The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 08, 1888, Image 1

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    4 W.N rrt At. .
"VI H I a (Ik Ilfl ' f
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GOir'rY Ol'KIGKljS.
l.-jllly I': (Midl'T,
lie-piay Clerk,
Hfl-Olil.'l- l.l 1 M-;li
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C.Ier'v ! lit!ii:l i:..irr, V. I'. :;:io-.v -M-TKlt
SUiTlit. - - .i.e. r.ihi'.sii.iiii
Hill v.-vi.r. - - - a. Ma l.i.i. K
AtlolTl.V. - - - AIL I N iiKKS-.N
hunt. )r.. Sj-!i. ..!-. - . viii s-.'ixi:
Couiiti Jii i.c-. - - - :. Ki-.-ski.i.
r..(.!ti of M.'ei-.icv i-oi;s.
A. P.. T...l. - l li!.tt -.i:i.i;rli
J.ocis T..I.T. ti'iii.. Wt cpiii Val-r
A. It. IH KSoN, - liiiuoinl
C1ASS I.OliCK No. I !S, I i). . F.-Mects
'OV.TJ TlK'-il.:V 4 ! Ill , .f each Mi'i k. All
tr.ii.di--i:t li.illitis a:: rH'-lfuily invited to
mKIO I.Oll'.iK N. l. A. O. II. W. .Mi-eU
1 evrv :i!' .tii:ii. Kriilay e i iiiiitr at !v . of 1.
IihII. Tr.i.i.-.ieiil lii'ot ii are i espi-cl l u!ly in
vltcd t ;: (t-Ml. I". I-:. While, Master Workman ;
K. A, :iile. r. i'.-in:i:i : K. .1. .Morgan. Ov-letT ;
J. K. Monis. Kf f..rilT.
-as cr vMi' x .;;:-. MDi:::N '.iiodmkx
VV ,f A ui.'i km - .'IciVs M-iMiml ami fmirlli M
d av evi iiin : :.t K. 1 r. hull. All Imusient
luiillirr- nic iviu's!'-il I" lii'-fi with up. I.. A.
IS'ewco hit. Vfui'! Consul;!, i-', A'll'!.,
Wonl.v A'lvi'tT ; I, 1:. Smilli, l. r.anktr ; V.
C. Wil'Vus. fh-ik.
Li..vrrsiorni 1.01 .!: no. s. a. o. v. v.
M !. t'vi-iv iili.'rnaTt; KiiJay cvriiiiiK at
Koekwooil lial! at kh'cIhhk. All rraa.-.iciit bn.tll
ors arc it-peril Tilly iiiil-i! id alteml. .1. A.
;uts-l;e. M. W. ; S. f, Crci-ii. Kori'inaii : S. C.
Wilui'. Kt'ourtii T ; I.. A. Ncv.coiiici-. iversi-tT.
McCOUlUiZ PC3T 45 C. A. R.
J. V. .loiiriso.v Co TiiuaiiiUT,
C. S. Tv !. s.'iiior Vice
K. A. I'.a rm Junior "
C.Kit. Ml ks Alj itant.
AUliL'IT l'Alil'S. 11 ). M.
M vi.iiN- 1!:in l.liii-cr of th Day.
t'HAin.Ks -..i:i " " Uiiar.l
J:k.X.. IlK.Ml' .. St-r-t Major.
J aimii: liom: kmax.. .. iialttT 5a.sU-r Sci't.
Al.fii VMiiiatr ...l'ol Ciiallai:i
.Wri-Miiii -atiiiilay i-vfiii.i.
fM. I,. .B. R O W N'E't
I" rsonaI ntU-istion to all KiitniMt
Jo my care.
Titk-i i'.:iiui!it.-1. Al'stiin'! ''oinj.iio:!, In
surance Writicu, I 'al lStjlc iSoU!.
Better Faciiiti.-s Tor iu:ikiii'4 V'ariu Loans than
Amy Other Acacj
Ihlil UlillUK
Ilv?rosO:it t'u Kiilowi'ijj; tinic-trlo-.l
1 ti f
Amerleaii '-eiiM-.i'.-S-. I;:is. As-cts SI.-J'S.loo
Coini'i.'ivia'. L':ii :: I::'.-,'!:-.!h:. " 2..V.i:.."14
Fire Ass.v.-'.a' IoTi-pviS.ii'.i Hihia, 4,4i",."iT6
Frai'.kliii-Pliila.'.ilp'ii.i, " .".117.10C
JI'.Kiie-XcW Vo. k. " 7.S.-.5..! .)
