FIICST YI3AII 1IjATT.S3IOUTII, MSIiUASIvA, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL. 14, 18SS. NUMIJEIi 170 GI'i;Y" OKl'IGHlS. Mayor, I ni, Tr -ur-r. AH iriu-y, Kii-jlm-r. I'..i.; i .1 I lX". M.uliM. Couiivtl'iie'i, I-'. v inl, i( 4i n . . I-..X - J r. I'A I l v ' N, ''- n i: i. a it u - A .M i-).k S i.l l i;l W II 'AI.I K ) .1 V Mi r K II A AI.'-rU:i ) I .M .1 1 I - III:. S II ll-.M AN j M ! Ml ! I'll V S V I ) I : i I N il os n't u i:. i- M C i.i.k n. I'i:..h : ).l V .1 ' N H ,' II A I f It -'.! ;. KK If II IIav. K-TAoli I II GOUjX'l'Y OKKIGK1JS. Treasurer. Iiuty l'i.:.nurer, - Clerk. 1 input y t'li-rk. Recorder of li-eds lnoiuy K ;; 'I'T VlrTK of Ol-tnct Co irf, Sli.-rllT. -Surveyor. -Attorney. 8upt. ol Cub. School. County Julio!. IIOAKP OF Hl'fK A. B. Todd, LOUIS Ki'LTZ, CU'lll., A. It. Dt k.hij.s. I. A. Cami-hkm. TlllM. I'lM.I.OlK I' I It l 4 HI II II K I Fl.ll K. a I ki inn i ki.i V. II. I'.m.i. .I l l n M l.t. i a W. C SHOW All t- K I J. O. Kl KKNHAHY A. M A In I.K Al. I.K.N I4KKS...N Mavxa'ik Si-ink O. Kl'sskll. UV lsnus. riattsliiouth Weepinii WhIit K.mwood CIVIC SOGIJVlS. CI ASH I.OUl.K No. Hi;. I O. O. F. -Meets 'every Taw-day evening of eaeh week. All transient brothers are respectfully iuvited to attend. 1H.ATTMOUTII KXCAMI'-MKNT No. :. I. . O Y.. " every a'ternate l-riday in each liiontli i" ' Mamnie Hall bating Urol hers are Invited to iittciul. rpitlO I.ODCK X. A. O. V. W.-.M fits fverv :il'i-r:nl l-'ricl:ty trveiiinu iit K . of 1 . h ill. TranMf'it ItoIIhh an ri'spi-ctliiily iu- Yiteil t ;t' K. l M .14 m.-M islfi 'A ..i" -tii ; K S ll'ir-tow. Fori- r:m ; Kr;mk I'.ro vn. Ov-r- net-r ; I- IViwiti. :ui.i; ;'i; llounworln. JteoriliT ; II. .1. .lohiisiiii. I-i:i:i'ii'it'r ; Wa-li. Hulil". K'ivir ; M. M:i lirulil . Iift M. NV . ; Jai-k ;ui-h i t j . 1' t.u:tn:. ivss cvMi Nn.;i;.'. M M;:i:N voodmf.n tv'of V itt.-i-l.-1 Mi-'-'s -ooii.l :i:n! fmn tii Mun day vi-!.i:m :it K. of f. Itall All liuli-i'iil lrot!lfr- an ivi.i'-slil lo ln--' Willi u. J.. A. Nwi iifr. Vfit-r tl n-iil ; 'i. . ';-. Worthy A'i.i-'T ; 1). H. Siiiitu, fcx-li.mki-r ; " C. Wiil. tts, CU-iJi. 1i7vrr.sii'rn i.oik.i: n. h. a.. r. v. !-! evi-ry :tlt'n;;.H' 1'ii'i.iy v.-:i im t Kockwooilln:::';! So il""-. All I r:i:.sii-.t l.i"t. er are rfMHtful!y initil :itti ii-t. Larson, M. W. ; K. ISoy.l, Foifliian : S. t Wllile. Ueconler ; Loon.ii a Anderson. vt;if'r. McCUNIHIE POST 45 C, A. R- HOST Kit. .t w .Tohso.v ...;on)ii!aiid r. K. a. Ha rics i;. Nii.k.h Hznkv srniiciiir. AUS IIX.N Cu Mtt-KH Fii:i AXDKIlMiN Kit .lAIMll ;i'B .till AV. L. r. CuitTM We-rin Satur.lAy eveiua ...Hi-iitor Vice ...j!i:nor " Adj.itai t :.: j.M. oliu-erof f li i.i Hiiatil .'.'.". ..'. Pt-rt Major. ..iJaarJiT Mas; or Scri-'t. ,.,..rosl l.liai'..:" ra. IIROWNE, V -ronil At'i-iitivyii toa-1 r.i;sl:i"JH i:ufui to my care. T';tl- V. r.ii Vli.fa'i't I 'o;iJ;!!f I, Itt- surauiv V.'riltiii. fal l--t-t Sol J. RotUT raci'.it.i-H for inaUi'i K.n:a ii.i'.i-1 tHa'' 4i " , . L' urglary. Li.ncoln, Ntli., April 14. A burglar ctitcrcil tlio housj of Joint Layno, a ci.ii tratt(r, last niylit, Mi l htolo a uit of clothe.i, yoUl watcii ami chain, a clic-ck eti tin.' SUtt: ttuliotial bauk for $M'-l, !:' a!L' to Jul. n L'uic, anil a b ink book. A liberal rcwaul U oITircd for bin atnst. A Bnk Robbed. .St. JoiiNsviLi.t:, N. Y., Siill4 The Fir', national bank was rcbbi'd betwri-u 12 and ii o'clock ytstcday uioiuinj. Entrance was tffccU-d tlirotigli tli back window. The burglars blew off he vault and fafe doors and carried off lcm than f an $10,000 in cash, $!20 in un signed billn, a fobl watch and chain, valued at $7-i, toctlu-r witli other jew elry left at the bank for safe keeping. Xo trace of the burglars has been discoy-t-red. The Nebraska Central Bridg. "Washington, April 11. The bill au thorizing the Nebraska Central railroad company to construct a bridge across the Missouri riyer at Omaha was