The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 16, 1888, Image 3

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    T1IK DAH.V HKttAU). l'l.A ns.v..ui n. i.f.iiKASK A. MONDAY, AI'RII. 10. 1S8.
i ;
i "
1)1!. TALJIAOI-rs Sl-liMOX.
It CoiiiMiii-h All That In OInoxlou In
tliw Hummi Kate uikIii the Itruln
rcallitii It l'irr-it auil i:uclrc-le tha
f.ntlU with It Khu-Iiiu I'lr?.
Buomcr.v.v, April l The hymn sung
by t congregation in the Tabernacle
this morning lie-ins:
.o more l t liiiiii.'in lilxful lo spilt,
Vain luu-riflc" f, r litimuii tiili.
Professor Henry Byre Brown rendered
tin? m foml sonata in B minor by Hitter.
Having ex oiind'-d paa;;e.s c.f Scripture
in regard t" the behavior of Jteob and
Ivan, tho B.v. T. 1 Witt Tnimago, D.
1)., pn-aehed on tin- subject of Jealousv,"
tubing his text from Brovcib i,
'Jealousy is the rage of a man." lie
(Some subjects a religious teacher
touches a thou-.arid times, m,v coming
on them front one di; t ft ion. now from
an tl:j- I i 1 1 1 lu re is a Bil.l.- ln.
for Koi i re.; on i-s It f t teclolully jiloiic.
Till morning a'dng your pr-iy-r; in
tli slr'c-ig'ii of (hid, I want to grnj ;,'e it.
There is an oM sin, h.-.-gir, I, fmion.-. roils an 1 diab.nii that h;s f.i
ages w.ili 1 and rravi lei tin- caidi. It
f'Ollli in- -s all tl... I IS o'..H. hih ia tl.o
races, ijiia'lriiT'-'lal. ornitholog
ical . r p'iii.wi and hwriili-. horned,
tusked, hefed, funged, i-;ii;;:i-.l: tin- eve
of a h:i-ik.k, the l ii of an adler, lbe
j iw.h .f a (TM-i.hli-. 1 1 1 ; - cru bing folds of
an n::ae. .nd.t. the of a soori-n,
the tonsil- of a cobra and t'r- coil of the
worm that never ! it It is i i every
community, in every church, i.'i c ry
legislative liail, in every jnojn.-l.1r3- insti
tution, in every drawing room leve-o, i.i
pvcry litt-rary and professional circh
It wlli-iJKT't, It his.M-S, it liiv-i, it
dt-bani lif-t, it blasphemes, it damns.
Jly text names it when it fays
"Jealousy is tin- rage of a ni-in." It i.n
jprief at tli--suit-riority .f tl tiers; tlu-ir
s'.ijcrifrity in l.iiijit, or wealth, or tioauty,
4r -J.'ant-(., tr virtue, or mK-ial, or r.-ft-siorcd.
tr J I i t i 1 1 rt-c-tisiiiimi. It i
ihf hli.l'toW of tllit-r's hllCL-f". It
i.s tlii? sltivt-r in tnr i-I;v;ik l-c-t-au--it
i.s not as fat :..- .-: no 0:1. t-I.-t-'s jot !;t t
liiitik. It ii tlio tHTii.- in our to:i;;lu ln'
faust? it i II. t as t-lo.j;n nt its wm o:.t.'
t'lst-'s ton.if. It is t!i-; il'titr in om
roi.'s litf.iu-.- tlu-y aru n-.t as l'.itrt!it as
goni" 'it? vlf'a roiMM. It is tlio t-artli-4jiiakt
undt-r onr lioiiao ln-cau-se it is not
11s many fft front ami tL-ep as our
iH-ii;!iltr8 Ku::.i It is tht! tlmndcr of
other jn.-ijj!os jh-'pularjiy r.oiirins? tho milk
cf our kin lnt-ss. It ii tin father a::d
11 mt Iter !oth of onodialf tf the ttis.-.-nt4 nt
anl utra.os and detractions anil bank
ruptcies au 1 crimed ami woes of the
Jmiiian race.
