The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 20, 1888, Image 4

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The Evening Herald.
J. H. KING, City Editor.
A. SjINbarjr, Datit, Kocknood IlniIJJair,
TdrphOM .So.
Dr. Mintlnr. OfDri and KcslJcnre Shrrifood
Block, Trl-ihooe o. 42.
"Old's Hoy" is a very laughaMe
The Weeping WutT Ilvpnllivin U
getting up a boom i.-i.sue for thu first i(
May, and Tub IIkkai.i vihes it succe.-s.
All lovers of art are invitcil to call
at the opening of J. 11 IIoMmis' studio,
ovr Oliver 6c, Kaniges. Classes will ha
arranged tomorrow altcrnoou.
Fred Kobiuson, the former energetic
and wide-awake clerk of Mr. IliddU
when he ran a hotel at "Wahoo, is in the
city, lie will perform the same duties
here for Mr. Kiddle at the Perkins house.
Mr "W. A. Lewis was married to
Misa Emma It. Troop at 4 p. in. yesterday
afternoon, Judge Russell performed the
marriage ceremony in the county court
room. The happy doves will coo jii3t
south of Eight mile Grove.
Tho board of trade agreed to all
the propositions mado by Col. Stewart
last night in regard to the building of
the pontoon bridge and street-numberiiiir.
The committee's reports will be present
ed and explained at the next meeting of
the city cqnncil when they will, probably,
be approved.
-r-Bilhoru and Clagett, the evangelist,
will leave the city Monday afternoon. Mr.
Cltgett ge to St. Louis and Mr. Bilhorn
to Chicago. The latter gentleman will
leave Chicago Friday, April 27, and ar
rive at Winona, Minn., on the following
Monday, whn he will continue cvangs
listic work in connection with Mr. Yat
man. The most sensible remark at the
Board of Meeting last night was when
Dr. Shipman replied to a "kicker" against
city improvements. He said, "there are
people living in this city who came here
twenty -five or thirty years ago and they
hate to see a change, they want the city
to appear now the same as it was when
they came here.
W. G. and L. C. Mercer received two
telegrams today from Salem, 111., stating
that their mother had died last night, at
that place, from paralysis. This lady
was seventy five years of age and was th
mother of nine children, seven of whom
are now living. Her Husband, Dr. Mer
cer, of Omaha, will join his sons at
Monmouth, 111., on their sad journey to
attend their mother's funeral. They
leave tonight and will return to this citv
next Monday or Tuesday.
ilie Iu3t Catholic lair was a "ram!
success financially,socially and otherwise
People, who belong to the very gl iss of
fashion were there. The ladies who took
a most prominent part and whose untire
efforts made the fair a success were
Mrs. Ashcr Clark, the Misses Mary and
Anna Weckbach, Miss Maggie O'Rourke
and Mrs. M. J. O'Rilev. There are
other names which the writer has forgot
ten, and. last, but not least, Ella Clark
and Anna O'Rilev. The fair netted the
Sisters school $528.
Did you see Eunice Goodrich last
night ? If not, don't fail to see this fine
company, in their great comedy-success,
"Dad's Boy." It can't help but please
everyone. This company is as represent
ed, first-class, and should have packed
houses aj; their popular prices for the bal
ance of the week. Miss Goodrich and
Mr. McCann are artists, and the balance
of the company are all good in their res
pective places. Besides, don't forget th?
grand family matinee tomorrow after
ternoon in the pleasing comedy, "Want
ed a Husband." Price 10 and 20 cents,
at which price you can now reserve your
scats. Remember the gold watches to be
given away. You get a number that
gives you a chance in the drawing at
each performance, one to be given away
tomorrow afternoon and one tomorrow
Senator Anderson Root is in town to
day. Mrs. J. P. Taylor returned home to
Central City this morning.
C. II. Parmelc goes to Fairfield, Iowa,
this evening on a short trip.
Mrs. F. T. Davis, of Beaver City, Neb., :s
visiting at the home of her parents, Dr.
and Mrs. Schildknecht.
