TiIK DAILY I1KUALD, Pl.ATJrsmot md, St r. i :::.SKA, Kill DAY. FICDIilT A 11 Y , Is'X. hi The Plattsmouth DaElv Herald KNOTTS Xi Tl O S., Publishers & Proprie tors. THK PLATTSMOUTH 1IKKAI.D Is piiblHietl every fVPifx xt Sunday auu Weekly every Tliupul-jr inoruliiK. HKis tereil at tho iMislolnVe, I'ii tvinoutli. N'Hi. :is Neeond-elaHH mutter, outre, corner of Vine and Fifth ftrtets. -TKUMS run llt.Y. One copy onn year in ndvance, by mail 6 m One copy per mont h, ly carrier f.n One coy per week, by carrier 15 TKKMS FOR WKEKI.Y. One copy one year, in advance I ,V Une copy six month! in advance, . 75 Ocik sleepy contemporary has discover ed that The Hkkai.I) is a mugwump. We trust it may receive consolation in the thought, as a mugwump should cer tainly lie very clos to the. democratic henrt in these troublous times. Thanks to an honest court in Indian apolis two of the Democratic election re turn forger have been convicted. Yet, at the same time, only across the Ohio river in Kentucky, a prc.nium is placed on such actions and a conviction on suc h a charge would he impossible. Tiik democratic organs are howling Vociferously for the working men; yet will use their utmost endeavors to defeat him at the polls and if not there they will invade tnc ballot box ami defeat him at any cost and cooly ask you what you are going to do about it. For particu- lara sec the Thoebe Carlisle contest. The Herald is not egotistic, but it thinks it can name the strongest and Uie lest ticket tliat could le placed Ix-lore the people this presidential year. That is, taking it for granted that the peerless Blaine will not allow his name to be used. Our ticket is Walter Q. (ircshain for Presitlent and Senator llawlcy for Vice-President. Ar. abler, cleaner ticke t has not yet been mentioned. The city of New York, which is almost unaniinoii.'-ly democratic, is more heavily burdened with debt than anv uiiiirr n or muiu iu mi: norm, n't iiie I state or sew lorK, wnicii is republican iu politics, and has recently finished the finest canitol building on the continent. - C5 is practically out of debt. There is vast difference in the honeniy aril integ- rity of the two parties that careful men r- it- -t--t-wv.v.w-. The ITkii vf.o is d:id to note the 'inr or- porauon or a railway, ro oc mini tnrougn f -1 i -i. ,i I the central part of the South Platte conn- try, crossing Cheyenne countv and reach- incr into tho rn:,l field nf Wvnminnr l.v " . i tne jussoun I'acitic people. It will ie a great boon to the, at present, sparsely I settled district in Chevenne county which at the present time is seventy miles wide and one hundred twenty miles in lengdi. and holds within its bounds thousands of acres of rich prairie soil emial, in every res;)?ct, to our bet lands i i Cas? county. Owing to inadequate railway iacuuies and tne mismanagement ot the Union Pacific, which has been, and is now, the only line across this rich coun try it has been kept hack and its devel opment retarded. "With a railway along the table land north of Sidney it will net only be a good thing for the company that builds but will be a great advantage to the settlers in that part of the country as well. THE DEMOCRATIC DILEMMA, is not wanted as a candidate by his part v. In this state the opposition is certainly growing stronger, as the partial success of Governor Hill at the recent meeting of the state committee olainlj- indicated. The truth is that Mr. Cleveland has lost many of the shrewdest and most capahl-i managers who formerly made the efforts on his behalf irresistible. The shrewder men of. the party are perfectly aware that his position on the tariff makes him a weak candidate. They would be glad to get rid of him, for that and for othir reasons. They know that his message on the tariff question would be quoted throughout the countrv, in the event of hi9 nomination, and would constitute a platform which it would be impossible for his party to escape. Xot even tl.c passage of a moderate tariff bill, if that I were possible, could break the force of I tin mocco rrn in l.ul,lii timnfion It lios I . m ... . . It made him a candidate in whom all radi cal