( f T'li: DAILY IIL'KaU), PLAT-.:- -in;::if r.;;::.-.sK A. Tmi:sr. V. .'A r -1 ' . ny -m-fl fell J .'Utm Tho PlattsmouUt Daily Herald. Last Year Trto Output of tho K K O T T S 1L3 TZ O Publishers 5 Proprietors. B. &. NI. Time Table. lioixi; v. Kii . No. 1. ." a in. No. J. - ; : !, Hi. No. : '.) :J" .1. in. No. 7.--T p. in. No. '..- i; :l 1 p . m. No. II :').' :. in. i.hi.m: l-si-. No, I . Ii:. No. I. lj ::;i ;f. :.i. No r, 7 . in. No. s. -:i :",n a . in. Nil. in. -'i : I :i. In. No. "I ;.is J'. : . A'l train inn I : i i y l- v.av oi Mn;ih;i. re.-.t. Nos V ami s v. 1 1 :-l i run l ami lr..i ."-! ui .it ilaily t-M-i l I .Similay. No. is a M uli lo I'li.-ii.e .) im-l i a a! '- . : i.a in. No. I'.' In a .s: ; il l'mni l'a -il.e .! nai-t ion at . I (- Canning Companies, liming tin- year ls7, t lit; 15. Ai .M. rail ruin!, at their shops in this city, uvei haul ed ami rcj aired I t!5 engi ii' . 1 "') baggage :tlil passenger coaches', Velity Way oar Tim 1 ii( ally .:io(l Ireight curs, or i n avcr ;i of alii.'i-.t : ,.'.cn a day, mi'! built two locoiiioti vi s, tu.ntv way oars, lour Iccn nmt i v i.oil-.-rs ain't about foity b.deis fui siati"!.' iiy ( lit-iii'--:, rui.l ri"Iit hixly- I out coll:' ,i..;tt i'UI Ci. u 1 r-:. Over ' , ' ' '.- o'JU wuil '.i of mat -rial 1 1 - - I l the read VOLAPUX Origin and Character cf the "Mow Worid Lan;;'jyi" I'i mil t i.c 1 1 i ' "i. i' i 'I'iiin- -i. Tills Cabalistic Word i -; not j put of an Imli.m im-di. im: man',; ine Uit.ititm, :ii vs e mighl on ;:.-' i.eiiri n 4 ii mi;-, aire, hut the intuit; of a ji lai.guagv. alu!. as the v, ci-.l leaily ii ,i:s! l 1i.iil;1!::j'. .o nation t-v; sji-.I: 't !, mk, im v:r- vrr lilrulc luVi.' or ii I'o'.ii'lii i. ( July o.alicli in ol.'tjiii.;; K i - ;t i'.-a'. :. .:, a. ii-:.. ujivi; ' ;;s. j o;i; H sci- litillcuiiv coii.-irii- lcl I'li.-ii: i.ui- I ..." . , i '! IM '.',' '. ; li-.-lh r ll W ! . i ii 'i; an I i:.;.!,:; ! ; - I '' J'or it.-:-li' a !!.;. .-ouuji i..- j.a'.nrit! !..-:i. ! for 'ii:;, ; : ; ! i .' ;i I..! ; o.:: ' i r.. .'. ::.. : 'i':y . :- I '. ' Kill l II . I'I'.'-! -. i . !. ;'i.:i--i; :;u; Tjv.l;r S:.co llosorvod for 0- .-.V.T irv tvj.-rs- j ( IX-. i : . i !iu in : I lie vt ar in: ! 1 !n u -!; t In: li.iin i - A Sali.Oiui-y !Ji-tsl!ri, iu c: f of s , :nl Wl l(L ;,f :llj:)au,(,u,.t k:ocJ IXtsi l:iciAT. ... 11 J , . ,. . . . j . liU.ll.il) was cXjH inlitl lul ioai. Dr. Sii-Mns. UV.'u-i' ami Itc.:iU'!iC-. Mirmciiil !Io U, 'r-li p!i;in' .Mi. J - Try itir j"'' licjuutin -iit. -- 1 Irr n in yuitr -iin; ad".-. lo-ni.w vour Mi'i.