reported in the lioiist; today nud referred to the pri vate calendar. As the accompanying committee findings say that thero is no objection to the measure except those made by the Union Pacific it is sure to pass the house without much opposition. The Central Nebraska company wa or ganized about one year and a half ago, as an auxiliary to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, to construct an air line road from Omaha wcat through the center and most densely populated section of the s ati and at one time t he St. Paul had all nrrangeuunts about completed and was rea-ly to begin work on a bridge when the Omaha c Council Bluffs bridge company stepped in and knocked them out. K.n. SIMlM. JoltN A. PAYH.S. Notary IN.Wic. Notary i uli'.ie. I X I 11 .1 M A I A V 2 KM, Lttomoys - at - Law. Office over .'.auk 1 1 Ca-s County. PLATTSMOrril, Nkbuaska. H.E.PalmeFciSon GENERAL IKURAMCE AGENTS ll-pr35ont the following time trLvl an I lire-tested companies: Araer'icaa cy.j'r il-S. LouSs, As-.-ts $i.25a,lfH Conuneroial ITnioti-KiislatiJ. " 2.r.;T;.su Fire Aasocla ion-Philadeli-liia. 4,115,57c Franklin-riii'.a.'.i-lrM.i, " 3,117,10t; Home-New York. " 7.8-.5.SI 1' Irs. C , of ort'i Anieria. Phil. " 8.171302 Liverio.liLo.i.l.:i & 'ilol'e-hUij; " . c,uU.7Sl Nort nritin X- M..Te.i:it:!3-En r " 3,"?7tf,7M Korwieh lii:on-i:p.:''.:;a 1. " l,cr..t:W SpntneMF.&M.-Sia-ian-;!!. " .iHi.r5 Total Ansets. $12,113,774 AijiutnleaPciil at tills Apq LVHEN . YOU WANT Killed by a FalllnaTree. MbXico, Mo., April lo. Wont reached this city thin morning that John liuehan un, a pioiieer of this taction, fied 82 year.-, bail biea found deatl in th wootls near Thompson, with a heavy tree lying across hi bie:it. Ijuchaniin had been boarding around in the neiglitn.'iliood west of Tiioiajjson Station, chopping saw log for aliving. Oa !it Saturday m- in ing he started out na usual, buying he would return fi;r dinucr. lie did come back, however, but has he had been in the habit of spending nights at differeut houses in the locality nothing was thought of his absence until a day or two ago, when a seircli was instituted. This morn ing the body of the old man was found in a pasture, lying under u heavy tree. A Hunter's Fatal Mistake. Cjixmbia, S. C, April 13. -lien Davis, a colorad man, and twoyouug white men named Perry, went into the woods in Georgetown county, yesterday, to hunt wild turkeys. Th party seperated, and us it is customary in this kind of sport, one of the Perrys hid himself in the thick undergrowth and began gobbling like a turkey, to locate tho garne. His muta tion wai so clever that Davis, who was also bidding a few hundred feet away, mistook Perry's gobbling for that of a genuine bird and attempted to creep up on him. Perry mistook the stealthily ap proaching darky for a turkey and, firing away at hiin, the entire load of shot en tered hi3 face and breast, killing him in-stanty. r WUHi yilij -OF- CALL ON Cor. 12th aul Granite Streets. Contractor and BuHdcr Sept. 12-Cni. TAr. Conkling'tf Condition Not Im proved. N ew York. April 13. Dr. Anderson said this morning that Conkling rested will ail night and sh-j.t quite as well as the night previous IIo only awoke wlun called upon to t.tke his midicine. - The pata:it r.o lender walks the roo;ri as did tno days ago. lie gets uj) at iuter vals moves nrou:id, but not in the nervi us and excited way he formerly did. "Ha lias now pnsed out of the first acute stag-.s of tho disease," s:'.id the doctor, "and does not suffer the pain that he did at tit ;t. lie has laktn more nourishment last night than any previous night. The patient has tu't lost sixty pounds of flesh." About 10 this morning Dr. Barker is.-iutl a bulletin ?jing that Coukling passed good uiyht. lie bb pt will and his mind is clearer thi lacining. pr. Barker issu ed a bulletin tit 2:20 this afternoon, Say ing that Coukling had been sleeping quiet ly for the la.