The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 25, 1888, Image 4

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. i
The Evening Herald.
4Q" Strikers Finally Forced to Sur
renderA Depleted Treasury.
A. HalUUury. Deatlt. Korkwooil Handing, At a conference recently ncm ueiweeu
Telephone Bio. X: A f fho Tirol he ihood of Lo-
5,rwaafc0!l3 AK T.K " : emotive Engineers. Grand Master Bar
dear for. Sixth n-1 Uranlte, Telephone
Dm. C!t A Smith. the Ptnleim llrntUf , I'nlon
Block, over Citizen' Hank, i'lattumouth.
Bargains Ixi Towols
"ent of the firemen, II. I. Kennedy, J. All Linen Iluck, Sic 14x28, Eedue-
Iloge, and other reprentati ves of the - n' nflet si,,, ISlvST. PM
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy strikers, an Bortlcrejt worth 20 cts, now 15.
arrangement was made by wlncli tue All Linen Damask, bize 20x43, rancy
strikvas virtually declared off. It was Bordered, worth 25 cts now 20.
-Subscribe for the IIkka,.,,. decUed to make the qUestion of surren- "'; " 7 "
der or a coutiuuance of the tight, a matter An Linen Damask, Size 18x3G, Knot
tier) lrin it to the Herald offlce. 1 of local option. In other words, separ- tcf, F,inge Ends, worth 3. cts, now 2 A.
.ndft tP divisions ot the "O" were authorized All Linen Satin JiamnsK, mm .'iu,
hands. Knotted Fringe IJncJS, worm ue., now ...
Snecial arrantremants has ueen in;
by J. E. Robbins for giving instructions to take the matter in their own
-i liirinr the In consequence of this move the
in oil wniuieug, ni'jv" - o i
strike is
All Linen Satin Damask, Size 23x40,
. - i.-i l ..rr t T n.. n X'li I . . - . .... i im oiiu
iir.i;,i.0 aireauy ueciureu on . "-"..., , ah Linon Mun i-amasK, m.e A-t.-.,
The social given last night at Major . rit.r, ('m,,lotc assortment of Bath Towels.
,rrand I ui
eThere. Ualesburg, Aurora, Kansas City, and
I 1 il. .1 ? sna ritcnl VPll
...ll ! several oi me eusici u in
1K,W. , well attended and a "rand crai omer V.cru ...-
good time was had by all w ho were I
Bar gains 2n Cur tains.
Lace Curtains. 3 varus long, nil taped, worth 1.75, reduced to 1.35 a pair.
Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, nil taped, worth $2.00, reduced to 1.50 a pair.
Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, til taped, woith J 2. 25, reduced to 1.75 a pair.
Guipure Lace Curtains. 34 yards long, all taped, worth $3.50, reduced to
$3.00 a pair.
Guipure Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, rill taped worth $4.00, reduced to
$3.25 a pair.
Guipure Lace Curtains, 3J. yards Kmg, all taped, woith $5.00, reduced to
$3.75 a pair.
Guipure Lace Curtains, :U yards lonij, all taped, worth $0,50, reduced to
$5.00 a pair.
Guipure Lncc Curtains, 4 yards, long, all taped, worth $11.00, reduced to
$7.50 a pair.
These are all New Goods and the Very Latest Designs.
Our 70 i.t 1"1( ureii'gs Eeelcoed to 55.
" to0.
" " to M5.
Our H5 c nt
Our $1.00
Our 1.25
Our 1.50
Our 1.75
Our 2.00
Our 2.25
to 1.00.
to 1.25.
to 1.40.
to 1.50.
to 1.75.
. . i ..
These are from ; to i. iihiks whiu
nnd come in Swiss, Haiiibutg and Imlia
It was also a financial success ns
Reniemljer the commencement cxer-
fiuoa tn nKrlit Rt the ODCTft llOUSC. 'I lie
. m
exercises begin promptly at 8 o'cloe k.
Keseryed seats arc now on sale at J. I'.
Young's store.
to continue the fight, but it is only a
question of a short time when they will
be forced to surrender. This step was
forced upon the striker by reason of a
depleted treasury with no possibility of
raising the money necessary to meet the
r ,
Laco 2Tloincings.
Black Silk Spanish, a Bargain at 1.35,
Reduced to $1.10.
