ftM AS 1 :( 1 f I : ' t I.J -I t .1 'I a lIiATTS310UTII, NlSJiiJASKA, 3K):J)AV KVKMNCi, .JANUAliY r;;, rvr "j .'.v-.l xmuv ijivr-av V,- rJ il "J J 1 1 ..' Mayor. C'.'-fK. -J r.:.t-..i!"'T. 'I I. '. Kn .'in-' r,..i.- - i .) l S! ' l-ri'JN I 1 1 .S.M I I II .1 !. '.VA I I.V.MAN I'.', i: - :i..KK A M wum.i: i S M.villi.WH '.. II .'.Iai.ick , ! V.' r. :: ecu la lU'-ilai a, 1-.. W'.lil, ( J, ;k i !) M ' - 1 , ..' ;.i W on i: i .M i; . i' i i ii v " 'I " , i W i'i' I'l l N , .-, ::::.c.v. a. H.i , i- y, j .i.l.i N. l'Kl i i .1 W .1-i .;s - - ii.-.i:tMA.N' 1 1) :i ii vwhV.vuiiTii V. (u 'iJV OKI-7 K'JUS. Tre:is.. cr. I ).-;.!' j l u".iui :r, Clerk. ill v '!!!' , U .-i 'ir !i r .. I .- "-i J A. I'AMCIISM. I'.I.X. Col. I.; Iv J-i::! '::rii'ii- I i.'i K. . t'l'lll.il i M.l W. II. .Pi'i ; M i.k.vii v V. c. "-i'iiWai.i i: .1. t'. I''! x I N IIM'.V .v . .M iiiii.n A I.:. i.n i.r.i.s ;. .w .vn s-in a ifi':!--. ' ''..' :i.-i i; i.i l ii li . -t t si'1 AtK'.i. y. S.l.)?. ! ''!' :'. , A. ::. J..;; c; i-n. I'.. .. i;. im I- 1. ill Wind 4 i M i;:-:--1 II I. I li. O. K. -M.vM .'-v.-fy T-.-..!:::. f '": .Ml t r ili: i-ii; l.ll.ti- I : K--1'. iiivuril lo i t : i - "litl.- I.tHMK -- S. A. l:. VV.-M.-Hs rl '".':-'.T 'I'.iA.. i-'ii.i.iV r i i-n'iiil ;'. .. - . ii ill. i i ;. l:-.iiv.I !,r.:t '.!..;.' ar- M':.i -rU 111 I y ii: vi'c.l '..:iMci..l. I". .". WIiili'. .'.I i-:-r Vik:v.iili ; I-.. .';.:. K' i- i i ; i"-'l M:ra". Jvrswr ; .. K. .M.itr; i;"imi-!t. 4v--? i:Mi x .:::. r:oD;:::' v.ooumkx ' Vni -ii. i 'IcIsM c.nul ,v:i.! f : i"t 1 1 .-.toii- ;iv .-v.-;ai:ivr hi iv. 1 '- I::i'i. .Ml trmi-w'iit I r.it'.ii-ri an' n -lui-stfil In r. i-r .villi i: . ).. a. Ncv.'-.i 1 i". V -r ('.insiil : Nili's WiM ii.v A.I .'K'';-: i. ii. Siiiiiu, i:x I'..nKor ; V. . c. wi'.u-t's, eitiu . LATT::i;j;: r:i f .(:.-: k . s. a. o. it. w. A "VI i-t-i i'v-tv u'l'TiKiii! i'li'i.-.y I'veiiiiiri .von. I h.ill ;tt S"i-!i.';. Ai! : i:i.:iU 111 i.n;h u:v si'Sji'.-. : iiiliy i.ivil- t! : :i!M-;nt. -'. A.. iiil li--. M. W. ; :S. i-io -ii, i .iii'iii;1.!! : S. C. Vt'il-lt-. it'i:i:ii.-: ; .. A. Nuwcov.i-r. ver.?r. MsOVZlHiZ POST 43 C. A. R. .J v,-. t T S ':' ; '.- ; . a. ; -.. i.ru. - . i .:rf :' ' : :.! (.; " ' iM ut:." . ' ;;:.:. !;-. : t :,iu:ituKT, . ii..;i-r " A.!' .!.V:t, i J, M. . i : i i r l t i: li.i v. ii..inl 'i-i :.i tji.r. . v.i.M-f fi- ii.-r l'.-;t. I'c-i. 1 lial'liiin A i.i ii v v- j;io I:..i- .ill'::- : iy -ir;ii.i.-C vr T" 7? 7 O T' "'v" Tr f iv.f:.. )v A -V l ;' ".s :ni:.! :.t'-;iri."ii t" ail -s Kalrust- tl !: illi'. T;t,v ;.-i';i:: -.!. A! -T : i C'o:npikil. Ta i'i:::irj V.'ritiva. 'i lt ilv r'oiil. Ui-tt.T r;u-';'.i;io-i Ir i.uiki'ir; l'iiim I.;in lliua k 2-5 La 2 C x1 1 a a j J v w w a i U U 5 . . U u e. l sui i v :it Hia foliowiiiuf time- trie-1 :ui'l lire-tested coinpriine.s: Ants r"i?::!i :.-i!r.:;-". I-n:s. A-'cis 5 1 .2.V,lr-n ;o:uiKcr"i:il U :iU:i-!C!i .i!i i. fin- Alicia-!.:.-? il.i-.l.-!!li:.:. Fankl'Ti-!"I-,'':i.l, Ii:fi :- v.- V.-::. 2."'.Ki.:iU 4.i!.-..-'Tt! ::.UT,1:G T.s.'..".r :i zi. e . f n.t;:i au.'::.