1 Till DAILY HERALD: rLATTamiuTg, llEDaC-IA, - - -3 Tha Plattsmouth Daily Herald. JCNOTTS 33BO S., Publishers & Proprietors. THE I'l.ATTSMOUTII HERALD I, published every evenln except an" weekly every Thup.rt.ty morn iug. t "red at tuJ iMwtomce. riattmioulh. Nel.r.. "'ond-cUsi. matter. OHU e coruer of V ine and Flftli l reels. TERMS rO DAILY. One copy one ear in advai:c by mall- due copy perinoiiiu. i-j One copy per week, by carrier TERMS FOB WEEKLY. one oopy one year, ia advance.... $1 One copy ill months, in advance .$6 oo . 60 13 THE DEMOCRATIC HURRAH. We noticed last evening about a half dozen Democrats with red bandanas tied around their hats. They were the voun" men's democratic club, trying to WIGS AND WIGMAKERS. . RED MEDICINE MORTH. 60ME FACTS TRADE IN CONCERNING THE HUMAN HAIR. hurrah for Cleveland and Thurman, and it was the weakest hurrah we ever saw They were unable to give a single cheer for their candidates, so they thought thev would celebrate by having-some :-. .. .rtu Tlnv set to work and after 111 U Vt V I F.Jm ----j scnvlin'T up three lone rockets their en thusiasm died out. They tried hard to ..,..ir ifr enthusiasm bv imbibing l I V. TV - rood old Democratic red-eye and wavin the bandana, but the enthusiasm would not rise. ' By the way we suppesj ,nc of tliem would like to know the origin of the bandana, as none of them was able to tell ns why they carried it. We telegraphed to our correspondent at St. Louis for its origin, and he called upon a Democratic congressman that was attending the con vention, and the following was his an swer : "While most of the United Stales Sen ators carried immaculate and clean white linen hanktrchiefs, Thurman carried a bandana. Iking an inveterate snuff-tak er and using immense quantities when in debate or excited, ho was obliged t blow his nose often and to carry a red handkerchief which would conceal the snuff. This red handkerchief he was in the habit of flourishing after he had blown large quantities of snuff fiorn his nostrils, puffing all the time like a for poise. And now this dirty snuff rag be comes the emblem of a great political rtv Oh. mv countrymen, have you nothintr lx-tter than a snuff-stained red- handkerchief for your banner i It used .. i. ..r;nfi1oB not men.' with us. Now it is a dirty bandana." r ( Vt he Grow Ualr for the Market. FU Hair Not Uncleanly Ilalr of the Iad Ncnr l"ed A Curloua Preju dice. There are a number of department In the hair trade. To begin at me Beginning, there are the continental peasants tnas grow hair as one of their regular crops. A crop takes aoout aix to mature. Then there are the rgents for the great firms that go around ana buy this hair from the peasants, in much the same way that agents from the great glove manufacturers go about buying kid skins in small lots and with a careful con sideration of quality in each case. Ihen thero are the smaller firms that buy their hair in the natural state and clean and pre pare it for the retail dealers tliat is, wig makers, "wave" makers, etc Of all these various branches far the most interesting is that of the theatrical wiginaker. Not only ts everything about the Btage tinctured with a special spice of romance to the public, but in high class theatrical work there Is a great deal of artistic perception and execution of no mean order. Hair is much cheaper than it used to be. Two reasons can be assigned for this; first, more peasants grow their hair for market than used to, and second, false hair is very much less used. - It is not many years since several switches and numbers of curls, frizzes and fronts con stituted part of the equipment of every woman, young and old, in the land. low a few old tabbies wear waves, and occasionally . . . t . t i i : some girl wuo nas Deen recisiessiy ruining her hair by bleaching is forced for a time Into a wig, but most women don't own a piece of false hair. It is not that our hair is any better than our mothers', but that it is now fashionable to wear sucn an amount or hair as nature usually f urnislies, and it used to be imperative that avexy woman should upholster her bead with enough stuff to nil a mattress. The consequence is that a switch to take a single instance that used to cost $25 can now be bought for FAXSS HAIR NOT UNCLEAXLT. No one need be afraid of false hair bought from a house of good standing on the score of its cleanliness. The peasants that sell their hair keep it much cleaner than they would for their own tastes, because it thus grows better and of a better quality. Then the dealers who sell it to the manufacturers the manufacturers, that