Black Silk Spanish Guipure worth $2,
Tho constable of Avoca arrived 111 ;mmensc monthlv expenses incident
town this morning with two men who 9 ftn() m(.n i0 aniecc. It is not Reduced to $1.75.
wrere arrested at that place for assuit on I, t1l t nnv secial arrangement Black Silk Spanish Guipure, worth
the station agent, by throwing rocks at , ... the comi)av, tut the $2.50, Reduced to $2.15. and other depredation. The men ctr;L.rH ar(t rftllf,df.nt that a large perccn- Hl'ick Silk Chantilly, worth $3.50. Re-
- - QLiiawt
were iven ten days apiece in the county t -u P(,Min their former places, duccd to !;3.0..
" rf - - I m- .. .--
struggle was proiraceeei lu H u, ..... Oriental Flouncing at 50c, lie-
graceful surrender was impossible, and tiUced to 42.
the men simply accept the inevitable. Cream Oriental Flouncii g at 05c, Rc-
Chicago Tribune. duced te o..
Cream oriental f louncing at uc,
Brick Paving. duced to 2J.
The following was clipped from the Cream Oriental Flouncing at $1.00,
J. II. Donnelly leaves for the east,
today, to pure-huso the finest und most
complete stock of gent's furnishing
goods and huts, ever brought to the city,
and will open the same in the west half
of Frank Cumuli's jewelery store, on or
abont Monday, June 1th. All in need of
anything in his line, will do well to wait
and select from his new stock.
A perfect representation of Sherman's
murch to the se t is the title of a cartoon
that culminates the north end of the depot
It seems to us that the city authorities
should look into this matter and have
i.o nntlwir of it arrestcel for the circula
tion of obscene literature. Its a perfect
picture of the editor of the Journal.
On the night of the 23 inst. some
tramps asaulteel a brakeman on the M.
P., uetween Avoca and Weeping "Water
and knockeel the brakeman of the top of
a car with a rock. The brakeman was
picked up next morning for dead but at
last reports it is thought he will recover.
The purpetrators of the deed have Bot yet
be!n herel of.
We are informed that some of our
enterprising citizens arc endeavoring to
organize a ball club. "We hope they
will succeed, for there is nothing thnt
adtls 'more attraction to a city than a
good base ball club. It will pay every
business man in the city to take an active
interest in this enterprise, then ere long
you can hear the name and fame of our
city echoed far and near.
The fast stock train of the Burling-
ton the other day beat the record of any
train yet on any road. The entire trip
from Omaha to Chicago was made in
twenty hours and fifteen minutes, beat
in" the Rock Island more than an hour
with six miles farther to run. This is
"ettin" to the front in fine shape and the
rortel is again getting back to its old
standard of making the quickest time of
any road in the west.
-In another column may be seen a
wonderful description of a large areial
hand with drops of blood dripping from
the enels of the fingers. Many predict
ions haye been made in regard to the
significance of this wonderful spectacle
but our opinion is that the hand reprc
scnts Cleveland and the democratic
,,! tliA blood is the fel-
jmi i j .ti -
lowers of Cleveland dropping out of tli3
ranks, and that ere the November dee tiou
rolls around they will have all ilroppce
out and Cleveland sunken into oMivian
just as the wondcrfnl hand seemed to In?
- Down at Lenie Pine, Invo county, is
a rock that might easily be passed off for
a petrified elephant. The Independent
sav: "A photograph of the r. ck shows as
like as possible to the photograph ot an
elephant. The trunk, the eyes, the head
and body are all as well formed in the
photograph as if the camera had been
turneel towards a living animal. The
wrinkles and folds in the skin of an ele
phant and the color arc all repeated in
' the rock. The symmetry and proportions
of the living animal are reproduced in
this remarkable freak of nature." Arizo
na Citizen.
Although the kickers would have it
that Plattsmouth is a dead city, we are
enjoying quite a building boom. In cur
rounds over the city this morning we
noticed a large number of new buildings
mostly residences, in process of erection
and we learn from patties who arc in a
.w,c;t;rn to know that a number more
jjvabi v
will be begun as soon as the proper ur
raneraenU can be made and the material
got on the ground. I tell you, gentle
reader, our city is not dead. This noise
you hear to that effect is only made by a
few who have no interest here and are
afraid it won't die. " The business of the
ritv is as good as Could be expected un
der the circumstances and our business
mcu are enjoying a good degree of pros
Coods I
Wliito Coeds !
Tablo Xiixions.
h strnnfrlv Reduced to 85c.
council uiuiisiii"'""" -j . . .
