The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 06, 1888, Image 4

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The Evening Herald.
A. KalNbarr, DeatUt, Rock wood
TrUphone Km. Sit.
Dr. Khrftlaa. Offlr la
- t'0r. Sixth (iraalto. Telephone
So. 4i.
Dm. Cava Hmltfc. tha Pal alma IlrntUU, I'aloa
Block, oer t'ltlseaa' Baak, riattamouth.
Job work done en short notice at
the Herald oflice.
The members of the Christian church
are earnestly requested to be present this
evening at the church as business of im
portance is to be transacted. Do not
- neglect it!
Sirs. Will Boeck has not realized any
marked change for the better since our
last report of her illness, and during a
good part of the time has not been ra
tional. There will be a regular meet in? of
the " Y's ? at the Presbyterian church
Thursday evening at 8 p. m. A full at
tendance is requested as preparations
must be mado for Flower Mission Day.
We are requested to give notice that
the ladies of St. Luke's Sewing Society
will meet at the residence of Mrs. R.
Vivian, Vine street, tomorrow afternoon
at 2 o'clock. All are requested to be
The case winch was brought . up
against the barber of the Riddle house
for working on Sunday was not com
pleted as the jury disagreed, which
necessitates a ncv trial. The case will be
brought up again on the 1 1th inst.
Mr. J. W. Ball, who was recently
woiKing in connection with this office as
reporter, and who left the city last Mon
day morning t seek a situation elsewhere
has secured a lucrative position on the
Ashland Gazette. We congratulate him
on his success.
There was reioicing last evening at
the rtsidence of Mr. W. II. Miiler upon
the arrival of a son. We expect William
feels highly elated and we extend to him
our hearty congratulations, trusting he
may assume the name of " Pa," and will
bring his boy up in the way he should go.
. Mr. L. A. Newcomer, who has recent
ly erected a fine residence for himself in
south Park, will in tlie future take up
Lis abode in that popular locality. He
will move into the house today. South
Park is of late attracting a large number
of our best citizens in that direction, and
at present is quite thickly populated
A committe of the Driving Park As
sociation in charge of the new track met
last evening at the office of Messrs. Skin
ner & Ritchie and received open bids for
the grading of the new track. The fol
lowing gentlemen put in bids: Messrs. II.
C. McMacken, Walter White and T. L.
Murphy, Mr. Murphy's bid being the
lowest, 11 cents per cubic yard, subject
to the direction of the committee. Work
is to be commenced at once. The track
will be full regulation half mile track.
We were grieved to hear the report
that the wife of Rev. JL A. Hampton, of
the Christian church, who has for some
time been confined to her rocm with a
severe Attack of typhoid fever, is at pres
ent lying at death a door. This morning
there were slight hopes of her recovery.
but the change for the better has been
very tardy. Every effort possible has
been made. by her ever faithful husband
to bring her through all right, and it is
the sincere wish of many that he will
We clip the following from tha Ari
zona Citizen, which shows the contrast
between Tucson and Plattsmouth weather
today. It is so hot there they are unnble
to bold church and here we are occasion
ally obliged to keep tire in the stoves at
this late season: " A change has been
made in the Sunday services at the Con
gregational church on account of the
warm weather. The morning service has
been suspended, and the Sunday School
will now meet at G o'clock- p. m. instead
of 12 ui. There will be the usual preach
ing service ia the evening'
A number of dogs hive recently
been poisoned by some unknown parties
who have thrown meat in their way. Yes
terday afternoon r dog belonging to Mr.
Jseville, named "Sport," which he values
at about 830, was added to the list of the
poisoned, having picked up a piece of
meat somewhere which had been richly
seasoned, and which, had it not be"en for
the valuable" medical ability of Dr. W.D.
Jones, of the " Bonner House," Platts
mouth, would surely hare proved fatal to
the poor, unfortunate animal. He made
a preparation which brought the dog to
hU senses, and they 8U3cecL?d in getting
the dog to his feet in about fiftein tnin
titeft afterwards. At present writing the
oulse is normal and there are signs of
recovery which enlighten the blighted
hopes of Mr. Neville and tha successful
physician, Mr. Jones. If information can
be given as to who put the poison out,
they threaten to make the punishment
severe. Men who pay taxes on their dogs
are the ones who generally lose tneni,and
if any more is feund thrown out to the
akine fraternity, the matter wU be
looked Into and the guilty parties brought
to jastie
The funeral of Mr. Frank Stevenson's
child took place from the father's resi
dence at 10:30 o'clock. The services
were conducted by Rev. W. B. Alex
Mr. Thos. Riddle, of the Riddle
House, went to Omaha this morning to
make purchases for his barber shop. He
intends to fit it up in the finest style and
be second to none in this vicinity.