-.?:;:. . 7Jj; a l.ite:-! '.:;T, : i i i:i C. ;i..'x-" :.';..::.7-l ?Cir;: i;.-.;S'i -- -.- n.;;;.-i::i " :;. "."-,7"-4 -trL-.!! (..:!iMl-r.i!--::l!iU. ' I, -'.. ''' i5;i::i :.-: : i". A M.-Srii.lic?! i, " U.04i.fi'5 T.-t.i'. A-s.-t-...vi:.nT.T:4 wj: will have a -OF- HOLIDAY-GOODS, ALSO- Library Lamps til -OF bmte iDUii;) dfilifallOillu V-,. ..ITT.' T ' C 7 " T rr S"l 'i2 V ft""!"? f .CS 'li'V Cfi f-J' Jvs I i. j -AT- surra & blick-s. Plattsmouth Prospects. I'lattsmuutli 1ms im good if not Letter prodpccls for the coming yeur th'in :iy city of its si.a in the WchL Soniu tliiuk tliat in the spring there Mill Li? a Jii: Loom ami the city property will rt.se to iuLolous piicos and for Unit reason there are A'ery few transfers innde in city prop-ity just now, everybody is holding back for a fvirturc m thj coining hphsoii. Will, wc think that tlu-y have a good right to think so, as in the coming spring tin streets will be paved and sewerage eiinati uctcd and th electric wires will .-pan our streets before next fall. The big building to be built on the corner of fourth and Mum streets will be as tine a structure us ever graced the streets of any city of any size, and we hope thni Weeping Water will soon get it into her head that '.slie can't run I'lattsmouth" ami the result will be that a tine court house will be built here, and we are almost certain of one of the liuest depots wc&t of Chicago, and the Omaha IJelt Line railroad, which was lately incor porated, will be built, at least thid fur, before next fall. All tlnse improvements will create a demind for labor and the m.ihanics and laboring men will have plenty of employment at good wages. A Point in Manliness. Learn to be a man of your word. JOno of the most disheartening of all things i to be associated in an undettnking with a person whose promise is not to be de pended upon and there are plenty of thrill in this wide world, people whose promise is as slender a tie n a spider's web. Let your given word be m hempen cord, a chain of wrought steel, that will bear the heaviest sort of strain. It will go far making a man of you; and a real man is the noblest work of God; not a lump of moist putty, molded and shaped by the lat indiK-nce met with that waj calculat ed to make an impression; but a man of forecfu!, energized, aelf-reli.mt and re liable charaetir, a positive quantity that cmi bo calculated upon. Ex. A Gmnd i?;ay. 7 Svon 7 big features with ihe Cora V:m Tassel new spectacular "Hid den Hand company, that no other show contains. At the opera house on next Tuesday night. A superb double com pany, grand military band, excellent operatie orchestra, wonderful aud novel .ueclianic.il effects, the acms of human efforts, an unparalUIed presentation of spectacular grandeur, they will make the greatest street parade ever attempted by a hall show, on the morning of their arrival. A Dead Beer, "Hon. Judge Julius Cooley," of Oma ha, stopped at the Gibbon one night last week, bui he failed to call at the Repub lican o;Tice and pay that -7.ri0 he col lected for in orer one year ago. A man that will keep money that he has as agent collec ted will steal ( a ride on the railroad by hiding in the water closet until the conductor gets by) Cooley can get extra copies of this issue to furnish to the press of the state by paying (cash in advance) at live cents a copy. TV. V. litpuhli- C(l)t. Funeral of Adjutant Woods. SciiiTLER, 2ieb Jan. 22. To-day the interment of the remains of the late Jos eph II. Woods took place. The scrvic s were conducted under the auspices cf t tie G. A. It., and the body was escorted to its final resting place by Junt oru r together with members of the I. O. O. F., A O. U. W. and Company of K, Sccoml regiment, Nebraska National guards. Mr. Woods was quite active in social, business and political circles, aud in his death Schuyler loses ode of her best and most highlv esteemed citizens. Celebrated at Vienna. Viksxa, Jan. 22. The centenary of Lord TJyron's birth was celebrated by a grand representation of "Manfred," with Schumann music, both in Vienna and Pistil opera houses. Ail the leading oapi-rs of Austria-IIuncarv publish arti- eb s Jhis morning on Bvron's life and 1 work. IVeathor Indications. For Nebraska,: Colder, fair wtr.ther, Ugi.t to fresh winds, becoming northerly. Try O. K rt.-uitii Co's K. of P. C-1-ojjnr. Lasting and Fragrani. j-23-tf A larg.; crowd attended the auction of il.e hsreiware stock of J. S. Duke to d Tiiii.t sold reasonable and met ! with ready sale. In fact I .here were a ' trf.it many bargain tUut ere ,:ai obta ;i i able every day. and those wishing to p-jreiinse siiouni ie )rrseiii ims evcu- ing's sale, which opens at 7 o'clock. - W. D. .Touts is acting :ss auc tioneer : L the J. S. Duke sale of hardware!. Mr. It. fcL-Ovftjht and C. Panuele are acting 1 as clerks. W. 6. Wisa is avrent for the parties that cmsed tke a.e to pe made. ISattle nitli a Vt'linti. The whaling steamer Lizzie N., d Provincetown, J.Iass., Capt. West, which has been e ngaged in the finbucK v.-halo lishery on the cistern coast, when ;il Mint liftecii miles oast wmtliea: L from Seguin island, off tho coast of Main", taw ;i large lone whale of that species, and at tempted its capture. A loat was low--red and manned by Capt. Wet. bis jiiato and four wamen. (';:jt. West, witli a large, heavy whale gun, in which was an explosive bmili lance, tool; I lie bit-ach of the boat, whil. the mate hteered. When the boat wrif. near enough to warrant a shot Capt. West lired tiio gun, but, as the S'-a was rough, the mo tion of tho Ixxit destroyed the accuracy of tho aim. Tlie wliale wr.s badly wounded, but not in .nny vital part. The whale then made for the boat, and in prssing under it struck it with bis flukes, throwing it some thirty feet into the air, with its crew. As the lxiat descended tho wh'do again struck it with bis tail an 1 completely d n.'olished the lioat and killed one of tlm crew, cutting him completely in two. The- whale then commenced to bite and strike wit li his tail at tho pieces of tho