excursion expected to be loaded. Choir practic both for church and Sunday school tonight at the Christian church. Sunday school scholars are es train and it is Rock Bluffs to spend their filthy lucre. himself from the death grip which had secured sivJi a firm hold on him. The realization of his own scyefe jllntss was not the only source of trouble to him; Today we have been called upon to chronicle as eyent, which will, no doubt, cast a shadow over may, and which will, through sympathy, if nothing more, necially requested to come and learn 'cause u,any to drop their heads in deep pieces and new books. Mr. Cutler finished up some photo graphs for our tam the other day. TLey lo:k vcrv fine. If people desiring them do not secure some soon, the boys will j have a big price set on them. j Why not sue the" republican conven tion for cruelty to annimals since it has thrown out an influence which is calling all our grocers out of the city and caus ing iheir stores to be closed up The ceuntry in the vicinity of this thriving little city of ours is fast gaining a reputation as a garden of Eden. Mr. Murphy has purchased over 500 charts of home-grown strawberries. We "will not starvt if the groceas Jo all go to Chicago. Mr. George II. Palmer, son of Cap tain Palmer, of this city, who was elected & delegate from here to the meeting of the fon3 of Veterans, at Tecumseh, has fiinco been fleeted there with two others to attend the state council and also as a delegate with two others to attend the na tional convention which will be held at Wheeling, West Virginia, which uwets tnmKtnpit. This vounjT man has " -- - - represented Plattsmouth in grand shape We arc glad, to hear of one so young with such a successful start, and we take great pleasure in extending to him our hearty congratulations. What strange things do come to pass. Only the other day (it is reported) Messrs. Mtt. Gering and Byron Clark, two of our prominent legal men, were called to Pa .-Jnc Junction. A case was being held there on which these two gentlemen hat! been employed. They took a witness f rOui here (whose name we cannot learn nd after they had reached tho great city in safety, the witness wished to take rest and prepare himself for the great duty before him. He dropped himself o-ently onto the platform at iLe depot His coat was not brief and his pocket not err tiht, so as it struck the sidewalk, a bottle filled with the god old spts. frumenti dropped out on the ground. Thev asked him what he was doing with sucb. a thinK as mat mere, tic repueu l vos no spring fchiclcen. v en l come Trt- T iilvavs lring someting like "ravel doth luxuriantly abound, tlie at traction of which has opened the eyes of Jay Gould, Tom Murphy, and ev2n Jerry 3. black, with short body stripes, www cents; No. 8, black, with still longer stripes than No. 2, SO to 35 cents; No. 3, a regular zebra for stripes, brings only 15 cents. The month when the skunk is in the best condition and when the fur is nearly perfect, Farthing, all 5f whom, no doubt, have o-olden dreanis of the bright future of is November. The fatter the animal is the that little sand and corn vUU.. Naturally W"- LZKr; regret when we inform them of the death enough this son of the Emerald Isle vegetable crops and becomes plamp and ofVr, Solomon, of the well known firm should make a halt at this magnificent P'SJ of Solomon te H&tUp, of this city, and spot, so supremely attractive in general wh.,e nQt go va!uable astheNo- we ioin in with the entire community in appearance, and being little short of yembeT article, are considered prime, and - .i i "cMrla Ani-r-r'i the sand kins Mur- those obtained in January are about the tnr nir nnr sinPPlfi SVmnatllV tO those SCaClS, app. C,j.Crl T.ie SSinil h.lll0, mm cn ;Q thin iwhu.Ub l i . ... , -i i 5am a. tt nen buiuik uycus "'" who haye so unfortunately fallen into phy and Farthing, ana strike tnem Kiua- and Krasg7 and whqe outwardly the fur is such unutterable sorrow Mr, Solomon iy ior a jou u. " RrSS UlOMiU IW WW .vtmm. & -T- drab to a reddish color, therefore the March skins are usually of a very poor quality. Tfcs trip used in catching tjhe animal is what is known as a "dead fail." It la generally baited with skunk flesh, that being consid ered the best. The skins nearlv all come to New York, and many are shipped to England, but the Khnimct rn used In the United oiaces. has been unfortunately afflicted with im- purse. Murpny, true to tne magnan.muy ,a;red health for a Ion- time, and has ot ail uy tne panic, ana uav.ng u. i -j exercised every means available to rescue and heart to heip a brotiier in distress, gaye Jimmy Connell a job of work, which was all proper and right. But it seems the paymaster did not get around soon enough or often enough to suit Jim- but that with the additional burdens he my, so ho too LiWsef fp Plattsmouth Xhereforet an the small dealers try hard to w.is compelled to bear of late, hastened or urge2 g$ the death monster which was slowly approatiil. His wife, for some time, has suffered much wiih ill health, which helped to worry him con siderable. They iil both gone to Eure ka Springs, Arkansaw, for the purpose rT ! 