-st two hours and a half, and that there was a little improrcmcut since this morning. Dr. Anderson came out of the house at G o'clock, and when he was asked con cerning the statement of Dr Barker that Conk ling was not doing so well this afternoon, saic: "No, Conkling has lost some ground." At G:10 p. m. IInry Melville, Mr. Conkfing's law partner, came out of the house and said there was no change in Conkling's condition. T)ii family, lie s vid, were very anxious. The physicians had predicted that Conkling would be better inside of three days. The predic tion had not been fulfilled. The general impression at the Hoffman house is that Conkling's condition is more precarious than indicated in the bulletins. While some of the bulletins have been favorable, vet there seems to be a world of reset atip in all Dr. Baker ha? given out. On the other hand not a favorable bulletin has brcn issued while the distinguished patient wm "otherwise th in asleep. While awake he was verv nervous, or even worse, excited. In the r.ietplinie his streu.h z receding hourly. Today came a most unfavorable symploiu iu bis refusing to take milk, on which L; h:is subsisted, and in a nervous twitchiug of the hands. At J:oO Dr. Barker said: "Since 5:30 p. ui. there has been a change for the better, lie has given up his twitching, and now takes milk. His .wound has not been !res3ed today. I will be aafis fijd if there is no change for the worse befvre I call again at 11 p. ui., and if I then find him tliS sanie I will go home and take a good nig'it's rest. Dr. Barker called shortly after 11 i o'clock au I stsjod an hour. The patient! fell asleep bf,re the doctor left. He is still 'akin: notirishuunt without difficul ty, cofui-tjng of a little milk and whis key. His t .tuperalur? has risen slightly s-ince the doctor's previous visit, other wise lie was unchanged. Scenes in Coloml.o, Ceylon. ITero comes striding through tho press a gaunt, wild looking specter, nude to tho waist, his huge bones seeming to start through his brown, leathery skin, ami bis fiuree, black eyes glaring outf beneath a for est of shaggy hair. There, with tho slow step and stately bearing of a man who knows his own importance, comes a tail form with the shaven crown, long yellow robe, and red fan of a Buddhist priest, carrying me back in a moment to tho barbaric temples and island monasteries of Siam. Then, perched in the eastern fashion astride of its mother's hip, with her arm around it, appears a native child tho prettiest little bronze statuette imaginable with huge silver bangles glitter ing upon the dark skin of iti tiny wrists and aidiles, end all its sjMendld white teeth dis played in a constant laugh of wondering en joyment at the surrounding stir and bustle. And no it we might appropriately sing "Tho Tamils are Coining," for round the cor ner file a perfect battahca of tho famous Malabar race, whoso conquest of Ceylon ages ago is oua of the chief landmarks in irs stormy history, T'10r tuow white turbans arid spoileoS tunics look delightfully cool aud fresh in the blistering glaro of tho noonday sun; but their faces, though smooth tmd sleek as that of a Greek statue, have an un mistakable coarseness iu the outline of their broad, blunt noses ar.d thick lips which would contrast very unfavorably with the sni dl, delicate, sharply cut features of a genuine Hindoo. Next passosatail Malayintho white "baju" (jacket) and particolored "sarong"' ( fitting skirt) of his national costume, looking doubly picturosquu by contrast with the queer nondescript garb cf a group of half easto women, whose shabby black European gowns and i'.l nhaped hats add something even to tho ugliness wljieh bountiful nature has co lavishly bestowed upon them. Then ad vances a short, stout Cingalese, whoso thick black hair is gathered into a kind of club on the top of his head and fastened theto with a huse