I THE DAILY IIEKaLD: FLAnoum, wiSJKAbKA, Fill DAY, JUL J The Evening Herald. PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. AN EXTREMELY SAO ACCIDENT A. KalUbarr, Datlt, Bokwood Bailding, TeUpkonc So. 3A. 4eara Dr. 811 an.Ofllra la Kfcrwxd Block, Bl ca Cor. tilth aa-l Uraalte. Trlrphoae So. 4i. Dr.. fata Kmlth. Ih PalnUM lleatUU. Lalon Block, or titlwaa' ua, riBiiw CITY CORDIALS. We are sorry to learn that the wife f Iter. Hamnton lias not yet realized any marked change for the better, and is today very low. The Children's Day entertainment which was to be held next Sunday at the M. E. church has been postponed unti the following Sunday Messrs. Jas. Antill, L. C. Mercer and F. J. Bremer went to Omaha this morn ing in the interests of the A. O. U. W. to make arrangements for running cxcu.4,uat a , smnthnred to Death in an Elevator This Morning' Strenuous Efforts maae w Him But all of no Avail. "Flower Mission Day " I isews rrom airpy vouny. t U "Flower Mission Day." Corn able to ue up ana is ucm3..i- when something white, something bright derly plowed by all farmer.. .n..f iA with 11 tinv I Th Kllpvni? colleco students are anu Boiiicuiiuij ""'i ...... j m " white ribbon and a little scripture card champion ball players. They have not attached, will be given to every inmate been beaten by any nine who have visited His Parents Frantic With Crlef. of the poor larm ana jau aau This morning about V:30 o'clock a Mr. the sick in the city. . Papillion is talking jail. It is to be Heed who is employed by Messrs. Par- The "YV met last evening m w.c ,10pcd luey wm succeed m BnuB u melo & Davis, grain dealers, at their ele- l'resiiyterian cnurcn ami a3 ,3 a great cApcuuc vator in the B. & M. yards in the vicinity ments to visit an uie m v..c WJ sena au prisoners iu luo nf tl,P freight sheds, was loading cars morrow, and they ask their friends to aid The Belleyue college closes its college w- O ' l ... . j 1 1 All it iA I with shelled corn for shipping. Little them in tins ueaumui wor. - year June u 1888. near the depot. An excellent time is anticipated. Sarpy county has four weekly papers, Papillion Times, Springfield Monitor, Bellevue Enterprise and Gretna Bc.mo- crat. The latter has just moved from 1 "Vp1 Tt was thought that the Bellevue Enterprise would never sur vive, but there could not be a liylier lit tle paper, and it is edited every week. SUFFERING IN THE SOUTH. All UO I T i 1QQQ Thorn ivill hr rom with shelled corn xor snipping, .uii.no " - jer juno n,. Wesley Davis, son of the proprietor, who can spare a few sprays or boquets ot mcnccmcnt exercises in the a. m. and p. is about nine or ten years of age was flowers, please send them to Rockwood m wU, bJ passcd in the beRUtiful grove playing around the building unobserved hall tomorrow at 10 o clock ana unui and had gone to the top of the elevator noon. All good papers and books glad, which was filled with corn. Ho went in- ly received also, for jail and prison work. Bide and it is supposed tried to cross Anybody knowing of any one sick are from one side to the other on a narrow requested to send the name and residence board which had been placed there and to Rockwood hall between 10 and 1 it being quite dark, missed his step and o'clock tomorrow fell into the bin below. just neiore w.o - ot The rain was running through the meeting last evening L,.ejr F. - trains in the city en the 13th i& evr into th(J car and thc boy wa9 drawn Miss May Crnnmer a beautiful set ot iruu the day of the A. O. U. W. picnic. in , the guction whichiit caused. Neth- dishes to show tne nigu apprec.ti.uu -Dr. Schildknccht has improved thc iD wa3 known of the pjor lad's wisfor- is held in by the society and for the room appearance of his office and residence tue uulil he wa3 forced down to the she furnished them the past winter to considerable by the addition of a good bott0m where the hole is only ten inches hold their meetings in. quantity of loud colered paint. It. has gquarej causing the grain to