Jrs. C of Xotlli Amcnei. Phil. " 8,4T4.3ia
ivei--'iIil..!!-.l.l "t ''.lohi.'-Kil "
"KurtH iJritis'i . .I-re.intiie-I"u4 " .1."7!".T3t
Kri'.-h t'liior.-lau'Ian!. " l,'2i.h'&
liuriiilicld F. .M.-Spiiiislit 1J, " 3.044.9'i5
Ttr.l A-set. 42. 1 15.774
rm At Uti-i snl Paid at tills Apie
ISO a tz
Library - Lamps
Cheap Prices
in Memorlum
JltiolutioiiH lj Cas Ludgc, Xo. 140,
I. i). O. V., of riiittsiuoutli, ii)ou the
death of Mrs. J. C I'etcrsen:
In silence assembled, l.owino;
to the will of Him wlio docth all thing
well, and has decreed to all death; rvco1' his promise, justice and tnt-rcy, anil
deeply tyiiiiathizinj with our hrother in
his reat and irreparahle los, he it
hts'dcal, Uy Cass Lodge Xo. 14J,
I. ). O. l, that wi; deeply sympathize
with our loved brother, J. C l'etersfii,
in the tjreat loss of his noble wife who
had taken up li IVs burden with him, in
the hi-y-day of youth and worldly atnbi-
' t ion, and who bo nobly and faithfully
carried her share in the destiny of man
as decreed by God.
That wc extend to the motherless babes
r.ll sorrow sympathy and love of which our
manly natur6 is nuseeptable well know
ino; the love they havo lost can never be
i placed.
That we recognize in the deceased as a
wife, "The rainbow to the rtorms of
life";as mother, "God's handmaid in
the goviirnuient of an unruley world"; as
a women, Heaven was in thy soul,
beauty and virtue shown for eyer round
thee." Be it further
licxolci'd That these resolutions be
spread upon the record of this Lodj-e;
that a copy be sent to our sorrowing
brother, and furnished to the press of the
city. Allien Stfltz, )
P. I). Hates, - Com.
M. A. Hartican, )
February 7, 1888.
In the Hible the word Lord is found
1,85:5 times, the word Jehooah 5,SL
times, and the word Rrcerend but once,
and that in the 9th verse of the 111th
Psalm. The 8th verse of the 117th Psalm
is the middle verse of the Bible. The
!th verse of the 7th chapter of Eethor is
the longest verse; UGth verse, 11th chap
ter of St. John is the shortest. In the
107th Psalm four verses are alike, tha
8th, 15th, 21t and 31st. Each verse of
the lUGth Psalm ends alike. No names
or words with more than six syllables are
found in the Bible. ThcGth chapter of
Isaiah and l'.'th chapter of Kings II are
alike. The word girl occurs but once in
the Bible, and that in the 3d verse and
:5d chapter of Joel. There are found in
both books of the Bible :,58G,4s;5 letters,
77"J,(j'j:5 words, 31,373 verses, 1,189 chap
ters and CG books. The 2th chapter of
the Acts of the Apostles in the finest
chapter to read. The most beautiful
chapter in the bible is the 23d Psalm.
The four most inspiring promises are
John. 1-lth chapter and 2d verse; John.
(Jth chapter and 37th verse; St. Matthew,
11th chapter and 38th verse, and 37th
Pt-alm, 4th verse. The 1st verse of the
150th chapter ef Isaiah is the one for the
new convert. All who flatter themselves
with vain boastings of their perfeetness
should learn the 6th chapter of Matthew.
The AVeeping Wtcr ltejmblu-an un
derbid all other papers in the county, and
as a matter of course, the commissioners
awarded the county printing to it. They
take the job at thirty cents a copy up to
fifty copies; above fifty copies 1.25 per
dozen copies, and the treasurer's state
ment at the rate of two cents a line.
B egg's Cherry Cough Syrup.
Is warranted for all that the label calls
for, so if it does not relieve your cough
you can call at our store and the money
will be refunded to you. It acts simul
taneously on all parts of the system,
therein' leaving no bad results. O. P.
.Smith fc Co., Druggists. j25-3mclS:w
Lost in a Storm.
Brownsville, Texas, February 7.
During recent cold snap on the 15th
ult., at Tareppico, Alberto Margrez. Felix
Gomez, Feliciano Contreras and Cigriauo
Kamiriz went out on the Clairel lagoon
fishing. The force of the storm caught
them far out, and when discovered next
day by Greogria Gomez, near Punta de
Baucate, all but Ramirez were dead, and
he was in a desparate condition.
An old laborer, Antonio Blance, G2
years of age, was frozen to death, as was
a poor woman, traveling to Puebly Yie
jo, a girl who was with her being saved.
