The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 07, 1888, Image 4

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    T1IK DAI If V JIKItALD, l'l.Aanizii ut, i,;;;;i8K'A, TUKSDAV. t KJliat A iiV
1 .
1 1U r ldLtollfUUlll 1A11IJ Wtiiciiu.
Publishers & Proprietors.
B. St, M. Time Table.
No. 1. 5 : a in.
No, j. fi :l p, m.
'o. ft ::r a. in.
No. 7. --7 :li p. I".
No. !i. U :1 1 P- in.
;i.m; kast.
No, 4 p. .
No. .-- id ::m a. in.
No. . -7 :.wi p. in.
No. M. -'J :M a. m.
No. in.--!l a. in.
No. VI. ' p. XI,
No. 11 - 6 :0a a, in.
All .!,.. rim ihiilv b'v V;IV (if Omaha, except
No. 7 ainl which run to and from Scliuylrr
daily vxrrpt Sinulay.
No. .Ki Is ant uli to I'aeiric .1 miction at :in.a m.
No. Ill Is a hi uli from l'aoitie .liiiu tion at ll a.m.
A Salisbury Wciatlcl, in Kocli-
uouil Hulllins.
lr. Sisrerins, Ofllce mid Kcsiilencc,
Sherwood' iMiM-k.Teh'plioiie . 1-
Call atTiiK IIekami oflice for leal
Tlio ronntv commissioners met this
Vim "V K. S:l"C IS Oll'ltC SU k with
Hoard of trade meeting
tonight at
7:0 o'clock.
niu- ...1 f Ilolold CC boll 111
iAV 1 w - "
another column.
- Fred Woodson now carries the mail
to arid from trains.
The flues! job work in the city is to
be had at Tn HMi4J.J.
'.. T. iirown lias b;en abided to the
force of It. & 51. painters at the shops.
Permit to wed were issued today to
Jesse Hudkius cid Miss Lof.a IJelt?,
i co. W. Brown and Mr. Jfyrthal.irannnU.
-Ths members of the Coli-wel. fratcr
nity wish to crte.nd their thanks to the ed
itors of the Bullev ue College Star for a
copy of their excellent pjer,
Kemeinber the board of trade has
done aj jiuieli or more than any other or
ganization tor the advancement of the
.city. Come otiii'id join with it.
The many friends i,C Mrs. "Wiley
Black will be pained to learn ot itr ser
ious illness. Xews from Dnevcr to her
relatives here states that she is seriously
.V ;' invitation is extended to
-B -
everybody to come to the oyster sui'ptr
given by the ladies of the 51. E. churel
.at the residence of V. I. Ferguson, coi-
f 4th and Vine streets, tills
Married At the Christian church
Rock Creek, on Friday, the JJrd of Fib.
by the Rev. t'vrus Alton, Mr. Manuel
(Uassburn, of Valparaiso, Saunders coun
ty, Nebraska, to 5Iiss Carrie E. Furlong
ot Rock Bluffs.
W. E. Brown, sheriff of Taylor Cj ,
Iowa, is in the city in search of a witness
in an importaut cae to come up in the
courts of that county this spriiijr. At
noon he had been unsuccessful in his at
tempts to find the party.
The Herald has jtiat turned out one
of the ablest briefs of the year for th
firm of "Covell, Polk & Beesou, in ihe
case of the C B. & Q. vs. Cass county.
The brief was prepared by county attor
ney Beeson and is a very through and
complete. resume of the case, with over
fifty citations in defense of the county's
theory of the case.
Eating three meals a day with only
ten minutes to each meal would d: troy
the digestion of an ostrich and give a
bronze image of Hygeia the dyspeps'a,
but such has really been our situation in
the past two weeks. Any of our renders
who believe that there is no work at
tached to the newspaper business should
by all means try the experiment of estab
lishing one, Auburn Herald.
The funeral services of 5Irs. J. C.
Petersen were held this afternoon at 2:30
from the 5Iethodist church, conducted
by the paster, Rev. W. B. Alexander.