Frank R. Taygan, an old employee
of the B. & M. at this point, now in the
auditor's office of the C, B. & N. R. R. .t
St. Paul, is in the city on a visit to his
mother and his sister, Mrs. M. A. Faygnn
and Mrs. II. C. Ritchie.
A. F. Loomis, Kansas City; M. M. Cav
aungh, New Jersey; L. Holland, O'Neill;
J. Mengitton, Omaha; J. N. Everhart.
Ashland, G. A. Buyner, Lincoln; II.
Bunkland, Chicago; A. 2L Baldwin,
Geneva., Neb.; C. W. Davis, Lincoln;
Doe Criill, Avoca; W. II. Gray, Roek Is
land; Chas. A. Blanc-hard, Cleveland, O.;
J, Feinstein, Grand Island; F. Wakeinan,
New York; E. J. Egleton, Lincoln; J. M.
Pruck, Kansas City; J. M. Zind, Dca
Moines, Iowa; Mr. J. C. Cane and A. D.
Smith, Grand Island; W. R. "Williams.
Omaha; C. A. Woosly and E. G.- Laugh
lin, Greenwood, were visitors in the city
Woalth vs Poverty.
"Honor and shame from no condition
rise, act well your part, there all the
honor lies."' It is a ttrangc peculiarity
of man, who, if he is made after God's
image, is not of God's teachings. He is
full of adulation, Mattery and fawning
fiyeoplianj', which is practiced by, at
ltat, one half the people of this universe.
If a man has wealth, no matter how he
acquired it, if it was by running a baw--dy-hoini;.
saloon, or gambling hall, soci
ety winks at thu past and admits him in
to their circle. We have seen m.:u and
wouu-n as gross and coarse in their man
ners at table, or in public place, us pigs
in a car going to market. Their speecli
would be illiterate and their actious vul
gar in the extreme. Innumerable dia
mond rings would deck their bloated
fiugevs. Tho men wear enormous, heavy
watch cliivus and diamond studs as thick
as they can place them down their shirt
bosoms, while the women besides finger-
rings, have omamcnt3 of precious stones
in their hair, ears, and around their
pudgy necks, while often they carry two
gold watches inlaid with precious stones
and attached to heavy gold chains,
which they place conspicuously on what
resemble a butcher's meat-block covered
with parchment and powdered over.
They remind one of a jewelers show-case
arranged with very bad taste. But they
have money, and that puts the brand ot
gentility on their bar of soap.
. come are born to .greatness, some
achieve greatness, others have greatness
thrust upon them." Intellect or merit
very often fails to achieve greatness in
thi3 world, while the dealer in animal
phosphates has greatness thrust upon him
There is always a lot of unmentorious
trash running at the heels of such per
sons, scekinjr some favor, if it is only a
smile of recognition the " Uriah Heep "
:s lost in a blazs of buss, but let mis
fortune overtake his benefactor, and
then ha don't know hiia from a crow.
As he sinks lower in tho sea of adversity,
he does his best from pure essence of in
herited "cussedness," to push him fur
ther down, and add3 insult to injury, by
using every injurious phrase his shallow
pate is capable of conceiving to injure
his reputation among his fellow-man.
Poveity is a sin, but salvation is cheap
that's the poor man's birthright, which
no "trust'' can control, although there
are plenty of persons a3 m?au as the man
who employed his brother t: work for
him. They both attended their father's
1'iiucral and when they returned from
the graveyard, the employer stopped his
brother's pay for the time he had lost.
Such persons would try and make
God's promise of salvation an article of
commerce and sell it so much per ounce.
It is the same with health: ' If health
were a thing that money could buy, the
rich would live and the poor would die."
Poveity has the consolation of know
ing that after all their earthly cares are
over, the proud, h mghty snob or syco
phant is compelled to grant them Gx2J
feet of real estate to rest their weary
bones until tho trumpet calls them to
place where there is no distinction made
between peer or peasant.
Evangelistic Meetings-
About a hundred of the workmen in
the shops enjoyed the sinking and ad
dresses of the evangelists for 25 minutes
aftsr dinner.
In the afternoon some three hundred of
the school children enjoyed a like privi
In the evening a large congregation
joined in soul-stirring hymns led by Mr.
