T'lK DAILY IlKIiAlJ), l'I.AiiS5i.)oin, .;hirA$KA, WEDKESDA V, APRIL 18. Y$S& i . GDISvAXI) JEWELS KAUE. DIAMONDS STILL KEEP THE LEAD AMONG VALUABLE STONES. Chat with a Chicago Jw-l-rs Clerk. Kniernlil Mini Kuhim (irtlin Kcrre. A Iloiiblel An Uncommon Ktone Gfiiii IJIatliirt Irrly American. "Diamonds nre still t rurnpH moiijr Jewels," sum I a Jeweler's clerk. iTu State street store, "awl, in spite of tVo chnng inff fashions in jewels, the diamond re mains the kinj of precious stones an far as IopuIarlty k'S. Turquoise, sapphires, emeralds ami rubies are inorea.-ln in popularity, however, ami are very expen sive. The emerald and ruby seem tc le jet ting scarcer and dearer every year. AVliy, a line three carat ruby is worth if 4"t any time, and the emerald is worth nearly as much. Some very common rubies will bring ?0 to $10t. There are fewer rubies beinji found every year. It is the name with emeralds, besides the latter are sel dom perfect. I cannot recollect having ever h'h-ii h fiawlexs emerald, and I don't believe any one else in the More ever did either. In every one of them will be. foiind a 'feather,' a crack, or a 'cloud' ,f Home kind. It seems as if every ktone had liecu struck with a hammer and stunned. The edes will Ikj all ri-ht, but the center will hok as if it had cracked with out splitting, or el.-c there will lie u cloud or Haw of soirte sort. Kubies are apt to be the same, although not so much so us emeralds. Tlio.-u emeralds on that cotton there are 'doublets.' lion't you know what a doublet i? Why, it's a manu factured stone; that is, it is a joining of two stones. Iok at thisemerald. l'retty, Isn't it? l'-eautilul tint of i;reen. Now turn it upside down. There, see that rim of red around thj edije A doublet always lias that, no matter wiiat the color of the amalgamated stones was. lint it only shows when 5'oii turn the stone upsioe down. S -e, they have even put a Haw in the surface l' further simulate genuine ness. '1 hoy can make doublets of any BtusicH wliich will, cement, to--eiher, and make tliem so cleverly that the unprac tical eve will never delect the fraud if you call it that." 'Jo you not have to guard against Fpuriou-.iic.ss iu other gems besides the diamond:-" "(.'e.'taiid.r. Tunpndso is simulated by j'..'v I couutcrfs. iters. '1 n o small and infe rior nJones v.ill be Mtiii'.iied' i..u a slo::e that nil' -cau.-e even experts to exe- ise thi Lr.T;,e-C care i:i examining. Or they v.ill be" p:h ri::ed arid mixed up with foreign i.iattcr in Mica a way that the new j 'v.il will Ir.Wf nearly all t": briliiaisc y of e I"r and polish of urfacy po.-se-seil by the pi. u ne it rtit Ti'.o liht blue lVr.-ian t i:r.iiioir.e is the rare variety at present aad is very expensive." 'In the window is a white sapphire. How is that? I supposed all sapphires weiv blue.'' "Then you supposed wroncj. but yon are with the majority. Most people think that all sapphires are blue, but that is far from thtf truth. The one in the window is pure wlilio, as pure as a diamond. De cides those (hero are violet, pink and yellow sapphires. The violet and pink varieties are very taautiful and considered extra line jewels. The yellow sappi.;:vs partake of the nature of t he chry.soberj i, which conies also in yellow ami brown nnd pale jjrten. It Is a rather uncommon stone n ml a very beautiful one." 'What is that green stone on the cctr ton iu the corner? ' TJmt is another very uncommon stone. They call it Alexandrite. It is an orien tal jewel, flnd there are not many brouyl. lo this country. It is very expensive afi'l Is very highly prized by connoisseurs, who are the purchasers of most of ihvnj. It is a peculiar stone, changing its light. Iu the day it is as you see it, a dirty green. Imt by night it is full of reddish lights. Jt comes in various sizes, from one to eight carafe, and is sometimes almost as expensive as a diamond." "Are opals popular?" Much more so than they were. There was a time when you could hardly eell nn opal at any price. Now there is a con stant demand for them. The supersti tious regarded them a3 unlucky, and so widespread was the hallucination that it was seldom yon saw one worn." 