The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 11, 1888, Image 3

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How the Uby SkouM He l.ook-l After.
The finger X1U A College I'rUr.
1'atnlly Ioctor Kuohloit I'lutrn Hints
for the Household.
As moNt people like to have their clothes
last M long ami look as well ax ossible, a
few hint on the care of clothes may not
come amiss. All inm.t admit that clothes
that are cured for properly will outlast those
that are neglected, aside front tlii'ir also aj
pcoring lx-t tT. It doe not matter how fine
the material may lo rt which tln-y are made,
if they are dust grimed from carelessness in
brushing, or ill fitting from neglectful fold
ing or banging, they will never make oh
good an appearance as those made from a
cheaper and jx Hirer grade of cloth that has
been cared for.
There Is no color that shows the dust
sooner than Mack. If a smooth faced fabric,
the dust may be easily removed with a brush
V , broom or bristle brush, or if left some time
unbrushed, it is not of so much importance,
for it may be removed at almt any time
before using, but if the cloth is corded or
rough faced, it is of the utmost importance
that it shall io brushed thoroughly as soon
as convenient. After coming' in from out
side the clothes are very apt to retain a good
deal of the dust of the street, and at such a
time, if itossiblo, they should be brushed
thoroughly ere putting away. First, the hat
or bonnet must be brushed well, trimming
and all. If of felt or straw a hristlo brush,
such as is used for clothes, is the best, but if
cf velvet a finer one, which is made esjH-ci-ally
for such a pur?, should le useL If
it is of cloth a line corn broom w ill do very
well, and some also use this article for felt,
but generally it is too coarse, and is not as
good in any way us the bristle brush. In
brushing a felt lint or bonnet, always brush
one way to keep it looking nice.
After being caught in a rain or snow
Storm with a felt hat, and it is wet, on com
ing insifle do not put it to dry without
brushing. "With the brush liegin at the rim
and go round and round, always the one
way, brushing very hard, until the crown is
reached, brushing this in the same way until
you finish in the center the top of the crown ;
then put it away to dry and when wanted it
will look almost as good as new. Never put
a felt bat away while wet without brushing,
or it will le spotted when dry. Men's stiff
bats may bo kept looking nice if treated in
this way after being out in a storm.
If the outside garment or wrap is of smooth
or corded material, it should bo well brushed
and hung away, but if rough faced, it will
need to be taken into the air and well shaken
in addition to brushing, to remove even a
part of the dust that is sure to adhere to it.
A dress, whether rough or smooth cioth,
should be taken out into the air and shaken,
owing to its being next to impossible to get
Into the crevices of the draperies, where the
dust is certain to find a lodgment, with a
brush broom or bristle brush. Never use a
brush of any kind on a silk dress, as a piece
f woolen cloth will do the work a great deal
better, and will not injure the fabric, which
a brush generally does. It is a good plan to
bang heavy dresses and wTaps on the lino
once in a while, when a stiff wind is blowing,
which will do more toward cleansing than all
the brushing that could be given them. To
be sure, this not to be recommended for
light, delicate material, but only for such
1 goods as hold the dust. It is very imjiortant
that men's dark colored diagonal clothes
should be brushed frequently, for, if neg
lected, it will bo found impossible to remove
tho dust, and if the clothes are black, they
soon have the appearnnse of being off color
long ere they should be.
Never turn a coat inside out when hanging
it up, or you will surely ruin the set of the
collar. "Where convenient, wire frames arj
the best to use for this purpose, but lacking
these, hand the coat by the loop at the collar
with tho right side out. Never hang a dress
up inside out, but if possible allow it two
noils, 'some distance apart. Hang it with
front facing out, by the loops usually placed
on the waistband at each side breadth. This
way of hanging a dress will keep the drapery
and plaits, if there are any, in position, and
is the mode recommended by an experienced
dressmaker. Some have the loops by which
to hang up their basques on the waist line
inside of the collar, but the best authority
advises them to le sewn one under each arm.
The same nails used for the skirt are not gen
erally too far aiart, but if they should be,
one of the skirt nails, and another one driven
into the wall the distance wished for tho
basque, can be used. Hang the basqno first
and the skirt over it. To be sure, where
there is much trimming on a basque, or it is
of delicate fabric which will not bear crush
ing, it may le well to hang it alone away
from the skirt, but usually it is best to hang
both together. In a room having no closet
or wardrobe, always cover the clothes if hung
on wall with a cambric or cretonne curtain.