st.p running. m unexceliea un made quite a marked improvement, u.i They then examined tne suoot to nuu iuc laundrictl 8birte; sold for 50c, worth 75c, cwrrtulatc tne doctor on tne nne i- cau30 of the stoppage wnen tue iauier oi pearancc of his houso. the boy, Mr. Stephen A. Davis, pushed -The wedding of Mr. Jesse L. Root bis hand into the grain and felt a foot, and Miss Evclyn"vise will take place Almost the first words he uttered were: this evening at nine o'clock at the resi- "I wonder if that is ray boy in there," lcrcd for fear it might be so. tlCUCc Ul HIV iv o . , - I - I i 1 f rf Wise postmaster. Thev are both popu- n0 tried every way to extricate him but Were made for the coming banquet or , ..i w no ioin in if ; Smnnssible. Messrs. Si 2 Orcen the club. It was decided to hold the ban- Avith their numerous friends in wishing and Frank Manley, seeing that some one qUet Thursday evening July 12th m for them a bright and prosperous future, appeared to be in serious trouble came to Waterman opera house, and ' thc admis- Mr Henrv Waterman, and family, his assistance. They secured an ax and sion tickets placed at $1 each as before. . .J..:.-. .v chonnedawav the boards letting the A change is noticeable in this year's ban- rV T: and with it cam. the quet, in the fact that the club have de t HCH Of at Mayer's Opera House Clothing Store. Meeting of Young Republicans. The Young Men's Republican club held a meeting last evening in the county indie's office. Further arrangements l ... i ,lr.n. I reality OI tue iaiuer a. iiiavcav v-- i eiueu iu uumn- " UllMgO WU1CU oixwiauiu - - -,.!. ,.m 4 ,l.,l.f rv. nf l,on- ....l i.:.i.ia orpniP.lv tations. ins dov. ue iiimci menu una " "uu"v i""' ient delay. a Vaman Telia of the Privations Families During the War. "You northerners knew very little about the sufferings that war entails," said a south ern woman. "Some of you may have lost money; some surely did lose huSbands, sons, brothers or relatives of some degree; but none of you suffered the pangs of hunger, as we did. As the blockade grew ugnier auu tighter, it was as though a bandage was be ing tied closer and closer around the neck of each one of us poor dwellers in the south. That cut off our luxuries, that had almost become necessities so much had they become the component parts of our every day meals. Oh, how I have sighed for a cup of real cof fee, after drinking decoctions of burnt rye or potatoes. And I used to dream how fragrant a cup of real siinon pure tea would be, after 6ipping for months vile decoctions of sassa fras. "The army in the field also depleted the Innfl and drew awav not only provisions, but the men that might have replenished the storehouses and larders by supervising the their misfortune, made tne uesi, oi it, after registering at the Palmer Hous?, took advantage of their opportunity of viewing the great metropolis of the west, which attempt, we learned, they were successful in. They also visi Falls spending a day there. A very pleasant surprise party was afforded Mrs. J. C: Eikenbary by her husband and a large number of her friends. After Mr. Eikenbary had invit ed some of their friends to be present at his house that evening and made all the necessary arrangement for a lively time, he invited his wife to take a drive in the country, which she did, and after remain ing away all day, returned to find their friends gathered at the house to welcome them. Yesterday was her 39th birthday, and the event will ever be remembered by that lady as a most enjoyable one for her. frantic when he realized the fact that his efit to all and enliven the scene, and no work ln the fieldi Tne slaves were wonder- only boy who had been playing around doubt the presence of many of the bright gJJ.KSS there in good spirits just a few minutes, happy faces of our fair ones will enthuse faithfully) but tney could not work asunder Cprobably ten or fifteen) was dead. A not only the boys but th distinguished standingly as when they were directed