-ci i I l i n I iroiii; -tl v. Tli" i'lall-iii'-iitl- ('ai.ti'l:' ( 'oit;).:;:iy ut nr. t;'ni.ti(iii tin;-; ul v .; t.a! !( :.:! the- l ( 'ari ulli ( 'aniii.i; c( nijiaiiy l-'.. 1:H .1 tut il of T;'',oO;J cans or :','l.;rfi ci-. -. The jnick this y.-ar was c. cc. . 1: 'y li '.ht. however, ov.it. to tiie liail wc.itli' l". 'lln-.-ir line .lays ;.:vis the firm-.-r a , v'ith mk h in-tii ulions a ; -c- -ml the fli.ince ta fi-t to town. The A. ). I. . v.iil uivcu vu i .l this I'M 1 1 1 1 1 nt tlie K. i'. flail, over .. V. Vtcklach"s store. -u:ie (.lain iiiiink i ..-1 ..-re .1 u. i -e u n Prci 1 ioi t:o i in iovva- p .v.s this ii.oi-iiiu..;. I "aii I ti;i- of ." ri:i. I j, i, Verv nniiisi'iif for t!.- teniperaie t i-o-ts anil wa.li haij,- t. . 2j.;L.., p, t... . i.Uk v lovers vcrv thin ar- iroti it of (.'in- ur i wo new v:i:!ro:ti.---. .-unn.i' r. lT.ti.-inuuth in.iv v. -l I looj: for wind to tli.-: future wilii t"--Tit ; ( ( ( a tiun -. Two ne w con--oii.l t .1 i n.-pm s :i: i i v - il this nioiiiin, .No.:. I i , ami iis. Ik-' i t!ie JJildwin I ucoiiioti v.- vri'i!:; at I i i I -mid nliia. - We WOll'i-.l in- 1-1 i:i - i' ai: iiiovitli wi.Il re;';, ..enl. at I'rukii.'i-j t ion Slate ( 'on vi :it I ; 1-"!.' at I.ili'oln IV-ii. lo. Joi.ii Il.irJi.u-iii u .1 it'1. -i i . I ; :: K:mi!ii:ti;u tyji w l iicr at .i .-. -i ol It is a Pir.d.niil '. o!:i;. !.-: v. i'u. r an'! v. ii! ho ii'lihal to the i, r m! . - The Yi i fe of A :.i: '1 oiiil ..:!! In a very n -.-niious ..lii i n. She i - -(:;,. iii": liii'ii j.i'f.u; ;'-:.';!. ai. i i;i.iis iji't iini::eiliate lei;..'.', iiltle ii J is (:i',;r r.ain. il of h r n ; o -y. - A very pi: :;-:ant.'"'ioj)e.- !-e t;n puily .:s g . i; l.y Mrs. i;jti-: ?!:;.-jn on t'liicao vt-: n- Int eveniu.'. A largi nuin'oer of !icr ir'r;i'i. ja .-hi an njoyalilL' time, after which Mr-. 'Joi:.. :i eri'cd her :;iiL.ts v.iih an ek-e.'int lui.i'!i. -A rumor on the streets to day -ay tli1: Cass CVjunty hank t;is almiit to .-ue the sheriff fur -...,'iverion of :riji-rly. should he Sell the n Ton stock on execution. The f-ln r:ii s,v.-- !iuvev j'. Is.- iUiii--l!t - il I iV.'i' of illlil. - ) thill. i:io-t ( i t'.! !.", tiiat '.ir-y vill.-li: ! t! - ciimati- of i;o i-ol!!i!l'V, lii'l' ii, V.CMiier (;!' any "CI.-oll. -'iiU of IlCi.t :;r;'i:!i;ej,ts , ; .- iliy i ! h e. t : i in- . s. ;;' i i. ' i.'i.l . n ;. a: d -il! oi di- ,u-:'n-. !-o.; ri-- ;-v Iy . : . i' !' . : -; i r . in I.I l ! o i :: - l ! i i. !!;:: :' ..I: !.n f ! i n ( col.ipel t'T.. r..':n:.i!l.. t'; o- .1. A lolll te!! ; ears ..' oiial.M .'i: Schli-ver, tie n a ; sl ;!. ( .i,,,-,:,- ; ;.:(... t'linrch. how 1 - I i" o. ::;! iivi,::; :.; C.