DAILY 1IKIIA14, lLA-iTSMOuTJI, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 188. The Plattsinouth Daily Herald. ; KNOTTS BRO S-, Publishers & Proprietors. TIIK PHTTHMOUTII HKK4LU I published every evening except Sunday aad Wtcly every lliursil.iy morning. Kejjts-terr-a Al tlin iiotofUcf, PUl'finoutli. Vebr.. s -)' J -c-Uhs matter. Olllce comer of Vtue aud Fifth tr- els. TUMI rOK DAII.V. Oat copy ona -ar In advance, by iuail....$V (Ml y per month, by airier SO Out cujiy per week. bycanh-r, 15 TW) COK WKKKLY. On enpy ona year, in advance & r.upy all Hionlas. In advauce. . . ..$1 51 75 REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. The Republican electors of the State of Nebmska are requested to send delegates from the several counties, to meet iu con vention, at the city of Omaha, Tuesdaj', May 15, 168, at 8 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of electing lour delegates to the National Republican Convention, which lnccU ia Chicago June 1888. THE AI'TOKTIONMEXT. The several counties are entitled to re presentation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for Hon. Samuel Maxwell, (upreme Judge, in 1S87, giving one del-cgate-at-large to each county, aud one for each 150 votes and major fraction thereof! : egg. The listening ear catches so many sounds unheard the winter through. Though blind, a man may hear the com ing footsteps of the spring; though blind and deaf, may feel its thrilling touch, as ineist and gentle wind carets aud fondle him. We pity those who know iio win ter. How can they love the spring or feel its witching beauty Iowa State HejM.-itttr. HOSPITAL HORRORS. STORIES NESS OF AS SURGICAL RECKLESS' TOLD IN A BOOK. Thk increase of nearly 0 per cent in bank clearances in the principal cities of the country, taken in the aggregate, laat week, was hardly expected. Tim aver age recently has been below that of last jear. There was a falling of iu March in thirty-two cities to the extent of about 13 per cent. Part of this was due to tin big blizzard in the East and part to the strikes on Western railroads. The great er portion of the decrease was in New York, and was largely due t th torpor on the commercial exchanges. Iu Ja?t week's clearings, however, even New York reported an increns . St. Loui Dcmoc rat. ronvi iv:s. VoTKf. AiI.i'iim .A ii i elpe . Arthur.... llla'iie .... I'.ooue Jinx : u!te r.iwii . ... i'.llfl to Muner .... Hurt I'wi Cedar Chae Cherry ... , Checiine . Ciav l oir ix .... . Cuming Ciiwtc" .... Dakota 1 law e- .... . Dawson ... Hixoti I..ln ll.Miiil.tx ... Ittindy Kiilmore . . Kinti''!tn... Krstntlcr ... Kurnus fOUNTIKS. VOTKS. . 14 Jefferson . S .lull USUI! . 1 Kearney . '2 Keya l'alia . x kenh . 4 Knox . '' Lancaster . 14 Lincoln . i I .(man . i Loup . 1; M.iuisoii .... .. . &' Mcl lieiMOii . 1 . si Merrick 7 . f' Nance ! .11 Nemaha ..ll1 Nuckolls 0 -.1-' .. 8 7 Otoe 7 Pawnee . I7lerkiiis ft, Tierce 4 7, folk 0 , K I'latte 10 r.: Phelps 7 VI' ichardson Vj ... 37 Ked Willow 7 4 Saline la in; sarpy ft 7 -Saanders i , lo-Seward . . lr. '.; ihei iilan 7 -'heriliail.. 7 Caillrld S'Sioux v .VMtauton 4 l! Thayer 7 ... ... 4 Thomas 2 ll!'alley 6 lo Auslnngtou 8; Wayne 5 4j Webster 9 ! Wheeler . :i 14 York i: TjL'nors. territory.. . I linit:r. .. Crant ireele ... Ha!l Hamilton Marian.... Hayes .... H;tchc ck Hoi- Ho war-1 ... It is recommended that no proxies b-; admitted to the convention, except su- m art held by person residing in th-count!-s from the proxies are given. Gkokgk D Mkikle-joux. Walt. M. Seklf.y. Chairman. See ret a rv. Warner's Log Cabin Sarsa, arilla Regu lates the Regulator. Larg-.'Ht S.u.