The Odd Fellows and the K. lVs, with
the uniform and subordinate ranks, were
iii attendance. A large number of sor
rowing friends were present. The pall
bearers were Messrs. ii. P. Vanatta, 1.
Bates, I,. G. Larson, S. Osborn, S. J).
Slayer and T. E. Williams.
Johnie Doil, the delivery I103- for
5Iessrs. Egenberger & Troop, experienced
a lively runaway yesterday afternoon.
While he was making his rounds on Win
tcrsteen hill the team became frightened
and ran away, throwing Johnie violently
from the wagon and breaking one of his
ribs and otherwise bruising him. llv was
treated by Dr. Schildknceht an I wa rest
ing easy this morning. In the runaway
the harness was badly broken and both
axels of the wagon l.ent.
The young man who is known to be
given to intoxicating drink is having a
hard row to hoe in this world. There is
no encouraging place fer him. The door
to preferment, even the door to employ
ment is closed againt him. The rail
road manager ha3 no use for him at all.
The banker and the merchant arc in lea
gue again.-t him. Tlie:e is no room
higher up for him in any of the profes
sions. And in journalism the first query
now raised in the fnce of a young man
seeking a fo sting is not so much whether
he ever drinks to excess, as whether he
eycr touches the liquid fire. If be doos
his application is not worth the paper it
is written on. Sioux City Journal. j
To tho Citizens of Plattsmouth and
Cass County.
McConihie Post, J. A. It., of Platts
mouth, has undertaken to get up an en
tertainment in aid of 5iiss Etta Shattuck,
and 5Iiss Louise Royce, the teachers who,
while in thir endeavors to save the lives
of the little ones in their charge, braved
tha dangers of tho howling blizzard and
almost met death in the attempt. 5Iiss
Shattuck had both feet frozen and am
putated below the knees, and Miss Royce
has lost one foot and part if not all of
the other, and will bo maimed in one
arm, thus rendering them both helpless
for the future, as they were both poor
girls, dependent on their labors as teach
ers for their support. 5Iiss Shattuck's
father is an old and disabled soldier, and
was dependent on hia daughter for his
support. Now all their bright hopes, go
fondly cherished by them through their
years of preparation to tit them for teach
ing, are shattered and gone, and they are
both hopelessly dependent oa charily for
their support. They imperilled their
lives and received disabilities in a brave
cd'ert to save others. They might have
abandoned their scholars and saved them
selves, but true to the heroism and devo
tion of their ce-' they chose rather to meet
their fate than to prove uniiuo to their
charga. Their caso appeals to the heart
of every parent in th? land. Such true
devotion must not go unrewarded, such
bravery must be recognized. J,eir offered from every
village and hamlet- ill tia swje and we,
as soldiers who know what It means to
brave dangers, and as parents who loye
our children and their protectors, appeal
to every clien to come ut and help us.
These braye girls ougu iu enough
to keep them comfortable the balance of
their lives, wp owe it to them and to so
ciety (o Bi'.c fiiit they are fully provided
for--not a begga;ty pittance bjjt a com
fortable competence and tt hope the
citizens of Plattsmouth will not be le
hind other portions of the stnte in assist
ing in icvd them. We offer you an
entertainment on 'I Prf.tjsy evening next
that will repay you for ail you may give.
'o su?li grand treat has oyer been offer
ed you before and every cent of the pro
ceeds over vp'inses shall be applied to
the sufferers. We thiui. vv. :1,-e not ask
ing to much of you to coma out and as
sist us all you can.
Comk, for the nidze of rewarding cour
age; comc, for the love of y win1 children:
comk, for tho honor of Plattsmouth and
come for the benefit you will receive.
S. P. Va;.tt.,
II. C. McMakex,
Committee of arrangements.
Valentines at Warrick's.
Rock Bluff Motes.
Dr. Reynolds youngest child, Jimmie,
is very sick with remittent fever.
John Farthing, who has been sick for
some time, has improved so much as to
be able to be around the house.
5h-. Julius Bates died very suddenly
Inst Sunday night about 9 o'clock. 5Ir.