-i-iaiic.-, .T n.i.i.y, j -i; i I. I,-t i a -c,. ;.! . i a i.ni v-. i.-al lan.tr.tii::.: cs;i--i dly as!;...! d for t oi::r:i''i i i.- .-i. i :i t :i..itioii4l ron. inim ical ion, u hi.Ii i .is h. i-i iy U- ii.dow-: I . TI:e word - foi n ;-!iou!d lr i". . i i ' - i fioin the iiii.l -i-l alai i.ie.-t i . ;i v .. roots ul (In- ud.iTent liyiie.; .impinges. . In .-ii r. ture il d.ot.ii l. : , :-.'-i iy lejiUiiir the ad.jct iiv.-, adveii and v .i- du-llid I-e re;Mil.iri- form.-. I i'iViil iii. s lo st . nt i v.; si st . I iii .-.iriuhiy o.' li.e vim- !t r minali.'l!. 'i !:: iv i . m 1 -4 In: oil.' d sion ami o.; cn:i je. t sm. and t'mr slioiilil I n.i :. i : ! i-d LT ii h-r. (n .. ,v:.-: d. it sliijiiid he a . i i .., 'l.:'.' . ; ! din t'.ie lint from each ini:' !..n -uai.'c .oni i f- jec tini tl.e u.'--i: . s, i: ic-'..r:.o- ami di.'.'. -cult. Ill aeee.: .i.M.v '..!:! tiii-; )i:.:i S. h'.-yi i and tin:"--' a -.-.o: i. !'.' wit!i !ii:i: :.a v -. li st i m l: d Voli In ord. ; to ;. : !; r '. in- i' world !,:i!-i; U' " w w':!': tai (!; v. md - :.: ,-- vst C.'.i y i. ; i ...... . e-ii! a1. , ni. I r. W rr. N i , . . . . . ; ......... j ti'ii.;, . - ii . , i; i- 4-. a : -. ,.' T - - I . ; : I ' . , .,,.-7 r-r "r-.T jsf. rviT r-- aij iJuiJ tto ci . s ' .'J ;::v I'jfi.i i''.-- 1 1 j i s i i lof-.s in Ottmii--l.'i. ls,;- Is ;ic lime ( ijiy in I ).; a ii . w ! :.! ; I ,i :. .; .: : .'l v n !. ti'uv.' i. di id. :- tlr-t prefsimt "mi i a f ii'me !.- us-- it doe- MVi':!:! I.'.! the old l'- .: in n; in; i. ! how iU- j-i ;!i a: '!- t ! .,- t ;: . . ': : 'l,'d '. a i 1 1 e; . ' f.-r !!.;:: ;..';;. n : i v i ! on-:.' 1' ! it W.'l'v 11-.. d ii! -he n.i.e f;.. : ; '.i. . y ; ,llld t o !!;: in' i ui - of . it i. : 'Ami .- lie- ii lit.:!: WO'li-l .y tli if '.;iii:-s. il v, i i :.!. is j ii -; a : 1 1 ' y i. ,v Tor!:!. ! iy. W I'V ::r.;..--o m.'..y ." it I v. r ' hmvinu to stnt. r- w i.rr-- t'nty li .ve ti-) .- ii lav. .' It i- estr '.at' ! that , ,e! ':-;s! i cannot r e,,-,-- j er ii: tiii? i.e.vt :.'" yens. iVoi.i tho r -. il n .-cts the .iii.i i1oati;i!( t.-. a inio '::iaha from Iowa hiis had upon it. a n .-iilt of j.n-Iiil.ition here-. 1 f j.: .iliil iHion v. iii not jiit-veiit all old ( -x-i-.Tts from jettiii' .iitt. m -lii.ii.-r :. i.'.HIi'l! -ill'": 1 1 n-.ii: :.i ::':ii- ; i. .' 1 .;re. r. :i :..; id',' .--ive ' .!: !- !!- natil." ' :i i i ; i i' i. v "" i : : ' i t ;' "lia'.i i. i" : '; I: a'!i:; "ecl'; . I - I "am" . li..- lilt: I- 1 '-' ' ! " ' . I : ' '.!! ki;-: . ! dr. :.. . r. i i rt;:i e:.