-uri'ALX. J I K XI A L D't" J'L A TTS3.1 O u ill, KEMUSKA,- MONDAY. FEiilttJAItV in. 1SSS. The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. KKTOTTS BROS., Publishers &. Proprietors. Ia THE PLATTSMOUTH HKKALD tiltlliheri every DtiitilHiieu every and Weekly every 1 liursdity woriiiiij; evening except Sunday Jteuis- tered at the uiinionlce. 1'iaitmnoutli. N'ebr., . !wcou1-cIa inciter. Ofllco corner of Vine and Fifth trets. 1BIIMS FOR OAILV. Ou copy one e:ir in hdvance, by mail... Out copy per mouth, by i-anler, One copy pur week, by currier TKKMt ru WKFKLV. one copy oe year, lu advance One copy tlx iiiom tttt in advauce . f-M 15 75 WHO WAV EH THE BLOODY SHIRT'. Some recent utterances of New Orleans journals ura worthy of attention. On tl.e 17th of this month the Daily JStattv printed a tlouldc leaded lender. coajjrut ulatorj of "harmony" between the Nicholls anc McEnery Democrat. The closing paragraph opened with these wrels: Tnc Democracy of New Orleans have a double duty to tliiclnirga: First to aid the gallant Democracy of the country parishes to elect the Demo ratic State ticket and thus plant the Democrat!' party fct.il 1 more firmly upon an impreg nable basis in the state. A day later L Opinion said: The Radicals in Louisiana have touh lives; nothing discourages them, and they have again attracted public atten tion by treating themselves to a conven tion of which the consequences may be feared so far as they relate to thtir safety in this state. The time lms come to give Mr. War moth and his friends to understand that if they intend to continue to dwell upon the hospitable soil of our state they are at liberty to engage in all kinds of agri cultural and industrial enterprises, but they must, for ail times, abandon all pretensions to regain the re-but of gov ernment. Louisiana can not and wiil not be controlled by any other race than the whites, aligned under the banners of the Democratic party. W believe that inaction on our part would be deplorable on the eve of Mr. Warmouth's projected canvass. We are in fAvor of an aggressive campaign so aggressive, that in their efforts to regain control of the government the radicals will be mercilessly crushed. It is neces sary that they be apprised that every campaign undertaken by them in this state is always attended with danger. There is no uncertain sound in this. The Daily States calls on "the Democ racy of New Orleans'' to do more than the work of carrying the city, even to "aid the gallant Democracy of the parish es to elect the State ticket." Now, Mi. Nicholls charged that Mr. McEnery car ried the state by the use of 24,000 fraud ulent votes, which the Democracy of New Orleans" cast to "aid the gallant Domor- poorM't men to do l!sj trsot. work on tin. maiu line. However, if what the boys want is better for them and is to their in terests, Tub Herald hopes they may suc ceed, and that too without muih delay. Any man that will peruse the clippings from prominent democratic newspapers of New Orleans found iu theso column? today, and will then have the hardihood to say that fair .elections aid held in the south, that Cleveland was the choice of a majority of th people, and that the father of