erreieent shaped couib of tortoise sheik Ceylon Cor. New York Times. O.4. M. Time Table. Modern System of Advertising. The honest system of advertising should bo but a small announcement of the offer of goods for tho information of those who desire to purchase, in such a manner that thosa who dosiro to purchase, may, by sacking, find. But in advertising as it now exists, exaggeration is piled on exaggeration, and falsehood is added to falsehood. The world is filled with monstrous Jies, and they aro thrust upon attention by every possiblo means. The mails aro filled with them. When a man opens his mail in the morning, the letter of his friend is buried among these advertising monstrosities. They are thrust under street doors, and they are offered you as you walk the streets. When you read the morning and evening papers, they are spread before you with typographic display, they are placed among the items you desire to read, and they are given false headings, and they begin with decoy headings. They aro posted upon walls, and on the fences, and on tho sidewalks, and on bulle tin boards, and the barns and housetops and the fences of all tho land are covered with them, and they are nailed to the treo and pair-ted on rocks. Thus it is that the whole civilized world- is placarded with lies, find thfl moral atmosphero of the world wreaks with the foul breath of thi3 monster of antagonistic competition. ilaj. J. W. TowelL Setter Cooks, Than Women, Not perhaps for the same reason that great chefs are men, but because one of the most striking phases of the civilization of today develops itself in that direction, men are get ting to be better cooks than women. They have always been better gastronomers. But t he man about town, the luxurious idler who breakfasts at Delmonico's, lunches at the Brunswick or at Savariu's and dines at Solaris, actually knows, as a rule, more about the constituents of the dishes on tho jnenu, and how they are put together and heated to achieve a desirable result, than any woman ho is ever likely to meet there or elsewhere. There isn t one woman m a hundred who can go into a restaurant such as those and order what a man would call "a decent mbal." Women who have traveled, sen much of life as their husbaud3 and brothers see it, owe a vast deal of their popur larity to their acquired ability to know just what's what across a table a deux. New York Pres3 "Every Day Tall;." i01N8 WH-T. No. 1, 5 :.() a in. No. 3. 0 :in i, in. No. .'. : a. in. No ".--7 :!i ,. in. No. t -- C :i . in. No. II 0 a, in. ilclMi HAS". No, 24 p. in. No. 4. 10 :.') a. m. No. ii 7 :l.' p. in. No. S.---J :f.O :i. in. No. 10.--H :-i a. in. No. . -'J :M ; . i. A 1 trains i nn daily by wav of i'malia. excei't No-. 7 and s wlneli run to and from t.ehujlvr daily tixeij.t Sunday. No. ::) is a t-t nit to 1'aHfip .linn-lion at s 30.a tn No. Vj Is a stub from I'ac-i'ic Jciietiini at 1 1 a in. Pf. OMINENT BUSINESS MEN. New Ico Men. We are now real to in tke-con ti acts to de liver ice by t he pound, inonih or season. Or ders left at .1. K. r.eau:r.el.itel's stole will re ceive prompt attention A9-dl5. II. C. I'CMAKK.V&SO.V. FOR AbE On reasonable terms my resi dence on the N. W. coiner of Klin and 11th Sts. Said property consists of liloek with a nood dory and a half house ef six rooms, two ward robes and ne pantry; (-nod well and city water ; twenty-m-ven bearing apple trees, and an abundance c.1 siua'.l of all Kinds, it P. i. 1$ VI ICS. Tines Niilits au-I Saturday Mitres OOMMliNCIXt; Tirura&ay, .pril 19. SLrPP;.ltTF,D BY A COMPANY OF MERIT KKFEUTOI UH. TMUItSnAY - - riCA'tb OFSIYOY. FRIDAY "r - - - DAD'S POY. SATURDAY - WA.VT "D A HU5B VM) Grand Family M itir.c9 at 2 p. m. Catur-lay ADMISSIONS 15. 25. 