This plan is excellent for covering clothes in
a closet also, and will save a good deal of
wear from brushing, for no matter how close
the closet may bo, dust is sure to find an en
trance, and as it must lodge somewhere, it
generally finds a resting place among the
clothes. Boston Budget.
T:iklntr Care of the Baojr.
A baby that is not kept perfec tly sweet and
fresh loses half its charm, and is defrauded
f its just rights. It should be bathed in
warm water every morning, and, as it grows
older, the temperature gradually lowered
until at 5 months old, the chill is just taken
off the water, ilost babies love their bath,
and are more apt to scream at being taken
out of it than when put into it. If there is a
shrinking from the plunge, a small blanket
can be spread on the tub. tho child laid on it,
and gently lowered into the tub. At night
it should be held on tho lap and quickly
ponged with a sponge, wrung out of warm
water. Its mouth should be washed with a
soft piece of linen dipped in cool water. All
creases where the flesh touches should be
powdered with pulverized starch, or any
good toilet powder. This is most important,
and must never be omitted, as the delicate
skin easily chafes. "Where there is redness,
r any symptom of chafing, lycopodium
powder should be used; it is most healing,
and can be applied eyen if the skin is broken.
"When there are frequent discharges, the
parts should be washed in thin, boiled starch
instead of water. It is criminal neglect to
allow a baby to suffer from chafing.
The head requires particular attention. No
daintiness in other respects can atone for tho
disfiguring brown patches which are some
times allowed to remain there. Tho top of
the head should do wen wasneu nu waji
and water every morning. If, in spite of
this, traces of scurf appear, the spots should
be rubbed at night with olive oil, and gently
craped off in tho morning. If the applica
tion is not successful, it saould be repented
until j is. But there will bo little trouble if
the matter is attended to when the brown
flakes first show themselves.
As the baby grows older and the teeth de
velop, bibs should be provided, if necessary,
to protect the front of the dress from the loo
abundant flow of saliva. Unless carefully
watched, kept as dry as possible, and rubbed
at times with a little cosmollue, the chin a ad
neck are apt to become chafed.
Even a very young Imhy can bo trained in
good habits in a way that is surprising to
any ono who has not done it. If its wants
are attended to at a certain hour every morn
ing, a henlthy child will seldom soil a napkin.
Tho training cannot 1k liegun too early, and
tho hnliit should be firmly established before
it is six weeks old. It saves much trouble to
tho mothor and discomfort to the child.
A little baby Siends the greater art of its
tiruo in bl-cp. It is as if nature wore prepar
ing it for tho battle of life by giving it as
much repose as ossiblo lief ore the struggle
begins. It should never lie awakened unless
it sleeps for a long time past the hour for its
being fed. To rouse a sleeping child to grat
ify the curiosity of visitors or friends is ex
tremely injudicious. As it grows older and
is awake more, a certain time should be
fixed for tho morning and afternoon nap,
and for putting it to bl ut night. If these
hours are adhered to, they will generally
find a sleepy baby willing to yield to their
soothing influence. It is best from tho first
not to darken the room, nor keep itsjiecially
quiet. The child becomes accustomed to
sleep through slight noises, and they do not
waken it. The eyes should be protected
from a glare of light by placing tho head of
the crib toward tho window.
A baby should never bo allowed to sleep
with an older person. The best bed is a
stationary crib, with woven wire mattress,
and a thin, soft, hair one placed over it.
This should le protected by a square of rub
ber sheeting; two must bo provided, and the
ono not in use hung in the ojieu air and sun
light every day. If there in tho least traco
of an unpleasant smell, the rubber should be
washed with some disinfectant solution. The
covering should lie warm and light. A
down comforter is the ideal for winter, if it
is well aired in tho sun every day or two.
In summer an ample musquito netting well
raised on a lole, or suseiikd from a hook,
should cover the crib. Klizabeth Robinson
Heovil in Good Housekeeping.
Don't Neglect tho Finger Nulla.
Because you live in the country and do
housework, and even some good honest toil
on the farm itself, is no reason why you
should neglect certain littlo niceties of life,
such as the care of your hands and teeth.