It was antetliluvian as-much a.s it i.?
jK-jstdiiuvian. It put a rouh stick in the
Jiando 01 ilia first boy that was ever loru
cind sai l to him: "Now Cain, when
Abe! is looking the other way, crush in
his skn!l; f-r his baerilico has been cc
cejtel and yours rejected." And Cain
j'ieked nj the stick as though just to
Wfclk with it, and while Abel was watch- j
ins s'nc' birtl in the tree top, or gazing
at w)ui(? waterfall, down came the blow
of the first jiv-assmation. which ha.s lul l
its echo in a tJ)? fratricides, matricides,
uxorii-i.ics, ho.rucd"5, infanticides, and
T.-?;iciiIes of ad acs fci:-J all nations.
This passion of jealousy 5-J disturb! Cal
igula at the i'1-omineiico of some cf tLv
men of his time, that ho cut a much ad
mired curl from, the brow of Cincin
uatus, ami took f he embroidered collar
from the neck of Torquatus. and had
Ptolomaeus killed because of his purple
robe, which attractetl too much attention.
After Colnrn'jUj hat I placed America nS
a sem in the Spanish crown, jealousy set
on the Spanish courtiers to tlejreclute I1L3
achievement, and aroused animosities
till tho great discoverer had his heart
broken. Urged 011 by this bad passion,
Dionvsiuj r.yed Plato K-cau-e he was th:m I-i'm-; !f. and I'iiiloxenius be
cause bis tnui'? was to poriilar. Jeal-
o.isy m.'ule Korah
lie aioKt 2-loses and
iuect t 1 1 dei ,1VC 5 ;1 ts
Jealousy made
the trouble between
Jacob an 1 Ij.
into th? I 'it.
iu. That hurled Joseph
i. That Ftruck thj tv.-enty-wfi'.m
!s into Ji;!i;h C;v-sur.
1 Aii-.ii.ies. That ilr. d An
three f. t it
That banU'i
ton v av ii::-f Cicero, litx-rius ex;.:vl cr.
arcidlect beeau-eof the fame h f,:t for
.a ln?autifal porch, and t-!ev a poet for lil
f.nt; traed v. Th:.t set in a rao
siirniusJ David. How graphically t.;-;
li.i!e p:JU it when it snys: "oaul eye I
D.tvid." It fc--"ins to tako pos-o. . iv. :i of
K.tli eves and n?uktj t! t-m tl..-h i burn
like two purtli-irt ot h-'.:. S.-.'d eyed
David." That js, lie lived at nfiu as
much as to s.iy: "Y01 little upUrt, Jiow
dare you nttompt anjlhin; pvr.l? I
wiii f-ind you under my bed. I will ex
terminate you. I will, you miserable Crunch, crawj. slink into
that raihole. I will teach thoe women
to king tome other son, instead of t?aul
litis slain his thousands but David 4ii3
teu of tlumsau Is.'" When Voltaire
liear.i Ol: 1'io-lerick the Great was for
jgettin hiiu u 1 putti: hij literary ad
miration on IJ-K-iu'ard u'Arnpud. thec;J
infidel leaped out of .bis bed and dance J
it he llor in a uain.ual r.t.-f, and ordered
Jiis swifti-t horves hooked up to cairy
liuu t the Prussian j alace.
That !o.-picable rus.-i--:i of jenl.v.isy led
Kaio'eon 1 to leave i:i his wii a U"'-qu.-st
of o.00'. francs to th? rafdun who
lt..tat Vel!ington when tho victor of
Vat-rho was asing throu -h Paris.
That fct;itioned the prouty elder l:rot!ier
it t'e.' hack door of the homestead when
the Pro !i;al fon returned, and threw a
4-hiil on the family reunion w Idle th-it brother complained, saying: "Who
tcver heard of giving roast veal to such a
j-iro'Jigat Aye. that passion rose up and
under the darkest cloud that ever shad
owed tlie earth and amid the loudest
thunder that ever shook the mountains,
rnd ami 1 the wildest Hash ot lightning
lnvin'rMt. r.nfure that Heaven could dele- 1
that ever blinded or stunned the nations, back and crippled oy older ministers who
hung up on t wo pieces of rough lumber ; look askance at these jasing evangelists,
lnck of Jerusalem the kindest, purest, ! They are snubbed..- They are joIed.
