TilK DAILY llEUALl), PLArxttfltoUTxi, X&BHA&KA, FBI DAY, APRIL C, 1888. The PlattsiDOuth Daily Herald. K N O T T a BEOS., Publishers &. Proprietors. TI1K PLATTSMOUTII MEKALD la publiibed every evenlnx except Sunday and Weekly every TliUMUy morn lug. KegU tered at the potonlc. I'Utumouth. Nelr..s e:oad-cUa matter. Utile comer of V in and FUth streets. TUMI FOB OAILV. One aopy on ear In advange, by wall. ...f 6 00 Ose copy per month. by carrier, 50 One copy ptrweek, by carrier 13 TUMI OB WIIXLT. One oopj one year, in advance 1 M One copy six aioutas. In advance 75 REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. The Republican electors of the State of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from the several counties, to meet in con vention, at the city of Omaha, Tuesday, May 15, 1888, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing lour delegates to the National Republican Convention, which uietU in Chicago June 19, 1888. THE APPORTIONMENT. The several counties are entitled to re presentation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for Hon. Samuel Maxwell, supreme Judge, in 1887, giving one del-egatc-at-largc to each county, and one for each 150 votes and major fraction thereof! : fOUNTHM. VOTKS.koUNTKS. VOTES. Adiuus -14 Jefferson 9 .loli nou 8 Kearney 8 KeyaPaha 5 Keuli Knox . . . T LaiiciLsler 25 Antelope f; Arthur 1 lilauie i: Itooue l'.ox r.titte 4 1 I town t'i jium-o it l.iucoln H Hutler 'J Jiurt i f;i.s lo re tlar r., riniFo r; Cherry oj Chejenue .....11, G'Uy ill luau ' l.oup 3 Madunu 8 McMierson 1 Merrick 7 Nance 5 Nemaha 9 Nuckolls C Colf;ix.... ............ 7 Cuming 7, Cuete' 17 Dakota 5 J.1WI'S 7; .Dawson 8' llixou ...... .... ..... tij Du.Jxe Douglas ...37 Duutly 4 Fillmore 10' Otoe 12 Pawnee 8 Perkins Pierce Polk. Platte Phelps iclianlson.... . 4 . 6 .10 7 .12 . 7 13 lied Willow Saline Harpy 5 Sajnderu 12 Seward 1C Sheridan 7 1'rmiKliu 7 Frontier 10 Furnas t; l fM 1:i Sherman 7 ...llllllll...... ........ . (per 6 (rant 1 Oreeler 4 Sioux 2 Stanton 4 Thayer 7 Thomas 2 Hall HI Valley 6 Hamilton 1"! Harlan Hayes 4 Hitchcock 6 Holt 14; J toward 7; tVUSlllIlgtOIl if Wayne 5 Webster J Wheeler 3 Vor 11 I'norir. territory 1 It is recommended that no proxies be admitted to the convention, except such as are held by persons residing in the counties from the proxies are given. Gkougk D. Meiklejoiix. Walt. M. Seeley, Chairman. Secretary. Philadelphia, has reduced her saloons sixty per rent this spring and on last Monday the judges comprising the license court refused three hundred and fourteen applications. This ns a good showing for so large a city and we hope the good work will go on. The government has made its annual payment of interest It has paid out this week nearly $7,500,000 interest to bond holders. The money will now be dis tributed through the money circles all over the United States, and it is hop 3d it will relievo the stringency in the money market. The Pinkerton trial and Senator Van Wyck's meeting seem to have opened up the bottled spirit of anarchy which has been smoldering in the breast of our Journal man. Labor is his hobby. Hen- Most and 1 1 err Sherman are kindred spirits on this subject and can speak of those who hold views differing with theirs only with blasphemy 'and black guardism. "Once a railroad lawyer always a railroad lawyer" is the screed of the Journal man. If a lawyer ac cents a fee from a railroad he is forever lost and will always be looked upon with Mispicion by the Herr Most of the Jour nal. Dishonesty is a thing the Journal cannot stand J A lawyer who consents to serve a corporation as its counsel and legal adviser bears the mark of Cain on his brow and may consider himself so cilly and poli'ically ostracised and damned by the Journal man. A man may be a dead beat in a community, re fuse to pay his debts, run his business at the expense of his creditors, and support himself and family by such questionable methods, and howl for the laboring man and be all right; yet,- if he pays his debts honestly supports himself, and practices his honorable profession as the legal adviser of a corporation he is a scoundrel and a thief. TVe add to the quotation from Senator VanWyck another truism, "once a dead beat always a dead beat." CANADIAN POSTAL TREATY. The reports submitted to the senate .with regard to the Canadian postal treaty show very plainly that a serious wrong hfs been done to the American people by the present administration under the pretext of facilitating inter course with another nation. In the first place, there was no positive authority for the negotiation of such a treaty, without the concurrent action of the Fcnafe; and -in the second place, the terms of the treaty are directly in the interest of Canada at the expense of this county. The rate of postage on seeds and bulbs in the United States is four times as large as that which prevails in Canada; aLd by the provisions of this singular document, such products can be scut into our markets at the Canadian rate, while our own dealers are required to pay the highest domestic rate. This implies not only a