The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 24, 1888, Image 2

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    'HIK DAILY HERALD, 1'LATiSli.oo iu, i.AK A, TtJESDAV.-AI'IilL 24. 188S.
The Plattsmouth Daily Herald.
Publishers & Proprietors.
la puliltabl every evening except Sunday
aJ Weekly every Thursday leomlng. JCeKls
tarrd at the polllk-e, I'lalikiuoiit li. Vebr.. s
:ad-lat mailer. OHice corner of Vine and
rinu ttrrcU.
Oue copy on jear In advance, by mall ?fl 0
One ci;y per inoni It, tyar-ter 6
One copy per week, by carrier, 15
One opy ou year. In advance .....f I 5
One copy fix iiioman. In advance 75
The Republican electors of the State of
Nebraska are requested to send delegates
from tie several counties, to meet in con
vention, at the city of Omaha, Tuesday,
May 15, 1K88, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the
purpose of electing lour delegates to the
National Republican Convention, which
meets iu Chicago June 19, 1888.
Tlic several counties are entitled to re
presentation as follows, being baaed upon
the vote cast for Hon. Samuel Maxwell,
supremo Judge, in 1887, giving one del-ogiite-at-largc
to ach county, and one
for ear-li l."0 votes and major fraction
thereof! :
Antelope .
lilame ....
Ilooue. . . .
Jtox niitte
It .lillerson ...
, 1) Johnson ....
1; Kearney ....
4 Knox
.. s
ISuff o II Lincoln .
Kutler a UMjaii 2
Burt V liup 3
L':i li Madison 8
CfJar fi Mc- liersun 1
Diane .V Merrick 7
Cherry 61 Nunc-
:heenne li!X-m:ihii 1
VHy ll! Nuckolln
(loll ix 7,l"-
Cumins 7 raw nee
Cuter 17 I'erkins .
Dakota r fierce...
. 4
. -
" 7
Dawes 7,1'olk
l,lVOII ...
Didi;e ....
I) uml.m ...
Dundy ... .
Kiilmon .
Kraiinlin .
Frontier ..
fiarfieM ...
Couper. ..
Jireeley ...
H .nil i! ton
ll.inan... ,
1'ilclie ck ,
J in ward..-.
8 Platte
. . i'helps
..rj' icliardson....
..37 lied Willow
.. 4 Saline
. in ariy ,
.. 7 .Sa.imlers
. . 10 Seward
.. t Sheridan ,
..It liennaii ,
.. Sioux
.. .VSlanton
.. 1 Thayer
.. -I riioin:is
..11 Valley
. . 10 .V ;islillitoll
.. Wayne
. . 4 Webster
. t" W heeler
..1 1 York
. . 7 limrir. territory.
It is recommended that no proxies be
admitted to the convention, except such
us aro held by persons residing ir. the
counties from tiic proxies are given.
Walt. M. Skelky, Chairman.
The republican electors of Cass county
are hereby called to meet in their respec
tive wards and precincts on Saturday,
April 28th, 1888, for the purpose of
electing delegates to meet in conven
tion at Weepiug Water, Neb, on May 5,
1888, at 1 o'clock p. m. f r the purpose
of electing sixteen delegates to the re
publican state convention which meets
in Omaha, May 15, 1888. The wards
and precincts are entitled to the fo low
ing number of delegates:
Tipton 7
Salt Creek 9
Klmw od 8
Weening Water 20
Louisville 9
jflattsm-iiitli Free... 7
- City 1st Ward 7
" 2nd " 9
- " 3rd 13
" 4th 12
j reeu wood 5
Stove I reek 9
:-outh r.end 0
Ceuter 7
Avoca 7
Libel iv S
Jiock Bluff 9
Mt. Pleasant 0
Eight Mile Grove . 7
M. D. Folk,
Primaries will be held in the various
wards and precincts on the 28th of April
at the following places:
Tipton at Eagle 7:30, Greenwood at
Cornish school house 7:30, Stove Creek
at Elmwood village 7:30, Elmwood at
Center school house 7:30, South 13 end at
South Bend 7:30, Weepiug Water at Un
ion Hall 3 p. m , Center at Manley 3 p.
m., Louisville Fitzgerald's hall 3 p. in.,
Avoca at Hutchin's School house 2 p. ni.
