The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 05, 1888, Image 2

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    THE DAltA" HERALD, PJ.ATTStoOuTii, MitfKASKA, MONDAY, MAfcCli b. isSB.
The Plattsmouth Daily Herald.
Publishers & Proprietors.
In published erery evening except Sunday
and Weekly every Tiiuraday inorntotf. Kegiu
tered at the poHtofllce, i' attumoutb, Nebr.. s
ne-onl-el.n matter. Ofllce comer of Vine and
-Filth treet.
One copy onn year In advance, by mail $S 00
Oue coiy per mouth, byeanler, to
One copy per week, by carrlur 19
One oopy oue year, in advaace, ft .V
One copy tlx mouths in advance 75
Tiik people of this city wfll not soon
forget who it was who bi ought u ganj;
of the dctestible Pinkertona to the town
and fastened them like un eye sore on the
community. The loyalty and law-abiding
spirit of lh people was not to be de
fended on to protect private property.
They must be insulted and dragooned
into maintaining tin; pence, forsooth.
Bali ! Plattsmouth Journal.
The Pinkertons are eye-sores to men
who wish to break the law or sec some
one else do it. If Brother Sherman's
neighbor locks his smoke-house it need
not worry Brother Sherman unices lie has
been getting his meat there. Pittsburg
depended on the "loyalty" of its private
citizens, but -he was badly left. While
wc do not think there is any danger or
u riot, wc feci equally as comfortable
when we know there is no danger.
Tiik mayor of the city was very ready
to swear in an unknown gang of non
residents of the city and state as a special
police, but when petitioned by a body of
respectable business men to swevr in some
of our own citizens for polico purposes
he declined to do it. It is safe to say
that if the mayor did not depend for his
job on the dictum of the railroad author
ities his ideas of duty would be different.
Plattsmouth Journal.
It is also safe to say, if the editor of
the Journal was not a moral coward,
and was poscssed with a wholesome re
gard for the truth, he would never have
written the above. The mayor at the
beginning of the strike appointed twelve
of our citizens as special police, and
while they probably are doing very well
the company discovered they did not
attempt to keep enemies of the company
from getting aboard their engines and in
terfering with the running of the their
trains either by buying off the engineers
or by making it appear to the so called
"scab" that his job would only last a few
days,, unless he gave up his engine and
joined the strikers; this being a fact
company secured police who were
residents and unacquainted with
no i)
people; the result has been, no one
now in any way meddling with the com
panies property or business, and thty are
here to see that this happy condition of
things continues. Tiie Journal man
wants to make a little cheap capital by
posing as the friend of labor, that is the
milk of the cocoanut and while we are
willing to see him pose, we wish to hold
lijui as near the truth as possible. Thi
paper has always insisted that the cngin
cers residing here are an exceptionally
intelligent lot of gentlemen, there is no
better class of men in the city but they
have made a mistake, as they are no
more infallible than others, and it is the
smcerest desire of The Herald that this
mistake may be rectified with as little
delay and loss to the engineers as possi
ble. How Men Die.
If we know all the methods of approach
adopted by an enemy we are the better
enabled to ward off the danger and post
pone the moment when surrender becomes
inevitable. In many instances the inher
ent strength of the body suffices to enabk
it to oppose the tendency toward death.
Many however have lost these forces to
suh an extent that there is little or no
help. In other cases a little aid to the
weakened lungs will make all the differ
ence between sudden deatli and many
years of useful life. Upon the first symp
toms of a cough, cold or any trouble of
the throat or lung, give that old and
well known remedy Boschee's German
Jyrup. a careful trial. It will prove
what thousands say ot it to be, the "bene
factor of any home."
General Lew Wallace has purchased a
residence in Indianapolis, and "will re
move there from Crawfordville, Ind.,
in the spring.
Beg3s Blood Purifier and Blood
No remedy in the world has gained
the popularity that this medicine has, as
a hold on family medicine. No on
should be without it. It has no calomel
t rquininein its composition, consequent
no bad effects can arise from it. W
keep a full supply at all times. O. P.
Smith Co. Druggist. j25-3mod&w
George W. Cable lectured in the Y, M
C. A. Hall of Boston the other night and
books for the library served as admitauHi
B egg's Cherry Cougn Syrup.