'How about cat's-eyes?" Cat",? eyes are very hard stones, found In various tvimtries. The best come from Persia and the fast. I have one of n brownish tint that Is vrorth $oOO any day. A cat's eye weighing ttn- carats will brim? G0O easily. Tiber's eye ae inex pensive and very popular. The tiger's eye is not a stone, as is generally supposed, but petrified wood. It is found in very large quantities In northern Michigan, but most of the better kind comes from n Ictrilied forest of Arizona. There they l'md it in sections as large as a tree trunk. They are made up into searf pius, rings and other articles of jewelry." "Which distinctively American stone is . the most valable? "I can't say that any distinctively .American stone is very valuable, but v. l produce a few diamonds. They come from Jowa and AVisconsin. They are stmall and -ire too yellow. I do not think this country. .':owevir, v. ill ever produce very many diamonds; still it is intern-1-fng to know that genu, no stones can really be met wi;!i occasionally. Here's an odd stone, that i.v:tled l.:vo:i and black, one. Thcv call it chrocilodite. They come from t.rti;-r-i .:c!i:-..a, r.ntl in that sise nra wor'n SoiiicMmm-s thev re Uiotitv I I d.'.lJj exactly like tl.e upper sLeil -f a turtle, and I t i.ee r.:::d j a fcc.irf pin of t;:e tf thrm, lr::- cn tho Jeer, t-il and !-.e..d cf icokl. We sell quite a few it t!.os nqur.marmcs and tl.e pink topaz, whicti is cniic com:::oii !a;'.vauaj's, is givatiy snitLt a fur. Hire are so:; "e pearis. No, that's na id:at:on, I thonu' t y u v.or.M lo de reived. I think they r.re laa-i-j of wax, but tliey have succeed. .! in r.iakln:; as per fect I'-n iiUit-ttixn as is possible. Tiiey pre serve, toi. t.e irregular shr.pe of the genuine jtrerl. Ty the way, I misht say rilit here I hut P'meof the pretties: pearl? we cet are found in the fresh water cL.ms of Jllinois au! othe- western states. Look .f.t thest," and the jeweler showx.Ta lumd i nl of pearls all the way from twice the pizeof a grain cf w heat down to that of a pin's Lead. They were irregular in shape, but most of them were full tf snlidued andde-lkv.te half tints cf bjue, purple and pick. "These are first rate pearls for the'r size i.ud come from the Miami, Wabash. Illinois and Sangamon rivers. Chicago Times. lie Got I'.Ten. First Club Mart (heatedly) All I have to sny is that I consider you a pr-rpy. Second Ditto (coolly) If that were the case I could take the first prize at the dog show, and that's more than yoti ca:i say. . 'First Man How fo? Second Ditto Yon lack the r.ecersary jMsligree and breeding." Harrier's Bazar. ! THE BLOOMER" COSTUME." Mrs. lilooiner lirrlaicn That Mio It Not I ho Inventor of It It IIKtory. "I have tried often to correct that Im pression," sal Mrs. D. C. Uloomtr re cently to a reporter. "I did uot iment the 'Uloomer' costume, nor was I the first one to wear it. I am quite willing that the correction should Iks made, for I do not wish to be remembered only as tho woman who invented a new stylo of dress. 'I diil not even name it. Mrs. Eliza beth. .Miller, a daughter of Gerritt Smith, was tho first lady who wore It. Shecc.me dressed in one of those costumes from Petcrljoro, N. Y., to Seneca Falls, where 1 was living, and where Mrs. Elizabeth. Cady Stanton lived. Wdiere Mrs. Miller got the idea I do not know, but she is cn titled to what credit there is for putting the dress into circulation, as it were, and it should be named for her if for anybody. It's hardly fair to Mrs. Miller to take tho credit from her. A few days after Mrs. Miller's appearance in short skirt und trousers, Mrs. Stanton had a similar cos tume made, and she wore it. Then I adopted the style. Mrs. Stanton did uot wear hers a great while possibly not more than two years; but I wore mine as lone; as the public talked about it and me I diil not name the dress. The press did that. I wore the costume for six years for two years in Council liluffj and, if I hail not retired to private life might be wearing it yet. It is a very comfortable and sensible dress. "Some time, possibly a month, before Mrs. Miller made her appearance iu Seneca Falls in the costume, a writer, whose identity I never did discover, advo cated in the columns of one of the papers of Seneca Fails a reform iu woman's dress. 1 waseditinga paper there at that time and took up tho suggestion in a llip pant way, and treated the subject rather playfully nnd facetiously. The unknown writer of the other paper answered me, and I nnswered again. So when Mrs. Miller came in the short skirt and trousers, anil after Mrs. Stanton and myself had adopted t he girb, the papers of the coun try round about tried to make fun of us, and called u s 'Di'iomerites' and 'Jiioom t rs,' and to on. Hence the name, I sup-p:).-:o. I.ucy Stoae wore, the dress for a while, but gave it up localise she thought it attracted attention away from the sub ject temperance and woman's rights upon which fcirfj was lecturing. 1 wore my costume and lectured in it in all my tour of the cities of ll.o north and we.-.t, a:id I was the fir-t to make such a k-ctur-in j tour in lhc.-;o cities. I was tho lir.