and extreme free traders deliirht. and it has also made him a candidate whose r I nomination would prove dangerous to ais party in everj' doubtful state. Rutthedeniocratsare.sotosDeak.be- I 4 r mired in their own falsehoods. It is un- .pertain whether they can now afford to . ' - i - i . i . - i-i a i i I -. pominate anvoouj- eise. ine irouoie is :hat they have been puffins; Mr. Cleve land for three years, without the slightest legarrt for truth. They have made a W-eat many readers, of the innocent cla rho conscientiously read only one paperfl.reak fast. You can drink more and jest they should get their minds con- used, believe that Mr. Cleveland-- the ne honest mm in the democraewtjarty; fiat hi n-mination by so bad a party as scarcely less than a miracle; that he s nobly and granaiy wiuisiuuu me - ally tendencies of that party, and that is nomination is now the only, way to prevent t int 1 lo calamity. That is the prevalent democratic and inugwunp doctrine, and there are people ko stupid that they believe it. If Mr. Cleveland should now he set aside, these believers in his superhuman worth would be offended. To them it would seem a triumph of the basest ele ments in his party that he was not sustain ed and rewarded by rcuominatiou. If an attempt were made to justify a change on account of his tariff message, the case would not be improved one whit. Then the radical free-traders would boil over. To them it would seem an outrageous tiling that a competent and upright Pres ident should be refused renominatiou by his party for no other reason than be cause he had frankly expressed the con victions they hold. These voters, o whom there is a great many in the doubt ful states, would -declare that Mr. Cleve land had allirmed in his message nothing more than nine-tenths of tho Democrats throughout the country heartily bellievei and that it would destroy confidence in the good faith of the party to puni.h i President for frankly stating its tradit ional beliefs and honest convictions, lie yond a doubt, hi- defeat in convention under such circumstances would cost his J party thousands of voters in every doubt ful state. That is the dilema in which the Democratic managers are just now placed. If they nominate Mr. Cleveland they will have to face the loss of thou sands of workingmen. If they do ni nominate him they will have to face the los of thousands of tadical free traders. and also of the innocents who believe that he is the one heaven-inspired reform er of this generation. New York Tri bune. Forests of Alnsica. The southeastern part of tho territoisy. from being the most accessible, is the most lrequentlv visited and tho most commonly referred to as "Alaska" as consequence, though really less of Alaska thr.n Alaska uj of the United .States, rully four-hfths of this part is ouiio densely wooded, and the other iifth is composed of water, which winds in in numerable channels like so many rivers ( -' other at all angles, but con ..i. i , , ,A , , , vious ways. Fortius reason "Alaska" -. southeastern Alaska) has secured reputation of being a well wooded part, densely crowded with timber, thero r square miles of untimbered tracts in i'o vast Arctic pare termed tundra, tnat i. - , l , .1 nave never seen plant nie larger man tno upon it, wun pel naps an , - i . l i I iYrvMition hprn fin! ihr--rf nlnno tin liiiv " " X - ---- - - ,..--. ..., water coursG3 of a stated willow a few inches high that the whole family of alix would repudiate as black sheep in l"? 101U WmlG Ulere alC are tOWn- chitv elsfiivhpn of Jnno so Ri-sflrsplr- for. f.stotl or with HUCh indilferent timber. that from all ordinary useful standpoints Ulcr Have almost been tundra, and j;io a uiiiu iiioiu jraiiiiy la-.m iu i.iu reindeer thereby. Frederick Schwatka Colds and Nerves. A timid woman comes home one night pale and ghastly with fright, having en countered a specter clad in white, which the calls a "erhost." In a dav or two she uevelop3 a cold, for which she- cau- "ot in any way account. Fear acts as a depressant to the nervous system, crippling its powers of resisting tho ac tion cf cold, hence tho phrase, "shiver ing with