Bates had been ju very poor health for a
number of yeats from :i lung trouhh
which he contracted while serving Uneh
Sam in the army during the r:l;elIion, but
was able to be around and attend to
business tip to the time of his death.
Dr. Alden, who lived here a short thin
a few years ago and then went to Oregon,
has moved back again, and is occupying
the brick house north of the school house.
5Iark White's little girl, who is living
with her grandfather. I. S. White, has
been very sick with a beating in the lit ad,
but at this writing is some better.
Tim Siiavek.
Bailed hay for sale at Holmes liv.ry
barn. " dI2t
Death of Miss Shattuck.
The new of the death of 5Iiss Shattuck
falls like a pall on all who honor heroism.
She was honored for her noble deeds, re
membered for her pure and womanly
character and reverenced for her patience
in her long suffering. After weeks o1
pain she passed peacefully away yester
day morning at her home in Seward. Sht
leaves a fathcr.wlio is an old and disnbl-
d veteran, a brother and two sisters to
mourn her departure.
The cases of Ellis and Goodwin camc
u p lor hearing today before Countv
Judge Russell, the former charged with
being implicated & the Pi ice trouble and
the latter is the man who made hi
escape from Sheriff Eikenbary some time
a jo.
Warrick offers low prices on Wa'l Pa
per. act
Try O. P. Smith a Co's Iv. of P. Col
ogne, lasting and 1- it. grant. i-2o-tl
Try O. P. Smith &, Co's K. of P.
Cologne Lasting and Fragrant.
An elegant assortment 'of Valentines at
Gering fc Co.'s. jldt
Go to I. Parleman's for fine furniture.
Swedish Lingens, stock fish and all
kinds of fish or herring for Lent can be
had at jan21tf Weckiiach Jc Co.
All deeds, real estate moitgages, re
leases, mechanic's leins and miscellaneous
transfers of all kinds should be mailed to
Register of Deeds office, Plattsmouth,
Neb., instead of to County Clerk as here
tofore. 43-5
Herman Smith warf in the metropolis
John 5IcCaig, of Wabash, wa3 in the
city today.
Byron Clark and Nelson Jean were in
Omaha today.
Thomas Patterson and wife passed the
day in Omaha.
51. Ackerman and Charles 5Iayer of
Lincoln are in town.
J. 51. Peuriingtou and wife were Oma
h i passengers hist night.
C. A. Woosley, of Greenwoo.l, was in
tli 3 city on business today.
Attorney Allen Beeson was at Cden
Vfciod and the Junction todfy.
O. JL Strciglit lttuntctl from a busi
ness trip to Wahoo this morning.
Capt. L. D. Bennett returned tbis morn
ing from Atr!feon. Kansas, where he has
bjcn the past few days visiting friends.
5Ir. Edd. Boeck, in the employ of the
Western Union telegraph Co., at Denver,
is in the city visiting with his brother,
W. A. Boeck.
Capt. I'M met left for Lincoln this
morning where he. will join the governor
and staff and go to Beatrice this evening
where a grand reception will be held for
Jlessrs. Fred Gorder, Frank Canuth
and Frauk Coursey left for St. Louis this
morning where they will attend the Wes
tern Canned Goods and Packers association-
which convens tomorrow and lasts
three da 'I,
Mrs. Joscroseu and Mrs. Williams,
mother and sister of the late 5Irs. J. C,
Petersen, the former from Green Bay, WR,
and the latter from Dubuque, Iowa, ar
rived last night to attend tho funeral of
5Irs. Petersen.
