The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 29, 1888, Image 3

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The Woman Who WorXn Ton IWim-Ii.
IIurlilp of I'lucrly Dim't lli-ur
Eerytlilm; Wmuan'ri Si-imo f t.'om
rudeslilji i;Iii ul ii of iii lM.
There it nothing in this world so bud as
pcrix timl motion. What n blessed thing that
no ijo has ever yet quite invented N-rH'tual
IiiofXii! Yet 1 know some little mothers
that re ahno.l th.-it; they never come. t u
fulloj. III t t ill le:! h trips them up. I 1
not wonder I hise I:' tic hoilii-s think of tho
future life, only ns i ;t :i great eternal
ret. Thnt wold thnt they can
concoivo as di-simble. So this lifu liccoiiies
tolerable booju;.-.o it points toward one huge
Htop. It i t heir fate l. ro to go o:i. If it lo
not n broom it i . :i i! I (; nir I if not these it
js a p.i!l of 7';i,-'i. 1 . i i:i t lie morning vi it h
li groun ; mid i:it !.'(-.; i:i:;l.t with ti sigh.
Their babe. . ro p::: v b i-.i the mothers
11CVI I" cud 1 stop. Y -., I l.i:ov some Iia1es
that fit I.'r lh i: ; if I !i v Iia l worked
liui'd tor I -an- vi end lin y never j-ot over
their we.yem 1 loo!:. Yi;--y ;i-.-.a. i looked
fugged; but. vii!;
trotting on tin on
hereafter. Ii-it.
.woman do ii I -t.t
nhcad of a l'.'. ii ;
Mill! kllO'.V.i 111. I:iol
knows how t fly.
And li'xv is ii alxiiit II
themselves, born of Mf-h . ;!
into the world as so, no i:o'ors
i'n lt.W m-rves
;!i loo, Irving
:.ii a geii'iine
i! .' Mil'.' inherit
!"-ra ions. .
I ;,i-
lor rest
the go
us! hilt
to t top than sho
mid girls
.' They cunu)
come on the
fctflge, with a I :i : -1 ; 1 a !: !!: und they
never stop till il t-y '!;. ; !on,c one h.-is de
fined a Yuiikce as a mm who -ui:not st ill.
You do not. know why h- whittles. It in
com-ric lu Lioa. Iti.-. ii.
II. ,ii
Imx, v!io v.
Knglan.l, for
iintii.'ii rc- v:
lialioa thus
Cut, its char.:
li'.'Mtl.y k:io-.v:
Il is si a I
-l w nl."
'I will."'
rest loss ).-
I ! i id ;
ct,?l.c-t a g.ih i .'
th; or'U:a':! !
liillL-lS PK-t j
lloilan.l a.i.i h
Tihhr'iiat io
n'stl.-.vs as til i
OHO great uai .
lourii tho art oi
to thus-w ho ai i'
y j;olih:! I il 1. !
- ' liow t- h'-lo voa
I ,
s i'
r. ,; :'
Jonathan Tar-
h.oli- of New
.: :'.!" w Yulikco
1'-. Jo:-a'h.;:i. I-Ivcry
i . m I oi , i Is ty jit1, its
An Kn ii lan-in i-mi-s!-s
: vvlirii to stoj.
.; i I i !i I hi- o!s,
. " si :i!.!. rn:n's.s i:j in
I .' i :i i.i t his iiai- of
is n-rvi ns as an i-cl.
i mill !o In-tt'T than
i i j o;-: rail:., taken of
o:i ilr.'l thi.- ;in-
v. . i n 1 !: hahios of
;:i'-r. :i tin- fori: it r
Ii.. ii
sal 1 i
I.' .mil i
:; v- 'a
l I s.oii.
.n yet to I- K-.a i: i!.-
, i.'i'l till? I.i I tor as
hi'li'i'i!, hut tho
I'. .; oar wo-aon to
1 inn not tal'cing
t poverty, l'oor
i ; -i !y will h-iil"l
! : is oar great Jcs
jj. i. '.'" in lilolic-
T!n Ha '1- IiTj.s f
r of i-r. oi:
1 1
! I!
of v t rita
h-::-!;;.-. To
ii la-.-i-.-sary
ooki rs ever
m.-;.. !c ci;!