A very enjoyable evening was spent
last night at the residence of Mr. Thomas
Murphy, where a large number had been
invited to spend a few hours and indulge
in the usual amusements. All the luxu
ries of the season were served in abund
ance and everybody thoroughly enjoyed
Our reporter had a pleasant interview
with three members of the Woody family,
who give one of their high-class concerts
this evening at the M. E. church.
They aie on their return trip from
California, and are on their way to Chi
cago, their home. They are all well cul
tivated singers, having had instructions
from the best instructors in the east, and
are all possessed of excellent voices.
They have always been successful in the
largest cities of tho country, east and
west, and have gained for themselves a
ide reputation. We strongly urge the
citizens to turn out in good numbers and
give them a full house for you certainly
connot regret it.
-A team of mules belonging to Len
hofT & Socnnichsen, while standing in
their yard yesterday afternoon, scared be
cause one dropped one of the extensive
attachments from the top of its head far
enough either to see it or the immense
shadow it threw on the ground in front,
and imagining a tree or some other
weighty material was about to take
drop, started up the street for dear life
until they came in contact with a hill,
which did not necessitate a great distance
in this city of ours, and realizing the fact
that climbing a lull would cause a little
extra exertion, stopped short. They were
about to turn around and make a return
trip when a boy appeared upon the scene
and succeeded in stopping them in their
frantic efforts to escape.
Wc are pleased to be afforded, an
opportunity to chronicle the anticipated
coming of the famous lecturer, Matilda
Fletcher, who is dated for Plattsmoutli,
Tuesday evening, June 12, at Rockwood
hall. The entertainment will bo under
the auspices of the G. A R., and they are
to be congratulated on having secured
the services of so popular a speaker, and
the citizens should not let such an oppor
tunity of hearing so talented an elocu
tionist go by. Her subiect selected for
the evening is "The Way of the World."
There are numberless press and prnfes
sional commendations of which we give
one: lue speaner uas great elocution
ary power. The audience took to her at
t mi ... j 1
once, listened attentiyely, interrupting
her now and then with laughter and ap
plause. It is only fair to say that Matil
da Fletcher is one of the most attractive,
srraceful. and eloouent speakers in this
country." New York Times.
-The funeral of the late Mrs. Cole
took place yesterday afternoon at the res
idence of her husband, Mr. W. W,
Cole. The service was conducted
by Rev. W. B. Alexander, of the
M. E. church, and his sympathetic speak
ing, combined witn me music, wuicu was
so effectively rended by a number of the
a a -m
members of the M. E. church and others,
brought tears to the eyes of many of those
present. Every person who has had the
pleasure of an ncnuaintance with the
family, deeply smpathize with the bereav
ed husband and the motherless clhildren
The extremely short illness and sudden
death seems to call forth a more severe
shock, and draws from the hearts of all
the most sincere regret, and we are sure
no one could have been present at th
service yesterday without realizing th
most unutterable feelings of grief. The
remains were taken to the B. & M. depot
where they awaited tho arrival of th
flyer. They were taken to her old home
at Lyons, N. Y.. for interment, when
Mr. Cole will remain for a couple of
weeks. Appended we giye a brief his
tory of her life; " Luanna L.,. wife o
W. W. Cole, wa3 a rt&tiyo of Lyons, N.Y.
.ind was about thirty-eight years old. he
was united in marriage to Mr. Cole in
November, 1871. She leaves behind her
husband and two children, aged fourteen
and seven, respectively, whose sorrows are
shared by many irunds. Airs. Cole was
a true Christian woman, a loving com
paniou, an affectionate mother, and
good and kind neighbor. Her home has
teen in Plattsmouth for the last four
years, during which time she endeared
herself to all with whom she came into
intimate acquaintance. The most of her
life she was a member of the Presbyterian
church, but lately si6 had been attending
the services of the M. E. church. $nd we
are informed it wa3 her purpose to have
united there had she been spared. Her
sickness, though brief, was severe. Most
of the time, during the last five days, she
was not rational. Her husband thinks
she bad premonition of the approach of
death for sjmo time, and ifjm the be
ginning of her sickness she said that she
woal.l not recover.
Mora School Houses Neoded in
the City.
