The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 01, 1888, Image 2

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    'Til K J3AILY I1KUALT), PLATT&mmj i n, ti;::ASKA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1S$8.
Tha P1attsiQ3uth DaiIyHeraId
Publishers & Proprietors.
Is nnblltseu every
every ovenlnc except Sunday
ssd weekly every Thurnday
nnnj oiorniuir. neijis-
tre4 at tli poMtofllce, l'iatWinoutli. Nelr.. as
ooo4-laa matter. Ofllce coruer of Vine and
Fifth atrU.
Ose copy one year in advanoe, by ina.II $6 no
Wo copy per month, by carrier to
One copy per week, by carrier 15
rvae odv one year
. in advance SI 5"
Oneoopyili inoutba in advance.
Hev. Joheph Knotts, father of the
nronrietors of The Hkrai.k. will be
buried at Council Bluffs to-day. Mr.
Knotts death is a peculiarly severe loss
to his family, he was not only an exceed
ing kind father, but a mun of fine edu
cation and strong mind with an unusual
ly clear head; he was very succesuful in
business. His sons relied implicitly on
his judgment in business matters, to such
an extent indeed that hi loss, aside from
that of a kind, loving, and indulgent
parent, will be irreparable.
"Washington, Jan. 12. To the Editor.
.Those who remember tho period of
southern ascendancy from 1850 to 18(J0,
when nearly all the executive functions
of the government were in southern
hands, will be deeply interested if not
entirely pleased at the sitrht of the
House organization, just now effected
after a month's labor. From the speaker
down to the lowest committee it is an
ante-bellum arrangement, strikingly like
its predecessors, the thirty-leurtfi ana
thirty-fifth congresses. In the cabinet of
the president we have a vivid reminder
of thfe days of Howell Cobb and John
U. Floyd, but as the army is still under
the control of Union generals, the mili
tary stores comparatively safe, and no
navy of consequence to be troubled
about, we may leave the cabinet minis
ters to their present function of distribut
ing patronage and not fear their perver
sion of executive power.
In congress, however, the powers arc
real, and it would be easy to mold the
whole policy of the government to suit
the Brec kinridges and Lainais. Texas,
Arkansas, Georgia and South Carolina
are in control, and never were the house
committees more absolutely in their
hands. They may do nisrs and do it
with vastly superior resources in this
year 1888 than their predecessors did in
18G0 and 1861. Look at the array of
force and their control of the speakership
and twenty leading committees :
Carlisle, Kentucky, speaker.
Hills, Texas, committee ways and
Bland, Missouri, coinage.
Clardy, Missouri, commerce.
Blanchard, Louisiana, rivers and har
Dunn, Arkansas, merchant marine and
Hatch, Missouri, agriculture.
Herbert, Alabama, naval affairs.
Blount, Georgia, postofHces.
Peele, Arkansas, Indian affairs.
Davidson, Florida, railways and canals
O'Ferrell, Virginia, mines and minerals
Dibble, South Carolina, public build
ings and grounds.
Catchings, Mississippi, levees of Mis
sissippi river.
Candler, Georgia, education.
O'Neall, Missouri, labor.
Lanham, Tsxas, claims.
Stone, Kentucky, war claims.
McCreary, Kentucky, private land
Hemphill, South Carolina, District of
So much for the slave states proper
the speaker and twenty chairmanships,
covering au tne committees of impor
tance with perhaps three or four excep
tions. Ihen, on the old border states,
which could not of themselves keep out
of the rebellion, but were forced to re
main in the Union by the vigoro as efforts
of their neighbors, we see that the re
maining important chairmanships are
held by the Holmans, Springers, Towns
hends; also Cox and Belmont few but
always faithful to their southern friends.
There are several Brcckiniidges on the
committees, the ways and means having
two of that name. The extreme south
has almost all the leading' places next to
the chairmanship, as Belmont, foreign
affairs, has Kentucky, Georgia and Mis
sissippi next to him. Townshend. a
border state man, on military affairs, has
Tillman, of South Carolina, and Hooker
of Mississippi, close to him to keep him
straight. On public lands, Holman, bor
der state (1), has four extreme southern
supporters from Arkansas, Alabama,
Tennessee and Mississippi.