i -a :. tsvaillo
ti:ii", ilihI
gr nusfl. VirTO
;;i :is i ever
s.; th-.'r ii.vom
:i will, I. nt t!io
i wo; !:, who has
it, is a siiiht for
I I : lot;
liiifr is to
Slit it is high as
I vo:-ty ii ...--i i.
bilKU th- ro!i-.: '1 v.: ::: .1
vo;:M!i in t!.- .-:..i '!.:i:::.
lightly is;.-.-:! the I'- -1 -''
!!? l;r;i;--t or a : !
livo ia :ii:o.-v ' i ; is '
jll a hl-il: I..:!. i Ii: I. ST'
lrra::i o!'. iiri. ;.::, 1
H liko the si. ; i : s-a I .' a .-
never a;y :.! .:::: : n-
ore !:. i-. ::!;. : - i "
yetlfi-:s!; U t '-'
fortsr.a.l .? y
WOKiai) ilio.i-i ! ' ' ' ' l.-7!C
HO taste . : a.' :; ::ity for
toars nithrr t!::-a s -oi-a.
Tht-rt' aro o::!y t .v o v 'i:'-.1ii's for
nnn is iiatient t inhi: an - of ii ; tlie
t'e-i ant of it. T i-n.hav i
you can out of l !ie shauows. (.'ultivate if
Uo?i hns not mcniftilly givonit to you an
iIIixe-iatioii of the l;tilioro;!A gKil laugh
will put to liight inoiv t-ares than a shotgun
-au watter bla.-khinl-;. lraw a dcoj) lino
liettveeii tho essi-ntials anil iion-ossontials.
Never noglect th hygion; of i he home, but
Htver r.iiiul the frills. Toss a onnl of cojv
Ieras hvn your drain, use ammonia and
jiuro carliolit fri-ely. ! nt let your windows
and your tilver go without eleaning when
vou aro tired. Don't earo a snap of your
finger fer any i-alh r who w ill look dow n uihui
-voii Jivause you do j our own work. Take
4leligl:t la r!; -. k::rg !l t.;i -'.i. Xovcr lot your
work drive ..i. i'cti. r sir down a minute
with the w.u k malon.- :ri l piay a jig on tho
i.iano, or roii.l tl:e nev.--i.:ii.'r, thun yield a
sdavesal!egi:i"'-.-r i'.o v.oi-i; thn; a w its you.
I'asto a lot : : o: ;-c- pooms nil around
the wails, ivi r tho s.a.i f-'i'l "u tao pantry
closet, j t!s;:r- th- v..r.'s bh.
oa enroll ra-;::! V vo..v. ::td
t least. o.:t tl o.-h v.a-r.
.Vud i:ow- i.l.o;.-. get: a ; o::t of it. Boy a
tyii ."Titfr and johs ; . .in at homo that
will pav at !-.:--t :!: wag-s e-t' a girl; or open
Atwohon.s---o.d l.iolittlo f ?ks whose
mo' hers diva I to :-;! .iluu to uie I'uonc
la I i:::i
Il'.oih :
ii: Iriiie
;vet yoa like
p jour soul,
school and eiirn i.'!'--'.
servant, or ta:..' i i '"
sewing, if you have a
taste, pain: ja ::.i j ,N
a bit. V"!i:ite-i-r v.
preferablo to h-.i- -
exchange the .;.-m'-y
kitehea. I) . ii.- a :
bio, a:;d may t
your sci-pv! "A:.:l
A I" w-
If o;.tv:ii; 1;
many ia::I.o..-. '
his hou-v v. ; -i :'
v.ash is cvvi-v i:'wi
that bo his fa -..-y
yor.ii'l fri-:;d.. 1
lau-t, " ; '
vhaev-i- b.'.t 1
nala-is and -
COol IVlIV-i:--i'-- ' :
oils masses I A.::-.
Sliver service, a.ul
Aixl .eaci,o. i.i 21.
)kafct5!'e oi t'.o . ::.
rcsi(i.-s. if ri h !