At the last meeting of the Board of
Education a communication was read
from Miss Edna Bell, assistant-principal
elect, stating that she would not accept
the position, also a letter from Miss Lou
Miller declining the position in the first
ward. No answer has yet been received
Miss Twomcy or Miss Kerr.
A number of bills were passed by the
finance committee.
Tiie board ask a levy of ten mills for
school purposes.
The board discussed the question of
ward school houses and considered the
advisability of having them altered into
four-roomed buildings instead of two
rooms, as at present, on account of in
creased attendance, but nothing definite
was decided upon, as it was a question
f money and there is not enough school-
funds for that purpose.
A discussion then arose as to whether
the citizens are willing to vote bonds to
the amount of $10,000 for the purpose
of increasing the number of school houses
and enlarging thosealready built. The
board would like to know.lbe sentiments
of the citizens in regard to the voting
of bonds for that purpose. More school
houses must be built or additions to those
already erected so as to accommodate all
the scholars.
No teachers were elected.
The accurate manner in which the
records of the business conducted by the
board is kept, is due to Mr. Wm. Hayes,
their efficient secretary.
The board adjourned to meet again
next Thursday eyening.
Our own make, unexcelled, un-
laundried shirts, sold for 50c, worth 75c,
at Mayer's Opera House Clothing Store.
Dr. Hasseraier and Mr. Lou Eichoff, of
Louisville, were in the city yesterday on
Misses Etta Gardner and Nettie Nichol,
and State Legislator Byers, of Lucas, Ia.,
were passengers on No. 3 last evening.
Capt. J. T. A. Hoover, and "Willie
Cleghorn. two prominent citizens of
Louisville, are in the city today on busi
Mrs. n. and Mrs. M. Mauzy, occom
panied by Jlrs. Will, mother of A. and
S. Will of Eight Mile Grove, took their
departure yesterday afternoon for Staun
ton, Virginia.
Mr. and Mrs, C, P. Beard, of Evans-
ville, Ind., who haye been the guests of
Mr. Grant Austin and wife for sometime
past, took the flyer yesterday afternoon
for their home.
Hotel Arrivals Wednesday at Riddle
House: Woody Quartette N. N. Woody
1st tennor, A. M. Woody 2nd tennor, M.
P. Woody 1st bass, W. A. Woody 2nd
bass, Miss Maggie Woody soloist, Mrs.
Ella Woody, Chicago; G, W. Covell,
Omaha; N. Kramer, Chicago; W. S. Kim
ball, Chicago; J, W. Smith, Chicago; W.
II. Symns, Chicago; E. Van Tuyle, Oma
ha: Eugene Connor: W. H. Kcefer and
family ot Wahoo.
Four Ply Linen Col- ) At Mayer's Opera
lara 10c; Four Ply nouse Clot h i n g
Linen Cuffs 15 cts. ) Store.
Last evening about 7 o'clock, Kittie
Grace, a child about three years old, and
Ralph Palmer, a boy about five or six,
were playing in the yard at the rear of
Mr. Jas. Grace's residence on Pearl street,
and were making preparations to partake
of a supper which the little girl had pre
pared for them on her little table. The
boy, thinking her table was not complete
and imagining be could improve on it by
making an addition in the way of drinks,
left for his home to procure some coffee
He soon returned with what he supposed
to be coffee, but which proved to be lie,
and diyided up with his little hostess. Il
is supposed he got the lie from a can
which had been left around carelessly at
his home. They each took a mouthful of
the lie but were conscious of their mistake
before swallowing any great quantity of
it, it being so strong. They soon re
ported their trouble by screaming which
attracted the attention of several of
the neighbors who soon went to their as
sistance. A doctor was soon summoned
and they were treated, after which theii
severe burns were eased. As neither of
them swallowed any of the lie they will
probably come out all right, but their
fougucs are blistered terribly making
them white. The boy seems to be an On
fortunate lad, as he has just recovered
after being hooked in the neck by a cow
some time ago.
A Card of Thanks.
Mr. Cole wishes to tender a card of
thanks to all who so kindly and volun
tarily rendered their much appreciated
assistance during the sickness of his wife.
A large number of friends were ever
ready and willing to lend a helping hand,
for which assistance be wishes to extend
his sincere thanks.
Palbrigan and Lisle Thread Fancy Hose
worth 5 CO and 75 c nts, sold at 25c a
pair, not more than 3 pair of the e sold
to any one customer, t.t Mayer's Opera
Ho se Clothing Store, tf.