fraud S. J. Tihhn v.ns elected resident, is a hidebound knave whose intellect is of that lower order described by Darwin in his history of thij missing link. What f-ay you broth;r Siiei nianieus nr is this southern question ne which discretion (that you are never credited with) compel you to hold your tongue. Come now lets have a defense of o;itli tra patriotism and election methods. How Men Die. II we know all thu methods of approach at (opted by an enemy we arc the bettor enabled to ward off the danger and post pone the moment when surrender becomes inevitable. In many instances tie; inher ent strength of the bod y sull'ici s to i i.:ibh it to oppose the t-ndeney toward death. Many however have lost the.e forces to such an extent that then? is little or no h -lp. In other car?.' s a little aid to llu weakened lungs will make all the differ ence between sudden deatli and many years of ir eful life. Upon the firs! symp toins of a cough, cold or any trouble of the throat or lungs givo that old and well known remedy Uosehee's Oermar. Syrup, a careful trial. It will prove what thousands say ot it to be, the "bene factor of any home." Dr. David Hostetter is the most heavily insured man in this country. The ag gregate of the policies he ld by him it $800,000. IS AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER TO ALL WANTINO I- .M!-I.U V M E.N T. We want live, energetic, a't-uls la every eotiiny in the United States and t';i!i:n5:i to sel! a patent article of fire at merit, ?' its jirkiis An ai tic e li.ivinjj a large 'sale pay h.g e ver UK percent, proflt, having no competition, and o: which the agent is protected iu t lie exe'iiive s.ile by a deed tiiven for eaeli und every coun ty he may secure from us. Wiiii k'1 these ad vantages tii our ae..ts. mid the fact that it if :ui article tlia eau be sold to every hounehoi w-,e-, it niiiit not he nccecsiiry to make "A l Extraordinary Oiler" to secure good, stents at once, but we have eoi. eluded to lnuke if i show-, not only cur confidence in t lie merits oj .ur iiivea'ion. bjt in itw salal.i itj by any ate 1 that will handle it with energy, ur 'iigenir now at work j.re making iroiti $i.mo $;0. nioiith cles-r. and ih;s fact makes it. i-afe lor n !o make oiirorVer to all who are cut of -mplo -incur.. Any agent iht will eive cur l u ine's a thirty d ys' ir;al and f;.i! to clear at lea: sail in thist;me, above all expenses, can re Jtirri alt Rood unsold to us a d we v. ill rcf ui.i, the money pa'd for them. No tiu-li eiuploye; of incut ever dared to make sucli offers, inn noiild we if we did not know that we h:iv iiKeus now uial.iiig more than iiouli!e tlii. :ii:ioint. Our l-.re descriptive cii i,lars ex I'.ain tiurolfer fully, ;vt-' t:ie.-e we wish to ee u ever) one on ot eiiii lo mei.t who v.ili : us r.ineo one cent s.tarups for po-.(av.e. Scud : once and t-ecsne vile isgeiif v in li-.-ie for I Ik ii'iom, ai:J L-o to v.orii oa li'e t.rius named n .ur extraordinary oiror. Aii'.in's at once, Na i (o-.'ml Novm. 'i v e.'o.. f:S Hai-eliv,- 5H .Sii:ithli(ld HI , l iti.Liiu:, i'a. A New York boy has ten grandparents living, two gi-anilfatiicr., tv.o grr.nii- ENT."iZ-ACTiZ r.CV2RiE3. ;-.ad- I. Metwoca tho net wlii!