by sadder scene never was witnessed by any 8peakers who will be present upon the oc- their old employer So the field crops were iited Niagara one, and in a short time the whole crowd casiou. The various committees were of the that it devoted so which had gathered apparently were as instruct ed to push matters m tneir re- laj-ge a share of its energies to raising cotton, heart-broken as the poor boy's father spCctive lines, and the Pioneer Republi- It is said there were over two thousand can Club of Nc braska will no doubt meet wfao neyer knew wan watched till the cav- bushels of corn in the elevator so that he with another success this year ns great if alry horses had left their feeding troughs had no Ipossible chance of .escape not greater than it has during the past "- apiup the grains of after falling in. Strenuous efforts were three years, when at each annual banquet what was the article whose loss troubled made by several of the men to they have Had tue uest taicnt mc mo youmostr biin- him to life while a physician and country afforded. sent I .;. , TT , an. i a. t I Khirmpd and the coverings of the liiitisn Jiose iu, v unn - r IZi: ITu- i.. on.i if I nams. lueu, uiwji- iuo ouyyijr - , tne grounti uuuu iu wuo uviov o ud and mixed with water in huge caldrons, PERSONALS. and roaring fires were set going. As the water bubbled up under the faerco neat, wo was being summoned. They for some of the doctors who ordered a vehicle sent immediately. They took the body to Dr. Schildknecht's office, where Drs. Livingston, Siggins and others work ed with him, applying batteries, rubbin; him and trying to get his lungs into op eration, for some time, but all in vaiu. Salt It ctow scarcer and scarcer. After ... i -i i 1 n ill liamin a wane we Doneu iuo uhj;3 i Opera House Clothing Store. Slight hopes were entertained when he " Jim Chambers," a prominent mem- I wa3 brought into the office, as ha was ber of the canine fraternity, and a noted quite coid then. The bddy was then re " scrapper " of his order, caused some moved to the carriage for the purpose of excitement and amusement yesterday it to his home on Pearl street. cjty yester;lay on business se- - . -. ... t. I ..... . t 1 1 through a dislike he had cultivated iu. wi,at a sad sight it must nave ueeu w ucu i one of his brothers, and without giving thc l)00r boy's remains were carried in any warning to his antagonist, jumped beforo his mother who ha3 been very sick onto him and did not let up until ms for some timc and has not yet recovered. blood-thirsty desire was oratified. "Jim" Ag ie wa9 tbe only boy in the family, it has added another one to his list of vic torious "scraps " giving a very sorehead to his opponent. Before he completed his job, however, Will, his guardian, put in an appearance and furnished him with hoot ammunition. -Ve must have trampled on the toes nf the Journal aain judging by the is feared the shock may prove very vere to hit mother. We participate with the entire com munity in extending to the family sympathy in their sad bereavement our No Miss Anna Livingston made Omaha a Bfcjmmed the salt from the surf ace. Doubt- f . ,i ft less much sickness was chargeable to the lack vi sit ioun,y . of which CQald not procured for love Mr. Wm. Weber was "a passenger to ormouev. OmAha todav "Did anybody absolutely starve?" umana toaay. any statement that anybody Mr. M. B. Murphy was a passenger to actuaiiy died in the south for lack of food, Omaha this morning. but many came very near it. One case that . . A, came under my own observation was par- Mr. Wm. Coons, of Manley, was in tne ticulary One lady, with her daughter and two little boys, were left alone upon a farm of 150 acres, the father being absent with the army. This family had eaten every thing there was on the farm except one old hen that had escaped the raid of the forag ing soldiers by running under the barn. A little corn that had been hidden in the board ing of the barn had at last given out, and the old hen wa3 killed and cooked. There was no salt or pepper with which to season it, hnt it was set unon the table for what seemed to bo the last meal the f aniily would ever eat, when the door was burst open and a KXr .1 Tt. Cox returned form St. Louis yesterday afternoon on the flyer. Mrs. Oliver and her daughter, Miss Kate, went up to Bellevue tliis morning. Xf "CVnl T.i ip twn nd's family toolc a I 1111 1. 