Indeed, it is necessary to apply a mag
nifying glass to find any other than ex
treme slave state men in the controlling
part of the great committees, and the
following synopsis of the committees of
1859-60 is strikingly like the present
house organization :
Jams L. Orr, South Carolina, speaker.
Phelps, Missouri, ways and means.
Boyce, South Carolina, elections.
Cobb, Alabama, public labds.
G&ode, Virginia, Dietriat of Colombia.
Houston, Alubnina, judiciary.
Elliott, Kentucky, public expenditures
Sandridge, Louisiana, land claims.
Greenwood, Arkansas, Indian affairs.
Faulkner, Virginia, military affairs.
Bocock, Virginia, naval affairs. '
Hopkins, Virginia, foreign affairs.
Jewctt, Kentucky, invalid pensions.
Stephens. Georgia, territories.
Jones, Tennessee, roads aud canals.
Stewart, Maryland, patents.
Kitt, South Carolina, public build
ings and grounds.
Talbott, Kentucky, expenditure pst-
oflicc department.
Smith, Tennessee, printing.
Phelps, Missouri, Pacific railroads.
Davidson, Louisiana, enrolled bills.
Here are the twenty, as there are now,
and with a scattering show of border
state men heading the remaining com
mittees. The northern states had not a
half-a-dozen chairmanships altogether,
yet we do find S. S. Cox. then of Ohio,
on one of these revolutionary pensions.
We also see L. Q. C. Lamar in the house
from Mississippi; John H. Reagan, of
Texas; and John Sherman, of Ohio;
these three being in the cabinet and the
senate. Altogether the house of repre
sentatives is a vivid memory, and a
faithful duplication of the house in Bu
chanan's time, when Breckinridge was
vice president; Orr, of South Carolina,
speaker; and Cobb, Floyd and Jacob
Thompson ruled the cabinet. The pres
ent situation proves the long-aqjo asserted
capacity of the south to govern the coun
try, and that the trifling upset they got
at Appomattox did not amount to much
after all. And although the northern
people don't appear to notice the feat
ures of identity here set forth, namely,
the re-establishment of Buchanan's ad
ministration, the impression made on the
writer of this paper is stronger because
of twenty years' residence in the south
in ante-bellum days, and many years at
Washington during the Pierce and Buch
anan administrations. Very respectfully,
A Union Man from 1851.
With the demise of James Redpath,
who is believed to be on the point of
death in New York, a strange and stirring
career will be closed. Arriving in this
country from England in 1848, at the
age of 15, he passed successively through
all the grades of tho newspaper business
from printers' devil to editor. Long
before he attained the voting ago he be
came an abolitionist, and he was one of
the pioneer republicans of the country,
As correspondent of the New York Trib
une he passed through the Kansas
troubles of 1855-7. as well as tho war of
secession, making an extensive tour of
Hayti in the interval between these two
events. As superintendent of education
at Charleston, 8. C, immediately after
the war, as the founder of colored
schools and an orphan asylum in the
same state, and as the organizer in Bos
ton in 1868 of the most extensive bureau
which the United States had seen np to a
few years ago, which he conducted for
several years, he became one of the best
known men of the countrv. His last
nrnmment position, we believe, was
editor of the North American Review.
He wrote several books, the most popular
of which was the "Life of John Brown."
Globe Dem.
Beggi's.CherrylCough Syrup.
Is the only medicine that acts directly
on the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re
lieves a cough instantly and in time
effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. P.
Smith & Co., druggists. j25,3m,d- w.
Ocr old friend MacMurphy, of the
Omaha Iloof and Horn, has just re
turned from a tour through California;
he reports the Golden state as having
been boomed to death, which is the opin
ion of most people, who ate not preju
diced by having made some real estate
investments upon which they hope to re
alize handsome returns.
' Eegg's Cherry Cough Syrup.