ruinous form of for eign competition as to seeds and bulbs of every kind, but it also means the turning over of from $2,000,000 to $3, 000,000 per aununi of postal revenue to the Canadian government. Already, American seedsmen have begun to trans fer their business to Canada in order to escape this inviduaus distinction; and our post "offiee department claims the right to prevent them from thus evading the effect of the treaty by searching the muls for packages which they may send from Canada and charging up the Amer ican rate of postage thereon. It is impossible to understand why such an advantage should have been given to the Canadians. If it was done purposely it was contrary to all sound notions of public duty and discretion; and if it was done inadvertently it was a piece of unpardonable ignorance and carelessness. And yet it has been prac tically indorsed and commended by tre democratic majority of the house of rep resentatives. A resolution calling upon the postmaster general for information concerning the operation of the treaty, with n view to bringing about a change where a change is so clearly de sirable, was voted down in that body on Thuesday, after having been adversely reported by the post office com inittee. The chairman of said committee, Mr. Blount, declared the treaty to be a just and proper one, and maintained that the postmaster general had a perfect right of espionage over the mails from Canada for the purpose cf defeating the use of such mails by American seedsmen, and of collecting 16c postage where Canada charges only 4c. He added that he had no objection to the house receiving the in formation asked for in the pending reso lution, but that the request was made in disrespectful language. Thereupon, Mr. Peters asked leave to amend the resolu tion by striking out so much of it as was said to bo offensive, but he was refused permission to do so, and the resolution was tabled by a vote of 125 to 122. As the matter now stands, therefore, the democratic majority of the house may be said to have ratified and confirmed the proposition that American citizens may fairly be prohibited from using the Unit cd States mails on the same terms as Ca nadian citizens who are competing with them in business. Such action is not to be wondered at, however, when the fact is. considered that tho whole economic policy of the democratic party is so adjust ed as to favor foreign interests and dis courage home labor and enterprise. Globs Democrat. Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is the only medicine that acts directly on the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re lieves a cough instantly and in time effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. j25,3mo,d-w. Di. Schliemann has gone to Alexand ria with Professor Virchew, and will spend several months in Egypt making explorations. Begs's Blood Purifier and Blood Maker. No remedy in the world has gained the popularity that this medicine has, as ti hold on family medicine. .No one should be without; it. It has no calomel 1 1 quinine in its composition, consequent J j no bad effects can arise fronit. We keep a fnll supply at all times O. P. Smith Co. Druggist. j23-3mod&w If Diogenes lived today he would be out with a lantern looking for a Demo cratic lawyer who hasn't been mentioned for the oflice of chief justice of the su preme court. Who is Your Best Friend? Your stomach of course. Why? Be cause if it is out of order you are one oi the most miserable creatures living. Give it a fair chance and see if it is not the best friend you have in the end. Don't smoke in the morning. Dontt drink in the morning. If you must smoke and drink wait until your stomach is through with breakfast. You can drink more and smoke more in the evening and it will tell on you less. If your food ferments and does not digest right- -if you are troubl ed with Heartbnrn, Dizznicss of the head, coming up of the food after eating, bil iousness, indigestion, or any other trouble of the stomach, you had best use Green's August Flower, as no person can use it without immediate relief. An observant metropolitan barber says that he can tell one's physical condition by the state of the hair! $500 Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, 6ick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by all druggists.' Beware of counterfeits and imitations. r? ! ine manufactured only by John O. Well & (Jo., eoa W. Jiaciison C cuicago, itsj Sold by W. . J Warrick. - J "uidn't Know It Was Loaded." The young man fell dead ! A friend bad pointed a revolver at him ''He didn't know it was loaded!" We often hear it stated that a man is not responsible for what he does not know. The law presupposes knowledge and therefore convicts the man who ex cuses crime by ignorance! "If I piad only known"J has often been an unfortunate man's apology for some evil unknowingly wrought, but in a matter of general interest as for in stance that laudanum is a poison, that naphtha is a deadly explosive, that blood heavily charged with a winter's accumulations of the waste of the sys tem, I, is one's