N. A. S. E.
I do not wiih the readers of my last
arliclo to jump nt cypelusifins o; rapidly
and imagine that there la nothing to do
but to grasp thu reignsof a fiery steed
that is carefully harnessad and in good
training, and ride with ease to afiluence
and pqsjM :i for there is danger in the
action unless liiere Jr.ii bo.ue pi t pa
ra' ion beforehand, for there are many
bodies that possess the curious property
of taking a sphcroical f-rm under certain
circumstances, and in this state they pos
sess very different piopit'es from what
they do ia any other. Water in a red
hot boiler becomes spheroidal and evap
oration, cttrange as it may uecui, in lifiecu
t ines slower than in its ordinary state,
and what seems very singular, the water
is only 05 c , while the boiling point is
212. B;t; jf the bpjjer s allow? 1 to
cool a lit le the whole suddenly passes
off in -steam. "When an engineer in
charge of a boiler, unacquainted with
this law, finds that the water is too low,
and that the plates are red hot, would
then let in a little y. aler. Tlds i;t pon-
tact with the red hot plates, would as
sume a sphsroidal state but when lie would
let in a little more to cool the plates to a
required temperature, the whole would
suddenly pass off in steam, and an explo
sion M ould be the result.
It is a curious pioperty iii water it
generates steam &t 212 9 c heat, and will
give only a certain amount of steam ac
cording to the amount of heat continual
ly imparted to it in a given time. Were
not this the case, but that water at 212 c
was suddenly to assume the steam state,
it would be as unmanageable as gun
powder as a machine propeller. As it is
no other substance (either fluid or gas)
can equal it for safety and economy i
labor-iorcing agent to driving machinery.
The great difficulty that science has to
contciid with and against in its safe ap
plication and use is in preventing heait
rendiug and terrific accident., is careless
ness and ignorance on the part of those
intrusted to giiiie and control it. When
the steam boiler becomes the master of the
engineer, instead of the engineer bein;'
master of the boiler, then in a divine in
cerpoiitioa aione, out or uis common
course of events of nature, is au accident
prevented. It would be a good plan for
every Stats to appoint a faculty of com
petent engineers to examine all engineers
and to grantthem a diploma of compe
tency, without which no one should be
allowed to take charge of a steamboat,
locomotive or any other engine.
We do not wisli to advocate anvtiiin
that ln ty appear aristocratic or .
but we are sure that thi.i is not.
All engineers and persons hsvingeharge
of boilers under pressure should possess
certain qualifications to be entrusted with
the management of what concerns public
life and property. The qualifications
should be known by the public. The
knowledge of the ability of those who
have charge of tho lives of those are
near and dear to them, is what the public
ought to know, whether their friends be
at school, on a trip on a steamboat, or a
trip on the railroad, or at the theatre, or
at any other place that steam is used.
"Wanted A good girl to cook, wash
and iron. Wajies S3 icr week.
f7-3t. 3Irs. 11. B. Wixdham.
I. Pearlman sells furniture on the in
stallment plan. Payments weekly or
monthly. f2-dtt'
iry i. i .S.t!, t'0 (Vs Damask Rose
io. mit Ulicum, Scrofulous sores, fetters
External Erysepehis, Rash, Itch, chafing
oi iiiiaius Ac, a complete Household
Remedy. No household f-hould be with
out it. t -
Try O. P. Smith & Go's Damusk Rose
for Ch ipped Hands and Lips. tf
Real estate and abstracts,
dtf W. S.
Firo Insurance written in tho
Etna, Phcanix and Kartforc! by
W i nclham A. Davies.
May for Sale-
Three hundred tons of hay for sale for
cash, either delivered cr on the ground.
Leave ordeis at Henry Week bach's store.
Jan. o uiod&w L. Stl'i.i,.
Mrs. Bannister
Has opened a cutting school in connec
tion with her dress-making, where ladies
may procure the latest improved tailor
system, said to bo the best in use. Rooms
over Solomon Na'han's store. dl2t
Damask Rose the Great Skin Cure and
Toilet article, 51 fg.
Smith & Co,
and sold b
O. V
tf Try punch Twist Cigars at Van iek's.Ct
There aro 21
should purchase
lieo page 4.
reasons why you
lots in South Ph k.
For Sai.k On reasonable terms my
residence on the N. W. corner of Elm and
11th streets. Said property (Y-u-.(ii of
i blo,:K With 11 S-Oud .SlOtv' Uil.t h half
house of six rooms, two wardrobes and
one pantry; good well and city water;
twenty-seyen .bearing apple trees, and an
abundance of small fruit of all kinds,
tf P. D. Batks.
lli-pd Hie j-easoii-i v!?y
t'.jii-li. ii:; iiaje a. ' tin
Gold C'.)In stoves and ranges
ir. the market ;tt I. l'arleman's.