gate, 'ami stopped not until there was no suggested to them that they had better
jiowt-r left in hammer or bramble or know their place. If here and there one
Ravelin, to hurt tho dead Son of God. j with more nerve and brain and consccra
That passion of jealousy, livid, hungry, ' tion and divine force go past the seniors
unbalked. rages (u, and it r. v,- p.iercc? v. ho want to keep the chief places,
the earth liko a fiery diameter and en- tho young are advised in the words of
circles it like a fierv circumference. Ifc Scripture: "Tarry at-Jericho till their
tvauU both hemispheres. It wants tho l beards are grown." They are charged
lieareca. It would, if it could, capture
the palace or uml, and dethrone Jehovah,
ami chidn tho Ahniirhty in eternal exile.
and lifter the demolition of the universo
would cry: '-Satisfied at last, here I am:
Alonef th? undisputed and everlasting I,
lie, Mine, Myself." That paw-iou keeps
till I.urojx' ierturied. .atioiis jealous
of Germany, of Ihigland, of Pussia. and
thos? j-alotis of :. h other, and all of
them jealous of America.
In our laud this passion of jealousy
keeps all the polilieal world aboil. Then?
are tit leaat ."ioO nople who are jealous of
Governor Hill and would like to lx? his
Micccrsor, about H.OOO who are jealous
of ( j rover Cleveland and would like to
relieve him of the cares of office, and
after tins nominations of next summer
have been made a whole pand'-iiioniuiu
of defamation, f.currility, hatred, re
venge, fal-M-hood. profanity and mis
representation v. ill lie turned upon thi-i
land. The tarilF, almut the or
lowering or reformation of w hich many
of them care nothing except as to its
ei'eet (ii vote:;, will "ot? diM-uv.sed from a
t !.- ii -ami j'l.itforiiis. ;iml the jieoplo t.f
Ioiii.-iana will be tf d. I that the taxes
n-.ust It- taki n .r Migar, (he pettplt; of
irginia will ! t"ltl tiiat the laxe.s must
lt; talo n off to'iaccn, and the M-opI" t.f
Pi nii.-j.lvani.i will bet .ldthat thelaxes
iuiL-t be taken oil in:i. and the J.oop!o.f
Keiitui ky v.iil be told that the taxes
lull.-1 If taken oil whi. !:y, and the p-eoplt?
1 Ohio that the taxes mu.-t 1h talo n i'.T
w.l, while ?.!a-.-achu:oUs and t'nnecti
cut wid ltt pioini-w d proteclion for iiiauu
faetures, and all tho monetary interests,
north, south, east and west will l? told
i,i eaeh m ighlxti hootl that the taxes and
taiiif will U fixed to Miit tlivm, irre
s, clive of anylnidy else; and, the presi
K '.tial t h-ction over, all will settle down
as it was UTore. If you think that nil
this ui-'cii-isina in public places i.i from
any de.dre. of tho welfare .f the dear
pi'.pleaad not for pcditical efi'ect, you
are j;rievtu.dy mi -taken.
G into all occupations and professions,
and if von want to know ho v.- much
b mis y is yet to In- extirpated, ask
er is what !hr-v think of each
er's b:ics, and meiehants whac tht ir
nien is cf mt-rchio.ts in the same line
of hii-iiicss in the Kiine ttret t,
tloclors v hat the' think of doctors, ami
lawyers what they think of lawyers, and
niinitf rs what they think of niim-.tcrs,
a ::tl artists what they thi.ik of artists.