- t!r orelis!r.a playe l "7 ' That r!t !.! v.vil'.-j w ii'i tim JlitLiis measure, 1 drift in I nway t- iIlmi de;tl '';.v. When t'.nj !u.-ic i.ir ne wa til - :;-iu OC r.ll pleasure. When i.i.'- vi '.V": !;.' Willi t! f nrr i t llf , When i'OP'.1 iaa lii i :i ... :.! ' !. And my heart's (.rival e.I ei'it -i w. 4 i.e: B, As 1 IloHifJ off to l:.e Ic's in'.; li. How lift ! 1 enre-t f r Tit v.,: ! 1 o-;i (low ii'tl.r I (-re i f. r t Y-.! I) il.i v Tli- Uiti:ht ( ; ! v.e i ' i. Am! bin-, t i i '. f: !!' "'. I .:. .! )l ' a.;d t !'. I :! ." i , : 1 i .-Mi-:."!.V. n i::d ;. . 11:1 I.i i i Tin ':;;ie is ;. : i. ! i , . j.l i 1 h'i cir so;i- il !a. a.rl ieu p. To turn - ay I;;.!: nad !:autv. u c !i.;!i's Il t'r li-.-new. r, j I f':r .i ::! ( ).: to i-s t: it ar il c-.lor r5j i's V - 1;.! 1 .'.'ui.'iun r V I nflTRq -" hpIMP :. fc2i iia Qil E35! the l: !"-'. I:i I!.- Ol t.io .' v ( 1 S . Kir-";. CTv3 mm i. i. I k.e".7 no '.vc.sri "I v i :; v..-'. :. Th.n ii :it :- v, A'i ii .:!;.. . Lifu v;i.i ;.il : feci t!. I'ir-'.kl w.--; : :.e O'!1 l'.-.-.v Hi ;. Joy i:iy i. in..; 1 i!:,.;i; m no n.. .; e I i ! i i.o !.. . That ii- : ; !! Vet I.!'.- i; .-. - Tl.t i:; ;i .-: i lie' e.'.i t'.-''. Though ii.--."-; 1 v.'tl I And I h iv I'.i. ii. I; f.n t:. I I . li- bei a li!-.-;! mill V: . v. : !..- riiou;:ii ii'nier I ' A f;re.Tl ; -tVf ;. j i-;,. Wl I if-.', tii-yi:: A Kil'l to I. !.i:l Then.' i : ii. j.i" : That Tim-'s yr.i.i. lis ii!. -I'.o-.-.ed an .. .r, And life iri DV. s da.I r i. The Ksii'ii' well eiriMij.i-ij, t'it n :e :i i.i li-.o tMv.-s tewj;t...r.s 1 n-li'-r we'eover iheuifloiviit i::;fnr;;l p su-vh us tho r;:in. Fi:o-.v, h-., lu) fortli, and o'Ji.-rs c.::t:ii!;i;? I:; tiny in th c.!i:::i sit hoiiie? whore. Tlieir e--:;;'.'.!!;". ion ,f 13 very r.aiv.. r.i'Le ilus c i t 11 n:'cms, wisntng to ( ; ii:;- : i;;;tt ; shoe!, causeel ti:e water tiuit liik-d li to heap itself up r.t tine tide, :u d t! when lie had j Kissed over, to j'all !. inio is jilnec a-i-Ii!. v. liieii it i: 1 v Rucii mouitntum :;s in ro on : ; i'i :! to ar.l fro ever ui;-v. . I'iiev h::vf n ! of p-viects, and i;n,;.r the.Vdlrit-! io:: i.i various ofre-ring.s to iao; ii;.;to tho I j: piiiticulaily when I'i." se:-.n id l.;;id. : zeuls are scarce. J. American J.Iutj-;izine. pi e'ly to 1 iJ lonie'ivi, aiid ; ::;:i d; s- . l i - iC I 1 lacdonuld Cvlev- i;i ChiuefC Stjors u-il 8;ioc:sukiii;;. Slioeinakin)?. shoo memliirr and flioo selling arc distinct branches of 1-u.sin. -3 in' China. C!iiiiet,e sslioe?. exhibit r;iv;;t variety of shape. Uxcvpt in tr.o" Ii nailed tilioc; for wet weather, there i-i little leather used the materia!.-; bcvi.'x princiiialiy caiieo, Kill:, sctin, velvet r.:id felt. Chilelron's summer f .hoe tiro niiido of fines o;m ;i rr-h work, with bright bal ing. Ladies f,he;es r.ro lsu.do ar:d nu n-!cd u.) iin-ii ii iii. rroai oi.u ;aot til') c'asHt.s have tln.-ir f; ; t racy of the narishes;" and Mr. McEnery mother, two great-grand fat hers, and four specified the fraudulent of that Ouachita great-grandmothers. plan, by which Mr. Nieholls had pre viously conipasseel his election. And since' then the Committee of One Hundred Lave discovered 24,000 fraudulent regis trations in the citv of New Orleans aloue. Begs'5 Cherry Cough Gyrup. Is warranted for all that the label rail, for, so if it does not relieve your eoii;l: yon can call at our store and the money will be refunded to you. It acts simni- I f, nofltlQl V fill r.ll r f tlin Ti I 4..1 41. .1- T Trn...lnr ?. 