1 V- . - ' - - trip cast last night on a pleasure trip, where they will remain for some time. ii;n f hnJr wp. received at their hands f Wnuse we cliuned place Sunday at a few lines from the official paper as a re- parents residence. . ., .i..i 4. t ..Uv srliool be held at the hoi ,Krt oi tue ,a3t ui,uS i j ---- . . , - Mount plea3. rrni 1 1 T iiir i " - l . f ii . worked ant cemetery, fifteen miles soutu oi tne city. Mrs. C. E. T!iornburc, who h is been . ... , i . i i, i..cf ivppL- r.oftv rf pamn followers swept the fowl from vKinnff iier uiireuis iui mow " x... . j,. 1 .... , ibiuu0 uci ... . fh tj.hlA and tore it limb from limb. A kind i. l.PPn so sad in the history of returned Home to umana mis mummy. .-i Federal officer came along shortly VV-'v - I I . . our city, and it has cast a gloom over the Mr. Wn, Baker and wife, of Council fJ entire population. Arrangements are ue- Bluffs, who have been visiting mr. j. iv. . . litt,e ones must havo in" made for the funeral, which will take cox and wife here for some time, re- Btarved." New York Press. o'clock from the turned home this morning. A short service will be held at thc house befoce starting. The board. They wish to receive it. and from all appearances themselves up to such a state of excite ment that sleep for them last night would certainly have been out of the question. But if they will take a rest for a while -.nd let up crying, wc will credit them with thc report which wc published. They seem to forget the council proceedings they clipped from The Herald a short time ago to the ex-, tent of about a column and we never even gave them away, and only credited it to their unconscionable stall, never say ing a word. A rather painful accident happened yesterday afternoon, the victim being Miss Lena Weckbach, daughter ot Jir. Henrv Weckbach, a prominent grocer of this city. She and Miss Julia Bilstein had started out late in the afternoon on hnrsphack and had been riding around the streets for some time apparently tak ing in all that was to be seen and enjoy in" themselves immensely. As they were moving up Third street in the vicinity of the B. & M. shops with gre.it rapidity, the stirrup attached to Miss Weckbach's saddle broke, throwing her violently to rrr.tiin1 1111 her left shoulder. She m. " was immediately carried to her home and Dr. R. R. Livingston, sr., soon arrived, and after he had examined her injury announced that she had broken her col lar bene. The injury, though very pain f ul is not serious, and with the exertion of a little patience, she will come around all riht and feel thankful she escaped cr no rrn 1v. sudden death. Sho exhib DS " mJ J ited ereat bravery in standing the opera tion of setting the broken v shoulder so well. 1 V Our ball tossers will p -y a game Wc wish to give Mr. James Don next Wednesday the 13th., with the Coun- nelly, who has lately opened up a gent s cil Bluffs league nine. It is expected furnishing store in Carruth s block, great that a "ood came will be the result, and credit for his good taste in making as line overs of the manly science should giye a selection as he has for business, lie re lv intronizin? I ontW rprnrned f rom Cbicasfo where lie LUC UUjO iiltn moov-w j i c i - - Balbriganand Lisle Thread Fancy Hose worth 50, 60 and 75 cents, sold at 25c a pair, not more than 3 pair of these sold to anv one customer, at Mayers upera healthy olive complexions, their oar k, laug a- House Clothing Store. tf. The Caprlotes or Today. The inhabitants of Crapi retain many of the peculiarities of their Greek ancestors, as well as much of their beauty. The women are celebrated for their clear cut features, ing eyes, and their fine straight forms, which the carrying of burdens on the head tends to increase. Most of the men are away from the island nearly the whole of the year, at sea, either coral fishing or employed in the coast inr trade, and for this reason almost all labor The uapriote ot toaay is Remnant Solo. Remnant Salo. . Remnant Sale ! at: Remnant Salo Remnant B.