Jjlease-, v. liv - y-
ostUoy pk-.;:c :'il.
friends lioau--' '-!
uioii Drilou chiafi ,
Johan-i: "-' r::. r lei- r
class, ;is Your i.'-iI'i
iu a hoir.oiy vay,
not as rich, :.::d w
iM'o:isoiou.i:V i.
richer than y;Vi.' -ylovo
the i xlr.-.v:: :!
ocii'ty, the waal- : d
Olid vexation, of tl."
jlo! a ilt::-- -; 'n:
joxxl seu.--. !'' I
very f-w .-ev.. p- '
jnjtou;v. (I'.-r.
ay to lure a
amount of
If vou have
cm do that is
rt-ry, h it and
ho!p iu tho
,Ller h roio or Fonsi
. u,. !.."! yon out of
i:: c;:io::go JournaL
; -a
i a
a-r;-- i
. r i ;
.i d -
worth a great
o'.loo-CS to 1111
-orac, and to
T.,kay hould
' So: ho'iislia's
i:.-! io a merry
.::5:.l J'u Ti.:;;-
: ;"..y :;"d iol's,
f ;:u and the
:..::i o, 1! E the
.1 ike naivel-
i:."; -old and
s ia .f;inuury
.1 li loako the
e:aci'f:iu fi5 they
v i ooi'Io eaiortala
io.i-.-o to a.-.k your
:i: M-rve ortolans
. i-pour L'chloss
the Rwrtlnn. "WTiat do we mean when wt
iy that a girl Laa "nuirried wollT Given a
toh-rnbly miitAble age, fair character, health
and dispofiition, tho commendation las but
o;io generally aw'ptod interpretation, as any
candid reader will admit.
I heard mi eminent theyjlogiau use the
words tho other day, in answer to congratu
lations on his daughter's niarriago: She lian,
indeed, marriiil nuiniilcently 1" ho Kuh
joiniil aside to an intimate friend. "I "culd
ask nothing ln-ttcr for her, thank God!''
Meeting the Hon-indaw suliwqueiitly, tho
friend Haw an unwluented man of menn stat
ure, ignoble visage, boori:;h deKirtitHatit, um
less than meilioere Intel Iwt. I Sut he has in
herited tho iniltionsof nself made father, and
cunning enough to turn them over to ad
vantage. Marion llarland.
Don't Ileur lOvrrj tlituif.
Tho art of not hearing should bo learned
by all. It is fully as important to domestic
happiness as a cultivated ear, for which so
much money and time are e.TienIctl. There
ure so many things which it is ainful to
liitfir, many which wo ought not to hear, very
niaiij' whii-h, if heard, will disturb tho tem
per, corrupt simplicity and imxlesty, detract
from contentment and happiness, that every
one should he eilueaLiil to take in or shut out
so;: i.!s necording to his pleasure.
If a man fulls into a violent passiou and
calls us all manner of names, at the first word
wo should shut our eurs and hear no more.
If, in our quiet voyage of life, we find our
selves caught in one of those domestic whirl
winds of scolding, we should shut our ears as
a sailor would furl his sail, and making all
tight, send lief ore the gale. If a hot and
restless man lx-gins to inllamo our feelings,
we should consider what mischief these fiery
sparks may do in our magazine below, where
our temper is kept, and instantly close the
1 f , as has lcvn remarked, all the petty
tilings said of one by lieedles3 or ill natured
idlers were to be brought home to him, ho
would become a mere walking pincushion,
stuck full of sharp remarks. If we would Iks
happy, when among good men we should
open our ears; w hen among bad men, shut
tin-in. it is not worth while to hear what
our neighlMirs say aliout our chiltlren, what
our rivals say about our business, our dress
or oar affairs.
The art of not hearing, though untaught in
our school.-, is by no means unpraetieed in
society. Wo have noticed that a well bred
woman never hears a vulgar or iiuiiertiucnt
iviuark. A kind of discreet deafness saves
o:u; from many insults, from much blame, in dishonorable
con versa t ion. Treasu ro Trove.
AYomaii't Souse of Coincraiietililp.
Tho greatest need nt present is for con
certed action among women. Never min
gling together as men have tlono, they are
in general as ignorant of life, its tempta
tions and jtossihiiities as of their own capaci
ties. That women are harder uikhi each
other than men are upon them is tho wicked-e-.t
lii- ever taught and one that the slightest
observation explodes. It haa eeorned to keep
1 hem aj art and prevent indepeudent,straight
forward action. "When they begin to get ac
quainted, as in clubs and societies, tho mu
tual surprise and delight at finding so much
eirnestntss and sisterly feeling is something
really pathetic Many a slry, stiff, narrow
woman expands under the sense of coiutador
ship and sympathy like a flower brought
from the cellar into tho sunshine, and blos
soms out iu a way as surprising to herself as
it i.i i !el ightf ul to her friends. Like Gloriana
iu one of Mrs. "Whitney's stories, she knew
there were "good times ia tho world, but
never exiected to bo jn them," and now she
learns how to contribute her own share to
them. More than all other means of growth
are these -Associations, and tho influence of
tho many acting as the one will be the most
powerful factor in that enlightened woman
hood w hich will be the salvution of societj',
Hester ZL 1'oole iu Good Housekeeping.