fear." Similarly, innumerable events of daily life tend to irritate, de press, or excite tho nerves, and render then unfit fcr maintaining the body tem- peraturo against the fluctuations of weather and climate. During these Un guarueu moments a timing exposure to co:d or damp 13 Bumcient to indue catarrn. Contemporary Ke view. Proprietary Medicines. New York leads tho list in the number cf proprietary medicine manufacturers. Ii lies 103 factories, with an invested capital amounting to 3,512,430. Ohio 10 second with 01 factories, Pennsyl vania has 53; Massachusetts, 40: Mary land. 34; Missouri, 27; Illinois, 22; Cali fornia, 22; Michigan, 20; Rhode Island, ?0; Connecticut, 13; rew Jersev, 12; Virginia, 12; Georgia, 12; Kentucky, 12, md ennont, 10. Nebraska, r.orth Carolina and Colorado have only one each. The total amount cf capital in vested ia 10,C20,8S0. About 5,000 hands are employed, and nearly 2,000, 000 yearly aro paid to them. The value of materials used Ls 6,704,729, and the aluc of products is 14.CS2,494. New York Commercial Advertiser. Eegg's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is warranted for all that the label calls for, so if it does not relieve your cough you can call at our store and the money will be refunded to you. It acts simul- taneously on all parts of the system, I -t-4.I ir l.iot'in it it t li-wl rx.fi i 1 f j f 1 I uuini, in 'm w - The rural postmasters of the couuty are clamoring for their just dues in want- ...... . "'.g a daily mail route. Who is Your Best Friend? Your stomach of course. YVhv; Be cause if it is out of order j'ou are one of the most miserable creatures living. Give it a fair chance and see if it is not the best r i .1 : r : . : . . l. .. l 1 friend you have in the end. Don't smoke in the morning. Don.t drink in the morning. If you must smoke and drink pvait until your stomach is through with smoke more in the evening and it will tell on you less. If your food ferments and does not digest right- if you are troubl ed with Heartburn, Dizzniess of the head, coining up of the" food after eating, bil iousness, indigestion, or any other trouble of the stomach, you had best use Green's August Flower, as no person can use it without immediate relief. UNC-ttTAINTlZG. Pink II Lien lonnet, I'ink cotton Kown. Hoses printed on it, - 1 lands burnt brown. Oh! blithe were all tho piping birds, and lb Kolden lielted lees, And blithe siin she on tin; doorstep, with hr apron full of peas. Sound of seylhe nnd mowing. Where buttercups jcrew tull; Sound of rel kine lim ing And parly iiiilkniaitl's call. Sweet she kjuijj on the doorstep, with tho young peas in her lap. And lie came whistling up the lane, with the rii bons in his cup. "You called me a had penuy That wuuldu'1 be sent away jS lint here's good-by to yon, Jenny, For many and many a day. There's talk of eaniiou and killing Kay, never turn so white: And I've taken the k inji's. shillii:"; I took it last nilit." Oh: merry, merry piped the thrushes up in tho cherry tret". But dumb une sat on tho doorstep, and cut through tho rate went lie. S-ent of hay and summer; lieu evening sky; Noiso of life and drummer; Men mnreliing by. The hay will lie carried presently, and tbeeher- ries gathered nil. And the corn stand yellow in tho shocks, aud the leaves begin to fall. Perhaps some evening after. With no more wn;' of tliruh, j, The lads will cease their laughter And the maids their chiller hush; .v, And word of blood nnd battle Will mix with the sound of the flail, Anil lowing of tin; eutt!