As long as men anil women in any de
partment keep tlown ami bavo a hard
struggle, they will be faintly praised and
the remark wiil be: 'Oh, yes; he is a
gtvd. clever sort t.f n fellow.'' '-She is
rather, yes, somewhat, quiet well, I
may say, tolerably nice kind of a
wo. P.ufc let him or her pet a
hule too hiuh and ofF g'Xs the aspiring
he.T 1 by social or commercial decapitation
Peine ml er that envv dwells more o
pmrdl deficit! of character than on great
forces, makes ir.ore of the fact that
ltomilian amused himself by transfixing
flies with his penknife than of bis great
conquests; of the fact that Handel was a
glutton than of the fact that he created im
perishable oratorios; more of Coleridge's
opium habit than of I113 writing "Christ-alx-l"
ami "The Ancient Mariner ;' more
of the fact that Addison drank too much
thin of the fact that he wa3 the author
of ' The Spo.i&tor -".more of a man's pec
cadllioed than of his mighty unergj--fi,
more of his defeats than of his victories.
Ixiok at tho pacred and heaven de
scended science of healing, imd then sea
Dr. Mackenzie, tho English surgeon, who
prolonged the life of the crown prince of
German' until ho became emperor, and
1 hop; m-iy vet cure him. so that he may
for many years g.ivoTi; that magnificent
German nation, than which mens is i;
grander. Yet so great are the medical
jeaiuiv-i'es that Dr. Mackenzie dare not
walk the siicct of Berlin. He is under
military guard. The tnr.Oipnl students
of Germany can hardly keep their naudo
oil cf him. The old doctors of Ger-
many are writhing with
The fact is. that iu sjiving Fred
erick's hfa Dr. Mackenzie saved the
peace of Europe. Thei a was not an in
telligent man on cither side the Kt-an that
did net fear for the result if the thro::e
parsed from wise and good old Empuor
Vitliam to his inexperienced grandson.
E.Jt when, uiider the medical treat ment
of Dr., th Crown Prince
rre lerlck tosik Hie- ti.rrrr:'?. a wave of sat
i -faction and confidence roi'.t a o-.;.r
Chro.-ndom. A'V' shall the v. orld do
w i:h theci'jutjr who save 1 his life? "Oh,"
eri 1 out the medical jer.loys'es of Europe.
"D-j.-tri-.y hini; of course, destroy him.'' a brutal "eene of jealousy we had
in this country when Pitsidetit: Garfield
I. y dying. There were faithful phy-j--;;"j3
that s: crhleo.! their other practice saciificed their health for uii time in
fidelltr to that deathled. Drs. Dliss and
II. :Tr.:l:on an-l Agnew wout through
aniicti md tciis an.l fatigues such as
none but God coutu .;.;:rr?care. Nothing
pI?a?J many of the medical jitoitssioit.
The doctors ia charge did nothing right,
Vv'e w;.7 tlid not se the case knew better
than the.;."' v :si abused over it in the
sick ro-.m : ranny weeks. I, .;? P-over
bad auyt iing worse than a run round on
my tiiun:b, which seemed to mo at the
thus was worthy all th attenfjon of the
entire medical fraternity, had my ov-n
iJc-as as to how tlw j,rfsidc-nt ought to be
treated.. And ia proportion aa plsysiciafis
and laymen were ignorant of the case,
they wen? ure the treatment practiced
was a mistake. And when iu p-ost raor
ter.; the built t drop;ed out cf a uiu'erer.t
T art of the lxdy from that i;i which it
s suppose to have been lodged, cbout
2!--"i.00l) people shouted, "I told you so."
"There, I knew it all the time." There
are kinn- qtwtors in all cities who would
rathtr hare t'. o jtificnt die under tho
treatment of their own schools than iiave
tl-.em get well under some other jathy.
Yea; look at the clerical profession. I
am sorry to say that in matters cf jeal
ousy it is no better than other profes
sions. There are now in all denomina
tions a great many young clergymen
who have a faculty for EU-erior useful
ness. But thev are kept down and kept
They are patronizingly advised. It is
with nensalionalism. They nro corn
pared to rtickets that go up in a blaze
ami (Dino tlown Kticks, anil the brevity
of their career is jubilantly prophesied.