-aparilH bottle in the market. Manufactured by proprietors of Warner's Safe Cure. &uld by all druggists. Take no other it i-? the bett. I'rusfrvnl ion of Milk. One of our cousins in Norway informs the department of state there has been discovered n new, simple and cheap ingredient which neither changes thj taste of the milk nor is inimical of health, for conserving lnilk in a freh eondition for months without being hermetically sealed. Mr. M K. Meyer, of CInistiauia, Is the inventor. Chicago Times. Forgot the Tide. "Have you the cr 'WakT of Vicks burtr?' " ii man asked in an Austin book 6tore the other day. 1 lis w!f had sent him to buy the ''Vicar of Wakelield," nnd that was as near us he came to re membering the title of the book. Tesaa Sif tings. A On ions Fact. It is a curious fact that, just twenty four inches on the table is aliowed a man at a large and crowded diniu r. Of course, more is (jiven when there are few people. New York Tribune Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is the only medicine that acts directly on the Lungs, Blood aud Bowels, it re lieves .1 cough instantly and in time effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. 1. Smith & Co., druggists. j25,3nm,d' w. What iu 01erTing KiiglUlituun Say Con cerning tbe Terrible Ihiiig TliHt Are Iu the Tench I ng IloKpltalx of I.011 lnu Heart lefts Experimenting. At r-ccond and third hand wo may imagine our aathor to have gathered the account ho gives us of the terrible things that are done ia the teaching hospitals. Hero are two of Lis il -lustrations of the treatment of mori biuid fiatientd. A nurso calls a house surge-. 11: "'.sister says the thinks ho is dying fast, nnd iro you going to operate' 'Going to opcra.e? Rather think I was. l)on"t you l;" .w , nurse, this is my lirst capital ojiera tio.i? Do you think I am going to lose tho chaii;.-? 'Then, Kir, sister tiM ine to slc you if 1 hi-d better let the chaplain know.' 'Cliap lai:i b.i hanged!' ho cried. 'Certainly not! It v,.iiul only depress tlio MKr devil. No, not I'I..ilv of brandy! Keep him un! Cheer bij.i f.'l you can; tell him it is only a trilling, every -lay sort of affair, and he will bo well iu a j. Ty. You may send for his wife.' 'Oh, s-.':-, si has been waiting about the hospital u!! d:ry.' 'All riht, then! Now, gentlemen, 1 1 hu..:ueas. You Khali see me do something pretty.' The bell rang for tho optiation to usso::;'ilo the students, some of whom said 'it w;i.i a beastly shame to torture n poor wretch who h ain't a chanco of getting over it.' 'Ah, you won't talk liko that when you are house sar.ei -n (II. B. they always termed it) your 1;. !. You will be glad to operate on your father, if you can't get anybody else. Be sides what are hospitals for, if not to qualify uj j'or our work? If people don't want us to l'-itrn all wo ean from thei, why don't they .stayjS home ami die The parish doctor Won't disturb their latter moments with op en: lions.' " And again: 'Here is a middle aged woman, evidently bavin;; but a short time to live, 3-et this afi-n.ooa Dr. Wilson says his chief proposes to perform upon her r. capital operation. He ha not the least hojj it can save her life, but the chance of performing such an opera tioa arises but seldom, audit is but just und kud to the house surgeon, who wants all tho practical work ho can get, to let him assist. So the woman and her friends arc duly prc-si 1 to consent that this 'the only means of su ing her life' shall forthwith be done. To t'n '.3 end all the nurses are instructed to u:-;-o her. At last sho submits. She will bo ca'Tu l to the operating theatre, and this cL.'.iicj of instruction will fall to Dr. Wilson's hnmU; for as soon as the chloroform has ciiccti-d its work he will take tho place of the chief and 'do his iirst strangulated hernia.' n Among the cases of heartless experiment ing v o have the following: " 'Would you like to do a gastrotomy? 1 ou ought to do one or two before 3-ou leave; it s a very pretty operation. I never knew a ease survive more than a week ; but there's nolbiiig like trying, and if you pick out a ease that must die any way you are welcome to usj a;:y of my crises that we can get to eon- ! boat, wnn bister Ajrnes consent sister ia capital at getting consent in anything, area t you, sister? it can generally be man aged.' 'I wish to investigate,' said t o.vo c.r liss dressers, tlio prcaeneo of lithie Real Estate Bargains EXAMINE OUK LIST. CONSISTING OK CHOICE LOTS I ior South - Park 21 lots in Thompson's addition. 