Fine. :jkau PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, ? i DAY EVENING, JUNE 8, 1888. NU3IIIEK 222 - .j.hj OUFICKliS. Mayor, Tre.nurer, Attorney, 1'oiice .ludjre,, Coui.cllmen.Mtward. AS K.M. KlUIKY W K Vox J AXCS PATTruHOfT, JK. - By Hon (,'ukk - - A Ma do i. k - 8 CLIKfllHU W II MAI.IIK IIAt'H V . nil I " M J03HKK ,U 1 lK. A HIf MAN 3rd 4th. )H H Murphy 1 W 1 UTTON j VV )'C6siok. I 1 M Callkx. 1'IIKS J W Johns n,Jh aihman . ( J W Johns m,i Iloai J rul.Work Kiiki (Aikdkk ( L 11 IUwkhWi OUT II Treasurer. 1 input y Treasurer, - Cl-rk. lMiuty Cli-rk, Jd'i'unliT i( Refill -Iiniy llttuorder ULtk I Ji-triut Court, MiK-rin, Surveyor, Attorney. Kii.U (il'ut. School CouatyTuie. HOARD OF SLfKKVISOItS A. 11. Toid. Ch'in., 1.0013, A. ii. DlCKSO.V, THE THIRD DAY. Opens With tho Reading; and Adop tion of the Platform. St. Louis, June 7. Notwithstanding that a number of visiting organizations or individual strangers had left the city last night or early this morning, little appreciable reduction in fhc attendance of spectators is noticeable. As the dele gates slowly straggled in, in twos nnd threes, the conversation was ou the res pective chances of Thurman and Gray, the tariff plank and the state of the ther mometer. As to the latter there was unanimity, of opinion, it being excessive ly hot. As the delegation space began just laws which have outlasted the nec essities of war and are now undermining the abundance of long peace, deny to the people equality before the law and fair ness and justice, which are their riht. Then the cry of American labor for a better share in the rewards of industry is stifled with false pretenses, enterprise is lettered and bound down to home markets, capital is discouraced with doubt and unequa!,unju.-t laws can neith er be amended or repealed. The demo cratic party will continue with all the power confided to it, to struggle to re SHERIDAN'S CONDITION- It Again Becomes Extremely Crltl cai and Dr. Pepper is Summoned. Washington, I). (.'.. June 7. Get era oneiuian s condition is again extremely pecarious. The congestion of the lun"s has again become very severe, and is per haps more to bo feared than the heart I. A. Cam mi f.i.l TlHH. I'OLLOCK ftflrfk riMTPllVttflii JixACKrrciiMKi.D to fill the usual battle of handkerchiefs Joax m. i.kyd'a I roke out Thurman red and gray mus- J.U. KiKKNMAii" lm ""Native f the name of Indiana's it" of our unequal system of tax legis trouble. The general's respiration id form these laws in accordance with the higher tonight than at any previous time, nf,,",raV",,?I'nL- Pr Topper has been summoned, and trious freemen of our land', the immense w.,n hc hen about 2:30 cloc k- ail1 majority, including every tiller of the vvitu t,lc tlor physicians and Dr. Liu soil, gain no advantage from excessive coin, who has also been called in, hold tax laws, but the price of nearly tlilniv tliav 1 . . .. ?.. . .l 1... .1 r I "'"o uuji la jjii.icnscu uy uiu lavor- S.of) ?n I -Sheridan's c ondition is un- - ' candidate being hoisted at the mast J1'00- All unnecessary taxation is un- iml'ved. His recovery from the attack '. - " MaynakoSmnk head by the respective admirers of the Jstt"ation- " is repugent to the creed of heart failure this afternoon is only ti. llUMHCLi. flfncf ' . . . . of democracy that by Mieh taxation the partial. contestants. As each new color was rais- cost of the necessaries of life should be June 8, 1 a. in. On-v.- f ! ,t...ll '.;: Ilattsmouth etJ " was greeted with shouts from the I Uniustificabl v increased tn nil nnmnln . Weeping Water aiie.;es. but ft was evident frnm m..1. Judired by democratic m inr-ml 1, in! iconic more tranquil in his mind since - biiunuuu ' ---- r i . - i 1 i fl lllli; 111 IIIH Hllllllll Tini II A 1. r. ,.r. ... . . y unnecessary taxation trusts and com un u, tne spectators. binations are permitted to exit which. I he convention was called to order at while unduly enriching a few that com- 10:30 and prayer was offered by the Rev. hine, rob the body of our citizens by de- Dr. Brankfield. priving them of the benefits of natural The chair then l,o ,i:,t competition. 