-i!v e-'i i : 1 '-. ttr.-xl . J i r -i 1 r 00 reduced to )f n . u : . v. : : ., Ill - . J f .'it) :: CO I do i !) 1 :.- 4 .- 25 o o 11 1 70 75 2 :;o J M5 1 75 1 25 1 45 1 00 li.jiior it will I-.-. ii it out of tin: way ,r...-,.i l.r.n.t ,r;,,.t. ..,,t,;t- .? , ; . the vouth. H it will maLeii hett-ri'iice olii-y onk'.s. unlt.ss settl-tt, which iw; l Vl.l, -ipiiii' .... . . V.KII-I . II lii j"hly jro!ii"dy. O. V. I'aulcon. i-r;);n i. tor of I'a:;l im".s woil works. 2 ill- and (Irant tr,. ):i);i!i,-i, was in tin? city yerterday takini: ldans and speciik iitions for the :uiil v.oik to furnish th:' Ii'ie retmUmv of ). il. ii illou. Mr. i'aiiit.!i has one id' ihv l;: t plants in Oniali.i and contractors would do well to figure ytli him ) 1'ure j.ur chasinir elsewhere. Mudalim-jh-roid audi Il.rni-in I f.-r old. her hu-haml. e.eh .iued their r-ao.-farm southeast of town, to L'.l Joekin i-.-r lii (i:h street cottage. I'i it.-.- n acres of the II-ro!d farm was valued at i-i'AUH) ami the Jot kin eottnc at r-2:;i). Tin- v.dm tf the ilerold farm was j.!.u;d at :-"J ( per acre. Tin;-:r olijet t is to nmve !o town and sthotd their children. - There art? two ens to cc;me up for 'icirinir tomorrow li-.-fore .lud I'oli- n ;er. One is "Win. II. Uaker vs. V.. A. Owens, the other rinmnier. i rry; ('.. of Lincoln, vs. '. IV. Sny.l r, of ' I r t'feek. There are itls.) two cas. s for S t urday: Sherman A: ( 'utri;;!it vs. J us. M. Cole. and. John Sharp, hy Ids in-t fi ien I. A. X. Sullivan, vs. John If. HoNaek. Trouhh? oceuiYtl jestcrduy in Zn: -s S.ifTcrd's room at t he Hip.!i houl. It appears that VilIi.- Cu-liimr was v. iy lieeiiless -mvJI .Miss Safforil was eon.iijii. d to puni-h him to olitain o' ,ii;-ner: and respect. Tin: punishim. ! wa- p-ol.al ly nir.re severe tiian ?.Ii- SifVoid int.-nd; d. .il rs. I i:-!iiii''. tin? moim r oi in..-, e. i pl-iiii'-d to County Ati'y ii'-txin. who a 1 viseil her to lay in her complain' to the school hoard. In our raml'Ic .-i'miUi the city tlii--mrniax we Inippein d in at W. .: . . "":i r riek's ami found lie had jt:-t r.-ei ived iiio Jirst invoiv of wall p ip: r f.-r th. r.'-vv year, frosu Ve'n rheiy. .It fler:ii Co.. Ne.v York. TIio tl --it;is :y v.tri; -1 ar.d artisiie. Mr. Warrii k a!st i-uvs ot J n-.e- :"o". hd. n.'d. '..!. ; :, ,..d. : -:- ! th-. ! tli .!!. : : -' i lo , i ;. ' : . . . -. : fit:-, en i -:-c, t.ii y. ; ;.;.. i.en. ' lorni tlit po.s.- ...dvc ; i.-. .m. us i'n Live emlwi- is t.'.Y-.- ' ''e'-l! ." iuii i'ty. Tiiv c-Dnj'tiuio'i of i!r? ni. 'a vt-l of siinpi :vi. V- i'in: vi ri f.