40 lots iu Townsend's addition. Lot 10 block 138, lot 5 block 1C4. Lot 1 block fi, lot C block 95. Lot 11, block 111, lot 8, block 61. LOTS IX YOUNG AND HAYS' ADDITION. Lot9 in Palmer's addition. Lots in Duke's addition. Improved property f ail descriptions and iu all parts of the city on easy terms, A new and desirable residence 111 South Park, can be bought on monthly payments. Before purchasing elsswhers, call and see if we cannot suit you better. AN APRIL DA Y. A ioft wind has blown nil dav. The sky has been now sunny, now specked with fleecy clouds, now black and threat cuing. Quick showers at intervals Lave chased ?ach othor, followed by bursts of brightest sunshine, and g impsesof cther lal blue as deep and brilliant as any f utnnu-r sky can show. The earth lies bare and brown as yet, but one can al most feel it palpitate with eager longing to say "yes" to the bold sun's ardent woo ing. The quickening life under its yield ing crust makes itself felt, though not yet seen. We can alnv-st hear the whis pered answer of the tiny grass-blades to the impatient skies that coax and threat eu them : "We are coming ! A little more sunshine, please; a few more warm and soaking showers, and you shall see our shining leal-blades stretching upward at your call." Along the edges of the roads, and bor dering every moister hollow, a faint and lovely green gives promise of swift com ing verdure. The trees have taken on a new expression. Yesterday they looked dead and frozen. Today the sap is flow ing, and has reached the top-most limit of the slenderest twig that trembles on tl.eir branches. A warm glow of tender color has mounted with it and the whole tree is instinct with new life. It seems to throb from root to crown with the vi tal current that permeates its every tissue The cattle sniff the mellow air with keen est relibh. They know the signs good Mother Earth employs to herald summer plenty. The birds know too. Sse ! Yonder fly the robin and the meadow lark, come now to stay, and to nest and raise their brood. Y ho told them spring was here ? The tiny creatures know some things that man can never fathom. The mariner needs chart and compass to find his way across the ocean. These little birds fly through the broad expanse that circles earth and sea alike, across wide continents and ovsr flowing rivers, straight to their summer homes, without such helps. - , Even, the flies are stirring. There buz zes one;against the window, come from who knows where ? This one 1ms doubt less slept throngh the winter's cold in some snug corner out of reach of broom and dustcl-oMi, till hr, too, knew that spring was here. By what subtle instinct are flies informed of changing seasons t All living.things rejoice in spring time. The cockcrows, with an exultant note ns diffcnnf"rrorn his winter call as sunrise' a. rr-i 1 1. :t is Ironi sunsei. 111c ueu iium n uu twice the usual fuss over every new laid cut strength of the body sullices to enable it to oppose, thj teixteney toward (leutli. Many however have lost these forces to su'i an ext ent t!i it there is littl j or no help. In other cases a little aid to the weakened lungs will make all the tiiler-c-nce between sudden deat'i and many years of useful life. Upon the fust sj nip toms of a cough, cold or any trouble of the throat or lunirs. give thrjt old and well known renn-tty lioschee s U'-i inan Svrup. a careful trial. It will prov w hat thousands say ot it to be, the "bene factor of any home." How Men Die. II we know all he methods of approach A ... .....I I ... .1. I. .... V . J , ne.d j:1 the blood of rheumatic patients. May ..,...,. ...... rw 1 A ijje,. olleor two of jour patients, Air. i.oueiijf moment wm-n sui re.utcr n. coiu-.-s ; Croc..' 'Oh, certainly' sail tha obliins -....1.1. 1 :.......... 1... :.. 1 I . . ... . ... 0 0 mev iiuKii-. in iiinui iiJM.tu i me muei- pavsi--iostise: -oniv vou must tako precau tions 10 let he patient imagine you are doing it for his benelit, and be careful tho nurses don't seo what you are alout nurses are get- ting 'euto nowadays. With the$ provisos. you t;re free to roam at large, ray frieud, over I jo bodies of any of my clinics. " ALuost inconceivable cases of carelessness arid recklessness are charged against the ap- Wi'.I'a S. "Vi iions of similar cases crowdod in upon lL'e feooa tisters recoiiecrions ot eviscer ate-1 creaturca ia which no tumor was dis co vcr-d to remove; of cases where, on tho ;v; i lortcm table, sponges, and even instru-!::.:r.t-i had been discovered carelessly sewn u:ni the patients after operation, and had cm "so i their deaths. One day an oi i p-.vior smashed his hand. The surgeons at S:. Bernard wanted to remove three ii.!g.