1JI.ATTMOITTH encamtment No. 3. i.o. Miof ... , . Every democratic rule of irovernmental GIVIG SOGII5TJJS. m v-s v -x vrw " "1A3S 1.0UCK No. 1IC. 1. O. O. F. Meets VVeyery luHd:iy eveolnc ot each week. All trsiiiii'iit brotliers are refpecttully iuvlted to attend. terestsaf the people are betrayed when 9 0'cIoc - AIout 1 o'cloc k his rest disturbed by several coughing spells,and his breathing seems to be rather btentori- ous. O. F. e.icli iiiiiiilti In tlie Maonic Hall. .Brother are invited to attend. Visiting WKIO LODGE NO. SI. A. O. U. W. Meets - every alternati hrlday ereniu at K. of 1'. hall, 'l'raiislxiit brothers are respectfully in vited to attend. F.J. Morgan. Master Workman ; L. H. liaritow. Foreman i Frank llrown. Over- peer ; 1. llowen, (iiiide; tieoign Houworth, Keeirdr ; II. .1. .loiinsoii. rinancier; vuli. Ninith, Heeeiyer ; M. Ma) bright. l'at M. W. ; juck 1'augaeriy, insiue ouaro. 1A8S CAMP NO, 333. MOURBN WOODMEN ar-tinn i a Triitl Qf aA .l.A . , ,.1. -i . , i Itlltu, IUIUU!;II UIIIICUl'B- eauy anct ne introduced Henry Water- I sary taxation, a vast amount of mnnev son, chairman of the committee. Water- far beyond the needs of an economical son, turning to the chairman, said he had administration, is drawn from the people the honor to report the resolutions unan- ?n.d1t,,e chftnnels of trade and nccumu- , . ., . lated as a demoralizing surplus in the na- imously agreed upon by the committee tional treasury. The monev now lvi.i on platlorm. idle in the federal treasury resulting from tbo morul iierit rettis tUen read the platform as supertluous taxation amounts to more .j:r::i t i .-is. .. of America Meets second and fourth Mon y eveiiiu at K. of P. hall. A tlier are reu nested to meet wit Nowei) ner, Veuerabla Consul : G. K, day evening at K. of P. hall. All transient I States, in national convent iTotner are requested to meet, wun us. I.. A. I ' , , , . .7 3V.;:- i.-t ..:::. ::.;;: -. v.k-::,. !:.. .!. t j": iasn w;:::- ,! ll; .i'; t.f :i -:-.-..t r .n .'-...-. .i.j.'j jl strcrftrsl !)V l!e 1 u-.?- tiiici :..r -i :y" iru-ii atnl iiikti of e; ! ii:i -liar::ctoi- v. !(. r.:e ensaseU i:i it. So !o ;t.j)i;:U. u eailiu l;m iL ueeoino tuai t!ieljr;;y nitiiiiame ci)!ii;jai:ii;s ttkluy ftit not r-suii-e.l tostM.l outloju!i;ious agents to iivncli lu lUa (hhjjiIo, as of J oiv. on avts or I:Ie insiiranea. Tli fact that a l:fo insiirunoii tmiicu w - I l J . w 'jyjii follows: tuau one hundred and twenty-five mil-1 thing for any man of moJernte means u hold The democrat iwrtv f TTjfi ll0n8' and tLe surplus collected is reach- ls ally pretty well estaLhshed, mul tho t - - j w biaw y u I U L.., e fniiea jng the 8um of more thaQ g.t n,ii15ons questioa of seturins one, tha uioro he coii ircntion assembled. I n ' I eidei-a it. fnrfa itifir hk.. .. . . - ' I ailllUHl I V I 1 u.w. CI CI V f 1 1 Mil..- I renews t.ll lllOlla-e-ll n t ita Hrlolifo I rf- I u,;,i ...i. . . ... worthy Adviser : U,B.Sniun.ldx-Hanker; W. democrartic faith and reaffirms the plat- I debauched h7 this immense temptation family at heart. The only discoura-inir u ""' form adopted by its representatives in the tLe reme.dv of t,,e republfcun party is to thing about it is that there ure so nSuiv 1LATTSMOUTH I.01XSE NO. 8, A. O. IT. W. I convention or i?i34 and endorses the I . . J K appro- wuuwuus or men wno eitner win not proviJo M:et every alternate Friday evening at views ex Dressed bv Pnsidenfc V.,-v.