Mt. Pleasant at Gilmore's School house
I p. m., Eight Mile Grove at Heil's
School house 3 p. m.. Liberty at llolden's
School house 3 p. ni , Rock Bluffs at
IJ.Tger School house 4 p. m.. Plattsmouth
precinct at Taylor's School house 3 p. ui.,
Plattsmouth City 1st ward county judge's
office 1 to 7 p. m., 2nd ward at 2nd ward
school house 1 to 7 p. m., 3d ward at
Sullivan's office 1 to 7 p. in., 4th ward at
Kockwood Hull 1 to 7 p. m.
The republican electors of the First
Concessional district of the state of Ne-
l.raka are requested to send delegates i
from tho ncveral counties to meet in con
vention at the city of Addand. Thursday
Mnv 10 1S88. at 8 o'clock v. m.. for tho
of ,.L.rtm.r tu-n .1, legates to the !
national republican convention which j l'rats, operating with the approval
meets in Chicago. June 19, 18S8. of t!,e Imulcrs of t,,eir
The several counties arc cntilb d t. j 11 ,s a ""tonous fact that noDen.ocrat-r-presentation
as follows, being )i:isC(i ! ic K'Si"tu! 1" vcr aml sonnd nod
npon the vote cast for Hon. Sumuel effective registration law, or taken any
Maxwell for Judge in 1887. giving one uther honc.t .top to protect the purity of
delc-nte-at larire to caeh county and one I t!iC t""-'- All legislation of that
C3 C -
for each 150 votes
and major fraction
;a'4e - .
Lancaster. .
. 8
. 9
la.-har J-on, .
i-auoder. ...
It is rtcommended that no proxies bo ;
admitted to the convention except such ,
as are held by persons residing in the!
Counties from which the proxies ara
given. L. v., vumrmau
T. D. COBBEY, Secretary.
Lincoln, Neb., April 12, 1888.
Tub Urgent state house in the United
States was thrown open and dedicated
with proper ceremonies Saturday. For
many years work has been progressing
upon this building, and it belong-i to the
State of Texas.
Thk rebellion cost the country $900,
000.000, and the men who were rcsponsi
Me for it are claiming more privileges
and seem to h ive more to say in regard
to the management of the government
than those through wliose efforts the re
bellion was suppressed. Picket Guard.
It is unquestionably true, as suggest
ed by Hon. John R. Lynch, the distin
guished colrcd lender, that "if it is possi
ble for the Republicans to carry New
York nt all they can carry it with Gresh-
um;" and a man who can beat Cleveland
in New York hns claims upon the Chi
cago conventiau which entitle him to
profound consideration at its hands.
Globe Democrat.
Neaiii.y four years have passed since
the democratic press and orators said if
the people would put the demccratic
party in power they would reduce the
surplus. They have now been in power
three years and have not kept a single
promise; hu? have piled up the money
in the vaults faster than ever, so that it
begins to look now if something was not
done soon, the country will have a finan
cial crisis, that will take year9 to recover
The scare to the effect that the Chicago
Auditorium would urt be ready for the
republican convention seems to be with
out foundation. It is promised that the
building shall he completed in good time.
The claim is made that the building will
be the finest convention hall in the count
ry. A special feature will be the arrange
ment of the galleries, so that the most
distant seat will be only 170 feet from
the ro-trum. whereas in the old Exposition
Building some of the seats were 350 feet
from the speaker's stand. The arrange
ments for seating, tic kets, etc., arc unus
ually good and promise a well-managed
The preachers of Springfield, 111., are
in nrms and re doing a good work, they
have had all the gamblers urreMcd. Tin
following is a telegram from Springfield
which shows that the ministers have
caught their game: "All the leading
ministers of the city, and a large number
of ladies representing the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union were pres
ent. When the time for calling the cases
arrived none of the defendants appeared
and they were fined upon their bonds.