Who is Your Best Friend?
Your stomach of course. Why Be
cause if it is out of order you are one of
the most miserable creatures living. Give
it a fair chance and see if it is not the best
friend you have in the end. Don't smoke
in the morning. Don.t drink in the
morning. If you must smoke and drink
wait until your stomach is through with
breakfast. You can drink more and
smoke more in the evening and it will tell
on you less. If your food ferments aud
does not digest right- if you are troubl
ed with Heartburn, Di.znicss of the head,
coming up of the food after eating, bil
iousness, indigestion, or any other trouble
of the stomach, you had best use Green's
August Flower, as no person cau use it
without immediate relief.
Furnkure for th cellar, kitchen an
parlor Bold on weekly or monthly install
ments at L Pearl man's. f2 dtf
Striking Oil.
St. Lot is, Feb. S. While boring an
artesian well u few days ago at (.robe's
Bios.' brewery, oil. which proved to be
crude petrolei m, was found at a depth
of 1.100 feet.
A Long Strike Ended.
BoCHKSTICIt. X. Y., Feb. 8. J )i flic 111 -ties
which have existed between the she
manufacturers of this city and their cut
ters, by which 3,000 hhoeinakers have
been idle since last November here, has
been amicably adjusted and the factories
are again htarting up.
Nebraska Pensions-
Washington, Feb. s. Nebraska pen
sions were issued yesterday as follows:
Geort'e Cotti ill (deceased), Shelton; Julia
A., widow of ('has. E. Fox. Mi-C- ok;
Druailla Craven, former widow of George
W. Cottrill, Shelton; Janus G. Cox,
Mexican survivor, Humboldt.
St Lous Wants It.
Sr. Lor is, Feb. 8. Leading democrats
of the city held a meeting Monday after
noon ami selected a committee to go to
Washington and present to the demo
cratic national committeu the claims and
advantages of St. Louis as a place to
hold the next national convention.
Constitution Anniversary Celebra
tions. City ok Mkxico, Mex., via El Paso,
Tex., Feb. 8. News from different parts
of the republic indicate 'that the thirty
first anniversary of the Mexican Constitu
tion was everywhere celebrated with un
wonted annimation. The liberals evi
dently have taken this means of proving
to the conservatives their number and
They Siunncd the Bank.
Tokonto, Feb. 8. The Central bank
investigation Mondayrevcnled the fzet
that Allan, late cashier, who absconded to
theJUnited States, owes the bank $ J 0,000.
Liquidator Campbell testified that Dircc
tor McDonald's indebtedness to the bank
at present is about $113,000, and that he
is jointly liable w ith another for .22,000.
The examination also elicited the infor
mation that James Baxter, of Montreal,
is indebted to the bank to the extent of
$11,000. The full extent of Burnett's
indebtedness is said to be as high as
Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup.
Is the only medicine that acts direct ly
on the Lungs. Blood and Bowels, it ic
lieves a cough instantly and in time
effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. P.
Smith fc Co., druggists. j25,3aio.d w.
List ot Letters.
Remaining unclaimed, in the Postofiiec
at Plattsmuuth. Nebraska, Feb. 8, 188,
for the week ending Jan. 8, 1S88:
Boyd. Mrs EHa. IJi.ytl. W S
Coaplan, Yv'illian Con!ey, S A
IJoyle, Patrick Kiwin, Geo
Coodiu, J O it Howell. Lafe
Lainmernicir. Win McVely. T
MoMuIlen. William Miles, Thomas
Martin. .1 B I'owleslsm,!, W (I
Paddleforil. Win rufienbarjrer, S J
Pr.ivost, Miss Mella ruffeiibarjier. Sninu.1
Propt..J A Seliacicr. ISiek
Sehwaar, Win Schroeder. Hei:iy
Swan. Wm 8ipyers. II
Snahni, liudolf tsiiiirp, ii 11
Tay'or, Win
Persons calling for any of the above
letters will please sav "advertised."
J." N. Wisi:. P. M.
Valentines at Warrick's.
Try O. P. Smith & Go's K. of P. Col
ogne, Lasting and Fragrant. j-23-tf
Try O. I'. Smith A: Go's K. of P.
Cologne Lasting and Fragrant. j-"3 tl
Go to I. Park-man's for furniture.
Swedish Lingens, stock fish and all
kinds of fish or herring for Lent can In
had at jan21tf Weckhach it Co.
Wanted A gocd girl to coolc, wash
and iron. Wages $3 per week.
f7-3t. Mks. II. B. Windham.
I. Pearlman sells furniture on the in
stallment plan. Payments weekly or
monthly. f2-dtf
I inisliiri a TSufTalo.