Tho Education of Girls.
The education, the life of today's women,
has unfitted them to bo mothers, but the
education of todaj''s girls is bringing them to
womanhood more perfect specimens of their
kind, physically as well as mentally, strong
and healthy in mind and body, able to endure
the suffering of motherhood; willing to give
a few jears of life to producing new life,
reasoning with well developed faculties how
to make that new life stronger and more fit
to take j et another step forward.
Nothing is more marked in our progress
than awakening to the need of less confining
clothing for the bodj-, less confining life for
the phj-sieal strength, less confining educa
tion for the mind. Little use is there to dis
cos the relative weight and size of the mas
culine and feminine brain. No arguments
pro or con can prove anything; those people
of tho latter half of tho next century will
kn w what we can only speculate on, for the
bonds are burst.
"S. . E. M." in Chicago
How to Take IMlIs.
A writer gives the following directions for
taking pills easily:
If the pill is tasteless, let it be taken lightly
between tho lips, and a drink of water will
carry it down with no trouble. If disagree
able to tho taste, it is better to place tho pill
as far back as possible on the tongue, and
then take a good draught of water or any
li .'at leverage. Let the most inveterate of
1 ill haters give this simplest of methods a
fair trial, and he will bo quite an exception
if ho does not r wu his difficulties gone.
Should he, however, remain obdurate,
another plan may bo tried: envelop the pill
i:i a fcmall piece of rice or wafer paper, place
this in a tablespoon, fill up with water, put
the spoon as far back in tho throat as possi
bl and the whole mass will be swallowed
with case. Youth's Companion.
i iu cucuaii
i'o put a ti ell
;::l the b
. a
wu u:o. .is g'.'Ovi as ue, li
:v should yo-.t poi niit him
l-uliy you beeai: v he is
rio-i'if-rs and fathers, d-r-a:u-e.
the late hours, of
: .h- :::.-, the utt-. r vanity
kd tread. ni!l. And
hi.!-- s"'irii, a littk?
v; . a the part of a
:, -..ou.d relieve the
;:i Curt is.
To liet lib J of a Sty.
Vf hen you are particularly anxious to at
tend the concert or party of the season, and
feel that pricking pain and see the fatal little
s-.xjt of red on the eyelid that surely foretells
the coming of a sly, have no fears for the re
sult, but put in a small bag a teaspoonful of
black tea, on which pour enough boiling
wat-r to moisten ; as soon as cool enough put
it on the eye and let it remain until morning,
The sty will, in all prolmbility, be gone; if
not, one more application will be certain to
remove it. St. Louis Republican.
ONI ai il .-r.- i j"-.!-ions ." l i. r.a I.'.
' i-on-..r.-:,, l a X of regret, but w
havecea.l t l.e
marriage of t a -. I
of as "a genu:::.' e-id
such as one seM :.i
Nor ore we rig u toot;
TOssionate sin ft'
oliedslur. , ., ,
" One direct question will prve the trutu oi the
,1 hue niat.-h,
i i this day."
! ,- ;.:d:;i.".!it at thocuuu
ll.ui noeouipauies tae
: 1 V
; yo
' irlth a chamois' skin. It teems a smnll thluz :
' to yon no doubt, and peruaps j-oa la': rx nu i;x;ifn-o w ith the i iui-'nat.
tnochildlookof wide eyed wonder v. In n it is i r;,;;..wl r.uv'x to lualih.
at homo," or watches you disputing home Cminu . l.r ullvs name i.r,t
stipulated Imrgain, but verily I sny unto you, came ititu u;i.!c :r:d Ic : o: ..i:c::( r in .o
there is no new made grave ln'tieath nil the votnlu r, lb'?o, v.-lu.-n he was ::: i '. i' d
sparkling stars so sad in tho sight of heaven ch.'irgi-d with l ing iiis:i!,e t liroti;;!: ..: i ;
and tho angels as this tirst iiow aini'ii at un
corrupted honor and perfwt truth. "Amber"
in Chicago Journul.
How to Clean Marble.