-i And clink of the milking pail; And one will read half fearful, -. A list or names aloud. And few will stagger, tearfid. Out of the littie crowd. And she, perhaps half doubling, Ih'lf Knowing why sh- came, WiK stand among them, pouting, And hear, perhaps, his name Will weep, p-crhupi:. a little, us tho wanders up the lane. And wish ou'j summer morning were all to do again. Mary Probyu in MucmilUins Magazine. GOVERNMENT EXPERT'S REPORT Concerning Criiis and Precious Stones Idiiiid in tho I'niteil Stutes. The rejjort of George F. Kunz, ihe c?: ix?rt in gems, which has just been issued by the geological survey, contains much interesting information relating to t he discovery of precious ts tones in the United .States. The list of accidental ilmls throughout tho country is large (-ucugii to be inspiring. Mr. Kunz calls them accidental, and then says that at .SaliJ;;, Colo., over a ton of garnets have been picked up during the year. They iind garnets of the rarae sort in Lcwiston, Idaho. Some of the pure, clear quart:, when it comes in big chunks, is quite valuable. They found some very large aiasses in Virginia earlv in the vear. They were reported as transparent crystals of quartz, one weighing 642 Hunds, another :j-iO jounds. When tiiese reached New York, however, they proved not to be crystals, but veius of translucent quartzite, with crystallme markings of a grwup rather than o( a single crystal, and the clear spaces, whic h were onlT observed on these crvstalhne sides, would not afford a crystal ball more than one inch in diameter. The larger part was almost white with flaws. 'Such would do, however, to sell to tourists," savs Mr. Kunz. naivelv. Some amethysts have been found dur ing the past year at Deer Island. Me. : also a few amethvsts are found at Durr- ville, 11. I. A precious stone of much interest is an opaque white hvdrophane discovered in Colorado. Tho finder has named it "magic stone," because, as usual with this mineral, it possesses the property of becomin absolutely trans parent if water is dropped slowly on it from one to thrco minutes. It is so porous that it-will absorb its own weight or water. It quickly recovers its opac ity. A beautiful pink clialcedony h-s been found at Cisco, Utah. It admits cf a high polish, but it has not yet been in troduced in any quantity. T. F. Lamb and G. C. Hatch mined fcr a time at the Mount Apatite locality, near Auburn, Me., and found tourmaline gems and minerals to the value of o00. This localitv will be further worked. Quite a large number of the yellow, green and white beryls found in Litcluield countv have been nicely cut and extensively sold. The cut gems sold during the past year are valued at $5,000. but a large part of tins sum prooably represents the cutting and other necessary expenses. The Ma rion Bullion company, at Marion, N. C. does not make a business cf digging for gems, but Col. Deming has found so many garnets there that it paid him to sell them in quantities to manufacturing jewelers. There was also one iino ame thyst of a magnificent purple color and over ono inch across, lino aquamarinaa from one to si: cr.rats ia weight and some beautiful cLloiiiic inclusions in quartz, which, when polished, show very lino landscape effects. Yatiugtci Ccr. New York Sun. Fluctuations of Jiainfull. Of Gil current meteorologicrJ phe nomena, rainfall Is tho most irrcilar, both as to timo and place. Tho rainfall cf one year may be double or trcblo that of the year before or tho year folloivi. At any ono station these iiuctuationa era ordinarily so great cs to thoroughly masl: any secular change. It mv.y vary great! from place to place, even though tho dis tance lx email, while the change of tho location of a gauge frcra the ground to the top of a house may mate it give very dhferent indications. For these reasons it is apparent that reliable results, in re gard to a general increase or decreaso cf rainfall, are to be obtained only by com bining a large number of observations scattered over many years and over the greatest possible variety of condition.. tlenry Gannett in Science, Fruit from Across Water. Philadelphia, next to New York, re ceives more fruit from across the ocean than any other port. When the regular season begins two or three steamers arrive every week, each containing from 30,000 to 0,000 boxes of oranges and lemons, making an average of GO, 000 boxes of fruit received weekly. Chicago Times. Nothing Xevr. It is a mistake to think Volapuk is a new language. The brakemen on pas Ben ger train? in this country have used it for years to call out the names of stations. Peoria 1 Vanscript. :tH .R lllt nl1 Oi ";oiiiu.i;ii. l:ccnt meuMuviiieiitrf of Mount lit. Hlias and Mount Y"r:u),c-1 iv.h ether high peaks of the west show that Wriuigcl and not St. tliias is tho hihert. Mount llood w.n il to 1. called Ki,0(X) f.