Is warranted for all that the label calls
for, so if it does not relieve your cough
you can call at our store and the money
will be refunded to you. It acts simul
taneously on all parts of the system,
I hereby leaving no bad results. O. P.
JMITU fc Co., Druggists. j25-3nid&w
JJi. &.-bJjeniann has gone to Alexand
ria with Professor Virchew, and will
tpeod several months jo Egypt making
expi orations;
Who I there now knows aught of bli nfcryf
What la left of him but a I ame !
Of lUni who shared In Napoleon's glory.
And dro imed that his sword had wou him his
Ah t the fate of a man is post diHcernint 1 f 1
Little did Jacquemluot HuppoBC,
At AuKterlitz or at Moscow's burning, '
Thut bis fume would rent In the heart of a rose!
Uesfcio Chandler iu American Magazine.
The Masqalto of Trinidad.
Tlio jwirticular room assigned to myself
would have been equally de-lightful, but that
my iKwse&sion of it was disputed even in day
light by musquitoes, who, for bloodtliirsty
ferocity bad a bad pre-eminence over the
worst that I had ever met with elsewhere. I
killed one who was at work upon me, and ex
amined him through a glass. Jiowick, with
the inspiration of genius, had drawn hii ex
act likeness as the devil u long black stroke
for the body, a nick for a nock, horns on the
head and a teak for a mouth, Kji udlo arms,
uinl longer spiudlo legs, two pointed wings
and a tail, bine for lino there the figuro
was before me which, in tho unl'orgetable
tailpiece, is driving the thief under the gal
lows, and I hod a melancholy satisfaction in
identifying him. I hud been warned to be
ou the lookout for scorpions, eentitedes, jig
gers and land crabs, who would bite me if I
walked sliperlcss over the floor in the dark.
Of theso I met with none, either there r
anywhere; but the musquito of Trinidad is
enough by himself. For malu-e, mockery
and venom of tooth and trumpet ho is with
out a match in tho world. J. A. Froude.
A Memorable Incident.
Charles Iteudo, the Knglish novelist, once
ui-companied a iarty of friends to tho opera
in Dresden. Wagner's "Lohengrin' was on
that evening, and here is Rcade's account of
ono memorable incident related to that per
formance: "We had taken front scats in a proscenium
box. Suddenly a stranger took a Feat behind
us and expressed himself in such sentences as
'Ach hiiumel! Sohrgut! Ach sehlect! Schr
S'-hlect!' ami many other gutterals of tho
&imo eort, clapping his hands meanwhile and
stamping like a demented creature until he
locamo absolutely intolerable. As soon as
tho first net was over I sought tho usher and
requested him to have tho lunatic removed.
But I can never hope to give you the gestures
or the expression with which the fear stricken
u:her replied: 'Ach! das ist Heir Wagner '.n
'-Detroit Free Tress.
Tho History of Right.
Think how large a part of human nctivity
is consumed in tho endeavor, mostly fruitless,
to settle- questions of right. The whole ma
chinery of justice, with its legislatures, its
.ourts of various instance, its judges, advo
cates and attorneys attends continually upon
this very thing. And yet the glorious uncer
tainty of the law has become a byword. Fleets
and armies are still the last resource of civili
zation for determining the rights of nations.
Now, as in the time of Brennus, the sword is
tho ultimate makeweight in the scale of
justice. It may be said that the history of
right throughout the ages is one long mar
tyrdom. It is ever being crucified afresh
and put to an open shame. But, speaking
generally, we may assert that the idea of
right has hitherto been venerated by man
kind at large as absolute, 6upersensuous, di
vine. W. fc. Lilly in Fortnightly Review.
l'ortuno Hunting lair ones.
TTew York is filled with widows.