- s. Not before he had been to seo Sister Aiif-s he thought. Sister Agues went in lor conservative surgery, aud told him to re lume Lis consent. How oftea had she known a si:-. pie method of dressing to save tho di. :t in such a case. Iu three months tho ; a had the complete uso of his hand as bo Kre t jo accident, but that didn't console tho ii-'-.isc surgeon, whoso fingers had itched to m.;ko a neat little job of it." London Spec tator Book Kcview. An observant metropolitan barber says that lie can tell one s physical condition by the state of the hair! Di. Schliemann has gone to Alexand ria with Professor Yirchevr, ami will spend several months in Egypt making explorations. Bess's Blood Purifier and Blood Maker. Xo remedy in the world has gained the popularity that this medicine has, as & hold on family medicine. Xo ouc should be without it. It has no calomel 1 fpuininein its composition, consequent ly no bad effects can arise from it. "Vt keep a full supply at all times O. J Smith Co. Druggist. j2--3mud&w If Diogenes lived today he would be out with a lantern looking for a Demo cratic lawyer who hasn't been meutionei; for the office of chief justice of the su preme court. Bogg's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is warranted for all that he label calk for, so if it does not relieve your cougl- you can call at our store and the mom-3 will be refunded to vou. It acts simul taneously 011 all psrts of the system, thereby leaving no bad results. O. P. Smitu"S: Co., Druggists. tlREPAHEDltbOFIHGr IN VS:J (HEAfESTSE -TrKpOF UT IT tit'g 0 n w 5 acres of improved ground north of 'he city limits. 5 acres of ground adjoining S.iitii Park. 2 acres of ground adjoining South Park. 1 acres of grouad adjoining South Park. 20 acres near South Park: Se i sec. 14, T. 10, R. 12, Cass county, price $1,- 800, if sold soon. nw i sec. 8. T. 13, R. 10, Cass Co., price $2,000. A valuable improyed stock fram in Merrick Co., Neb., 1C0 acres and on reosonvble terms. Windham & Davies. Oyster Shells in Med'cines. Dr. Peter Hood, of London, iu a coramuni- i-.-.Lion to The Lancet, calls attention to au miclo published by him in the same journal .! twenty years ago, on the value of cal- ei rm carbonate in the form of calcined oy- hicr shells, as the means of arresting tho rov.ih of cancerous tumors. In the case which he then reported, that of a lady ii.-.:rly 80 years old, the growth sloughed away anu lets a ueaituy suriace alter a coursa of the remedy in questiou, as much a-i would lie on a shilling being taken once or twice a day in a littlo warm water or tea. Ho now reports another case of schirrus of tho I reast, m the wife of a physician, ia wiucu the treatment was followed by an ar rest of tho growth and a cessation of the pain, the improvement having now lasted for years, and no excrudescence having thus far occurred. Dr. Hood says that the rem edy can do no harm, and that the prima faeio evidence in its favor i3 certainly stronger than that on which rests the use of chiaa turpentine, so eagerly resorted to by the profession. He would restrict tho trials to well marked cases of schirrus, and no benefit should be looked for in less than three mouths. New York Tribune. ANTD aKy CLIMATE. 0 Bead far Circular. M. EHRET, JR. & CO., For sale by Haven & Rh-iads, Orjiuha, Neb. Name this paper in your order. Quietness of Italian Kesnrts. The Italians, as a class, are most polite and good natured. They are very curious, but their curiosity is never annoying. I do not think there is any country on the continent where the visiting royalties could l as free as they are here at San Remo. When the young princesses here go our to walk they are never followed about, nor are they ever stared at by even the easauts. They look ai them with kindly interest and politely ttiucu their hats, but they are never obtru sive. 1 no watering place manners of iiaicr- laiid will bear no comparison with tho quiet ness and gentleness of tho people in tho neighborhood of Italian