-.t v.'o!:::.n who wore tho costume in public iu Chicago. "Of course, wherever I went the dress attracted great deal of attention. It was ti curiosity, and a rrrcat many people came, to the lectures as much to see it as to hear what a woman had to say. Women lecturers were quite a curiosity, t;o, iu those days. I used to notice that after I had finished my talk, whether on women's rights or on temperance, a great many people, women especially, would remain und come upon the platform, os tensibly to see me, but really to inspect the dress." Mrs. Uloomcr showed the reporter a cut representing herself in her younger days, attired in one of her noted costumes. A short skirt reaching to the knees, baggy, very baggy trousers gathered and frilled at ih a;ikle: a straight brimmed sailor hat, set well ' back upon the head, made up the attire from a masculine point of view. Female observation might have disclosed that the skLrt and waist were of one piece, and that the sleeves of the waist were full and slashed, and gathered and frliled at the wrists. Close scrutiny and a reversal of tho picture might possibly have led to the discovery that a bustle was not part of the attire. This point, however, can he left to those ladies who have been accustomed to cnlisthenic exorcises and surf bathing, -Omaha Herald. ulo of 1'nteut Medicines. Proprietary me-lieines spring up by the dozen every elay, but you seldom hoar of any outside those manufactured in your own section of the country. Every prepar ation is born under a lucky or unlucky star, & they seem to succeed or perish regardless of the enei'y pr money pos sessed by the men who are Interested iu pushing their sale. None succeed without advertising, although millions have been spent in puffing medicines that never sold the original stock shipped to wholesaje druggists. Jt is a game of chance where you cannot estimate the risk. Results cut very little figure with the salesmen, for if the stulT will sell it will go off their hands with scarcely an effort, because their best customers are the chronic in valids, wiiq are thicker than flies around a molasses cake. - Nevertheless, I would prefer to ta kh a new medicine out on the road than handle any of the old ones which have been ad vertised from the cliffs of the Paci ic const to the rocky banks of Labrador. Ameri cans are experiment.uive, aud X7il buy a new nostrum without any recommenda tion, for the simple reason that they have heard nothing against it. St. Louis leads the country in sales cf quinine, malarial specific and bilious antidotes, and some of : iio local manufacturers will clear millions i'roni two articles that originated here within tho last two years, but jvhich nrii .drtady be diming to elicit notice Gcorgb Haskell. i:t--.iit- of Overtraining. T'.ieiv is ma aspect cf tl.e Sullivan Mitchell light which is so far devoid of bi ui.ihty as to be cf public interest ; this is, thai ;'.;-:r,a Sveiuinly in superb physt eal ccnt1i:?oa may, in reality, be so lY.r overtrained, as it ii termed, as to have he -i d.'privcd of his staying powers. N.-'tnrj .supplies to us certain quantities of tissue, which may seem to the ci-i'L.-.l ee of cue who looks only at tho ou".sh:j to be an incumbrance, which saor.l.l be reJr.ccd by careful training; but i: may turn out that in thus bringing tho human organism down to a mass of b v.ie r.nd muscle the trainer will deprive tho hotly of the food that it needs to make go.?d the waste of physical energy. A ma a thus prepared may bo well fitted for a S 'W.-f. but entirely unable to keep up iind'.r long continued physical exertion. Boston Herald. Cl!Ulrens Cndcrjjarmeiits. For undergarments, tho best houses show a little woolen knitted petti coat, which has a waist like a corset cover, ar.d this buttons closely around tha body, ami is being knitted very elastic and" warm, Those who do not care for the petticoat can find little knitted chemises, which are long and double thickness over the stomach and abdomen, aii't evtry child should wear these at all seasons cf the year. Elastic suspenders for tho stockings should also be worn in stead cf fastening them by cny other means. Shoes for small children have no lexds, though they have what they call spring heels, which elo no injury to the tender bones r.ud muscles. Olive Harjr. LONDON LODGINGS. PLACES WHERE MANY OF THE GREAT CITY'S POOR FIND SHELTER. The Common Ixlifli'B lloime of Today Clean and fairly Comfortable The Various Cliki of 1'utrons View of an Interior A Vulef. Tho common lodging house of today Is clean ami fairly comfortable. Each house is liit-nsed to receive a certain number only; every man must have a bed to himself, and each