-the best
New furniture at I. Parlcman's. Fltf
Parties needing household
and Ihcse rt"!n t.iit;-mil:ito
house sooi wilt and ii. io iiu-ir oi)j--et
buy of I. Parlcnian. 1'2-dif
K. J.i l v . .'.ti-.iiiiy ;it Will
trive ..! ,!lr i:tii.n t ail l.-i'iiess in
trust e! t' :;i',c-' in L'ljioa liUek, Kast
side. I'.'attM. !;'.;!!:, .Xeb.
it. 1. W I M 1 1 r a m , JeliN A . 1 A v I r.s.
Xotary I'uMic. Notary i u!;Sc.
Oiriee over t'.;-iilc f
?h Comity.
Dr.R. Nunn,M.D.,BCh
TitiKH'v- C ,i.i.i:,.F.. Puu.ili,
bate Sinveon at Western Onlil lialinie anil
Ai!.t at iliijal Ophthalmic llospiia1, Loiitloii.
Ofiice, llooia 1';, Hiii kerlllock : 10 a. in. to 4 n.ui
Ov-ia'ij iel;ai;,i.
Corieopondeiice Punctually Answered.
C- F. S M I T H,
Merchant Tailor.
Jec;)j vOiisiai.tiy on n;:uil .ti'.iit of the
best fooil to he vioenreti. Is irciared to
make pants tor anil upwards and ui e for
rCeatly and jironiptly done at 1he lowest
priees Over I'eter Merges' store, North Side
Main Street.
Br, C- A- Marshall.
-VJ3 -! : v.
Preservation 1 f r.atur:l teeth a ppeetalsy.
fceth extracted without pain ly uc of Lauulii0
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
Wm. Heroic! & Eon
Cry aooii Miens Boots ancl SIioos
or Ladies and Gents
lie keeps as large and as well
As can he found any ;hie- in theoiry and riake
you prices li-at drfy eem;:' ti'ien.
JV.fiits for
&rv n B52T P 11 ras End Bal's Go sei.
Cor. 12th and Granite Streets.
Contractor an guilder
Sept. i2-Gm.
This Swaco
Cr. "CT Zj
1,700 Worth
k i
-Mu?t Ie
As I have to leave to take cli.vv
wa, on account of his contMetl ill health. Is'ow is the time to lay im
a of UUQTiS and SHOES at
i Ladies' French Kid hand-turned sliots. ,
Ladies French Kid common ense k,oeji.
Ladies' C'uracoa Kid common sense si, ocs.
Ladies' Dongola hand-sewed shoes
Ladies' Gl.ze dongola slices.
Ladies' Straight goat shoes
Ladies' Best goat button shoes
Ladies' Hiind-s'-wed button shoes
Ladies" Calf button shots
La. lie:,' Oil grain button shoes
Ladies' Glove calf button shucs,
Lad leu' Dnixrii'-. , v . ,.A 1 tit .... . 1. ......
i r .. ,. .. .
I """"-J' vtk:u HUIIUU i.lUeS
rfed Cross School Shoe Reduced 25c apr
Misses best Kid and Goat Spring heel
Men's best hand sewed shoes , ,
Men's best Calf sewed slice
Men's l.eijt IIa.g.uv sewed shoe.
Men's befct calf sewed shoe
-uen s nest congress or button shoe
Men's calf boots
Men's best kip boots
Men's Good kip boots
r . . ... .
Csoods xaust be sold at "Tcu
will find it tc yoviatorest to call early.
itcasoiifl for Pmvjiasing Lots in South Park.
As 11 wliole tliey are the linest lyin lits in the city.
They tire shaded with beautiful forest trees.