-a-nA Ptions and expenses, whet lier constitu- I for their families in this way or who ne-rleefc I ss&rfe : !j'w-" f::"'"'..,!!;' a. tS2,2 SZ JSi, Z.rL?. : iii.uii, . . , r . a j u, ui riuau ; o. i v. v a caoc ui 1UIIL lilUL I UriiJ UDOI1 I- ...v, no j'ui i - m the question of tariff reduction and also ,CJ 18 lo "orce frugality iu .)ublic ex- ing tor his endorses the efforts of our democratie Meu8es. A10 unnecessary taxation. I I 111 r nulol .1 yl..,.: i - I .uu fuuvn. Vc earnestly request all of our fiieiuls indebted to us to call at once and m ttle accounts due. AVe have f lu-tained heavy loss by the destruction of our Ih-unrh House at Fairmont, Neb., by fli c and now that wc need money to meet our obliga tions, we hope there will not be one among our friends who would refuse to call promptly at this particular time and adjust accounts. Trusting this will receive your kind consideration and prompt attention, we remain, Yours Truly, S0L0LM0N & NATHAN. T i W. : F Wilde. Ueeorder ; Leonard Anderson. Overseer. 1M.ATT.SMOUTU LODISK NO. , A. F. Jfc A.M A Meets on th lin-t and iliird Mondays of represcntatiyes in congress to secure a re- ur e8taolished domestic enterprises each month at their hall. All transient broth-I ,.. - . b ;ocv.un, are I i . , nn,..,i,! ,i era are cordially invited to meet with us. J. i. Kjchey, W. M. W m .11 A t a. Seerelary. K'RISKASKA CIIAI'TEK. NO. 3, K. A. M. Meets second and fourtli Tuesday of ea-li month at Macon' Hall. Transcieut brothers are invited to meet with us. F. E. White, II. P. "Wm. IIavs, Secretary. duction of excessive taxation. I 8llouia not, and need not be endangered Chief anions it urinciulesof nartv faith a reduction and correction of the bur- A Card to Parasrraphei-a. Gentlemen, candidly and honestly now, did are the maintaTnance of that indissoluble I tle ,8 of t1'111011-. n the contrary, a fair you ever really and actually know of a union or rree and indestructible states , ; ",C1UI iiuh wi our tax laws, au woo tnrew a oootjack at a cat! now about to enter upon its second cen- Wltn due allowance for differences be- . Woman who hit her husband with a rolling tury of unexampled progress and re- tween the wages of American and for- P1" .... nown, devotion to the plan of trovcrn- e,ffn lauor niust promote and en- . us l?at blt the at out of the beau's i. . 1 ... b . rnnmoriivr liron1i nf ei, :,i..t.:.. trousers? -if-r. zion COM3IAM1ART, No. 5. K. T. em ' S" "J ,l written constitu- - V ;r ' V """B",l Ico man who was rich? Meets first and ihird Wednesday niicht of tion strictly specifyins every trranted nn( enterprises ny giving them nssnr- tw " .7 .- , . i-ach month at Maso. shall. Visiting brut lcr Dower. nnA pti,c1b ance Of an extended market and .. parior to asli i,e cordially inMtedtoineet wi. il us. I ii " ' .-' ""S . lUB Ufl (!, n,w:. - .-eaoie questions of caUers? e a W'M II a vs. Rec. F. E. Wiiitk. K. C. McCONIHlE POST 45 C. A. SI- MOSTKK. J. VS .lofixsov i'onunaader, O. S. Twiss Senior Vice " F. a. Baths Junior states or people the entire unrranted res- ana continuous operations. idue of power, encourogement of a jeal- I n tue interests of American labor. eus ami popular vigileucc directed to all Wife Who took awav hushnnrra lnfy.1, 1-J Husband who fainted when hn i...m-,i hi. ' I -i u , . . - I .'. i . all I ,"ulu mioum in no event oe neglected, " muiuer was conungi who have been chosen for brief terms to I the revision of our tax laws contemplated enact and execute laws and are invested hJ the democratic party should promote i;ko. MI.KS Adjutant, wim me duty ot preserving the I ac advantage of such labor by cheapen mamV :iMXosV::";:::;;::;;oaerofthe.jy: su"r iual,v nt establishing justice. i ne (.lenjueraiic party welcomes an ex acting pcruting of the administration of the executive jower which four years ago was committed to its trust in the election oi urover Cleveland, president of the Cti iti.K.s F.)i:i " Ouard Ano-iwo.v Fkv -ert. Major, .1 Ai!