To clean marble, brush oil the dust with a
piece of chamois; then apply with a brush a
good coat of gum arable of about the coa
sistencj' of thick muciiago; exposo it to tho
nun or "wind to diy. In a short time it will
lccl oft If all the gum should not peel off,
B-ash it with cloau water and a cloth. If the
Qrst application does not have the desired
effect, it should be tried again. Boston
A Child's First Awakening.
There ore many bitter awakenings from
care lapsing sleep on tho way through this
world, but none quite so sad as a child's first
.awakening to the fact that mother sometimes
tells "harmless little fibs," or that father does
not always bold to the letter of his agree
ments, or even that taster Kate's rosy checks
come in a pasteboard box and urn applied
Iteauty of .Southern AVotaeii.
As a rulo southern women have s.null and
Five indulgence in morphine and cm-
the latter ;i powotTid liasct.ilo of 1 '. Ii
tip to that tirno little lir.d hi in !. : . : .'
was taken In-fore .lit-lgc 1 Veiiderg;!'.! ,
ih-claivd to Ik- iji-iso, njid -ivo;i ai-
v(.,v ----dliOini:;
i.rettv f!ct. Certainly Ihov do not sj,oil them t'li'-c t lluce nio.iuis m tu . a. -him,:-
i in walking, for iu no SK-tion of the-our:try is Ionian lnuiif. Afti r a fort::i0ht':i ; i-. at
so little physical exercise indulgeil in by the . the liome Dr. hraiin-y wi-iil to t ;::i:;o-i,
gentle sex. Thej', too, are large of eye nnd j Lis e!,l lionio. w Iicro ; ;... o liii-: If !:,
sof t of sjMjech. To make theni!x.-lv(s agree- j intiri ly to th ileniaiids of l!:r liin.;, tii"
able is a canon, and their flattery isseduetivo ; fasciiial ions of which eo'rvk lely :i
becauso apjiarently unconscious. They are I tliraliid hint. rr:u ti'-e a): 1 hoi.:o v.
strong not only in family feelings and the J e,oii", and bo y.u: f; Co l oi a to hi 4 i; o.
ties of kinship, but have an unlniunded pritle ,., li;-n)-,l t(, ( hi. ;;.- ;.i:d v.::? t i :l to
in their iarticular state, and an atlectioii so
strong for it that if the old issue had d'j
jK'iideil on women one doubts that they ever
would have been beaten. New York I'ress.
o. n
The Raby's First Year.
It is not a weloomo fact, but it is a very
pregnant one, that the less babies ure talked ' ',
to and noticed tho iii st year the Utter. All uosiduten
success in training them, indeed, depends
ujhjii this calm letting them alone, leaving
tho nerves unwrought upon, and allowing
tho little frame time to liecome accustomed
to tho strain upon it of acquaintance w ith
this restless, rioting world of ours. Demo
rest's Monthly.
Hair IrfKiii in Pari.
Feminine hair dressing in Paris now
strictly follows a code according to tho color
of the tresses. Fair hair is to be turned back
loosely from tho face, so ns to form a golden
aureole; dark locks must Le parted down tho
center and smoothly in ranged; chestnut
tresses may bo piled high on the head iu Ja;
aueso style, with a few curls straying over
the forehead. Chicago Herald.
llu- i i ::-:::!; o a y lum. w lo. ro a oo a j .', i ,nv
w as l"c-o: od. tii:d In - i i allied Li.-, pi ..- li. .
:!' to Hud liir-o if el. - i t i -1 by L.-
clients and Lis ro.;;.i ion i .!.
Cni-.i d.U'ofi fi r tho ivv: r. ,- , cam v i:ii
ci-ahi", to which 1.;: i:; l.i- ::::i.- a
victim, i'lid tln ro v.cic laoiiliii ui1 i L-
y lived iu t! o ; late f i:;i : 1 ii
j'rocr.r-eii. t; v ill i og ir I y no-'.: or -:v.-.;
until III -s la-.t ro--eoti w;is &i(i m.A Li.;
family r-;'::r:i-.
i h:: !i :io!an v.ctu to i'j gul an ;
o.-o ; t
- van all i:i,a:-m-;s oF
; ) 'l t
:i yctir u; v. a i if ;
!rit;4 sic -ivs or sec
ti'.il' on dri:y I
pc-urod. lie w as :
in Ca-vvla t.:,d t!.
v L n tin; . y. Vi y
Nt v.- York I: y f r i
Cliil'lrcu'rt lU-niai-ks.