There are over fifty widows hercvitb in
dividual fortunes ranging from $1,000,000 to
i 15,000,000. A majority of them married
old men, some of them had been married be
fore, others yielded to the inevitable at a
late period of their existence, 3enerally
speaking, the women thus married had spent
the early portion of their lives in teaching,
in housekeeping, or in the marriage state
with other men, Circumstances gave them
a hold upon millionaire this, that or the
other. The hold became a grip, and the grip
developed a tenacity loosened only by the
hand of death. The surrogate's court has
been burdened by contested wills. "Wills
made by venerable men of fortune, who suc
cumbed to the fascinations of women in the
late hours of their lives and disregarded the
claims of children, the ties of affection, left
the bulk of their fortune to women who aY
too often have been deemed simple fortune
The records are humiliating. New York
Cor. U lobe-Democrat.
A Pretty "Business" Story.
A rather pretty little story, which has the
merit of being true, is interwoven with the
history of one of the largest grocery houses
in the city. Its founder, one of Pittsburg's
pioneers, Ixsfore he went the way of all flesh
set forth in his will that at his death the
store should be stocked with a complete as
sortment of the goods carried by the firm and
that the store and contents should the be
turned over to the cruel clerk, this was
done. The clerk whose merits won for him
this substantial recognition continued the
business with unvarying success until a few
years ago, when he retired. Not, however
before following the example set by his pre
decessor and employer. The freshly stocked
store was turned over to bis chief right-hand
man, and if the latter is true to the custom
of the house he will do the same for his succes
son Pit ts burg Bulletin.
It seems to iac that ordinary polite
ness, the honest dictates of courtesy,
would suggest to smokers that public
conveyances, public audience rooms,
public eating places, public drinking
places, are for the enjoyment of the
whole public and not for a selfish ma
jority. Men frequently com into my
ofliee with lighted cigarettes and leave
behind them traces of their offense, which
annoy me for hours thereafter.
Py what right do they do bo? Jot
Howard iu Nev York Graphic
Scientists say that the savage has a more
acute sense of smell than civilized people.
When two savages get together how they
must suffer.. Boston Transcript.
Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup.
Is the only medicine that acts directly
ou the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re
lieves a cough instantly and in time
ffects a permanent cure. Sold by O. P.
Smith & Co., druggists. j25,3nio,d-w.
$500 Reward.
We will pay ihs sbpye reward for any
case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick
headache, indigestion, constipation or
costiveness we cannot cure witn
West's Vegetable Li yer Pills, when the
directions ae strictly complied with.
They are purely vegetable, and never
fail to give satisfaction. i,arge ooxes
containing 30 sugar coated pills, 2oc.
Foreale by all druggists. .Beware or
counterfeits and imitations. The genu
ine manufactured only by John O. Well
& Co., 8tl2W. Madiscn t. Unicago, Its
Sold l.jW. -J Warrick.
Advice for the Voting American Actress
Who lias Anpliallonii ShukcHpeare'-.
Simplicity Co lice riling Emotional Play
Modjeska Gives Soma of Her Kzprleuce.
"What do you think, madume, is the out
look Sor the stage here"
"For tho higher ekiss of drama, decidedly
not very encouraging. So lon as j-ou
the drama written about and thought nltit
under the head of 'amusements' it will never
take any very high rank. When it is treated
as on art and receives the same aid and en
couragement as are extended to other arts,
then it will attain the position it ought to
"Tho young American actress who has as
pirations toward tho highest class of drama
has no chance, of schooling with tho excep
tion of j-ourself as model," said tho reporter,
"Will you kindly say how you think such a
girl should study P
"Books will not help her very much I
moan books that analyze anil dissect tho
nlnvfi nnil clinrjfljr: rtf tlio fw.-if iTrniniitktf;
r j " (- 1 ... .
Helen Faucit's (Lady Jlartin) account of her
irtudy of Shakespearean roles is the most in
teresting and jierhaps tho most really help
ful. But I must confess thut I believe sho
did not havo this thorough und delightful
insight into tho characters till long after sho
had played and, as it were, grown into them.
And though much of tho business hhe sug
gests is extremely ingenious mid delicate, I
think a good deal of it would not be dramat
ically effective. Georgo Ijowcs' 'Actors &in
tho Art of Acting' contains some valualilo
suggestions and many interesting reminis
cences. But let her beware of tho ordinary
commentator and essayist, who is doubtless
extremely clever the oidy trouble is that, ho
is too clever, and finds subtle ies ami hidden
meanings that Shaksimre never dreamed of.