Rev. Mr. Clagttt.considered some of
the excuses given for not accepting the
invitation to the Marriage Supper of the
Lamb. One of these excuses was because
tlu-te are hypocrites in the church. If
horror of hypocrites is genuine, it will
lead to choosing to enter the way to
heaven for there are no hypocrites there.
Another excuse is I have no time to
attend to religion. The Sabbath was
given to prepare for heaven. If you are
fourteen years old you have had two
years of Sabbaths. If you nic fiftyyears
old you have had seven jears of Sali
batli3. What have you done with all
thi time? How long does it require to
make up your mind that you will accept
the gift of eternal life and belitve on
Jesna Christ. You spend from three to
ten years in learning a trade or profession
that you may care for your body, yet
cannot spare five minutes to prepare for
Many other common excuses were
shown to be equally worthless.
After the sermon some twenty rose for
"Its an idle wind that don't blow
somebody some good." In speaking with
a viitcr to this city today he remarked
that Ii2 had been greatly benefited by the
strike, because on that account he had
had about 400 cars of grain delayed at
several points along ths B. & M. which
he was enabled to deliver the other day,
when prices had advanced so much, that
he netted about $12,000 abovo what he
would have done had his grain been
promptly delivered.
Don't fail to. visit Robbins' Art
Studio and see the finest display ever in
the city.
Meets with Approval and Approbation-It
has never been th lot of our citi
zens to witness as competent a combina
tion of good actors and actresses, at the
low prices charged for admission, as will
adorn the stage of Waterman Opera
House for the remainder of this week.
Last night a full house appreciated the
performance, the audience quickly re
cognized the ability of the performers of
whom they speak highly today.
It would take too long an article to
speak of each individual uctor and as all
dispbtyed marked talent, they are equally
deserving of prais, but for the sake of
courtesy, we can not omit mention of
the ladies who were cast in characters
that require natural ability and years of
stage experience for their proper rendi
tion. Miss Mate Stevens as "Chonchon"
played her part with a vim and vivacity
that was truly charming, and we should
judge from that lady's "chic" that she
would make an excellent comcdy-sou-brette.
Miss Maud Durantl who "doubled"
Margaret" (th mother of Mark) and
the "Marchioness, " is an actress of great
emotional power and dignified deport
ment. Miss Eunice Goodrich's ability has to
be 6cen, when praise is cheerfully ac
corded and her histronic powers admired
The spelling of the words contained in
a letter proved that she has a wvnderful
conception of facial expression as shown
in her looks of fear, distrust, ea .erness
for sympathy, artless innocence, and un
requited love. Her beautiful modulated
tones of voice when expressing surprise
or cheerful acquiescence to a request were
great aids in gaining the good will of
the audience. The mad scene was a fine,
subtle piece of acting. " Wild flowers,"
which ends with the line "Bring I, these
sweet, sweetest flowers," was very
sweetly sang. When the line, "and you
and you and you- and you," is sung,
between every pause, the actress throws
roses among the audienco. That part,
was a happy thought, and was the cause
of a great deal of pleasure among those
who were fortunato to catch the flowers
as they fell.
Oue fine scene was where the daughter
" Mrits " (Miss Goodrich), i3 about to
leave home for Paris and the mother
"Margaret " Miss Maud Durand), gives
her daughter her blessing in the follow
ing words:
Let virtue and in.lus.iy gtiMu tlise,
To lieaveu turn til n- ee ;
Tlii l'rt of thy mother's ble sn.
Vliii-li !! a.'.cecils on l.ili.
Gcd is fver ji'sf ;
To i;im f ' fare e tnuf,
Virttns wiih tliee ever ilwi-ll.
Farewell ! far will !
Tonight they play " D-ul's Boy." Go
aud sec them. Joy will taka Mia place
of regret, and broad minded ideas that
of coufiued cupidity and egotism.
"i'yo Kothing to Live for Now."
"I'm lonely in the house since my wife
died." These sad words were uttered on
the street the other day by an old farmer
while he was conversing with a stranger.
From a conversation we elicited the fact
that the old gentleman owned a farm
near the city, where he had lived for a
number of years, and where he had mar
ried his beloved wife and raised his child
ren. For a few years laughter and merry
footsteps echoed through that dwelling.