If it Ik? a denomination with bishops, a
bidiop is implored to hit tlown heavily on
the man w ho will not bo molded ; or if
a denomination without bislnts, omo of
tin? older nit 11, with no'hing mora than
their own natural heaviness and th'H
logieal avoirdupois, tiro advised to fiat
ten out the innovator. In conferences
and pre.-'i. t eiies and associations and
conventions there is often seen the most
damnable jealousy. Such ecclesiastical
tyrants would not admit that jealousy
had any lHisse.-.sion of them, and they
take 011 a heavenly nir, ami talk sw-et.-t
oil and sugar plums and bahn of a thou
sand flowers, and roll up their ees with
an air of unctuous sancity, when they
simply mean the destruction of those
over whom they pray and snutlle. There
are ca:-es w here ministers of religion are
tier, tict ami criminal, and they must be
put out.
But, in the majority of cases that I
have witnessed in ecclesiastical trials,
there is a jealous attempt to keep nu a
from surpassing their theological fellows,
and as at the presidential elections in
country places the joople have a barlx-cue
which is a roasted ox round which the
pi-ople dance with knives, cutting oil a
slice hi re, nml pulling out a rib thert
and sawing olf a beefsteak yonaer, u;id
having a high time so most of tho
denominations of Chri-tiar.s keep on hand
a barbecue in which some minister
is rousted, while the church courts
dance around with their sharp knives
of attack, and one takes tin ear,
another a hand, another a feot, ami it is
hard to tell whether the ecclesiastical
plaiutiir.s t.f this work I or tho demons of
tin? nether world most enjoy it. Albe" t
l!aiii"s, than whom no man ha! accom
plished more gcotl in the last 1,000 years,
was decreet 1 to sit silent for a year in the
Iew of his own church while some one else
occupied his pulpit, the pretended olic-nse
that ho did not lwiieve iu a limited atone
ment, but the real olien ;a the fact that
Jill the men who tried !.im put together
won lil not equal one Albert Barnes.
Yes; amid all professions and businesses
ami occupations and trades, and amid
a'l circles needs to be heart I what God
says in regard to envy r.nd jealousy,
which, though not exactly tho same, aie
twins.: "Envy is the rottenness of tho
bone;" ""Where envy and strife is, there
i.s confusion and every evil work;''
"Jealousy is tho rage of a man." My
hearers, if this evil passion is in any tf
your souls, cry mightily unto God for its
expuision. ljt whieji has downed
kings and emjierors and apostles mid re
formers and ministers of religion and
thousands of good men and women, is
too mighty for you to contend against
unaided. The evil has so many roots, of
such infinite convolution, that nothing
bit the enginery cf omnipotence
can pull it out. Tradition says that when
Moses lifted up 111s hand to prav it was
all encrusted with manna, ami no sooner
do you pray than you are helped. Awey
with tho accursed, stoncnfal, biackemng,
damning crime of jealousy. Allow it to
stay and ifc will eat up and carry ole nil
tho religion von can 1 ack into vdur soul
for the next half century. It will do you
more harm than it does any one it leads
you to assail. It wiii deludo vou with
too it tea mat you can ?uut yeirrsel?
by pulling somebody -ke down. ' Ye.ii
will make more out of the success cf
others than out of their misfortunes.
Speak weii or overybtdy. Stub no mao
in the back. Be a honey leo rather than
a spider; le a dove rather than a buzzard.
Surely this world is large enough for
you and all your rivals. God has given
you a vr:?rk to do Go ahead and do ir.
Mind your own business, in nil circlet-,
in all businesses, in all professions, there
is room for straightforward successes.
Jealousy entertained will not only bo
dwarf your sold, ".it it will flatten your
skull, bemoan your eye, put pinchedness
t.f look about your nostril, give a bud
curl to the lip, and expel from your face
the tiivin-: image in wjrif h you were
created. When you hear a man or woiur
an a.bu.-ed, drive in on the defendant'
tide. "Watch for excelh-nces in other,
rather than for defects, morning glories
m-.tead cf nltrht:.h:ule. If some one is
more beautiful than you, thank Gixl that
you hav e not so many jtM ils of vanity to
contend with. If some one has more
wealth ihan ynv, thank God that you
have not 0 great stewardship to anv,vt r
for. If some on? i.s higher up in social
position, thank God that those who are
down neeu not fear a fall. If come cno
gets higher offices in church or btnlv,
than you, thank God there are not so
many t-i wish for td;o hastening on of
your obsequies,
The Duko of Dantzig in luxurious
apartments was visited by a plain friend,
and to keep his friend from jealousy, tho
duke said: "Yea can have ail I have if
you will stand twenty paces olf and let
me' fchoOL at vc; iOG times.-' 'i'Cu,
no,"c;udhis friend. "Well," said the
duke, "to gain all my honors I faced on
the battle Cld more than 1,000 gun
ohct? fired not more than ten pacc3 off."