You probably will not be able to keep tho
former white and soft as if you used them
only for d.iinty embroidery, but a few min
utes each day spent iu caring for them will
show at least that they aro well kept, and
signs of toil that cannot bo eradicated you
need not be ashamed of. Tho nails can bo
kept nicely trimmed ; they cannot be even
moderately long, but they may be shajicly
and ointed. l'erhnps you cannot afford to
buy the outfit of a "manicure," but you un
doubtedly have a pair of small embroidery
scissors; the file you lrnt replace as best
you may with tho one in your iienknife, or.
failing that, with a piece of coarse sandpa
per; and the chamois polisher, costing any
where from sixty cents to f!S, you can make
yourself. Take a child's block about an inch
thick and three inches wido by five long
large enough to grasp it firmly tack a bit
of soft cloth for padding, and over that a
piece of the chamois you keep for polishing
Silver on ono of the edges, and you have an
article that may not bo oruameutal, Lut will
answer every purpose.
Soften your hands by washing in warm
water with some good toilet soap for a few
minutes; then with the small scissors trim
tho nails, rounding them nicely, and cutting
the corners very low. With some blunt
instrument (if you have not a file) push back
the llesh from the base of tho nails, and trim
away all tho dead skin. Now apply your
polisher, and brush vigorously for a few
minutes. Do this once a week, and every
day spend a few minutes in the use of the
polisher, and j our hands will' repay you in
their neat apiearaneo for the time you have
spent. A solution of oxalic acid kept in a
bottle with a glass stopper will remove all
stains of ink or fruit, and a match or a small
stick dipped in the solution and passed under
tho nails will remove any discoloration that
does not come oil with washing. There is a
pink powder sold by druggists for polishing,
but this may be dispensed with. If, how
ever, you get any, be sure that you get the
best and not a spurious article. You should
have a pair of old kid gloves, or, better still,
wash leather, to wear when you are weeding
in the garden, or doing any housework that
will admit of it. I speak with a conviction
born of sad experience, for I am a farmer's
daughter myself, and never thought of car
ing for my hands when I was a child. When
I was old enough to care it was too late, and
I have found out that no amount of after
care can make up for that early neglect.
Cor. American Agriculturist.
A Harvard Annex Girl's Emmy.
In Harvard university the Bowdoin prizes
are the highest rewards attainable for Eng
lish dissertations, and they range from $100
downward, being accessible to all students of
the university, undergraduate or graduate.
This, of course, excludes the young lady stu
dents of the Harvard annex, which has no
organic connection with tho university.
By un accident an essay on tho subject,
"Tho Roman Senate Under the Empire,"
written by Miss E. B. Pearson, was submitted
to the judges, Professors Torrey and Young.
"Without the identity of the writer being dis
covered the judges awarded the essay the
first prize of 100. The essay was signed
merely "E. B. Pearson." The class and de
partment of the university were not desig
nated, as is required, and Professor Torrey
expressed some surprise that the author of so
able an cs'-'ay should not have complied with
a provision so simple. He saarched tho cata
logue of the university for tho name of E. B.
Pearson, and on not finding it somebody gave
tao suggestion that this person might bo dis
covered in tho annex. In this way the fact
came out the author was a young lady.-
So the essay of Miss Pearson was neces
sarily ruled out oT the list, and a prise of $75
was awarded to a young gentleman instead,
while llisj Pearson dropped at once from the
Bowdoin prize of 100 to the humbler annex
prize of thu3 paying $ 70 outright for the
privilege of being a woman. New York
The Manicure's Outfit.
Another necessary adjunct to the dressing
table is the little Parisian box used by tho
manicure, and which may be bought for a
6mail sum of any chemist or perfumer. It
contains a boat shaped implement, covered
iu chamois leather, and furnished with a
handle, and there is a tiny box of fine pink
powder of a slightly gritty nature. You
breathe on the nails, and then sprinkle them
with tho powder, and polish briskly on tho
chamois iad. But before this process is
reached, you must first use tho other little
implement, which is of ivory, with one end
shaped almost like a pen, the other fitted
with a small brush. In the center is a fiat
file, on which you carefully shape the tops of
tho nails, rounding them off at either side to
follow the line of the finger. Scissors should
never be used for the finger nails, as by cut
ting them you make the nails coarse and
tuici. With tho ivory point you clean the
fingtr nails, and also gently push back the
flesh to revccJ the white crescent and to pre
rent the skin splitting and forming "hang
nails," which quickly appear if the skin ad
heres to tho uaiL The I July.