On Sundays the wagon would be got
ready and they would all attend church
to offer thanks to the Creator for His
blessings during the past week.
The partner of life joys and sorrows
died. He and the children would still
attend church and "he'd see his children
sitting there, he hears his daughter's voice;
he reeds must think of her no more,
though in the grave he lies, and with his
hard and horny palm wipes a tear from
out his eyes."
Two of the children died, but before
their death, one of them, wh'Ie in good
health, says "Papa, when you are old an I
gray and 1 gro v to bo a man, if we
should die and go to Heaven, will mamma
know 3 then."
The other two children got married,
and the old man is left alone on the farm.
He sa'd, "you don,t know how lonely
I feel now, I ain't able to read a book, to
work, or to do anything. I wander up
and down the stairs and through the
rooms and sometimes fancy I hear the
footsteps of my clear children or the voice
of my dear wife. I seem so certain, some
times, that they are near me, that I stop
and look around, but now they are all
gone. Often, I will go through the trunks
and bureau drawers, and every article I
see will bring fond recollections of my
departed wife and children. There is
baby's shoes and dregs and Tommy's
whips and toys, my wife's bible and her
clothes hanging on the wall, just as they
were the day when she died. Some of
the flowers that strewed her coffin are
laying withered in a vase on 'the table,
everything I see makes me feel sad at
heart. I will have to sell my farm and
come and live in town, perhaps the ex
citement will help me forget my troub
les. Young man, it may scein 6trange to
you, but you don't know wh.nt an old
man suffers vrho has lost all he loved on
earth, and tho old man wept, as he sobb
ed, "rvenothing to hve for now.''
There aro certain diseases, too, which in
their very nature protest against their own
existence. Tliey nro really nature's indig
nant outcries against human perversity; they
ore absolutely preventable, anrl just on that
account diCleult to euro, becauso tho pre
ventable causo is always happening again.
To this class bclon; diseases of the stomach,
with scarcely an exception. Dys;ep.sia alono
i3 tho lwine of thousands. It is fuir to say
that of tho adult i)o;ulut ion not o:io person
in ten is free from it, aiid yet dys'pnia, is an
entirely prcvcnlublo disease, oiio for which
which there, ifj absolutely no exeuso, for it
arises in almost every eao from self-indulg-cncCf
or ignoranei:-; and even where there i.a
an inherited tendency to stomach trouble,
caro and attention to diet cun almost invari
jibly relievo it, and in tiiao tll'ect a perma
nent cure.
The misfoi t u:io is not oidy that people will
not exorcise suuicii tit self-doiiiul to prevent
tho appearance of discasu in tluj llrbt in
stance, but Ihut, unhappily, they will not
luarn by experience, ami so prevent its recur
rence; and thus, in too many instances, lh?y
are doubly sinners. Domorest's Monthly.
Shado Trees.
If you want uoy kind of tree?, cdl on
M. Archer at l'ui.-d it Spencc i's tlore, on
lower Main street, Plattsmouth, Neb. 4t
If it is real estate you want, sec Wind
ham & Davies' column on second page.
I. A. KG EST LIS Uest Teims and I.owett
I'rlces on lot, housos and Iota, ball-acres
acres, five aud teii aer.-s. Property shown
free of charge. Call ;utd see me, rid - out and
see if I cannot show you sonio Vatyaina.
a20tf. W.S. .VIS;-.
FOH HALE On reasonable term my rei-
deoce on the N. W. co' n.r of t'v. and 11th St.
Said property consist-! of Ji block with a irio'
story ami a half house 1 mx rooms, two ward
robes and me a:. try ; food well ard city
v;iter : tweiity-feven lxtr.iiiiic annie trees, ami
iu abundance of s:na'l f: .dt f all kii.ds. tf
P. 1). li
O, &. Fil. Time T&b!e.
No. 1. r. :-;o m.
No, li. G -AH p, in.
No. S !).::.. a. in.
No. 7. 7 :-i.r p. in.
N'o. !) C :1" p. in.
No. 11 6 :05 a. in.