boat, killing two more i.ien, No:d Olc-n and Chris Johnson, who were f;iqjoi tin; themseves on pieces of the wreck. ( ";ipt. West, tle mate and tho otlier men . ore safely taken aboard the steamer and an other boat was lowered to capture the monster. Then the whale attacked tho steamer. By a quick turn of tin- ruld--r the steamer cleaved him by :t few feet-. This occurred a second time. 15y throw ing over a, largo cask, at which iho whal-;, thinking it was the tiiip, kept 'nicking away, tho captain w;u enabled to get a shot with the Immb lance, and iinal'.y tin; whale was killed. Boston Transcript. Antony ;lucstei- i'isliermoii. Thriftlessness is uncommon amon Gloucester fishermen; drunkenness is almost unknown; harmless banter end bellowing boasting are the uenrcat ap proach to brawls. There is a tender heartedn.ess among them that is remark able and almost pathetic. jla:iy go away tliat never come luick. Stand bore, if you will, at these crowded !.-iicrvcs and watch the arrival and departure of iisliing fleets, and if you have a heart you will feel something heavy in your throat. The old mothers and fathers, tho younger brothers and bi.-.ierd, the wives and wee Ushers' chikkei:. are ail here, score on score. They are try ing to look Lravc as the vessel.- sail out. Thcio is jirido and loj al valor in their faces all. They shout and slicui to the departing ones, who send it all back in. good measure, every manner of good cheer and sea lore for luck. As the schooners clear the harbor, out past Ten Pound island, some "will run aw ay around the harbor edge, as if to keep company to the last. But those who stay, leaning far out over the dark bulkheads, look fixedly on and on until the white sails disajipear liehind cruel Norman's Woe, or sink behind tho horizon; and if you can see in their eyes as they at last turn to the little home spot for the weeks or months of dreary waiting, there is unutterable sadness behind the quivering lids. Ed gar L, Wakeman in New York 3Iail and Express. Material for Successful Engineers. A number of our leading railway shops are taking in "engineering students." bright young men who come from the technical schools to learn the practical side of railway mechanics, and who en ter a3 apprentices. They receive slightly more pay than the ordinary apprentice-.:, but their wages are still merely nomine. 1. The exporienco has been that when en gineering students have been thin re ceived, the benefit is mutual.. The-e young men come into the lihops fees:: from their mathematics and their draw ing tables, and while they absorb ail tl:;:: they can of the practicalities of their chosen work, they are found to lie very useful by their employing ofiiccrs. Lo calise of their familiarity with mechani cal theory and drawing. There are not a few master mechanics in tlie cuuntry who are invaluable in their i laces -.lass men in every respect but who, in arly life, had noS tho advantages of ?di:cr.tion which this younger gciscratii of students has hr.d. end they ll::d ma.