lied must have so much spaco given to it. Tho difference in this respift may bo judged from tho fact that in one common lodging houso with which I am ucquainted a room now licensed for eleven lieds formerly contained twenty -eight. Moreover, tho law compels frequent scrubbing of fl ors and whitewashing of walls, and the slightest ease of illness must be at once reiorted to the nearest police station. Seeing tho class of customers tho proprietor has to accommo date, 3'on may imagine that the floors of the dormitories get a terrific am nut of scrub bing, with tho result that they oro far cleaner and more wholesome than the car peted rooms of many more pretentious estab lishments, where an overworked housemaid Pliers tho furiiituro with a duster, tickles tho carpet with a brown and sweeps tho fluff under tho bed. There is very keen competition in tho trade, and some houses oro naturally much better than others. As a consequence tho class of lodgers differs also. Ouo proprietor, by keeping his house as dirty a3 ho dares, se cures the patronage of ono class, vihilo an other, by making his houso as comfortable as possible, attracts men of a superior grade. But to thoroughly understand what thf common lodging houses are you must seo one. Corao tiown this narrow, unswent aud under tho weather looking street. You seo that Louse which looks us though it wcro a douLlo fronted shop with the shutters still up. That is a common lodging bouM. Tho door in the center is a swing door. Outside it a tcntlemau iu tha uupicturesquo tatters of our national costume is saioi.ing a clay pi; e, a::d with his hands thrust in his trou sers pockets is looking i:;ealy at nothing. Over the doorway at which the pen lie-man stands is tho i:iserii iio!i in while loiters on a black lioird, "Ib-gistered Lodging House. L'eds, G.jd. and 41. a TChr'nt," Lot us push tho swing door open and walk m. is i-j oroaa uayJiIii oiits:-.lc, but u:rect!y wo huvo pasu.-d the swing door wo find oar selves ahuosl ia darkneis. Tha room we cro i:i ii tho "hitL'hea," cr common room, i:i which ail tho guests cifc and take their meals, and n:r.a-;o tkemiiolvcs until "it is time to go lmst-.dr.s to Led. I cair.K f r-ny how ono of tiieso ki:che:i3 would loo:: ia tho glare of day. There is nothing to show sunbeams that they would bo l.cvpitabiy received, and so they re m.i:i out.-ido. And even there they aro snubbed, for, lest; they should ho inquisitive and try and peep in at tho lodging houso windows, tho said windows arc kept as grimy as possible oat: ide, und i:i:-:ido they aro cov ered with a coat of some dirty looking prep aration. Tho light In these kitchens, then, is gener ally of tho dim, religious order. It suits tho scene. The petplo who aro sitting on tho long forms at tho tablo, or crouching together beforo tho dull retl fire, would, sonio of them, look hideous in the full light of day. In tho red glow that tho fire throws on them, as they sit in tho darkened room, they look al most picturesque. Tho workmen who livo in these lodging houses aro not home yet. They will come ia about C o'clock. There will not bo many ia this house because it is a low house that is to say, it is a house frequented by tramps and loafers and shady customers, and more over it is a "family house," aad that means women and children to disturb tho harmony of tho evening in tho common kitchen. Tho fact that theso common lodging houses, where beds aro let out at fourpence a night, aro largely patronized by workmen in regu lar employment may astonish people who aro not behind tho scenes. But I know in some cf theso houses workingmen who have lived there for twelve and sixteen years. These men are single men and widowers, and tho houses which are for "men only" suit them much better than private lodgings would. First of all the houso is open night and day ; all day and ail night the red fire glows and is ready for a man to cook his late supper or his early breakfast at. Then there is tho society of tho other men, pipes and conversation, and nlwa3's a pal to tako a hand ot cribbage, which is the fashionablo comrnou lodging Louse game, Moreover, each man has a bed to himself, which in pri vato lodgings for working-men 13 act alwaj-s obtainable. And there is always some ouo to call him early in tho morning, in order that ho may get up and go to hi3 work, with out having to pay tho policeman on duty to throw stones at his window and veil out that it ij ''half-past 4. M Tho common lodging houso is to theso men home a::d club combined, and tho proprietor who gots this class cf men men ia steady employment tries to pleaso them, and gradually t'nsy fill his house, and then lie ex