I saw an old Indian, over 00 years of
age, apparently, following a buffalo that
was just able to drag hirusr lf along with
three arrows in his s-ide. Tin; old man's
quiver was empty, and he was impatient
to finish him. Ho slid cautiously from
his ony, and, stealing up behind the
buffalo, sprang forward, snatching one
of the arrows from his side and sending
it quick as a flash into his heart. L. C.
Piatt in The Cosmopolitan.
Separate Piece in n "Watch.
The average watch is compossd of 175
different pieces, comprising upward of
2.400 separate and distinct operations in
its manufacture. The balance has 18.000
lieats or vibrations ir hour: 12,t;G0.OVj0
in thirty days. 157,080.000 in one year;
it travels 1 43-100 inches with each vi
bration, w hich is equal t' i) 3-1 miles in
twenty-four hours. 2f2 1-2 nines in tliirty
days, or 3.553 3-t miles in one year.
Christian Union.
Mrs. Oliver Anu s, ,f Massachusetts. i
the possessor of one of the faiiioti..
blow vases.
Mr;. Augusta Evan.; Wilson, tin' au
thoress, of Mobil", ii ;n ciiihusia-lii"
lover of '(. miliums. .vi;d her collect ion is
pronounced by botanists to be the ino.t
complete in the world.
Father Iibel!.', who is a philanthropist
and an energetic l.n iness man as well as
a prii '.!. has introduced an ir'iprovol
Belgian band loom atnoiig tie' inhabitants
of tin' province of (Jueb.-e. !, hopes to
encourage flax culture and the making
of line linen cloths as a -dome.-t i- em
ployment." Nannie Jones, a normal graduate at
l'is'u university, of the class of lS'-O. is In
go, under the auspices of the American
board, to the soLt hoaoteni part of Africa,
about 0O!) i.iiies from Natal. She is the
f;r.M. .singl.-eoloicd woman sent oal by the
American boa'-il. She has been adopted
by the ladies" board of the interior, whose
headquarters are al Chicago.
Mrs. Henry Clews, wife) of the New
York banker, is sr id to I M '
American ia.iy .. v
chariot is very large, and is htmg on
-orings that swing gracefully up over the
back and front. A high seat heavily up
holstered is for 1 1 it- -o:x'htnnii, while at
t!i" ivar is a step forlhe footmen tostand
on, with til'- wid;; straps for them to
c ling to as the chariot bumps over the
cobblestones. Around the top of the
chariot on all four sides is a row of coro
nets in raised bra-s.
John Burgc-s, of Erie, isstJiTeriiigfiVin
a singular ablietion. He is a railroad
engineer, and a short tin:-.' ago, niter
.slopping tA'i his. engine, he slipped on a
piece of ice aad fell, striking i!io ground
quite violently with the back of his head.
He was helped home, and now that ho
ha i begun to re-cover from the first pain
ful edicts of hi:j fail and c:;n rai--.' him
self up. he is very much alarmed to find
that when erect he i.; tot;.uv blind. In a
lying post ure
en jov:i his sight
previous to bis fall, but as srxn as he
assumes an upright position ho can see
nothing whatewr.
Miss Emma Nevada's manner of living
is j. bout, the :ai:i' as that of an athlete in
training. At 0 o'clock in the morning
she takes her chop, a cup of tea and two
slices of bread without butter. At noon
.':ho ',,( ;i to church and says her prayers
( in this she 1 ; uniii-e the athlete), then
she takes a long walk, and at 3 she eats
her dinner, which consists of a bowl of
bouillon, a slice of underdone ra.-,t beef,
baked potatoes, chicken, boi!"d
rice and slewed prunes. After ii;;n'-r
she lakes a nap, and at O drosses for the
theatre. Alter the opera she has a. beef
steak an.l a glass oi beer, and Ihen goes
to bed. If more people- adopted as sim
ple :i routine of living as this then; would
iie fewer pat rous of Carlsbad and other
places for making over worn out livers.
(Jen. Logorot. the French minister of
war. has annouwd his intention of re
signing. The French tell thi-j of bin ap
pointment. He was spc-nJhig his even
ing at a provincial ball, letting his father
ly eyes rest lovingly on his daughter's
graceful capers, when one of his stall
ofiicers came to h;:n with dispatches of
fering him the war portfolio. "I am :a t
such a fool as they take mo for." cried
the general. "I certainly refuse.'"
Well," answered the cHicor, "you will
not deprive your daughter of her ball.
Remain here to-night and write to-mor-ww."