Before the delegation of ministers and
Vidies had left the room, however, Tom
Brewer, a leading gambler, entered the
court room in an excited condition and
demanded in a loud voice to know what
all the cranks wanted, referring to the
ministers antl ladies present. Not wait
ing for nn ap.swer, he turned fiercely up
on Rev. R. G. Ilobbs, threatening to do
him bodily harm if he refused to leave.
After the trial the ministers held a con
ference and it was decided to hold a
public indignation meeting uct. Mon
The declaration of the Ohio Republi
cans in favor of fair and honest elections
throughout the whole country tiuches
an issue of supreme importance. It is
unquestionably true, as they assert, that !
the Democratic party now holds the
Presidency and one branch of Congress
through a systematic suppression of votes
in the Southern States. The fact is no
longer denied, but openly and innocently
pioclaimed by Southern papers and poli
ticians that the colored vote has been
practically removed by fraud and vio
lence, and that they do not propose to
let it have any influence in their affairs.
The Democratic pnrty as a party indorses
and profits by tin nullification of law
antl justice, and has done so for many
years. But the story of wrong and crime
does not stop there. It is not in the
South alone that illegal methods arc em
ployed to achieve Democratic success. A
.-iniilar pojicy prevails to an alarming
extent in the North. In not a single one
of the large cities where the Demociats
have control does a perfectly honest elec-
tion evtr t'ke llacc-
Some of the frauds
that have been discovered in that relation
aro quite equal to any tLac have been
perpetrated in tho South; and in every
instance the guilty parties
the jruilty parties have been
kind has been accomplished by Republi
can votes antl influences. The Democrat
ic record is one of persistent opposition
to the idea of preventing corruption and
securing to all classes of citiens the right
to cast an honest vote and to have it fairly
counted. lit Ohio, Indiana, Illinois,
n,i ti. ctnft., tr, ri1,irt, i,0 jlon
,, , . i , ,,
called upon to deal w ith cases of forgery
I and perjury fallowing a deliberate purpose
ion the part of democratic election oflieers
to defeat the popular will and make a
mockery of the law.. Thie is one of the
grave dangers to our institutions, and
one that nil good citizens should be nox
ious to remove. It ia idle to talk of the
strength and glory of government by the
people, of the people and for the people
without an assurance of integrity and im
partiality in the processes that govern
our elec tions. As the Ohio republicans
insist, "Free ond uDtmmtnoled suffrage
lies at the foundation of the republic."
That is the basis and defense of all our
political rights and privileges. nen uie
source of popular power is corrupted, we
are at the mercy of the worst elements of
society; antl that is precisely what the
democratic, party most relies upon to
maintain its e upremacy and promote its
general interests The people should not
fail to give careful attention to this
feature of the situation. It is even more
imnrrtant in its way than the tariff or
1 "
any other current question; and the re
publican party is bound in duty nnel
honor to make it a prominent issue in the
coming national campaign. Globe Denv
The exhausted and drowsy feelings,
common in spring tim indicate an im
pure and sluggish conditien of the blood
which may be remedied by the use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It is the most power
ful, and, at the same time, most economi
cal blood purifier known.
Another Victim.
"Who is that ugly looking woman over
"That is my wife, sir."
"Indeed! Here is my card, sir, I'm tho
most successful divorce lawyer in the
city." Town Topics.
A Warning.
The modes of death's approach are va
rious, and statistics show conclusively
that more persons die from disease of tin
throat and lungs than any other. It is
probable that everyone, without excep
tion, receives vast numbers of Tubercle
Germs into the system antl where the?e
germs fall upon suitable sod they start
into life and develop, at first slowly and
is shown by a slight tickling sensation in
the throat and if allowed to continue their
r.ivsges the-' extend to the lungs produc
ing Consumption ami to the head, caus
ing Catarrh. Now all this is dangerous
ami if allowed to continue will in time
cause death. At the onset you must act
with promptness; allowing a cold to go
without attention is dangerous and may
loose you your life. As soon as you feel
that sometiiing is wrong with your throat,
lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Bos
shee's German Syrup. It will giye you
immediate relief.