. Three Grove. ,
J. O. Olham went to Omaha one day
last week. . . .. - .
R. C. Oldham was in from Beaver City
a conple of days last week.
Since our last letter we hayc had quite
a drouth, not had but one or two rains.
Dr. David Conrad of Elmwood was a
guest at L. Song's on Friday and Satur
day. W. T. Allan, of Ashland, was a pleas
ant caller in our neighborhood one day
last week.
Scott Hare has abandoned this neigh
borhood and has taken up his abode at
South Bend.
Miss Ella Song returned from Wjmour
on Saturday wenk where she has been
visiting since Christinas.
John Carrell, sr., has shelled and de
livered to Union, in the last week, over a
thousand bushels of corn.
Mrs. F. M. Young, sr., has been to
Missouri on a week's visit with her par
ents, returning on Monday last.
A Miss Whitney, from ,
Texas, was yisiting at the home of G.
W. Shraders the fore part of last week.
Small grain, as a general thing, looks
well; corn, what has made its appearance,
looks favorable, considering the cold and
backward spring.
Master Eddie Worley of Elmwood
came down Thursday last, and has
been visiting James Tigner and some
other of his former schoolmates. He re
turned home today.
Thomas Gray and wife from Platts
mouth, attended church at this place on
Sunday; also, Grandma Ghant from
Nebraska City. Yours Truly,
Union in Brief.
Hon. II. F. Taylor was at Nebraska
City the 2nd on business.
Dr. C. P. Davis will move to Union
before long to practice his profession.
Mr. G. W. Garrison ami family, have
just returned from visiting friends at
There will be preaching at the Union
M. E. church Sunday afternoon 10th inst.
everybody is invited.
Mr. Sherman must not come down here
or he may get away as fast as he did out
of the B. fc 31. yards not long since.
Mr. A. P. Welman is teaching the Ex
celsior school and is giving very good
satisfaction. He is a graduate of the
Oberlin college in Ohio.
Farmeas are through planting corn and
are turning their attention to the cultiva
tion of the crop; as a general thing there
is a fair stand of corn in this vicinity
this spring.
Our villare is getting to be the center
of attration now days. It has the fol
lowing business houses, viz: One hard-
ware, one drugstore, ona hotel, one P. O.,
two general merchandise stores and two
blacksmith shops, besides two grain ele
vator?, one lumber yard and a number of
buildings going up; there are also several
fine residences which speak well for the
British Hose 15, 20 and 25c at Mayer's
Opera House Clothing Store. tf.
List ot Letters.
Remaining unclaimed, in the Postoffice
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June G, 1888,
for the week ending May 2G, 1888:
Attkinson, JolinB. (2) Coll'ns. Mandy
Carroll, h. u
Diuau, Frank
KbiiiKer. Gottlob
Ebernardt. K
Uoiir. W H
Cordon, John Ii
Holer, Lloyd
Hoover, Anthony
Lincoln, Mrs A N
Macomber, Mlon (2)
Mackruiniel, John
Moane, Miss Annie
Pangburn, Miron
Perry. Frank K
Reynolds, Mrs Stella
J)oak, Klisabeth
J hum. r K
Kckarri. James P 4th e
Fox, Leonard
(iottmonn. George
Harvey, Wm
Hunter, Charles O
Kelioe. Miss Antie
J.onir. Mrs John
Moore, Miss Ida
Mitchell, Arnitt
Newmann, W J
rearsall, S J
Kyder. X 4tb e
ScUtildt. Wilhelm (2)
Sween, Frank
simanes, rraun
San, J N Jr Wassel, Mis Fannie.
Persons calling for any of the above
letters will please say "advertised."
J. N. Wise, P. M.
Bring your job work to this office,
we can do your work as cheap as Lincoln
or Omaha.
Street Pictures in Venice.
Among the crowds which gather on St.
Mark's piazza in the lovely spring afternoons
arc women quite as beautiful as those which
smile on you from tha canvas of the old
painters. They are fond of strange tints,
odd shadesjof red, green and blue; they wear,
some of them, old fashioned three cornered
shawls of Hue patterns und bold colors, pre
senting a very picturesque appearance. Many
of the children are remarkably pretty. They
look out with their large eyes from under their
tangled, curly locks, like so many cherubs
fitted with half naked bodies. They are very
thievish, too, and one has to be very watch
ful of them. That most of them are beggars
will be no news to your readers. If you go
in the evening to eat an ice or take a cup of
coffee at Florian's, in St. Mark's square,
theso soft voiced, ragged little thieves come
creeping up to you with their bright faces,
pointing to their red ripe mouths to tell you
they are hungry, offering matches for sale or
asking you for the end of your cigar, your
coffee, your cake. Cut they must be watched
all the time, for they will steal whatever they
lay their hands on. Venice Cor. Providence
Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup!