-siOBB'.EM.vs.. ..Quarter Master Sergt. I,. V. Cciitis Poit Chailaiu uTeetiii- aturdcty evenin-i Son HiLPameri GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS j; me cost ui me necessaries ot lire in the home of every workingman and at the same time secure to him steady and remunerative employment. Upon this question of tariff reform, so closely concerning every phase of our na- " lui- yiuymg comet or accordion? And if so, where do these people livn' Drake's Magaine. United States; but it challenges the most tional life, and upon every question in searching inquiry concerning its fidelity volved in the problem of good "overn and devotion to the pledges which then ment, the democratic party submits its invited me suffrages of the people. Dur ing the most critical period of our finan cial affuin., resulting from over-taxation. the anomalous condition of our currency ' and public debt unmatured, it was bv th adoption of a wise and conservative course, not only averted disaster, but principles and professions to the intelli gent suffrages of the American people. A C Fire Assoclatioo-Phitadthia, Frauklln-rhiUdelpliia,- ' Home-New York. " Ins. C. of North America, Phil. l-iverpaokVLondan & Globe-Eng North BritU'j & Mercaritlle-En " jrorwich L'nion-Eiizland. " Kjriu'aeM F. & M.-Sprlngfleld. " Bzd Blood at Bonhar, Tex. Bonhar, Tex., June 7. Tlie most in tense excitement was created on the greatly promoted the prosperity of our I streets here today about 12 o'clock by T , what promised to be a bloody battle. It has reversed the improvident and k T , , unwise policy of the republican uartv :bUt fUr mnths a- Joel B:Unttt an(1 touching the public domain, and has re- N 3 8,x sons were arrested, charged with named Mor- Today Kepresent. tlie following time trie J and fire-tosted companies: Vroerican Central- Louis, Assets $i.25,loo I claimed from corporations and syndicates, ;the murder of an old hermit na ;o:iinicroial Union-Eujclanil, " 2.KW.3U alien and domestic, and restored to the rgan, and were released on baiU The Successful Literary tife. rPllrt nml-.ifrtT. a 1 1 ii. w ua literary" is nn un worthy oua The aim should bo to render by tho iieu some definite and substantial ben efit to tho "audience." Perhaps none of us can consistently live up to this idoal. but hero, as well as in greatc-r matters, tho prin ciple of tho Master may apply, "Whosoever will save his life, shall loso it: but whosoever will lose his lifo for my sake, the same Khali savo it." A successful literary life is a life of unselfish service; and, as 'with all other unselfish service, the recognition that i .t. demanded ns recompense is graciously ten dered U3 a benediction. 1 closo with a postu late: Nothing should bo published, tho sup pression of which would bo a loss chiefly to me ausuor. xiaiian Ii. Ballard in Writer. Dr. C. A- Marshall. iSX Thu A Remedy for Fetid Feet. A Chicago correspondent writes us for remedy for perspiration of the feet, com- 4.41376 people nearly one hundred millions of 1 . , '77?. tf3 h,,n uc - i r -t.i ii.. ..... i amic o n uuiws, u u in i ici i ii ir ei? it to - njsuui-', ce asserts. il-vs t,x . eo ucresuxiu ioieiancisiouesacrecllytitlcl . n mpn , J no goal The disease, for such it ree.llv 7.s.w3 as nomesteaas ior our citizens. . ", u. may Lave t3 ori . t, ",: o t-i o.!0 1 TirKlt . f . I n lnt tl.o n, . .. L I A. .1 I . . . . - - o"""-" o,4o. i iiU uuiciuu v 2unrtiin? me interest i omuc uumiu, uiei, iu town nnci oi n me system, ana th.i nn m-.t 6.C33.TS1 and principles of justice and cquitv. it enffasred in a Quarrel concerning thn triil removed. At least onceadavior tniV. if 3,373,754 I has naid OUt more for iwnsinnannfl hnnn on. t " a , poKsib:e) the feet should bo soakftl iii tnnr.;.. ' I . I nuill 1ill Lit:? Wl'I t' 111 1 1 K'l 1 1 1 II IV inpiipa. 