$300 Reward.
AVe will pay the above rewarel for any
case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick
headache, indigestion, constipation 01
costiveness we cannot cure with
West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the
directions are strictly complied with.
They are purely vegetable, and never
fail to srive satisfaction. Large boxes
containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c.
For sale by all druggists. Reware of
counterfeits and imitations. The genu
ine manufactured only by John C). Well
& Co., 862 "W. Madison St. Chicago, Its
Sold byW. .J Warrick.
An Albany reporter writes of "a quiet
but effective wedding."
Even a cur may bark at his own gate.
Japanese Proverb.
Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup.
Is warranted for all that the label calls
. for, so if it does not relieve your cough
you can call at our store and the money
will be refunded to you. It acts simul
taneously on all parts of the system,
thereby leaving no bad results. O. P.
Smitu& Co., Druggists. j25-3md&w
Di. Schliemann has gone to Alexand
ria with Professor Virchew, and will
spend several months in Egypt making
Begg's Blood Purifier and Blocd
No remedy in the world lias gained
the popularity that this. medicine has, as
r. hold on family medicine. No one
should be without it. It has no calomel
t t quinine in its composition, consequent
ly no bad effects can arise from it. We
keep a full supply at all times. O. P.
Smith Co, Druggist, j25-3mod&w
mow .Drifts to Xaiic A Done
"Those fifty foot snow drifts down
east," remarkeel an old resident after
reading the dispatches from Pennsylvania,
"are pretty tall for the country, hut
they are ordinary antl trifling compared
with those of the early days. Eack in
1S54-5, when Omaha was only the land
ing of a ferryboat, we had a winter.
There weren't an7 drifts, but solid snow.
It filleil the valley from the Iowa blnffs
on n dead level to the high school hill.
I freighted between St. Joe and Council
Eluffs those days, and many a time I
dropped through the roof of deserted
dobies. "When the April rise of the Mis
souri came down we nad to blast a path
through the snow bank to lef the water
run out." Omaha Uee.
Hc-r ponieatTc Afilictious.
Mrs. Ilobsou (to caller) Your husband
has been dead nearly two years, has he
not, Mrs. Amidon?
Caller Yes, quite two years. lie
caught a severe cold which developed
into pneumonia. But I really must be
going, Mrs. Jlobson, (To dog)-Come
l ido, get your blanket on. Dear little
fellow, after all the trouble I've had, I
wouldn't like you to get pneumonia.
The Epoch.
A Steady Stream of Khop OirN, Working
womwi niul JMeii, Iornl iij ni-il I'venln ;.
Patron of tlio I'outpalH Startling itii
tltl Cunt uiul I'ruUtx.
The day on the bridge- begins early. At
f o'clock in the morning the cars begin to
run under a minute and a, half headway.
The crowds pour in tind what is known as
j the rilsh hours" begin. These are hours
j of hard work for every one, from the
; t "L.fS
engines that run tho three car trains from
tho station out to the point where the
cable connects with the grip rush back
ward and forward, puffing and snorting
.ind making a tremendous amount of
This is nt 7:30 on the Brooklyn side.
Alout 75,000 New York business men and
workmen, who use Brooklyn as a bed
room, are getting ready to launch them
selves into New York. At 7:15 the stream
is nt high tide. At two glass covered
boxes within tho spot where three men
are laboring with frantic energy to give
out tickets and make change, two stal
wart men stand to see that every passen
ger deposits a ticket. These men need to
be alert and quick eyed, for 200 persons
per minute are passing by these two glass
ticket boxes. It may seem easy work to
wntch 12,000 tiekets per hour dropped in
to a jrhiss box, but the guards say it has
the eircct of giving one the vertigo.