Often parents with nil good intentions re
prove their children for ranking remarks on
the nature of tho feiod pkceil lieforo them;
but when children ere nt home they ouj ht to
be encouraged rather than otherwise to be
stow well meriteil praise or blame, as it indi
cates a refined and acute condition of the
senses of taste and smell. Olfacties.
t'teiiiisiii:; Hub! rails.
Concentrated lye is tho best of all contriv
ances for cleansing bedstead.-:. Never keep
either lye or any paisotjov.3 substance in a
bottle or pitc-her or cup ta:tt l:uy bo tlrunk
from by mistake. In a tin box or china soar
dish, nobody would mistake them for any
beverage. Boston Budget.
Hint to Ilnyers.
Unless j-ou have a long purse, never buy
anything because it is cheap, especially gloves
and millinery. Such purchases are al .vays
dear in tho long run. A w oman Yvho dres ;es
well on a hundred a year says. "I a:a too
poor to buy anything but the very be-st."
New York Commercial Advertiser.
To remove mildew from linen rub the spot
with soap; scTajie chalk over it and rub it
well; lay it on tho grass in the sua; as it
dries, wet it a little; it will come out v.iL-i
two applications.
Tho flavor of nearly all kinds of fi-;h is im
proved by removing the skin from them be
fore they are cooked. Thn skin hns a dis
agreeable flavor, as does tho fat is between
tho skin and the flesh.
Never let the whites of eggs stand during
the beating process, even for a moment, us
thej" will begin to turn to a liquid stata and
cannot be restored, and thus will make c.
heavy cake.
It is stateelthat the livers of whitefish, fried
in butter or lard, furnish the most delicious
food. Still, they are generally thrown away,
as very few persous know of their value.
Never speak loudly, or whisper impres
sively, or talk continuously in a sick room,
above all don't gossip about c-ases oi" sickness
that have coma under your observation.
a mi" i . oi " .i
"elf u r i' - . . , . .
siekin to inio'. i.- r. i.i
t'i'. ';:imil, en:; cl..' .!. :
his siorv of v.-;.:,; ..
Cglt-'CrS wiii-'i I i : -, ii:. ..1
that lin:e li.- w. -. i.. :-i r : : !
c.culiio ;i ;.:y. ilv- : . . : i ::l
Li-.;oL..l to !: . '. I. : - I-.-til
; i:;;;!i;;,';i r i i i '. c C
v. !:C-i' l.o v. ..s i:u: j:-il bad
.p'r -ic.,1 vi ; r.
JL?:-. i.k- v w;::' r 1::.
the i i i'e-s t!i;-; L: ! :
v T. i. J fi'o. iy .-:i !r -r .i.: i:ii
Ci:t:i I.-'.-, 1': : v.:. . i:
Lily ; , fi-" aM I ! '. .
v;is in tl:.l! c:;v li'-:! Coo '.'.l
Li'i, I.i, io i.oi ' -e thn i: . ' i
'Iiy. hv.:i. b--it i: v .: o ily I
pr..-:-iIc:d tnuv :: Iictii; I.i
t i-:ti -;. . ': ii -le '.;; s io i::c:I
i'i-r i:.-i:::' it 1'v.i.- other i.t;;-; .
m.iti i Ci.
it Lv ! .
'i hen h' ui-a4i-a:i.;ioy
1.; lit.i.'i
L iv.itll la I f; 11,
.. i.-.l ii'.. r:.i. , I in
: i '; '. i i ':! -in
... . : - i
-tv-7 r-r .Tj nr.- i
er-v r
f ...
Wht'ie :i
ii.':il;ii; ii;t
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i . s
SI t"t' K i cOllli'i
;t n ( i j' .; i i
-' U ; Ii L .
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, i A. I . '. L J I
jo.:--.- ei
;-; d i:c-i, I. Id J COIiXHU MAIN AM) SIXTH
v.o . ;: d li. - !
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1. 1 l ! A 1 ' .
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;i:.:i i. .-1-)
i- nt;.!
-t t- :'.- II ; .
' 7 T
7 i i
, is i
' ii
i 1 11 o
Crystal Aprie
rated Cold Drop I'lura.;.
Silver Prunes . All k indn of Dried Fruitc.