Is warranted for all that the label calls
for, so if it does not relieve your cough
you can call at our store and the money
will be refunded to you. It acts simul
taneously on all parts of the system,
thereby leaving no bad results. O. P.
Smith & Co., Druggists. j25-3mdfcw
There ought to be a law disfrachising
every man who will sell his vot or offer
a bribe. Such men are a curse to any
country, and the contractor who attempts
to control his employes in yoting is no
better. Unknown.
Who is Your Best Friend?
Your stomach of course. Why? Be
cause if it is out of order you are one of
the most miserable creatures living. Give
it a fair chance and see if it is not the best
friend you have in the end. Pon't smoke
in the morning. Don,t drink in the
morning. If you must smoke and drink
wait until your stomach is through with
breakfast. You can drink more and
smoke more in the evening and it wlllteW
on you less. If your food ferments and
does not digest right--if you are troubl
ed with Heartburn, Pizznf ess of the bead,
coming up of the food after eating, bib
jousness, indigestion, or any other trouble
of the stomach, you had best uo Green's
August Flower, as no person can use it
without immediate relief.
Arnica Thirty Years Ago The Grut
Germicide "Malaria."
Nearly every physician has a hobby.
Medicine jtsolf has hobbies. Sometimes
these relate to remedies; othertimes to causes
of disease. Thirty years ago arnica was tho
panacea for everything. A drop on a lump
of sugar taken internally would cure all tho
diseases between and including influenza, and
cholera morbus. A few drojs on the hand
rublieil over any external injury would
almost supersede the necessity of surgery,
abolish rheumatism, exterminate cramps,
make the lame man leap like a hart or tho
tongue of the dumb sing for joy. Arnica
had its run for nearly ten years. The indif
ference of men, the enthusiasm of women
and the curiosity of children, with their in
capacity for resistance, created an oppor
tunity for arnica that entitles it to rank
hich atnoni' the fallacious factors or a
Bcieuco founded on conjecture and improved
by murder.
Following arnica camo carbolic nciu. ic
was a groat germicide. All disease existed m
germ form. Therefore, carbolic acid was the
remedy for all disease, If you liitiaieu a lit
tle of it you would cure original sin If you
rublied the bock Jof your neck with it you
would be relieved of bunions. If you lubri
cated your shins with it headacho would dis
appear. If you sat in the sumo room with
it your mind and body would bo rejuvenated.
A long time was required to reduce carbolic
acid to tho respectable role of a modest disin
fectant and to tho humble position of au
alleviator of aching teeth. There have been
various other hobbies in tho form of reme
dies. Bromide and chlorides divided em
pire, until it was found that women In vast
numbers were rushing to drunkenness, muacy
and suicide. Cocaine has had the call until
lately, but happily it costs so much that it
cannot bo generally used, and its paralyzing
possibilities are powerf ully appreciated.
As marked as this craze for remedies is
tho medical habit of finding a cause for every
disease. The savages regarded sickness as a
form of depravity, and used to exorcise the
devils out of the patients. Modern therapeu
tics may be said to be saddled with this devil
theory also. One devil was callod indigestion ;
another wasting.' There are many more;
they of ten rage at the same time; but tho
most frequent, fashionable and fantastic devil
which calls for tho exorcising power of doctors
is malaria. Is a child a glutton? It is suffer
ing from malaria. Doe3 a woman gorge her
self with food and let her muscles stagnate
for want of exercise? It is malaria. Do
families; by disregarding all laws of health,
fall sick amid the mountains or by tho sea or
in steam heated city houses? It is malaria.
Malaria is tho cause of everything. Brook
lyn Eagle.
"Patent Medicine" Advertising.
I met one of tho great patent medicine
manufacturers of the country last week on
tho railroad. Wo got to talking about tho
manifest decline in the business of adver
tising by means of painting signs on rocks,
barns and fences, setting up stands and
otherwise disfiguring the landscape, and ho
said: "My experience in advertising has
been that though such devices may pay for
awhile, as long as they are novelties, they
are bound in the end to cease to attract at
tention. The only advertising that lasts is
that in the newspapers. I had rather have
one day's advertising of my medicines in a
paper than a month of throe sheet posters
all over New York.