"The great beauty of Shakespeare is his
simplicity nnd intelligibility. Of course,
there is an occasional phrase and word that
may require explanation, but I allmlo to the
characters. They are easily understood, and
you always find tho key in tho play. Take,
for instance, Rosalind. Some people seem
to think that she s hould bo rough and bois
terous. Thoy cannot surely remember the
words in tho first c.ct of tho 'Duko':
ITer smoothueas,
Iler very silence and her patience,
Speak to the peo;le and they i.ity her.
"The best light on Shakespcaro is to bo
found in tho careful study of his own works;
ono will certainly be helped to a better under
standing by a thorough knowledge of history
and by the 6tudy of other writers of tho
Elizabethan period. I gained a great deal
from reading Thomas Lodge's story of 'Rosa
lind.' No actress who does not possess a
poetic temperament will ever mako a success
in Shakespearean parts, and she must not fall
into tho error of thinking that the emotional
temperament is the same thing as the poetic.
The ono is imaginative, the other actual; and
the difference in the results of tho work of
each is similar to the difference between the
work of an artist and a photographer. Tho
purely emotional actress is generally utterly
at sea when she attempts to play the legiti
mate, and tho cause is not hard to find. In
emotional plays what the actress does is of
tho highest importance, and what she says is
of comparatively little moment. She may
gasp, or sigh, or appeal to tho heavenly
powers just as she may feel is most effective,
but it is the physical depiction of tho passion
or the emotion that affects tho audience fay
more than tho words. In the poetic play
what she says is of chiefest moment, and the
action, though illustrative of, must bo subor
dinate to, the text."
"Is not 'Juliet' an emotional part?"
"No, it is a part of passion as intense as
you will, but not of emotion in the sense that
wo apply that word to a play, The f lings
avowed and depicted in tho emotional play
are those of tho neiwous, hysterical tempera
ment. In them tho emotions evoke and rule
tho thought; in poetic plays the thoughts call
forth and govern tho feelings. 'Camille,'
iliss Multon,' 'East Lynne,' are plays of the
emotional order."
"But, lime. Modjeska, you play 'Camille'
in addition to so many Shakesperean parts."
"Yes, but it is tho only one of tho kind I
attempt, and if I succeed fairly hi it, the fact
is due to my having had so thorough a train
ing in every style of acting. And this brings
us back to your supposed young actress. Let
her work well, no matter in what line she is
cast, and she will gain experienco that will
be invaluable. If sho has intelligence and
poetic feeling she will bo able to play the
higher roles when the opportunity comes.
But above all things she must not seek to
begin at the top of the ladder. Very
rarely does an actress who so begins
make any improvement. Fractice only con
firms faults, and the frequent repetition of a
role imperfectly conceived and executed seems
to blunt the perceptions and tho sensibilities.
unfortunately gained my knowledge on this
'lead from experience. During my very fir.t
senuon I was what you ca'l here a 'star.' At the
2nd of it I fortunately had sense enough to
'enow that I was worse than at the beginning-,
mid 'hat if I persevered iu that course I should
never mako nil actress. So I went into a
company and played the smallest parts, and
choso of every kind. I have been even a
drunken servant, and have stood up through
wholo act as a silent super. I could sing,
and had a fair amount of experience in comic
opera. I am almost ashamed to say what
my salary was during this season. It was
tho munificent sum of $-10 a month. I could
not live on that, so the next season I again
went starring. Alter tuat wsts over l was
fortunate in getting into a good company to
play juvenile parts. I was fully five year.,
on the stage lefore I had any established po
sition as a leading woman." New York Tri
bune Interview.
Encourage tho Editor.
As a rule, an editor gets about 1,000 kicks
to ono caress. Once in a while be gets a
kind word, and it worms and cheers Lis
weather beaten, storm racked heart to the
innermost core. Most people are afraid to
tell an editor when he writes an article that
particularly pleases them, for fear of making
him proud, wo suppose, but if they find any
thing that does not accord precisely with
their views, they will neglect their business
to hunt him up and tell him of it. Pshaw!
dear friends, don't think you will spoil the
editor by givius him an occasional word
of cheer, any more than you will
spoil your child by complimenting it
upon a piece of patchwork it has fin
ished. Of course you could beat the
job yourself, but that doesn't deter you from
heaping words of encouragement on the
child. It has doao its best. So you could
doubtless beat tle average editor at running
a paper J Of course, you can. The man doej
not live who can't beat an editor at running
a paper. The elitor is willing-to acknowl
edge that you cau. ILj only runs it because
you have not tiu e to; but this fact need rot
deter you from giving lu'ra a word of en
couragement occasionally. Dansville (N. Y.)