Following the Fushlon I'latetw .
Tho patterns snt out by pattern bouses
are often absurdly elaborate. They are mado
up to extract trado and they do not represent
tho liest taste of fashionable jx.-ople. "While
pattern makers have done an inestimable
good in helping mothers to shapo tho frocks
and clothing of their children, saving hours
of worry and vexation, they have done a
great evil in prolonging in places remote
from the grout cities tho mania for over elab
oration in the dress of women and children.
Every mother naturally wishes her child to
look pretty and neat, and too many mothers
lured by fashion plates have scit hours of
toil in making elaborate dresses for their
children, only to find, when the dresses were
finished, that they were ugly and unsatis
factory. There is but ono remedy. Let
mothers take the goods the fashion makers
provido, but avoid all elaborate designs, de
signs which are put in merely to fill out tho
books. Make simplo clothing for the chil
dren, and enjoy yourself a rest from anxiety
aliout their dress, and take the pleasure that
comes from a neat, orderly household. "Wo
man's Work.
The Wulk or "Woman.
It cannot be out of place here to suggest
tho advisability of ojiening classes where
children, girls especially, might bo taught
the science of walking. Mothers should be
the natural teachers, but many who aro rig
idly careful iu all other particulars seem ab
solutely indifferent on this important point.
In fact, after showing them navigation by
means of their legs, duty is believed to be at
an end, and no matter how wretchedly tho
child moves tho parent rests satined with
only jiasmlic attempts at correction.
Whether the ungraceful wabblo, the halting
step and painf ul stoop so commonly seen is
attributable to carelessness or unnatural
dressing, certain it is that six out of every
ten women walk abominably. To bo upright
and easy iu one's movements is only as na
ture intended, and unless deformed there is
not the slightest excuse, for the absurd loco
motion noticed on the streets every day.
"Why children are permitted to grow up
pigeon toed, round shouldered, crooked and
awkward is a proposition left ojcn for fur
ther discussion. New Orleans Times-Democrat.
The Family Medical Adviser.
"When you choose a doctor, it is well to give
him to understand that you are depending
upon him, and that you consider him already
in a certain sense responsible for the physical
well being of yourself end your family. The
late Dr. Alpheus Benning Crosby well said
that his idea of a wise patient was "one who,
having selected an intelligent physician, holds
him iersonally re3ionsible for his life."
Having selected your physician, then make
him in reality the medical adviser of every
member of your family. Take him into your
homo and give him the opportunity to be
come acquainted with the personal and family
history and physical condition of every mem
ber thereof, so that he may be able to trace
their hereditary tendencies, recognizo their
predispositions, understand their peculiari
ties, and anticipate their weaknesses in
short, to know their constitution. Having
this knowledge, he will be able to give them
the wisest advice in health, and the most
successful treatment in sickness. Demorest'a
Paste for Paper Hansen.
Paper hangers paste is best made by first
heating the water to the boiling point; then
add flour, stirring constantly to prevent the
formation of lumps. The flour should be
sifted into the water through a sieve to in
sure more equal distribution. Agitation
must be continued until the heat shall have
rendered the mass of the desired consistency.
In order to increase its adhering strength,
powdered resin in the proportion of one-sixth
to one-fourth of the weight of the flour
should be added. Oil of cloves or a few drops
of carbolic acid added will keep the paste
from souring. Chicago Times.
After the Bath.
Let me here remark that no bath is perfect
in its results without the long and brisk fric
tion of hands or a coarse towel afterward.
Friction not only stimulates circulation, but
it makes the flesh Arm and polished like
Parian marble. It is sometimes astonishing
to see the change made in an ugly skin by
friction, and any lady who wishes to possess
a healthy body, firm to the touch and fair to
tho eye, with the elasticity of youth well
prolonged into age, must give willingly of
her strength to the daily task of rubbing the
body thoroughly. Dress.
Preserving Natural Flower.