, t that rite Cream Oriental Flouncing at $1.2o,
enuoiscs xU. Ke(luccd to $1-00
and as our city latntrs iicrc are not jxi
fully decided as to what material is best
for them to use, we clip the following as
a sensible piece of advice to them:
The proposed paving of "Willow
avenue with brick meets with much fa
vor. Brick paving has be tried in other
cities, and it is said to stand well on resi
dence streets. If it can be made a sue- Our 30 Cream Damask Linen now 25.
cess here there would be much money-
kept right at home, instead of ,JCinSJ sent Qur G3 Cream Damask Linen now 55.
awav for material. A long time ago! T, . T. .
some bard-burned brick were put in the "ur .u cream id.k
center of Broa.lway, opposite the f irst our Jiieacn r-vmn i.ainasu now o i.
National bank, right where there conies Our $1.00 Bleach Satin Damask now 85.
as much and as hard wear as any place qut 03 nieacb Satin Damask now $1.
in the whole city, anyone cnu cusuj
amine those brick anel see how little
wear there has been upon them. 1 ney
have stood as well as any paving blocks.
It is proposed to try "Willow avenue, and
the result of such an experiment would
determine whether brick could be used
to such an extent here as its enthusiastic
advocates claim.
Decoration Day.
The following list of children have
been selected to decorate soldiers' graves
Memorial Day, May 30th, 1888.
Ethel Bad-ley,
Sadie Tiffany,
Ethel Dutton,
Lottie Dunstan,
On account of the 1-r.ikwaielius-s of the .:khi we have made a big eut
in this line.
Plain, "White raid Cream India Linons at 10, 123, 15. 18, 20, 27A.
Checked and Striped Indias in "White s.r.d Ckmii fx m 10 cents to 27 J.
Checked and Striped Nainsooks at 8.1, 10, 125, 15, 20, 25.
Figured and Cheeked Marseilles from 20 cents to 10 cents a yard.
Cream and "White Lace Clucks and Stripes at 10, 15 and 20.
Full Stock esf Victoria Lawns India Mulls all colors Fronting Linens.
Full Stock of Tarlatanes Swi.-s Plain and Dotted Tuckings.
Lined, woilh
Limd, Laec-
Black Satin Parasols,
$1.50, reduced to $1.25.
Black Satin Paiusols,
Trimmed. Beducid to $1.1'5.
Black S;iHn Parasols, Lined,
Trimnftd, woith $2.50, now $2.
Black Satin Parasols, Lined. Lncc
Tiininicd, changeable linlnjs, woilh
$4.25, now $3.5o.
Pounce Silk Coaching woilh $2.0(1,
Roduci d to 1.115.
Pongee Siik Coaching, lace 1 1 in. Died,
woith $1. CO. now $3.25.
Cream Oiiental Lac;-cove n d, good
value at $2.5(1. now $2 00.
Croiim Spanish Guipure-covered, worth
$1.C0, now $3.25.
Black Satin Bsc mini, Lace covered,
worth $s, now $7. .
Black Satin Beaded Kscuiial, Laoc
coverod. woilh $0.50, now $H.
Full Lines of Silk Sun Umbrellas.
Coaching in Plain. Striped and Check
ed Effects.
1-1 ike
17 5
C5 "5 -i c
la Toilet Quilts
Our Diamond Cioohot Quilt good value nt $1.00, Re duced to 85 cents.
Our Medallion Crochet Quilt good value at $1.25, Reduced to $1.00.
Our Kaaters Kill Crochet Quilt good value at $1.35, Reduced to $1.10.
Our No. 280 Crochet Quilt a Bargain at $1.50, Reduced to $1.20.
Our No. 285 Crochet Quilt a Bargain at $2.00. Reduced to $1.00.
Our No. 170 Marseilles Ouilt Extra Vaiue. at $2.00, Reduced to $1.00.
Our No. 333 Marseilles Quilt Extra Value at $4.00. Reduced to $3.00.
1 s iiUlil
... m Ti$.
era ua ta ca?. h
ypl fr M 8 I
5 Tlllke-v Re el Re el let 22.
Our 40 Tiilkey R. el Rcelu'-id to :.'3J.
Our 50 Turke y Re el R eiuc:el to 40.
Our 05 Tin key K el Re elue e el te 55.
Our 75 Till key Reel el to 05.
Our 85 Tuikey Red Reelueeel to 75.
Our 05 Turkey Red R duced to 85.