-y directions in which these educated you-ig fellows arc made useful. E-prcix-iy useful are those students r.s a detail for special work of i.ivestigatl..n. Ihcy are well equipped for such wc ; k, real l! ey know how to make a good ropoi t on the same. Railway Review. A Trio of Eigats. It happens onh'once in a century when a triplet of figures can marshal them selves before the human understanding, and I presume thoso who are fond of dates will see much that is suggestive in this. Assuredly there is the sound of fleeting time, the tick tack of a clock, the 4!going, goin.2, gcne" of fnto in those three eights of 1SSS. They actually give me the shivers, wliile in appearance it is the most awkward array cf numbers I can remember to have outlived, llov. much jauntier 1777 looks! And as to 1999, it is as graceful as if composed of comets. However, it is no use worrying about what cannot be helped; but if I had my way one of thce fat eights should be bounced. Boston Herald. 11ioiKit It Was AViteliery. Tho iiostofiiee of a small Ft-tiU-nie-ni, near tho Rhine, tJermauir, had rocyatly been sup plied with a telegraph c-anueetion. An int-x-jTrienced farm lat-orcr stoi before tho v. ir. elov, arl, seeing tbe p.-Minaster working the apparatus, sayst 'i ravr;i: sav- sncl: a suwins machine. Can I look ut It ?' 1 ho po--tnausi-s-r asks kira to stop in a:ui shows lihu ail about ii;. Tlie f.wmc-r looks and listens, half aston isheel, hal iiiereduiou., end tiaallj-, shaking Lis head, he said: "ink jo here sewing lnach.ne, or ten tale macaiae, it is au waea- ery either way' Fortign Letter. a ci ninvi-irs taix ONE OF TH' STRANGE MANY V.'i-IJ 3 at ho'.::. An Iiiliy lllll'S.'l't .-l Story i.l' u I'. ::l.l:ii A V.n! :!:. '1 il:n- I i Si;- Lis 1 I. if. ilii'.i! tin li V. lii l; ni :.l i .f Jr!ii::.-.il iiii. I'm dri i.'i.;' in lirn-i!-h"ii n ..', d i i! I you v. lial tl.i-1.:.-; I up doix- f'-r ':, -. ' -' ing nlout . ii!--;:iii :'.i.i. tl.at wi- u to .-l t: miniit.-s .r lum-ii, 1 ii.- : i;. told us wo came tiKT.- to v.wrk, ai.-d fot 'i;t ; now v.- ;,'' furty miu::' -s. 'I l.' ii : u. l l.i li I vi- 1 1 j nit. t !i - It-Tiai a v. ;. v. i l.i tin- collars 'T, wl.i-ii asii'j i:i r.n- .i t!u-Li;.s v.i.il., ic-.'l al.vi -i ttien- li 'li Imar i-arly an-i li-.nl our t'-aai, :! in ! of t!:e stiiliie iiii'i t'.i'.' utii'-i" i.i t In ot in -r i and harness ;:i and In iuj; 'cai out t! 2ov that's ail ilnac tor us. And t:i::i ll.-cd to have t i.'.i.- !i our cars, and ui- ; to have lo I Hi', the !! i :r t!i.- o.i' i:i. .. i i l. v im a ci -.1. i.i i i"; . . Vi'c i:;! t do i' ii:i-1 I '. ' f:a1 v iii'hl.lti t!.:-i. i en: . t ' I . : tii: I i 1 i" ivru-i- is ; !-. 1 .,i ; t !.;.! i. . a-.n.-ii::::.--, .-:!.-! i:ot a 1:i,d'r. i'"d t: i a il : v"'! !.- '! t i.i'a I i tin lij hoars i- '. 57 .t !n.!i..' at Mid. i-.,!i my fai:i":y i'i !;.:: wij-!;..lit .1 e.-al e-ti l:niii a. :s.!i t::i .. : r aii'iMi' r ii:;iii '.'.'...: t . l.i.s ii.-'.--'-. l!!a- I'vi a Oil t..,i nf :u y d: y aid . and :ioL .-;.