is, the people who make it up into wearing shape, and the retail deal- i . i . t i era are one tuese aeaiers pus it mrougu a process that would clean an elephant 8 hide. recon of her ENGLAND'S NAVAL VOW Ell. England has recently nearly structed her navy. N'mcty-seyen war ships carry live hundred and eighty nine heavy guns, whose projectiles. will pierce from 12 to 20 inches of wrought fifteen more carry lilty guns wuu from 20 to 23 the iron projectiles will pierce inches. el. i.ronoscs to use merchant steamships of the White Star and Canard Hues for cruisers and trans ports in case of war. In brief, Englaud has now a navy which could not be replaced for two hun dred million dollars. In her actual ser vice there are two hundred and fifty ves sels, while she has a reserve of three nun tired, with one hundred and fifty torpedo boats. Moreover, England, in cas of need, is prepared for prompt extension. At home and abroad that is, within her own domain armored defenses have been constructed and prepared with or for modern heavy ordnance, thus facing all the world. And, as a rule, her coasts are made reasonably secure against as sault Gen. O. O. Howard, in The Amer ican Magazine for June. There are m New ork a number or nrnia dealing in what we call for convenience raw hair. Their back yards look like a drying ground of Indian trophies. Each suit of hair Is kept to itself and washed and dried separately, and in cases where it is dyed this is the place where it undergoes that process. The hair of the dead is never used. It is worthless for commercial purposes, not curling or even twisting welL There is a curious prejudice among the retail dealers not easily explained against buying hair from the head or from private hands. The good firms could hardly be persuaded on any terms to buy the hair of the suffering heroine who in novels so frequently parts with her glorious locks, though if it happened that her locks were snow white and curly, or even blonde and curly, they might be brought to consider the opportunity. Perfectly white hair is rare and commands almost any price, and curly hair comes higher in any color. Most of the white hair sold is not human ban al all. Theatrical white wigs are not of human hair. The best of them are made of the hair of the Angora rabbit, and much of it comes from goats. New York Graphic. now the 8loa Ml!ns Pre Tfcelr Spall Herba ana imcs. As the medicine bag contains the red doc tor's stock in trade, be guards it with Jealous care. It is keot away from the prying eyes and Itching fingers of the whites and tho medicine man would as soon lose his ureas, to nave the contents of his pouch inspected These bags are made of the skin of some wild animal, and are variously ornamented ' with fringe and now and then with beads. We did not get a chance to look into one during the prevalence of the dog feast, but not long afterward a number of Christianized medi cine men reached the post and turned their pouches over to the missionary who had con verted them. A complete catalogue of the contents or a single medicine bag would excite the reader's wonder and provoke a smile. When the dia- . j , ,nA Vwn turned over on the occasion Just referred to, I went through the first that came in my way. This particular Mnr oh.!: had once been the skin of some animal in embryotio state I should aay a young wolf and had "been taken off in a manner which caused It to retain its nat ural shape. I found that each article had been carefully incased in a covering of birch bark. The wrapper was marked with certain totemio symbols which went to in struct the medicino man as to the contents of the package. The assembled medicines would have formed an unique collection, and a general laugh went around as the Indian's materia medica stood displayed. There were dried herbs in quantity, leaves, barks, roots, and stems. Here a claw, there a tooth, yonder an ear. One package con tained a beak and a feather, another a human naiL Our search brought to light small images of wood carefully wrapped and labeled. These were the totems that preside over the use and effects of the medicines, and without their presence in the poucnes ine 6kill of the Indian doctors would avail noth ing. The images are of rough workmansnip, but they answer the purpose for which they were designed as well as if they came from the hands of the skillful carver. We found in the bag we examined representations of the sun and moon, and some odd pieces of wood carving supposed to represent the human figure. The medicine of one tribe differs from that of another. The