"A good many years ago I had a smart
young fellow working for me. He could not
get along with my foreman and I had to dis
charge him, though I hated to do it. I told
him that if I could help him to got along by
himself I would do so. One day he came to me
to borrow $50. He said he had a corn cure
that some old countryman had given him.
He had tried it on himself and found it good
and he thought ho could work up a sale for
it. I had not much confidence in it, but I
loaned him the money. He advertised the
thing first in some Sunday papers. A little
money came in enough to let him advertise
a couple of times in the dailies. More money
was the result, and he kept on. At the end
of a year be was running a snug business. At
the end of two years he was getting rich.
He had added other medicines to his list, and
became a liberal and scientific advertiser.
He died a couple of years ago, leaving over
a million and a business that keeps on grow
ing, because his successors follow out the
plan of advertising he inaugurated so suc
cessfully.11 Trumble in New York News.
Smoke as an Instrument pf Warfare.
Smoke will certainly play an important
part in the warfare of the future, At Mil
ford Haven and at tongfprd. harbor it was
artifloiaUy created in large quantities in or
der to form screens, behind which attacking
forces might, unobserved, approach within
short range of forts and batteries. On each
occasion rafts laden with combustibles were
set on fire and floated into positions from
which the wind carried the smoke in a more
or less dense cloud in the direction of tho de
fense. On the other hand, ever since the introduc
tion of modern ordnance and rapid rifle fire
it has been felt that the huge volumes of
smoke which would be belched forth during
a battle of tho present day would probably
prevent the use of big guns to the best ad
vantage. Smoke, in fact, may, according to
circumstances, be either a great assistance or
a grave impediment in warfare. The ideal
state of things is, of course, one in which tho
production of smoke shall bo controlled, so
that either a clear atmosphere or a clouded ono
may, as need may arise, bo c rented around a
battery or ship in action. This ideal has
now, to some extent, been attained. It is
found that smoke, as it issues from the muz
zle of a heavy gun, can bo almost simultane
ously precipitated by means of a simple
electrical apparatus. Tho invention is based
upon the- researches of Professsor Tyndall,
Lord Rayleigh and Professor Lodge, in tho
action of electricity upon floating dust and
vapor; and it should be of considerable mili
tary value. St. James' Gazette.
The Power of Imagination,
The power of imagination is supposed to be
stronger in women than in men; but this
was not shown in a recent hospital experi
ment. Dr. Durand, wishing to test tho prac
tical effect of mind diseases, gave 100 pa
tients a dose of sweetened water. Fifteen
niinutes after, entering apparently in great
excitement, ho announced that he had by
mistake given a powerful emetic, and pr.pi
orations must be made accordingly, fiightv
out of tho 100 patients became thoroughly ill
and exhibited the nual result of an emetic;
twenty were unaffected. The curious part
of it is that, with very few exceptions, the
eighty "emeticizedn subjects were men, while
the strong minded few, who were not to v"
caught with chaff, were w - ,sv ,
Tribune. --uea. Chicago
Birds Wintering in Africa.
Referring to the British birds that swarm
In South Africa in winter, Professor Soe.
bohm states that on the coast of Jfatal he
must have seen hundreds of thousands of
barn swallows, evidently collected to return
northern Europe. Swifts and other species to
were numerous. Many of these did not
breed within 8,000 miles of these parts, and
some not within 10,000. Boston Budget.
Tjik banquet of the revenue reform,
alias tho free trade club, could not have
been a success without the presence of
the genial and erratic Henri Watterson.
It must have surprised the Gradgrinds to
hear lnui quoting poetry, aud Irish poetry
at that, but Henri's friends are used to
surprises, as 'with him the unexpected
may always be expected. "With our
host at Washington it sliull ha as with
the Irish at Foiitenov," quoth Henri,
Bteady lliey iii;m;li adown the slope,. steady
itiey mount tiie hill.