Eraeze. ;
Wo want live, energetic, agents tn every
eouniy in the United States and Canada to sell
a patent article of threat merit, ox it mkkijs.
An aitie e hnvicg a larye fsale payhiK over luo
percent, profit, having no competition, aMj on
which the ateut Is protected in the exclusive
sale by a deed tiveii for each and every coun
ty lie may secure from m. With all tin se ad
vantages to our aue-.ts. and the li.c-t that It Is
an article thai cau he sola to every houtfetiol i
ow'i e , ti leiht tint le uecrsary to make "An
I'xtraoriliiiitiy 1 'Her" to secure no ml agents at
once, t'lif, we i ave eel cluiled to make it to
show, in i ii y ottre iifileiici- in the merits of
nil- inveii ion, hot in !t alald ily by any ave t will hiiiM'lc it v i' ii ciii-ijiy . mii agents
in.w hi woik r.iv iii;iKui iroiH $i.imo .!ioa
moiitli clcs r ;iiul Hi's fai t iiuikes u h ,fe for us
to make ourolter t all v lio are (.tit of employ-lin-iii..
A ny agent I lo't ill jjive cur lu inesn
a thirty it jn' a id f;wl to clear at leat
si lo i ti ilii-t nir, above all exencs. c;:n re
tnri. Kimti iins.ili! its a1 l we will refund
III." li, iimy p. i il fort In 1". Xo micIi employer
ol .-j.'eiit ever liarcd to make such olfrrs. iior
would we if we did not know that we have
nueijts now niiikii k more than dntihte this
amoiiht. Our tiie descriptive circulars ex
plain our olfcr fully, an thece we wish to oenrt
to eveiyoue iuf ot employmeiit who will i-cnd
us three one cent st.imi s tor poate. Send at
mice and neeine the agency in ti-iie fcr the
boom, and jro to work on tW t-nns named iu
our extraordinary otter. ATfTtren-. at mice.
National Novki tv Co.,
flS-Sni-d&W Cll Smithlield M , ritlshcri;, I'a.
Dr. David Ilostetter is the most heavily
insured mm in this country. The
ipwate of the
polities held by him is
l:V VIM Wtf-l.y3
For Co::ghs, Hoarseness, Weak Lungs, Whooping
t . -ti, i rv, l!:;i-kiim ( oiiulis of loiiji Mamling, unj
l. ii iK likil :mil l.mi;? A!!tetiins. Try it.
Warranted to Cure Consumption in its Earlier Sfr.g!S.
W A. f L-r;o A C ) Ahsclu'e Dominion over Pain
PAlfi I.Uf?i; ("'II 're Colic, Sure '111 rout,
i i' i:;, l-'rosi i.iu s.WouiuN, etc., in lcstlmth:ui any
i iIn.riiK (iiiincoTi earth. Guaranteed to Cure Hhciima-tlr-n
nnd r.'ciralgl.l. W:irruiit-1 liy your (Iriu'id-st.
JV , r.iv. unit i I. l'or St we will wnd Luteal sio oi
c-hher Cure, t pri :j prepaid. lilrs
nail-flanrl Rcnic-Jy Co., Box 372, Lincoln, Neb.
Trade supplied lv Hichardsou l)ru' Co.,
Omaha, Nebraska.
The standard remedy for liver com
plaint is West's Liver l'ill--; they never
lisit!) jut you. o0 pills 25c. At War
rick's drui store.
Every Household
Should have Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
It saves thousands of lives annually,
and is peculiarly efficacious in Croup,
"Whooping Cough, and Sore Throat.
"After an extensive practice of nearly
one-third of a century, Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral is my cure for recent colds and
coughs. I prescribe it, and believe it
to be the very best expectorant now
offered to the people." Dr. John C.