Tom Chapman,
Bertie Cooper,
Frank Wales,
Roy McElwain,
Roy Eaton,
Gillie O'Rourke,
George Poisel,
George Tartsch,
Frank Sherman,
Charlie Vanatta,
Perry Lathrop,
Dod Weidman,
Algy Johnson,
Hugh Roberts,
Jim Newell,
Willie Dunstan,
Thomas Hixon,
Harry McCrosky,
Charles Rozier,
.'.: hiu! Hu: !ii i
l:i Fi".-:;e-li 1miik?s1
I ! .
:i-:r!. I :i
:.!'.:.!:. ; r
.!':.! II:. i i
in our In i' a.: i
rreneli e.uJ:-i:':i
Rosa Parker,
Pamelia Ncwland,
Bertie Bennett,
Hattie McMaken,
Mabel Roberts,
Jennie McElwain,
Annie O'Rourke,
Jessie Niles,
Maud Currigan,
Edith Buzzel,
Emma Poisel,
Maud Etter.
Maud Eat-n,
Anua Weidman,
May Hadly,
What Shall Become of us After
Scientific societies, as well fts the press.
have lately agitated the best means of .,,.,..:. iiai.m5:iy, waf iuui r
disposing of our mortal remains after in- pai.i.Lal ufiec-ii.j.-i
death. The human mind shrinks from .Krcr
placing the remains of loved ones in , Ilv u,,t)i,trusive anel .jiiaintly t;:- ;ve.
the "rave, incased in common wood or j ami simple in th-ir hat-its ! ta:4 --. --i
. ... -it t I h'i-iilv so in their m'.niiors, v.i.i - !i
iron receptacles, which will soon de cay. , 0to;,!1Si a!ld 1!X. 4 ktio ,o,
Some are advocating the return to the I inomous. Kearly all girls of Catholic pan :.
beirhernns ornctice of cremation, but this . not taught at homo by Eiveniscs and
, . ' . t, l ,.:ki I masters, are educatt?(i iu convents r.s pe:r-
to the christian world seems to sionuaires or day scholars. In s-icb in ti
Our attention was lately called to a bur- j tutions they are severely drilled in tho
ial casket made of imperishable material chism and in polite mnrmers; in history.
.... ...:A.: self n ,;,. sacked and profane, with the pro.anny
f. . &. M. Time Tabic.
Ne. 1 . r r.ei a in.
. ', :.--; :-!C! p, in.
?"e. ." : :'. r :i. til.
No 7. --7 : !.r t. in.
Ne. !. ('. :17 . Hi.
No. 11 6 Mo a. in.
COINC lys--.
No, 2.-4 :lKi IV in.
'e. 4. 10 :: a. m.
Ko. G.7 :1& p. in.
'o. R.--U :?() :i. in.
Nei. let. fi :l"i a. n.
0. VI. -0 :U V- m.
.... : . 1... i.f ftifili.i f VMi.,1
AH iiaiiif1 run ei;tny uy n ui .nn.T.i. i"
Neis 7 and s which run to and from fcchiijler
elaily exee pt .Sniielay.
Sn. 30 is a Ptuh to Tacilie; .Junction at f :w a in.
No. T.t is a stub from I'acific Junction at II a.m.
Walter B.vumeister, Edna Shipman.
which constitutes within itself a mina
cd makes
and ineJestructable burial casket that an
swers all the sanitary and christian re
mitigates against tho church left out; are ; Satee ns in all the latest
vault. It being made of cement taught little of the natural sciences and less j French Sateens specially fine at
h is a disenfec'.uous, and when seal- of geography, which, by tho way, is tho ! Weckbaugh's.
. . . . .. weak point with most French jwopie, tor
naKes the only jointless, whoin all Uuds beyojui their frontier, cs- Those who wish their stoves
J. V.
Parents are requested to dress girla in f,uirements; and at a price which places
white dresses; boy s in light waists, blue tncm within the reach of the rich aud
nants and red stockings. I)00r alike. Mr. Boeck our furniture
Editor's Meeting. dealer has ordered several of these new
The Hon. James E ing, editor of the caskets and will have them on exibib.t.on
vv-,T 1?;v ,r alette, and chairman of and for sal in a few days, and a.l may
the legislation committee of the state have the pleasure of seeing this greatest
cress association, has called a meeting of invention ot age.
the committee for Thursday, May 31, at
the rooms of the press club at Lincoln,
to consider and formulate plans for work
in the next session of the legislature.