-. i a '.! i ( i'. i.t hoars !.i: ::..' : i it..' . a ii;v. i.'-i'i t! l::or.' i .f that. 1 r."t ii!) iil'iiiit iiali' jiasfc ."" in tii r.iid h.;iit t'.r- lit- and civk tin in i- i i . lulcfier. raav l.i . a'i- ! oo:. !.i ,s- i. i ; ( .vo ;:!id Mi:i'i: co;;'i - , ninl i!' r.iy "i:c"s ; 1 f-:!: ivi and wiii-; ra v.ord v. jt!i !:i-r : .'. V.-.:ii:: t'ui--'iil. '...!. e.iid thi-i: l i.i hm d :. f nVb'l;, 1 Ii)ti"i. ii Hi-ir l !n-si.'.li!:' ' ; -oi::u: .f tin lue-l i:--i!i!ioi-i!-l tor r'.. .:;; l!' lit. !' I'ili S m) 1 i J'Si J.'et home l o liuieh; lint I vi ;ril four lijieni, rooin-; : :.d iK-evnt. p"n;i'.- ft a" UfLvUW-jrs ilIiovc !(;! I-. . v :-v, a'd 1 pay a -sioatii. 1 ;.,- ifi a y n d v,i"k ::'. in days., iieeail.-!-1 iic.-ii ali J e ;.i m-i':c. I ;:iv- i.iy witc all t-::--i-pt i w iv. .-iiil-liii";-. wtiii-ii p-f' in'' fly !"i:--!i"S liisil tobacco, a: i'i v.ii- n -. ! fo lav a, i :.i doliar nov,- and i ;. :!, I.'IK. t !i:'.t"; ; '!;','.;!.', and I lien's no l'i iti; c.;i now on :-.r-i it of her and i.:c i.'-'di.i., the dn-tor. Wc.i. t ei't laane i.t - at i'i:;!i: r::d take lav lo'tt a id ; ee i my a rti'I luoV'-n-k, with the M'l- i l' -'.itrier she saves over Jnr i - , aad tiie'i i lo ir-u Tim only tliiag h..;d is my Hot tciii - eiy !::! ii-.-a. I can 1 n-.!y t:i..ul; Jn.t t 'ist. my little K'max l:e.o..-s i:;.- now, l.ut cp to .'i Vc ;:-; (,! ! : did not l.-vv.r uv.i frotn ony p.:s-:-r by :;i t!v stree:. I l:-id a ciiiiii. and lie 'litlu'c ! '!::' i.n. Vi ilea 1 --aid that. i"..t I.-.- b i:e is me an v.-. Tias is :;o'.v it w;;s: I w.is doing S'lV 1'olii'l c..;i end ::cr..-eii hours' vork on ;iic- Ti.ii-.'t avenue in New Y.-irk, and i l-.e! i:e-;l of .-very c ::l and a coast it ui ioi: Hi a horse, so 1 ma-is cverv .ii-, ti i!. 1 h i l h. ca coa- Jh.ii, 1 1 vears o'.l, j-.:im ila lbs me, at: i n;a d i. Iila't -.vab: v- it lio::; he: Ktt!'- iaami" tllV I.".' 1 '-'i!l lt:al to lay off was . o tr.i; I con SO J:l hum. at'd J wliis !:. ::tv ci iv.i;, ;:ot :lu.;-and h: l-.e.: ; Tii'-re v.'.is lisnui.' ae.d !i- : t : i - 1 : u-k a a 1 in-, each look a i-iaii". aad -ri d to uiv wli'o ;. tbaii tho l;ttl-j v.-oid'hi't hear ;. iiaiaie, di-ar, : says my wife, (rod afd keeo har to me, 'o,e of tlrjs,- gi.-nt '. hi, ; fat'irr. Do yoa k'.io-.v v. i:ic!i 'Th:.: is my p" .", '.tivs ;:!-. Aad lii-a .hK-kld!ev.'.l ultat I'd been '. . iag -ii::!. f. r the li'. ;!;- i lii'd walked v.. c.vi e to him a. el Ii:::'-' i o:i his k:i-. :i" . p.. up Ik r iiiout'i for a kiss. !SSa- had Sc.-.i :. beard in t!ie in a oaoo in a whik. l.al .i.i !. beard and mhie were as like as two brooii-. aad she c'aosi t'ao v, ro;i-.r one. ."e!l, in one way !' lo .!:ia;; at it, I'i pcit '." to say tliat sh- knows me now qail ; r. c!ii!d eagLt to. il iy be ii's w hat tlic-y ca a Prov Id.'iK e, and tho lia.ri-r of (toil is :i ;: 'a!. r.HViiuw, my !ee;s is tliat bad now llr o.i -. ia :. '..'ii-Ie I li.ive to lay oti" for a da aad iv.-t l!ie:n iy v-cakiis:": abnai find sit II do'.v:: for wh-.'ii y.u ;r-t a r driver's 1.