Levis, Druggist, West Bridgewater, Pa.
" Some years ago Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral cured me of asthma after the best
medical skill had failed to give me re
lief. A few weeks since, being again a
little troubled with the disease, I was
Relieved By
the same remedy. I gladly offer this
testimony for the benefit of all similarly
afflicted." F. II. Ilassler, Editor Argus,
Table Rock, Nebr.
"For children afflicted with colds,
coughs, sore throat, or croup, I do not
know of any remedy which will give
more speedy relief than Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. I have found it, also, invalu
able in eases of whooping cough.'
Ann Lovejoy, 1231 Washington "street,
Boston, Mass.
"Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has proved
remarkably effective in croup and is
invaluable as a family medicine."
D. M. Bryant, Chicopeo Fall3, Mass.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by all Druggists. Trice $1 ; six bottles, $5.
Iir. K. C. '.Vest's Nerve and Brain Treatment
i guarantee pcc-ilic for Hysteria Dizziness,
'i.iviil.sioiis. Nervous .e:!rili;i, H--al-
v he. N-,Memis I Tost rat ion caused hy the use
if a'col'o or t-diaeeo. akefu'ness. Mental le-!"sMt-.ii,
Sntteninir f the I'rain resulting in in-
ai!ii an le :d's it I imserv. uecav'l death.
i':m:p ure old .je. liari-fincs. Loss nf I'i.iv-
er i:i eifi or s x. i n vd;n:t:irv l osses jiii.1 Sfi-r-
uat rilui'i caused lv over-exertion of 'he
i i!.. s-ii'alnise or ovcr-indnljjeiict l aeli box
oiraias one month's trertui-nt. . SI ! a lux
ir-dx boxes for c5 t'0, s n:. by insdl prepaid on
e--t ipt of pi ice
ro enr:' a:iv ea . W ith e;i'h order r -ceived
iv i s ( i.- d bos, aceomp;iii cd with ?5 fill.
ve wil! send the purchaser our written gutaran
ee to ictt'.ni the n-or.ey if the !r idiner.t does
lo' -licet a cine. Cinrantces issued onlv bv
v i'.i J. "Warrick sole ager.t, riattsmuuth. Neb.
Cor. 12th aud Granite Streets.
Contractor and Builder
Sept. 12-Cni
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
Flor do Pcpperbergo and 'Buds
j TXTLlt I4KB Of
alwiya in stock. Nor. 20, 183").
t JH Ml . . JlfiTSiSELl'j
, ... . jvy JbTH EATM E N7 J
11 II
.A.xi.'y pESLxxxcL
-I must mukc
took of
Large S
Coming and therefore will reduce till leather goods 20 ptr
cent, helow regular prices tor cash otilj.
All Goods Marked in Plain riguroc.
French Kid ...... ,
French Kid
rig-lit Ioiio-ola. . .
JrigTit Dongohi. . .
Dailies' Peb
Ladies' Pel).
Men's JJurt
Childrens ''Little
Giant School
Now is your
Oliver cSs Hamgo, Proprietors.
We keep constantly on hand the finest and freshest line of meats
in the city. Meats of all kinds in their season.
And everything- to suit the demand our trade. Give us a trial,
South Side Main Street, Between Fifth and Sixth.
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal ami Poultry v
I invite all to givo mo a trial.
Sugar Cure Meats, Hams, Bacon, Lar.I, to.. fc. Fresh Oysters in Can and Eulk
at lowest liying prices. Do not fail to ivc me your pHtroungc.
E tn at B
.Prices in th.o City. Call
be Convinced.
" 0
Jonathan IIatt.
Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c., I o
oi our own make.
The best brands
rootn fur iny
Spring Goods
00 'JO per cent, discount $4 00
4 f,) " 3 B0
4 00 " " 3 20
oo ' 2 40
2 L5 " 1 30
o no 2 oo
2 25 " 1 80 v
5 00 " " 0 40
4 50 " " 3 60
.3 75 " " 3 00
2 M) " 2 00
' the host
in the
a cheap
market, fame
h limply.
to lay
V v:
J. W. Mai
pf OYSTERS, in cans and bulk i