From 7 o'clock until 8:30 the stream of
humbly clad shop girls and working
women and men is kept steadily up, and
some twenty odd thousand passengers are
carried over tho river. Three cars start
each minute anil a half, but in the sec
onds that they are at a standstill each of
the cars is amply packed with ten tons of
humanity. This rush is kept up until
9:30 o'clock, after which there is a lull,
the number of passengers passing the
ticket offices falling gradually from 12,000
to G.000 per hour. Approaching noon it
is even less on the Brooklyn side, but
after this hour on the New York side tho
thousands that thronged to New York
are hurrying back again, and after 4
o'clock Brooklyn begins to regain its
population at the rate of from 200 to 3C0
per minute.
Of course these figures deal simply with
the railway. The footpath is less patron
ized now than formerly. There were
3.ii.C01 less persons who used it last year
than the year before, despite the fact that
any one who wishes to buy tickets by the
bunch may walk over the bridge and get
the finest views imaginable for the not
astounding sum of one-lifeh of a cent.
The footway is popular only on very mild
days, when it is the resort favored of good
looking nurses with distracting French
caps, who wheel baby carriages and ad
mire the big policemen. The receipts of
the footway last year amounted to some
thing over $10,000, which w ould scarcely
pay its expenses, and it has been proposed
to make it. free. Thi3 will scarcely be
done, for making it free would be throw
ing it open to tramps or worse charac
ters, and making an increase of police
The bridgo railroad last j-car carried
27.940,313 persons, an increase of 3,911,
040 over the year before, and the receipts
iu money from it were $708,703.79. The
fare is three cents per passage or ten
tickets for twenty-live cents. The general
average of passengers upon the bridge
road is about 90,000 per day, but upon
foggy days, when the ferries are ob
Mructcd, the figures sometimes reach 1C.),
000. In other words enough people pass
over the Brooklyn bridge every day in the
cars to populate three or four towns out
we&t, elect a few congressmen, build
several railroads, get up corners in whea'i
and pork and bring out a presidential car-
But there are some more statistics with
which not one person in a hundred even
of those who cross the bridge daily are ac
quainted and familiar. One million forty
seven thousand nine hundred and sixty
eight vehicles crossed the bridge during
last year. Each vehicle is estimated to
carry three passengers. Thi3 estimate is
taken by reason of the number of funerals
that daily pass on their way to Green
wood, the great "City of the ISead." Tho
receipts from vehicles were ? 05,743.20.
The total receipts were 850,724.23. It
may be interesting to know, too, that the
cars during the last year njnde 2,171,4S4
single trips and traveled 2,442,170 miles.
In other words, had the tracks of the
bridge continued right around the world
the bridge cars would have girded the
world pretty nearly 100 times.
The bridge cost 15,000,000. It is
worth it, but it has not yet paid it back.
Its sources of revenue are various. The
stone arches under its approaches have been
walled up and are rented as ware houses.
It charges the telephone and telegraph
companies for laying wires on the bridge.
The total income for the bridge from nil
sources for the year was $938,281.21, and
the net profits were 323,8G4.5G. It has
been necessary to lay out most of this
sum, however, in rolling stock and in pay
ments for real estate. Exactly 2,070,000
lives of humanity were conveyed across
the East river in 1887 without a single
life being lost. That is true enough to
be startling, and startling enough to be
untrne. However, it is true! When you
consider that for a part of the day trains
are running but a minute and a half
apart, and carrying 12,000 passengers per
hour, antl that even at the dullest part
of the day they are but a couple of min
utes apart, this record is simply amaz
ing. New York Mail and Express.
What Killed the Emperor.
The immediate canse of the cold which
proved fatal to the Emperor William was
an accident which happened to him on the
iiight of Saturday, March 8. His physi
cian, Dr. von Lauer, had expressly warned
him against attempting to leave his bea
without assistance; but In order to spare
liis personal .attendants, who. were in an
adjoining room, the emperor ventured to
tlisregard the iujunotion. He got out of
beil safely, but when he was endeavoring
to return his strength failed him and he
fell to the floor. He was unable to raisa
himself, and ere his attendants entered
the room he had contracted a severe chill.