Cyl.'; KASf.
T.o. 2 4 p. in.
t o. i. if) :.;o a. iii.
.No. 0 7 : p. I:).
No. 8. 0 :.0 a. lit.
Nn, 10. ! :lr a. in.
No. 12. -'J AO . . Ki,
A'l train run daily by wavof Omaha, except
Nih 7 mid 8 u iiu h mil to anu lroin bcuuile.-
daily exeept Sunday.
No. 3( is a stub to Paid fie Junction at 8 30.a ni
No. 19 is a stub from I'acitic Junction ;it 11 a.m
Opsra. Houso,
Miits ana saiumay Mara
Tkurs&ay, A pril 19.
-oL'PP Jiltl)
Fit T DAY - ... DAD'S BOY.
Graiid Family Matinee at 2 p. ei. Saturday
and 50 cts.
As Souvenir of the Joodrich Enajreir ent
i o .-oui voin wnieiirs ayiii ue giii a'.vay
one satur ay Aiauaee. one Saturday
4 N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at Law. Wil
ffive prompt Attention to ailbiieines m-
irusteu to Mm. vinc- in Lmon lilock, tast
sine, rjauMiioum, ?.eu.
Dr. C. A Marshall.
Piect i vu'.i-. n . f uatx ;"1 t' t-t'i a n totally.
Cetlh extracted uHiivl ,-uiii hy it.-c of Luwjhiny
All work warranted. Prices reasonable,
FiTZGKKAt.n's Hi, c:; rnxf -iv.outh. Neb
Merokl &
r-on -
tv ;nnn? mmu mm sun Nhnnc
or Ladies and Gents
He keeps as large and as well
At can be found any place in the city and make
you prices mat iriy competition.
Agents for
Earner's Bazar Psiteras and Ball's Corse!?.
The Boss Tailor.
Main Sr., Over Mergi-s' t-"l; e Store.
Has tlje bc-frt and tnott ccmpltte stock
of samples, !oth foreign and domestic
woolens that ever Came v.-est of Missouri
river. Note these prices: Business suits
from $10' to dr ss suits, 25 to $45,
pants $1, $5, SG, $G..F-9 and upwards.
CSTWill guaranteed a Ct.
Prices Defy Competition.
I Eunice lo
1 .
This waist is designed to meet the requirements of ladies who
cannot, comfortably, wear a still and rigid corset, while it can lie worn
with as much comfort as an ordinary dress waist. It will give tho
same cleg aiice of contour as the heaviest honed corEet in the market,
while the stays are so arrarged thtit they will give fuj ort to the lack
and spine and in nowise interfere with the freedom and comfort
ot the wearer. The weight of the clolhirg is transferred frcm the
hips to the shoulders by means of the shoulder-fcti Hps, which aie ad
justable to suit any form or length of waist.
We have these waists in "White, Grey ai,d Cold and the price lo
introduce them will be $1.00. Sizes IS to 28.
M also Carry a Fill Lino of lis -Mowing Corsets :
IWtrees Duplex, Bortrees Skirt fcuprortir.g, ilitee Coreete,
Loomers Elasting Comfort Hip, Satin Corfets, F. C. Corsets, J. C.
Corsets, C. V. Corsets. Our Cleopatra is the best 51.00 corset ever
thrown over any counter; our T50 French "Wove at $1.50 cannot be du
plicated in this city; our Blanche Extra Long Corset at $1.50 is a bar-
Childrens Corset "Waists at
Ono J3oor
rgains I
The firm "W. A. Boeck & Co., have succeeded Bucck & Bird
sail with
A FAB aUPSftJOft imt
Gault's Jewelry Store,
Jewelry, "Watches,
Clocks, Silverware,
Optical Goods, etc.
Mr- Carmichael, an experienced Watch-maker, has taken charge of the
r .. : j. ii
Iiepair Department. All re j airs
And Satisfaction Guarenteed.
Bj fair and honest dealing we hope
lL. G
Subscribe .2
lVt5Ut'lWU It
45 and C5 cents.
X'irst Ic.t'l Hanls.
Bargains I
to merit a share ot the public jat-
us a can.