-. cu you it's a eueii ns iiii.t-.; tliat wahcia-.; is .. good for it (ti" you can si. and tiee paim a tin.- ilov.-n. Vv'iiai; do 1 in--att by a drAcr' lo;.;; Wti', J'ou'll liud many a man i:r, break he.s it in t'.ie;.i- threi- cities, v. : thev'll not I'-t a driver sit invi. raid in '.. r.i will get it sooner r later if they sti !: the bu: :..-'s-. It ci.iac s of stun tin;- t o -many hoars v.ltln-eit the- e-I:a;.ce to .. tlmt a ee .. i.ietor iau-, up anti dov. a coll.-etii!. the :':::". s. ( lao drr.'ci s bcthosia- i'i t. I-. :,-.-a pa ---h s. aad one, Jiia r.i:-, will .-.; r.-a.'.'hi-s ,; ve; -.s vol'." ii'-- stifi.i'ie: oat. .f h.'s ):, s. tn .i. no ci::'! e;;e: :h Id. tiioii; el aside sloel. teat :?. All th" fc-1-- wh.-u 1 l-odi. for v. . .: Lae Jaiil'.;i''ii. - i'i l:a 'l do ti:. 1 a -.-n-.tt h-. i:a a i.etter iaa: ..ilk v i'r.- 1 uhoMt the tor euro a .-.i.: : i .-.iov.'s ive i:p ; .a : a J-i'.'S o.i ry .m-::: cn :.c-our.t ct tlx t lh--y s-.ii'c-r bat it ain't t :.: '.:-. t i-w diy ; .. , theVh-.'e lii'e. It's head o i t!. l-.;s. .-a. they novi-r g-t uro lo it. A yoag I'i. . thinks if 1 e's .'t:a::i.'ed and ki'o.vs a' hors- s that h" can b'- a driv. r. iVe'd. 1 ,i Cud out i.'- i'.:-3n-!ni!i-ctii:stitiiti"!i of v. : :-. t!iai in k.iawiac; aLoii: hoi-.es. I vvoreoir . . ; fir-t pain in my 1 -egs in ..boat three or 1 days. Eat then e-an.'J tl'.o swollen veies. Tht'V mart eoni--. it's tlie natural v. t a.ieiice of the business. "Leave railioaOiae-,' ravniv doftor. Oil, it's easy to -;ay i.. ! at; when a iiie.ti is tied t a pair of ear la.r.-.-s and has a wife v.rA family to nippurt I'isi e's no :-iek thing ss loi.-kiiig f -r otl.e. r work. lo won't come to hint, m-.l l;sw cii he go t ie; But i:i the lvgards of that 1 think I urn i-ry Inekv. fer my Ihw- will be old enoe.iih to :. preiitiec toa a:ie!i!r.i..i of lay ai.-ij:ir.ii;tin in another o'i do oi years, eiaj after tiiat he'll chip in a littl toward keeping the fr.'aaiiy aad I'll 1e ablo to lay otr a iiay now and th ::. I siioko ab-jiit the abasho'ise atl iti potter's li- id, bat there's t.o such thing f. r v.s. Th.atV. another :M thiag h r.. mvay it a. Ir,- ii'.ee.tis oi orgi.ni;c:tyr. la "u 1-1 we go. a wrek when wear-j sic": which will pa-; c:fv the lamiiord and kteo a bite in the e i; l aariL la case ft death tbcivV no provision, bat we niako up a saiiscri'dion and j.h tyithc-' -?!.'J c-r ."io. i:ijy i-s in..;t'2h to leave- tho pcatcr'n li. !d in tiio dis- ta'.iee: r.nilt!: onlj" e-ost to us o; ket Jji t:p tho i loer.l is thirty-five cents a iaonin. so that we i'ii -ft f.el it ve-rv hard, thoaea there's a do..-n i thin--? rj'iii3 for every i-cut that iajst .f u i e;irn t'r.at's pr.tty maeii all I can I ji,;,, ,,f about drivin-a cur. I t - -W i m m jj is h rj r i r i t V 1 r'i r-V t!: T.: .-r y IV I'll. ii ft A i --.si l- I-'i'oiii Slamlari plH'l-S, 11 '.vert c i: - K.S : vJ Astrachav?. U c al !) lllt'l' i v t- JIM AID WOOL ASTEACHAIvfS 1-VlMVI.V. l.i ill ct-t : ; i'le i:s :i t - .,i m', vi r; ii 7". V.-Ol l ! 13' ye Kail it:.