shapes of the healing pouches are different. No Indian can aspire to the position of healer of the sick unless he is phy sically without a blemish, though some tribes tolerate maimed medicinemen. This would indicate that among some nations men tal characteristics go further than physical ones in the choosing of doctors. The initia tion into the fraternity of medicine men dif fers, as do the schools they profess to prac tice. In the far north the candidate is compelled to devour alive a young dog while - 1 1 f the assembled crowd aance arouuu mux. m other instances physical torture can lift one to the dignified position of medicine man, and some enthusiastic aspirants have been known to endure excruciating pain for days in suc cession. Drake's Travelers' Magazine. Eureka Heat Raarkov. T Real Estate Bargains 'EXAMINE OUR LIST. Beef, . J. THOMAS, WHOLESALE AND 11KTAII. DEALER IN Pork, Mutton, Veal and FouHry. I invito all to givo mo a trial. : CONSISTING OK Fmh Oyttds in Cnn ri d Lulk e nic VMir ri.tixnHfcc. Sugar Cured Meats, Hams, Harm, I.orJ, etc., etc. at lowest liying prices. Do not fail to uiv CHOICE LOTS X. 3? 32 Xj -DEALER IN- - I 2NT - South - Park, i STOVES, FUR AND ALL N ITU RE, KINDS OF- HOUSEHOLD GOODS. -LATEST STYLES OF- WINDOW 21 lots in Thompson's addition. 40 lots in Townsend's addition. Lot 10 block 138, lot 5 block 1G4. Lot 1 block 0, lot 6 block 95. -Lot 11, block 111, lot 8, block 61. LOTS IN YOUNG AND MAYS' ADDITION. Lots in Palmer's addition. Lots in Duke's addition. Improved property of all descriptions and in all parts of the city on easy terms. A new and desirable residence in South Park, can be bought on monthly payments. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and see if we cannot suit you better. KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. MAIDS TO ODEE SIXTH ST11EET, BET. MAIN AND VINE. PLA1TSMOUTII, NEB. FURNITURE EMPORIUM. -FOR ALL CLASSES OF- FINE TnE Journal came out last evening with a crowing rooster at the head of its column with the words under it, "Thur man for Vice." Wc do not see why it should say "Thurman for Vice" uuless it judged all men by itself, or thinking of thevices of Cleveland, it wants to make "Vice" the battle cry this falL "Ve have annken of as an lll-aiu .- 1 Wealth and Bad IJrecdlivj. It is a curious fact that tbere are men who aotabine the wealth of a Croesus witn tne breeding of a Hottentot. And i6 is a still more curious fact that such men, because of their wealth, and for no other discoverable reason, are pushed forward into public posi tions for which they arc wholly unfitted, and upon which they continually bring disgrace. So much for generalities. He is rich, rather illiterate, and somewhat given to saving things which might much better be left un said. Ho lives in a magnnicecs uouse, &ur rounJcd by no end of "style." His son's schoolmate, a boy of 14, was din in" there one day. It was his first appear ance in the grand mansion, but with that good taste which comes of good breeding and a good example at home, he took all the "style" quietly and without comment. This Hid not suit the 'host," who wanted his splen dor noticed and praised. "1 hopo you are enjoying your dinner," he said. I am, sir, thank you," said the boy, quietly. "Guess you don't see such a layout as this at your house, do your persisted tho host.' The boy knew enough to make no answer, but when he went to his home he told his mother, who was properly exasperated to tnmK mat uer son should be exposed to such an exhibition of downright vulgarity. Boston Herald. 110 Called a Halt, if . r.Txt. weddinz in Doston, a young authoress who is still old enough to be mar- riI in response to some w" taunt, : , u i;tti R-vear-old son of a friend .ear. t"' Do say you'll J - ... i n ; .1 fu. lv "m-.-.,!' -von marry mei rn write voa a book every year. To everybody's surprise the littje . fjto. r can- exceptional good democrat and the only gidered a m0ment, and then replied: 41 -vice" he is known to be guilty of is the ftre plenty t reaA use of snuff and that can hardly be called There there women older The well bred vice. The Democratic statesman, flourishing a revolver, who peremptorily ordered the ! opening of a hotel bar at St. Louis on Sunday night, ably represented the party .t.;.i. fr Purti Riiceinctv described as 1 UIV.il -, v varv linn trrx and verv thirsty. The revol- ver itself was a rcminisence of the Missis- li which the south has been r'Fl" l"-" "J solidified. N. Y. Tribune. $500 Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with Woefa Vocretable Liver Pills, when the i w-- O ' directions are strictly complied with. They are purely yegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genu ine manufactured only by John O. Vcll X. rv fiRo. v. Madison St. Chicaso, Its 4b m. w v mm ww m -- w nra too many uww V niYicol wjca nowadaVS. luou mcuiu.'