111 5 r I m Mipir broken constitutions at the time of his death, and have been enough and pheek enough to borrow a to press his needs and wants of money at bijy t?Jiat Ij known as the "November U,1 f,o A rrlrlnrr Ir. ihla rUv llA SKUnj. 1 HH, un-u . "I" took a saloon for an intelligence office, at least that is the first place he brought up at, to innuire for beer and his pay master, and the result shows he must have inquired more for the former than the latter, for he had soon got full there about two months. Mr. Pinley, manager of their business here, recti ved a dispatch from there yesterday after noon, stating that they would bring the corpse to Omaha immediately for inter ment, aud it .exported that as soon a they arrive there thujt Ike frjneral will take place. Tho doors of the store here will be closed until Tuesday morning. His comnlaint was dropsy. Thecommu- nijiy sympathize with the relatives in their sad bereifvement, , Yr M. C, A. A cordial invitation is extended to all men to be present at tha Young Men's Christian Association song und gospel meeting, tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock, in the Presbyterian church. Mr. E. J. fetreijht will have charge of the ineeting. Subject, "Does the 'Lord need me?" Let all members be jie(.at. All strangers are welcome. E. J. Wink, Ex'e. Sec'y. Republican Convention. To avoid poor cigars you should lay in a supply of the famous " Bjid " pigar, manufactured by Julius Pepperberg. If the Chicago rnvenfon will call them away. tor the puroose ot nominating a man that will Th dem craf who did blow such a lot I May "WH" surely take a drop and haye nothmx to revolver without the asking and then pro ceeded to apother saloon and there com manded the proprietors and clerks to va cate and leave him to run the ranch, They didn't see it that way, and culled the marshal who took him to Hotel Cass. He was arragned before J udge Stiles yes terday morning on two counts, pleading about three inches wide for trimming pur- noses, is worth $3 to $4 a yard. The fur mnritet Is affected bv London sales. A war scare abroad causes prices to decline. New York Press. " It is said that some clothespin box packers cab pack 72,000 a day. They are paid one cent for packing a box of four Cfosa.' At this rate they make fo a aay. Ruskin Is said to bve fntroduosd the strange drink now so much In vogue in Lon don, half and half of soda ana milk. 20 pieces good quality Dress (linliam 5 t ents a yard, worth 8. 50 pieces Chatsworth Lawn only 5 cents a yard, worth 7. 5 pieces Best 1400 Lawn only 10 cents a yard, eold everywhere at 121. 10 pieces Llanos Cloth or Imitation Challics only 10 cents a yard, worth 15. Outing Cloth, the most 1'opvilar Fabric for street wear, only 20 cents a yard. These goods are perfectly Fast Colors, and absolute ly npn-shrinkable. Full Lines of Seersuckers, Satints, Ginghams, and all other Popular Wash Fabrics. Ladies' Pure Spun Silk Hose Reduced to $1, worth $1.50. Colors, Clucks, Slates, Tans. Ladies' Lisle Thread Vests Reduced to 75 cts., worth $1.25. Colors, Pink, Sky, Lavender. Full Lines ot Children's Ribbed Hose in Black and Colors at Popular Pi-iYes, Fans Palm, Japanese, Gauze, Satin, Feather, the Largest Assortment in the city. F. Herrmann&Co 1 Boor East First ITat'l 33 axils, Instructions. Any person, young or old, desiring to receive instructions both in the English and German languages, are requested to call at the west 4ih ward school house or at the residence, back of the German Presbyterian church, on high school hill. Hours at school 9 a. m. to 12 m. and from 2 to 3:30 p. m. At the residence from 7 to 8 p. m. Terms, $1 per montli. jl2wl E. J. Wittk, Teacher. Will J. "Warrick has the best and larg est stock of wall paper in the city, their styles are new and fresh and no job lots of last year's designs or bankrupt stock to run off, if you want the latest and best assortment of new goods see Warrick's stock. dwlw Men's canvass shoes at Merges', only 83 cents, everything cheap. tf. I sell shoes cheaper than anybody. Call nd be convinced, no trouble to show goods. tf. Peter Mekges. The only paints in the market that are guaranted are at Will J. Warrick's, they are strictly pure and guaranted to give satisfaction, d-w-lw. Plenty of feed, flour, graham and meal at Heisel's mill, tf 0 fSX W y g l CQol O q ca I I HSU of K I I 0" s-S l w " The lowest prices on paints and wall paper only at Will J. Warrick's. See stock and prices before making purchas es, d-w-lw. Sherwin cfc Williams' mixed paints, the best in the market, atFricke & Co's. drug store. 