cludes c'uauco customers and troughs,1' ah'l his house becomes a regular workingmaus home. One great advantage that a man with regu lar wages f!nd3 i:i theso places i ; that ho is ! able to keep a vo!c?t. Yes, a valet. In all of theso common lodging bonnes there aro men v. uo, tor a copper or goav.ecs, : vaiet tor the aristocrats. For twopence a week paid to a poorer IV-lovy lodger tho aristocrat has j his boots blacked and his supper cooked. Iu addition to this, the valet runs his master's errands and keeps his favorite seat by tho Cre till he wants ii, a::d when there is a dis cission on any matter tho faithful valet chimes ia vlth his piaster sad is ahyays ready to back him ia any assertion he- may chooso to make. George It. bhus ia Fhiia dolphia Times. Wliy t'io liny G.ies "Wren;. The very wealth is at tho root of it alL Tho oy is indulged in money and tho eiis posltion of his lime. Iio plays billiards and car.ls all night, smokes cigarettes immoder ately, drinks whisky in proportion, indulges ia other pastimes and vices, and bribes tho servant j to lio about his comings and goings Ct home. The father, engrossed in largo af fairs, frequently has a you:g drunkard sit ting opposite him at dinner without being aware of the fact, and the mother's love is too blind to observe. Tho boy's health is dam aged, his morals strangled,' and his pocket mortgaged. He gets into all sorts of scrapes that he is ashanied of, until finally one mora outrageous than usual, and perhaps with a femalo attachment, drives him, with a mind weakened by debauchery, to despair. Then he shoots himself, and he's usually drunk when he does it Jfew Yprk Letter. Toning- It Down a Little. X was paying attention to a rich widow. "Madam," be said, as be offered her a bouquet ; "ycu grow more and more beauti ful every day." "You exaggerate, my dear sir I" exclaimed tho lady, very much flattered. "Well, thou let us say very other day." Judge. f AT A MILITARY SCHOOL. The Leavenworth 1'uplU In Kevlw In fantry, Cavalry anil Artillery. One after another they move out upon tho field, facing west, the infantry on the right and nearest us; then the battery, iu two lines, its gun carriages to the front; then tho long single rank of the cavalry battalion, stretching to tho fur southern edire of the field. Well out to the west, in front of the center, is the commanding officer with his stair, and presently, as tho white plumed adjutant gallops down tho Jine, turns toward Ids chief on reaching the center, then halts and reins about, there is a simultaneous crash as arms are presented, and a long line of steel tho sabers of the cavalry springs into air. Then review order is taken, ranks aro opened, the battery unlimbers and whirls its black miizzh?l guns to the front; an other present of the line to the exalted jiersonage who receives the review, ami is hailed with a flourish of trumpets and the simultaneous droop of all the stand ards; another movement, and tho line be comes nn open column; another com mand, and with a triumphant burst of music from the baud the whole array moves as one man; the passage in review has begun. In quick time, the band leading, they come jauntily toward us, changing direc tion at the upper corner and swinging past the animated groups of spectators. Front after front the sturdy infantry trudges by, the student officers hidden as file closers behind their companies and wishing for this occasion only that they belonged to tho cavalry atid could command and be iu front or their men instead of trailing meekly after them, as required of tho in fantry "sub. ' V.V.! th.y 1 v ih... t.. cannot by any human possibility look half so picturesque in this position as their rivals and contemporaries of the cavalry on their "prancing chargers" and in front of their platoons. All the same, they have their sympathetic admirers in tho throng, and so they pass us by. Aud then with champing bit3 and tossing manes come the platoons of horse. The battery quickens its gait on the marching flanks, and the girls wonder how thoue .g:;:i::er;- sit so straight with folded arms and never make hysterical grabs at the bars or at each other, as they would do under like circumstances. The cavalry, too, comes around at a trot, the young platoon commanders fully alive to and making the most eif their golden oppor tunity, looking vastly martial and striving not to look as though they very wcllk;.e-v just where "she" happened to stand among the groups of fair ones under the shade trees. " Down the long field goc3 the glistening Column, officer .al ter ofiicer saluting as he passes the re-viewing, point, and then the infantry reappears, tramping up