- tliigb. Ti i:ti:g.:hiii.iu makes it an :ineroil l-r.i-omi.-ter made it l'J.Oi'J'J, nnd u laereuriai baixiiiieter 1 1 .St. I'.li.is, esiiiiiuted at i2,i''2 fe t liih, roves to 1m KfAW. Wrangel rises f-t above Ccp- iv river, whj h is itself 2,0:;U f- et above ::rk Jevel, and the mountain is at icu.st I,(Jil f.t lii-,lier tha!i any other Ii'oi th American )xni'sc. C"ii,-:igo N.-v.s. A Si:Ii:iari:io Valley. At die r.puith if the Cono thero i.s a rcr:iarkabk siJ.iiiariui valley. Ju.st at the liioul h cf the l iver it is l,4"i2 feet deoji, and it can Ijo dislinctly traced for KiiJ miles out to sea. New York ,Siui. lie courageous, lroji your best friend if he fchu-.vs u honesty and integrity. Yaeli(iii; in Bermuda. "Vifo (on boai'd a small yueht, taekine; ugainst a bead wind) Ah, how delightfully exciting this is. Kvcry timo the boat tacks I feel a thrill of uierb pleasure all through my veins. Husband (gloomily) Yes, my dear; verj uice. Vo:i ure not paying for this bo:it by tli'J hour, I thiiik. Icvv York World. ;i(iu:jI Slioeblui kiri';. Farmer M. H. 1 1 kolniaii. of Hopkins, Mo., has found a seven iacli vein of siicK-blaeking o:i l.i.- farm. It lies four iVet below tkn sur l'.".; e, and whea 1:1..;-;: I ail:! rubbed ;. shoe.-; iii.ike-i :t lino jioli.-.!. Chicago News. Begs's Dloocl Purifier ancJ Lilood 'Anker. No remedy in tii" v.'orld bus gjmKil the popularity that this medicine has, as a hold on family medicine. No one should be without it. It Las no calomel or quinine in i!s cumposiiion, consequent ly no bad effects can arise from it. We keep a full supplv at all times. ( . I. Smith Co. Druggist. j-'.j-.;ino(!c:v Cil P.-:PaATi0N EVEH PnOCtiC:-! Fo.- Caiiyi.s, Horser.ecs. V.'crk L'jnis, VVr.o!t,? ( ' :i-!i, I ry, 1 f::; k i n-- 'ie. lis .f li.ii? M; :i!i::::, ui.-i IWi.ik !iial :'.tid l.mei Au' '( icn-.. '1'ry it. Wrr-rter.l lo Cure Consmrijition i.i it E irilcr S:.i"C-. R A!J-flr AD Atj-oii.ts DoirJtiicn over - PAIN t(JE I Will ere Vlie, x.re '! l.i..; !, I i i. ii :. 1 'r t I ;itv -,v'-"' inn's, el,-., in 1.-- - i ; i li:n. r :: v ; !n r n.-il;( iniM -ii curl ii. Ci'inr3ntc:;a io C to i hcuiti.i tls.YI s::id KeiiraSjia. V.'iirr.UiS-l !y ..:r l:-i:-..ve I. :i:;u S i." lor SI w e ill m !:.; esi :L ui ti.li.T 'ui". :: ir.-. j.ivj.:i:d. . l i; s H-R-Ro-.d Remedy Co.", Box 372. Lincoln, Ne"). Trade supj-di'-d !v Ii-hardsoii Druy- Co.. Omaha, Ni-Iraska. Ccristai.!o'3 Salo. I!y virt lie of live ( xceMt inn Umiet! !y C;i'v:ti l;iiN:-ll, coiuily jmlir'. wiliiin iiijil 'l'o" C"-s ecioit v. Nein- .-kri". ami lo.'e ilirected. I will o ilieleili clay of Kehnu-.rv. A. I. ."t In oYIim k ii. I'l.. el s;;id iM :r the Hi if r;iin f iriner :y ((c'lpie.i ly ..'ohii S. in-Ue, en :v-mi:; flieei in if it I siinuii'h, ( '; s--eor.uiy, e!ra-!a. se!! :it pul:ic .iiielion. tlie fn!Hv. n:; i; io(!s tsinl el. allies lo-wil : All the .--I'-clv of !i,nihv:iic ami s'aeif .;);. eovsistin;! el 1 1 sl;ves. s:oveii:-. c-lu.in. naiN -er-ens i'.ml ltnlts. till Imekets. Knives ami forks, spring wire.iiiow liandles, a! vani.ed in.u. smaii uiui's, iron lions, wen wneei. ooeKet knives ami c.U lei y. etc. : lieintr ?ll t lie stoel. of fai-a .Hlia v. I'tiive now re aniin nns.ild and in said More room. The sairie ! ii-j; levied i.i oii an.1 lake us the )roier!y ef .Fultii S. lxikV. defendant ; to satisfy live in. laments of s;iid eoiilt reeovered l Levi ;d(tini;. W. li.Sehild-kUL-elit. Nortltlield hnif l o. l.e-'o!d 15 ro ,S; Co.. '. Sidney Shepherd t Co., i!aiutils, aain.st said (lefeniiant. f lat t. sin o utli, !).. lar.narv ."u, .. I). ISss. M. M'-Kl .WAIN. Ooiistahle, tf 11 Cass County, elnaska. Dr. Black's liheumatic Cure has cured more cases of Iwheuniatisni in the last ten years in this city and county than any and all other medicines put together. For sale by Smith & Black. HEALTH IS WEALTH ! I E A V fc. ,5 I i: - i i i W -.:v,w ti ii rm'W.'&ffrJViVZr?. Dr. K. C. West -s Nerve iuid P.rain Treatment a liuarantee specific for Hysteria Dizziness. Convulsions. Fi-a. NTvor.s N'eurnljria, ll:-:l-aclie. Nervci.us rrnstrjil'i.ii causeil hv ll;e use of aleoliol or 1 i.l-aceo. U akefu!ness. jVeiital 1 e pression, Soiieniii oft lie 1-rain re.