1 . . aaaj Freservatiou of natural teelh a epeclaity. Cctth extracted without pain ly vse of Laityhiug (lug. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FlTZGKHAT.O'S IifclCIl PtiATTHMOUTII , NlCl! Will, llcrohl & . I ... i-wv-iviiitj OlULilll lift a.iHLu.a pubHc than WM crer jd bef)re d S,-"UUM:- au" " w8 omy ny a ngeu once or twice daily, and only woolen Cry 1.2J..4C6 J t;e3 to ti,e soldiers and sailors of the re- Total Assets. 42.115,' GrO TO Son rort s. Notions Boots and Siiocs or Ladies and Gents DRS. CAVE & SMITH, "Painloss Dentists' TImj only Dentin! In the West eon t roll nr this r.ey System of Extract iiik am! FilliiiK i eetU iwituoiit I'aln. Our suiiieMhellc Is en tirely free tvesn fCIII.OKOrOKMOIiKTIIEH AND IS AU'SOLUTEIA' Harmless - To - Alt Tee!h extracted and s-rlificial le-!)i IiiHerted n-xt day if lesned. 1 lie preservation of the natuial teeth a specialty. GOLD CROWNS, GOLD CAPS, BRIDGE WOBI. The very finest ofijee in Union Ulock. over iheCitizeLB'Uitiik, 1 n i 1 i i I the Ktrennnna nnrl hrn tFFr,rta r.t t.a 74 I C4UH1 jciiuii. j.b iiaa auoptea and 1 a. consistently pursued a firm and prudent othcers that a fight was prevented". The foreisrn noliev. nrejsprvincr iianra tx-ifli oil I r-n 1 1 r .-1. 1: -r...i n? i.j 1 n 1 111" 1 .l - --o "!- i'--v. ... 1 mill, an vi , iiuiii live near iwu ii ver. imi AGJIISM 8nd Paiu at t!i!S AgeilCy nations. While scrupulously maintaining left for their homes tWs cvenin anJ ' an mo riuts ana mierests ot our own . , . . . . . , V government and people at home and ,S thooS',t fight will occur before they abroad, the exclusion from o;;r shores of reach fheif jJestinatiop, as both factions Chinese btuorcrs has been effectually ee- ! are desperate men. cured ur.ner a provision of treaty, the operation of which has been postponed by tho action of the republican majority 1X1 lllG SVUHIC. WHEN YOU WANT WBI DOW Unearthed a Mastodon's Skeleton, El Paso, Tex., June 7. While exca- Ilonest reform in the civil service has vating for a spring at Mound Station, in -OF- jk.?CL-y IE CALL ON been inaugurated and maintained bv Lincoln County, X, M. on the I , v"rvV"u.u', "n" 'I nas ""'iignt Craig road, Mr. Foster, the owner of the lnbllC SCTVlCe to the highest Rtanrlnrrl I , ' : ' 4 .a-u- 1 ... 1 . , . 0 , . I iaree ranch in that -vieiniii: n.mor vi t uicienev, noi oniy uy rme and should bo worn. Insoles of felt sh,!,! i, worn and changed with the stockings; they can be wet in chlorinated soda, and then .u iuu ior runner usa The stockings, when removed, should bo dried.Tsy the Ore. Herald of Health. A Church Mouse. "I want a warrant for the arrest eta hnf,i 11 VP ! n cni.l n nM..f-nn .- ... bo yoor, but no man eaTi insult mo and ret away with it." , "What's the trouble?" asked the justics. 'Disturbance, It was at tho weeklies cer emony. I won tho e-irl and iust nsl I nplltfl 'Witlmllmri.!!!. i i .". f Mil I ui iuj y jjoocis x tneoen- aow, tnerecanio from the organ loft iu tho Wc have our house filled with A FINE QUALITY OF ICE, And are prepared to deliver it daily to our ciis t mers in any Uantity desired. .ALL ORDEES PEOMPTLY PILLED. Leac oiders wltli FURNISHING - norms If" eaumeister, - " r At ror on Sivili Kfi-,ot . . i. . - ,f e it u He keeps as large and as well As can be found any i.laee in the city and make gruu piii-cs iDiii any COllIpfUUoli. Ajentsfor uice 01 mv uarei rivni rho ---.-.ri !.. lire- .. . . J f"v.4...v.u U.U1U.BIUIU3 trip unui una thin-r lasts. cent, but lv the example of his untlrlnr luc siyeieion or an extra Jarse mastodon, wen.