To preserve natural flowers by the wax
solution process, dip the flowers in melted
parafflne, withdrawing them quickly. The
liquid should only be just hot enough to
maintain its fluidity, and the flowers should
be dipped one at a time, held by the stalks,
and moved about for an instant to get rid of
air bubbles. Fresh eut flowers, free from
moisture, make excellent specimens in this
way. Good Housekeeping.
To remove the glossy appearance from a
diagonal cloth coat, first free from dust, then
sponge or brush with warm water and am
monia, a teaspoonful of ammonia to a pint
of water, and a small piece of castile soap,
then rinse in water and afterward sponge
with hot coffee and rinse again in cold
water; then hang to dry. Before it Is thor
oughly dry stretch well with the hands or it
will shrink.
The head nurse of the Children's hospital
in London says that the six general qualifi
cations for a good nurse are "presence of
mind, gentleness, accuracy, memory, obser
vation and forethought," She finds it "a
popular female delusion" that every woman
is born a nurse.
The prevent flies from spoiling gilt frames
and fittings, brush them with a camel's hair
brush wet in water in which onions have
been boiled. The flies have aristocratic
tastes, and will not go where they come in
contact with anything savoring of onions.
Lemons will keep good for months by sim
ply putting them into a jug of buttermilk,
changing the buttermilk about every three
weeks. When the lemons are required for
use they should be well dried with a cloth.
If you wish to keep a sharp knife don't put
it in hot grease; stir your potatoes while fry
ing, or turn meat with a fork or an old case
knife kept on purpose.
Never sun feaiher beds. Air them thor
oughly on a windy day in a cool place. The
sun draws the oil, and gives the feathers a
rancid smelL
Cabbage is made digestible by first slicing.
then putting Into boiling water, with a pinch
of soda and some salt, and boiling just fifteen
To clean straw matting, boil three quart
of bran in one gallon of water, and wash the
watting with the water, drying it well
True Equality of the American IVoplc
Shown Utlijuette of Cigar Lighting in
Cuba Street I'ollleiira In ip.iiii.
Smoker In England.
It is in small matters that national charac
teristics aro best seen. Nothing, for instance,
could better show tho true republican equal
ity of the American eoplo than tho uct ions
of two smokers meeting on tho street. Tho
one is a well dressed, well to docitizen, carry
ing an unlihted cigar. Toward him is
coming a seedy looking individual, socially
and jieculiarly the very antipodes of the Ihnl,
but ho is puffing away contentedly at a weed,
tho materials of whose coiiqxisition would
puzzle the state analyst to discover. Tho
first man stops. "Can you oblige me with
some flref ho asks. "Why, certainly,"
responds the seedy one, and with the courte
ous action of a Brunimel ho removes his cig-r
from his lips, knocks off tho ash and hands it
to the well to do citizen. Then and there tho
"two for" and tho "straight Havana" meet
and mingle their fires and aromas, and with
more polite bows the two men pass on.
Iu the Cuban islands there are special and
strict forms of etiquette relative to this uni
versal practice of smoking. Should a gentle
man stop another on the street to ask a light
he would construe a refusal to oblige him
into a direct and intentional insult. But hav
ing once held between his fingers tho partly
consumed cigar of whose fire he has lx-en bor
rowing, the owner thereof w::! '. L.: . ; ,.y
hurt and offended were he to offer to return
it. No, he must, instead, open his cigur case
and proffer a fresh weed in return for the
To connoisseurs in cigars the reason for
this act is obvious. A cigar which has lxen
bruised against another in the act of lighting
it loses a considerable portion of tho delicacy
of its flavor, and should that ono against
which it is thus rubbed be of an inferior
flavor and aroma, these quulitics in itself
are, to a delicate taste, completely destroyed.
It must bo rather irritating under these latter
circumstances to have to lose an exquisite
"weed" for the sake of a strange etiquette
which commands the acceptation of a cigar
of much inferior flavor and value. How
ever, a breach of this point is never made,
and a well bred Cuban would die sooner than
show any irritation.