Dark. Mcuf chbtel Che see
Sascaf ra
. : li'- .
tha 11
Otlu-rv. ::;!::: I i
o" ct!i-r r-i- i I:'-::-!
ro imi i i-t :it : t tot
f.,rii!:-.:- fo" l.:
t v d: i-i, j-ir
: ':-. .1 I v.-.-. f
1 i .
, : !
.or IV . r.-::' 1
:i i'::oi. ('-:., ;.!.
i s . Vi ..t :: (.-. i
. . i- : .1
. ::.:. s i.. ;-. .:.-. .
- I-.l : ;" i.ii l 1.) : . :.;
Schoppn Cocoanut
' and nice.
Pi: d din c -j , ---'Jcrnc- tiling new
8 3.
'luo . i ! .''. i : i !ic
t.-.Ioiiiii -tri . -ii 1'
:i!y. 1 ii::;- tr. ili:ce-.l J,:y
le;--liur i' .::i :i e-;: . I vl.-.v
a cut, (?:::. : in;- I.:- ttci i
kept tin; iti::ii:.l e.;; i-.i
v. atclii-irc iiiu tlivui.t.f .
jro.n, uii! :.uiCr i;
"Nc-t I l)- :-:i-i :;':v: ii:::-:-.
self. 1 k.:::,1 h.v. I..--
i'licv f '-(.v." Li. .. iit.ii:; s
l iciito.; :; J.oy.-.T .ia ;.:;.!
o; l l -:V i..V ill!
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'i.-.l:' . :
5 i h:i
i 5
3 3
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v. 4 B '4
io i:. M
i c;;ii. :i
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'-.V- Zi. ill JZSk
n-.i i.
fvivo ioj;-;
lLc (hut the o.Tc:l.,- .f li:- W; :c
i luii'ar lv tho.:.- of Titeirplihie. To C. .
jirovc t!:ii I trJctl :'evi:.:l (::;;:;":;: :y ;
lyiiJp; ( my r; d l:t i:o.. -, !;;.; i
l' k ro p::i:i. nnd xlu::': v.-;; ; ; j .
: '.''zl.'.i: t i.:.::. ation ;;s ll:e il.!i v,-; ": ; I
m: lv? Um lieiiteil irons. r. r ;
iiio:ith.3 every day fur a lr.df hour .1 . :.-lcrhiK-rtcJ
with ihj :::l .(i;-:,
i::::-vCi wri-sl lamrr, rf tl. : i.i.. Ia in its
s:::-!y Lcforu n r.iirrcr, v.-ut;iii:!v; in t f -f
r-t cn luyrclf. llv.t I ::cv, r r ::Ii;:i';l
ti nt it v.r.s; biahii:i;j a iit::rt-..ry over i;ie.
lis fr.L:-i:i::11r:;r i owcrs wciy rl:;:-t
V." '.'.' I
Linen dresses or other garments will retain
their color if washed in water iu which a
quantity of hay is placed ; boil and rinse tho
goous in w, using a mue soap. j .,.,. f0!;..;..,, lv-"s'
The newest thing in mourning is that the ' 1 i -i:i:d t. ;:t t:io vot
trivl -K-Vinm Henth lwrca ves of ber ncct .;.-d JH'V ' .'.VV to 113 llllt.U
lover may wear a black ribbon as a tosti- j 1 eV'. 1 coui 1 Imve ( ; ; :
monial of her grief . J t::i :i v. : o i. not for ..: .: ..:
I v.-I:h tin? vx-m frrm; wlf.rj I
For a sore throat there is nothing better I r.ctr.?. v.anica lils huv.:'
than the white of an egg beaten sthT, with 1 rffu-:cd tj vr,c.ti. it ivy v.
all tho sugar it will hold and tho clear juico lur.uj a point by wsilc-i i
of a lemon. I i'o r.u ir.s.-.ue cottrt. T. :
jo -,
Will l.-i- ,;: !;,
Iitti' P si.:-. i : : L ( : ;
I ri"ii 1 w
la a.
:il .
i .ill I.
ii'.o r.u is::;;;? cottrc.
A ham for boiling should bo soaked over! 1 ' - - I'.'T.' -.! 1 5 1
night in tepid water, then trimmed carefully ; .'...' '.' '.'' "f. -of
all rusty fat, before putting on the fire. j ?:::'v.':0'" lv ,tr'-'-- :. -' ,
To clear a tanned skin wash with a solu
tion of carbonate of soda anil a little kuien
juice, then with the juice of green grapes.