-t ::i posed cf tin::,; pti'i-. lj i ti die personal ending: '';) titer t--r.ee Takin--t!n: eld iiutiiar wv'o "lo; j.'roeOi.il a iollorr.-: Joffh ioft.l 1-tfel.i riv.ra1. ':.f ':: To eonj . ;.iie tis:? ajotnn eloi'o! "s ?. . , .... .. . A it'-; t ' ' " 2' 'J 50 jio.v 2 ,'.'5 i -; - i '" I h-ve. :';itl love, I L: : ,v:s. V-T.' :. e. f . :,i i. ' . i . -. 1 : .-.at. 'i'liuu iia.d iovt d wiii. on the oiiier l:utui, ;'ic, i-:;;;t! etir.n-Nu-fo'd. r.nil d;a:i!e tiie . a .;.-; fcr its prosecution, nut to say aiiviiiin a! ,.ut tin: niisrry r.ml :-ufie:-iiii" it causes tli.,us ands of innocent one., daily. f,'-t L'.iye !iit!ii!iition a f.iir iriid. nnd some oiu has s.ii-v iUu'- le.c-ntv five vinis i v ..I . . ...I . ,. 1 - t . . . . t . .- . . . . ...... I (--. !.n. ..... l -...-i- ... t'. i ...ii. '-.".!:! MlUll tUIMIl! 1:1 I , Illlil " 11- I . I C t. j .1.1 i I v i J ' i l II." H ' 1 ' - . ' ' ' ' ; 1 ' - i j as pDiiot '.,i.i: Will ! .' llVv'.t'. t i. i.-VUl : n't.ioil.'.-ie.t . :. -fi.--,; i Z " A . 5 00 " . . 5 00 " . oo " O '.I) .1 . 75 " . -1 :,') . o 50 " 0 00 4 -.'5 75 fJ5 75 2 00' 4 5 1 ,..-a:c i!ol-..-m olofof Ul.d'os i : e lit- l I i i i '.. Si:.' Tvi'l l"ve. 11 Will ti. -.v.' mv;'!i. ;e. Fh-: p:iive voice if. form.-:! !y i , Ih ii i ;.. ) .' ' f i:tl, Or. ! ini ih'ac k a-s :i ; i -i in-t. i"i.Ar; ft n, ) !.' : .s. . ' 1 ; - T ' : ' . ' V'v - l...J i . " r j ii luTH BLOCK. Miss il- K ii JC. yh-y wa;f.i O.n-ih.i j .n:;.-r this inun.in--. shall have Limi !:'L;!dy !:, eoredr' "m tpnk o::? roulil :;' iimr-iv i 1 v 1 1 imdis:-' So siiiipl: i tilt W.-l.d fflil l.:i:--na.;': in striieture. s:ml so fiKu'Iiar are !' r- ; t- til It it 1 , v i V i-e-iiv 1 ijldekl.- V- !-.!. Lie 111- t!ip.;ll- J!ilS A. .M. Attmn y-1. !J. li-ddeinan. of Ve-rp.-ng Water, v.-;:s in the city to-day. Mrs. T. ('. Kelk-y h-ftiiiis morning- for St. Joseph, .Mo., to visitwith friends. C. II. Smith r.ml wife, el" Wyinore, pnss..'u tiiros.:i.',ii o.i No. 5 t'i's nioiiiin. (J.n. J. S. Smith vr.-is d-iwn from Omidni !:j.st uield ;:i: ittuiticd home this moi i;in,L. D. iii i)"!ourk ijot-s to Missouri W.iiey, Mo., "ni a lV.v tlr:ys, for tha purpose of starting ;e-.f:iuraut. (. II. IJ.-ilIou of ouiiiiia vva i.i the city y: st.-rd-iy lookim-aft his iiit; rest c.iii- ne; t -d with !;iscl.':;.int ie.; miivd. Already i u... d. wide-- J. K. Morris r.ml v. ;V ej o iiouml far favor upon th? Com ioeiii. ml is r-aj : :'y j i,;. , l iiroyniL lis w. -,u n ?--r. in ! m.inv i-iii-iiic-.; li'.)'.!r. - in !:a:i . a p! i ..:''. iii';i."!ll.r Ttir- W!il' " :!.!'