-- . ... n murmur of laughter tna grt waa shared by tha merry young writer as the recent discussion regarding e matri monial ventures of two artists bad evidently a jT,rsion on the young man, wfac UUU1QUU tF - , i. proposed to stop the thing right there.- Yankee Blado A Warning. The modes of death's approach are va rious, and statistics thow conclusively that more persons die from disease of the hroat and lungs tha any other. It is probable that everyone, without excep tion, receives vast numbers of Tubercle Germs into the system and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop, at first slowly and ;a chnwn lv a slight tickling sensation in the throat and if allowed to continue their ravages they extend to the lungs produc ing Consumption and to the head, caus ing Catarrh. Now all this is dangerous and if allowed to continue will in time cause death. At the onset you must act with promptness; allowing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and may loose you your life. As son as you feel that something is wrong with your throat, lungs or nostrils,, obtain a bottle of Bos shee's German Syrup. It will giyo you immediate relief. The Feminine Chinese Feet. The feet of Chinese women are made small in a very simple manner. Tho process begins at the age of five or six years. The foot is tightly bound, so that the circulation of blood ceases and the toes are crushed to gether. The bandaged foot Is inserted in a short, narrow pointed shoe. In the heels of which a block of wood is placed, so that the girl appears to be standing on her toes. Sometimes bandages are wound around over the shoe. The foot of course grows smaller, but, in consequence of the shrinking of the skin, seems round and plump. Stockings are not worn. If everything goes all right the foot assumes the desired form in two or three years, being gradually shriveled up. The poor girls often have to undergo great pain. Sometimes the skin and flesh burst under the terrible pressure, and occasionally incurablo injuries result It is dangerous to hasten the process, and especially so wnen as vuo begin ning of the operations the girls are beyond the usual age. Not infrequently the attempt is made with fifteen or sixteen year old daughters. In such cases the process is diffi culty for the foot has almost reached its full growth, and tho pain is unbearable. The practice of deforming the feet prevails only among the upper classes and those who affect the manners and customs of their su periors in rank. Among the lower classes, where tho deformity would unflt a girl for necessary labor, the feet are allowed to grow naturally. This establishes a sort of oaste sign. The father of a tiny footed maiden will not permit her to marry a man whose mother or sisters have not artificially diminutive feet. The written laws of the land do not refer to this custom in any way; it would much as If American legislation should deal -ii ti"-ht lacinsr. Chans: laa in ruuaaei- phia Press. Growing Frogs for Food. There Is a good deal more sense in a frog farming scheme than you will find in lots of these hare brained patents which are advertised extensively. Of course, every 0110 smiles at the suggestion of growing frogs for food, and CoL Bill Waddingham came in for his share of censure when he Innocently pro posed to utilize some of the useless swamps of southern Illinois close to St. Louis, where a good demand for frogs at fancy prices al ways offered encouragement to shippers. The improved frog is fat, plump and lus cious, a most delicious morsel that melts In the mouth, while the swamp croaicer is a long drawn out creature that has more spring than fat to his underpinning. The breeds are as different and wide apart as the Texas long horn and the Hereford shorthorn. Any man who has a pond on hi3 farm can t-rv the experiment of raising his own frogs. First let him buy. say six pairs of fine New Jersey breeders and dump them into the water. With these for a starter you may select a nn.nHhr of domestic bactraoean and then vou will have the nucleus for a fortune. Don't interfere with your water Investment for a year any more than to keep your grow ing stock well supplied wits food. They re nnire an abundance, but as they are not very rininf-v in their taste, the expense will be Heht For a young farm two barrels a day of hotel table scraps will keep the frogs ia solendid shape, so that at the end of twelve months you can begin marketing all you can fish out at the same price as spring cmcKens. Give me the time and facilities and I will wager that at the end of two years I will be living on an income of $5,000, and my frogs will nav all expenses. St. Louis has no good .frogs, as local epicures depend on the labors of farmers' lads, who go fishing with a shot gun. In midwinter, when the ground Is frozen hard, we have to bring our frogs from establishments in New Jersey. Globe-Demo crat. 5 acres of improved ground north of the city limits. 