35, and 5Qcfs. As Souvnni'-s of the Oootlrich Ins;.n;e enl two S did Crold WHiclies wld bo giv-n away, ouii Saturday Matiaee. one !SHirday i ij;ht. WATERMAN OPERA HOUSE, ONE NIGHT ONLY " A Cli ALON YSCAFN V. Y YRO V. " Special en.uageiueiit of The Welsh Prize ingers, FflOJi CAUIHt F, 1VAI.CS, Nr.w making a tour of America, under the an-pices of ii:e Jtedpath Lyceum bureau, lioe toii. Tlu-Me elebra'ed artists are winners of nearly all t lift principal jiize- i.i the famous t'ryxlal I'aiac- eotnpetit'niis. boiub ii. Kiifi'aud. 1 l:eir prefisainine eensisin of Wi-Lsil !nt K -i:b!-U ULktv-, h ".eS ad :.iAiliIOAI. which are f-uns.' w'!!; ";.i'.iu--i:ts':i. fire a'id vi v ieity which n lii.t-i-!eriiia,. . Mr. Walter T. Baker, A. K. K. M., Harp VirtMO-o. ui-ib-ubted-ly the greatest harp soloist "f the world. Thie eoneerr Is f;r tiie benefit of th-J Y. b. R. R. A, itr seats S3:a am r.-s jrv it at J . f. voung e Prices, 3, CO. and 73 Cents. Dr. C. Marshall. : t'f x jsolS-i. . I " ,1 rrcservalion f iaiiuI tPCjh a sprciulty. Cccth ixtractcd n ithoul jtain hy ve of Laughing All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FlTZOFKALl' liL-CU rLiliSVOCIIl, NB GO TO Wm. Herold & Son Dry Gcaa?. Kolionf, Eoots SIigds or Ladies and Gmts FURNISHING - GOODS. He keeps as lurge and as well SELEOTFi: STOCK As can be found any place in the city and iaake jou prices ttat a-i-iy conipetiiioii. Atjentsfor Earprr's Eazer Merns ana Ea!l's Ccr?Ei. N. SULLIVAN, Attorney at Law. "Will give prompt i-.tcnt!o: to k' biifineMi n- rusted to lnai. fifties in Union Block. East udr. Hlattsiueuth, Neb. Just received two costs oc. Calico at Weckbach's. ul2-da Call and examine our Ladies Short Jackets, the latest shades. a!2d3 Tho i)iyligbt Store. -------.-.- Just after our inventory, we reduce prices to sell the goods rather than to carry over. We are willing to sell our entire Winter (Joods at cost. Staples we have a large quantity and offer the in very low. Calicos ii to 5 cents per yard, making tl.u best slandard of them nt 20 yards for 1.00. Gingham best dress styles 10 cents per yard. Dress giods all kinds at tho very lowest prices, from 5 cents per yard upward. Woolen hone we offer at cost, extra fnc. Ladies cash mere hose, worth $1.00, now 75 cents, fine heavy wool 40 cents, now 25; child ren's line ribbed woith 30, now 0. Vix dcr wear must go at low prices, ns wo will not keep them over. Our Cb'PN Silver OreyMrino Shirts a:..: .!..iio, .i..i;n.r prices 50 now J55. Our Gents Silver grey marino shirts and drawers, extra quality 75 now 5. Our Scarlet all wool shirts and draw ers fine quality $1.00 now 75 cents. Our scarlet all-wool shirts and draw ers, fine quality $1.23 now 1.00. Our scarlet all-wool shirts and draw ers, line quality $1.73 now 1,25. Oar scarlet all-wool shirts and. draw ers, fine quality $2.00 now 1.4t, Iridic' - XTiBierwear, EQUALLY AS CHEAP. Our 25 per cent, discount on clonks, ts st'dl good. We are determined to close out our entire stock and never before lias such an opportunity been offered to economical buyers to purchase the best qualities for so little money. Joseph V. Weckbacb, Ms ESQ WORT! H ! 1TOTIC As per previous "announcement, we Lad lully determined to discontinue Liisinitss in Plattsmontli ar.d so advertised accordingly and now, as satisfactory arrangements Lave Lcen perfected for tlic continuance ot same under the management of Mr. J. Finley and V.. Y. IZufF nei as Look-keeper and cashier, we herewith notify our friends and patrons of our final de cision and kindly solicit a continuance of your kind patronage, so treely extended during the past sixteen years, Ly the addition of compe tent clerical force. On account of Mr. Solomon leaving the city and Ly the adoption of the strictly One-Price System, Courteous treatment, and an elegant new Oj, lock Bed-Roek Prices, Ve trust to merit your good will and patron age. verv: respectfully, Solomon & Nathan The Hew Photograph "Will be open January All wo'' If it is real estate you want, fee Wind ham & Davics column on 6tcord page. "W- IF1 is