. :vun i i'i'.' they speak Volapuk) i-; tVirplayeel. while its professors ami tcn-hcrs are nutr.erous iind entliTisiastic. -2. tit fi 5 v.-. j. . o r-1. i i.ii i:; 1' '' ; ' "1 ' : 1'emember the new imeto .'.rail j-2.i-tf. now :n cduv--.? oi const i U-. 1 1.::. Ui.it of Lctteri;. Kem :i:iniij ttnct:it:m-.i. in it'.ct t'o.Udi at I'liiltsniouth. Xeliiiis'lm. I 2, V for tho week ended. Jan. M. lS: V i!a:i;s. a-::'.-- . .!:.l-i-. ra. !!v.v!i.. -.. V.. mi:-..:.. ?:-mv i'r.vi is. ( ;c-.!-' "I. I "'lar.i'.'er. -Vie. I naii -y. Thoau. In- ter. !'. : ! . l ii i.ev. :ioi. I., i-:. ;!::: i. -I. FoaItryt ci t.....j v w : w vi.-. 1-1. 1-. Mr. r::d Mrs. J. W. bavi ns v : wen : i tiie city ye. t. rdy on t'e.vir s'-nii-anumd cir eni: id' ;.! :!."-) nn; nv. 'i'i.ey 1-l i this morning for Utti OaK. towii. .M-irtiii 7-T lu'.i'ie iieeomp.iui d hiss'-tcr, Mi: s i ide. to m di i this moi iiln'., where he wii! join v. idi In r .-is!, r Anna and .-t.i'-t t'ds oyen':; for Iliiisdi'e T ew 'ork. wiici e tin'v i;o on a vi.-ir. I.-'e: - f. 1 . ; i -.vi-:. ! a- i:i;.;:v. .1 ' y V::-s V.'. Y . West. t-s Vt . S 1'. r-.-is . alii;! i el .ci .- i in pit I.s w.iv .'c Ciri,'!i!- r. .New Jersey: Uole it HoH", Co.. of iha;kln. i nd Ca: rv IJros., I'hiladelplii.i. His stock for the season will he the Iurn;,-i:t and mod com plete ever !rom;ht to the city. Iiy l.uy in; direc t from the manufacturers he is tnal.led to make the very lowest pricts. Aaron Xitt dl of Iliiriiuton, Iowa, was in the city yesterday reviewing tiie experiences in days "on? y with his old tini? friend-. I). If. and J. Hawksworth. Mr. Xutall hean ni"ticeri:! a e,;od man' years nga in Knliim! and his iirst work as an engineer in America was he gun on the C. Ik &.," in 1 S7I . with Ahf? Armstrou"; as fireniau. lie run on that road several years, redlining Ii went Wct ami investing in the mining interests. During the past few years he has heeii running- on tho Santa Fe Koacl. He left last -night for IJurlington where lie thinks of starting ;n for the '-Q." fig-iip, A. f. v: diays ago I'i r: a:i art 'tie iii , Ti:i: I i i:i:a :.i ci.-neen: :; g n e whith I W -';.!'. like to Call iittenl'ciii to. Of c ).;i .' it looked verv '..ml ofine to 'ii c- away as i (.ni. I'nr i ciiu m i t'nniv it would make sm Ii troiil.lt' ;. s it did. I only y.'eiit ho:.!.: for a .-l.o.t time. Iwii.li to siy i did not mean the harm tkat it done m , nor to heat any one out of any thitiLf. I will i-sk the itojile of 1 latts numt'.i tint t: look down c ti me, for I will do Letter in the future. C. A. Jc it.vsox. I.-ii' V. II. ;;) !.. .Teiia r..:; .fel: s :-'.