- ... i
The members of the committee uesiues
Mr. Evvin" are Messrs. Ross L. Hammond
of the Fremont Tribune; George P. Mar
vin, of tho Beatrice Democrat; A. E.
Hosier, of the Pawnee Republican, and
F. M. Kimmel, of thi McCook Tribnn.
Mrs. Swatland's Lectures.
Eimtou Herald: Allow me through
your piper to speak of the lectures de
livered by Mrs. Swetland at the Christian
church. She lectured yesterday afternoon
to women, and used common sense. It
was one of the best ever delivered in
Plattsmouth. They arc what all vl our
women and girls ought to hcar-us regards
the health and morals of our race. She
lectures to men and women tonight, and
trust she will have an overflowing house.
Miss. F. D. Stevexsox.
es stejred
during the summer can leave them at U.
V. Mathews. mo22w2
All persous are hereby warned against
pasturing any stock on the old
Urounds of the Plattsmouth 'Driving
Park association and notice is hereby
given that stock will be taken up and
held for damages found on said ground?.
Fiikd GoitDEU, Pres.
Atly. Coyell took a trip to Omaha yes
terday. Judge Chapman went to Omaha last
night on business.
Mrs. Rand returned to her home ia J-
Council Bluffs last night.
Miss Rand, of Burlington, la., is visit-
in"- Miss Minnie Houseworth.
pecially across alien seas, are resolved into
hazy, undetermined regions, muaoiteei prin
cipally by races more or less inferior mid
While boys are suffered to acquire not oiily
Greek and Latin, but a modern language or
two, for girls, exeept those belonging to high
circles of society, one languages their incom
parable vernacular is held sufficient; but
they are taught to speal: ana write max; ei- i some q . R. Hh"S,
cellent well. incyarc aua goou uaiuihu- ;
... , 11 r 4..1 ? , I
ticiaus, anu nre wen i5l:ui.uu ii .., !.. t l, a
drawing and dancing. Not the equals of line of Hammocks at low puces,
English girl3 in outdoor aecomT)lishmonts,
such as riding, driving, rowing, skating and
swimming, they, when really in society, sur
pass them and all the other young ladies of
the world in tho art of entertaining and the
grace of being entertained; in courtesy and
tact, in taste and propriety, nnd that indo
scribable something, called "chic," in dress
and appoiutnieuts. But their crowning and
.most potent charm is just politeness. In
culcated from their earnest years, this virtue
becomes a habit, and sometimes takes the
place and does tho work of several Christian
T H ,.1 ..1... ll..ti r.nvlifulv
Call nd 1)3 convinced, no trouole to
show goods. tf. Petkii Mki;c;i:s.
J. P. Young has a fine line of Hags for
Decoration Day. all sizes and prices; also
Don t fail to give;
hsm a call. You will also find a full
Bess's Blood Purifier and Blood
No remedy in the world has gained
the popularity that this medicine has, as
hold on family medicine. No one
should be without it. It has no calomel
c i quinine in its composition, consceruent
v no bad effects can arise from it. We
keep a full supply at all times. O. P.
Smith Co. Druggist. j25-3mod&w
Very young French girla are only charm-
County Clerk Critchfield and wife iS in a demure, shy way They all seem
all light hearted, and many light headed.
They passionately love amusements, and are
easily amused a little pleasuring going a
great way with them. Tho wholesomest thing
1 know about thein is their intense love of
tho country end its simple avocations and
pastimes. Grace Greenwood in New York
went to Omaha this morning on business
Miss Bertha Wise, daughtar of Post
master Wise, returned to the city this
Rev. Mrs. Alexander returned this
morning from her extended visit with
relatives and friends in Illinois.
Milo Shipman returned this morning
from Central City where he has been in
the employ of the B. & M. railroad com
pany We understand that he has been
transferred from Central City to some
point in Kansas.
A Caul Ions IerIsion.
She Do you like Browning?
lie Very much.
"I do not believe I shall ever tiro of him.
Do yon think you ever will?
Try the celebrated "milk punch" and
i!mi!k shake," a strictly pure temperance
drink made by J. P. Young, only 5c per
glass, made from Jersey mi'k in any fla
vor desired. Nothing to ecpial it in the
DtS's Chcrty Cough Syrup.
L warranted for all that the- label calls
for, so if it does not relie ve your cough
you can call at our store ami tho money
will be refunded to ye.u. It ac ts -imiil-taneously
on ail pints of the system,
thereby leaving no bad results. O. P.