resorts. The royal princesses of England cannot visit am' of tho sea places of Eng.and and attempt to walk ia public without being followed by such' a mob as to force them at once into re tirement. T. C. Crawford in New York World. cook oatmeal in a double Doner or in a covered pail set in a kettle of water. Be sure to salt it. , INSURANCE. Consult your best interests by insuring in the Phoenix, Hartford or 5itna com panies, about which there is bo question as to their liigu standing and fair dealing. TORNADO POLICIES. The present year bids fair to be a dis astrous one from tornadoes and wind storms. This is fere-shadowod bv the number of storms we haye already had the most destructive one so -far this year having occurred at Sit. Yernon, 111., where a large number of buildings were destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc currence more probable in 1883. Call at our office and secure a Tor nado Policv. Unimproved lands for sale change. or ex- WINDHAM & DAVIES, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. fi ure.Ka T. leaf Market. TI-IOMAB, WIIOl.KHAI.K AMI lil.TAII. DKAI.KIt IN Beef, Pork, Mutton, and Poultry. I invito all to givo ino a trial. Sugar Cured Meats, Hams, Paeon, Lar.l. tc, tr. Push Oyt-tirs in Can at lowest liying prices. Do not fail to uive me your patronage. and Bulk CM 'tm:OTTXJSi: HOUSEHOLD GOODS. AND ALL KINDS OF- KITCHEN, BED TOOM, PARLOR FURNITURE. FURNIIURE FOR HALLWAYS, OFFICE!. Lowest Prices in tlio City, bo Convinced. Call and SIXTH STREET, IJKT. MAIN' AND YINE. PLATTSMOUTH, NMB. FUBNITUR MP0RIUM. FOR ALL CLASSES OF- FIN 3PUBHITURE -YOU SHOULD CALL ON magnificent stock of Goods and Fair l'rici's abound. UNDER AK'NG AND r BALDING A SPECIALTY HJiNRY BOECK, CORNER MAIN AND SIXTH PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRAHKA. D. 13 E N JST Ft T T. JUST RECEIVED. I have just received Neufchated Cho, Edam Cheese. Bosuia Prunes, Macedoni a Prunes , Cal i for nia and Turkish Prunes. Celery Relish; Clam Chowder; Beef very fine. Fresh Dates and cheap. Tea Figs; Oranges, Bananaa, BEKNE TT. T u Jonathan 11a i lMAf W. Makthis. Zk. (CO.- JlITJD retail PORK PACKERS and deai.khs in BUTTER AND PJGCS. BEEF, PURK, ttUViVN AND VEAL. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. Sugar Cured Meats, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c, &o ot our own make. The best brands of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' HEALTH fS . .Cl'f. 1 o v mm mm A I T,"-' I I For sale or exchange. A number of iiijv lutirawi irnuiciite proptTIj. Apply to Windham and Davie. d-w3w. The standard r-medy for livvr com plaint in West's Liver Pill; they nrr di8ap--int jou. 30 pills 25c. At War rick's drug store. One, two, five and ten-acre tracts for Dr. E. C. West's N rye str Brain Trei-rmmt j ei".e ou reasonable terms. Apply f d-w-lia. Tepid water with a little borax dissolved 1 Lu it is good to wash colored table linen in. .guarantee spi-citic? for llyu-ri Convulsions. Fit.. Nervous .Ne::ra!j:ia. It--:ui-acbe. .rveou I'rostn-.tln cuseil hv th? n.-e ct a'eohol ortobacfo. W akt-fu!ness. .Vt-tital I)e-pre-js-iun, iSof teniiijr of tlie i'-iain renlmj; in in tiaclty as-! leflii:ii t misery. 1 c;iy arm 'leaili, Premature o'd Hai renif-ss. I-sw ot Pow er in eitlier s x, Invr.ifibtary i s'-es ail"? Sj.-r-niat rriicpa ca-.;s;tl ly ovV-r-exerf ion f i :he braid. 9eifabu or over-iiif!iiljreiiee K;:'-!: box contains one monthV tK-atir.eiit. Si (!i a :ui cirsix boxes for J5 00, sent ty mail v iai.i t-i-receipt of piir-e WZ GDARAKTEE SIX BOXES To cure any cae With each order n-rrived uy us lor six boxes, accoinpD -d wiin$-oo. we will semi the purchaser our written Kiiiiran tee to return The U'oaey if the treatment ues nut effer-t a cure. tJuarantees i-isued iilv by V ill J. Warrick sole agent, I'lattsmmitli. Neb. It maj be that there is a land that is fairer than this, but it would take an art ist to find it. Windham and Davies JULIUS PEPPERBERG, MAXIFACTURKR OF AKD WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IX TIIK Choicest Brands ef Cigars, including our Flor d Pcpperbergo and 'Bui FCLL LINE OP TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES alwayu in stock. Nor. t$, 16J5.