8-tf. The cheapest shoe3 at Merges'. tf. Begs'ff Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is the only medicine that acts directly Blood Purifier and Blood Maker. No remedy in the world has gained the Bonularity that this medicine has, as on the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re hold on familv medicine. No one lieves a cough instantly and in time euilty to Loih, was sentenced to jail ten , , , , ;th-llf ; Tt ,, nn raiomel effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. P. w - ... . - , I OUUUAU TTUVMW I - days on each couni a4 t.q py Jie costs. rrnnm;ne:n t- comuosition. consequent- Smith & Co., druggists. j25,3mo,d-w hno bad eife'eis ci &rise from it. We "ii. . 1 . keen a full supply at all times. O. P. Smith Co. Druggist. j25-3mod&w As Soon as his term is served he will be arrested on a charge of stealing a revol rer which he was using in the first case. Think he missed his cue by taking the Greeb advipe, "go west, young man." We now publish inusic cacti week in tha Weekly IIkkalp. Everybody should be a musician, f be pippes furn- j ished in the paper will be found as pop ular as any costing 50 cents. Everybody should take the paper. We are endeav oring to make it a great success, and feel quite confident we can suit all. VHI.F.ST1MATK OF THE CITV OF PLATTS- AlUtJ-l run 100a. For penf- The second story of Frank Carruth's building was built and furnished express ly for a dwelling house', has eight rooms, two halls.three closets, cnina closet, pan Mayor an Couucil 8 nrfl 00 jry, bstb. room, water closet, and elevator City Trewurir ....':.'.'..;:" " '. I'lllli '. aoo 00 to cellar, city and cistern waier in bath Board of Public Wors.. po 00 room and kitchen, is a suitable place for Pruuitiff 2 0 00 City Attorney ..T:r? -(0 00 I1Uiit Utlll$ I I .yii Mu IncldeDtala l.U?9 14 B. & M. K. R. Bonds 210 85 Street Bridcine and Grading 4 411 42 Fire and Hvdrants ." 5 293 71 Kearton Bonds 1.323 42 High School Bnus . 3.970 28 Kewer Bonds 14 keeping day boarders, or for private familyt Ejiquire at Carruth's jewelry tore. juir, Daylight Dry Goods and Millinery House, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, invite hewer uouus o.j.u n i . v -r-n- . , . I r!iVlllt JDUI1UB ........ ................ mi vuui BUCIjai afcKlliivu v mvii nti(iiui.i j c Duu. v.g, - fJ tirr"" Jf ire pa r-r,rtmnf Tl,pr mk tnoruJiv of 4j i,m i v(.i..i.vu.. - r J - !,o., Ttai oq'T i Bonnets for Evening Wear. Ladies' ..uuu ... I i. , . i .tr.ii rhrbveertifr that the forseoins is "the ee- 4arge ppmrnea, 4prpeoes ap.i v aiKing timate of urobable monies needed for expenses I Hats. Our Stock of Lntnmmed Hats is "Plattsmouth in Chicago." Tlie inusic we furnish in our Week- , , , . f V I llinain OI IrOOaiIB 111 iickuu 1J rAurusn lt iiK.u wvtfm fyL juu . and indebtedness .for tna p " "f Verv larce and includes aH the latest year cciiiiuicucius vuc iu ufusi, - ... , , jttx a. d. lsas. as made by ihe city Council at their I shapes. Children 8 Trimmed Hats in reKular adjourned meeting :ol June istb. 1888. endless variety, from 75c to 83.75 each F- 1 ' ' yf. jc; Fox, city jurk. f J. Y- WEPK?AHf store 30 cents a piece, and by faking the ty'EEja.y Heualp you can get 52 pieces jn a jeajr for f J.50, Watches ! Watches I H. M. GAULT Has moved and is now in the Sherwood room, Cor, 5th and Main Sts., where he is better able to show his Large Stock of Watche3, ' CLOCKS AND JEWELRY ! Than ever lefore, and will as an ind uce ment sell you Watches way down. Call and get the Special Prices in Gold Watch es; it will surprise you. A Full Line of the befct styles ot Jewelry and Silverware. Repairing will be given Special Atten tion. All work warranted to give satisfaction. K. B.Windham, John a. Davikh, Notary Tublic. Notary Fubllc. WIM)UAM4I)AVIKH, Attorneys - at - Ti0.yv, Office over Bank of Cas Couaty. PLATTSMOCTn, - - NeBHABJCA. A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at Law. Will eive prompt attention to all buinfg In trusted to him. Onice In Cnion Block, JIast side. I'lattsir.outb. Neu. Fire Insurance written in Windham A. Davi the Etna, Phoenix and Hartford by F iiii ii m. s r . Two elegant furnished Enquire at this office. rooms to Tf nt. tf B. Sl M. Time Table. OOINO WECT. No. 1. 4 i50 a. m. No. 3. 6 :4 p. m. No. 5. 9 5 a. m. No. 7.-7 M5 p. in. No. 9.-6 :17 p. u. OOIJiC KAST. No, 2.-4 tin p. m. No. 4. 10 :rw a. in. No. 6.-7 :13 p. pi. No. 8.-8 :T,a a. m. No. 10. 8 :5 a. ii. All traln rui: daily by yravof Omaha, except No. 7 and 8 which run to and from ttcbuy lar daily except Sunday. No. 30 U a ttubtp Pacific Junction at iSO.a.w, No, 19 Is a stub flow Pacific Juactiou at 11 a. HI. a. i is t fl V- i r dot wit me, and don't you forgot it. . . -