1 . . V - .....v.... n,ipu:iiu oi.u iii"" ..t4 thereby leaving no bad results. ). 1 aiding the committee in its laudable c-(- Smith & Co.. I )ru insists. ii-j-onnUtv.- forts toward exouriration. Uut not a Democratic paper in the State has saiel a wortl in support of the prayer of the com luittee. Not one bis said an unmistak able word in favor of a fair election. Many have spoken covertly in favor of fraud, auel some, as L 'Opinion, have kiu.ijCSj iiie openly advocated suppression by force of so much of the Republican vote as can be intimidated, and the falsification of that which is cast in despite of intimida tion. Governor McEocry pledged his honor to a fair election, and upon that pledge the Republican party has put a tie ket in the field. It taxes very little reading be tween the lines of even such conservative newspapers as the Daily States and Timer-Democrat to discern a belief in the insufficiency of the pledge; while Dt. Sehliemann has gone to Alexand ria with Professor Yirchcw, and will spend several months in Egypt making explorations. All signs fail" exce pt pimples and .'so never Ja: to earls or tn-j ra tightly bound, mid they : COjt of rear. of liij.Vt-ri wrar thoes aNail; ti:;-.-o i, Chinese cobbler goes i i:n aau announce. Ida prr.-.ei! liar rallio. Vailade .-laiiiu tin: ig, c-iaio.t .; ,. :. 1. toll i' Wilil . 1JL1CS. tua I i to ! Tho i ioa v, I peca- j Sometliinij A'jimS Curvant." Tho word cr.rranJ; i-j r-al.l to l-o a coi rnption cf Ccriniii. a city freaa vl-ie or.ee came aii tho (roek currant-?. TI; eurrai.t;, commonly called zianij, a: r;:al;v raislas. produced from a grape ia:. grows no larger tliuu pesis, lil.o ;i, American v.jJ cv fox gra.pej, aad I-ai..;: in bunches only throe inches long. lie:, gmpes are elri:d in tho sun. and C.i sicred ia l-ulk, wltora tho f;jgar th.r. ex-.:de i from tVri nickrs tiua i i : masse 3 co co:nnr.-.-J: liint thvy liavo to !. dag apart by force when wanted. Tia are prepared for idaaaiem, by beiag ja' inio casks raid ai-ked ial :i ffili'l laa Uciag tro 7. 1. Ures.- -ZSTeNV Y bv th of theiiii- ia.o elurauoa of VaTMin !t:.i an impure condition of the blood, which may he-thoroughly cleansed and renewed by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The most ellicacious and economieal of blooel purifiers. Bleed Puritlsr and Maker. No remedy in th.-: world has gained the popularity that this medicine has, as j holtl on family medicine. No one should be w-thout it. It lias no calomel i quinine in its composition, consequent lv no bad efrects can arise from it. We F. thus i.-sa nnv: n:cs ox iVr." o, tin la at the seooad .".r.v three wevks; naa!'; .o:-. ; for four weed:.;; i-cal fourth dav, for tcvon fr :m V.: i.eoad i.e. s : diphtheria frcai ia vrceivS. '.Lae iacaea Dlood t tevvals cce-uniag I.. h;f'. ct:on ard the llv foliows: Vvl:oo iag c days: taump--. ei.