C-Va. c:..: t iii-.
: ( - '
f -1,
Make as few changes as possible in those
who care for a sick person; it irritates to
have many different ones about.
Don't sit down familiarly by the beside of
a sick person ; your every movement may ir
ritate and make him nervous.
The faults of women arise from weakners,
incompetency and poverty of will, rather
than through appetite or passion.
Tho so called "bargain counters'' are re
sponsible for more bad dressing than almost
any other agency of trade.
Love of finery is only a low love of tho
beautiful, aud love of admiration ouly an
excessive love of pleasing.
er.ino, :
iho r. .
"I t:
r -rti'
Ijo t e I v.-lihoo; .;.::;
jv-i'c- if) ::2::a r i
a f '-li'v for ::.-r
. V x. i Z)
a: Willi
for Totae
vulicve i
i' '.;-
: ( I .. v
k V i Vf
: I
e T
vc C '
1 i.i.O .
1!-.:11. 1 1 .. ::i 1 ;r.ntV l!l(e :.!;,,!:. fir-r
than iiKt-t men, but 1 Lave r.: cctnj
In n'ive idea f i is p- H-IIItii s.
er.ti -i-i only in tlie c:. nv.iii::eiiti;I &t;
' WLut are tho cfTrchs of tl.o dnr"
"To l.f y::i wltli. it is Kk.j tl:e e i. ct:
r.ny r-n.;!i'::nt i.t c.-rlain stay: -. I ut i
i:: sliri.- f 'iiiu:, ::s is :!';! i. Vli - r
- . - .. . .,'ti!!iii-i;!uM af,-e!ir.,;ti::.tfV(r.:ii::::
lno nmerai oi marriages-is wnai loic-i lnvclv t "' -we
Justice Peters, of Uaine, calls divorce day in ."-., j
11. ......... 4 1 l-.-.iL ..I. 'I .t.:t
l LIU 3U'i ClliV tUUI U. J
i :
fcj Lj li
in p.- ri;
Washing in cold water when overheated is ' f1"1.--'11 uhi.-toti.; w hioli ee. io 1.
a frequent cause of disfiguring pimples. j Loitor or rtisr.r.tam.-. ---:e..-t
j quantihi.s, iLe-t:g!i. cu:i: e ; : ;: : i::
ltv. isio durutton ci tne t"-il is u!-
Sick people are sensitive; never remind
them what an easy time they are having.
- a f,
Dishcloths are quickest sweetened by being
boiled up with soda and water.
To clean stained tea or coffee cups seovr
with bath brick,
two hour:-, raid is miccc; .! !;
cf depression an :! e:.Lea:..,t!i n.
i.i noi'O of ih (ii-.i:ii'l; i-f !.
r.ervcits sy.- !cm t!:at t ll ws
lies.. The victim l-.-.-e-s all :t"
each i::iu'2v::co. and tiiere Ji-.
ilan rtr in Using eoi-oire. It v. . ai.. n
:;ctienof the heart. i!ial:ingsu.IIe:i : :
or exciteinetits du'i.--rous. v. v... .
ernjilitie'd in the suiioea death of a j
eian. who engaged ia :i (itiarn ! . :
1 u
. T
j :. : -
in:. J:,:.-
-Ill e-O I-
ti;o Ci.;--;"
Xo House Jn Sight.
They were twenty miles from the ilfeis
sippi river, bound cast. "Conductor,"' said a
passenger, "when do we reach Kansas City:" Lai'ocr Li;.t year and f.Il te;:d di:; .
"UVre there now." "There now! Y.'h-, quantl. lie used erair.e. The ,,' ,
there isn't a house in sight r "No he use j, ,.f the lial-it are drauiag. It nilldoa-.
no. But look at the building lots! The
prairies are full of 'em." Life.
a man's lKiveption of right.
Which h ;"r.-'-tVoiii
wliieli e;
'.rat inticls j-:tti-
it! itl! i t ts m;1
jii-intc-rs are ttirbibcr
,.. .1.-
Senator Reagan, of Texas, pronounces
i laide as if it vas spelled Raygan.
same r.s whisky, and j mil a victim uo-vn ! -g-) T ( TfTi.', ""3" -' - TJC, "5 T
to the lowest uc-pths of low ctiiinii: and i i luJ. 1. jLy5 Ja. U J JL il y
-cmcago r.ews,