duty to know the fact and the conseqences thereof. Our good old grandmothers knew for instance, that the opening of spring was the most perilous period of the year. Why ? Because then the blood stream is slug gish and chilled by the cold weather, and if not thinned a good deal and made to flow quickly and healthfully through the arteries and yeins, it is impossible to have good vigor the rest of the yer. Hence, without exception, what is now known as Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla, was plentifully made and religiously gi ren to every member of the family regularly March, April, May and June. It is a matter ot record that this prudential. preventative and restorative custom sav ed many a fit of sickness, prolonged life and happiness to f" Timorous old age, and did away with heavy medical expendi tures. Mrs. Maggie Kerchwal Lexiugton, Ky., used Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla "for nervous sick headache of which I had been a sufferer for years." Capt. Hugh Harkins, 1114 S. 15th St., Phila delphia, Pa., says "it purified my blood and removed the blotches from my skin." Mrs. Aarea Smith. Topton, Berks Co., Pa., says she "was entirely cured of a skin disease of The worst kind," by Log Cabin Sarsaparilla. Bad skin indicates a very bad condition of the blood. If you would live and be well, go to your druggist today and get Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla and take no oth er. there's nothing like it or so good, and completely renovate your impared system with this simple, old-fashioned preparation of roots and herbs. Warner, who makes the famous Safe Cure, puts it up, and that is a guarantee of excellence all over the known world Take it yourself and give it to the other members of the family, including the children, lou will be astonished at its health-giving and life-prolonging pow ers. We say this editorially because we have heard good things of it everywhere, and its name is a guarantee that it is first class in every particular. Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is warranted for all that the label calls for, so if it does not relieve your cough you can call at our store and the money will be refunded to you. It acts simul taneously on all parts of the system, thereby leaving no bad results. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. j25-3nid&w AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER It) ALL WANTING IMPLOYMtNT. we want live, energetic, agente in every county in the United States and Canada to sell a patent article of great merit, ox itb m kbits. An artie'e having a largefsale paying over 100 per cent, profit, having no competition, and en which the agent is protected in the exclusive sale by a deed given for each and every coun ty he may secure from vis. With all these ad vantages to our ajje.it s. and the fact that it is an article that can be sold to every househol wt.er, ic might not be necessary to make "An . extraordinary uner" 10 secure good agents at once, but we have cot. eluded to make it to 4liow, not only our confidence in the merits of ur invention, but in its aalabPity by any atre t that will handle it with energy. Our agents iow t worn are maKiug irom ioo to 30O a month clear, and this fact makes it safe for us to make our oner to all who are out of einnlov- ment. Any agent that will give our buMnes jl thirty dys' trial And fail to clear at least i 10 J in this time, above all expenses, can re !um alt goods unsold to us ad we will refund the money pa d for them. No auch employer 01 1 gem ever aarea to mane sucu oners, noi would we if we did not know that we have agents new making more than double this amount. Our 1 irge descriptive circulars ex plain our oner luuy, ana tneee we wish to eeno to everyone out ot employment who will send us three one cent stamps for postage. Send at nee and secure the agency in tine for the boom, and go to work u the tt rtus named in our extraordinary oner. Addres, at once, National, Novf.lt y Co.. ft8 3m-dJtw 514 Smithfleld St , Pittsburc, Pa. Neglect kills inguries; revenge in creases them. A neglected cold increas es itsinjurious effects on the system till consumption finally kills, unless cured by Warner Log Cabin Cough and Con sumption Remedy. It is ye reliable rem edy of ye olden time. Mara on Autograph Fiends. Young ladies with a passion forautoaTaDhs win noc rensa tne arrangement which a number of tho poets and authors and other celebrities of this and other countries have adopted of using a typewriter for all corre spondence, except in the most important and private letters. A lady who lately wrote an ingenious note to the poet Tennyson, askinz an expression of opinion on a matter that could not fail to command his attention. was deeply chagrined to receive an answer wholly typewritten, including the signa ture. If this is to be kept up it is quite clear i lias wo autograpn hunter's occupation im gone. .rmiaaeipnia runes. Horaeshoea for Bad Roads. The Germans have invented horseshoes for bad roads. This is how they do it. Th blacksmith, when finishing a horse's shoe. punches a hole in the two ends. When the shoo is cold he taps in a screw thread and screws into the shoe, when on the horse's foot, a sharp pointed stud of an inch in leneth. With shoes thus fitted the horse travels se curely over tho worst possible roads. When Via 1svca nnmna 4Via of nldn 4Un . sorcws tne ported stud and screws in a but ton, so that no damage can happen to the borse, and the screw boles are from ailing. Home Journal prevented K01.I Estate Bargains EXAMINE OUR LIST. CONSISTING of- CHOICE LOTS X 3T South - Park, 21 lots in Thompson's addition. 