-;hf:-c-;i ten days: sinalipox, t'.v. J fcrcr, three day.v: dh.Ii da vs. Ilarald of Health a;o;i aiun. 1'.. a.- i !0 e, 1 e ;r i' a ih-i : i ra: 5 ca v.-a" h .: -y, far th:-. e .'iee!-,, ca- i.:- (X' o ara t.j Leon n full snonlv nf nil timpu O. TP , 1 i I i i . sucn ouispoKen organs as x. opinion Syiira Co. Druggist j23-3raod&w lxildlr threaten "the safety ot active Republicans, Inform them that they must "abandon all pretentions' to political ac tivity, and in default of their so doin warn them of 'their danger." Inter Oceaiu George W. Cable lectured in the Y. 31 C. A. Hall of Uoston the other night and books for the library served as admission tickets. 3sggs Cherry Cough Syrup. Is the onlv medicine that acts dircctlv At 10 o'clock this morning the entire nn tj)e Lungs; Blood and Bowels, it re- Q" system was securely tied up by the I heves a cough inbtnntly ami in time fra. nr "wrdk- out" of the enrrinetrs and e rivets a permanent cure, bold (y U. 1 v - i - i -4 r , 41 Smitn cc Co., clruginsts. 1".'o,Jmo.et-w. 44II441.U. . 1 V - A. V ... . - - - - - - . east this morning at 5 o'clock, was left standing at Pacific Junction where it remained until noon. Tn Herald is not fullv informal as to th'j merits of tli.e claims of engineer and firemen, but is inclined to think, if they could get the same pay for all work on the main lines that it would le nothing ; but fair that less pay should be had for services on some of tin) brrnch roads which are oueratsd at but little profit and where the work is much le?s than on the main lies. It seems a' scab of wages wherein the. sain 2 price would be paid regardless of skill anel amount of labor perfonnctl m running the same distance would cot on- j ly bo unfair, to the company but to the skilled engineers as well. Under t' e 't teinptcd rules the best men would seek the out-of-the-way branches leaving the A SNOWSTORM. 1: !' a 1 a, it-uiuva ?I:;i!o Ili-p I'oi.-l at ITe-.u. A lady from Nebra-ka -.vas tae guv. iyi a Pittsburg family. As tho tlsoruionie ear only touched zero once elea iag the v. iaii-r the fair stranger would have been home sick but for the thoughlfuhiess her ho-jt. By an ingenious aiTaii.a'emmt a powerful fan drove snow dust iu her f.ice every time she opened tho front door. The sncw was banked ngainst tl.e windows of her room and her meals l-t d.vrn the chimney with a string. Ar.oihcr eh'viee imitated the roar o a bli;:.c:rd. and s sexahed her to gentli sh.mil er where. :a .1.., ,1 . 1 . i! 'l.. r.. little attentions deej !y touched the fair gutst. Pittsburg Bulletin. i -ii t'5 I mtit tiKilke room fer mv fa Soring Goods ('miiiii; ai.el the ivfoie will lfelnce; t kallie r oinls 20 r e-ant. lt low i-e-ul:ir l ie-e.A U,y -ash olily. -.W Coodf3 SfTarlsod in Plain 2Tiguroo. Ml- Da-li I'l'cncli K i! . . . . ''n nr'i Ki.l !riv!if 1 Nmolii , i'riaiit l)oiigoi:i iv id Coat. Coa; .$5 00 20 per cent, discount $4 0 'V!. I oO 1 00 :i Sr. u no mi I il- a!iet-, OO :o CO S 50 3 20 2 4() 1 SO 2 00 1 80 0 40 X 3 CO 3 00 2 00 1:11 w .V.!t!e; ('iaiil Neliool Shoes-, tlio lx.'st in tLe market, mnte ion. Xdv,' U vot;r c-Lanoe to lay in a cLcaj) tuply-. r-iii 4 IV.,:: 111 it ii S. H Olivor & LRcr.iiT.go, Proprietors. MARKET ri U i . !V.t K, MUTTOK, VEAL, POULTRY :ccp (onstaiitly on hand the finest ami freshest line of meals in tho city. Aleuts vt all kinds in their fi-aon. SUGAR CURED MEAT?, HAMS, BACON, LARD, SAU AGE Aft'D MINCE MEAT. And everything to smt the demand our trade Give us a trial, fouth Side Alain Street, between Fifth and Sixth. 