- ew- vork Sun, and unselfish administration of public I The animal, when alive must have been affairs. I h inches In every branch and department of the i0f , " Q ravprnment nriflpr ilomnKrii. I '"" i..cnnnii n.m na o the rights and welfare of all have been in diamtter and tbe other parts of th? guarded and defended; every public in- skeleton are of corresponding 6i?e. The terest lias been protected and the equality owner, who is somew hat of a naturalist rPr lCltiZe,,8befl,rC t,ie lduV Tith- is very much interested in Irs find, and out regard to race or color, has been 1.1 1, , , . I steadfastlv maintained. " intends to be exceedly careful m future Upon its record thus exhibited, and "humations, so as to preserve the whole Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. Contractor and Builder Sept. 12 6m. - - - X,VV OFFICE. Personal attention to all BiiAieea Entrust- I UDon the tiledrra nf rmillmmnia t I ck-plpf-nn infft aa mnoVi no'nn:ij 1 ... .. I I -- .... . w luo - --- - . . W lilU w j iivwiuit:. o my care. I .. rtf :a i .j - I t XOTARY IX OFFICE. a renewal of popular trust bv a re-elec- Till- Evamlaml. Ata-ef. Compile J. In- , ... , 1 ""J'uc, woo nas wen sui;i;ue wrnteii. rotate Sold. iauiiiui, nine an.i pruflent. Tiiev in voke, 111 addition to that trust, the trans- Better Facilities for making Farm Loans than j fer to the democracy of the entire legis lative power. Any Other Agency I'lallsmouth, - AtbrasJia. The republican party, controlins the senate and resisting in both houses of congress the reformation of just and nn- A Republican Club Valpakiso, Xeb., June 7. A vigorous Republican club was organized here this evening. A membership of fifty strong is already secured upon only a day's no tice. At least fifty more will be added. There is much enthusiasm manifested. tils Cnty Vice. "Has your son any vices, Mr. Blank Tar don the question, but I like to know all about tho boys I tako into my office." "Xp; Henry has p.pno that I know of, ex cept, perhaps, amateur photography." "Well, thafs a negative sort of a rice. I never met an amateur photographer ytt who took anything worth talking about, and 1 think I may trust your boy. Bend fcim along." Harper's Bazar. I i Harper's Ear Patferas end Ball's Corsets.; C. F. SMITH,. CUTTI3STG, PACKIWQ And Loading Cars. Kr terms see us or rite. H. C. MfMAKEK Cc SON. Flattsmonth Telephoned, - - J". C, BOOITS, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. THo Rrc:c HTq i 1 r ! AH W:rk flr&t tI8; ot Fifth Street. Mala St., Over Merges' Sl)t,e Si ore. j North Robert Sherwood's Store. MRS, O. B. KIMPSTER, r -X S3" Tcacier cf Vocal a lutiw nlal Music wooicns that ever came west bf Mlsi'ouri river. Note these priecs: Um-ineps suits Less iJcmaud for Cunj. Tho chairman of the Birmingham Gun makers' association reports that there has been a decrease of 13,000 proofs as compared with ast yeaj, and there is suchi depressioa in the trade as haa not existed for twenty seven years. Tho demand for high clasc guns u.vuora, vjoui iu mo aiminisneo 111 iroin (a fsM, dn-Fs -suits, 25 to S45. pants 4, .J, $0.50 .and upwards. CSF'Will guaranteed a Gt. Prices Defy Competition. J, E. ROBBINS, ARTISTr IKSTKCCTIO'S C1VEX IX FINE OIL'PAINTINC WATERdOLORS. ETC. ALL LOVEKS 07 AKT AfiE INVITED T CALL AND nefciuence northwest Comer of Elev enth and Main Street. Il.ittcm..n. Nebraska. O-. KEMPSTER, Practicsl Picno and Oiiaa Toner AND liKPAIKMS. Firtt-t hifs work guarantor d. Aho deal er in Pianos and Organs. Ofi:ee at flou k's 1-P'tnre store, PlatUmouth, Ncbrafcka. Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup. ' Is warranted for all that the label calls for, so if it does cot relieve your couth you can call at our store and the moncr win ue rciuntietl to you. It . 1 . " ""l'UOJ III -fTI-T?- A -Kr-rS-r f-r, - --r-r- . . . . " " " comes or those who use them. On the other j.v jc. wukk. i taneouMy on all pnrts of the system &eYprSre1VerehaTeDTOj4 STUP? PVE'R L,VEn A RAMSE j thereby leaving no bad rul!. O. P.'