Steady lliey load, steady they lire, moving
l'HjIit onward stiil."
until all the mud-works of fraud are car
ried, etc
It so happened that it was the English
who "stepped adown the blope," aud it
was when
'ltit-'ht up against the Knglisli line the Irish
exiles iran:;"
that the rout of the English took place,
and the Iiihh exiles hero are ready again
to msrch against the English and their
Anglo-American free trade allies and
drives them fii.m the Held as thrir coun
trymen did iit Fontenoy. Irish H orld.
Bega's Dlocd Purifier and Clocd
JVo remedy in the world has gained
the popularity that this medicine has, as
a hold on family medicine. No one
should lie without it. It has no calomel
or quinine in its composition, consequent
ly no bad efi'ects can arise from it. AVe
keep a full supply at all times. O. P.
Smith Co. Druggist. j25-uinud&w
My water spaniel dog has run nwfly.
If anyone should find him they will be
rewarded for his return to Mrs. Sheck, at
the Citv Laundry. d2t
For Couqhs, Hoarseness, Weak Lungs, Whooping
ii' ii, Dry, linckini; t oughs of lou; standing, and
nil ilivm-hial and I-uu Aiirctions. Try it.
Warranted to Cure Consumption in its Earlier Sir.ges.
R A L-Rrt AD Absolute Dominion over Pain
PAtW CUff G t Will Cure Colic, Sore Throat,
Croup, Krosi Hiti'S, Wound, etc., in l'ss timu tlian any
other iucd:i-iuein earth. Guaranteed to Cure Rheuma
tism aud Neuralgia. Warranted by your lrii'
Sic , 50c. aud SI. t or $1 we will scud largest size of
cither Cure, express iirei-aid. Address
RaiMload Remedy Co., Box 372, Lincoln, Neb.
Trade supplied by Richardson Drug Co.,
Omaha, Nebraska.
Constable's Sale.
Hy virtue of five exer.ut ns issued ly Calvin
liussell, ci'iinty judire, within aud for Cuss
county. Nelir.tska, and to oe directed. I will
on the loth day of February, A. 1. ItsR. at 10
o'clock a. m.. of said day at. the Kore room
formerly occupied by John S. luke, on V.ain
etieet In I'lutlsmouth, Cass county, .Nebra-ka.
t-ell at public auction, the following goods and
cbattles to-wit. :
All the stock of hardware and their ware,
constating of li stoves, stovepipe, chain, nails,
cereens and butts, tin buckets, knives and
forkf.spriug wire.plow handles, galvanized iron,
small tubes, iron bolls, well wheel., pocket,
knives and cutlery, etc. : beiiifr all the stock of
said John S. I'uke now re1- anting unsold and
in said store room. The same beinn levied up
on and take as the property of John S. Duke,
defendant ; to satisfy live judgments of Paid
court recovered bv Levitiolding, W. il.Hchild
knecht. Northfleld Knife Co.. Leopold 15ro &
Co.. C. Sidney Shepherd fc Co., plaintiffs,
against said defendant.
Flattsinouth, .Neb.. January 30, A. D. 1R88.
M. McKi wain. Constable,
tf 11 Cass County, Nebraska.
Dr. Black'3 Rheumatic Cure has
cured more cases of Iiheumatium in the
last ten years in this city and county than
any and all other modiciiies put togefjer
For sale by Smith & Black.
Dr. E. C, West's Nerve and liniin Treatment
a guarantee specific for Hysteria Dizziness,
Convulsions. Fits. Nervous Neuralgia, Head
ache. Nerveou? Prostration caused bv the use
of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental De
pression, Softening of the Brain resulting in in
sanity and leading t misery, decay and death,
-rernature old Age, l?:sri-euness, Loss of Pow
er in either sex. Involuntary Losses and S;er
niat' rrhaa caused by over-exertion of the
brain, gelfabuse or over-indulgence Each box
coniains one month's treatment, $1.00 a box
or six boxes for 5.00, sent by mall prepaid on
receipt of price
To cure any case With each order received
by us for six boxes, accompanied with S5.uu,
we will send tha purchaser our written guaran
tee to return the money if the treatment does
not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by
Will J. Warrick sole acnt, Pluttsinouth, Neb.