the east ern edge. Like some perfected machine, the long array wheels iato line to the left, the ranks tire dressed, then brought once more to review order. Again the trumpets flourish, the standards droop, and arms clash to the present. Then comes brief rest before some one of the three com mands is summoned to the front to show what it can tlo in the maneuvers of its particular arm. It may be a stirring skirmish drill, covering the entire valley, by the bright plumed cavalry. It may be a dashing series of battery maneuvers, with much smoke, noise, and odor un limited of "the villainous saltpetre." It may be rapid evolutions of the foot bat talion; bat in each and all the student ohlccr must take his part. Charles King, U. 8. A., in Harper's Magazine. M;iUJii Konnrt at Home. "Forty dollars for a spring bonnet?" a lady was overheard to remark to a friend as she was riding elown Fifth avenue in a stage yesterday morning. "Not I. Xor $20 either. Money is worth too much for that. I haven't spent oyer 10 and not often more than ( for a bonnet since I was married. This I have on cost me just $4.27. "And I thought it was Frencli. IIo'v can you look imported when you arc really homemade?" "Oh, but. I'm not homemade. I'm jtts; as French as if I came from Paris in my little consin's big trunk. That's the beauty of the thing. My bonnet was made to order by a lxna fide French milliner ami one of the cleverest in the city, too. Yes, of course, there is a little scheme. There were a elozen of us who passed a unanimous resolution that bon nets for us, individually nnd collectively, had got to come down. We shook, hands Upon it and exchanged pledges of bon net pins. While we were discussing ways and means we heard that one of Mine. 's assistants was out of a place. Our course Was clear; Mile. Julie should work for us. We inquired, every one of 3, among our acquaintances and found plenty of women who jumped at the chance of having their hats and bonnets provided for by a milliner who would come to the house. She conies, that's ail. She works by the day or the half day, or even by the hour. She charges $5 a day. She has more yrcrk than she can attend to, anil talks of hunting up a partner. She makes more money than she elid as one of Mine. 's elesiguers. And as for us, we're going to the country this summer on our savings. We are paying for material and guwl wages for skilled labor; nothing more. And really it is a new way of self support for women, you see." Xcr Yoik Mail and Express, TIio VoJce of an Actor. The starve is not a drawing room. You cannot address l,C0O people in a theatre as you would ndtlrcss a few companions at the fireside. If the tone is pot raised, you will not ho heard; and if you do not articulate, the public , will be unabla tq follow you. So -nud-so, I am well aware, has won for himself the reputation of a natural actor by affecting the conversational tone. He scarcely pronounces one word loude than another; he let3 the ends pf his phrases sink; hesitates, ahridges, pretends to be at & loss for word3, repeats his wcrd3 two or three times over, drawls along for ten minutes and then hurries his delivery in order to arrive at the ef fect. Aud as the public i3 like Panurge'g sheep, even when it happens not to under stand, it exclaims: "Dear me! how very natural! He seems a if he were talking with his feet on his fender by his own fire side. What an actor! I did not hear what he said did you? but how. very naturally he said it I" C. Coquelin in Harper's Magazine. Four Sunday In a Weekl Friday is the Arab's Sunday, but it does not put much stop to his worldly business unless he so chooses. Then Sat turday is the Jews' Sabbath, and then comes our Sunday, on which day tho French workman continues to work, in order to take at least a half holiday on Monday. There are four days out of the seven when the visitor to Algiers runs the risk of findins n shop closed or a work man not at his post. F. A. Bridgman in Harper's. i The Piattsmouth Herald 3s enjoying aBoosaain botli its . EDITIONS. Year h r5 i Will be one during; which the subjects of national interest, ttnd importance will be strongly agitated and the election of a President will take place. 1 lie people of Cass County who would like to learn of Political, Commercial and Social Transactions of this year and would keep apace with the times should ISCH FOR KITH Kit TriE Daily or Weekly Herald. Now while we have the subject before the people we will venture to speak of our n U3 Z T Kin fly tjr Ml - ' vV JT J Which is first-class in all respects and from, which our job printers are turning out much satisfactory work. PLATfSMOUTlI. 1888 NEBRASKA.