Next day Logorot wrote, declin
ing the office. "Too late," was the- an
swer; "silence gives consent. Not hearing
from you. lie concluded that you had ac
cepted. Your nomination is in The Mon
iteur Offieiel. There is no backing out."
Tlie V.orld's C avalry Horses.
Tlie important rolej which cavalry
and artillery play in the art of modem
warfare, make it interesting to know th
total number of animals which tho lea-ding
countries of the world can throw
the field of battle. Here, according to
the latest statistics, is the list: Russia,
21, 570. '00 horses; America, D,500,00o;
the Argentine Republic. 4-.00o,oi;
Austria, :;.50O,O00; Germany. 3.350. ( e i;
l rar.ce,
sOO.000 horses and 3
E;:i:-and. 2,71)0.000 Ihtsc:,;
Canada. 2.O24.G00; Sain. 080,000 hor.-i s
and 2.:j')0.000 mules; Italy, 2,000.000
horses: Belgium, 383.000; Denmark,
31. .000: Australia. 301,000; Holland,
125.000. and Poi tugal 88,000 horses and
50.0o; mules. It wid le remarked that
Russia heads ihe list by an enormous ma
jority. Chicago News.
, 3'ortraits of Knssia" Novelist.
Aii eminent Russian jiaintc-r lias in hia two ins yet une-chibiied) portraits
oi the- good Ce-unr Tolstoi. The smaller
of the tv.-ei is thus described by a privi
leged visitor: --It represents him plowing
in the fields, with the harrow hitched to
lkc rear of the unwieldy plow, which is
drawn by a white horse along tho slop?.
The count's gray beard streams sidewiso
?.cress his blue blouse and half bareel
breast, and hia cap is pulled well down
over his fac, This portrait was painted
in the spot last summer." Public
Tale. i"ell liy Servant.
People are c- r,?tantly wondering Low their
personal and private affairs become tLe f-ih-je-etof
yo.-sip aad flail their way into print.
I can loil tin'i-.i that muse of it comes from
their servants, who, among other disadvai.t
age.;, thy i;uali!ieati'jas of a sieve to
lv.rf.-etio!i. There is u fellow goin
town now t-'iliiig aiui'di -tenl alxmt the r.ier.agi;
of a well kn.jT.-ii newspaper proprietor nheiu
ha reeoiitly wrvfl as Lutk-r. He is not
friendly to his late employer, and the amount
of misehief he is capable of (lepe'iids only
upon his getting some paper to print Lis
story. Lock oat, then, v. hat you ilo and. say
twiori; your berviaits. New York Suit,
mi... Eh !
.lust aileron!' inventory, we iiduce
prices to sell the goods rather than to
carryover. We are willing to sell our
entire Winter Goods ut cost. Staples we
have a large quantity mid oiler them
very low. Calicos 3 to 5 cents per yard,
making tl.e best standard of them at 20
yards for $1.00. Gingham be-t dre.-t
style's lO cents per yard. Dress gi (ids
all kinds at tlm very lowest prices, from
5 cents per yard upward. Woolen hose
we oiler at cost, extra fin. Ladies cash
mere hose, worth $1.00. now 75 (cuts,
fine heavy wool 4 0 cents, now 25; child
ren's line ribbed woith 50, now 3U. fu
ller ware iiiu.t go at low prices, as we
will not keep them over.
Our Gents Silver Grey Marino Shirts
and drawers, former juices 50 now 35.
Our !ents sq -er .rev iiririno shirts
:- . i.-, . ..o.i quality (.' now 50.
Our Scarlet all wool shuts and draw
ers fine quality $1.00 now 75 cents.
Our scarlet all-wool shirts and draw
ers, fine quality $1.25 now 1.00.
Our seal lot all-wool shirts and draw
ers, fine quality $1.75 now 1,25.
O'lr scarlet all-wool shirts and draw
ers, (inequality $2.00 now 1.40.
!L;sS is - BJLtc2tK-wkai
Oar 25 per cent, discount on cloaks, is
still good. We are determined to cloe
out our out ire stock and never before
has such an opportunity been offered to
economical buyers to purchase the best
qualities for so little money.
e e a rrrs ai 5 p3 w ti t.-v
i i r i ; a ' u
Parlors, lc1 rooms, Oiiuiig-rooins.
Kitchens, Hallways and Ofliccs,
Where a magnificent stock of Goods and Fair Jric:s
ti y ni ?
i np. nrw n
Will be open January ltli, at the
OLcD STAXf) OF F. 1(. G Atf UTl
All work warm n led fiiBt-cIass.
Pure Fruit Preserves, lSe a lb.
"Thompson's Relish," Something Newand Nice
I. Di
Week Iii eli.
n n.i w4.