A minister of small congregation com;
plainedo a minister of large congrega
tion about the sprtrsor.ecn of his attendants
Ah," said the one of largo audience,
"m eoti, you will find hi ihe day u
judgment that you had quite enough
people for whom to be held accountable."
Substitute for jealousy an elevating
eaiulation. Seeing others good, let us
try to be better. (Seeing others industri
ous, let us work more hours. (Seeing
others benevolent, let us resolve on giv
ing larger percentages of our means for
charitv. Mav God put congratulations
for others into our right hand and cheers ;
on our lips for those who do brave -and j
useful things. Life is short at the long-
est; let it ad be filled up with help
fulness for others, work and sympathy
for each other's misfortunes, and
our arms be full of white mantles
to cover up the mistakes and failures of j
others. If an evil repoi-t about some one
come to us, let us put on it most favor- I
able construction, as the Phone enters i
Lake Lcmau foul and comes out crystal- j
line. Do not build so much on the tran- j
fcitory differences cf this world, for soon .
it will make no difference to us whether j
we had $10,000,000 or ten cents, and the j
ashe3 into which the tongue of Dernos-
thenese dissolved are just like the ashes .
iuto which tho tongue of the veriest stam- j
merer wnt.
If you are assailed by jealousy make i
no answer. Take ifc as a compliiuent, :
for people nro never j"alou of a failure.
Until your work is done you are invul-
neraele. Itememlior how our Lord lx
haved under fuch exasperations. Did
they not try to catch him in his word?
Did they not t all him the victim of in
toxicants? Did they not misinterpret lihu
from tho winter of the year 1 tothe sprirg
of tho year that is, from his first infant
ile cry to the last groan of his i.;- s;fi:a
tion? Yet he answered not a we;l!
But so far from demolishing either his
mission or his good name, after near
nineteen centuries lie outranks every
thing under the skies, and is second to
none above them, and tho archangel
makes salaam at His foot.-tool. Christ's
bloody antagonists thought that they
had finished Hiui when they wrote over
tho cross His accusation in hree lan
guages, Hebrew and Greek and Latin, not
realizing that they were by that net
introducing Him to all nations, since
Hebrew is tho holiest language, ami
Greek tho wisest of tongues, and Latin
tho widest sjioken.
You are not the first man who had Iim
faults li Mked at through a microscope
and his virtues through tho wrong end of
a t. lescope. Pharaoh had tin? chief
bailer and baker endungeoiied, and
tradition savs that all the bti'Ier had
done was to allow a fly in the king's cup,
and all the baker had done was to leave
a gravel in the king's bread. Tiiu world
has the habit of making a great ado
about what you do wrong and forgetting
to say anything alxmt what v-ou do right,
but the same God will take care of
you who provided for Merlin, tho
Christian martyr, v.l .: J f :. "., ,
his pursuers in a hay mow in
Paris, and a lien came and laid an egg
t-io-e by him every morning, thus keep
ing him from starvation. Blessed are
they that are jiersecuted, although jerse
cution is a severe cataplasm. Ointment
mav t mat t the wound before heakntr it.
j What a soft pillow to die on if when we
leave the worid we can feel that
though 1,000 people may have wronged
us, we have wronged 110 one; or, having
made envious anil jealous attack oa
others, wc have repented of the sin and
as far as possible made reparation. 'The
good resolution of Timothy Poland, in
his quaint hut exquisite hymn, entitled
"Most An' Day," we might well unani
mously adopt;
We'll keep nil i l;;lit and pool within.
Our work wiil then lo free from sin;
Upi i.T'iit we'll walk through thick and tUia
Straight cr. cur way.
Dw.l just with ii'.l; the prize we'll wia
ilobt aay iluy.