&. M. Time Table. GOING WEST. No. 1, 5 :20 a. ni. No, 3. 6 :40 p, in. No. 5. 9 :35 a. ni. No. 7.-7 :45 ! in. No. 9.-6 :17 p. in. GOING BAST. No, 2. 1 :25 p. in. No. 4. 10 :3(t a. in. No. 0. 7 :15 p. li). No. S.--0 :-M a. in- . No. 10. 9 :4J a. m. All train run ibiilv bv wav of Omaha, except Nos. 7 and 8 which run to and from Schujler daily except Sunday. No. 30 is a ftub to PaciHc Junction at 8 30.a.m. No. 19 is a stub from Pacific Junction at U a.m. "W atch.es ! W&tclies I Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is the only medicine that acts directly on the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re lieves a cpugh instantly and 5n time effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. j25,3mo,d-w. Bring your job work to this ofiice, we can do your work as cheap as Lincoln or Omaha. Antill's ice cream parlors are now open over Bennett's grocery store, where every luxury in the way of ice cream, lemonade. Saratogas and all other delicious temper ance drinks can be had. m4-tf. Wall Paper, Paints, &c. This is the season when wall paper stocks are usually allowed to run low, but by duplicating all the best selling patterns and adding many new ones, we .mll keen our stock complete, l ou will find a full line in all grades of wall pa II M. GAULT Has moved and is now in the Sherwood room, Cor. 5th and Main Sts., where he is bitter able to show his Large Stock of Watches, CLOCKS A1TD JEWELRY ! Than ever beforo, and will ns an induce ment sell you AVatclics way down, (-'all ind get the Special Trices in Golu Watch es; it will surprise you. A Full Line of the best styles ot Jewelry and Silverware. Repairing will be given Spicial Atten tion. All work warranted to give satis faction is done by women. inouii)"ut y-j i w;n t Wom'a avaricious as his celebrated ancestor of the per, borders, &c, at Will J. A arrick a. Grecian isles, and in making a bargain witn him it i3 necessary to stipulate everything The cheapest shoe3 at Merges'. tf. them. The Council Bluffs nine heads the 8pent some time in looking up the finest XeZZelnn league in which it plays and their boys establishment in that city, and the result the time for payment comes. Quite a number of Englishmen or gooci i-a n l . all firut.-rl.ts3 nlavers. I ; fn 1w upn. Iiru IL fUUVU v - - - i - I o t.v ' ' I - , l .... I - , -i 1 m ;i: .mnnlr iini nnhleman. have mar- Our boys did remarkably for the hrst iarge as a good number, wen seiecteu SSSriTiio doubt, to their rrame ef the season which they played anj it seems that Air. Donnelly Knew well ,.4-,. winning smiles, and have settled ief fi.npntinn dav without uracticing i,nw to sudpIv the demand nere wnen ne down to a "doice-iar-men " together before that time, and 11 tue cm- oraercd the stocK ne u.a. e ui.uk ne "7 8trong hcalthy looking, zens afford them a little encouragement j,ag 0ne of the finest little stocks m the andsome girls toiling up the rocky paths, thfv are sure to improve. They play on west, and from what we know ot lnm as with burdens on their neaas, nut laugmus nicjf uic au v j . . ' . , , I .if, ififaptimis vivacitv. and cast- their grounds the same day the A. U. U. a business man we bespeaK tor mm sue "witeUiritauie. at the tourist, who W. hold their picnic, ranking it conven- cess. Call and see his stock. rom crowded cities where civili- mtinn mokes its iron rule reic ana cramps ui develops our faculties and sensations as it ient for everybody to attend both. -Messrs. Windham & Davics are mak- Tickets will be sold from all points jno improvements in their