Smith & Co., Druggists. j25-3md&w in hosiery for ladies anel
childi c u at Weckbaugh's
If it is real estate you waj;t, see; Wii.d
liam eL Davies' column on se c end page.
Men's canvass shoes nt Merge h", oi-ly
i-s5 cents, eve rything ( l.ct.p. t f .
A large line- ejf vhite re cels, flouiicings
allove rs at J. V. Wcekbach's.
Plenty of feed, f e i:r, graham
meal at Hcis'-l's mill, tf
Two elegant furnished
Enouire at this cltlce.
rooms to re nt.
The cheapest f-hoc-i at Merges". tf.
A fine line of white aprons
in the latest fly Its, j.iiecs very low Lt
We e kl laugh's.
-Nov is your chance if vou wish a
good watch send us thirty
the IIkuai.d.
ibscribers to
Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup.
Is the only medicine that acts directly
on the Lungs, Ble;oel nnd Bowels, it re
lieves a cough instantly ur, in time
effec ts a permanent cure. Sold by O. P.
Smith fc Co., druggists. j25,3mo,d-w.
YOll LK ejn reasonable? lei inn my refi
elecoe em the? N. V. corner e.f i;:n and 11th Sts.
Sa!d propf-rty consist c;f block with a good
dory and a half house ef six rooms, two ward
robes and c.i.e p;i:.ti y ; jr'ioel well and city
water ; tv.crity-seven be ariii u trees, and
an abubdauce of small fruit of all kine. tf
Firo Insurance written in the
Htna, Phcenix and Hartford by
' Windham & Davies.
Novelties in ladies ready made mus
lin underware at J. V. Weckbaugh's
Phil Young sells maple, banana, birch
ber. mattise orange, moxie. coca pnos
W. R. C.
never tire of tho fifteen puzzle, but I did.
Omaha World.
A Jfcw Spectroscope.
Parisian physicians are interested in a new
Relief ipectroscope, the invention ot "Jr. iJenocque,
vancilla, soda water with Jersey cream,
at 5c !er glass and is pronounced by all
who drink it, the best iu the city. 2t
Every child vill be presented with the
miDliments of J. P. Young on decora
tion day, commencing at ten o'clock a.
m. Walnesday mormning.
Prcpnird Stove Wood fit Timothy
. i ... i v, 1. .1 tt TVli-
, f v-nins Relief ipectroscope, me invention ui ur. neuvuv, t arK s coai iaiu, buuhi
All members of the omana i p , bloo.1 in m 25 lw
, iv,"o a MiiUii i 's.
C'orps are reeiuested to met-t at tue patieut3 it is bemg applied to the study cf : 1
C V R hail Saturday, May 2Gth. at 3 the phenomena of nutrition, and is exic-te"! jj m Gault will move to the Slier
to prove an lmpoiLuaiu , od r00m, corner ot -Itn ana -iain his..
p. m. By order of president.
Exult Dickson, Sec'y.
License to wed were yesterday issued
saw Traveler.
Consumption of Iron.
I - - t- ii . -r- W IT Afrnfiiril .. . i r :...,
r t -n -v'.,., 1 lv .1 11:126 liUSS-ll iv A'"- " Lail OI laeworius proiJUCLiuu ui u'jii, ilv
compliments or o. l. I ' ..." ,f c,roll of Mt. Pleasant . 10,000,000 car wheels required in the United
j precrnct.
j States alone taking more than 2,000,000 tons. J as represented
nn the first day of June, where he will
have more room to show his large stock
of watches and clocks, jewelry and sil
verware and also do repairing of same
on short notice. Everything warranted
X. SCLMVAN, Anon ey at Law. Will
ii'V; l.Te-n.l t .t'eiitien. Io A.l 1 nt-llie-t-f. In-
trusted te- 1 in-. e ii,e-- In L'i.ion I'.lock, East
Sid". ri:-ittsi!Miiah. .Neb.
O. 13. miZZl PGTER,
Practical Pino snd Crau Tnner
First-class work guarantee d. Also deal
er in Pianos and Organs. Ofiioe at Boeck's
furniture store, I'lattsinruth, Nebraska.
EL ault
Will move to the Sherwood Room, Cor
ner of 5th and Main ts-., e n the
ITirst Say cf J vino I
Where he will have more room to show
his large stoc k of
Jewelry and Silverware, aud also do Re
pairing of same on. short notice. Ev
erything warranted as Represented.