They did what they could for the em
peror's coir fort, bnt he lauuhed at the
mishap, and only besought them: "Don't
say a word to Lauer!" St. James' Ga
zette. He Wouldn't Tell Iter.
Wife (anxiously) 1 would like to know,
Robert, whac pleasure you lind in book
ing cigars.
-lloU-rt I won't toll yon, deary, for
you would want to learn to smoke your
Eeif. See? Texas Sifting.
Beef, Pork, 31 utic-ii, V;il and Poultry.
I invito all to give 111 o a trial.
Sugar Cured Menfs, IIams I'iirt n. I. 'id. .. tc. Fiodi Ouftm in Cnn ard Hulk
ut lowest living prie s. Do ne t to it n.e ycur j nlicMie;e.
Prices in.
III riH!4. - '"' fH-JJl
do convinced.
Where a
i 'rices
Early Ohio and Early Eoee Seed Potatoes.
All kinds of Garden Seeds.
California Evaporated Pears, Peaches, Gold
Drop Plums, Raspberries, Blackberries, Cher
ries, Apples, and French Dried Prunes.
A Large
Vegetsbl es .
li. D. BE1HBT
Jonathan IIatt.
Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c, &c
cf our own make. The best brands of OYSTERS, in cans unci bulk, at
, I .iiAl.i 1
r-T v
Dr. E. C West's Nrrvp ;i:nl Rrfiiii Tn-sain. nt
a k'uariiiii. e specific f.r l!vst-ria luzziress.
Convulsions. Fi's. rv.iis Neuralgia. H ."l
aohe. Nerveou rrcbtraf Win -ai;!-ei l-v theu.-e
f a'cohol or t':liKc:o. v akt fu!in st. H'Vetal I.e
prein, Snf teiiini; of t l.o Kniin re--ul!ii.)f i!i mi
sar.liy ax r. lendn -g t iiiitfry, l--;.y i.n.l !-?:fh,
rrsiiature ld Ae. HaTri.iii'v.s, c-f l' AV
er in either s. x. InV' lueUiy l.cstfs an M--r-liiat
rrlin? caused ly ovrr-erertii'ii ef 'lie
br.iin .et-ifabiise or '.ver-iiictiljjer.rf' Fa li box
contains oiji? t"Oi:ti' tr'aiiii.nt. 1 Mi a 1 f-x
or six iixxes for so w, st u? by pr paiii
i e--eipt f pi ire
WE GUAKA? TI.Z12:2irxrs
To cure an Chi" With c;:cli order ri -ive1
by us for six boxes, acron pan en viti f5f,
we wjll send tbe pi)i( J;:irr nt wilt'en M!;;r;:ii
ttn to etinn tin? r-r.i.ey if tbe atn.ei:t ilres
riot fieet a cure, i ;u:.iaite s i-M,fd ei.!v by
W iil J. Warrick st le agent, i'latt.-nmulli. Neb.
It may be that there is a land that is
fairer tiiau this, but it would take an art'
ist to find it.
tiio Citv.
Call and
stock of Goods ami
F air
of Canned Fruits and
J. W. ilAKTiiw.
For sale or exchange. A number of
fine pieces of n sidi nee ,rci.crty. Apply
to Windlisini antl Davie?. d-ww.
The standard remedy for livr com
plaiut is West's Liver Pill; they never
disapp int you. HQ pills 25c. At War
rick's elrtiif fctoie.
One, two. fie r.i!i ten-were tracts for
sale on reasonable trime. .Apply to and Davica. d-w-lni.
MAM' FA CJ I ft hit OF AKD
flioiets! Brands cf Cigars,
including our
Fltr de Pepperbergo artj 'Ends
always in fctock. Nor. 26, 1885.