In most European countries, with the ex
ception, jierhaps, of cigarette smoking Spain,
the street etiquotte of smoking is much less
severe. Tho majority of smokers in Eng
land, for instance, carry matches in their
pockets, and should a passing smoker, with
unlit pipe or cigar request a light, it is a
match that is handed to him. Small boys
throng tho streets of all big English towns
selling boxes containing 200 wax vesta
matches for two cents; there is consequently
very little excuse for a smoker to be without
a light. The rainy and windy conditions of
the climate are equally well provided against
for smokers by "fusees," "vesuvians," "flam
ers," which are varieties of matches having
large heads composed of gunpowder paste,
which will remain ignited until consumed in
any kind of weather. New York Press.
- Swells Across the Atlantic.
In going about Europe one becomes very
soon convinced that the English gentleman
is much the best dressed man on this side of
the water. I have never seen a Frenchman,
an Italian or a German who patronized the
tailors of his own country who even ai
proached remotely to being well dressed.
Some of the Italian swells that I noticed at
the stations as I passed through wore sienna
red overcoats, lined with light red and orna
mented with cheap muskrat collar and Cuffs.
Put under this a light check suit, striped
shirt, and on the head a -careles3 green or
brown soft hat, and you have an idea of the
style of a swell of the smaller villages of
In the larger towns it is not much better.
The men have a tendency to flaming plaids
and extraordinary checks, and have a per
fect passion for wearing overcoats loaded
down with the cheapest and insanest looking
fur known to the trade. Their clothes ai i
nearly all ill fitting and badly made. The
most picturesque aro those who still adhere
to the cloaks, which they wrap around them
after the fashion of the conspirators in the
opera. You very rarely see a high silk hat
in Italy, and only occasionally a stiff Derby.
The hat is generally a soft felt, similar in
shape to that worn in tho far west of tho
United States. But it is generally more
flaming in color. Dark green and a terra
cotta red are very common" colors worn.
Some of the spectators at the stations wore
the most extraordinary fur caps made out of
the fur of the cat or the rabbit. They were
shapeless and clumsy. T. C. Crawford in
New York "World,
Mr. Arnold's Impremlom of America.
Mr. Matthew Arnold recently gave some
impressions of America to an audience at
Bradford, England. He told them that "in
America all luxuries were dear, except oys
ters and ice; that American women have a
natural, free and happy manner, in pleasing
contrast with that of middle class women in
England, who look to one class as the only
example of 'the right thing;' that American
buildings are commonplace; that the nomeu
clature 'comes on the ear of a cultivated
person like tho incessant cutting of pins;'
but that the Americans do not persist ; s we
do in making invidious distinctions between
persons by the use, for some, of the affix 'es
quire,' a term which came from the great
frippery shop of the middle ages."
In the end, however, Mr. Arnold deter
mines to conciliate, if possible, the peopl
among whom he lives. In the comparison of
America and England he, in the. end, pcr:
niits the old country to kick tho balance, lln
finds the glorification of tho average man &
religion with American statesmen, theaddicr
tion to the funny man a national misfortune,
and the American newspaper an object of
reprobation. Americans will not admit that
their civilization is lacking in elevation and
interest. Tall talk is their substitue for that
elevation which humanity craves. Home
The Use of Tar.
Professor Lunge draws attention to the
many advantages to be derived from the use
of tar in treating building material. Drain
pipes, roofing tiles, building stone?, brick,
etc., when soaked in a bath of hot tar, be
come absolutely water tight. The dead
black color thus imparted is by no means an
objection in many cases. The article should
be well dried and allowed to remain for some
time in the tar, which should be heated at
least to the boiling point of water, and
should also be first free from water and
volatile oils. After all, why should we ever
have leaky roof s and damp cellars! It costs
little if any more to avoid them. By all
means let the bricks that are used in the
basement wall be made impervious to
moisture by soaking in tar, and then mako
the cellar floor tight with asphalt. "Why
worry ourselves with avoidable troubles
Philadelphia Time.
The Plattsmouth Herald
Js enjoying a Boom in botli its
FTriTl -ST
iLiiJLQS JL t?2sUL lOdd
Will be one during which the subjects of
national interest and importance will be
6trongly agitated and the election of a
President will take place. Hie people of
Cass County who would like to learn of
Political, Commercial
and Social Transactions
of this year and would keep apace with
the times should
Daily or Weekly Herald
Now while we have the subject before the
people we will venture to f-peak ol our
Which is iirst-class in all respects and
from which our job printers are turning
out much satisfactory work.
-tf OOO
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