-aliing in in sanity au'l '.ea'Suis; t nusere. 'leeav ;!iil -ieal h. i-reaiatiire e;(l A:-e. Harreiiiies-s. J,'o.ss of Vuw- er in cil -ei-.s . JiivoniMary I.e.'es rm-l Sper mal rriiii'a e::iisi.-il ly over-exertion r.f lr.iiii. seJlaliuse or ovei-imiii!ci:ce Kaeh l: x eoniiutis oie iio;i'I:'s 1 rea 1 1 it nf . ,?l i a orsix lioxes fin- .v.".(M, si-lit by n.;;il pvipaiiloi receiot oi price VS GUAKAKTZE SI2I liOXES To cure anv case ' uii each oii'ei r-ceivei-!;y i's IOr six laws, acc wnpan erl v.iili .").i:'i we v. ill seiiil t!ie pureli :ser our written j; i::tr;: ii teV' to return t.'se :nney if t!:e tn ati::ent ioe not ellci a cure, l ; iiai ant ei issued oulv bv W ill J. AVail icu sole ::-( !, Pla' tsiuoutli. 11. $5CO FiewariJ. Vv'e will pay he ni.'ove reward fcr any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costi ven'.ss ve cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions an; strictly complied, with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Larue boxes containing CO sugar coated pills, 2oc. For sale by all druggists. ;cware of counterfeits and imitations. The genu ine man it Pictured only by John O. V11 Sc Co., Sf!-2 Madison St. Chicago. Its Sold bvV.'. .J Warrick. Use Dr. Jilack's lihcumafic Cure if it don't do you any good come in and we will give you your money back. For sab- by Smith Tc Elac k. Use Dr. Black's Iihcumatic Cure and throw away vour cane and Clutches. For sale by Smith & Elack. Tne standard rejiiedy tor liver com plaint is West's Liver Pill-i; they never disappoint you. i!0 pills x! jc. At War rick's druij store. JULIUS FEPPERBERG, MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IX THE Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor tie Pepper bergo' and 'Buds FULL LINE OF TOUACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 20, 1883. ES3 1 mu.st inako riniiu for niv Large Stock of Spring Goods Coniiiitr ami tin-re fore will cent, heluw regular A 11 1 r i Ladies' Fieiicli ICitl . . . s5 00 20 per cent, discount $1 GO Ladies' French Ivid 4 .r) li " " 3 50 Ladies' Jiriht Dunola ....... 4 ()0 " " " X 20 Ladies' Jlrilit I)on;olu .", (H) " " i! 40 Laeies' Kid . . . 2 2, " " 1 b0 Dailies' Peh. ( if .at . ..... ..'." . L50 " 200 Ladie' le!. (Jnat . . 2 25 " 1 SO iMen's JJiirt Shoes s Oil " 0 40 JNIen's Shoes 4 50 " " " 00 Men's Shoes .......' 75 " " " 00 -Men's Shoes "2 ;0 " " " 2 00 Ciiildrons '-Little (J hint School SI reduction. ov is vour L-. t r-mti pjvv n r v wi i 1 i. x - rr a We keep constantly on h:ind th; in the citv. Me;tts i t SUGAR CURED MEAT; SAiHAGE i k i : Ij- And everytitin to suit the demand our trade. (Jive us a trial. O !. waifsi n-ju Soiitli Side lain .Street, T. Eureka leaf J. THOMAS, "VVIIOI.KSAT.K AMI Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Poultry. I invito a.11 to gi-No mo a. trial. Sugar Cured 3Ieat Hams, Bacon, Lard. at lowest liying prices. Do not AND LL T. T. rr -3: o s. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. w T?rr. r ULiU I PARLOR FURNITURc. I 15! 3 (2 i: rr : O 1 " "T SIXTH STREET, BET. MAIN AND VINE. Jos Arms IUtt. -3v S E3-T2 ft RTS el Rl-Syj iT ESTHl Jl 8 mmPkT POItK PACKERS and dealers Subscribe for I lie Herald. BEEF, PORK, MUTTON AND VEAL. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND Sugar Cured Meats, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c., of our own make. The best brands of OYSTERS, in cans and bnlL- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' 01 reiluec Jill leather gowls 20 per prices for cash only. n fm -yti iocs," the hest in the market, same clumee to lay in a cheap supply. MEAT MA RKET. frops.ioto2Ti3. J.&Hj W iinest and Ireshest line of meats all kinds in their season. FAM3, BACON, LARD, MINCE MEAT. r-wfJm nr) m- f 1 "T"! I'etwcen Fifth and Sixth. rket. J!TAII. DKAI.EIt IX itc. elc. Fresh Ovstr-r in r'., o..o. fail to aire me your patronage. 1 -la Vas? u3 bi KINDS OF FURNITURE FOR :M HALLWAYS. OFFICES. r r.T- th.o City. Call and! 7T PL A TTSM O UTI f NEB j. W. 3IARTI1I3. WTi m it in BUTTER AND EGGS VWZ Cl -