SSOO Reward.
"Vc will pay the above reward fo- anv
case of liver complaint, dyspe; sla S;0JC
headache, indigestion, Constipation or
coKtivcness we cnunot cure with
West's Vegetal -le Liyer Pills, when the
directions are strictly complied with.
They are purely vegetable, and never
fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes
containing '.'.O sugar coated pills.
For tale by all druggists. Ilev, ai'
counterfeits and imitations. Th- J
lnr mnnnf-ilnrrwl -mi! u l-. 7 .1 . . ' gCUU-
& Co., S2 W. Madison St. r "
Sold hyW, ,J Warrick.
hicago, Its,-
Uso Dr. Black's K,,.,.-,.,- r- '
i. i i .tieumatic Cnrf if
it don t do you aD- ,, , ure 11
ii ' J good Com,- in aiirl
vyo will o-ive v . 111 '!(
7 i o - our money back IV
sale by 8wth nw t- J ir,r
tTse Dr. Black's Rheumatic C
ihiow away your cane and
For sale by Smith & Blacky '
ure and
Tho standard reniedv-- 7T.
plaint is West's Liver Wu tl co
disappoint you, SO piiiaiVc Yt w
rick's drug store. " C' At Wi
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
Flor de Pepperbergo' and 'Buds
always in stock Nor. 26. 135. L
1 must make room for my
Large Stock of Spring Goods
Coming ami therefore w ill reduce all leather goods 20 pr
cent, below regular prices lor cash only.
JLll Goods Marlsod in Flaixi Figuroo.
Ladies' French Kid $5 00 20 per cent, discount $4 00
Ladies' French Kid ..450 " " " 3
Ladies' Bright Dongola.... .4 00 " " 3 0'
Ladies' Uright Dongola .3 00 " " " 2
Laeies' Kid 2 25 " ' 1
Dailies' Feb. Goat 2 50 . " " 0f
Ladies' Feb. Goat 2 25 " " 1
Men's Burt Shoes 8 00 " " 6
Men's .Shoes 4 50 " " " 3 0
.Men's Shoes 3 75 " 00
Men's Shoes 2 50 " " 2 00
Childrens "Little Giant School Shoes," the best in the marlcr ;t, same
reduction. Now is your chance to lay in a cheap 8Up y.
Oliver dk Hamge, Proprietors.
We keep constantly on hand the finest and freshest line of meats
in the city. Meats of all kinds in their season.
And everything to suit the demand our trade. Give us a trial,
OH. I -7" ZEES dC
South Side Main Street, Between Fifth and Sixth. '
Mercantile Law and Ileal Estate Lifgation
lections made in all parts of the State through r & specialty. . Co.-
Fersons desiring the best of FI E INSU ANT &petftttt ttto rneyi.
plying at this office, either in the old Phoenix, ean &t it by ap-
Ilartford, Queen, of Liverpool, Niagara, Wf f JIartfc ,rd, Etnu, of
No better companies can be found anywh -terli, Trade rs of Chicago.
as can be had in any reliable company.
We have a
Pvo-d and ' tecceOingl v- 3- .n-ge list ol Realty f or sale, both im
d,nJ'r -'"proved, inclt dhlg some of the most desirable resi-
cperty in the city,
old to M ,
sue1 or in any of
thrOirU t7,f' m .
consult their best it
in 1 a
The l0VP j:pst j i 7c-i 'tv
.. j JOCiiil
Office for ilr() f
- Jiitfius c
v o years; or $L5 d own, balaoi
"A--My wiieti
a lot or r .cf, by calling at our 0ffi
expense.. Remember the place,
.ere, and the j .atea are iM low
property is wanted -either -within tho
additions to the city, it can be had
having property for sale or exchait
by listing the same with us.
South, Pa?k
In tlio nlfu non k i
v uc purcnaiea at this
rmn-tl.iwl rl- 1,-1 .
viuu, uaiauce in ons and
e in mthly payments. Anyon ds.
""J "ciu view tnc pnrchaie of
e be dren to the Park frt f
i !