ofiice which chooses. We cannot help feeling that, after along the B. & M. during the Republican cause it to present a much brighter ap all sThfs convention which will be held at Chica- pcarance and makes it one of the nicest world, as we look back on the struggle for go June 19th. Tickets from Omaha, offices in the city. gam or honor among the educated, whose Plattsmouth or Nebraska City to Chicago Fouf Linen Col. 1 At Mayer's Opera ghaSmthe 5 of selfish nun reiuiu n - - i iars 511 also sell tickets to J, Il VVUIJum; Cincinnati where the Knights of Pythias supreme lodge will be in session from June 12th to the 10th. Return tickets will be sold at Plattsmouth for lG.oo. June 8th to llth, inclusive, limited for going passage to June 13th, and for re turn passage to June 19th. Special trip tickets via Burlington lines through Chicago, Peoria or St Louis will be fur nished upon requisition. 1 Oc. ; Four Ply House Clot h i n g th'e modera gain getting countries with Linen Cuffs 13 cts. ) Store, A freight car which was not in the best of shape was broken in pieces while being in the centre of a train of cars and pushed up the grade before reaching the bridge. The car doubled up, caused the happy "sans souci" existence of all those who have eaten the lotus anS dwell on this "bright gem of the sea." Boston Journal. Sneaking- Trumpeta for Firemen If speaking trumpets are of any use I dont see why they are not used more by tke fire men. It is a noticeable fact at evtry fir by the pressure from beliind, throwing a that delays, and often 'disastrous ones, are large tank which it carried, to the caused by the difficulty that the mm expe- 1 B , " , , rience in understanding each other tmid the ground, o serious damage was done. roar and confusion of the fire. They are fre- Ne-vSto,bUd.gforrent. MI 2TK& JSEEST? cation in the city. Store room 22x80 the foremen, in particular, wuuld carry- Men's canvass shoes at Merges', only 85 cents, everything cheap. tf. Sweet potato and late cabbage plants for sale by J. E. Leesley. d3t-wl. Two elegant furnished rooms to rent. Enquire at this office. . tf I sell shoes cheaper than anybody. Call nd be convinced, no trouble to show goods. tf. Peter Merges. feed, flour, craham and meal at Ileisel's mill, tf Daylight Dry Goods and Millinery House, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, invite your special attention to their Millinery Department They make a specialty of Bonnets for Evening Wear. Ladies Large Brimmed, .Torpedoes and Walking nats. Our Stock of Untrimmed Hat3 is very large and includes aU the latest Trimmed Hats in endless variety, from 75c to 83.75 each tf J. V. WECK3ACU. T?,crriUr meeting of Plattsmouth En- ;ns;,io weii lighted, five rooms in second I tmmrata At . fire as well as in a parade, I mmnent N 3 I. O. O. F. tonight, story for offices or dwelling. Erqaire of believe that their work might bi conducted Members are expected to be present. ' Byron Clark or A. B. Todd. hnMiOTO UWV O better ad vantage.1 Buffalo K fwa. Send your job work to the Herald office. Sherwin & Williams' mixed paints, the best in the market, at Fricke & Co's. drug store. - 8tf K. 11. Wl.SKMAM, Jo UN A. 1JAV1KS, Notary Public. Notary Public. 1VLMMIAM& DAVIKH, Attornoys - at - Law. Odlce over IJank ;f Cas County. Plattsmouth, - - Isebraska. N. 81LL1VAN, Attoriiey at Law. Will give prompt at'eutiou to aM biifineHu In- trustert to him. OfliCff In Liiion lllock. East side, riattsnioutli, Neb. FirA Insurance written in the Ctna, Phoenix and Hartford by Windham A. Davies. Begs's Blood Purifier and Blood Maxer. No remedy in the world has gained the popularity that this medicine has, as hold on family medicine. No one should be without it. It has no calomel crquininein its composition, conscquent- no bad effects can arise from it Wo keep a full supply at all times. O. P. Smith Co. Druggist. j25-3modfcw HREPAREi All' AD AplY CLIMATE. Send rr Clrcalara. HAVEN & RHODES Omalia XTob. (Name thU paper in your order.) f t '