40 lots in Townsend's addition. Lot 10 block 188, lot 5 block 104. Lot 1 block 6, lot 6 block 95. Lot 11, block 111, lot 8, block 61. LOTS IN TOTJHG AND HAYS' ADDITION. Lots in Palmer's addition. Lots in Duke's addition. Improved property of all descriptions and in all parts of the city on easy terms. A new and desirable residence m South Park, can be bought on monthly payments. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and see if wo cannot suit you better. 5 acres of improved ground north of the city limits. 5 acres of ground adjoining S uith Park. 2 acres of ground adjoining South Park. li . acres of ground adjoining South Park. 20 acres near South Park: Se I sec. 14, T. 10, R. 12, Cass county, price $1,- 800, if sold soon. nw i sec. 8, T. 12, R. 10, Cass Co., price $2,000. A valuable iraproyed stock fram in Merrick Co., Neb., 160 acres and on reosonvble terms. Windham & Davies. Consult your best interests by insuring in tho Phoenix, Hartford or JEtna com panies, about which there is bo question as to their high standing and fair dealing. TORNADO POLICTES. The present year bids fair to bo a dis astrous one from tornadoes and wind storms. This is fore-shadowtd kv tho number of storms we haye already had the most destructive one so' far this year having occurred at Mt Vernon, HI. where a large number of buildings were destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc currence more probable in 1888. Call at our office and secure a Tor- nado Policy. Unimproved lands for sale or x- change. mUBHAH &DAYIE8, PLATTSMOUTH, NED. IMRAIE Eureka Meat Market X. J. THOMAS, WHOLESALE AND Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Poultry. Z invito all to givomo a trial. Sugar Cured Meats, Hams, Bacon, Lard, etc., etc. Fresh Oysters in Ca sad Balk at lowest living prices. Do not fail to eivc me your patronage. -AND ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS. KITCHEN, BED ROOM, ffJ) FURNITURE FOB PARLOR FURNITURE. JS HALlWATS, OFFICES. Lowest Frioos in tno City. Call and bo C 0x1 vino od. SIXTH STREET, BET. MAIN AND FURNITURE -FOR ALL FINE :-: FURNITURE YOU SHOULD CALL ON Where a magnificent stock of Goods and Fair J'rices abound. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY CORNER MAIN AND SIXTH h. I). BEJNfETT. JUST RECEIVED. I have just received Neufchated Chae, Edam Cheese. Bosuia Prunes, Macedonia Prunes , Califor nia and Turkish Prunes. Celery Relish; Clam Chowder; Beef Tea very fine. Fresh Dates and cheap. J J. D. BE1NETT. Jonathan Hatt. jraDMATTMAM CSAXiIS COTYKfllEAT K3ARK-mr. PORK PACKERS and dealkrs in BUTTER AND EGC8. BEEF, PORK, MUTTON AND VEAL. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. oi our own make. The best brands WHOLESALE HEALTH IS WEALTH ! Dr. B. C West's Nerve and Brala Treatment a guarantee suecinc for Hvsterla Dizzinesa. (jouvuisions. riu. Nervous Ne-ralirfa. Head ache. Nerveous Prostration caused bv the dm 01 aicouoi or lODacco, wakefulness. Mental ue prerion, Softening of the Brain resulting in in sanity and leadiDg t misery, decay nd 3eath, rremature old Aee. Barrenness. Loss of Pow er in either st-x. Involuntary Losses and Sper matorrhoea caused by over-exertion or the brain, selfabuse or over-indulgence Each box contains one month's treatment. Si 00 a box orsix boxes for $5.00, sent by mall prepaid ov receipt of price WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accomuan-ed with $5.60, we will send the purchaser our written guaran tee to return the rronev if the treatment does not effect a eure. Guarantees issued only by will J. Warrick sole agent. Plattsmouth. Neb. It may be that there is a land that is fairer than this, but it would take an art- j ist to find it. KETAIL DEALER IN KINDS OF- VINE. PLATTSMOUTII, KM. EMPORIUM. CLASSES OF- PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Figs; Oranges, Bananaa, J. w. JIaktbu. JHLMWP;'di DO.. AITS ZUSTAXXa Bacon, Lard, &c, &o of OY8TERS, in cans and balk at AND RETAIL. ' For sale or exchange. A number of fime pieces of residence property. Apply to Windham and Davies. d-w3w. The standard remedy for livr com plaint is West's Liver Pill? they never disappoint you. 80 pills 25c. At Wax rick's drug store. One, two, five and ten -aero tracts for sale on reasonable terms. Apply f Windham and Davies. d-w-lm. JULIUS PEPPERBERG, MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER Uf THX Choicest Brands of Cigars, including oar -Flor d Pppo)rbrco' and 'Quit FULL LINK OT TO BACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICL3Z3 aways in stock. Nov. IS, It: 3. i