--;-r. A' i-i. i : t. ('. i ii -. it . .: ' -.i-,.. :. !:. . .. ,:r. i.,- . , j t : . . t i.- - .' -1 ! ' ' -. !''--'"-.- -n . , .- , '!' '.i . r '. r . A ti.-. : 1. fll' ,'!..' ..I i:.- i;i. sav "ulivi rtis--il." J. X. Wi re. T. M. ; i'i '.. Jin-: ' . : s - 7. W-W - -V 4.1. 4 I j S r (V;v:! M -. 7F i ;-.t In v.( -rt iivi: i r ; : i'rerk ');fcn: ki (';, fllliD fiUITc w ! ! - - WJi D GOODS. . t. ;--J::M FUIiniTURE FOR. V J i .'-dL'ivAY.', OFFICES. j O. 1'. S tdlli . hAve a larr.? assort . i i : . t of va'e; i - Ke'ste.'! The hade' s are. now teady t.t PVnnk Carruth's jewelry siore for the Coasting Carnival to he held on Saturday evening. In order to help pay expenses, fifty cents will he charged for traverse I adges, and ten cents for hand sleds. Until the man who invariably insists upon Mowing smoke in your face is in the penitentiary or dead, fliere can be no hope for the milleniitni being a success. f.tta of CLJ'J- a. id no .jic, dr chicken v- m re V. ul .:. i iirrii-i proved I'l.'.iiiry p-.r.di r !-- u-- d. -i thing to iii-kf ii Us :.y n-i-.l u- .;i :;.! in j i !....,!, ...... ii v.-'.o : u i .r, U-t In. i . ., .. . - t y- r t W - - 1 ' 1 5 I-J.l. .i.V;.i ! J INd. -eoii m-.t!!;!. . pef.ii'.i. u v onSy cc.st yon '. j I'liiis ;.i'i'. ii volt not SL.ti-!k-d he will r.-fund the m. n Also (li.nir.a ik:;v.: r.nd Oy-'U-r Siii-li. .J i for 2c at 'Wii.:. J. Wak:::'. ::' : i'J -Vn iU:;v tii. .Vt! V.-ui:i ''- ''I'lK'loUTH, XI-IJ. i. - - - ' . A UTi'IS. ! ? M ? i -t y -t Just Arrived. I lM S ? :"' : 7 0 : V .? r,:'.., ? :;: -r--.i.'-' r-l"3 ;- r-. , fw.. . I. Pearhnaa has u,t rcccivc-tl a c n- (1 ? M V5 If i P -- A H loadof fmnitur'.iVnm-. j.ouis vhieh I t j P 8 I i " " S .It: Hill Jlil H'oi .i,t-.s tl j 1 (d..v L .li-.ti.,:,, . is i!;.-,r. ::.; i; DUTTJ-'I? 'J) (- ( " .A TV Foit tfu.K (in reast.r.r.hU' terms inv residence on the N. "A . corner of K!:n tmd llthstreits. S.dd prop rty coii!ts of i l.luck with a good .story and half house of six rooms, two wardrobc-s and one pantry; good will and city .at-;-r; twenty -seyen be:rn: '-.? ti'..e.,, and an abundance of small fruit of nil kinds-, tf V. D. Hates. Try O. P. Smith it Go's K. of P. Col ogne, Lasting anel Fragrant. , j-2'i-tf ti- cAkh ox 7 ' - U i. 'I. r i j 4 , j .' - ' - ; tiil: vvjr-; THii :-!Ain r " - . '. , "St -".s jV- "v I k V t'- si i- j .... u fra w t Cor. ICth and Granite Slreeb-. QouJractor aivl Builder . Sept. 12-Gm. . - , I C-jiir rnrpd f-? "( i' c t-r??l(" Hamn ot oi;r own r.iuiic. Ariij VEAL. r AI'FOItijS ALu"AYS OX lIAi). i - ornm is CT o i s I KIW. in cans and 1.ii- , WHOLESALE AND li'i'AlL. k al