5 acres of ground adioining South Park. 2 acres of ground adjoining South Park. li acres of ground adjoining South Park. 20 acres near South 14, T. 10, R, 12, Cass county, 800, if sold soon. nwi sec. 8, T. 12, R. 10, Cass Co., 331 IE 3T IE3 "2" Where a YOU SHOULD CALL OX EOECK'S Goods aiul Fair magnificent J'rices stock of abound. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY HENRY BOJECK, PLATTSMOUT1I, NEHHAiShA CORNER MAIN AND SIXTH Belief! Tn ft- Park-: sec. Se price $1,- price $2,000. A valuable improyed Merrick Co., Neb., 1G0 reosonvble terms. stock fram in and acres on Windham & Davies. Will call ycur attention they are headquarters for all and Vegetables. We are receiving day. Oranges , hand. Just received, a variety Vie have Pure Maple Sugar to the kinds fact that of Fruits Fresh Strawberries every Lemons and Eananas constantly cn of and no Canned Scups mi stake . TUTT. IHSD RANGE. Consult your best interests by insuring in the Phceuix, Hartford or iEtna com panies, about which there is no question to their high standing and fair dealing. TORNADO POLICIES. The present year bids fair to be a dis astrous one from tornadoes ana wina . il storms. This is fore-snaaowea Dy me number of storms we haye already had the most destructive one so far this year having occurred at Mt. Vernon, I1L, where a large number of buildings were destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc currence more probable in 1888. Call at our office and secure nado Policy. TTnlnniroT-prl lands for sale or ex- r - change. - a Tor Vaccination Acainst Typhoid Fever. Chantemesse and Vidal communicated to the Societe de Biologie some interesting ob servations on vaccination against typhoid fever, claiming that in mice inoculated with cultures of typhoid bacilli a niseasw is pro duced with lesions, the same as m human tvnboid fever. Mice Inoculated with bouil lon in which colonies have lived, but which no longer contain the bacilli, resist subse quent inoculation with the most intense ty phoid virus. Science. WINDHAS & D A7IBS PLATTSMOUT! NEB. , , ir..T ' ' J. V. AIARTHI3. JONATHA-N liATT. WHOLSSAL2 .2723 KETAIL PORK PACKERS ad dealers is BUTTER AND EGGS. BEEF, PORK, MUTTON AND VEAL. TnE BEST TILE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. Sugar Cured Meats, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c, mVP. The best brands of OYSTERS, in cons and bulk, a WHOLESALE AND KtlAiu CAT lT fl HEALTH IS WEALTH CEZlB iWTH E ATM E NT t nrEC West's Nerve and Brain Treatnr.t aeuarantee Specific for llvsteria Dizz-aess. CoeovuTsVonS. Fits. Nervous KeunWa. Head rh Nerveous Prostration caused Use ue of alcc&oloV tobacco. Vakefuluess.Mental De SresuVn Softening of the Brain reeultii.J! m iii and leading t misery, decay and -Jeaili. irpiiiature old Ate. Barrenness, Loss of Fow m in either sex. iMVOlunlary Los .ani Kt er-fnat-rrhtta caused by over-exertion of the Lnl ",;fo rnvpf-indnliience. laeh box ui""'.""" i treatment. SI 00 a or six ' boiw foi "Kw. sent by mail receipt of price WE GUABAK TEE SIX BOXES To cure anyce. Witu eacu ?" "V- bv us for six boies. accompanied with So 00. wewiU sWa the purchaser our Kuaran tee to return the rrouey if the ire at me nt a oes net effect a cure. Guarantees issued only 1y W ill jfAVarrick sole at'ent. Plattsraouth. Neb. The standard nmtdy for liver com plaint is "West's Liver Pill?; thy never disappt in, you. SO pills 25c. At War rick's drug store. box prepaid or If you send us 30 Herald. want a good subscribers to 6ilver watch, the Weekly We will fcive a silver watch, that is warranted by the jewelry men. of city, to any one who biings us 13 yearly ca;h subscribers to the Daily Herald. JULIUS PEPPERBERG. MAKCFACIVKKll OF AM) WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN THE Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor de Pepperbergo' trd 'Buds KtTLL LIKE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in btock. Nov. 20, 1865. A Sold by W. J. Warrick.