9 hi V j n , H t :r ' ij. ft 'S I rket. 10MA8. 'iiOMZHAi.j; a.j i;i;taii dicalku in Mutt, Yeal and Poultrv. - Avito all torivo m.o a. trial 2 s . 1 i M Cv. a Jb-tds Han,.-, Oaee.n, L;-.rA. , tc. etc Fresh Oysters hi Can and Bulk lowest hym- prices. Jo v,,t f:,il to t-ive n;e your patronage. 3 W kJSkb mJutmm rTr? 11 AND ALL KINDS OF 3 HOUSEHOLD GOODS. nnr-T PARLOR Fl r- '' M ill.' S.-.' -;? nJUM ?J I i FURNITURE FOR HALLWAYS, OFFICES. - i 1: 1 bo Osavi-rLCGd. City. Call and PIXT1I SI KELT, BET. MAIX AND VINE. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. i. '1 1- : . a. 3 i u Deformeel by terr.psts, tbe sweet blu Is drowned in clouds of fleecy spray; Od, on, in ranks forever new, Forever rruulJenin in their play. ,- Above, the driving storm: below, The earth is fashioned at its will; Its cbisel carves the yielding snow To forms be-yond all liunian skill, Kirt we, warm nested, in the heart Of this dim elemental war, Sit calmly tranquil, or but start When rocks the pane with stormier jar. We look into each other's eyes. And see a friendly peace which says. While on the snowy Cossack flies, Rave ye without, here quiet stays." This silent, unexpressed delight Grows brighter so severely set; Heart warm against the snowy white, The rose of joy burns warmer yet. Our kindling of the soul can make Those wintry tunvjlrs disappear. And all their Jrearuicss artako Its own illumined atmosphere. Thomas ejold Appletoo. Floridn's Opium Tnttustry. Florida promises to hecome a large preKlucer of opiiun. Tiie poppy frov.-s ihcrc verj readily, anel larger than any wlicre else in tho United fctai.es. Sixtovn plunts wiil prK.luc an ounce of o'liimi, and an acre should yive a profit e.f 1, 000. As t!;t plants, will thrive amon tre-os, tlie Lind em which are young and non-bewaring orange orcharels can bentil- 3 9 H g '4, S 5" i 1 h i i he Herald. -call o: iTT. Cur. ISth txz-A Gvwli: Slrc-e-is. 1 j- L'Vi 1 1.' i-i. t .rl Willie t t vi-r.a nva r.Tir.Itinr ,-.nn.. 1 it v. -New York Sun. mas ltact;;: J Coi:suii:ptioi of Toburco. i 31. Paul Leroy-Doaulieu gives figures j showing the quantity of tobacco con I Eumeel in the tlirrert nt coui-trii's of Europe. The rate per 100 inhabitants is. according to him. as follows: Spain, IP) pounds; Italy, 123 pounds; Great Brit uin, 138 pounds; Russia, 182 pounds; Denmark, 22-1 pounds; Norway, 22'J . pounds; Austria, 273 pounds. Chicane Kews. .'HOLES - . 1 v or a:-d : IV. t r is: O . ' 1 . 1 -1 . -1 . : . i T Fbr c!o r-:p;-c:!:-.r2c' ersc? 'Sue's rn i. t.i:e e.F toi'acco and -.voni;:: auticles al wars In ? lock. Nov. 1j. J. W. Maktbis. 02.S1S.S4S .1723 HETAIt PORK PACKEES ani dealers in BUTTER AND EGGS BSEF, P0KK, MUTTON " AND. VEAL. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS OX HAND. S -k:1 Cured Meats, Hsms, Bacon, Lard, &c, .c cl our own make. The l.rst brands of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk, at WHOLESALE ANJD RETAIL.