When h3 who mnile all thinps just rilit
Shall call 113 henca to realms of lijjl't,
lie it morn or noon or e'eu or nighf,,
W will elicyi
We'll lio iu-ej.ared 10 take our flight
Most any day.
Our lamps we'll fill brim full of oil
Timt's ffooil nn-1 pure, that would not spoil,
And keep them burning all the whi'o
To light our way;
Our work all douo, we'll quit tho soil
Most any day.
The guards about the Bank of England
have been increased.
There are said to bo several gypsies in
New York that are worth over $100, J'jO
Crematoriums are to bo opened in
Turin, San Penio, Bologna a.-id other
Italian cities.
An author in sev York i-i going to
give a reading to consist entirely of
poems, nu animals, the proceeds of which
are to be applied to the fund for a monu
ment to the late Henry Bcrgh.
At a fashionable echoed in Washington
nail culture i.s almost a part of tho curri
culum, ami the boarder; arc viuii-.-d
regularly by a manicure and instructed
in the mysteries of ungual adornment.
ir.iong the Japanese engravings which
are now exhibited in London is .one in
which is shown a little boy exposing his
l.t'dy to the attacks pf musquitocs, to
that his part-nts may be spared the bites.
Bald mountain, in North Carolina, is
ii.atri showing signs c commotion in iis
interior. People living near it think that
ir is r.-.Hy a f-lttmU-ri-g volcano, and ex
pect some day to see it burst out with a
ilood of lava.
A Boston orphan asylum has received
a gift from a truly conscientious bache
lor. He said that it was the duty of
every man to support a family, and, as
ho had never married and was not able
to pe rform that' duty, ho wished to give
to the orphan asylum enough monev to
support tivo orphans,
One of the wrinkles among fashionable
women during the. coining summer wiii
he to carry telescopes, Jiany strong tilt-scopes,
made so that they can be car
ried in a small compass, have been pur
chased to be used at seaside resorts and
in traveling. It lias been in vogue abroad
for some time, but is just being intro
duced here.
The Preach Radicals are beginning to
growl over the magnificence of French
bishops. Investigation has shown that
the bishop of Constance has thirty-throe
chambers for his personal use in his pal
ace, ninety-four for his assistants, and
twenty-four kitchens, all manned "wj'.ij
chefs. Tho bishop of Angers has eight;
kitchens in his pa lacs antl about i-"i
rooms for himself and assistants, 'flic
bishop of Bourges has ten sumptuous
saious besides his private apartments.
The Radicals want their salaries stopped.
rrcacliintr Under OifflouUii;.
A curious case of the pursuit of preach
ing under difficulties came under my
uotice. In a country church in tho re
mote districts of the west of England a
swarm of bees - had taken up their
quarters in the oaken woodwork at the
back of the pulrit, to the dismay and
discomfort of the weekly occupant of
that structure. During the discharge, of
his peculiar function he was not only
annoyed with the busy sullen roar of tho
hive, but his fear of arousing their
animosity by the loud challenge cf his
tones, or by the vibration of the pulpit,
was stimulated by the light skirmishers
which used to come out and perform all
sorts of minatory maneuvers within
reasonable distance of his nose. The
annoyance at length became intolerable,
and orders were given to smoke cut the
bees. This was effectually done; but,
unfortunately, the clerk in smoking cut
the bees set fire to the church, and it was
turned to the giouad. Chambers' Jour
uaL .
Dlattsmouth Herald
Is ri joying a.
17 ca fya
-EL vocJL
Will be 011c during1 which tho suhjecU of
national interest: and ir,i,oi lance will he
strongly agitated and the election of a
President w-ill take place. 'J he people of
Cass County who would like to learu of
Political, Commercial
and Social Transactions
of this year and wor.hl keep apace with
the times should
or Weekly Herald,
IS'ow while we have the subject before tho
people we will venture to hy.euk ot our
1 R
3.9 Mia s y
53 2
BiLflJM IJ nmMKlMu
fe?4v?- sKihii !5--S-sd
"Which is iirst-class in all respects and
from which otiK-job printers are turning
out much satisfactory work.
23 0022a. ia both, its
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