3. They are located between Chicago and Lincoln Avenues, tho
two finest el rives about the city. " '
4. They are only a ten-ii;in',!t walk from the business portion
of the town,
a. By reason of their location between the two main thorouo-h-faies
into the city, they are more ncessiMe than lots in other additions
0. Tho only addition to the city reached by two established
7. The only new addition to the city reached by water mains
and M ith a prospect of being .supplied in" ibe near future with com
plete water privileges,
5. New sidewalks recently constructed to within a lew feet of
the aeklition and will shortly le extended.
:. Will certainly have street car privileges at no distant date
10. If you wish a fine view of the river, locate on a lot in South
11. If you wish a si;;!;tly
it can be had from u South Park
12. To persons in the railroad employ, the eastern portion of
th Park is the most desirable residence locality in the nitt
13. To persons desiring a
western portion of South Park is
1-1. The I?. Cv M. railroad
auouion, iiirnisning goou lacnuies
Alexander, John iloore,
1 o. 11 you locate 111 cutn Park you will have good neighbor
Mayor Simpson, Joint 11. Cox. John A. Davies, John L. Minor J V
Weckbach, Chas. Harris, John II. Youn, Henry Waterman 'w C
Ingrahain, P. Spurlock, Jerry F.'irtliiiip;, Thos. K. Pevnold ' V
Davis. L. A. .Miner, C. Jl. Wead, Frank Xish, J. k g!, p j
FaiiKht, Clayton Uarber. V,'
1C Over S12.000 worth -f
crL.t,.,., ,;.' ; c.iM r,,..,.f
of the city.
1 ' "ir l y 1
i i iiioi'i' i.n i isr;? ii r i: i iiniir
fall of 1SST than in any one locality
spring buildin"; are much trreater.
-.i - ------- - - - - - - -
i'uu-hr, Clayton Uarber. V. ,i. J lesser, Harry Kneiler, J F - V
J. G. floyal, W. Aicl.eiiniiii. P. O. Minor, F. McCoW, J.C tlt
and other sare owners ot bouth 1 ark proiiertv. 0 .
l-b. Lots will lie si;l ttntil tiie 1st ot April, next, at Sl0
after said date the price on the most de-irab!e lots will be'adva .G '
1 0. rIVrnis rash. bal;iMcf in one mid tw,. . .
purchased on monthly payments
i -
20. Any number ot per,ons,
Life 111 ftllO tflTi.'-1 fttlAll 1 t t 1'fjTl
wili bo inven
' " 'V s' -
may deem proper.
Any person or pen-o!l pr.rchasinL' 20 or mom ,
ing cash, may have one and two
22. If any other reasons tor
. .
tie&neu iitey win uu jiveu iiy calling
2tosorved for
of the Jiest Makes of
told in the-
ot'mv Father's business in Ottum-
r, 00 reduced to $4 35
r, 00 " " 4 S'l
:j 75 " " 3 as.
1 50 " a 2i
3 25 ' 2 70-
3 00 " 2 5(
3 20 " 2 75,
75. " 2 3ft
5 25 " " 1 83
2 00 " " 1 75
1 05 " " 1 25
2 00 " " 1 irt
1 25 " " 1 0(t
?2 50 now $2 25
7 00
5 00
5 00
S 00
(5 00
4 2.
4 25;
2 75,
1 85;
1 7Bi
3 75
2 CO
2 50
o j
.4 50
, ! ! . 3 50
picturesque view of
lit V in the eitv
residence on (Jhiearm t.
available for that purpose
track runs near the east
line of the
ior manutacturin'r indutrb.
.i "
Sai-'ib V
Ullic Kalisky, T. W.
this desirable property has been dis
...I. ...... A. i . . u ouisiele
growth of this part
i .i. .
wrvo m i n ..ii .
- - - ' a. . i i 1 1 .in n i . . i . . .
in the city i.nd the projects V
1 or
HK 111 t in
- " or lots mav L
not less than five, purchasing ten
ri 1.- i . . A
" " io eiispose ol as'tlw.-
years on balance without inte
purchasing lots in ft.ntii ti1"1"
luif. nn . .
I 1 . . ..vj IMV.
I'ark are
at itie OIIICC of
I V,, L