-; ti! i i i ! . atft. bM -.1 l vlt til 1-2 El fo? P fyf-L 7A fS-flS 'via t; .. . a vj-y a -u a w us tlioliavixl v. iroTa;sA i.i: TlTpTT'Tv JJ-Olfir ?iTT'Tr.: L-bi'di- rlU'ed II: lii- ac- ; II-' liej i:i I will ;;v Cf.'lli Jii'til - Ci di'ic 11 cue iny i . : - .d;: - .'-. nu r;.-' :'.-. .; and ft-c lid- rr c- ! f: k W k liM ii ill J ri le li ..in . - . . - ... j r.v. V . i.' : 7,- ' -5 T- '"3 "? v r T 7t csis, ll a nitiirni licoiit stock stocic of iboimd. mWl,,-V.-KKL. . lkn. Mi Ur-IDERTAKinG AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY COHXKJi :dAIX AXI) SIXTH I. -.i in .'ai .- r-jzr?iiizrxjrz?3;ijirzT--lrri " rj -nrvk Dr. R. Nunn,M. D.,E Ch '.':.i-.:-. . t'.i!. Ufi.i.tv. la A;-;-; itiaee. for : ; !.: tads - ;i:.d j -l.t.l , J.OP !!:. 13 la. to i i ia ;-.-. ai i ll l-.ai : -, li'f.Tit't itlf ri ;n:aha. r.'ejh"a'd::i. 's ii n . t c 1 1 ee Pn nc i u e 1 1 v -.-red. Dissolution Kocico. I'l.A'l TsMofTli. I'el., .f.ili. '., t y-tUe ' r. :'"i;i: U la.i..; im.i vrn: Tin firm Iciiir.in a .Mr'-er :;-rs.,-; f,y i l a is nay diS'-tvi-il l.y imitu '.I c .-nyi-i.t. T!i.- i u! hereafler Le e-niiiiu-tei! by Vf.i:. , Mercer, known us Men-cr Bros. i. i-o;e-:- ii. b. is y d A b I'lllt.'M'illlll 1 i.r j jr r. ti lici in i j i i- III I'M-IIMC hj . i C-..' I'H el ! T 1 f -; :i Vv7 raps. ci: Jll'IC. F lit ail TtJ B 4 1 o !.'. a iv !.'!: .-Ill-ill': 1 ' ' 1 III': pi' ice,; :ii! Vnm! 'JVI -dT.-n-.i to "1 J. 1X11 OS ti:" i-ii,li !:.k s t'! b t i);;-!. aiii .Sfcr; : : "tc J mst iiu rA i'i ' 6s- Li 0 hj W l tm VI ui .& kjer, -5 11 hkta-i. i;:'.j. ?.r.',r r T L aJ. - j . , L J V Lj 1 JL '-T.J i-T1 90 t" rv rs- m n i'U: im .-. :i y v i i i -V t:;.! 1 .1 e:y ir i i f ; IT 'ff vr. U i:.i -..AC; I ... - i t-s li or- f.WIT-l..l..Tll t; is- ti ft -iiu. raf. t way fi ami $MTnmK, TO . -"- 73 T'-T ? i--1 of Goo:ls and I-'aii Pi J'LATTS.MOr'i'li. XKIUIASKA TTV-fgrM-.'.-3-i -jtrrri Notico of Soto Under Chattel rrtortgacto. Net iee i -. hr.-l.y ti.en ti-at lv i-tfe(.f n c-iiattei ninrta'e ilaied ua tjj,. ,( j; o.;iV , f pt--etnet-r. i if 7, a d i'.idy lib il '.' ft i r ijili .1 iti the. i.ai..-e of tlie county e leii.- ; Ca imtv. .Vi-!-la-.k.l. il I ll" l;tlt ';'.V of l)i lals.i.".. . i -7 .-.lal xt-c-iitea I y J. !'. 1 ! to : i ia.- a s ..i -nt .V Co. 1i scc.ti- the I. avi, itn mivi -t S-'je .el ;:mi iipoil -.liiicii ll.ei.- ,, Ti.iw (111: tii sum of Ssiis nj. lic'adi ti.ivie- 1-i-ni. irao'ii-in ih iiaymeii-: f siiid -ma. '.; -re f! i v.ill n ' tile iinliiItV tll'-Scoi ll--ii-!ll.'--i.'. vi ; 'J !:ft eiitire steek of tev . tmiv.-iro i'.;al --'.iflf ai'd liea y lia.a.i ai e ai;i listai'-i . t t li siere-iiie'-a. ' Miuaie-i! ill la ie-k i-aiii; t z ( aiC Imlf lot t iglit fsl tilock twi'iitr-itm-- u':n :u tlo -ity ot riatt-iia.etii, at pidd;- aai-tioii' :-t l f i'"!it door of tlie abo n ' -iini storr l-t.diiiok' in the city of r!tiiiio:th.Cas foui.l v.V.-Im s ka. e;o i lie t'dis! !!" of .lai.ui'.iy. l ass, ;.i tin hour oi eu o'clock a. in. of --Hid ebsv Shkhm.ii M. .! ,; -- r & Co.. Xi. 3. Wi-se. Agt. and Atly. Vi-rtL' . for Moi tyaseei. a