Is the only medicine that acts directly
on the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re
lieves a cough instantly and in time
effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. P.
Smith & Co., druggists. j25,3mo,d-w.
P.. M. lime Table
NQ. 1. 5 :2 a. HI. No, 2. 1 :25 p. in.
No, 3. 6 :4 p. m. Ko. 4. 10 :30 - m.
No. 5. 9 -"5 a. m. No. G 7:15 p. in.
No. 7. --7 :45 i. m. No. 8. s -..OO a. m.
No. 9. 6:17 p. ir. No. 10. 9 -.45 a. m.
All t: al s ran daily by wavof fmaha. except
Nos. 7 and 8 wlleii run to and Iroisi fcchujlei
daily fxc pt StnJay.
Ko. 3) is a etub to Paciflc Junction at ft 30. a m.
No, )9 is a stub from Paciflc Junction at 11 a.m.
Remnant Sale !
Watch.cs ! Watches I
Has moved and is now in the Sherwood
room, Cor. 5th and Main Sts., where
he is better able to show his
Large Stock of Watches,
Than ever before, and will as an induce
ment sell you Hatches way down. Call
and get the Special Prices in Gold Watch
es; it will surprise you. -A Full Line of
the best styles ot Jewelry and Silverware.
Repairing will be eriven Special Atten
tion. Alt work warranted to give satis
E. B.Windham, John a. Daviks.
Notary Public. Notary Public
Attorneys - at - Law.
Office over Bank of Cass County.
PtjAttsmoutb, - - Nebraska.
A N. SULLIVAN, Attorney at Law. Will
give prompt attention to ail bueinesf in
trusted to him. Oflice in L'nion Block, East
side, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Fire Insurance written in
ttna, fncemx and Hartford by
Windham A. Davies.
Two elegant furnished rooms to rent.
Enquire at this office. tf
Send your job work to the Herald
Wall Paper, Paints, Ac.
This is the season when wall paper
stocks are usually allowed to run low,
but by duplicating all the best selling
patterns and adding many new ones, we
s'lall keep our stock complete. You will
find a full line in all grades of wall pa
per, borders, &c, at Will J. Warrick's.
The cheapest shoe3 at Merges'. tf.
Men's canvass shoo at Merges', only
85 cents, everything cheap. tf.
Sweet potato and late cabbage plants
for sale by J. E. Leesley. dllt-wl.
Begg's Blood Purifier and Blood
-No remedy in the world has gained
the popularity that this medicine has, as
hold on family medicine. No one
should be without it. It has no calomel
(i quinine in its composition, consequent
ly no bad effects can arise from it We
keep a full supply at all time?. O. . P.
Smith Co. Druggist. j25-3mod&w
I sell frhoes cheaper than anybody.
Call nd be convinced, no trouble to
show goods. tf. Peteb Merges.
Plenty of feed, flour, graham
meal at Heisel's mill, tf
Why Ayer's Sarsaparilla is
preferable to any other for
the cure of Blood Diseases. no poisonous or deleterious
ingredients enter into tho composition
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla contains only
the purest and most effective remedial
properties. .
Ayer's Sarsaparilla in prepared with
extreme care, Kkill, and cleanliness.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is prescribed by
leading physicians.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is for nalo
everywhere, and recommended by all
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a medicine,
and not a beverage in disguise.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla never faila to
effect a cure, when persistently used,
according to directions.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a highly con
centrated extract, ami therefore tho
most economical Blood Medicine in tha
Ayer's Sarsaparilla has had a suc
cessful career of nearly half a century,
and was never so popular as at present.
Thousands of testimonials are on
file from those benefited by the use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Dr. J. C. Ayer 8c Co., Lowell, Mass.
Price tl ; ix bot-.k, fS. "Worth 5 bottle.
i .
a miAMn;
ajd Atfr Climate, v
Krlld rr Circulars;
Omaha, XTob.
(Name this paper in your order.)
Antill's ice cream parlors are now open
over Bennett's grocery 'store, where every
uxury in the way of ice eream.-lemonade.
Saratogas and all other delicious temper
ance drinks can be bad, ml tf,